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Section: 11-STEM B Group Leader: Rhianne Andrei N. Ortega

Group Members: Neil Lean C. Lood, John Zedrick S. Mendoza, Maxine S. De Guzman, Kate Nicole A. Garcia, JC Faith S. Salvador, Mylene G.
Related Literature
This table presents information that were found to have some bearing on the subject under study, related literature, and related study both
foreign and local. This section provides a review of literature deemed relevant to the research objectives that includes a brief overview of A
Scathing Filipino Canard: Culture of Smart-Shaming on the High School Students

Title of the Study/Article/Journal here. Paraphrased and summarized text here. References (APA Format.)
High Achievers and Mental Health According to Addison (2021), the strong Addison, E. (2021, July 12). High achievers and
academic achievers frequently receive the most mental health
difficult assignments. The weaker members of the achievers-and-mental-health/
team must be compensated on a regular basis.
Students are involved in different activities and
offer support to other individuals, teams or
projects unrelated to their own tasks. High
achievers frequently struggle with anxiety, self-
doubt, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism on a
personal level. A significant source of stress
might be an ongoing process strain of attempting
to accomplish an apparently unachievable
objective combined with the persistent worry of
Smart Shaming: A Threat To Our Collective The negative behaviors created by being smart- Admin, H. (2023, March 17). Smart shaming: a
Intelligence shamed can create real problems for your fellow threat to our collective intelligence - Humanist
students and yourself. Regardless if smart- Alliance Philippines International. Humanist
shaming phrases are said sarcastically or as a Alliance Philippines International.
joke, their harmful effects on students cannot be
overlooked. A study by Cantonjos (2019) found shaming-is-a-threat/
that smart-shamed students experience adverse
effects on their self-esteem, including decreased
self-confidence and heightened insecurity about
their knowledge and abilities. A typical scenario
would be when a student hears a snide, smart-
shaming comment after answering a teacher’s
question in class. These comments can silently
hurt the student’s feelings and their overall well-
being. It can also affect their performance
academically as they might refrain from being as
participative as before. Smart shaming can occur
in online spaces as well. While social media can
be a great platform to share thoughts and
celebrate achievements, it can also be a breeding
ground for intelligent shaming. Being smart-
shamed online can leave victims feeling angry,
humiliated, and disempowered. Some students
have received terrible verbal assaults and were
isolated from their classmates for simply
correcting someone's spelling mistake or pointing
out grammatically incorrect words. These attacks
leave the victim feeling embarrassed and
humiliated. As a result, they become hesitant to
express their opinions in class and even avoid
participating in group activities at school. The
impact that exams have on the mental well-being
of students should not be underestimated. It can
make them question their abilities and believe that
they are incapable when compared to other
students. Such self-doubt can lead to anxiety and
depression, affecting their performance in school
and causing long-term mental health problems. It
is essential to educate ourselves and others about
the harmful effects of shaming and humiliation.
Instead of creating an inclusive and welcoming
environment, shaming can make individuals feel
inadequate. This can hinder their potential for
growth and innovation, ultimately preventing
them from achieving their full potential. A kinder
and better world encourages and empowers
individuals, rather than belittling them.

