PR Chap 1
PR Chap 1
PR Chap 1
Sheena T, Yalung, Jenilyn C. Flores, Mickaella G. Dimla, Andrew S. Layug, Mary Joy Elideros,
Angelo N. Laurente, Ninah Jenelle Ariola
A Practical Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School of Children of Fatima School of
Mabalacat Inc.
Tracer Study of Grade 12 Strand Alignment with College Courses of Children of Fatima
School of Mabalacat Inc.
A Tracer Study is an observation in which a group of individuals are located and studied
again at one or more successive stages in their lives. It is also known as graduate surveys, alumni
surveys, or graduate tracking. Tracer study is usually designed to track changes of group of
individuals to find out how they use the program and how they progress over time. Tracer studies
provide valuable information on graduates' employability, professional competencies, and
program effectiveness for educational institutions to evaluate and improve their academic
programs. In a tracer study, the collected data is analyzed thoroughly in the long run. It can be a
highly useful instrument that supports the system of labor market information, especially when
specific requirements are adhered to. Tracer research must be carried out methodically
(repeatedly annual or every two years) due to Ad hoc research, typically conducted as a
continuation of a tangible project, often just present a fragment of the story and could be
impacted by the situation when it happened.
The aim of our study is to determine the number of the last year students of GRADE 12 ABM
strand of Children of Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. took a course related to their strand, or
took a different course, and what are the factors that made them took a course that is not related
to their strand.
Children of Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. contributes great possibility that all must have the
courage to cope up in the challenges being faced. Education and training systems have a key role
to play in ensuring that opportunities are provided for all individuals to develop their skills
continually in a lifelong learning perspective, enabling them to adapt to rapidly changing labor
market requirements and conditions. Training and labor market policy makers decide on the
configuration of education and training systems, employment policies and investments. Training
institutions decide on the type and content of the training courses.
The goal of this study is to examine the alignment between the Grade 12 curriculum and college
course prerequisites in the educational system, focusing on the core competencies and learning
areas of the K-12 curriculum, to determine if it effectively prepares the students for higher study
at the college level. This study examines the learning areas and competencies of the Grade 12,
comparing them with the skills required in various college courses, to determine if the current
curriculum effectively equips students with the necessary skills for higher education Their
perceptions of the alignment between Grade 12 strands and college courses are valuable in
understanding the practical implications of the curriculum. Their insights can reveal whether the
curriculum's theoretical alignment with college requirements translates into actual preparedness.
Finally, the study involves a throughout analysis of the collected data. This analysis aims to
identify areas of alignment and misalignment between the Grade 12 curriculum and college
courses. The findings of this analysis will provide a clearer picture of the effectiveness of the
Grade 12 curriculum and may suggest areas for improvement.
Scope and Delimitation
This research study covers the numbers of ABM graduated students’ batch 2022-2023 that took
Accountancy Business Management (ABM) related and non-related courses in college. The
researchers limited the study depending on the participant's compliance to the researchers. The
goal respondents of the study are one hundred and eight (108) respondents. Former Grade 12
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and Information Communication Technology (ICT)
student last year are not included in the tracer study, qualitative research tools like interview are
not conducted in the study, and other batches that graduated are not included. We just modified a
CHED questionnaire on the scope and delimitations, and the sources of the researcher in the
study are journals, books, and other studies that came from the internet. It makes the data limited
to the information provided.
(Ali Fikri Hasibuan, Saut M. Silaban Fitriani Lubis, Rangga Restu Prayogo 2018)
Ali Firki 2018 The conclusions of the study are as follows. First, the characteristics of graduates
have been in accordance with the needs of the business world with these figures depicting that
the level of graduates who work/entrepreneur is 74% of the response rate of 1340 people. This
also means that there are about 26% of respondents who have not worked or decided not to work
for several reasons such as getting married and continuing their master's degree. Very High
Enough Deficient Very Low Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research,
volume 204 82 Second, the relevance or linkage between the fields of science and alumni work
is at a close level where there are 44% of the opinion very closely, 16% of the opinion closely,
22% of the opinion that it is quite close, 6% not close and 12% stating that there is no study
linkage. Third, the waiting period for graduates, as many as 92% of respondents get their first job
under 6 months and the rest are more than 6 months. Fourth, the level of stakeholder satisfaction
with Medan State University alumni on average, for alumni ethics assessment of (3.7), expertise
in the field of science/main competence (3.5), foreign language skills (3.2), use of information
technology (3.3), communication skills (3.5), Cooperation (3.7), self-development (3.4).
