DMC Pile Work Order

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WO NO: WO/SMN/UR/2023-24/0015
Date: 08.04.2024

239,vip Nagar, Kolkata 700 100
Contact: +91 9903232729 & 8013690638

Kind Attention: Mr. Amal Sarkar

Sub: Work Order for 450 mm Dia pile 278 nos (approx.) BORE CAST IN SITU RCCPILES WORKS BY
DMC Method at Urbana Villa B-4 at Ruby Kolkata .

Dear Sir,
With reference to your Quotation no AS/SM/24 date 29-03-2024 and subsequent discussions and final negotiation
on 29-03-2024 you had with us for the above mentioned work, and Work order issued at end on 29-03-2024 we are
pleased to issue the work order in your favor for the same at above mentioned project at the mutually agree rates and
terms & conditions.

450 MM Dia pile 277 Nos BORE CAST IN SITU RCC PILES WORK By DMC Method at urbana billa
block -4B at Ruby Kolkata.

The approximate value of work for the quantities including in Annexure II of the Order (Item wise Schedule
of Quantities and rates) is Rs : 40,85,650.00 (Rupees Forty lacks eighty five thousand six hundred fifty
only). Exclusive of all taxes except GST which will be paid Extra.

Date of commencement: 01-04-2024
Date of completion: 15-05-2024

(i) Terms & Condition – Annexure I
(ii) Schedule of items - Annexure II
(iii) Technical Specification for piling Work - Annexure III
(iv) Tender Terms& condition -- Annexure IV

Please sign the enclosed copy this Work order as a token of your acceptance of the same and return
the Signed copy to us.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For S.M. Nirman Development & Pvt. Ltd _________________________

Authorized Signatory ACCEPTED
For M/S Amal Sarkar
C.C: 1. Finance & Accounts Department, Head Office.


1.1 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work is as detailed in the Schedule in the Schedule of Item
(Annexure-II) annexed herewith The Engineer –in Charge may increase or
decrease or decrease the volume of work.


2.1 ISSUE OF The Contractor shall procure all materials all materials except those mentioned
MATERIALS in the Schedule of Items (Annexure II), Which will be issued free of cost by the
Company on accountable basis from Company’s stores /stockyard at site. The
Contractor shall also arrange necessary transportation at his own cost to shift the
materials from the company stores/ stockyard to the work place or Materials
issued by the employer, decision of the Company regarding reconciliation will
be final.

2.2 RECONCILIATION For Materials issued by the employer, decision of the Company regarding
OF MATERIALS reconciliation will be final.

2.3 RECOVERY AGAINST In case of excess consumption of materials issued by the company beyond the
WASTAGE maximum allowable wastage limits, recovery from Contractor shall be made at
1.50 times the prevailing market price (landed cost) at the time certification of
the final bill.

2.4 QUALITY OF Materials (if any) to be produced by the Contractor must be of quality and make
MATERIALS approved by the Company.

2.5 STORAGE OF The Contractor shall have to make arrange for safe storage of the materials and
MATERIALS shall be responsible against any theft, pilferage or damage to such materials.

2.6 DEFECTIVE If the materials produced by the Contractor are found defective or item executed
MATERIALS with defective workmanship, the EIC may remove the defective materials /
have it replaced / redone at the cost of the contractor.

2.7 MATERIALS The materials procured by the contractor should be checked by the authorized
representative of employer prior to execution of work

2.8 BAR BENDING A bar bending schedule has to be submitted with each bill for reconciliation of
SCHEDULE supply and consumption of Reinforcement.

2.9 DECLARATION The contractor needs to submit a declaration/certificate duly certified by our
CERTIFICATE EIC for all type of materials used by him during execution are as per agreed
AGAINSTMATERIALS terms of work order.

2.10 RECONCILIATION The contractor must attach the reconciliation statement of materials received
OF MATERIALS fromeployer as per BOQ and consumption statement along with the Monthly
RA bill.

2.11 ALLOWABLE The maximum allowable wastage limit for RMC @0.5 % (zero point five
WASTAGE LIMIT percent only) of theoretical consumption.