In the Philippines, where "thinking" is often

seen as a negative attribute in society, the issue of
smartshaming is widespread. Unfortunately, not
only in the corporate world, but also among
students, disrespect and a lack of interest in
intellectual pursuit and critical thinking have
become a common thread.
Smart-Shaming the Living Experiences of Smart Theories are employed to support the study’s Aguiton, L. G. et al. (2020). Smart-Shaming: The
Shamed in Academe objectives and bolster the veracity of the Living Experiences of Smart Shamed Students in
information gathered. The Multiple Intelligences Academe
idea of Howard Gardner is the first theory that is
invoked to justify the research. According to the Smart-shaming-the-Living-Experiences-of-Smart-
theory, each person has a unique level of Shamed-Students-in-Academe
intelligence and ability. People can learn about
the world through language, mathematical
analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking,
using their bodies to solve problems or invent
new things, understanding other people, and
understanding themselves. Individuals vary in
their capacity to combine their innate
intelligences to accomplish different jobs.
Emotion Regulation: Predicting Smart-Shaming According to Austria M.C. & Diaz I.(2019), Austria, M. C. & Diaz, I. (2019) Emotion
Tendency on Social Media Communication smart-shaming arises from the misguided notion Regulation: Predicting Smart-Shaming Tendency
that ignorance holds equal value to significant on Social Media Communication. Journal of
social events and is a necessary element of self- Information System and Technology
regulation. The aim of this study is to assess Management, 4(11), 1-21
whether smart-shaming is triggered by emotional
responses and cognitive inconsistencies. The hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=smart+shaming&oq=#
research examines the factors, motivations, and d=gs_qabs&t=1708747380598&u=%23p
behaviors of individuals on social media, focusing %3DdNmsFrh096oJ
on how they manage their cognitive processes of
reappraisal and expression suppression. Divided
into two parts, the study involved 406 participants
aged 18-43 who use social networking platforms.
The first part revealed that low levels of emotion
regulation, particularly low cognitive reappraisal
and expression suppression, contribute to smart-
shaming tendencies. In the second part, a T-test
demonstrated a significant difference between
high and low scores of Cognitive Reappraisal and
Expression Suppression in relation to smart-
shaming tendencies. This aligns with the initial
hypothesis, indicating a negative correlation
between emotion regulation and smart-shaming.
Additionally, cognitive processing and emotion
regulation are interconnected components.
A Call for Feminist Critical Thinking in a Smart- A variant of anti-intellectualism, smart-shaming Biana, H. (2019) A Call for Feminist Critical
Shaming Culture is common in Philippine society. Through the
cultural and feminist lens of thought. It offers Thinking in a Smart-Shaming Culture.
recommendations on how racial, class, and
gender differences might be understood in order
to use feminist critical thinking to combat the
culture of smart-shaming.