According to the report, most female grade ten completers in the 2015–2016 academic year were
between the ages of 22 and single. Many of the responders are from households with monthly
incomes under P10,000. The most popular option was probably the Technology and Vocational
Livelihood (TVL) strand because of its close proximity to industrial parks and manufacturing
facilities. Surprisingly, despite TVL's historical male dominance, more women selected it.
Government subsidies and educational voucher programs were beneficial to the majority of
students. Decisions were influenced by the distance from industries and schools. While obtaining
employment is a typical objective, 57% choose to continue their studies. A sizable percentage
obtained employment in manufacturing. Few people tried their hand at middle-level skill
development or entrepreneurship. The majority obtained college degrees that matched their
senior high school courses. Family income, sex, or age did not predict strand Regardless of
course or curriculum exits, women were more likely than men to seek postsecondary education
or enter the employment. The report suggests enhancing career counseling in junior high schools,
incorporating stakeholders, and making better use of resources for senior high school students
seeking career counseling. It also recommends broad implementation of The Career Guidance
and Counselling Act for Secondary Schools (RA 11206) and The Career Guidance Program.
Alignment of Senior High School Strand in College Course (Joseline Santos el. al 2023)
The greatest way for students to succeed in their careers is to enroll in a course that best fits their
intelligence, aptitude, and personality acts as a guide for them when selecting the college course
they want to take. Having the career that you are suited for. Students are assisted in making wise
course selections by the integration of career plans into the curriculum at the university. While
elective classes are offered to assist students in choosing which courses to enroll in college, it's
crucial to assist students in comprehending the crucial elements they must take into account
while selecting a such as the course's economic significance, which they would like to enroll in
both now and in the future. Parents, guidance counselors, and school administrators should work
together to develop better career plans for each individual student. The study's findings support
the idea that, in order to fully assist students in selecting the best course for them, career plans
should be created for them continuously and at a younger grade level. In order for parents to
understand and assist students in selecting the course that best suits their child's personality,
interests, and intellectual capacity, they should also be involved in the career program
development of their children 12 International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research
(IJSBAR) (2014) Volume 16, No 1, pp 1–14. Future research should be conducted based on
students' selection of their desired course.
Exploring Between SHS Strand and College Course Mismatch: Bridging the Gap Through
School Policy on Intensified Career Guidance Program
In Senior High School, the General Academic Strand Draws a larger student body than the other
strands; TVL and Arts and Design have the lowest enrolment.
Not all Senior High School graduates go on to college; the largest percentage of graduates from
the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (STEM) strand which includes home economics choose not
to enroll in college.
For the academic years 2017-2018, the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) strand has the highest course alignment among colleges. Arts and Design, Humanities
and Social Sciences, (HUMSS) and Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) are the
next most aligned strands. But as of 2018-2019, the General Academic strand is starting to
emerge as the most closely related strand. The rate of mismatch between college courses and
senior high school strands is significant.
The bungle rate is tall between the strand of the learners amid their senior tall school and the
course they enlisted in college.
In Senior Tall School, the understudies who did not take the course adjust their strand cited
distinctive reasons, such as family weight, openness of the program within the adjacent college,
companions and peer weight, disarray around the calling to be sought after, family status, did not
meet the normal review anticipated for the program, restricted career introduction amid tall
The 4th Philippine Graduate Tracer Study: Examining Higher Education as Pathway to
Employment, Citizenship, And Life Satisfaction from The Learner's Perspective*
The CTU-MC COE graduates were proven to proficient and competent to be employable in the
government schools, as revealed in the 7 illuminating themes, thus resulted in boon
opportunities. High school teachers predominate on the track than the elementary teachers with a
negligible difference. The CTU mandate, as cascaded in its vision-mission, prepared graduates
for the field of work, with personality that matters compared than other predetermined factors.
