Wastewater Capstone

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Saint Louis University

School of Engineering and Architecture

Department of Chemical Engineering



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in CHE 4261

for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

Submitted by:
Abance, Hansam G.
Agetyeng, Abigail
Buyayo, Vivienne B.
Carrera, Theresa
Ferrer, Zyron F.
Melecio, Zedrick H.
Navalta, Andrelyn Joy B.

Submitted to:
Engr. Katelyn Gabon

May 2023
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1
I. Overview of the Process 2
II. Wastewater Characterization 5
A. Process Knowledge 5
II. A.1. Sources of Wastewater in the Sugar Industry 5
II. A.2. Physical State of the Waste 5
II. A.3. Treatment Methodologies 9
B. Expected Waste 10
II. B.1. Characteristics Of Wastewater in Sugar Industry 11
III. Analysis 14
A. Description of the EIA Process 14
III.A.1. EIA Team 14
III.A.2. EIA Study Schedule 15
III.A.3. EIA Study Area 15
III.A.4. EIA Methodology 15
III.A.5. Public Participation 16
B. Project Description 16
III.B.1. Basic Project Background and Information 16
III.B.2. Project Location and Area 18
III.B.3. Project Site Considerations 18
III.B.4. Description of Proposed Project Phases, Waste Generation, Key Issues &
Built-in Measures Resource & Utility Requirements, Manpower, Cost 19
C. Impact Assessment and Mitigation 21
D. Environmental Risk Assessment 22
III.D.1. Environmental Management Plan 26
III.D.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan 26
A. Wastewater Management 27
C. P&ID 30
D. Computations 31
References 36

I. Overview of the Process
Globally, the sugar industry is considered as a significant agricultural-based industry that
produces both sugar and a variety of sludges and wastes during operation. The industrial processing
of sugarcane and sugarbeets results in the production of by-products including sugarcane bagasse,
pressmud, molasses, sugar beet mud, and pulp (Bhat & Vig, 2019). Further, processing of byproducts
generates new useful material such as fertilizers and animal feeds ( Aribam & Konthoujam et.al.

Sugar is considered one of the oldest commodities which are still used nowadays. It was first
used by the indigenous people of New Guinea around 8000 B.C. Sugar comes from the two main
plants which are sugar beets and sugarcane. In 1751, sugar cane was first planted in the United
States in the land of Louisiana which begins the origin of the U.S. sugar industry. Nowadays, almost
hundred thousand jobs in 22 states are provided by the U.S. sugar industry (McHugh, 2020).
Furthermore, Brazil, India, Thailand, China, and the United States are the largest producing sugar in
the world (Walton, 2022).

There are numerous variations of sugar. Granulated sugar which is commonly known as table
sugar is the most common type of sugar and also the most refined. Granulated sugar that is
composed of larger crystals is referred to as coarse sugar meanwhile sugar with smaller crystals is
called superfine sugar. In addition, pearl sugar is referred to as the sugar clumps that make up
conglomerates. Also, other forms of sugar including powdered sugar, muscovado sugar, and
turbinado-style sugar are also manufactured for each corresponding purpose (McHugh, 2020).

In addition, sugar cane farmed in tropical and subtropical regions accounts for about 80% of
the world's sugar production. Meanwhile, sugar beets, which are farmed in mild temperatures provide
the remaining 20%. Thus, it can be said that sugar beets are used by Western countries while
sugarcane is mostly used in Asian countries (Walton, 2022).

Sugar beets are used in the sugar industry because of their high sucrose content. Typically, it
is grown for about 170–200 days only. The seeds of sugar beets can be sown in a variety of soils,
from sandy loam to clay. Sugar beets are also grown from seeds. In the past years, sugar beet has
been farmed as a summer crop in relatively cool temperate regions of the world. Countries like South
America, Africa, the Middle East, and southern Europe which have warmer temperatures grow sugar
beet as a winter crop. Moreover, a percentage of 8-22 percent sucrose by weight can be obtained
from a matured sugar beet. For summer crop sugar beets, the harvesting process begins in late
September or early October to ensure that all of the crops are harvested before the weather changes
and the soil freezes (Yamane, 2023).

Meanwhile, sugarcane which is considered the main raw material of sugar is a perennial
grass that can grow up to 10-20 feet high. Typically, sugar cane is grown using its vegetative stalks
during the fall of the year. After the crop is harvested, new stalks appear which means that it doesn’t

need to be replanted however, it also needs crop monitoring (Sugarcane Profile, 2022). During sugar
processing, the percentage of sucrose from raw cane sugar is very high which is 94-98.5%
(Koltuniewicz, 2010). Sugarcane production is very crucial in the different sugar industries most
especially in Asian countries which contribute to the worldwide sugar market. Countries including
China, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, South East Asian countries including Myanmar,
Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and, along with other minor producers together produce
around 40% of sugar in the world (Solomon & Li, 2016).

In this project, the raw material to be used is the sugarcane because it has a greater supply
than the sugar beets. In the Philippines, Negros Occidental is the leading producer of sugar,
accounting for about half of the nation's total output. Also, Bacolod the capital of Negros Occidental, is
named as the “Sugar Capital of the Philppines” because it was surrounded by sugar producing
industries (Britannica, 2013).

Moving on, the manufacturing of raw sugar starts with the milling process. The milling process
extracts the juice from the sugarcane, comprising sucrose, water, and other soluble impurities. The
juice is then processed to produce raw sugar from the sucrose content of the juice. Raw sugar
production comprises four stages – clarification, evaporation, crystallization, and centrifugation. In the
clarification stage, the impurities present in the juice are removed, producing clarified juice. This stage
involves the addition of lime water or Ca(OH)2 to produce precipitates that trap the impurities. The
precipitates or mud formed can settle through sedimentation, and the clarified juice is sent into the
evaporation stage. In the evaporation stage, the clarified juice is made more concentrated due to
moisture removal from evaporation. The evaporation process involves a quadruple-effect evaporator,
where the clarified juice passes through a series of four evaporators. As the juice is concentrated, the
mixture thickens into a slurry or desired concentration or degree Brix. The slurry undergoes
crystallization by heating and cooling. The slurry is fed into a vacuum pan, wherein through heating,
the sugar crystals are formed through the seed or small crystals feed. The vacuum pan operates
under vacuum pressure to lower the mixture's boiling point to avoid inversion. After crystallization in
the vacuum pan, the "massecuite" mixture undergoes further crystallization by cooling. The
massecuite is exposed to ambient air and constant mixing to allow the further formation of sugar
crystals. After crystallization, the sugar crystals and the molasses are separated through
centrifugation. An overview of the raw sugar production process can be seen below:

Figure 1.1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram of Raw Sugar Manufacturing

II. Wastewater Characterization
A. Process Knowledge

II. A.1. Sources of Wastewater in the Sugar Industry

The sugar industry uses a wide place or plant in order to execute all the operations properly
giving quality products. Also, different kinds of equipment run during operation which processes the
raw material into the finished product. However, as the products are produced, wastes that need to be
handled are also generated. According to Pala (2018), the following are the sources of wastewater
being generated in the sugar industry:

● Sugar wastewater is mainly obtained from the cleaning operations or maintenance of the
● Organic and inorganic pollutants of the wastewater are usually generated from washing heat
exchangers and evaporators. Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrochloric acid are typically used to
remove the scale from the tube surface of the equipment.
● Large volume of wastewater is obtained from washing the milling house floor and from the
different parts of the boiling house including the clarifiers, vacuum pans, centrifuges, and
● Wastewater is also produced from the boiler blowdown and condenser cooling water when
the water discharged has already been contaminated by sugarcane juice.
● Additional wastewater is produced as a result of leaks and spills of molasses, juice, and syrup
in various areas.

