Biology Stop Test
Biology Stop Test
Biology Stop Test
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Biology Pre-Oral Questions 2017 - last updated 10/06/2017 (05:42 AM)
17. What is the difference between ABO(H) system and the rhesus system?
The ABO system refers to one set of antigens on red blood cells coded by the ABO gene. The
corresponding antibodies are anti-A and anti-B antibodies. Depending on your genetics, you
can have the A antigen, B antigen, both, or neither, in which case you'll have the blood types
A, B, AB, or O respectively. A will produce anti-B antibodies, B will produce anti-A, and O will
produce both.
The Rh blood group system refers to a set of 50 antigens, but Rh factor refers only to the D
antigen. If you are Rh positive, you have the D antigen and don't produce the corresponding
18. What is the difference between agglutination and precipitation?
precipitation, antigens are soluble molecules,
for agglutination, antigens are large, easily sedimented particles.
19. Definitive host of echinococcus granulosus
20. What is the function of helicase?
Enzymes which separate double-stranded DNA into single strands
21. What are terminators?
terminator is a section of nucleic acid sequence that marks the end of a gene or operon in
genomic DNA during transcription.
22. Which cell structure controls secretions?
rough endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus.
23. How can you determine difference between plasmodium vivax and malarie?
P.vivax and P.malariae have similar morphological features, however P.vivix produces a large
schizont that almost fills an entire LARGE red blood cell and subsequently produces 14-24
meroziotes while P.malariae has a smaller schozont which partially fills a REGULAR RBC so
can only produce 6-12 meroziotes.
24. What are the functions of the synaptonemal complex?
It is a protein structure that forms between homologous chromosomes to mediate
chromosome pairing.
25. What is the insect vector of leishmania?
The female sandfly
26. Name of parasite that has pig as definitive host?
Taenia soleium
27. Region around the ear for bony fishes neurocranium?
Regio otica*
28. Describe the Giardia Lamblia structure?
Major Histocompatibility comples (MHC) proteins are protein markers found on the surface
of every cell that allow our immune system to distinguish between healthy cells and
Leishmania donovani
What is the embryonic structure that develops the brain and spinal cord
What is metamerism ?
metamerism is the phenomenon of having a linear series of body segments fundamentally similar in
Leshmania viserales
What is Topoisomerases?
What is an intron ?
Get released by the checkpoints in cell multiplication , promoting the cell division
cheackpoint no growth factor = Cell stops in division / cant enter next phase till fixed.
Vivax: Larger trophozoite larger Schizont invades young RBC , has a secondary exoerythrocytic cycle.
C1,C2,C3 DNA dmg checkpoints , releasing growtfactor or p53 tumor suppressor hormone depends if
pass or not.
Name a Trematode in the blood Vessels ?
Relasing enzyme (arcosmiase) out of the head of the sperm to lyse the zona perlucida of the egg to
connect to the Corona radiata.
What is TCR ?
T-Cell Receptor
Amount of people possessing and expressing certain gen ( can be trait or sickness)
What is MHC ?
Prevent polyspermy
What are linked genes ?
Gens that get inherited together as they are close on the same chromosome
What is the Longitudinal structure that in vertebrae evolution is first firm inner support of the body ?
What is the Latin Name of Protozoa parasite transmitted by flies from genus glossina
Ascaris lumbricoides
T-cell receptor
What is the Cell structure that connects homologous chromosomes during crossing over
What is a plasmid
Small DNA molecule physicly separated from the DNA , ex in bacteria , ring structure , holds
Information my useful for survival , or to repair DNA
What is Bilateria ?
Cow or Human
What is metamerism ?
Fasciola Hepatica
Crossing over
What is MALT ?
111. How do male and female pronuclei meet
1. Mitotic spindles form between the pronuclei, capturing the chromosomes before
they disperse in the egg cytoplasm.
112. How do you class chromosome according to the location of the centromere
1. Metacentric (centromere in centre)
2. Submetacentric (centromere slightly offset)
3. Acrocentric (centromere severely offset)
4. Telocentric (centromere at very end of chromosome)
113. In which process is helicase used
1. DNA replication
114. What is antigen presentation
1. The presenting of elements of an antigen on an MHC molecule by a nucleated cell
for recognition by a T-cell.
115. What is alloantigen
1. an antigen present only in some individuals of a species and capable of inducing the
production of an alloantibody by individuals which lack it.