Academic preparation and career performance exhibited signification of successful teaching
employment in the public school.
Decision about their college courses is one of the biggest problems of a particular graduating
high school students. There are lots of factors affecting their choices. One of these factors is the
curriculum. A study by Education Policy Improvement Center (2015) in the State of Texas,
United States of America found out that existing major standards, performance expectations, and
performance indicators are necessary for college success in subject areas, including languages,
mathematics, and social sciences. The researchers concluded that students taking college courses
aligned to pre-college courses they took develop detailed key cognitive skills and foundational
skills that make them ready for college. Previous studies shows that when there is a specific
educational outcome, the curriculum specially designed for it will be successful. Such
improvements can be achieved through active-learning exercises that mainly focuses on
scientific terms or literature. To sum it up, a curriculum designed to enhance a specific skill can
make different outcomes. (Senerath, Patabendige, 2014) Vertical alignment is best known as one
of the successful techniques to use when it comes to students’ performance, according to Center
for Comprehensive School Reform and Investment. It has its main advantage to the students
since it figures out the uniformed pattern of the topics to be taught to the students. Thus, it
diminishes the repetition of the topics per course or year level and reduces the reviewing of the
subject matters anew. However, it takes a lot of preparation to perfect this kind of standardized
strategy because it needs a collective effort from the school, the parents, and the students. (The
Holmes Educational Post, 2012). Sergeant and Cannon (2016) documented expanded integration
of “non-technical” skills by implementing critical-thinking programs into an auditing course,
finding that students achieved desired learning objectives and felt that their critical-thinking had
been heightened. While colleges have adapted their curriculum to meet the demands of public
accounting firms, high schools have only just begun to make adjustments to their accounting
programs. On September 28, 2016, the AICPA announced that they have partnered with state
CPA societies to “increase the number of high school educators trained to teach higher order
accounting courses across the country” by training educators throughout the summer of 2016.
This initiative addressed the Accounting Association (AA) Pathway Commission’s suggestion
that the profession “improve its ability to attract high-potential, diverse entrants into the
position.” The AA had previously requested that the College Board develop an accounting class
eligible for advanced placement (AP) credits. However, the College Board denied the request
until certain issues were resolved. As a response, the AICPA began their work with state CPA
societies to hope to “move the AP initiative forward” (AA 2015). Fizer, D. (2013). For today's
young students, picking the correct professional choice is becoming increasingly vital. When
deciding on a job and college course, students must consider a number of factors. Parents,
coaches, religious figures, and any other role models in a student's life can all affect their
decision. In transition to college from senior high school, choosing a course to take for four years
or more is very vital. It’s because this is the first step on how you would start to build your future
or to achieve your goals in life and choosing a perfect course that will suit your talent and skills
will have to consider a lot of factors just like what Fizer said. Of course, another important factor
to consider is your background about the course you will take. Background of the course that you
learned over the past years that you are studying. Nyamwange, J. (2016). A student considering a
course should carefully weigh available professional options against their personal interests.
They should choose a vocation that they are passionate about. Individuals who have already
begun to enter in a course that do not align with their passions might explore improving their
professional paths by enrolling in courses that will eventually shift or move them into areas of
their passion. Considering your personal interest in choosing your college course should be done.
Studying without your interest will not be worth it, because it’s hard and it’s a waste of time
dedicating yourself to something you don’t want to do. Taking a course without your passion to it
can end up in shifting to another course. Dr. Holmes, R. (November 26, 2012). Vertical
alignment has been acknowledged as one of the finest ways for improving student performance
in schools, according to the Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement
(CCSRI). For example, vertical alignment “ensures what is being taught and tested in the
classrooms aligns with the state standards and assessments. It articulates the logical, consistent
order for teaching the standards-based content at each grade or course level, which allows
teachers to focus on building skills and knowledge while reducing the need for excess review
and repetition.” Vertical Alignment shows the significance of Track and Strand in Senior High
School in transition of choosing the course that will suit you in college. It’s because the major
subjects of students in their particular strand in senior high school is a preparation for them in
what course their skills will be enhance. By their knowledge in their specific strand, they can
consider is it in choosing what course will they take. They can pursue their specific field from
their senior high in transition to college since they do have background to it.