8 Configuring Smart-Shaming Culture in the According to Biana (2023) that The Philippine Biana, H. T. (2023). 8 Configuring Smart-
Philippines culture, like other shame-driven cultures, is Shaming Culture in the Philippines. Cultural
heavily influenced by the desire for societal Perspectives on Shame: Unities and Diversities,
acceptance. Recently, there has been a rise in p. 173.
smart-shaming, where individuals are mocked for cluster=685927287060587608&hl=en&as_sdt=0,
being perceived as intelligent, leading to negative 5#d=gs_qabs&t=1708688380953&u=%23p
feelings for the victim. This behavior stems from %3DWGT-vjvnhAkJ
a need for social conformity, as those targeted are
often viewed as violating certain norms by openly
displaying their intelligence. The Filipino concept
of “hiya,” which governs social behavior, is
intertwined with smart-shaming. This chapter
delves into the phenomenon of smart-shaming in
the Philippines, its mechanisms, and its social
implications. It explores the connection between
hiya and smart-shaming, as well as the cultural
and societal factors that influence their dynamics.
Motivations for smart-shaming include a
discomfort with intelligence or a desire to uphold
cultural values of modesty. Lastly,
recommendations are offered for addressing and
preventing smart-shaming due to its negative
Smart Shaming – A Feature Article According to Bio Jr. (2020), the apparent praise Bio Jr. (2020). Smart Shaming: A Feature Article.
for intelligence is actually insincere, being Marcy Bialeschki
delivered sarcastically to shame individuals for
their abilities. This behavior is often driven by Shaming-Points-you-Should-Know
students' insecurities, who perceive intelligent
individuals as seeking attention and disregarding
the common good. Despite outward appearances,
behind these hurtful comments are students
striving for excellence, motivated by love and
gratitude for their parents' sacrifices. Despite
seeming composed, they endure inner turmoil as
their confidence is undermined by criticism. The
mocker's emotions of happiness and anger are
misdirected, reflecting their own insecurities onto
others. The request for genuine acknowledgment
of intelligence is a plea for honesty.
‘Pa-Woke!’: Why do Filipinos have a Toxic Filipinos often joke even sarcastically and Bunyi J. (2022). ‘Pa-Woke!’: Why do Filipinos
Smart-shaming Fixation? because of that they don’t know the net effect for have a Toxic Smart-shaming Fixation?. Tomasino
a person. For example, “since you’re the one who Web.
can do it, then do it yourself!”, “there he/she is
again!” joke. Most informative discussions would do-filipinos-have-a-toxic-smart-shaming-fixation-
not be complete without this observation. 95bc54f37c72
Although it sounds flattering, it is actually a
sarcastic comment intended to poke fun at an
intelligent person. The act of showing distrust or
hostility towards academic views is known as
anti-intellectualism. Anti-intellectuals see
themselves as people who stand up for the
common people against the academic elites. They
see academics as outsiders who do not care about
people and as a threat to normality. This is a
prime example of the common misconception that
opinionated and intelligent people are snobbish,
overly analytical, and arrogant.
Understanding The Impact Of Smart Shaming On According to (Bynum et al., 2020), smart Bynum et al. (2020). Understanding The Impact
High School shaming is a multifaceted problem that causes Of Smart Shaming On High School.
shame in medical students. There are various
triggers and promoters of shame, including -G1-2pdf/
ineffective study methods, inability to keep up
with the workload, lack of dedication to
coursework, receiving negative feedback,
struggling with presentations in front of a group,
and revealing a knowledge deficit. Furthermore,
mistreatment, high personal expectations, the
high-stakes nature of assessments, fixed mindsets,
and performance-based self-esteem are also
identified as promoters of shame in medical
students. The mistreatment, body shaming,
pimping, derogatory treatment, and overly harsh
responses to academic struggle in the learning
environment can have a significant emotional
impact on medical learners. Additionally, the
pressure to achieve high scores and the emphasis
on academic performance for self-worth can lead
to feelings of shame among medical students.
These factors, in combination with the
hierarchical nature of medical training and the
potential for intentional shaming, create an
environment that is particularly susceptible to
shame experiences.
Common Smart Shaming Phrases: An Analysis of According to Cantonjos C.(2019) that thoughtful Cantonjos, C.(2019). Common Smart Shaming
Origin and Causes and insightful contributions are essential for Phrases: An Analysis of Origin and Causes. Vol.
meaningful intellectual exchanges, yet they can 3 No. 2N. Ascendens Asia Journal of
be overshadowed by smart shaming. This study Multidisciplinary Research.
aims to thoroughly examine the origins of smart
shaming and its impact on society. Data was RA/article/view/11775
collected from a sample of 25 students randomly
selected from a larger population of 890,
representing various fields of study, using a
survey questionnaire. Students identified social
media and other information platforms as key
sources of smart shaming phrases commonly used
in daily interactions. While academic
performance remained unaffected, 92% of
respondents reported experiencing smart shaming,
which had a negative effect on their self-esteem.
Whether delivered humorously or sarcastically,
direct attacks on intellect impede intellectual
discourse and harm students’ self-esteem and
communication flow. The study emphasizes the
importance for educational institutions to address
smart shaming through orientation programs
focusing on understanding its causes, effects, and
implementing interventions to promote
intellectual discourse and combat smart shaming.
Smart Shaming: A Threat To Our Collective The negative behaviors created by being smart- Cantonjos. (2019). Smart Shaming: A Threat To
Intelligence shamed can create real problems for your fellow Our Collective Intelligence.
students and yourself. Regardless if smart-
shaming phrases are said sarcastically or as a shaming-is-a-threat/
joke, their harmful effects on students cannot be
overlooked. A study by Cantonjos (2019) found
that smart-shamed students experience adverse
effects on their self-esteem, including decreased
self-confidence and heightened insecurity about
their knowledge and abilities. A typical scenario
would be when a student hears a snide, smart-
shaming comment after answering a teacher’s
question in class. These comments can silently
hurt the student’s feelings and their overall well-
being. It can also affect their performance
academically as they might refrain from being as
participative as before. Smart shaming can occur
in online spaces as well. While social media can
be a great platform to share thoughts and
celebrate achievements, it can also be a breeding
ground for intelligent shaming. Being smart-
shamed online can leave victims feeling angry,
humiliated, and disempowered. Some students
have received terrible verbal assaults and were
isolated from their classmates for simply
correcting someone's spelling mistake or pointing
out grammatically incorrect words. These attacks
leave the victim feeling embarrassed and
humiliated. As a result, they become hesitant to
express their opinions in class and even avoid
participating in group activities at school. The
impact that exams have on the mental well-being
of students should not be underestimated. It can
make them question their abilities and believe that
they are incapable when compared to other
students. Such self-doubt can lead to anxiety and
depression, affecting their performance in school
and causing long-term mental health problems. It
is essential to educate ourselves and others about
the harmful effects of shaming and humiliation.
Instead of creating an inclusive and welcoming
environment, shaming can make individuals feel
inadequate. This can hinder their potential for
growth and innovation, ultimately preventing
them from achieving their full potential. A kinder
and better world encourages and empowers
individuals, rather than belittling them.