II. A.2. Physical State of the Waste

Mainly, the sugar industry produces solid, liquid and gas wastes. Solid waste refers to the
bagasse which are the sugarcane fibers remaining after the extraction of juice. Also, a sludge or a
filter cake is being obtained from the operation of the wastewater facility. Industrial gasses which are
also emitted during the heating process are considered waste of the plant. However, the focus of the
study is on the wastewater discharges of the overall operation of the sugar industry hence the liquid
state of the general plant wastes is highlighted. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of
the wastewater are also evaluated using different sampling procedures to obtain the composition of
each characteristic. Some of the physical characteristics that are being measured are the color and
odor of the effluent since these two characteristics are physically observed. In addition, according to
DAO 2016, the significant parameters that should be tested on the effluent during the manufacturing
of sugar are Temperature, pH, Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and Nitrate.

❖ Sampling and Analysis for Color

Conventionally, the technique used to analyze the color characteristic of the water is the
visual determination of the wastewater. The visual determination method of the wastewater sample is
performed by comparing the samples to a series of colored standards. In the study of Deepthi &
Prabhakaran (2016), it was revealed that untreated effluent was dark brownish to brown while the
treated effluent visually appeared to be whitish to yellow. Metals, organic acids, microorganisms,
and/or industrial wastes may all contribute to the color of wastewater.

Another method employed by some industrial wastewater treatment facilities is the

spectrophotometric method. Here, color is determined by measuring how much light is absorbed or
transmitted through a sample at a particular wavelength. The outcomes are then compared against a
recognized color standard or assessed using other algorithms that are specified by the test procedure
(Thermoscientific, n.d.). Using the spectrophotometric method in treated water, levels of organic and
inorganic matter are so low hence, all of the visible spectrum's wavelengths can pass through more
readily, resulting in a more horizontal emission spectrum without experiencing major alterations
(ChemScan, n.d.).

❖ Sampling and Analysis of the Effluent’s pH Level

A pH meter is used to measure the pH level of substances that possess the characteristics of
being basic and acidic. It has three parts: a glass electrode for the detecting unit, a reference
electrode - made from calomel electrode and a glass electrode-and a unit that displays the pH value
that corresponds to the electromotive force (vlab.amrita.edu,2012).

During sampling, collect two or three representative samples of wastewater from the sampling
location using a container. Wastewater grab samples should be placed on a sealed container since
they will off-gas any volatile compounds that are present. If this happens, the pH level of the sample
can be changed. Also, do not prolong the time between collecting the sample and checking the pH
level since it may alter the desired result (Testing the pH of Wastewater Sample, n.d).

❖ Sampling and Analysis of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

For the sampling of Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), a 5-day BOD test is commonly used.
Here, BOD bottles that can provide an airtight seal for the samples are used. The dilution water and
the different concentrations of the wastewater samples are added on the BOD bottles to show
different dilutions. A control filled with dilution water only is to be set on a different bottle. Meanwhile, a
DO meter is utilized to obtain the initial concentration in mg/L of the dissolved oxygen. In each bottle.
After that, the bottles are subjected to incubation for 5 days at 20 degrees Celsius. The final dissolved
oxygen is measured after the five days of incubation using again a DO meter. The difference between
the final reading and the initial reading of the DO which will now determine the BOD concentration in
mg/L. The BOD concentration is multiplied to the dilution factor if dilution is required (Kiepper, 2022).

❖ Sampling and Analysis of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Practically, the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) method is used to determine the amount of
oxygen needed to oxidize the organic matter present in the wastewater. The COD method has two (2)
steps involved: digestion and determination by titrimetric method or colorimetric method. First, in
digestion, the process will need acid, heat, and a catalyst. Concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) acts as
a primary digestion catalyst while silver sulfate (AgSO4) acts as the secondary catalyst that will assist
in the oxidation of straight-chain polycarbons. It is also noted that the silver to be used is soluble
which can precipitate when chlorides are present in the sample. To avoid silver precipitation, mercury
is added to remove the interference of chloride. The heat will be provided by the digester, usually set
at 150 degrees Celsius. The digestion process will last for 2 hours and during the process, organics
are oxidized with hexavalent dichromate ion (Cr2O72-) present in potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7).

Secondly, in the colorimetric analysis, the transmittance is measured through a detector

wherein a spectrophotometer is used to send the right wavelength. The dichromate ion is visible at
420 nm, and the Cr3+ ion is at about 600-620 nm. Low Range (LR) COD measures the decrease in
oxidant (Cr2O72-) which is the orange/yellow color at 420 nanometers. Meanwhile, High Range (HR)
COD measures the increase in Cr3+ which is the green color at 620 nanometer (Patel,2020).

❖ Sampling and Analysis of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)and Total

Suspended Solids (TSS)

Gravimetric determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
are discussed in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Method 2450 C
is for the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) while Method 2540 D is for the Total Suspended Solids (TSS).

For method 2540 C, the sample volumes to choose from or used should yield between 2.5
and 200 mg of dried residue. The sampling analysis starts by stirring the sample using a magnetic
stirrer. Pipet a measured volume to a glass-fiber filter with an applied vacuum. The samples are then
washed with a 10 mL volume of reagent-grade water about three times. Allow complete drainage of
the sample between washings then use suction for at least 3 minutes after filtration is complete. The
total filtrate which includes the washings are transferred into an evaporating dish. Drying of the
samples can be done through a drying oven. Evaporation of the sample can be done for at least 1
hour at 180 to 2 degrees Celsius in the oven. After that, the samples are put in a desiccator to
balance the temperature, then weigh using a weighing scale. The cycle is repeated until weight
reaches a constant value or until weight change is less than 4%. A duplicate is also analyzed
containing at least 10% of all samples. At least 10% of all samples should be examined as a
duplicate. The average weight of duplicate determinations should accord within 5% of the total
(Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, n.d).

Method 2540D discusses the sampling analysis used for total suspended solid determination.
The sample volumes to choose from or used should yield between 2.5 and 200 mg of dried residue.

The sampling starts by assembling the filtering apparatus and the filter then begins suction. If
possible, shear bigger particles from the sample with a stirrer to get a more homogeneous particle
size. When the point of sample removal is changed,the particles may be separated through centrifugal
force according to size and density, leading to poor precision. Pipet a predetermined volume onto the
seated glass-fiber filter while continuously stirring. After that, pipet homogenous samples from roughly
the middle of the container, but not in a vortex. A point both mid-depth between the wall and vortex is
to be selected. Allow complete drainage of the sample between washings then use suction for at least
3 minutes after filtration is complete. Supplementary washings may be essential for the sample with
high dissolved solids. After washing, separate the filter from the filter apparatus and transfer it to an
aluminum weighing dish. In an oven, dry the sample for at least 1 h at 103 to 105°C then cool it in a
desiccator to balance the temperature. After that, obtain the sample weight.The cycle is repeated until
weight reaches a constant value or until weight change is less than 4%. At least 10% of all samples
should be examined as a duplicate. The average weight of duplicate determinations should accord
within 5% of the total (Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, n.d).

Calculations of both TDS and TSS based on Standard Methods for the Examination of Water
and Wastewater method 2540 C and D is as follows:

(𝐴−𝐵) 𝑥 100
mg total solids/L = 𝑆𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒, 𝑚𝐿


A = weight of dried residue + dish, mg

B = weight of dish, mg

❖ Sampling and Analysis of Oil and Grease

According to the EMB approved method of analysis for water and wastewater, the liquid-liquid
partition gravimetric method also known as “Standard Method for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater 5520 B” are commonly employed to determine and quantify the oil and grease
composition of the water or wastewater samples.