2.12 CEMENT SLURRY Cement slurry required for RMC work shall be arrange by the Contractor at his

2.13 WASTAGELIMIT- Please note that the reinforcement rate shall be inclusive of 2% allowable
REINFORCEMENT wastage. Said 2% wastage including 1% invisible wastage, 1% returnable scrap.
STEEL Beyond this wastage allowance, neither any other


3.2 GST DOCUMENTS The contractor shall submit the below mentioned documents for the purpose of
GST with all the bills.
1.Copy of Registration certificate under the Act.
2. Copy of quarterly returns with the working sheets to show that the value of
the invoice raised by the contractor is included in the returns together with the
acknowledgement of filling the return in the department.
3.Copy of the challans for payment of tax payable under section 18(1) of the
Act according returns.


4.1 FIRAM RATE CONTRACT : The rates and/or prices for the work to be done under this contract shall be firm
for the entire duration of contract including extended time, if any. The
contractor will not be entitled to claim any escalation in the rates and/or prices
agreed hereunder for work to be done in terms of the work order, except for
RMC M25 and Reinforcement steel Fe500 Basic rates for which has been
considered at RS;6150/- per CUM and RS; 54000/- per MT inclusive of
Delivery, Loading, unloading ect. All-inclusive except GST. For any
increase /Decrease in the future market Rates (Basic Rates) of the above items,
the difference of the same shall be reimbursed OR Deducted from the
contractor’s Rates.
5.1 DATE OF The work shall be commenced as per the date mentioned in Annexure it.

5.2 DATE OF COMPLETION: The entire work shall be completed within the date mentioned in Annexure it.


6.1 DEFECTS LIABILTY The defect liability period will be one year from the date of virtual completion
PERIOD: of the said work.


7.1 TERMINATION IN CASE In the event of contractor’s failure to execute the work in the manner specified
OF FAILURE TO EXECUTE: in the work Order, the Engineer-in-charge shall have the right to terminate the
contract and under such circumstances the contractor shall remove at his own
cost all his materials, T and P etc. from the she of work and shall also clear the
site off his temporary constructions within the time period as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. The company shall not be responsible for any materials left
at site by the contractor as may be calculated upon termination of the contract.
7.2 LIQUIDATED DAMGE If the contractor’s fails and/or neglects to complete the work as per the agreed
schedule including the extended date of completion granted by employer (if
any0 then the employer shall recover from the contractor’s bills ,liquidated
damage @1% per day of the total contract value (without any consideration of
partial work completion) of delay in completion subject to maximum of 5% of
the total order value irrespective of partial execution which may have taken
place however, to the condition that in case of unreasonable delay, the employer
will be, at liberty, to terminate the contract/work order and shall be entitled to
claim damages from the contractor as may be calculated by the employer.

8.1 INSPECTION & Works executed by the contractor shall be subject to inspection and approval by
APPROVAL: the Engineer in charge / authorized representative of the employer during the
stages of execution as well as on completion and shall be to the entire
satisfaction of the employer.
8.2 WORKMANSHIP: The work is to be carried out with due diligence and shall be executed in
workman like manner. The decision of the Engineer in charge regarding the
pace, progress and quality of work/contractor.

9.1 ENVIRONMENTAL HELTH 1. The contractor should ensure that all his workers and other personnel strictly
& SAFETYREGULATIONS : follow the schedule of Environmental, health and safety requirements and/ or
those as prescribed under the applicable laws during the pendency of the
2. The contractor should ensure that all his workers and other personnel strictly
follow the schedule of Environmental, health and safety requirements and / or
those as prescribed under the applicable laws during the pendency of the
3. the contractor should ensure that all his workers and other personnel strictly
observe the security rules and regulations, gate pass system ect, that are
introduced by the company.
4. Only the contractor’s workers and other personal working at the site shall
have access to the site and no other person shall be allowed to enter the site
without specific permission of the company.
5. other then contractor’s security personnel, all other persons shall be required
totake permission from the company to work during night shift. Nobody will be
allowed to reside within the site.
FAILURE TO MEET EHS If the contractor fails to meet the EH&S guidelines, the personal protective
GUIDELINES : Equipment & other safety equipment’s will be provided by the employer at
contractor’s risk and the cost of the same will be deducted from contractor’s

10.1 PRCAUTIONS AGAINST 1.0 The contractor shall take necessary precautions to ensure that there is no
DAMAGE damage to the neighboring structures.