In the Philippines, where "thinking" is often

seen as a negative attribute in society, the issue of
smartshaming is widespread. Unfortunately, not
only in the corporate world, but also among
students, disrespect and a lack of interest in
intellectual pursuit and critical thinking have
become a common thread.
Cultural Perspectives on Shame Like other shame cultures, Philippine culture is Cultural Perspectives on Shame. (n.d.). Google
generally driven by a desperate and anxious need Books.
to be socially accepted. In recent times, smart- hl=en&lr=&id=l_XDEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=
shaming seems to have become a common and PA173&dq=info:WGT-
prevalent act motivated by this need. Smart-
shaming is the act of shaming (by mocking) &ots=I5NP81aF5X&sig=6Mrl7lPne3yXyuR1HN
someone who appears to be smart or smarter than obMSTRM8I&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=fal
others, wherein the shamer induces negative se
feelings in victims. The shamed individuals are
subjected to hostile behavior because they are
perceived to be acting in contradiction to certain
social norms. Filipinos define and regard shame
as part of a filtering system of the self and others.
As such, hiya guides actions, behavior, and
interactions with other people, and is related to
smart-shaming. This chapter discusses this
phenomenon of smart-shaming in the Philippines
what it is, how it works, and its issues and
implications. It also tackles how the conceptions
of hiya are related to smart-shaming, and the
specific cultural and social contexts which embed
the dynamics between smart-shaming and hiya.
There are possible (and somewhat controversial)
motivations for the tendency to smart-shame.
An Investigation of Anti-intellectualism Among Anti-intellectualism is often defined by experts Davis-Tubbs, J. (2019). An Investigation of Anti-
Nurses from a variety of professions as a suspicion and intellectualism Among Nurses.
cynicism about intellectual growth. There are
several anti-intellectual attitudes and behaviors in article=3146&context=dissertations
the healthcare system. Despite nursing
academics’ exploration of anti-intellectualism,
nursing scholars have yet to compile any
meaningful empirical evidence to strengthen their
hypotheses. However, in a numerical impacts of
anti-intellectualism among nurses were detected
in a study suggested by Davis-Tubbs (2022).
Following the COVID-19 epidemic, a correlation
between anti-intellectualism—a worldview
usually associated with the depreciation of
science and nursing became apparent. The study
indicates that a subset of practicing nurses exhibit
anti-intellectualism. Included in the study
population were American nurses who had
worked in the two years prior to having fulfilled
all prerequisites for licensing. Nurses were
recruited using a variety of social media platforms
over a six-week period. Descriptive, dependent,
and linear statistical techniques were used to
evaluate the data. The data analysis revealed that
222 nurse participants’ questionnaire scores were
low. Consequently, a group of practicing nurses
does exhibit anti-intellectualism at a frequency of
35%. The research conducted by Davis-Tubbs
(2022) sheds light on the anti-intellectualism that
affects the nursing field and offers insights into
this phenomenon.
Unraveling Smart-Shaming: Measuring Student Smart shaming is a bad practice of people De Leon, J. M. (2024, January 3). Unraveling
Awareness and Unmasking its Effects mocking smart people, which gives a bad look to Smart-Shaming: Measuring Student Awareness
smart people who think it’s a sin just because they and Unmasking its Effects. Medium.
know something. The members of the society, by
raising awareness and promoting understanding, ing-smart-shaming-measuring-student-awareness-
can create a culture where individuals can value and-unmasking-its-effects-93840d6196e8
their knowledge and have the courage to say what
they know without fear of being ridiculed.
Smart shaming: The Filipino Culture of Anti- The act of smart-shaming is an indication of our Dela Cruz, I.R. (n.d.). Smart shaming: The
Intellectualism regard for knowledge acquisition. Many Filipino Culture of Anti-Intellectualism
intelligent people frequently deal with smart
shaming, which is the outcome of a pro-ignorance intellectualism-concept-examples.html#quiz-
stance that many people choose to adopt. It is a course-links
recent and gradually emerging social problem in
the Philippines. It is important to draw attention
to this important topic because there are people
who contempt those who want to learn and impart
their newly acquired knowledge (Dela Cruz, n.d.).
In addition to among students, anti-intellectualism
has spread throughout society and is now a
serious threat. According to Dela Cruz (n.d.),