A study by Education Policy Improvement Center (2015) in the State of Texas, United States of
America found out that existing major standards, performance expectations, and performance
indicators are necessary for college success. Previous studies shows that when there is a specific
educational outcome, the curriculum specially designed for it will be successful. Such
improvements can be achieved through active-learning exercises that mainly focuses on
scientific terms or literature. Fizer, D. (2013). Students must examine a variety of factors when
choosing a profession and college course. Parents, coaches, religious figures, and any other role
models in a student's life can all have an impact on their decisions. The history of the course that
you have studied over the years that you have been studying. Of course, your prior knowledge of
the course you will be taking is a crucial thing to consider. Nyamwange, J. (2016). When
choosing a course, a student should carefully evaluate the various career alternatives as well as
their own personal interests. They should pursue a career that they are enthusiastic about.
Studying without a passion is pointless because it is difficult and time consuming to devote
yourself to something you don't want to do. Taking a course without a passion for it may result in
you switching to a different course. Dr. Holmes, R. (November 26, 2012). Vertical alignment has
been acknowledged as one of the finest ways for improving student performance in schools. It's
because the major subjects of students in their particular strand in senior high school is a
preparation for them in what course their skills will be enhance. They can pursue their specific
field from their senior high in transition to college since they do have background to it.
Locale Study
The implementation of Republic Act (RA) 10533 or K-12 Program during the Aquino III
administration an additional 2 years in High School, called Senior High School, was added to the
curriculum. The researchers used structured questionnaire and Google form to properly
disseminate the questions. The result of the gathered data showed that 80.67% of the strands of
the 119 pioneer SHS graduates of Bulacan State University Laboratory High School are aligned
to their current course. The researchers also determined that (a) Strong Desire/Interest in the
Course, (b) Possible Financial Outcome, and (c) Employment Prospects were the 3 major factors
that contributed to their decision in enrolling in their current course. The researchers concluded
that the respondents chose their course according to their interest in their future profession and
future financial and employment matters in connection to their previous Senior High School
strands. The researchers recommend this research to be conducted with the succeeding batch of
Senior High School of Bulacan State University Laboratory High School to determine if the
administrators and coordinators continuously do the mandatory guides and seminars for their
students and to determine whether the students planned beforehand for their future.
Pascual (2014) presented that the availability of work after finishing college is mainly considered
by the high school students and then followed by choosing the course as a personal choice. The
peer’s preference of course and consideration of family business was considered the least factor
that affects the decision in choosing college course. Most of the student-respondents preferred
scientific courses which includes engineering and statistics courses. The study was supported by
a study in Our Lady of Peace in Antipolo (Martin et. al, 2010) which have the same result as to
Pascual’s study that relies on the decision-making of students in work viability. However, it
displays the exclusion of the majority's personal ability to get the" in-demand" job of the
generation. This kind of factor may have a misfit for the job and a low level of competency since
it is not the job in which they match their abilities. Alba, et. al (2010) determined that the main
factors that are affecting a student's choice for their college course are the following: (a.) the
financial stability of the family that sometimes make students' confused whether to take courses
they want or to settle with something that their parents can afford, and (b.) interference of parents
in their college course decision-making because sometimes it is because of the first reason or
because of the college they've been to and the path that they want their children to take.
They somehow control the student’s path and sometimes what is worse is that they are too
controlling that their assessment for their children is becoming incorrect. A study from Roosevelt
College, San Mateo (Fernando et. al, 2016) found out that the parents’ influence, personal
choice, job opportunity and peer influence can affect the student’s decision on their choice of
college course. The researchers concluded that the students look not only at their personal
choice, but also at the decision of their parents, peers, and the availability of the job as their
guide in choosing their undergraduate program. Job opportunity is the said highest weighted
mean in the study and the researchers concluded that this factor greatly affects the students’
choice in choosing what college course they will take up. The study has shown that the students
tend to analyze if the course they will choose can improve their skills and if it can put them in a
highly paid profession. Students who elect to study may do so for a variety of reasons. They may
be interested in business education because they want to learn about in investments, develop
computer skills, or understand how economic principles apply.
