Note: Attempt all questions and keep the subpart of a question at a single place.
Q1 a) A periodic signal has a bandwidth of 20 Hz. The highest frequency is 60 Hz. What is the lowest frequency?
Draw the spectrum if the signal contains all frequencies of the same amplitude. (1)
Q2 a) List the basic network topologies and state the major advantage and disadvantage of each type with suitable (3)
diagram. Further, discuss the total number of links required to establish each topology consisting of N devices.
c) A system is using NRZ-I to transfer 10-Mbps data. What are the average signal rate and minimum bandwidth? (1)
Q3 a) Using the given data stream 00110011. Draw the graph for the following schemes. (4)
1) NRZ-L
2) NRZ-I
3) Manchester scheme
4) Differential Manchester
b) Explain various causes of signal impairment. The power of a signal is 100 mW and the power of the noise is (5)
51 1.1W and bandwidth is 20khz. If network can pass only an average of 12,000 frames per minute with each
frame carrying an average of 10,000 bits.
1) What is the ratio of SNR and SNRdb?
2) How many signal levels will be required to represent the data?
3) What w:il be the capacity of the channel?
4) What is the throughput of this network?
Q4 a) Explain the ISO-OSI model of computer network with a neat diagram. List the important function of each (4)
b) Describe the looping problem in Bridge and also mention the solution for this problem. (2)
Q5 Describe the IEEE 802.11 Frame Format with a suitable diagram. (4)