smart shaming is the act of someone who is
hostile or opposed to intellectuals as well as the
contemporary academic, artistic, social, religious,
and other theories associated with them. It’s a
side effect of anti-intellectualism when people
make fun of people for simply having more
intelligence. He went on to say that the anti-
intellectual phenomena have origins than we may
realize. It has its origin in the adversities that
Filipinos have faced. To be honest, only in our
nation, where intelligence and critical thinking are
viewed with contempt. Therefore, in an effort to
win over as many voters as possible, politicians
often minimize their academic accomplishments
because intelligent people intimidate people, in
his opinion. “Ikaw na!” (Good!) and “Bobo na
ako, sige na!” (So I’m an idiot, okay?) are a few
expressions used to characterize people with
higher intelligence.
Understanding Smart Shaming: A Basic Even before smart shaming is common in today’s Gozum, E. J. & Feliciano, M. (2019)
Qualitative Study world, many victims are unaware of it. They are Understanding Smart Shaming: A Basic
unaware of how it affects those who are going Qualitative Study
through this. When a group of individuals ridicule
someone for having more intelligent ideas and ng_Smart_Shaming_A_Basic_Qualitative_Study
thoughts than themselves, this is known as smart
shaming. The purpose of this research is to
investigate each person’s experiences with smart
shaming.(Gozum & Feliciano, 2019)
Relationships Between Academic Self-Efficacy, Hayat et al. (2020) conducted a study with the Hayat, A. A., Shateri, K., Amini, M., &
Learning-Related Emotions, and Metacognitive objective of examining the correlation between Shokrpour, N. (2020). Relationships between
Learning Strategies With Academic nursing students' academic performance and their academic self-efficacy, learning-related emotions,
Performance in Medical Students: A Structural self-efficacy. As stated in the finding that and metacognitive learning strategies with
Equation Model students' academic emotions and metacognitive academic performance in medical students: a
learning practices are influenced by their level of structural equation model. BMC Medical
self-efficacy, which may have an impact on their Education, 20 (1). rg/10.1186/s12909
academic performance -020-01995-9
execution. Thus, the current relationship between
students' academic self-efficacy and academic
performance may be influenced by metacognitive
methods and emotions related to learning. Hayat
et al. (2020) adds that academic achievement and
metacognitive learning strategies are among the
antecedents and effects of good academic feeling.
It is discovered that people who felt more
optimistic and had higher self-confidence used
metacognitive learning strategies more frequently.
can result in better academic achievement.
How Pandemic Intensified Smart-Shaming in the The students probably come across or participated How Pandemic Intensified Smart-Shaming in the
STEM Field in social media discussions where an apparent STEM Field. All About Senior High. Del Villar.
friendly discussion of ideas and facts abruptly
devolved into personal assaults. It’s challenging in-the-stem-field
to refute false information in the era of digital
disinformation without facing online retaliation.
Sometimes, even when we’re merely attempting
to explain based on the facts and studies, it can be
even more difficult to have these kinds of
conversations with our family and friends since it
could result in smart-shaming and being labeled
as rude or intrusive.
Ikaw Na: The Reality Of Smart Shaming In The In the Philippines, body shaming and smart Ikaw Na: The Reality Of Smart Shaming In The
Philippines shaming are both prevalent. Like body shaming, Philippines (2023). One Down Media.
you don’t think twice about them until you
realize. This is the reason that when someone the-philippines
speaks English well, some people say,
“Nosebleed!” Another well-chosen insult is “Eh
di ikaw na!” It’s a jokes way of saying, “If you’re
so good at it, then you do it,” and although the
term has no specific translation, it even makes
others feel less talented and even jealousy.
Anti-intellectualism: Concepts, History and According to Johnson & Linde (2022), anti- Johnson, R. & Linde, S. (2023). Anti-
Examples intellectualism is a general term that refers to the intellectualism: Concepts, History and Examples.
act of opposing intellectual pursuits, intellectuals
themselves, higher education and scientific intellectualism-concept-examples.html#quiz-
thinking. This behavior has been employed by course-links
certain organized movements throughout history
– communists and fascists in the 20th century
being two examples. Although anti-
intellectualism has often been portrayed as a facet
of populism; whereby working-class people resist
