Modification of I C Engine To Run With Water As Supplement Fuel To Increase Its Efficiency Using HHO Kit

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Modification of I.C. Engine to run with water as supplement fuel to

increase its efficiency using HHO Kit
Aditya Palkar1, Bhushan Sonawane 2, Gourav Singh3 , Kaveen Bindra4 , Prof. Arun Kumar Battu5
1,2,3.4,5 Department of Mechanical Engineering, D.Y. Patil college of Engineering, Pune, India

Abstract - Comfort coupled with safety and simplicity is separation of Hydrogen and oxygen from the water is
what man strives for. Our research has been to bring about done by electrolysis process. By using this setup,
both. The culmination of our project has resulted in a new efficiency can be increased and lower the emissions
“WATER IS USED AS A SECONDARY FUEL TO INCREASE can be decreased. Hydrogen fuel enhancement is the
EFFICIENCY.” process of using a mixture of hydrogen and

The paper presents a basic as well as very professional conventional hydrocarbon fuel in an internal
treatment of the subject in a very comprehensive way, based combustion engine, typically a car or a truck or even in
on learning effort and understanding capability of today as two wheeler, is an attempt to improve fuel economy,
per their levels. The device is simple and comfortable. Basic power output and reduction of toxic gas in emissions.
calculation, drawing and designing is included in the project.
The salient features of our machine can be listed as the
mechanism used is very simple, easy for operation; no skill is The following literature is based on the research
required to operate the machine. papers published in various national and international
journals, books and review articles :
Key Words: SI engine, electrolysis of water, hydrogen cell.
T.Tsujimura,Y.Suzuki; “The utilization of hydrogen
1.INTRODUCTION in hydrogen/diesel dual fuel engine” ;Elsevier

The hydrocarbon gasses are used in IC engines to (2017); International journal of hydrogen energy

produce work but they produce emission also, which (2017) ;1-9

are harmful to environment and mankind. To minimize This paper explains study on DDF (diesel dual fuel )
these harmful effects in some proportion we can use where hydrogen is secondary fuel. Also this paper gives
water in addition to hydrocarbon gasses. explanation about hydrogen DDF working and
evaluation of performance of DDF engine. [1]
The chemical composition of water is H2O. By using
water, the conversion of CO from emission to CO2 can A. F. Ambrose a,A.Quasem Al-Amin , R.Rasiaha,R.

be achieved and facilitate the complete burning with Saidur c, N.Amind; “Prospects for introducing

more heat by help of Hydrogen from water. In engine hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Malaysia”;Elsevier(2016);

due to insufficient oxygen some amount hydrocarbon international journal of hydrogen energy;1-10

gases remain unburnt. For complete combustion of

unburnt fuel oxygen from water can be used. The

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3909
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

This paper gives introduction of hydrogen fuel cell water and final product of this process is combined
vehicles (FCVs). The main message of this article is that Oxy-hydrogen.
hydrogen FCV in Malaysia can be expected and is
There are many names for this gas such as brown gas,
possible when there is a thorough understanding of
green gas, Hydroxyl, Di-hydroxyl and water gas. The
energy security issues, where energy policy integration
wonderful thing about this gas is, this gas is the by
for economic development and environmental
product which is water. By a simple method called
objectives are achieved at the same time. [2]
electrolysis; a method first recorded in 1800 by
J. K.Unni, P.Govindappa,L. M. Das;Development of William Nicholson and Johann Ritter. Electrolysis
hydrogen fuelled transport engineand field tests on involves the passage of an electric current through
vehicles;Elsevier(2016); International journal of electrodes. As we know, batteries have positive and
hydrogen energy (2016) ;1-11 negative terminals.

This paper gives overview about modifications in the Water, by itself, is not a good conductor of electricity so
three wheelers in such a way that they can run on dual an electrolyte is commonly added to the water to allow
fuel which are gasoline and hydrogen. Also it gives current to pass through the water, to break it down
various changes in the performance characteristics and into HHO. There are many types of electrolytes and
the emissions. [3] each have pro’s and con’s and most manufactured HHO
M.M. EL-Kassaby, Y.A. Eldrainy, M.E. Khidr, K.I. generators are usually designed for a particular
Khidr; “Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on electrolyte.
gasoline engine performance and emissions”;
Alexandria Engineering Journal;Elsevier (2015); 1-
9 HHO cells generate hydrogen through electrolysis. The
HHO cell conversion Kit used distilled water and a
This paper’s result showed that the HHO gas maximum
dissolved electrolyte, which is used to speed up the
productivity of the cell was 18 L/h when using 2
electrolysis process. Hoses connected to the bottom of
neutrals plates with 1 mm distance and 6 g/L of KOH.
the reservoir/Bubblier tank carry the electrolysis
The results also showed 10% increment in the gasoline
additive solution to each hydro cell. The electrolysis
engine thermal efficiency, 34% reduction in fuel
additive solution flows into the HHO dry cell. There
consumption, 18% reduction in CO, 14% reduction in
electrolysis of the water produces oxygen and
HC and 15% reduction in NOx. [4]
hydrogen gas. The separated oxygen and hydrogen
gases flow upward from the HHO dry cell and into the
HHO stands for two parts of Hydrogen and one part of reservoir/bubblier tank. The oxygen and hydrogen
Oxygen. When two hydrogen atoms are bound to one gases diffuse out of the bubblier tank through a hose
oxygen atom. The electrolysis process is done on the attached at the top and are drawn into the vehicle’s air
intake system. The oxygen and hydrogen enter the

