2005 ALISTAIR DAWSON The Scaling of Primary Flight Feather Length and Mass in Relation To Wing Shape, Function and Habitat
2005 ALISTAIR DAWSON The Scaling of Primary Flight Feather Length and Mass in Relation To Wing Shape, Function and Habitat
2005 ALISTAIR DAWSON The Scaling of Primary Flight Feather Length and Mass in Relation To Wing Shape, Function and Habitat
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Ibis (2005), 147, 283– 292
The mass and length of each primary flight feather was measured in 120 species of birds
(347 individuals) representing 37 families and 15 orders. The scaling relationship between
mass and length was determined using the mass of each primary as a proportion of total
primary feather mass for that individual and, similarly, length as a proportion of total length.
This eliminated errors due to intra- and interspecific differences in absolute size. In every
species there was a highly significant constant scaling relationship (log mass/log length) for
all of the primary feathers proximal to the feather that formed the wing tip. This relationship
was allometric and varied between 1.80 in Rooks Corvus frugilegus and 4.87 in Winter Wrens
Troglodytes troglodytes. The mean scaling relationship for 120 species was 2.41 ± 0.42 sd,
which was significantly less (P < 0.0001) than isometry (i.e. 3.00). In most species (117 of
120) the primary feather forming the wing tip and all feathers distal to it had a different
scaling relationship, and had a greater mass than expected from their length. The greater
relative mass of the outer primaries may reflect a protective role against physical abrasion,
or an aerodynamic role in that each of these feathers provides a leading edge to the wing.
Thus, there were two scaling relationships that pivoted about the feather forming the wing
tip, resulting in a characteristic ‘signature’ for each species. Scaling relationships can be
related to flight characteristics and habitat, rather than to phylogeny. Closely related species
often had widely varying scaling relationships. In general, species exploiting dense vegetation
had greater scaling relationships than more aerial species. However, species with a high scal-
ing relationship did not have a greater mean feather mass, so the increased relative mass of
the distal primaries was at the expense of proximal primary feather mass.
individuals and their length and mass were measured. Figure 1 for data for the Common Starling. The
For all of the primaries, except the most distal, range of the y-axis is 0.5–1.3 and of the x-axis 0.8–
length and mass appeared to have a constant allo- 1.15. These parameters were chosen to accommo-
metric scaling relationship (Alexander et al. 1979, date the species with the greatest ranges. In Figure 2,
Alexander 1985, Rayner 1985). However, the most the axes of the individual graphs are unlabelled
distal primary had a greater mass than expected from but are identical to those in Figure 1. The solid line
its length. This may reflect a distinct role of the on each graph links each of the primary feathers in
outermost primary in protecting the more proximal sequence, P1 being the most proximal (innermost)
primaries from damage, or an aerodynamic role in and P9, P10 or P11 the most distal (outermost),
that it, uniquely in the case of Starlings, forms a lead- depending on species. In some species the most dis-
ing edge to the wing. The aim of this study was to tal primary is reduced or minute (Cramp 1998), in
discover whether this pattern is true for birds in which case it was omitted from the analysis. The data
general. It became apparent that it was not only the showed that it was not just the most distal primary
most distal primary that was more massive than pre- that had a greater mass than expected from its
dicted from its length but all of the primaries distal length, but that the primary that forms the wing tip
to that forming the wing tip. An additional benefit of (as defined for each species in Cramp 1998) and any
these data on relative primary feather mass is that they primaries distal to that did also. Therefore, the open
are useful when estimating moult scores (Underhill symbols represent the primary feathers proximal
& Joubert 1995, Dawson & Newton 2004). to that forming the wing tip (Cramp 1998) and the
solid symbols represent the primary feather that
forms the wing tip and any primaries distal to it. In
the case of the Common Starling, the wing tip is
Dead birds were collected from a variety of sources, formed equally by P8 and P9. The wing tip is often
e.g. road casualties and specimens collected for post- formed not by the longest primary but by the
mortem analyses. In total, 120 species were exam- primary distal to the longest because the distance
ined (347 individuals) representing 37 families and between the insertion points on the wing exceeds
15 orders (Cramp 1998). Only birds that were not the difference in feather length. The broken line on
moulting and whose feathers were not significantly each graph is the linear regression for all of the
damaged or worn were used. The primary feathers primaries proximal to the wing tip, i.e. P1–P7 in the
were plucked and allowed to equilibrate to room Common Starling case.
temperature and humidity. The length and mass of
each feather was recorded. Length was measured
with the rachis held along a straight edge. Measure-
ments were made to three significant figures, i.e. mass In the Common Starling (Fig. 1), the primary feathers
to the nearest 0.1 mg for feathers less than 100 mg, P1–P7 showed a highly significant linear correlation
and length to the nearest 0.1 mm (using Vernier between log (percentage total mass) and log (percent-
callipers) for feathers less than 100 mm. In the case age total length), with r2 = 0.998. The slope of the
of small birds (< 100 g body mass) the means of linear regression (scaling relationship) was 2.218 ±
the primaries from both wings were used where 0.045 sd (Table 1). Thus,
For each primary feather, length was converted to mass ∝ length2.218.