116. Function of proteasome
1. To degrade unneeded or damaged proteins by proteolysis.
117. How many dentitions are there in mammals
1. 32 dentitions
118. Name 3 insect vectors that are infectious
1. Tsetse fly
2. Sandfly
3. Anopheles Mosquito (P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale)
1. Vertebrates?
120. Examples of endocranial bones
1. Sphenoid Bone, Ethmoid Bone and Occipital Bone
121. Disease from tenia saginatta
1. Taeniasis and cysticercosis in cattle
What is the place that the antibody attaches to the antigen
1. epitope
124. What catalyzes peptide bonds in ribosomes
1. peptidyl transferase
125. Latin name of cranial bones in bony fish
1. Os Sphenoideum, Os Ethmoideum and Os Occipitalis
126. What is topoisomerase
1. An enzyme which regulates the overwinding and underwinding of a DNA molecule.
128. Name the parasite that has larvae in muscles
1. Trichinella Spiralis
129. Examples of different classes of antibodies and their functions
1. IgM - Eliminates pathogens in the early stages of B cell mediated (humoral)
2. IgA - Prevents colonization by pathogens.
3. IgE - Activates basophils and mast cells to produce antimicrobial factors.
4. IgD - Triggers histamine release from mast cells and basophils.
130. 3 bones in bony fish that form cranial roof
1. Frontal Bone, Nasal Bone and Parietal Bone
131. What is a xenoantigen
1. An antigen found in more than one species.
132. Name of tapeworm that causes hydatid disease
1. Echinococcus Granulosus
133. Function of arcus mandibulae
134. What is the difference between linked and x-linked genes
1. Linked genes are found on the same chromosome, while x-linked genes are simply
genes found on the X (sex) chromosome
135. Life stages of mosquito
1. Egg - Lava - Pupa - Adult
136. What is ICSI
1. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection - Injection of sperm into the egg. Fertilized egg is
then transferred into the uterus.
137. Infective stage of schistosomae & explain
1. No immediate symptoms, within 12 months develop fever, chills, cough and muscle
139. Which nematodes release eggs in feces? Give examples and describe
1. Ascaris lumbricoides, brown yellow surface.
2. Trichiurs barral shaped and brown
140. What is a pseudocoelom
1. Cavity between mesoderm and endoderm
141. Latin name of fish Taenia and explain lifecycle
1. Diphyllobothrium
2. UNEMBRYONATED Egg LAID and passed through faeces - Becomes EMBRYONATED
in water - CORACIDIA form and are EATEN by crustaceans - Develops into
PROCERCOID LARVAE in the crustaceans body - EATEN by small fish - Procercoid
larva is RELEASED from the crustacean and develops into PLEROCERCOID LARVA. -
EATEN by larger fish or UNDERCOOKED eaten by human - DEVELOPS into mature
adult in small intestine.
142. Part of cell cycle that has two chromatids
1. S phase
143. What is bivalent
1. A pair of homologous chromosomes
144. Form of plasmodium falciparum found in blood.
1. Trophozoite form
145. Why is egg of trchina spiralis not found in feces
1. Larvae develop in stomach, no eggs are produced
146. What are the alleles of the ABO blood group and how do they relate
1. Alleles are A, B and O.
148. Some nematodes can infect by mosquito, what are they Tricky
1. Wuchereria bancrofti
A parasite with an undulating membrane that infects liver Nelle
1. Echinococcus granulosus caught
150. What is a Strobila? Name its parts
1. Proglottid segments - MAture, Immature and Gravid.
151. How are humans infected by fiscal hepatica and schistosoma in a spiral
LI ter Erie
1. Hepatica: Eating of sea vegetation
2. Schistosoma: Swimming cercariae penetrates the skin
152. What are infective larva stages in of nematodes in the muscles and give latin name
1. L1 larvae and L3 larvae. Trichinella spiralis
153. What is the name of the longes parasite in the intestine
AWhat is the largest parasite in general
1. Scardis lumbricodies
1. Dracunculus madenesis
155. Name the organelle in the plant which has its own DNA
1. Chloroplasts
156. What is apoptosis and Necrosis
1. Apoptosis = planned cell death
2. Necrosis = Unplanned cell death (leads to inflammation)
157. How can trichomonas vaginalis infect humans
1. During sex
158. Sex linked genes
1. Genes that are found on the X or Y chromosomes
159. What is Robertson translocation
1. Rare chromosomal arrangements where chromosomes 13, 14 and 15 are
rearranged. The foetus is viable
160. Latin names of round worms
1. Phylum Nematod: ascaris saginata, enchinococcus granulosus, taenia solium
diphyllobothrium latum, hymenolepsis nana
161. What is a polytene chromosome and where is it produced
1. Oversized chromosomes in salivary glands of Winged flies (Dipterans)
162. Regions of the cranial skull in fish
1. Occipitalis, Calvaria, Otica, Sphenoidalis, ethonidalis
163. Parastitic round worm in which autoinfection is typical
1. Strongyloides stercoralis
164. Differences between culex and anopheles
1. Anopheles - rest with body at angle to surface, wing have dark spots, eggs laid
singally and have air floats, head of larvae is longer and feeds on water surface
