The Security of A Blockchain Based File

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Print ISSN: 2395-1990 | Online ISSN : 2394-4099 (

doi :

The Security of a Blockchain-Based File System in a Software

Defined Network Framework
Anusha M*1, Prof. Thyagaraja Murthy A*2
*1PG Scholar, MTech (NIE), Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JSS Science and
Technology University Mysore, India
2 Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, JSS Science and
Technology University Mysore, India


Article Info Developing distributed form of file security systems using Blockchain
Volume 8, Issue 5 technology. Based on the idea of cloud storage as it is a leading storage
Page Number : 22-29 technology for huge data storage. Blockchain is one of the trending
technology for decentralized data storage systems that ensures privacy,
Publication Issue : confidentiality, data security, authentication, and integrity. As SDN network
September-October-2021 provides support to have various nodes in the network for the secure
transaction of data from source to destination. Blockchain helps in keeping
Article History track of block data by constructing the gateway to make it immutable. BCFS
Accepted : 01 Sep 2021 refers to Blockchain-Based File System Security in SDN. In the designed
Published: 05 Sep 2021 system, a Web-Based Interface is developed an authorized entity can upload
file data the user’s file is projected to encryption process and the block data is
shared among the various nodes in the network. Along with Unique
Document ID, encrypted random key, and hash data. This hash data value
holds the file path and preserves in the blockchain into their corresponding
block data folders. Detection of node failure across the network an automatic
short path is chosen by the network and detection of an attack based on
entropy value.
Keywords : Blockchain, Data Security, Encryption, Web Based Interface,
authenticated user, Node failure, attack.

I. INTRODUCTION transactions, where data is rigid and replicas of

encrypted data information are stored on every single
Blockchain provides a universal state layer as any user node of the secure network. The unique Document
can trust each other. The new kind of distributed data ID is added to reduce the risk of attacks and to make
storage and management avoids data accessibility the network secure, collision-resistance, and fault-
from fraudulent users. It provides a trusted ledger of tolerant.

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

As per the article [1], The Blockchain was first used in kinds of online services for data storing, sharing,
the cryptocurrency network i.e. Bitcoins. As modifying, and deleting. The CP-ABE (Ciphertext-
cryptocurrency networks prepare a virtual currency Policy Attribute-Based encryption) usage helps to
that is not dependent on any bank to manage the enhance the security of the fine-grained network. Lee,
transactions. This network can handle a huge number Bih-Hwang [3], As data security is the major
of transactions due to the key architecture of challenge the use of Blockchain is one of the security
Blockchain. Data integrity plays a major role in improving factors. Another is increasing security by
Blockchain’s leading edge as data information is encryption process by using AES 256bit, SHA 512bit,
unchangeable in the network. Blockchain technology IDA. HEROKU is one of the kinds of the platform as a
incorporates a list of single linked data which are of service. Which encourages the use of many coding
the form of blocks called Blockchain. A miner is used languages like Node.js, PHP, Java, Python, etc.
to create a set of blocks. In the designed system, a Chaitanya Rahalkar [4], As HyperText Transfer
Web-Based Interface helps to keep track of all owners Protocol is limited. In current world data duplication,
and users data in a SQL database. To enhance the data loss is a major issue. To overcome these securities,
security, accessibility, and integrity of the data SDN integrity-related issues P2P file-sharing systems came
network is used. Data accessibility is approved by the into existence. As the storage of data by the IPSF
owner of the data in a prioritized way for the protocol network is more secure. Data is of the form
corresponding file request. Based on the cloud storage of petabytes. Naizheng SU [5], step up the problems
approach and to secure the data integrity the that are related to centralized cloud storage and
proposed system is implemented using a web-based Blockchain is the best suggestion to solve the issues.
interface to keep track of the data access by The current trends of how sky drives. Google drives
unauthorized users. and dropbox are working in centralized cloud data
storage. Characteristics that influence the usage are
The major contribution of this paper is performance low cost, virtualization, high demand.
of a Web-Based User Interface to trace the data access
by unauthorized users by using the ideal cloud Shubham Desai [6], Blockchain enables all the users
standard methodology in SDN. This mechanism to create a ledger to hold all the transaction details.
provides a service to enhance data protection, data All modified, new, or delete transactions are then
security, privacy, authentication and confidentiality updates into the ledger of the user. Uses SHA and
in the data transaction. md5 algorithms for security purposes. It also uses the
HASBE mechanism to enhance the efficiency and
security of the system. Cachin Christian [7], this
paper discusses Blockchain data transaction is
Somanath Tripathy [1], Peer-to-Peer technology
pemissioned or permissionless. As hyperledger allows
helps to enhance the integrity, security, privacy, and
permissioned transactions. Hyperledger is an open-
confidentiality of the data in the network system. The
source platform which permits block data transaction
proposed mechanism uses the method called respect
between trusted entities. Subarna Shakya [8], The
score. It reduces the chance of attacks like RTI, Sybil
major discussion in today’s software-defined network
score attacks. Also provides a new mechanism to the
(SDN) is to increase the data security level. As
operating nodes in the network to enhance the
Blockchain is a distributed ledger data structure
respect score by providing transaction services. Yuke
element similar to linked list but these blocks stores
Liu [2], The centralized cloud services provide all
the hash value of previous blocks for further