SMEWW 5520B specifies a procedure for the determination of oil and grease in wastewater
samples using a solvent extraction and gravimetric measurement technique. The method involves a
water sample that is treated to a pH of 2 and extracted three times in a separatory funnel using
hexane then evaporating the solvent to leave behind the extracted material. The extract is dried with
sodium sulfate, and the residue is weighed using a 4-place balance. The oil and grease content is
calculated based on the weight of the extracted material and the volume of the wastewater sample.
The method is commonly used by wastewater treatment plants and environmental laboratories to
monitor and regulate oil and grease levels in wastewater discharges (Organics, 2015).

II. A.3. Treatment Methodologies

❖ Biological Method

According to Pala (2018), wastewater from sugar industries is mostly composed of sugar and
volatile fatty acids which can be classified as biodegradable substances. Thus, biological methods
such as aerobic or anaerobic treatment are suitable for the sugar industry wastewater (SIWW).
However, in this project, anaerobic treatment process.

Anaerobic Treatment Process

An anaerobic treatment process in wastewater is a biological process that occurs in

the absence of oxygen. Sewage or industrial effluent that contains large levels of organic
debris is frequently treated using an anaerobic technique. During the anaerobic treatment
process, microorganisms break down the organic matter in the wastewater, producing biogas
and a residue called sludge.

In the project investigation, the Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor will
be used since it is thought to be one of the most effective anaerobic systems that has the
ability to be used on dense aggregates and it can also allow high-rate reactor performance.
UASB is technically designed for industrial wastewater treatment with high concentrations of
contaminants; however, it can also perform at its best in municipal wastewater treatment that
contains lower contaminants. In addition, UASP is commonly employed in industries like the
sugar industry due to its simple design, low energy consumption, ease of construction and
maintenance, and capacity to endure changes in pH, temperature, and influent substrate
concentration (Korsak, 2008).

❖ Physico-Chemical Method

Coagulation and Flocculation

Coagulation and flocculation is a physio-chemical process which is frequently

employed with the aim to eliminate color and turbidity from materials that are typically colloidal
in nature. The ideal time for quick mixing is frequently reached in a matter of minutes. In
connection, flocculation, which involves the aggregation of settling turbid particles into bigger
flocs, occurs after rapid mixing. Pollutants in the sludge are subsequently removed by the
flocs when they settle. Moreover, compounds like ferric chloride, ferrous sulfate, ferric sulfate,
alum, lime, polymers, or a combination of these compounds are frequently used to induce
coagulation (Ahmaruzzaman & Sorokhaibam, 2014).

B. Expected Waste

The following expected effluent from the sugar industry wastewater treatment plant are the
following. However, it should be noted that the following parameters and concentrations are based on
the article entitled “Sugar Industry: Process Description and Wastewater Treatment” which displays
the different characteristic parameters and its corresponding concentration on a typical sugar plant

Table 2B.1: Characteristics of Wastewater from a Typical Sugar Plant

Parameters Concentrations

BOD 1250 mg/L

COD 2,250mg/L

pH 5-7

Temperature 25-35 deg. Celsius

Total Suspended Solids 600 mg/L

Total Dissolved Solids 2000 mg/L

Total Volatile Solids 1,300 mg/L

Oil and Grease 60 mg/L

Nitrogen 10 mg/L

Phosphorus 60 mg/L

Sulphates 500 mg/L

Chlorides 60 mg/L

II. B.1. Characteristics Of Wastewater in Sugar Industry

In relation to the expected effluent, according to DAO 2016, the following wastewater
characteristics are considered to be significant parameters in a sugar manufacturing industry, sugar
mill and sugar refinery industries.

1. Color

A qualitative parameter that can be used to evaluate the overall health of wastewater.
Additionally, color must be maintained and controlled before being discharged into the different bodies
of water since it is crucial for aquatic life to produce food from sunlight. Dark coloration also reduces
photosynthetic activity, impacting other parameters like temperature, D.O., and B.O.D in the river or
any bodies of water where the wastewater was discharged (Poddar & Sahu, 2017).

2. Odor

The gasses acquired from the decomposition of organic compounds such as carbon dioxide
and nitrogen contribute to the odor in the effluent (Vaithiyanathan & Sundaramoorthy, 2017).
Furthermore, untreated sugar industry wastewater was found to have a fishery-like odor. In
connection, unpleasant odors in wastewater from other food industries are typically brought on by
gases created by the anaerobic breakdown of organic materials. The most frequent odor-producing
substance is hydrogen sulfide, which has the smell of rotten eggs (Poddar & Sahu, 2017).

3. Temperature

Temperature is one of the significant parameters that must be tested during the operation of a
sugar industry wastewater treatment facility because it affects the general metabolic activity of a
microbial population (Madhavi,2019). In the study of Poddar & Sahu, 2017, the result showed that the
treated effluent has a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius while the untreated influent/ wastewater has
a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. The study also stated that the final temperature of the
wastewater ready to be discharged should not be more than 35 degrees Celsius since it can increase
the chemical process in oxygen. In addition, an agreeable temperature limit of 40 degrees Celsius for
agricultural irrigation was stated in the study of Vaithiyanathan & Sundaramoorthy, 2017.

4. pH

The pH of the water is a crucial component to be controlled and maintained during

wastewater treatment. When final water discharge reaches any part of the water bodies, it can affect
the aquatic ecosystem hence, maintaining it to the accepted standard/ parameters is significant. Also,
pH serves as an indicator of the viability of aquatic species. The survival of different microorganisms
and the rate of the biological and chemical reactions can both be impacted by the changes in the pH
value in the effluent. In addition, the pH of the effluent can directly relate to the presence or absence
of certain ionic specialties. Consequently, the effluent may have an impact on the soil's quality (Kumar
& Srikantaswamy, 2015). The study of Noukeu & Gouado et.al. (2016) stated that, in general, the pH
level of the 11 various food industries which includes the sugar industry are between 4.07 and 7.63.

5. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

The Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the amount of dissolved oxygen that bacteria and
other microorganisms need to function while breaking down organic material in an aerobic
environment. In wastewater treatment facilities, biological oxygen demand is frequently employed to
determine the level of organic pollution present in the water. Meanwhile, by measuring the
biochemical oxygen demand, organic matter decomposition in water is quantified. However, a water
body's dissolved oxygen content may be reduced by environmental or natural factors and other
human-caused factors (Tuser, 2021).

Oxygen is necessary for both aquatic life and microbes to survive. In order to break down
complex organic components like sugars, cellulose, and other synthetically converted materials,
microbes in water using dissolved oxygen (O2). For breathing, fish and other marine species utilize
dissolved oxygen. However, a large amount of BOD can rapidly increase oxygen depletion in streams
or rivers. When the oxygen is depleted, less oxygen is only present to suffice the needs of the aquatic
ecosystem. The consequences are the same when there is a low amount of dissolved oxygen,
suffocation, stress, and death of aquatic organisms are encountered (AOS Treatment Solutions,

In the sugar industry, wastewater from the plant operation contains a high amount of BOD
which mainly comes from the process house wastewater that is contaminated with a large amount of
organic matter. The concentration of BOD in the sugar industry wastewater contributes to the reasons
why sugar factories are one of the industries that drastically affects the different bodies of water by
means of discharge quantities of effluent that contains an excessive level of total solids, BOD, COD,
chloride, sulfate, nitrate, and other elements contributing to water pollution (Patil & Kulkarni, 2022).

6. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Chemical oxygen demand is a measurement of the amount of oxygen needed to chemically

oxidize organic matter. Also, it is utilized to determine how discharged wastewater affects the
environment. COD measurements are frequently performed to analyze contaminated wastewater or
water samples.As a standardized laboratory assay, chemical oxygen demand is assessed. A strong
chemical oxidant is incubated with a closed water sample at a given temperature for a predetermined
amount of time. Potassium dichromate is a frequently utilized oxidant in COD tests. This is used in
conjunction with sulfuric acid that has been heated. Both of these sources of oxygen demand are
evaluated in a COD assay because this chemical oxidant is not particular to compounds that are
organic or inorganic or compounds that consume oxygen(Camblab, 2009).

Similar to BOD, Chemical Oxygen Demand serves as an indicator for determining the level of
impact that wastewater discharge will have on the surrounding environment. Greater COD levels
indicate that more oxidizable organic material is present in the sample, meaning the concentration of
dissolved oxygen (DO) is lowered. The reduction of the DO concentrations leads to anaerobic
conditions which are harmful to higher aquatic life organisms. In relation, due to its shorter testing

duration than the BOD test, the COD test is frequently employed as an alternative (Chemical oxygen

7. Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total Suspended Solids are the particles larger than 2 microns. Most of the TSS are
compromised with inorganic materials. High levels of total suspended solids in wastewater can affect
the environment as well as people's health. Excessive TSS can raise water temperature and reduce
naturally dissolved oxygen levels which can endanger the life of small fishes and other aquatic
species may not be able to live as a result. TSS may also obscure sunlight, preventing photosynthesis
and reducing plant viability and water oxygen levels( Campbell, 2021).

8. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

These are the particles that are smaller than 2 microns in size and can penetrate through a
simple filter apparatus. TDS are composed of dissolved organic matter and salts including
bicarbonates, calcium and others.

9. Oil and Grease

An essential factor for the quality and security of water is the concentration of scattered oil
and grease (OG). Oil and grease, among other contaminants, are among the hardest to get rid. The
presence of certain compounds cannot be detected by measuring the proportion of oil and grease in
effluent; instead,larger amounts of samples of particular effluent are used. An appropriate solvent is
used to dissolve oil, grease, fats, and waxes, and then the aqueous phase is separated (Poddar &
Sahu, 2017).

III. Analysis
A. Description of the EIA Process

III.A.1. EIA Team

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process would be a collaboration of various

professionals to conduct a thorough assessment in different fields. Their knowledge and expertise
would help cover the necessary data in examining the environmental impacts of the projects. Four
main fields are to be covered: chemical engineering, environmental science and engineering, civil
engineering, and the law.

The field of chemical engineering comprises chemical engineers as process and design
engineers. They are in charge of planning and designing the industrial plant and its necessary
processes. They consider the economic and environmental effects of different designs of the plant
and its processes.

The field of civil engineering encompasses civil engineers, especially structural engineers.
They can contribute to the assessment by evaluating the environmental implications of the project or
plant structures and buildings. They can examine the possibilities of environmental degradation of the
project in situations of natural calamities, such as erosion, flooding, and landslides.

Environmental science and engineering are composed of different environmental experts

whose expertise is the most crucial for the EIA process. They offer a scientific background for
examining the project’s potential environmental effects. Their knowledge can help identify possible
sources of pollution and degradation, which can further help determine mitigation and prevention
methods to consider in the project design.

Lastly, legal experts are included in the EIA process to ensure that the project complies with
the relevant environmental laws and regulations. They can help identify the environmental obligations
and dangers that the project can make.

III.A.2. EIA Study Schedule

The proposed study schedule for the entire EIA process for the project is shown in the Gantt
chart below:

Table 3.1 EIA Study Schedule for the Proposed Project

III.A.3. EIA Study Area

The existing environment in Bacolod City,Negros Occidental encompasses the plant location
and the study area for the EIA process. The study area covers about 100-500 meters beyond the
plant site or may be adjusted depending on local conditions. The study area comprises possible
locations the proposed raw sugar manufacturing plant potentially affects. All impacts, such as
temporary or permanent, long or short term, and positive or negative, were considered in defining this
study area.

III.A.4. EIA Methodology

The EIA process was approached holistically through the matrix method of EIA, specifically
the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM). The RIAM is a flexible matrix tool used to organize and
analyze the different results of the assessment of the project’s environmental impacts, both positive
and negative, rapidly and accurately.

Qualitative and quantitative approaches may be used to evaluate data through the RIAM
scales. The RIAM methodology assesses the project activities’ environmental impacts by calculating a
score based on established criteria. The score measures the impact of the environmental components

specified in each phase of the project. There are then two categories for the crucial evaluation criteria
(Kankam-Yeboah, Asare, Gyau-Boakye, & Nishigaki, 2005):

1. Criteria that are important to the condition that individually can change the score
obtained; and

2. Criteria that are of value to the situation but should not individually be capable of
changing the score obtained.

For the first category, to ensure that the weight of each criterion directly influences the total
quotation system, the marks assigned to each criterion are multiplied. For the second category, the
quotation system involves adding the marks assigned to each criterion, which ensures that a mark
taken alone will not significantly impact the final score (Kankam-Yeboah et al., 2005).

III.A.5. Public Participation

Public participation is a necessary step of the EIA process since the project can affect the
community in various ways. Thus, the views of the impacted and interested public are essential to
ensure that the project benefits all parties involved and the decision-making can be made more
The views and opinions of the general and scientific community are incorporated into the EIA
process as they may be affected in various ways by the project's short- and long-term effects. The
impacted communities will thus want to know what is planned, the potential repercussions, and how
their concerns will be handled and considered. To ensure that their policy and regulatory requirements
are considered while performing impact evaluations and considering mitigating measures, the
governing agencies would also be engaging in the ElA process as included in the public participation.
As a result, this project will feature long hours of public meetings, informal group meetings, and
general public information sessions. Comments, feedback, and suggestions on the project that is
being suggested are noted in these meetings and considered in the whole EIA process and project

B. Project Description

III.B.1. Basic Project Background and Information

The sugar industry can generate a substantial amount of wastewater due to its production
processes, which can lead to several environmental and public health problems if not adequately
managed. This project aims to design a feasible wastewater treatment plant for a Sugar Industry to
minimize problems encountered such as Pollution of Water Resources, Soil Contamination, Odor and
Aesthetic Issues, Health Risks, Comply with standard regulations, and ensure that the organic and
inorganic by-products will be removed. Its main objective is to maintain sustainability of the sugar
industry while protecting the environment and public health as well as reduce its negative impact and