2. Culex rest with body parallel to surface, wings unspotted, eggs laid in clusters with
no air floats, head is rounded, feeds below water
165. What is Opsonization É
1. Where cells prepare an antigen for phagocytosis
166. What happens to proteins after degradation
1. Amino acids are reused.
167. Name of disease for Trichomonas tenax
1. Pulmonary trichomoniasis
168. How can you detect plasmodium malariae and falciparum on blood sample
169. Which organelles have their own DNA
1. Mitochondria
2. Plasmids
3. Chloroplasts
170. What is a kinetochore and what is its function
1. Protein chromatids where spindle fibers attach. Forms in eukaryotes and assembles
on the centromere linking the centromsome to microtubules
171. What part of mRNA is recognised in translation
1. The start Codon
172. Definition of dermal bones
A. A type of bone that ossifies directly from membrane without a cartilaginous
173. What is oncogenes
1. Gene which has potential to cause cancer by transforming into a cancer cell
174. DNA transfer in bacteria
A. Transduction - DNA is moves from one organism to another using a Virus É
B. Bacterial conjugation - involves the transfer of a plasmid from a donor cell
to recombinant recipient
175. How can you limit spread of T.Saginata and T.Solium
1. Cook Meat well
What are the three check points in the cell cycle ?
What is the Name of the unicellular parasite with an undulating membrane transmitted by a blood
sucking fly ?
G1 -> S Phase
Define a TATA-Box
Starting gene sequence of Adenine and Thymine for the Transcription.
Sickel cell anaemia , haemophilia
Give at least 2 single cell organisims that can be transmitted by a blood sucking vector
Plasmodium Vivax , Malarie , Tripanosoma cruzi , leishmanial dolovani ,
Which type of mutation is called duplication ?
Polyploidy ( Numerical chromosome aberration ) ?
What is embryonic induction ?
Introducing early embryonic tissue into another early embryonic tissue of a different host.
(Mangold experiment)
What is the name of the tapeworm which has Human as Defined and Intermedia host ?
Hymenolepis Nana
Name any secondasy (dermal) bony in the skull of the bony fish :
Premaxilare , vomer , maxillare
What is the roll of actin cap ?
Regulates nuclear shape ?
What is genetic imprinting ?
The expressing of a gen depending on its origin , if paternal gen is imprinted the maternal
one will be expressed.
What is the principle difference in fertilization in mammals and animals that live in water?
Mammals : Internal fertilization , water animals external fertilization.
Write the name of a parasite with underlating membrane which is transmitted by a blood
sucking insect.
Trypanosoma brucei (tsetse fly), trypanosoma cruzi (bed bug)
What is the name of the big liver fluke and how does it infect ?
Faciola hepatica over water cress
Which parasite with an underlating membrane infects the liver ?
Trypanosoma brucei gambiense
What is an alloantigen ?
Antigen that stimulate the production of antibodies in those who lack them.
Adult eggs in faces ->Unembryonated egg, In water Embryoated egg , Miracidia , Snail :
Sporocyst , Rediae cercariae (encysted) ,On water cress : Metacercariae (excysted) young
adult -> Adult
Whats a Terminator ?
Gene sequence marks end of protein (transcription) UAA ,UAG UGA
What is the Name of the Tapeworm that has the Human as definitive and Intermediate
Hymenolepis Nana
I Solin
How do you classificate chromosomes according to there location of the centromere ?
Metacentric , Acocentric , Telocentric , Submetacentric
In which systematic group does circulatory system appear first ?
What is a xenoantigen ?