The K-12 program offers a decongested 12-year program that gives students sufficient time to
master skills and absorb basic competencies. Sound decision -making is a need to prevent any
misfits and to assist students in the process of solidifying their course specialization according to
Elmer (1989) as cited in Arguelles and Miranda (2014), ABM is a flexible course allowing
students to study fundamentals of accounting and business management. According to
Hernandez (2016), in ABM strand, there will be skills that students will need to use which are
continuous application of those skills that will further develop and practice the skills, also that
time management is one of the greatest skills that every student can have, one must know how to
budget their time so that everything will be simpler by Hernandez (2016). A study from
Roosevelt College, San Mateo (Fernando et. al, 2016) which have the same result as to Pascual’s
study Pascual (2014) found out that the parents’ influence, personal choice, job opportunity and
peer influence can affect the student’s decision on their choice of college course and the
availability of the job as their guide in choosing their undergraduate program. Personal interest at
strengths is the two-important part of their decision according to their course and profession. The
extant literature has provided evidence of a relation between high school coursework and college
major; no study has explicitly examined whether taking an accounting class in high school is
associated with choosing accounting as a major in. Given the alignment of high school and
undergraduate accounting curriculums, the researchers expect students who take accounting
classes in high school will perform better in undergraduate accounting courses than students who
do not. Most of the studies mentioned above that investigated this hypothesis calculated
academic performance based off examination results.
This research is needed to investigate the alignment between Grade12 Strands and
college courses. The study aims to pinpoint specific areas where alignment may be lacking, with
the ultimate goal of improving the overall coherence of the educational journey for students. This
study seeks the following questions.
1.1 Course
2.) What does the curriculum exist of the respondents after senior high?
3.) The question seeks to determine the percentage of alignment between the selected SHS strand
and the curriculum of the respondents.
The researchers aim to pursue this study as it will be beneficial to the following groups or
Administrators of schools, the outcomes of this study may give significant insights and
assistance to school administrators in enhancing the employability of their graduates and refining
the course program through research-based recommendations. The study's findings might be
utilized as a baseline for curriculum reviews and changes targeted at internationalizing and
academizing graduates to make them aware of global movements and trends.
Faculty, as faculty design and build their courses, this might assist them consider ways to
include all-inclusive learning experiences and career services into their syllabi.
Students, this will serve as a basis for sharpening their talents and broadening their knowledge,
allowing them to compete effectively on a global scale and obtain full-time, good, and
productive jobs following graduation.
Guidance counsellor/advocate, this can assist guidance designates in improving their career
guidance program for providing career orientations to Children of Fatima School of Mabalacat
Inc. graduate students.
School Administrators, the findings of this investigation may provide significant inputs and
guidance to school administrators in enhancing the employability of their graduates and
improving the program of studies through research-based recommendations. The study's findings
could be used as a benchmark for curriculum reviews and revisions for graduates'
internationalization and academization for them to be in sync with global movements and drifts.
Including the incoming grade 12 students, they can continue this this tracer study with a larger
sample size (including ABM Student).
Future Researchers, the findings of this investigation can be used by future researchers to
improve existing programs and design new programs that address real training needs to produce
highly competent and productive professionals.
Conceptual Framework
Output Variables
1.Count the number of respondents listen that pursued ABM related course in college.
2.Percentage of respondents taking their college course related to their strand.
3.The reasons that affected the respondent discussion making with their current course in college.
The Researchers will gather the following data on our Input, Students Profile (e.g., chosen
college course, chosen related strand in course and profile status), The reasons why they take or
pursue their strand and if did the lessons/skills they have learned in their chosen strand will be
helpful in their chosen course. The Researchers will use Questionnaires and Survey Forms as
tools for gathering data, Messenger and Google Forms as means for communication with our
respondents. After gathering all the data needed, the Researchers will be able to find the Number
of Students that pursued ABM related course in college, the reasons that affected the student’s
decision making with their current course in college. and the percentage of success in learning
skills taught by their previous school for their future career path.