the percentage that it contributed to the total length
of all primaries from that wing, and, similarly, mass The relationship was therefore allometric (Rayner
was converted to the percentage of total primary 1985) as opposed to isometric; in the latter the
mass. This gives the same relationship as absolute scaling relationship would equal 3.0. The two most
length and mass, but eliminates differences due to distal primary feathers (P8 and P9), which in Starlings
intra- and interspecies variation in absolute size. This equally form the wing tip, did not follow this rela-
also means that for each species the data can be tionship. They lay above the linear regression line,
plotted on graphs with identical axes, making com- i.e. log (mass)/log (length) > 2.218. Mass exceeds
parisons between species easier. The results were that predicted by their length.
plotted as log (percentage total mass) on the y-axis In each of the other 119 species examined, there
and log (percentage total length) on the x-axis. See was also a constant allometric relationship for the
Rook 1.795 0.018 1.000 Hen Harrier 2.210 0.043 0.999 Red-legged Partridge 2.446 0.074 0.996
Eurasian Hobby 1.891 0.013 1.000 Black-tailed Godwit 2.214 0.032 0.999 Mute Swan 2.455 0.030 0.999
Atlantic Puffin 1.914 0.019 0.999 Common Starling 2.218 0.045 0.998 Stone-curlew 2.456 0.057 0.997
Peregrine Falcon 1.918 0.017 1.000 Brent Goose 2.220 0.073 0.994 House Sparrow 2.469 0.067 0.996
Red-throated Diver 1.931 0.024 0.999 Eurasian Curlew 2.221 0.020 0.999 Blackcap 2.474 0.110 0.990
Manx Shearwater 1.934 0.016 1.000 Great Cormorant 2.235 0.079 0.994 Chaffinch 2.511 0.057 0.998
Tree Pipit 1.950 0.087 0.990 Common Redshank 2.249 0.037 0.998 Common Blackbird 2.518 0.096 0.994
Jackdaw 1.961 0.017 1.000 Black-headed Gull 2.256 0.024 0.999 Rock Pigeon 2.521 0.048 0.998
House Martin 1.966 0.032 0.999 Northern Goshawk 2.267 0.060 0.997 Pied Avocet 2.526 0.048 0.998
Barn Swallow 1.972 0.047 0.997 Eurasian Siskin 2.268 0.026 0.999 Great Crested Grebe 2.533 0.064 0.998
Tufted Duck 1.978 0.038 0.998 Common Linnet 2.268 0.083 0.993 Northern Lapwing 2.533 0.029 0.999
Razorbill 1.994 0.058 0.994 European Shag 2.278 0.049 0.998 Eurasian Sparrowhawk 2.547 0.155 0.989
Common Pochard 2.001 0.028 0.999 Arctic Skua 2.279 0.048 0.997 Grey Heron 2.572 0.053 0.997
Red-breasted Merganser 2.010 0.022 0.999 Common Tern 2.279 0.032 0.999 Yellowhammer 2.575 0.028 1.000
Lesser Whitethroat 2.012 0.095 0.989 Lesser Black-backed Gull 2.282 0.037 0.998 Tawny Owl 2.582 0.090 0.996
Common Guillemot 2.070 0.058 0.995 Herring Gull 2.283 0.042 0.998 Willow Ptarmigan 2.617 0.055 0.998
Common Coot 2.074 0.009 1.000 Northern Pintail 2.289 0.034 0.999 Grey Partridge 2.659 0.064 0.998
Carrion Crow 2.084 0.035 0.999 Black-legged Kittiwake 2.289 0.025 0.999 Great Tit 2.686 0.146 0.991
Merlin 2.085 0.042 0.998 Mew Gull 2.293 0.026 0.999 Corn Crake 2.691 0.161 0.979
Common Kestrel 2.087 0.019 1.000 Mallard 2.306 0.032 0.999 Common Kingfisher 2.695 0.192 0.975
European Goldfinch 2.087 0.033 0.999 Common Snipe 2.317 0.050 0.997 Black-billed Magpie 2.711 0.071 0.998
Sky Lark 2.089 0.159 0.977 European Greenfinch 2.320 0.051 0.998 Green Woodpecker 2.755 0.084 0.997
Northern Gannet 2.090 0.027 0.999 Common Goldeneye 2.324 0.028 0.999 Stonechat 2.802 0.129 0.992
Northern Shoveler 2.100 0.025 0.999 Greylag Goose 2.331 0.041 0.998 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2.817 0.084 0.997
Barn Owl 2.100 0.048 0.997 Whooper Swan 2.336 0.055 0.997 Meadow Pipit 2.821 0.215 0.978
© 2005 British Ornithologists’ Union, Ibis, 147, 283– 292
Black-browed Albatross 2.132 0.027 0.999 Bar-tailed Godwit 2.341 0.026 0.991 Little Owl 2.853 0.105 0.996
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286 A. Dawson
Figure 2. The scaling relationship of the primary flight feathers in 120 species of birds arranged phylogenetically (see following pages).