academic elites, it can also take shape as an
opposition towards or rejection of all science-
based facts.
Academic Entitlement Decreases Engagement In Academic entitlement has been shown in the past Knepp, K. & Knepp M. (2022, July 18). Academic
And Out Of The Classroom And Increases to serve as a barrier preventing students from entitlement decreases engagement in and out of the
Classroom Incivility Attitudes reaping the advantages of a university degree. By classroom and increases classroom incivility attitudes.
acting as consumers and externalizing
accountability for their learning outcomes,
entitled students run the risk of receiving poorer
grades and developing anti-intellectual attitudes.
This study investigated the ways in which
academic entitlement might harm students
through low engagement and social interaction,
faculty members and the university as a whole
through a lack of formality and proper classroom
conduct. Scales on academic entitlement, student
and homework participation, social transition to
college, emotion control, plagiarism attitudes,
classroom citizenship, and classroom incivility
behaviors were filled out by 197 undergraduate
students. Higher academic entitlement was linked
to lower engagement both inside and outside of
the classroom, poorer social adjustment to
college, ineffective academic emotion regulation
techniques, inappropriate classroom behavior, and
a higher tolerance for academic dishonesty,
plagiarism, and conduct. Future studies on the
relationship between academic entitlement and
lower levels of university affiliation,
commitment, and retention are advised.
Let’s Break the Stigma of Anti-intellectualism Olaes (2021) claims that smart-shaming is an Olaes, A. (2021). Let's Break the Stigma of Anti-
indication of one’s value for knowledge intellectualism.
development. It is disheartening that some
individuals make fun of those who passionately r6qdik/
seek to learn and impart fresh insights and lets_break_the_stigma_of_antiintellectualism/
concepts. The study highlighted how
discouraging it is when people make fun of others
for trying to learn more. They blame or make fun
of others whose studies are a little more difficult
than ours for having a high IQ instead of
motivating everyone to increase their own
intelligence, which is a prime example of a crab
It’s Official: High Achieving Students Designated According to Podl (2019), students who excel Podl, J. (2019). It’s Official: High Achieving
“At Risk” academically are susceptible to risk due to the Students Designated "At Risk"
pressure they experience in striving for
exceptionalism. Research conducted by the
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and school/high-achieving-students-at-risk/amp
Medicine and the Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation has highlighted a novel category of
vulnerable young individuals who face immense
pressure to achieve at the highest level possible.
These students often attend prestigious schools
that offer a wide array of academic and
extracurricular opportunities, ultimately leading
them to pursue admission into highly selective
universities. However, these advantages have
resulted in these students becoming overwhelmed
and burdened by their pursuit of perfection.
External sources of pressure include parents who
desire their children to excel, coaches whose
personal and professional success is intertwined
with the performance of their athletes, and school
administrators who are evaluated based on the
success of their students.
A Philosophical Analysis of Anti-intelectuallism A study titled "A Philosophical Analysis of Anti- Racine, L., & Vandenberg, H. (2021). A
in Nursing: Newman’s View of a University Intellectualism in Nursing: Newman's View of a Philosophical Analysis of
Education University Education" was carried out in 2021 by Anti-intellectualism in Nursing: Newman’s View
Racine and Vandenberg. Using Newman's of a University Education. Nursing Philosophy,
conception of higher education as a guide, the 22 (3).
study seeks to investigate the philosophical and
contextual elements driving anti-intellectual nup.12361
sentiments toward nursing students' methodology
for investigating anti-intellectualism. A
university, according to Newman, is crucial in
preparing students for further study. The author
describes an ideal university as a community of
thinkers that excludes comparison- and
discrimination-minded individuals. Rather than
that, the university serves as a place where
students develop their ideas in order to be ready
for the actual world. According to the study,
colleges are also vulnerable to anti-
intellectualism, and this phenomenon is one of the
things that prevents students from fostering a
Newman-like impression of a university in their
peers, which hinders their ability to grow