2. Under no circumstances, defective and substandard materials shall be used in

the work. However, if materials issued by the company, are found to be
defective or of substandard quality, the same shall not be used in the work and
the project Chief / Engineer in charge should be informed in writing
immediately regarding the same.

10.3 INDEMNIFY FOR Contractor shall indemnify the employer regarding any penalty /compensation
PENALTY/COMPESATION arising out of non-adherence to statutory regulation/law.

10.4 INDEMNIFY INCASE OF You shall indemnify the employer in case of an accident injury or death of any
ACCIDENT : workman employed by you for execution of the work / third party . You shall be
liable for payment of compensation arising out of the same.
11.1 PAYMENT AGAINST 1. Payments will be made against contractor’s tax invoice (s) submitted in
FINAL BILL : duplicate along with detail measurement sheets for the actual quantity
of work done, duly certified by the Engineer-in-charge.
2. Payment against the final bill shall be made with in 30 days of
submission of the final bill along with reconciliation statements of
materials issued by the employer.

11.2 PAYMENT AGAINST R/A Payment against Running Account Bills shall be made as per the following
BILL : break-up:-
A 75% advance within 7 (seven) days of submission of the R.A. bill.
B Balance amount as may be due, within 15 days of submission of the R.A. bill
after checking and certification of the same by the Engineer-in-charge.

11.3 SUBMISSION OF INVOICE All invoice (s) related to this work order shall be submitted in duplicate at site
only in a prescribed format with complete details.

11.4 SUBMISSION OF Bill : All monthly running account bills shall be submitted by the contractor within 7
(seven) working days from the last date of the month

11.5 SUBMISSION OF Final Bill Final bill shall be submitted by the contractor within 30 days from the date of
completion of work (a completion certificate needs to be attached with the final
11.6 NON-SUBMISSION OF In case of submission of bill beyond the due date, acceptance/ rejection of the
Bill same will be at the sole discretion of the employer

11.7 DOCUMENT TO BE Contractor shall submit copy of document related to payment of P.F. to relevant
SUBMITTED ALONGWITH authority along with all the bills submitted for payment. The company will not
BILLS : entertain any bill without submission of said document.

11.8 CERTIFICATE TO BE Vendor need to forward a certificate along with RA/Final Bills.
SUBMITTED ALONGWITH 1. We confirm that there are no idle charges/any other claim up to last
BILL date of this bill other then as claimed in this bill and duly approved by
your project-in-charge.
2. We also confirm that no amount is due for non-schedule item/extra
item up to last date of this bill other then as claimed in this bill and
duly approved by your project-in-charge.
3. In case of free issue material on accountable basis by the employer,
the wastage percentage as mentioned in the work order is acceptable
to us and other then the limit prescribed in the work order; no
additional wastage percentage is due to us up to the last date of this

11.9 MODE OF PAYMENT Payment shall be made though RTGS only. You are requested to please submit
necessary documents to our Accounts Department, if not submitted.

11.1 CLIAM OF SUB- The contractor needs to submit a certificate/declaration along with the final bill
0 CONTRACTOR that no amount is payable/due to any sub-contractor/supplier/ other agency
worked under the contractor pertaining to subject work order. If any amount
claimed by the sub-contractor/ supplier/ other agency after settlement of the
final bill, the same needs to be paid by the contractor at their risk and cost. The
employer will not interfere /entertain any claim/dues to the
sub-contractor/supplier/ other agency in this regard.


12.1 RETENTION MONEY : Retention Money @5% of the gross value of work don shall be retained as
retention money from running account bill and final bill. 50% of the retention
money withheld shall be released after completion of work on submission of
Bank guarantee of equivalent amount and the balance 50% will be released after
defect liability period is over and successfully completion of defects if arises
within that period. Retention money withheld shall not bear any interest.

12.2 ADJUSTMENT INCASE In case any work is found defective and the contractor is unable to rectify the
DFEFCTIVE WORK same, the employer will get the work done by any other agency and cost of the
same will be adjusted against the retention money of the contractor.


