2024 SSC Rubric
2024 SSC Rubric
2024 SSC Rubric
Judging Rubric Students will be judged in the following 3 areas: Relevance to the Prompt,
Messaging & Tone, and Quality of Video. Students will be judged on a 1-5
At the heart of every speech contest is the ability to speak clearly, slowly, point scale.
but with feeling, to an audience on a specific topic or prompt. All
Points: 1 2 3 4 5
Relevance to The speech is unrelated The speech is somewhat The speech is mostly The speech is clearly The speech embodies
the Prompt to the prompt related to the prompt related to the prompt focused on the prompt the prompt and shows
The speech included at The speech reflected The speech includes all deep understanding and
least one element most of the elements elements of the prompt application of the
related to the prompt of the prompt prompt and all its
The speech answers all
prompts and questions
related to the prompt
Messaging & The point isn’t clear, The point is somewhat The point is mostly The point is very clear, The point is
Tone of the persuasive, informative, clear, persuasive, clear, persuasive, persuasive, informative exceptionally clear,
speech or entertaining informative, or informative, or or entertaining persuasive, informative
Speech feels mechanical entertaining entertaining Speech doesn’t feel or entertaining
with no passion Speech feels somewhat Speech doesn’t feel mechanical and has Speech doesn’t feel
Delivery was not mechanical with little mechanical and has good passion mechanical and has
smooth and is poorly passion some passion Pace and Delivery were strong passion
paced Pace and Delivery were Pace and Delivery were very good Pace and Delivery were
No real-life application somewhat poor good There is real-life exceptional
There is some real-life There is real-life application There is real-life
application application application
Quality of Audio is poor Audio is somewhat poor Audio is good quality. Audio is very good
Audio is exceptional
Video Visual recording was Visual recording was Visual recording is quality.
(Environment choppy/unsteady somewhat mostly smooth/steady Visual recording is very
Visual recording is very
) There are distractions choppy/unsteady There are no smooth/steady
throughout the video There are some distractions There are no distractions
There are no distractions
Video is much longer distractions in the video Video is 5 minutes or Video is 5 minutes or
Video is 5 minutes or
than 5 minutes Video is close to 5 under under