Antigen found in more then one species
5. What is a terminator?
A: section of nucleic acids that marks the end of a gene
11. Name any secondary dermal bone in the skull of bony fish:
A: maxilla, parietal bone, nasal bone
12. Example of gene with alternate splicing (regulated process during gene expression, leads to
1 gene encoding multiple Proteins):
A: IGM gene
A: Fasciola hepatica,ingestion of cysts on aquatic vegetation
17. Which bone is first formed in the middle ear of terrestial animals?
A: stapes
A: hh /Oh
32. Why are the cells produced during meiosis in oogenesis different sizes
A: Oocyte and polar bodies are produced, polar body only gets very little cytoplasm and will be
A: Meiosis: Prophase I (Leptotene,Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, Diakinesis) Meta I,Ana I,Telo I,Pro
II, Meta II, Ana II, Telo II,
51. Which plates of cartilaginous fish fuse to form the ethmoid plate
A: bones of the ethmoidal region- mesethmoideum and exethmoideum
55. Which protein kinases are most important in cell cycle control?
A: cyclin-dependant kinases (CDKs) and cyclins
75. Difference between the process of a spermatozoa entering the egg in human and sea
A: human egg has cortical reaction preventing polyspermy while sea urchin has an immediate
depolarization of the membrane (fast block)to prevent it, followed by a slower cortical reaction
similar to humans
A:Linked gens found on the same chromosome , while x-linked gens found on the X chromosome.
A: Egg-Lava-Pupa-Adult
What is ICIS ?
A: Eggs over infected water , symptoms : Katayma Fever , Abdomial pain , dermatitis , cough
What is a pseudocoelom?
A: Diphylobothrium latum
What is bivalent ?
Q What are the alleles of the ABO blood group and how are they related ?
A: A , B (co/ dominant) and O (recessive ) , found on the same locus on the chromosome
A: Wuchereria Bancrofti
Q1 What are the infective Larva stage in nematodes in the muscles and give the Latin Name.
L1 and L3 larvae of Trichinella spiralis
A: Ascardis lumbricodies
Dracunculus medinensis
Name the organell in the plants that has its own DNA.
A: Chloroplasts
A: during sex
A: Nematoda
A: strongyloides stercoralis
A: Anopheles rest with body at angle to surface , wing have dark spots , eggs laid singally , and have
air floats.
Clulex: rest with body parallel to surfaces , winfs unspotted , eggs laid in cluster with air floats . hed
is rounded , feeds below water (air tube)
Q What is Opsonization ?
A: Antibody opsonization is the process by which a pathogen is marked for ingestion and eliminated
by a phagocyte
Q How can you detect plasmodium malariae and falciparum in blood sample ?
The start codon , normaly AUG for the Amino acid Methionin.
A: A type of Bone that ossifies directly from membrane without cartilaginous predessor.
What is oncogenesis ?
Genes which have the potential to cause cancer by transforming into cancer cells.
Bacterial conjugation: involves the transfer of a plasmid from a donor cell to a recombinant
recipient (F-Factor)
How can you limited spread of T.saginata and Solium ?
Band between Anima and Vegetal pool in for example frog embryo. Fortells the future patern of the
What is Primase ?
A: Its is an Enzyme that allows the binding of an RNA primer in order to initiate transcription.
What is a Primer ?
Short strand of DNA or RNA (18-22 bases) that serve as starting point for DNA synthesis.
A:an anticodon is a unit (of tRNA) made up of three nucleotides that correspond to the three bases
of the codon on the mRNA.
A: The blastopore is the first embryonic opening in development ( in protosoma it becomes the
mouth in deuterostome first the anus then the mouth.
A:Enzyme that form peptide bonds between amino acids during tRNA translation process.
A:Epistasis ( tow genes have to work together to express the trait ex autosomal recessive)
A:Frameshift mutation
Differecne between the process of spermatozoa entering the egg in Human and sea urchia.
A: Human egg : cortical reaction Sea Uchia : immediate ,, depolarisation ,, of the membrane then
slower cortical reaction to preven polyspermy.
A: The translation of information encoded in an gene into protein or RNA structures that are present
and operating in the cell.
What is a splicesome ?
A: Complex made of protein and RNA that splices and removes introns and joins exons together to
from mature mRNA.
A: Nitrogenouse bases grouped into triplets that code for amino acids
A:Nucleotides triplets within mRNA that signals termination of translation. (UAG, UGA , UAA)
What is oposonisation ?
A: Antibody opsonization is the process by which a pathogen is marked for ingestion and eliminated
by a phagocyte.
A:The Codons, they get put together with the tRNA anitcodons by the Ribosome forming an Protein
A: Lambia Intestinalis
A: occlusive junction
Which Nematoda release eggs in the feces ? Give examples and describe the eggs.
A: Ascaris Lumbricoides : Fertilized egg : round, oval, thick with transparend shell ( unfertilized
brown and Narrow)