13.1 VARIATIONS AND EXTRA Variation shall be made by the contractor without written instruction of the
ITEMS Engineer-in-charge duly approved by the project Chief. The Engineer-in-charge
reserves the right to incase or decrease the quantities of any individual item of
work and also to add new item (s), deleted any them altogether as per job
requirement and the contractor shall have no claim, whatsoever, for such
variations, For approval of Extra Item Rates, the Contractor shall submit the rate
analysis along with all supporting document.

13.2 REMOVAL OF TMPORARY On completion of the work, the contractor shall remove all his temporary
CONSTRUCTIONS constructions, clear the debris and handover the ara in neat and clean condition.

13.3 ELECTRICITY Electrical power to be arranged by the contractor. If power is arranged by the
employer, separate meter (s) to be installed by the contractor at the point (s) of
arrangement and the employer will charge the contractor at the rate decided by
the employer for power consumer by the contractor.

13.4 BAR CHART/PROJECT The contractor shall submit within 7 days of his obtaining clearance to
SCHEDULE commence the work, a detail work programed in the form of a bar chart / project
schedule, duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge, which shall be followed
during execution of the work and reviewed once a week during weekly progress
Review Meetings. The contractor shall take all necessary actions as advised by
the Engineer-in-charge, to make up the shortfalls (if any), noticed during, the
weekly Progress Review Meetings.
13.5 ARBITRATION: All disputes arising out of this work Order shall be subject to and be referred to
a sole Arbitrator to be appointed by the company. Such arbitration shall be
governed by the India Arbitration Act.

13.6 LAND FOR SITE The employer will provide land within the Project premises for contractor’s site
OFFICE,STORE & CEMENT office, stores and cement go down, equipment only. The contractor has to
arrange land outside the project premises for the construction of his labour
hutments. The contractor has to indemnify the employer against any lability
towards the same. The contractor has also to arrange for proper sanitation
facilities and cleanness at the said space. No Labour shall be allowed to remain
at site beyond working hours. Prior approval from employer is needed if
situation demand so.

13.7 WATER Water required for construction purpose shall be provided by the employer, free
of cost at one point within the project premises. The contractor has to make his
own arrangement for pumping, distribution and storage for water at his points of
consumption of water. The contractor has to ensure that the joints in the
distribution lines are water tight and there is no wastage of water.

Terms & Conditions:

1. All necessary tools & plants will be provided by the vendor.
2. Company will be providing water & 440-volt connection only.
3. All works should be carried out as per client’s satisfaction.
4. Vendor will be responsible for safety & security of his equipment.
5. All materials shifting & lifting contractor scope.
6. JCB supply by you
7. Materials shifting your scope.
8. All safety equipment provided by you.
9. Materials Unloading & Loading your scope.

Transportation: All Materials, machinery & equipment transportation in your scope both sides.

The rate under this Work order shall remain fixed and no escalation in rates shall be granted during entire project

1.0 As per site or actual measurement will be taken for any circumstances.
2.0 All corporation for other contractor.
Contact Persons:

Mr. Raghunath Sau Planning & Billing Head – Technical Mob: 9874326720
Mr. Deenanath Jha General Manager – Commercial Mob: 9073684620

Work as per specification:

You shall work strictly as per the advised instructions of the Supervisors or Executive. The instructions of the EIC
shall be strictly followed by you and your representatives, Engineers, Supervisors, Foremen, Mates etc.

Safety & Security:

You should provide all necessary safety equipment’s and take necessary safety measures for all your work persons.
You will be solely responsible for safety and security of your men, equipment’s, and machine whatever brought to
our site.

Statutory Compliance:
You will observe and fulfill all statutory obligations towards your employees and labourers skilled and unskilled
working at our site as provided in the related statutes and hold us fully indemnified from incurring any such
expenses claims, and liabilities during the period of work and thereafter from any liabilities.

Statutory and Labour Laws:

You alone shall be responsible and liable for compliance of all statutory and Labour laws.

Public Liability:
You will be responsible for any bodily injuries to any third parties at site or to contractor’s workers or to our
employees or to members of public due to your negligence during and in course of your working. In case of any
such incident, you will be liable to pay due compensation. You will also be responsible and liable to fully
compensate for any damage to electric, telephone line, water supply pipe line, sewerage and any other properties at
site, caused due to your negligent working.