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 23
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

transactions. Openstack helps in the logical grouping management. Log Collection and log analysis are
of resources from the cloud storage. It uses SHA, major characteristics to monitor few standards like
Digital Signature algorithms for encryption purposes. SOX, DSS, etc. In [14], a well-known factor that
Blockchain Security over SDN (BSS) is proposed Blockchain technology maintains confidentiality,
which protects data privacy and availability of data certainty, and availability of information. The paper
resources against fraudulent users. Jiasi Weng [9], explores about , the block data is subjected to the
Blockchain-based secure monolithic technique is used crypto hashing process. A hash function stores the
for SDN. As SDN, provides a network for both control variable-length data along with hash values in it. It
plane and data plane With these features, several also uses Digital Signatures for encryption purposes
pitfalls of the traditional network architectures such and generates the private key to fetch the original
as maintenance cost, resource utilization, network data and the comparison between Blockchain with
management, integrity & consistency of information digital signature and Blockchain without a digital
and controller utilization can be effectively avoided as signature is done for performance analysis. Meet Shah
an exposed mode between both control and the data [15], As Blockchain is one of the decentralized storage
planes is present. Ruj, Sushmita [10], This paper, systems. The paper, explains the metamask browser
Includes Blockchain data transactions from source to extensions how the data is divided into blocks, and
destination in the form of blocks. As Block Store uses data transmission to multiple peers in the form of
Blockchain technology which guarantees the blocks. Uses AES encryption standards for encryption
transaction between host and renters. Whether these purposes.
entities are available for the public. As renters can
create, search, modify, delete the data. Indrajeet Bharadwaj [16], By making use of
Blockchain technology for security purposes of all
BhavinKumar Kothari [11], The Internet of Things is single users' data. To prevent data access from
an interconnected network for all computing unauthorized users due to huge loss of data, privacy,
elements. As Blockchain provides a wide area for IoT confidentiality and, security. Sarra Boukria[17],
gadgets and applications. Describes how the Software Defined Networking (SDN) technology
communication and transaction of data take place enhances the network certainty, integrity, and
between various IoT devices and how data is stored reliability of data. The paper talks about, the
on decentralized Blockchain systems by using new communication between various elements of the SDN
technologies of Bluetooth, 4G, etc. Manisha Nehe [12], network and forwarding devices plays a major role.
Data reliability is the major problem in the current The false rules forwarded from the attacker to the
network world. Blockchain plays a major role in Software-Defined Network constituents of the data
security, identity, data transparency, security of data layer are detected.
during a data transaction. As many of us have less
information about how Blockchain works its III. METHODS AND MATERIAL
awareness and adoption. As Digital signature
generates information of data integrity and data The designed interface mechanism includes five
integrity of the signer is discussed. David Janos Feher sections as shown in below fig 1. The user first creates
[13], the paper discusses how authentication will play an account or register on the Web-Based Interface.
a role in the blockchain. Nowadays authentication is a The user details are stored in a database and the user
major issue in the network system. As high-end can access the data only through registered details also
companies make use of Security information event

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 24
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

the data are fetched in the application through a Visual Studio: Visual Studio uses a database where one
register. aspx from the Web-Based Interface. can add any number of databases to make an
application platform as per the requirements. As
Visual Studio is a open-source software.

Nodes: They are the users of the Interface who

provides space to store user’s file data and also play a
major role in block data transactions.

MultiChain protocol: MultiChain is a protocol which

is implemented for private network transactions .

DES: DES is a block cipher that encrypts the data of a

length of 64 bits. As the key length is 56 bits.

Figure 1 : Block Diagram 1. File Upload

When a file is uploaded by Registered/Authorized
Later users can log in with his/her credentials and
Users. The user utilizes the file selector to upload the
each user can select any of the files to upload through
file. This Interface examines the space consumption
the browser gateway. Forward to the Data Encryption
by the file and ensures space accessibility in the
Standard encryption algorithm uses the user’s file data
system and pops up with the notification. The file is
and encrypts the uploaded file subsequently divides
then uploaded when enough space is available.
the encrypted file data into blocks. An authorized
user seeks the file data needed for work progress. 2. Encrypting the file
Authorized users can wait for the data owner’s
When the file upload is done, the file is projected to
confirmation. On confirming the data access for a
the encryption process using DES 64 bit encryption
particular authorized user, the user’s file is
standard. A random encrypted value is generated by
maintained across available nodes using the
manipulating the user’s details along with a hash
MultiChain standard. MultiChain then retains a hash
value. This value is used to encrypt the file block data.
data value that comprises the file path. Then the file
Which in turn enhances the privacy and integrity of
path is mapped to users unique document ID along
with document name details by collecting Eupload
data and reserved securely in the blockchain. For 3. File data is stored across multiple nodes
Pursuing high confidentiality, privacy, certainty,
The file which is projected to encryption is later
security, and accuracy of data.
divided into blocks of 1 KiloByte each. Then the
block data is sent across the network to different
The terminology briefs about the technology used are
nodes accompanying the support of the MultiChain
discussed below :
standard. Designed interface makes use of intranet
Web-Based User Interface: A Gateway that aims to and only recorded list of users data storage is allowed.
link with the system. The data block is replicated into Eupload directory
storage for the easy and high availability of the file

