Sas#4 - Edu 023
Sas#4 - Edu 023
Sas#4 - Edu 023
Productivity Tip:
1) Introduction (2 mins)
Mabuhay! Kumusta? Happy Learning! Welcome to another exciting lesson that we will have for this day. I am so
happy with the result of our last activity and I believe you will find our lesson today as exciting and empowering as
the last one. But, before we start, let us check first if you still remember what we did in our previous lesson. Alright!
Let’s begin!
Name: _
_______________ Section: ____________ Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)
Schedule:_____________________________________ Class number: _______ Date: _______________
Our next activity is KWL chart. Using the graphic organizer below, write everything you know about the
questions written in the second column. You are given three (3) minutes to write your reflections in the
What I Know column. Ready? You may start now!
What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)
3. Fostering
4. Getting
Off to a
Good Start.
5. Planning and
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
Awesome! I am glad to see you full of confidence in sharing the armor of learnings you attain in our last
activity. Hold on tight as we fill you with more enabling opportunities. Smile! Let’s start our lesson by
reading the concept notes. Let’s begin!
The Classroom Environment is home away from home for both the teacher and student. This warm, safe,
and caring environment allows students to “influence the nature of the activities they undertake, engage
seriously in their study, regulate their behaviour, and know of the explicit criteria and high expectations of what
they are to achieve” (Queensland Department of Education, 2005).
Misbehaviour in the Classroom Environment. Kyriacou defines student misbehaviour as “any behaviour
that undermines the teacher’s ability to establish and maintain effective learning experience in the classroom”
(1997:121). When students disrupt the learning environment, it takes up teaching time and affects the quality of
the student learning experience.
It is the teacher’s responsibility to address misbehaviour in order to maintain a civil environment conducive to
productive learning.
Examples of misbehaviour include:
∙ talking with others or talking aloud.
∙ Late arrival or early departure from class.
∙ Making physical or verbal threats.
∙ Continually interrupting the teacher, or other students.
∙ Loud and distracting noises.
∙ Sleeping in class.
∙ Interfering with teaching activities.
∙ Harassing classmates.
Causes of Misbehaviour .
∙ The Teacher (attitudes, behaviour, expectations)
∙ Students test to see if teachers will enforce rules
∙ Students experience different expectations between home and school.
∙ Students do not understand the rules.
∙ Mistaken Goal.
∙ Students feel ill, bored or sleepy.
∙ Home Environment accepts or allows has nurtured a different behaviour.
∙ Students have been previously rewarded with attention for misbehaviour.
∙ Personality (low-self esstem) and Health Problems (poor eye sight).
∙ Students are copying the actions of their parent(s).
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
Classroom Management is the process of organizing and conducting the business of the classroom relatively
free of behaviour problems as well as establishing and maintenance of the classroom environment so that
educational goals can be accomplished. This approach brings order and control to the classroom (Moore, K. D.
Instructional Approach According to this approach, well planned and well implemented instructions, will prevent
most classroom problems. Assuming that students would not engage in disruptive behaviour when lessons are
geared to meet their interest, needs and abilities.
The two models for this approach are: 2. The Jones Model 1. The Kounin Model
Instructional Approach The Kounin Model.This model suggest that teachers are environmentally aware in
the classroom, meaning that they know everything that is going on at all times. Secondly teaches have
students involved and doing something productive at all times. These teachers are said to have four basic
skills: with-it-ness, overlapping activities, group focusing and movement management. (Jacob Kounin 1970).
The Jones Model. Jones believes that problems teachers encounter in the classroom result from massive
time wasting by students. However, he suggest that the wasted time can be reclaimed when teachers correctly
implement four strategies: limit setting, good body language, incentive systems and giving help efficiently.
(Frederick Jones 1979)
Practical Instructional Strategies for Classroom Management The teacher also known as classroom
manager, knows that effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. The
effective teacher performs many functions that can be organized into three major roles: (1) making wise
choices about the most effective instruction strategies to employ, (2) designing classroom curriculum to
facilitate student learning, and (3) making effective use of classroom management techniques (Marzano,
Pickering, & Pollock, 2001).
Practical Instructional Strategies that can be used in the classroom is as follows:
For students to know of these expectations and begin to adopt them, teachers must;
✔ Make known their expectations to the students and consistently teach and reinforce the expected
✔ Let rules and procedures relate to the expectations regarding behaviour.
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
3. Fostering Student Accountability. The goal of any accountability system is to help students develop into
independent learners.