to make it safe for discharge into the environment or for reuse. Furthermore, the scope of the project
for the wastewater treatment facility is expected to process wastewater with a capacity of not less
than 5005 m3/d.
The sugarcane industry in the Philippines has a minimum P70 billion economic impact per
year. In the Philippines, there are roughly 62,000 farmers who cultivate sugarcane on about 422,500
hectares of the country's 30 million hectares of total land. The most extensive sugarcane acreage is in
the Visayas, particularly Negros Island, followed by the rapidly growing province of Mindanao. (Sugar
Regulatory Administration, n.d.). The average daily capacity of the 29 active sugar mills in the nation
is 6,900 tons of sugarcane trash. Negros Province, which provides over 46% of the nation's yearly
sugar production, is where most of these mills are situated (Briefing, A., 2017).
Various contaminants found in the wastewater produced by the sugar industry have the
potential to harm both the environment and human health. The wastewater produced by the sugar
industry contains a lot of organic matter, including sugars, proteins, and starches. Organic matter is
one of the primary pollutants detected in this wastewater. These organic substances can cause water
bodies to run low on oxygen, which makes it difficult for aquatic life to exist. Additionally,
wastewater-suspended solids may comprise suspended solids like fibers, grit, and debris that can
degrade water quality and cloud the water. Nitrogen and phosphorus are two nutrients that can
contribute to eutrophication, which promotes the growth of algae and other aquatic plants. This, in
turn, can reduce dissolved oxygen levels in the water and harm aquatic life. Acidity, the sugar industry
wastewater can be highly acidic, which can harm aquatic life and corrode equipment and
infrastructure and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury, which can be toxic to both
humans and aquatic life.
To address these pollutants, wastewater treatment processes such as biological treatment,
chemical treatment, and physical treatment can be employed. Biological treatment can use
microorganisms to break down organic matter and nutrients, while chemical treatment can remove
heavy metals and reduce acidity. Physical treatment can remove suspended solids and other particles
from the wastewater. It is essential to treat the wastewater effectively to protect the environment and
comply with environmental regulations (Pell, M., & Wörman, A., 2011).
The Sugar Industry Management is one of the stakeholders involved in the wastewater
treatment plant project of a sugar industry since they would be in charge of the whole management
and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant. Ensuring the wastewater treatment plant
complies with environmental norms and laws would be of interest to regulatory agencies like the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The neighborhood that is home to the sugar industry may be
concerned about the wastewater treatment plant's potential impact on their quality of life or the
environment. Additionally, as it may affect the sector's overall profitability, investors in the sugar
industry would be keen to ensure the wastewater treatment plant is well-designed, affordable, and
effective. Suppliers and workers in the sugar industry would be interested in guaranteeing the
wastewater treatment plant is secure and does not present any health dangers, particularly those who
operate in or near the facility. Last but not least, local, state, or federal governments may also be
interested in the operation of wastewater treatment plants, particularly if they are offering incentives or

subsidies to assist the industry's sustainability efforts and monitor the entire project (Rapid Response
Assessment, A., 2010).

III.B.2. Project Location and Area

The wastewater treatment facility will be located at Negros Occidental specifically Bacolod
City with an area of 600 to 1000 square meters, the province of Negros Occidental accounted for 54%
of sugar produced.

III.B.3. Project Site Considerations

The important factors considered in building the wastewater treatment facility for a sugar
industry in Negros Occidental are Location, Cost, Availability of Water, Soil Conditions, Environmental
Factors, Disposal Options, and Space and Layout.

● Location - The project site should be situated close to the major facilities used by the sugar

● Transportation - Accessible pathways for faster deliveries and reaching destinations.

● Availability of Sources - For optimal operation, a wastewater treatment facility needs a

constant flow of water. As a result, the project location should be close to a trustworthy water

● Soil Conditions - To support the facility, the site must not experience being under soil erosion
prone area, have unstable soil, or have poor bearing capacity.

● Environmental Factors - To prevent potential environmental or social disputes, the facility

shouldn't be situated near residential or commercial areas or in an environmentally sensitive

● Disposal Options - The project site should be close to an acceptable disposal site that
complies with legal criteria since the treated wastewater must be appropriately disposed of.

● Space and Layout - The facility should be constructed with enough space to house the
essential equipment, storage tanks, and treatment procedures.

● Cost - It is crucial to consider the cost of obtaining and developing the project site.
Additionally, the price of treating the effluent and transporting it should be taken into account.

In summary, it is important to carefully assess the location of any wastewater treatment facilities
specifically for the sugar sector to ensure treating wastewater will be effective and efficient.

III.B.4. Description of Proposed Project Phases, Waste Generation, Key

Issues & Built-in Measures Resource & Utility Requirements, Manpower,

In general, the proposed project phases of wastewater treatment in a sugar industry undergoes;

● Project planning - Treating wastewater is planned under the first phase. It includes outlining
the project's goals and requirements, spotting any stumbling blocks, gauging the effects on
the environment, and creating a rough budget and timeframe.

● Feasibility study - The technical, economic, and environmental viability of the wastewater
treatment project is assessed by a feasibility study. This includes gathering information on the
wastewater's properties, evaluating the treatment options, estimating project costs, and
assessing potential advantages and dangers.

● Design and engineering - Creating a complete engineering design for the wastewater
treatment plant, including the layout, equipment requirements, and process design, is part of
the design and engineering phase. Additionally, this entails creating construction-related
documentation like plans, specifications, and credentials.

● Construction - Site preparation, equipment installation, and commissioning are all included in
the physical construction of the wastewater treatment plant. Project management, safety
management, quality control, and assurance are also involved in this phase.

● Testing and commissioning - The wastewater treatment facility is tested to ensure it complies
with design guidelines and legal requirements, which involves testing for performance,
regulatory compliance, and process optimization.

● Operation and maintenance - This phase demonstrates how the wastewater treatment facility
is long-term operated and maintained to keep it operating successfully and efficiently. It is also
maintaining the equipment and keeping track of regulatory compliance.

❖ Waste Generation
Regarding waste generation, there are four primary sugarcane wastes produced: (i)
sugarcane bagasse, (ii) dry leaves and sugarcane tops, (iii) sugarcane press mud, and (iv) molasses,
which were used in the entire sugarcane processing process, from harvest to final processing. Sludge
is another type of trash that is produced, and it is a consequence of biological treatment processes
like activated sludge. Before being disposed of, this sludge is usually thickened and dewatered;
however, it may also be subjected to additional processing to create biosolids for use in agriculture.
Additionally, concentrated wastewater is present, which needs to be further treated or disposed of
properly because it contains high quantities of dissolved solids, organic matter, and other
contaminants in a stream. Lastly, Chemicals and reagents such as chemical precipitation and
disinfection require the use of chemicals and reagents such as lime, chlorine, and sodium hydroxide.
These chemicals must be handled and disposed of properly to prevent environmental contamination
(Singh, S. P, 2021).

❖ Key Issues & Built-in Measures Resource

The key issues present are in the scope of Energy Efficiency and consumption, People,
Sludge Management, Plant optimization, and Land & Construction. Addressing these key issues
requires effective design, implementation, and operation of wastewater treatment processes in the
sugar industry. This includes the use of appropriate treatment technologies, monitoring and control of
treatment processes, and proper management of waste and byproducts generated from the treatment
process (World Bank Group., 2021). Built-in measures that are done with Pretreatment facilities,
Advanced treatment technologies, Energy recovery, Onsite reuse , Online monitoring and control, and
Training. Implementing these built-in measures and resources can help improve the overall efficiency
and sustainability of wastewater treatment plants in the sugar industry, reducing the environmental
impact and improving compliance with regulatory requirements (Dooner, M.,2019).

❖ Utility Requirements
The utility requirements of the wastewater treatment plant in the sugar industry based on the
capacity of the plant. Includes a significant amount of electricity to operate the pumps, blowers, and
other equipment. Also water is vital for dilution, cleaning, and other purposes. Fuel for boilers and
other thermal treatment processes, such as natural gas or diesel and chemicals such as coagulants,
flocculants, and disinfectants.

❖ Manpower Cost
The workforce personnel needed for the plant to be successful is the Plant Manager, who is in
charge of the entire operation, maintenance, and management of the plant. Chemical and process
engineers are in charge of planning and perfecting the treatment methods. Operators and contractors
are responsible for the daily operation and upkeep of the treatment facility. At the same time,
employees and lab technicians run tests in the lab to check the effluent and wastewater quality.