The phenomenon of smart-shaming can be

found everywhere, particularly in educational and
professional settings such as nursing schools to be
fostered as a prerequisite to doing public service.
Interpersonal and intrapersonal variables are
among the main causes of anti-intellectualism.
The Iconic Filipino Humor: Culture of Anti- For years, anti-intellectualism has been an Secapuri, A., Agbon, M., Gomez, L., Saclayan,
Intellectualism on the Self-Esteem of Grade 12 omnipresent occurrence in educational settings, M., Demaclid D., Campos, D., Ochoa, N., &
Academic Achievers at Lyceum of Alabang, SY claimed to target the most engaged, outstanding Risos, J. (2023). The Ironic Filipino Humor:
2022-2023 pupils and academic achievers. The research Culture of Anti-intellectualism on the Self-
intends to learn about the associated topics to Esteem of Grade 12 Academic Achievers at
existing anti-intellectualism, the influence of anti- Lyceum of Alabang, S.Y. 2022-2023. (pp. 405-
intellectualism on academic achievers’ self-worth, 419). Psychology and Education: A
and students’ evaluations of anti-intellectualism. Multidisciplinary Journal.
The research used a phenomenological approach
to investigate the lived experiences of Grade 12 hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&qsp=8&q=smart+shaming+fil
academic achievers with anti-intellectualism. As a ipino+culture&qst=ib#d=gs_qabs&t=1708747629
result, academic achievers are subjected to a 343&u=%23p%3Dxz_I8jgNJ7gJ
variety of external factors, including unhealthy
settings for learning, standardized anti-learning,
and excessive rivalry. Furthermore, smart
shaming—which is typified by elevated
standards, contrasting points of view, crab
mentality, backhanded compliments, and inside
jokes—has an enormous adverse effect on their
self-esteem and social relationships, and
eventually impedes their ability to grow both
personally and academically. Consequently, the
normalization of anti-intellectualism in various
contexts limits their opportunities for engagement
and affirms a culture that denigrates and shames
Understanding Anti-Intellectualism in Filipino A new communication trend that appears to have Sison, P. (2019). Understanding Anti-
Culture evolved in the Philippines a portion of the Intellectualism in Filipino Culture. Open Edition
Filipino culture was established. This is referred Journals.
to as smart shaming or anti-intellectualism, a
feeling of suspicion or ignorance regarding
intellectual attempt. It’s an attitude were ridiculed
intellectuals are for expressing their intelligence.
(Sison, 2019)
Smart-Shaming: A Disease That Kills Meaningful Valle (2021) states that Smart-shaming, stemming Valle, Z.D. (2021).Smart-Shaming: A Disease
Conversations from ignorance and hostility towards intelligence, That Kills Meaningful Conversations. Writer's
impedes intellectual progress and creates a Blokke
harmful atmosphere. It entails ridiculing
individuals for their intellect, often driven by shaming-a-disease-that-kills-meaningful-
feelings of insecurity or resentment towards those conversations-41848a6899f5
who are knowledgeable. This behavior, common
in society and often experienced from a young
age, diminishes the importance of acquiring and
sharing knowledge. However, embracing
curiosity, being open to learning from others, and
fact-checking can counteract smart-shaming.
Victims are encouraged to ignore negativity,
maintain confidence in their intelligence, and
participate in constructive discussions to promote
education within society. Ultimately, both
intellectuals and those seeking knowledge should
collaborate, fostering a culture of mutual respect
and meaningful exchanges.
Comparative Literature and Culture on a Small Villareal (2021) states that being as old as Villareal, W. D. (2021). CLCWeb: Comparative
Glossary of Academic Anti-Intellectualism intellectual life itself, anti-intellectualism is not a Literature and Culture on a Small Glossary of
recent phenomena. As a concept, anti- Academic Anti-Intellectualism on a Small
intellectualism is a collection of connected Glossary of Academic Anti-Intellectualism.
prepositions; yet, there is no strict definition for
this term. article=3777&context=clcweb