Definition of Terms
A Tracers Study is a widely used method in educational institutions to track and maintain student
records after graduation. The goal is to monitor his progress until he gets a job. The study
examines the availability and quality of graduates. It was developed to answer the change in
industry and the corporate world by integrating higher education institutions into the labor
market. The tool is considered a management tool for planning and monitoring training
programs. The tracer study is a tool used to measure the relevance of vocational training,
providing information for grammatical changes and curriculum evaluation. This helps monitor
the delivery of training and monitor the progress of specific conditions or people. This
developmental or longitudinal study is important for educational planners, because it helps to
evaluate the results of higher education and training institutions. Tracer studies help institutions
understand the status of their products after graduation, improve project planning, and enhance
public confidence in vocational training. They also provide up-to-date information on the
placements and positions of graduates in society, helping institutions to produce more qualified
and competitive graduates.
Chapter 2:
This chapter explains the methods the researcher used as their research design, selecting the
respondents, and the instrument used for gathering.
Research Design
Descriptive design was used in this quantitative study because the researchers want to trace the
behaviors that led to the decision of the Grade 12 ABM Graduates: using this design the
researchers were able to determine reasons that affected the respondent’s decision on choosing
their current course and the rate of alignment between the track or strand the respondents took as
their major on SHS with their chosen college courses.
Research Respondents
This study is focused on the graduate student batch 2022-2023 who took Accountancy and
Business Management as their strand on Children of Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. There are
a total 08students as our Subjects and the researchers target sample is 42. The researchers used
Slovin’s Formula [n=N/(1+Ne^2)], with a 95% accuracy, the researchers ended up with 42 target
sample. Only 37 of the subjects are accessible to the researchers, this limited the study’s
accuracy to only 92.5%. The researchers used Simple Random Sampling on determining the
Research Locale
The Children of Fatima School of Mabalacat, Inc. will be the site of the study. Interviews with
respondents will take place at their homes or in any other comfortable location at their request.
Additionally, the researchers collected responses from Grade 12 ABM student in Children of
Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. A Facebook (Messenger) chat interview will be conducted with
these respondents. The location of implementation was selected by the researchers because it will
provide them with
the information they need to assist those who have spina bifida. In the first semester of the
academic year 2022-2023, the study will be carried out.
Research Ethics
The research is an important component of understanding scientific practice in education.
Behaving your members is not a new concept. But more al recently, a more formal culture of
ethical examination has emerged through the use of Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and
Institutional Evaluation Boards (IRBs), which offer research education and at times reject
accepted methods. In educational research, for example, it has become common to provide
surveys to students by teaching problems. But this raises the question of whether the student’s
attention is entirely voluntary and if there is no real “opt-out” option. In a similar vein, college
and university students often visits classes to work on projects with teachers. Children receive
assurances from leaders of people in positions of authority that “everyone wants to have a part.”
This again contains a balance of power between the gate holders, the researchers, and the
children themselves. In fact, shouldn’t children, like adults, refuse to study? While the ethics of
educational research has gained much attention, the application of knowledge of ethics to
examination training does not take on the needs.
Research Instruments
The researchers will only employ a single research tool. When the researchers have a list of
general topics that need to be covered in the interview, they will conduct a semi-structured
interview. To ensure that every topic is covered, the researchers will employ a written interview
guide (Polit & Beck, 2023). In addition, an audio recorder will be used to capture spontaneous
responses, the actual verbatim, since semi-structured interviews may yield unexpected responses.
The researcher will also use pen and paper to meticulously record the respondents' non-verbal
Data Gathering
A tracer study can involve collecting data on the post-graduation outcomes of grade 12 students
to determine how well their chosen strand aligns with college courses. This typically involves
tracking students' educational and career paths after high school to see if there's a match between
the skills and knowledge gained in their strand and the requirements of college courses they
pursue. This data can inform educational institutions about the effectiveness of their curriculum
and help them make adjustments to better prepare students for higher education.