❖ Cost
The cost of building and operating a wastewater treatment plant depends on the Capital
Costs, cost of land, construction, equipment, and installation. Operating Costs for electricity, water,
chemicals, and personnel. Maintenance Costs under repairs, replacements, and ongoing
maintenance of the treatment plant. Disposal Costs, the cost of disposing of the waste generated
from the treatment process, such as sludge and concentrated wastewater. Overall, the utility
requirements, manpower, and cost of a wastewater treatment plant in a sugar industry depend on
several factors, including the plant's type and capacity, local regulations, and environmental
conditions. The estimated cost for the plant is around $500,000 to $1.5 million system at 150,000
GPD or around 30,000,000 to 55,000,000 it all Includes equipment, engineering, design, installation,
workers, and startup. (Marshall, K., 2016).

C. Impact Assessment and Mitigation

The environmental, social, economic, and technical elements should be considered when
evaluating the impact of a wastewater treatment facility on the sugar sector. An effective plant can
positively impact the environment, society, and economy through proper design, operation, and
maintenance. The following factors can be considered when performing impact assessment.

● Environmental Impact - The wastewater may have high biological oxygen demand (BOD),
high chemical oxygen demand (COD), and high organic load. Furthermore, untreated
wastewater can seriously pollute the environment and endanger aquatic life. Therefore,
before the wastewater is released into the environment, the treatment plant must be built to
treat it to approved discharge requirements.

● Social Impact - Positive social effects can be attained by minimizing the environmental harm
that untreated wastewater causes. During development and operation, it may result in job
opportunities for locals.

● Economic Impact - Foremost, it may lessen the amount of water the sugar company uses,
which may save capital. Second, the need for new water is lessened by reusing the
wastewater after treatment for irrigation. Thirdly, the cleaned wastewater can be utilized to
create biogas, a renewable energy source.

● Technical Impact - The impact assessment always considers technical effects relating to the
layout and operation of the plant. The plant's architecture must accommodate high organic
loads and COD levels in the wastewater. The wastewater's fluctuating flow and load should
be considered during the design process. Personnel with the appropriate training and
familiarity with the technology and process should run the plant.

D. Environmental Risk Assessment
The environmental risk assessment (ERA) is an evaluation method for measuring the
probability of exposure to possible hazards, their impact on the environment, the risks obtained, and
the necessary mitigation approach to prevent or minimize any potential losses. Environmental Risk
Assessment was utilized for the analysis of identified hazards in the sugar manufacturing plant
wastewater effluent. Moreover, it comprises the risk analysis for the pre-mitigation and post-mitigation
of identified hazards and possible occurrences.

❖ Risk Assessment Methodology

The risk assessment methodology provides the assessment of the identified hazards, their
implications, and required mitigation approaches. This methodology involves the following steps:
A. Assessment Criteria
● To create an assessment criterion scale for potential risks and hazards.
● To establish a lookup table for the possible hazard impacts and consequences.
B. Establishing the Context
● To set out the scope and limitations of any proposal for improvement, prevention, and
corresponding function of each in the sugar manufacturing plant wastewater effluent.
C. Identifying the Hazard
● To determine the possible environmental hazards encountered in sugar
manufacturing plant wastewater effluent.
● To provide an analysis of the nature of potential hazards
D. Risk Analysis (Pre-mitigation)
● To assess the probability of the identified hazard.
● To formulate pre-mitigation measures involving foreseen risks in the sugar
manufacturing plant wastewater effluent.
E. Identifying Required Mitigation
● To assess the necessary action to reduce the probability of mentioned risks.
● To establish a plan to counteract the consequence of mentioned risks.
F. Identifying Appropriate Mitigation Measures
● To collate discussion and research of necessary and appropriate mitigations and
their corresponding management.
G. Risk Analysis (Post-mitigation)
● To reevaluate the potential hazard occurrences despite the undertaking of mitigation
● To reassess the possibility of hazard consequences taking into consideration the
mitigation responses implemented.

❖ The Nature of Identified Hazard
Hazard refers to any possible harm caused by the environment or human activities, potentially
harming human health and the environment. The table below defines the nature of hazards for
assessing identified hazards in the sugar manufacturing plant wastewater effluent.

Nature of Hazard Identification

Nature of Hazard Descriptor

Positive A hazard that could be beneficial to the environment

Neutral A hazard that has neither a positive nor negative impact on the

Negative A hazard that could potentially damage the environment

❖ Likelihood of Hazard
The likelihood of a potential hazard shows the severity or consequences of the identified
hazard existing. An effective mitigation process must be employed to alleviate the negative impacts of
the identified hazards. It is also essential to recognize and assess various uncertainties.

Likelihood of Hazard

Slightly harmful Harmful Extremely harmful
(1) (2) (3)

Highly unlikely Trivial risk Tolerable risk Moderate risk

(1) (Score 1) (Score 2) (Score 3)

Unlikely Tolerable risk Moderate risk Substantial risk

(2) (Score 2) (Score 4) (Score 6)

Likely Moderate risk Substantial risk Intolerable risk

(3) (Score 3) (Score 6) (Score 9)

The combination of likelihood and severity/consequence score will interpret what response
should be taken for the risk. Based on the table above, below shows the recommended response:

Trivial No action is required

Tolerable No additional controls are required

Monitoring is required to ensure control is maintained

Moderate Efforts are required to reduce the risk

Controls are to be implemented within a specified time

Substantial New work should not start until risk reduced

If work is in progress, urgent action is to be taken
Considerable resources may be required

Intolerable Work shall not be started or continued until the risk has been reduced
If a reduction is not possible, the activity shall be prohibited

❖ Risk Evaluation
The risk of a potential hazard shows how its likelihood and consequences are connected. The
possibility of a hazard unveils how unforeseen events can have a significant impact when not
mitigated. Careful planning prevents this likelihood of occurrences and is evaluated according to their

Risk Significance Criteria

Significance Criteria

Eliminate Due to mitigation plans, the consequence of hazard is little to negligible

Low The risk impacts are discernable but acceptable to be handled. They are temporary
and brief and happen in small-scale equipment or operation. Considered important in
assessing future impacts

Medium Important in mitigation assessing and planning specifically for recognizing necessary
key environmental measures. Their period happens longer than mild ones and at the
bigger scale of the location

High Necessary and most likely to be included in mitigation planning. They can require a
significant amount of time to be alleviated and can become permanent.
Environmentally impactful on more than a local scale.

Severe Needs to be assessed as soon as possible. These impacts will be the main driving
force of decision-making because they can be catastrophic in the industry and
environmentally destructive. Permanent to irreversible effects can affect mitigation

measures to be futile.

❖ Potential Impacts
The potential impacts induce pre-determination of risks that affect the environment, nature,
eco-system, sociological, economic, and human and cultural perspectives. According to Ibrahim and
Workneh (2022), specific hazards may show harmful effects of sugar industry waste. Specific hazards
may show adverse effects in different aspects, as shown below.
Environmental Impact
● Aquatic life endangerment
● Inhibition of seed germination and growth
Human health
● Contaminated drinking water
● Carcinogenic risks

❖ Mitigation Approach
This section helps identify and assess the risk at hand to impose a solution that will help
reduce the hazards and achieve a desirable process that does not contribute to adverse
environmental impacts.

❖ Pre-mitigation Risk Assessment

Pre-mitigation risk assessment evaluates the sugar manufacturing plant's wastewater effluent
risk, probability, and impact based on what has been comprehended from its risk description. It is only
essential to formulate insightfully mitigated acts to help lessen the probability of the risk occurring by
manipulating the source of risk or performing a feedback procedure (Hopkinson, 2013).
The pre-mitigation risk assessment caters to the impacts of the hazards produced by:
● Deliberately determining the reason and result of each action.
● Implementing a considerate manner by presuming the possible extent of the effect.
● Deliberately inducing components that conduct different case results.

