“If you want to grow a crop you have to plan Meaning of Environmental Education
for a year”. It is the job of agriculture scientist.
An influential article by Stevenson (2007) In the United States some of the antecedents
outlines conflicting goals of environmental of Environmental Education were Nature
education and traditional schooling. According Studies, Conservation Education and School
to Stevenson (2007), the recent critical and Camping. Nature studies integrated academic
action orientation of environmental education approach with outdoor exploration (Roth,
creates a challenging task for schools. 1978).
Contemporary environmental education strives
to transform values that underlie decision
making from ones that aid environmental (and
human) degradation to those that support a
sustainable planet. This contrasts with the
traditional purpose of schools of conserving the Conservation Education brought awareness to
existing social order by reproducing the norms the misuse of natural resources. George Perkins
and values that currently dominate Marsh discoursed on humanity’s integral part of
environmental decision making. Confronting the natural world. The governmental agencies
this contradiction is a major challenge to like the U.S. Forest Service and the EPA were
environmental education teachers. also pushing a conservation agenda.
Conservation ideals still guide environmental
education today. School Camping was exposure
to the environment and use of resources
outside of the classroom for educational
purposes. The legacies of these antecedents are
still present in the evolving arena of
environmental education.
The first International conference of
Environmental Education was held in New Delhi
(1987) in which the late Mrs. Indira Gandhi
One of the current trends within environmental observed that Environmental Education is to
education seeks to move from an approach of help arouse social consciousness and make
ideology and activism to one that allows community aware of the fact that the good of
students to make informed decisions and take the individual and that of the community are
action based on experience as well as data. both harmed by ecological disruptions. In 1985
Within this process, environmental curricula second International conference on
have progressively been integrated into Environmental Education was held at New
governmental education standards. Some Delhi. New Delhi Capital of India, is one of the
environmental educators find this movement most beautiful known cities of the world and is
distressing and a move away from the original famous for its rich ancient heritage contributed
political and activist approach to environmental by ancient Hindu and Muslim Rulers. Several
education while others find this approach more important points emerge from the deliberations
valid and accessible. of the International, National, Regional and
level Local conferences on Environmental
Builds community
A. The Need for Environmental Education
Changes lives
All major natural resources in the country are
in grave danger of irreparable damage.
Opening eyes, hearts and doors on nature
The Social Context. An environmentally Science and Technology can help in a limited
educated person understands how human way but cannot deliver it.
society is influencing the environment as well as
the economic, legal and political mechanisms
that provide avenues for addressing issues and It’s the moral and ethical education for
situations. changing people’s attitude
1. Atmosphere
1. Environmental Science
The atmosphere implies the protective blanket
of gases, surrounding the earth:
Environmental Science - the branch of science
concerned with the physical, chemical, and
biological conditions of the environment and (a) It sustains life on the earth.
their effect on organisms.
(b) It saves it from the hostile environment of
outer space.
Definitions of Environment (c) It absorbs most of the cosmic rays from
outer space and a major portion of the
electromagnetic radiation from the sun.
✓ ‘A person’s environment consists of the sum
(d) It transmits only here ultraviolet, visible,
total of the stimulation which he receives from
near infrared radiation (300 to 2500 nm) and
his conception until his death.’
radio waves. (0.14 to 40 m) while filtering out
tissue-damaging ultraviolet waves below about
300 nm. The atmosphere is composed of
✓ The Environment comprises various types of nitrogen and oxygen. Besides, argon, carbon
forces such as physical, intellectual, economic, dioxide, and trace gases. When chlorine and
political, cultural, social, moral and emotional. bromine atoms come into contact with ozone in
the stratosphere, they destroy ozone
molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy over
100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed
from the stratosphere. Ozone can be destroyed Mariana Trench
more quickly than it is naturally created. Some
compounds release chlorine or bromine when
they are exposed to intense UV light in the The Mariana Trench is situated at the boundary
stratosphere. These compounds contribute to of two converging plates, where two oceanic
ozone depletion and are called ozone-depleting lithosphere plates collided resulting in one of
substances ODS that release chlorine include them descending into the Earth’s mantle. Ocean
(CFCs), (HCFCs), , and etc. trenches form some of the most profound
valleys on the ocean. An ocean trench is a
downward flexure that is formed at the
Reduced ozone levels as a result of OZONE boundary where two lithosphere plates
DEPLETION mean less protection from the sun’s collided.
rays and more exposure to UVB radiation at
the Earth’s surface. Ozone layer depletion
increases the amount of UVB that reaches the
Earth’s surface. UVB causes non-melanoma skin
cancer and plays a major role in malignant 3. Lithosphere
melanoma development. In addition, UVB has Lithosphere is the outer mantle of the solid
been linked to the development of cataracts, a earth. It consists of minerals occurring in the
clouding of the eye’s lens. earth’s crusts and the soil e.g. minerals, organic
matter, air and water
2. Hydrosphere
✓ 1700s–0.029%
Carbon ✓ Now–0.04%
✓ Carbon cycles through the ecosystem in Plants, some bacteria, and algae perform
various ways, from photosynthesis and photosynthesis
respiration to weathering and other geologic
processes Human-induced changes to the
Carbon Cycle Photosynthesis incorporates carbon from the
abiotic environment into the biological
compounds of producers The Carbon Cycle. The
✓ Many factors, such as seasons and human chemical energy from plants stored in
activities, influence the concentration of carbon carbohydrates and other molecules is released
in the global atmosphere within the cells of plants, animals, or other
organisms through aerobic cellular respiration