Experiences Of High Achievers On Smart- Smart shaming, according to White's article in White (2019). Experiences Of High Achievers On
Shaming: A Narrative Inquiry 2019, is a phenomenon where people laugh at one Smart-Shaming: A Narrative Inquiry
another for not knowing something about the
subject. This may make people feel discouraged dominic-savio-college/cafeteria-and-catering-
to express their views and pursue their interests. management/experiences-of-high-achievers-on-
Unfortunately, smart shaming is often overlooked smart/58009409
in American schools and can be particularly
damaging for high performers. As many of these
children are capable of becoming future leaders,
this issue can also have adverse effects on
progress in the economy. School advisors shall be
responsible for promoting intellectual
development and encouraging academic growth
of all students. Smart shaming is becoming part of
the culture in the Philippines, which is disturbing.
Instead of being shamed for it, people should be
encouraged to improve their intelligence.

According to Rodriguez (2019), the crucial

role of hiya in Filipino society lies in its ability to
caution people against overemphasizing their
intelligence. Rodriguez (2019) further explained
that the value of hiya in Filipino culture is
important because it encourages people to be
careful about showing an excessive confidence in
their intellect. People who share their thoughts on
People who share their thoughts on intellectual
subjects on the internet are frequently the target
of smart-shaming because it's thought that people
shouldn't be standards as an infringement on their
personal time. All things considered, these actions
show a lack of appreciation for education and an
ignorance of the benefits of intellectual

The Free University of Berlin philosopher

Hilge Landweer (2019) explains that feeling
shame necessitates a combination of specific
conditions. To be more precise, the individual
must be aware that they are breaking a norm and
believe that the rule is important and required
because it is only in this situation that the
violation will truly create discomfort.
Furthermore, the judgment of another person may
not always need to be present; sometimes it is
sufficient to imagine their disapproval. People
often imagine a parent asking, "Aren't you
ashamed?" The standards and expectations our
parents set for us as children can still affect us as
adults since these judgments can become so
Why Impostor Syndrome or Being an Insecure Overachievers who are insecure essentially think Wilson, K. (2021, April 20). Why Impostor
Overachiever is a Gift they are "not good enough." Until they achieve Syndrome or Being an Insecure Over Achiever
success, they are not deserving of self-care or isa Gift.
self-compassion. As a result, in an attempt to
ensure their success, they develop into syndrome-being-insecure-overachiever-gift-
perfectionists, become 'responsibility-hoards,' wilson-pcc?trk=public_profile_article_view
attempt to solve everything, are constantly trying
to prove themselves, put themselves last, and
neglect to ask for assistance. This is all an
advanced kind of self-destructive (Wilson, 2021).

You may include more than 10 related literature here, focus on local studies as much as possible. You may read the researches’ abstract and paraphrased
them. Make sure that you include information related to your research topic.

For example: Research topic is about the High Success of Intelligent People. Related studies can be, habits of intellectual people, accounts and narratives of
famous successful people, the science behind intelligence, definition of high success given by different studies.

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