❖ Mitigation Risk Assessment

The mitigation hierarchy should depend efficiently on the significance of varying risks. An
impact of high importance would require a high level of mitigation to compromise or provide
counteraction. On the other hand, a low significance might not need mitigation anymore or a minimum
effort of mitigation to manage the said impact.
The key considerations for specific mitigation measures are to:
● Have the proper counter of mitigation depending on the level to reduce, prevent, and
● Have well-researched, rational, and appropriate action and expense to the
significance and origin of the recognized possible impact.

III.D.1. Environmental Management Plan

❖ Impact Management Plan

The Impacts Management Plan (IMP) identifies the Project's primary components that are
projected to be impacted, together with the mitigation and enhancement strategies, techniques, and
technologies that will be used to lessen the impact on the environment.
The project will certainly have a variety of positive and negative repercussions. This Impact
Management Plan will seek to minimize and improve the Project's negative and positive impacts.

Impact Management Plan



Soil Quality Decrease crop and ● Proper ● Research and

soil fertility treatment of Development
effluent. engineer
Community Drinking water
● Research on ● Chemist
new treatment ● Waste
processes. characterizatio
Aquatic Life Lower Dissolved
● Waste n engineer
Oxygen (DO) level
characterizatio ● Supervisors
Water Quality Higher Fe3+, Mn2+, n ● Health and
and Pb2+ ● Applying Safety
concentration environment-fr inspector
iendly ● Quality
techniques Control
during effluent ● Quality
discharge. Inspector
● Strict ● Doctors
supervision by ● Company
the engineers health workers
● Risk manager

III.D.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan

The environmental monitoring plan has the following objectives:

● Assess the effectiveness and evaluate the impact mitigation measures that were
● Ensure the effectiveness of monitoring programs.
● Conduct proper measures and activities on schedule to produce reliable results.
● Give a basis for the impacts that need to be addressed and mitigated by the
In order to assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures, an
environmental monitoring plan should be taken into consideration. It should include protocols such as
inspection protocols and carefully planned supervision of the plant and its activities. In order to track
the success of mitigation strategies, the EMPs are attributed to technological aspects.

IV. Integrated Waste Management

The sugar factory operation is 8 hours per day for 120 days per year for the sugar
manufacturing process. The wastewater flow rate is approximately 5005 m3/d. (Fito et.al., 2019) The
wastewater to be treated in the raw sugar production are:
1) Wash water
2) Condensate water
3) Filtrate water

A. Wastewater Management

The sources of wastewater from the sugar industry are generated primarily from wash water
in cleaning operations. The sugar industry requires intensive and strict cleaning operations in its
equipment and facilities, as contaminants may significantly affect the quality of sugar. Leakage from
pipelines, centrifuging houses, and pumps may also contribute to the wastewater produced.

Brown color, low pH, high temperature, high BOD, high COD, odor issue, total solids, and a
high proportion of dissolved organic and inorganic substances characterizes the effluent of the sugar
industry (Patil et al., 2015). It also typically includes heavy metals, oil, grease, chlorides, sulfates,
minerals, and carbohydrates, whence releasing them directly into the environment poses major risks.
Hence, to be a responsible sugar manufacturer, provided in this section is the wastewater treatment
plan based on the characteristics of the effluent.

The wastewater treatment plan of the sugar manufacturing plant involves four major stages:
preliminary treatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and sludge treatment.

For the preliminary treatment, bar screening, grease trapping, and equalizing are employed,
respectively, for design efficiencies. The bar screening goes first in the preliminary treatment to
remove the large floatable particles and suspended solids, such as bagasse. The bar screen keeps
the contaminants from clogging pumps, impellers, and damaging equipment, as well as choking the

pipe system. The bar screens have a dimension of 10 mm width and 50 mm height, arranged with a
spacing of 20 mm between 2 adjacent bars (Awasare et al., 2015).

With gravity, the screened effluent would then be transported to the grease removal tank
since grease is not removed during the screening process. During the detention time, which is
approximately half an hour, the oil and grease will float to the tank's surface and be removed with the
aid of mechanical equipment like an oleophilic, belt-type oil skimmer. The oil and grease is removed to
prevent endangering the biological treatment and prevent clogging of the subsequent mechanical
equipment, such as the pumping system.

After removing the physical contaminants, the raw effluent water is subjected to equalization
tanks. The equalization tank levels out the variations in the flow and quality of raw effluent to ensure
the supply of a steady and consistent flow of the composite effluent to the next treatment units. The
equalization tank requires variable discharge control.

For the primary treatment, the coagulation and flocculation basins, sedimentation tank, and
pH adjustment tank are incorporated into the design. The equalized wastewater first enters the
coagulation basin to neutralize the particles. In the coagulation basin, the aluminum sulfate is added
and mixed through a high-speed impeller. According to Samsudin et al. (2019), in their Review of
Effluent Treatment Plant of Sugar Wastewater, the aluminum sulfate was shown to be the most
effective coagulant for treating the pollutants in sugar industrial effluents, removing 100% of TSS and
42.9% of COD compared to other coagulants such as ferric chloride and poly aluminum chloride
(PAC). The optimum condition for alum was 10 mg/l of aluminum sulfate, pH of 5.2, and a high speed
of 250 rpm quick mixing.

After the coagulation, the effluent water enters the flocculation basin equipped with
slow-mixing impellers. At the detention time of 30 minutes in the flocculation basin, it encourages floc
particles to clump together and allows minimum supernatant concentration to be achieved (Parker et
al., 2000). Generally, slow mixing should begin relatively fast with mass velocity, G, values of 60 to 80
sec-1 to encourage clumping, and end up slower with G value of 10 to 40 sec-1 to prevent larger
clumps from disintegrating. (Kawamura, 2000)

The effluent water would then enter the sedimentation basin, where it allows flocs to settle
and be easily removed from the water through gravity.

Lastly, for the primary treatment, the effluent enters the pH adjustment tank. Since the typical
pH of raw water is 7.5, its pH is adjusted by the addition of acid (sulfuric acid), resulting in coagulated
water with a pH of 6.8 (Kobayashi et al., 2016). The pH is adjusted near neutral levels, not too acidic
and not too basic, to allow the effluent to be safe once it is discharged into the environment.

For high-strength industrial wastewater, common in the food processing industry, anaerobic
treatment is often used. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) system is an anaerobic reactor

vessel used for treating high-strength industrial wastewater. It has been installed in numerous
beet-sugar processing facilities in the United States and Europe (Toyohara et al., 2000).

The UASB system has been shown to effectively decrease industrial waste levels by up to
85% while requiring lower hydraulic retention time and area requirements than anaerobic ponds.
Hence, the system would need a polishing treatment before discharging the treated water (Toyohara
et al., 2000).

The anaerobic conditions of the UASB system is maintained using an enclosed reactor. The
biological sludge is first placed in the reactor before the UASB process to aid the start-up process.
The influent enters the reactor's base, passing through the sludge blanket. Here, the organic wastes
are adsorbed and assimilated by the microorganisms. Over time, the blanket thickens and enhances
the treatment performance. Eventually, steady-state is reached by controlling the flow rates of the
influent. The effluent, along with some biological solids, flows out near the reactor's top. The treated
effluent will then be sent to a polishing treatment process. The UASB process also allows for the
recovery of methane gas and may be used for heating the reactor system (Toyohara et al., 2000).
Under DAO 2016-08, the significant parameters for sugar milling are temperature, pH, BOD,
total suspended solids (TSS), and nitrate while BOD is replaced with COD for sugar refining. The
BOD and COD can be reduced with the UASB system. For nitrate removal, the secondary treatment
uses the sequencing batch reactor (SBR). The SBR is a batch-operated completely mixed reactor. For
BOD oxidation and nitrification, the modified system has a timed sequence of five steps with an
additional operational step, as shown in the figure below. Even though there is sufficient fill time and
BOD available to remove most of the nitrate after the sedimentation and decantation processes, a
separate mixing without aeration gives more flexibility and improved nitrogen removal (Davis, 2010).