Due to your work, there must not be inconvenience to other contractors working at site and you must work in full
cooperation with others. The driveways should be kept free from all hassles and obstruction for smooth movement
of vehicles.

Convulsion of Nature:
Due to convulsion of nature earthquake storm, cyclone, flood etc. if work is disturbed then suitable extension of
time period may be granted. But for any bodily injuries or property damage sustained by
your workers or yourself during such incident, we shall not be liable for the same in any way and all these losses /
expenses will have to be borne by you.

Sl Description of Items
Unit Quantity Rate Amount Remarks
1 All charges for doing boring from existing ground level to
pile toe (25.0 m) by chisel and bailer method using rig
boring systems with DMC by mechanical means for
installation of RCC cast-in-situ bored piles in position as
per specification on all kinds of soil (No auger boring will
be permitted) using Bentonite to stabilize and
flushing/washing the bore of excess mud with Bentonite by
using pumps (capacity min. 20HP) prior to placing concrete
by Tremie method in the continuous operation, lowering of
reinforcement cage complete inside the pile and placing of
concrete. The rate shall exclude cost of RMC and
supplying, cutting and bending of reinforcement cage and
alignment bars. The work to be carried out as per IS
standard with latest amendments, including removal and
clearing of bentonite sludge from site.
The casing pipe to be used for the bore should be of 4.5m
minimum length from GL. The empty bore i.e. the depth up
to cut-off-levels from the EGL (asper Drawing) should be
filled with silver sand after the pile concreting is complete
strictly as per IS: 2911 (Part I/Sec.2). The rate shall include
cost of alignment of two nos. of bar of required diameter
which is to be used to hold the reinforcement cage vertical
during concreting, making slurry vats at pre-approved
location of site, using bentonite, removal & shifting of
bentonite slurry, solid, semisolid liquid muck from
vat/drain, dry/wet soil mixed with bentonite and the surplus
earth excavated from vat to outside of the site premises by
Tanker & other transport. (Including Concreting &
Reinforcement work) the basis of concrete quantity
calculated considering shaft length of pile to be measured
from cut-off-level to termination level and the rate shall
include cost all tools & tackles, equipments, plant &
machineries & The rate shall include cost of binding
wire, cover blocks which will not be measured
separately for payment. The pile reinforcement shall be
properly welded as per IS specification at all joints both
in case of main reinforcement and lateral ties etc.
complete as per drawing and direction. Only RMC &
Steel Supply by client.
1.0 450 mm dia working pile (capacity 58.0MT) 3,382,500.0
Rmt 6,150.00 550.00
1 0
1.0 450 mm dia working pile (capacity 58.0MT) Empty Boring
Rmt 777.00 450.00 349,650.00
2 All charges for doing routine Vertical Load Test up to 1.5
times the estimated safe capacity of Pile including all
arrangements and with tested and approved gauges
including all labour & material complete and dismantling
the platform after the test and furnishing the test results to
the Consultant before proceeding with further piling works.
Testing to be done strictly as per IS-2911 (Part 4) 1985.
2.1 450 mm dia working pile (capacity 58.0MT).
Including all charges as per direction of EIC. (Loading Sand No. 3.00 70000.00 210000.00
provided by client.)
3 All charges for doing initial Load Test up to 2.5 times the
estimated safe capacity of Pile including all arrangements
and with tested and approved gauges including all labour &
material complete and dismantling the platform after the
test and furnishing the test results to the Consultant before
proceeding with further piling works. Testing to be done
strictly as per IS-2911 (Part 4) 1985.
3.1 450 mm dia working pile (capacity 58.0MT) No. 1.00 75000.00 75000.00
4 All charges for conducting Integrity Test on pile as per
specifications approved by the Consultant/PMC/Owner
including necessary equipment and making the pile head
ready for testing.
4.1 450 mm dia working pile (capacity 58.0MT) No. 274.00 250.00 68500.00
TOTAL :- 4085650.00

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

For S.M. Nirman Development & Pvt. Ltd _________________________

Authorized Signatory ACCEPTED
For M/S Amal Sarkar
C.C: 1. Finance & Accounts Department, Head Office.

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