Statistical Treatment
The study used survey questionnaire as a tool in gathering the data which are relevant and
necessary in conducting the study. A total one-hundred and four (104) respondents participated in
the survey. The results of the data gathering are presented as follows:
The data gathered regarding the ages of the respondents are presented below:
The collected data shows that more than half of the respondents (54 respondents or 51.92%) are
pursuing courses in the field of Accountancy and Business Management – these courses include
BS Accountancy, BS Business Administration, BS Office Administration, and BS
Entrepreneurship. On the other hand, 11 respondents or 10.58% are currently pursuing degrees in
the field of Tourism and Hospitality Management, which include BS Tourism, BS Hospitality
Management, and Hotel and Restaurant Services course. Moreover, 2 respondents are pursuing
Engineering courses which include BS Civil Engineering and BS Geodetic Engineering, 4 are
taking BS Information Technology, 5 are taking Education courses, 9 are taking BS Nursing and
BS Psychology courses, 2 are taking Other Courses (BS AMT and Automotive Mechanic
courses). Lastly, 17 respondents or 16.35% did not pursue any college education.
Courses/College Degrees Taken not Related to the Senior High School (SHS) Strand
The respondents were also asked if the courses or college degrees they are currently taking are
related to their senior high school strand:
Based on the data collected, it is shown that 33 respondents or 31.73% are currently taking
courses or college degrees which are NOT related to their SHS strand, while 54 respondents or
51.92% are taking courses related to their SHS strand. 17 respondents did not pursue college
after senior high school.
Reasons on Taking College Courses Not Related to Senior High School Strand
The below data presents the reasons why the fifty (50) respondents have chosen to take college
courses not related to their SHS strand:
The top reason why those students are currently taking courses not related to their SHS strand is
To Experience New Things, which has a total response of 22 respondents or 66.67%. Other
reasons are Parents Decision (1 response or 3.03%), No Choice (3 responses or 9.09%), Change
of Mind (5 responses or 15.15%), Really wanted the future career path (1 response or 3.03%),
and Financial Problems (1 response or 3.03%).
Skills the Respondents are Good at
The survey also includes the skills that the respondents are good at, as presented as follows:
The majority of the respondents are good at Communication Skills with total responses of 34 or
32.69%. Other skills the respondents are good at include Critical Thinking Skills (12 responses
or 11.54%), Entrepreneurial Skills (20 responses or 19.23%), Human Relations Skills (13
responses or 12.50%), and Problem-Solving Skills (19 responses or 18.27%). 6 respondents did
not provide answer.
Chapter 3
Age of Respondents
In the frequency table that most of the last year Grade-12 ABM Graduates in Children of Fatima
School of Mabalacat Inc. It shows that majority of the respondents who answers (19) are fifty-six
(56) graduates, and has also the highest in percentage. Most of the respondents shows that didn’t
stop neither re-take any school year. While the second most answer is eighteen years old (18)
respondents who response are twenty-five (25) respondents, it may show that some of the
respondents are late bloomers nor birthday was in the cut off in their primary level (Kinder). The
next in the frequency table is twenty years old (20) gathered thirteen students. Second to the last
in the frequency table will be twenty-one years old (21) there are only three (3) students who
answers for 21. And lastly, there are seven (7) respondents choose not to give their age.
Assuming that the 13 and 7 students who answers 20 and 21 are having issue in financial.
In the Frequency Table, it shows that most of the last year Grade-12 ABM Graduates in Children
of Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. It shows that majority of the most answer is Female Sixty
(60) the respondents who answered in the questionnaire are Male, with a count of thirty-two (32)
shows that the most respondents are female due to any reasons of taking ABM Strand in their
Senior High School. And lastly, there are twelve (12) students choose not to give their gender
In the frequency table, most of the graduates last year Grade 12 ABM Strand in Children of
Fatima School of Mabalacat Inc. It shows of that majority of the answer is fifty-four (54) among
the graduates taking Accountancy and Business Management. And the others strand courses
connected in their ABM strand, Tourism and Hospitality Management who answered eleven (11)
of them, Engineering who answered two (2), while in Information Technology who answered
four (4), while in who Education answered are five (5), Nursing and Psychology who answered
nine (9), And the other courses have two (2) respondents neither their choose strand is not related
in ABM strand. And lastly there are also seventeen (17) respondents who did not give their
college course that they have chosen.