The format and axes for each graph are the same as for Figure 1. The solid line on each graph links each of the primary feathers in
sequence, P1 being the most proximal and P9, P10 or P11 the most distal, depending on species. The open symbols represent the
primary feathers proximal to that forming the wing tip. The solid symbols represent the primary feather that forms the wing tip and any
primaries distal to it. The broken line represents the linear regression of the feathers proximal to the wing tip. When more than one
individual of each species was assessed, the number of replicates is shown in parentheses, and in these cases each point represents
the mean ± sd. If the standard deviations are not shown they are smaller than the size of the symbol. *Data for Great Crested Grebe
Podiceps cristatus (n = 10) are taken from Piersma (1988).
Figure 4. Clearly there is no relationship – species the case in Starlings. This was indeed found to be
with a greater scaling relationship, which tend to be true for nearly all species. However, it was apparent
those inhabiting denser vegetation, did not in general that it was not the most distal primary alone that was
have a greater mean mass − mean length relationship. more massive, but the primary that formed the wing
tip and all, if any, primaries distal to that. In species
such as waders and gulls, which have pointed wings
and in which the wing tip is formed by the most dis-
The original aim of this study was to determine tal primary, that primary alone had a greater mass in
whether, for birds in general, the most distal primary relation to length. In species with round wings, such
feather had a greater mass, in relation to its length, as hawks, Galliformes and some owls (Little Owl
than the more proximal primaries, as was apparently Athene noctua and Tawny Owl Strix aluco), several
Figure 2. Continued.
primaries are more distal to that forming the wing was nearly always greater than for the proximal
tip, and in each case all of these were more massive primaries, there was no evidence in any species of a
in relation to length than primaries proximal to that gradual increase in mass–length relationship along
forming the wing tip. Among the passerines, there the wing. Rather, there was always a constant scaling
are species representing both extremes (e.g. Barn relationship up to the primary proximal to the wing
Swallow and Winter Wren), and the same relation- tip, and a different relationship beyond. In other
ship normally applied. The only exceptions to this words, there were two distinct scaling relationships,
were three corvid species, Jackdaw, Rook and which pivoted around the primary forming the wing
Carrion Crow. All three have round wings with three tip. The consequence was that each species had a
primary feathers distal to that forming the wing tip. highly characteristic pattern of scaling relationships.
The mass–length relationship for these primaries Although there were often considerable differences
was not greater than for the proximal primaries. in size between individuals of the same species (par-
An additional and unexpected discovery was that ticularly among raptors in which females tend to be
for each of the 120 species examined, there was a larger than males), and hence differences in length
constant allometric relationship for the primaries up and mass of feathers, the pattern of scaling relation-
to, but not including, the primary that forms the ships was highly consistent. Standard deviations of
wing tip. The most striking feature was that although each point were remarkably small. At the same time,
the mass–length relationship for the distal primaries there were sometimes marked differences between
Figure 2. Continued.
closely related species, e.g. Lesser Sylvia curruca and all of the primary feathers distal to the wing tip con-
Common Whitethroats. tribute individual leading edges. In species inhabit-
This highly conserved pattern of a constant allo- ing dense vegetation, the greater mass of distal
metric relationship up to the wing tip, and a different primaries may reflect an additional protective role
relationship beyond, suggests a functional signific- for these feathers. Such species (e.g. Winter Wren)
ance. That the distal primaries are more massive may tend to have round wings. Feathers distal to the wing
represent an aerodynamic role for these feathers. tip are likely to come into physical contact with
All of the primaries proximal to the wing tip are objects in the bird’s environment. They may need to
‘trailing’ and provide wing surface area. The primary be stronger to resist abrasion themselves, and to
that forms the wing tip, and any distal primaries, protect more proximal primaries. However, birds
each provide a leading edge as well as surface area. inhabiting dense vegetation also tend to have a higher
Presumably therefore they need to be stronger and angle of ascent following take-off. Rounded wings
more rigid for aerodynamic reasons. In species in may be advantageous for this (Swaddle & Lockwood
which the most distal primary forms the wing tip, 2003) and this flight characteristic may require more
often fast aerial species, this feather alone forms the massive (rigid) outer primaries. Thus, it is unclear
leading edge to the outer section of the wing. In spe- whether the greater mass of distal primaries in birds
cies that utilize a low-speed soaring flight and have inhabiting dense vegetation reflects an aerodynamic
rounded wings (e.g. Common Buzzard Buteo buteo), role, a protective role or both.
Figure 2. Continued.
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