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 25
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

data for lawful users. The hash value stores the file IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
path. The file data is mapped with the hash value of
the users file and the associated unique Document A. System Designed with Register and login page
name and Document ID then stored in blockchain.
As depicted in fig 3.To access the Web-Based
SDN network is likely to provide support for privacy,
Interface, GUI users have to first sign up on Web-
security, and confidentiality of file data. Network
Based Interface and log in with the relative
controls the transaction between every single node in
registered username and passwords. The interface
each scenario. Below are few lines of code executed in
directs the users to the home page to select the file
a blockchain network when predetermined
to upload when the login is successful.
conditions are true.

4. File request and file access for authorized users

The file request and providing file access are managed

by the owner of file data. A lawful user can request
the file data uploaded by the possessor of the file data.
When an authorized user requests the file data the
owner of file data will check the list of file requests
he/she wants the access to download then the owner
Figure 3.Home page of Web-Based Interface
of file data tries to grant, revoke, reject requests based
on the file request priorities and also based on the B. Designed System with File Upload Interface
request made by legitimate users or not.
The below fig 4 shows the page for a file upload by
using the file browser. Which generates a random
5. Transaction of the data, node failure detection by
Document ID along with the Author of the Document,
SDN, and attack detection.
Unique Document Name can be added, and Uploaded
by which user and Uploaded data are stored in the
The network is designed as shown in fig 2.Transaction
of data packets along with encrypted blocks from
source to destination. Node failure can be detected by
SDN is based on several scenarios for node failure.
Attack detection based on different scenarios.

Figure 4. File Upload page of Web-Based Interface

C. Designed System with Multiple Nodes of Network

In which the network helps to find the nearest path

for the data transactions from source to destination.
Hence after each packet reaches the destination then
the data packet is marked as sent.
Figure 2. SDN network with multiple peers

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 26
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

D. Designed System with Secret Key Interface Decryptio Asks for Successfull Pass
n of file downloade y displays
Fig.5 shows the secret private key generated to the
d cloud file the fields as
particular file access when the owner grants
and on
permission to the file request and he/she download
encryption expected
the file data. This secret key is then validated and
key file and result.
then he/she can download the file data.
the key
TC value sent
- 04 to the mail
File Select file Successful Pass
forwardin to send
g with
TC recipient
- 05 mail ID
If User ID Display “*” is Fail
Figure 5. Secret private key generated to the
is not message displayed
particular file access
correct “Enter the
TABLE I TC correct user

Tes Test Cases Expected Actual Resul

t ID Result Result t User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is a vital step in any
Status project that necessitates active engagement from the
Select file File Message is Pass end user. It also guarantees that the system meets the
path to uploaded successfully functional specifications as described in the table 1.
upload message displayed.
TC files to the should be V. CONCLUSION
- 01 cloud displayed.
Select file Should Successfull Pass The designed Interface strengthens data privacy and
download show the y shows data security by the process of encryption. The
option to list of files the file list encrypted file block data is distributed across the
download in the for nodes of the network. On accomplishing the
the file cloud to download. designed system as it makes use of the Data
TC from the download. Encryption Standard DES 64bit cryptographic
- 02 cloud. encryption algorithm for the process of encryption
Select Key Prompts to Successfull Pass and to enhance the confidentiality of users' file data.
download save the y saved. Block data that is already encrypted is shared across
option to encryption several nodes of the network using the MultiChain
download file. protocol. The interface provides access for legitimate
the users to download the required file by the
TC encryption mechanism of a grant, revoke and reject by the
- 03 key file owner of file data. On approval of the file request by

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 27
Anusha M et al Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, September-October-2021, 8 (5) : 22-29

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Cite this article as :

Anusha M, Prof. Thyagaraja Murthy A, "The Security

of a Blockchain-Based File System in a Software
Defined Network Framework", International Journal
of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and
Technology (IJSRSET), Online ISSN : 2394-4099,
Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Volume 8 Issue 5, pp. 22-29,
September-October 2021. Available at
doi :
Journal URL :

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 8 | Issue 5 29

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