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3910
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

engine’s combustion chamber, and mix with the fuel. 5.DISTILLED WATER
The introduction of the hydrogen into the combustion
Rainwater, spring water and tap water all contain
chamber creates a more efficient, complete
impurities. A typical analysis will show minerals,
combustion; thereby increasing fuel efficiency while at
suspended solids and other contaminates contained in
the same time reduces emissions and increasing power
these varieties. These impurities will precipitate out of
and performance. On average every vehicle on the road
the water when subjected to electrolysis. These appear
is around 66% efficient. Adding HHO to your air intake
in the form of brown, black and green scum in water or
system increases this to right at 100% efficiency.
any discoloration of the water itself. These impurities
HHO cell reduces vehicles fuel consumption over all by have a solid mass which in turn will clog up the
creating a more efficient combustion cycle. In other electrodes of your HHO generator and further impede
words you use all of your fuel. A more efficient the operation of the HHO cell overall. Of further
consumption cycle allows you to use less fuel at the concern is the fact that these solid accompany known
same throttle setting. But, the efficiency increase allows gases which mix with the HHO gas and create unknown
a lower throttle setting for a given horsepower chemical reactions which are toxic to the environment,
production and therefore reduces consumption for Therefore only distilled water should be used in the
traveling a given distance. It also, by burning hotter, production of HHO gas in the HHO kit.
consumes other material in the cycle such as excess
lubricants and carbon residue thereby resulting in
cleaner engine combustion chambers as well. When The hydrogen generator is made from length of 4 inch
HHO is not in use the extra unused fuel going through diameter acrylic pipe and two caps, several metal
the engine is known as blow by. This is the engine gunk plates, the couple of metal straps and some other
which forms on your pistons. This blow by which does various parts. Assembly is fairly straight forward and
not get used goes out your exhaust as hydro carbons. this hydrogen generator can be built by anybody. The
acrylic tube is used because of its transparency as we
can see the level of water and gas bubble in it. Another
nice thing is compact design.


We use an electrolyte that suits the best to HHO Gas

generator design. The distance between the electrode
plates does really matter. For electrodes with little
distance between the plates you could use: tap water or
Fig No.1 Working of S.I with HHO Kit distilled- rain with a very little of any of the catalysts.

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3911
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

8.PLATINUM ELECTRODE 4 Brake power 7.44HP@8000RPM

1. Platinum is ductile, meaning it can be drawn into 5 Speed 1500RPM

wire while maintaining toughness and flexibility and
6 No. of Single
without becoming brittle.
2. Platinum is malleable, meaning it can be reshaped
and easily worked with without breaking. 7 Mileage 78 Kmpl
3. Platinum is lustrous (shiny), silvery-white metal and
8 Transmission 4 speed constant
is highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation in moist
air and does not tarnish or rust. mesh


The HHO experimenter will be busy observing and Without hydrogen gas
maintaining the average flow of the HHO electrolyte. Trial Amount of Distance Average
And, it is nice to be able to control the output of your No. Gasoline Covered distance
hydrogen generator - from your dashboard.
Consumption covered(km)
During winter months, we need more electrolyte in the
1 2
water because cold water does not conduct electricity
as well. In summer months, we need less electrolyte in 1. 50 3.7 3.6 3.65

the water because hot water conducts electricity much 2. 100 7.7 7.9 7.8
better than cold water. During periods of mixed hot
3. 150 12.3 12.1 12.0
and cold, you are screwed; unless you have a PWM. The
PWM allows you to use more electrolyte, but still 4. 200 16 15.7 15.85
control the output of the HHO generator.
With hydrogen gas
The electrolysis unit is installed in a two wheeler and
Trial Amount of Distance Average
a road test is conducted.
No. Gasoline Covered distance
Engine Specifications
Consumption covered(km)
Sr No. Parameters Specifications
1 2
1 Engine CD Deluxe , Air
Cooled 1. 50 4.1 4.0 4.05

2 Cubic capacity 97.2cc 2. 100 9.3 9.5 9.40

3 Stroke 4 Stroke 3. 150 13.0 13.1 13.05

4. 200 18.9 18.7 18.8

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3912
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 03 | Mar 2019 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Graph: Performance Test


Electrolysis process is used for production of hydrogen

gas. This hydrogen gas is supplied to the intake of
engine. This increases the rate of combustion and also
reduces the harmful emissions to the environment.


[1]T.Tsujimura,Y.Suzuki,The utilization of hydrogen in

hydrogen/diesel dualfuel engine ;Elsevier (2017);
International journal of hydrogen energy (2017) ;1-9
[2]A. F. Ambrose a,A.Quasem Al-Amin , R.Rasiaha,R.
Saidur c, N.Amind; “Prospects for introducing hydrogen
fuel cell vehicles in Malaysia”;Elsevier(2016);
international journal of hydrogen energy;1-10

[3]J. K.Unni, P.Govindappa,L. M. Das;Development of

hydrogen fuelled transport engineand field tests on
vehicles;Elsevier(2016); International journal of
hydrogen energy (2016) ;1-11

[4] M.M. EL-Kassaby, Y.A. Eldrainy, M.E. Khidr, K.I.

Khidr; Effect of hydroxy (HHO) gas addition on gasoline
engine performance and emissions; Alexandria
Engineering Journal, Published by Elsevier (2015); 1-9

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3913

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