To maintain the desired level of biological solids in the SBR basin, a small amount of activated
sludge will be pumped out and sent to the dewatering process using. Sludge thickening with the use
of coagulants will be incorporated to easily separate the solids and liquids. Afterwards, the sludge
slurry will be delivered to the filter press to further remove moisture (Davis, 2010). The dried sludge
will then be discarded or sold as fertilizers for additional profit.

B. Equipment
The table below lists the equipment used in managing the wastewater generated in the sugar
industry, as well as the costs associated in their purchase. The estimated cost is exclusive of
equipment installation and miscellaneous materials (e.g. valves and fittings).

Equipment Quantity Estimated Cost

Bar Screen 1 $4,600.00

Grease Trap Tank 1 $7500.00

Equalizer 1 $3,800.00

Coagulation Tank
1 $35,000.00
Flocculation Tank

Sedimentation Tank

pH Adjustment Tank 1 $8,790.00

UASB system 1 $45,000.00

Total Cost = $104,690.00


D. Computations
Most computations are based on the book, “Water and Wastewater Engineering”, by Davis,
M. L.

● Wastewater generated
= 0.7 m3/ton of crushed sugar cane (Fito et.al., 2019)

Assume: 7150 tons of sugar cane crushed per day

Wastewater = 7150(0.7) = 5005 m3/d

● Pump Station
Type of pump: Screw Pump
30% capacity

Inceptor Sewer:
Minimum sewage elevation = 49.8 m
Maximum sewage elevation = 50 m

Discharge elevation to sedimentation tank = 54 m

Average flow rate = 5005 m3/d

Maximum height the screw pump must lift the sewage

= 54 m - 49.8 m = 4.2 m
Based from:

Minimum flow rate = 5005(0.2) = 1001 m3/d ( 24 ℎ ) = 41.7083 m3/h
Peak hour flow rate = 5005(4) = 20020 m3/d ( 24 ℎ ) = 834.1667 m3/h

Average flow rate = 5005 m3/d ( 24 ℎ ) = 208.5417 m3/h

From Table 20.1

Acceptable Screw Diameter:
For 1-flight: ≥ 0. 76 𝑚
For 2-flight: ≥ 0. 91 𝑚
For 3-flight: ≥ 0. 91 𝑚

Assuming that the smallest acceptable screw pump is one that will pump at 30% of capacity
at a reduced efficiency of 60%:
= 139.0277 m3/h

Choose: 1-flight screw pump with diameter of 0.76 m diameter and maximum capacity at 30o
slope of 288 m3/h

Number of screw pumps required to meet the maximum flow rate

= 2.8964 or 3 pumps

At the average flow rate, two pumps operating at

= 104.0834 m3/h

= 0.3614 or 36.14% capacity will work.

For redundancy: use 4 pumps

● Bar Screen
Varying flow rate
Typical Opening = 6-75 mm
For redundancy: use 2 bar screens

Bar width = 15 mm
Bar spacing = 20 mm
Angle from vertical = 30o
Channel width = 1.5 m or 1500 mm
Channel Depth = 1 m + 0.6 free board = 1.6 m

𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ − 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 1500 − 20
Number of bars = 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑑𝑡ℎ + 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔
= 15 + 20
= 42.2857 = 43 bars

Number of bar spaces = 43 + 1 = 44 spaces

0.02 𝑚
Effective area of the screen openings = (44 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠)( 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒
)(1 𝑚)= 0.88 m2

Velocity through the bar screen (at peak hour flow rate)
20020 𝑚3/𝑑 1
=( 86400 𝑠/𝑑
)( 0.88 𝑚2 ) = 0.2633 m/s

Volume reduction = 7%
Exit flow rate = 5005 m3/d (0.93) = 4654.65 m3/d

● Grease Trap
Volume reduction = 3%
Exit flow rate = 4654.65 m3/d (0.97) = 4515.0105 m3/d

● Flow Equalization
Relatively constant wastewater water flow rate = 4515.0105 m3/d

● Sedimentation
Rectangular tank typical design:
Length = 30 to 110 m
Width = 3 to 24 m
Depth = 2 to 5 m
Floor slope = 1%
Velocity = 0.3 to 0.75 m/s

Volume reduction: 13%
Exit flow rate = 4515.0105 m3/d (0.85) = 3837.7589 m3/d 3928.0591

● Coagulation
Contact time = 5s
Velocity Gradient = 600/s
µ = 8.90 × 10−4 Pa·s

1𝑑 1ℎ
Volume = (3837.7589 m3/d)( 24 ℎ )( 3600 𝑠 )(5𝑠) = 0.2221 m3

Volume = AH = 4
(2𝑇); H=2T
0.2221 m3 = 4

T = tank diameter = 0.5210 m

H = water depth = 1.042 m
B = water depth below the impeller = ⅓ H = 0.3473 m
D = impeller diameter = choose 0.3 m

G= µ𝑉

600/s = (8.90 × 10−4 𝑃𝑎·𝑠)(0.2221 𝑚3 )

P = power input = 71.1608 W

For redundancy: add another coagulation tank

● Flocculation
Flocculation time = 30 min
Three flocculator compartments with G = 80, 60, 40/s
H = 4m

For redundancy:
Flow rate = 3837.7589 m3/d ÷ 2 = 1918.8795 m3/d

1𝑑 1ℎ
Volume = 1918.8795 m3/d ( 24ℎ )( 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛 )(30 𝑚𝑖𝑛) = 39.9767 m3 ÷ 3 compartments = 13.3256

𝑉 13.3256
Area = 𝐻
= 4
= 3.3314 m2
Area = 4
= 3.3314 m2

T = 2.0595 m
B = ⅓ (H) = 1.3333 m
D = choose 1.4 m

● pH adjustment
Alum added in previous stages = 80 mg/L
Initial condition = no alkalinity
Neutralizer = NaOH

80 𝑚𝑔/𝐿
Moles of alum added = 594𝑔/𝑚𝑜𝑙 (1000 𝑚𝑔/𝑔)
= 1.3468 x 10-4 mol/L


mol/L of H2SO4 = 3(1.3468 x 10-4 mol/L) =4.0404x10-4 mol/L


2 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐻+
mol/L of H+ formed = 4.0404x10-4 mol/L H2SO4 ( 1 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐻2𝑆𝑂4 ) = 8.0808x10-4 mol/L H+

pH = -log [ 8.0808x10-4 mol/L] = 3.0925


mol/L NaOH for neutralization = 2( 8.0808x10-4 mol/L) = 1.6162x10-3 mol/L

mg/L NaOH = 1.6162x10-3 mol/L (40 g/mol) (1000 mg/g) = 64.648 mg/L

● Settling
Volume reduction = 10%
Exit flow rate = 3837.7589(0.90) = 3453.9830 m3/d

Volume reduction = 10%
Exit flow rate = 3453.9830(0.90) = 3108.5847 m3/d

Volume reduction = 5%
Exit flow rate = 3108.5847 (0.90) = 2953.1555 m3/d

● Sludge Drying Bed

Approx. volume of sludge = 5005 - 2953.1555 = 2051.8445 m3/d
% solids in wastewater = 5005
𝑥 100 = 40.9959%


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