4. Getting Off to a Good Start. The beginning of the school year is an important time for classroom
management because students will learn attitudes, behaviour, and work habits.
Teachers can optimize the first few weeks of classroom time by:
✔ Creating a positive climate in the classroom.
✔ Teaching classroom rules and procedures.
✔ Communicating with parents.
✔ Preparing class wok for absences
5. Planning and Conducting Instructions. Well-planned lessons with a variety of developmentally appropriate
activities support the positive learning environment that is established.
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
EDU 023: Principles of Teaching
Student Activity Sheet #4
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
Motivation is defined as the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal
( 2014).
Classroom Motivation is important, in order for effective teaching and learning to occur and although students
ought to have some measure of motivation towards succeeding in the classroom, teachers need to be mindful
of their own behaviour, teaching style, design of course, teaching environment, nature of assignments, informal
interactions with students and appearance which can affect student motivation.
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
EDU 023: Principles of Teaching
Student Activity Sheet #4
Name: Schedule:_____________________________________
_____________________________________________ _
_______________ Section: ____________ Class number: _______ Date: _______________
5. Vary your instructional strategies; use lectures, demonstrations, discussions, case studies, groups,
and more.
6. Review the learning objectives with your students. Be sure students know what they are expected to
learn, do, know, etc.
7. Move around the room as you teach.
8. Make your classes relevant. Be sure students see how the content relates to them and the world
around them.
9. Be expressive. Smile.
10.Put some excitement into your speech; vary your pitch, volume and rate.
11. Give lots of examples.
12.Encourage students to share their ideas and comments, even if incorrect. You'll never know what
students don't understand unless you ask them.
13.Maintain eye contact and move toward your students as you interact with them. Nod your head to
show that you are listening to them.
14. Provide opportunities for students to speak to the class.
15.Be available before class starts, during break, and after class to visit with students. 16.Return
assignments and tests to students as soon as reasonably possible. Provide constructive feedback.
17.Be consistent in your treatment of students.
18.Make sure that your exams are current, valid, and reliable. Tie your assessment to your course
19.Plan around 15-20 minute cycles. Students have difficulty maintaining attention after a longer period
of time.
20.Involve your students in your teaching. Ask for feedback.
Fantastic! After learning from the content notes, listed below are some questions for reflections. This activity
which we call as You Have the Final Say expects you to ponder on the following given questions. You are
given 5 minutes to answer the question. Ready? Start!
1. What are acceptable and unacceptable and ineffective ways of dealing with discipline problems?
Acceptable Ineffective and Unacceptable
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
EDU 023: Principles of Teaching
Student Activity Sheet #4
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________
Date: _______________
5. 5.
Effective classroom management is crucial for controlling and preventing disciplinary problems. Here are some
strategies specifically tailored for classroom settings:
Establish Clear Expectations:
● Set clear and consistent rules and expectations from the beginning of the school year.
● Clearly communicate consequences for both positive and negative behavior.
Build Positive Relationships:
● Foster positive teacher-student relationships by showing genuine interest, empathy, and respect.
● Create a positive and inclusive classroom culture where students feel valued and supported.
Use Positive Reinforcement:
● Acknowledge and reward positive behavior to encourage a positive classroom atmosphere.
● Provide praise and recognition for individual and group achievements.
Congratulations! Great job! After doing the activities, this time I want you to go back again to the questions in
the What I Know Chart from Activity 1 and write your answers to the questions based on what YOU NOW
KNOW in the third column of the chart. Clear? Start!
Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer then, check your answers against the Key to
Corrections found at the end of this SAS. Write your score on your paper
1. Arielle is talking to her seatmate while Ms. X is delivering the lecture. Ms. X controlled Arielle’s off-task
behavior by giving her a direct eye contact. This is a manifestation of what skill of the teacher? a.
Discipline Control b. Teacher Effectiveness
c. Classroom Management d. Expert power
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
EDU 023: Principles of Teaching
Student Activity Sheet #4
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)
A. Work Tracker
You are done with this session! Let’s track your progress. Shade the session number you just
3. __________________________________________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule:______________________________________ Date: _______________
✔ The right to choose how to behave with advance knowledge of the consequences that will logically and
certainly follow.
6. These needs/rights and conditions are met by a discipline plan by which the teacher clearly states the
expectations, consistently applies the consequences, and never violates the best interests of the pupils.
Activity #5
Answers: 1. A 2. B
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION
EDU 023: Principles of Teaching
Student Activity Sheet #4
his document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION