Report Final
Report Final
Report Final
Submitted by
is a bonafide student of this institute and the work has been carried out by him/her under the supervision of Prof.
and it is approved for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of Savitribai Phule Pune University, for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering).
Place : Pune
Date :
This has been the light of the day due to invaluable contribution of certain
indi- viduals whose constant guidance, support and encouragement resulted in the
real- ization of our project.
We are grateful to our Guide Prof.Deokate V.P of Computer En- gineering, for
providing us the necessary help and en- couragement whenever we needed, which
has resulted in the success of our project.
We would also like to thank all the staff members of our department, Without
whose constructive suggestions and valuable advice, the simple idea, which had
borne by us, would not have been able to blossom forth to give such a beautiful
Last but not the least, we are grateful to all our friends and our parents for
their direct or indirect constant moral support throughout the course of this
Place :
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation Of The Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Defination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3 Objective Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Literature Survey 3
2.1 Literature Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Software Requirements
Specification 7
3.1 Project Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1.1 User Classes and Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 Nonfunctional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3.1 Hardware and Software Quality Characterisctics . . . . . . 8
3.3.2 Design Constraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3.3 Software Interface Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4 System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4.1 Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.4.2 Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4 System Design 10
4.1 System Architecture.................................................................................10
4.1.1 Use Case Diagram.......................................................................11
4.1.2 Activity Diagram.........................................................................12
4.1.3 Sequence Diagram.......................................................................13
4.1.4 Class Diagram..............................................................................14
5 Other Specifications 15
5.1 Advantages...............................................................................................15
7 Base Paper 19
8 Synopsis 23
List of Figures
Currently it proves costly for customers while the driver also gets the
payment after commission deduction.. Indeed, extra costs arise from the presence
of interme- diaries between a driver and a passenger.So proposed system will
deduct that cost. One major challenge that companies face is ensuring the security
and privacy of in- formation related to drivers and riders. So blockchain will
remove that challenge.
Drivers fail how these firms work because of the lack of accountability in the exist-
ing, centralized systems. Proposed system will provide transparency . Blockchain
enables riders via the decentralized network to communicate directly with drivers.
It minimizes the extra costs accrued due to the presence of multiple intermediaries.
Currently, there are hundreds and thousands of vehicles in India that travel
from one city to another and pass every day from neighborhoods to the
metropolitan area.However,the number of taxis in major cities is far below the
demand, as many people wait for a taxi on the roadside. The online car-sharing
problem can be phrased in terms of interval scheduling if all the pick-up and drop-
off locations are the same. Let a car be a machine and each interval is associated to
a request, one for each car in the instance.
• This Peer to peer car sharing system has been developed to encourage
sharing by helping car owners to “offer a ride” in their vehicle or “find a
ride” with other users.Security is always a concern with car sharing and
strangers could prove to be risky.
• To address this issue and improve security, the admin has been given the sole
authority to verify users. Users can’t log in and access the modules unless
their request has been verified by the admin. Along with being helpful for
commuting, peer to peer car sharing is also a viable method of inter-city or
inter-state travel.
• A large group of car-sharing users sold their first or second car. Their car use
has reduced substantially
This project [5] proposes a thought to utilize blockchain innovation for
rideshare administrations. This paper replaces the brought along power that matches
drivers and riders, with block chain and a coordinating application that utilizes 2
kinds of coins, that supports the drivers remodeling into diggers. To assess the
projected framework, this paper applies the projected blockchain rideshare
administration to a discourse analysis to mimic and find the foremost un-
coordinating probability to create drivers advantage from this framework. Besides,
this paper sets up a numer- ical model of the fastened conveyance of drivers what is
additional, work out the fastened advantage of each driver within the blockchain
rideshare framework.
In this work [6] the Blockchain, the institution of Bitcoin, has gotten broad
issues as recently. Blockchain fills in an exceedingly changeless record which al-
lows exchanges to happen in a suburbanised means. Blockchain-based applications
square measure jumping up, covering numerous fields together with financial
admin- istrations, infamy framework and net of Things (IoT, etc. In any case, their
square measure hitherto various difficulties of blockchain innovation like ability
and secu- rity problems holding back to be survived. This paper presents an
intensive define on blockchain innovation. We tend to provide an overview of
blockchain design right off the bat and analyse some common agreement
calculations used in numer- ous blockchains. Besides, specialized difficulties and
late advances square measure momentarily recorded. We tend to boot displayed
conceivable future patterns for blockchain.
Figure 2.1: Literature Survey
In this project, the application will be worked between three entities called
driver, passenger and central authority. The system will work in three stages ; the
first stage is the driver will be verified by central authority. The second stage is the
passenger will be verified by central authority. The third stage is after verification
driver and passenger will join the ride. The existing system was a centralized
system where a single point of failure caused the whole system to work down. But
the proposed system will be decentralized so the data will be secured.
There are two types of users in this system who will interact with each other.
These two users are called driver and passenger.
1. Driver:- Driver can create a profile in the system by registering . The
driver needs to get the verification in order to start the ride. For that purpose
they need to upload documents of vehicles and many more. After the verification
the driver can avail himself in the system so passengers can connect to him.After
connected to passenger he could set the fare on previous experiences and distance
of location.If passenger is ready for ride the both will join and complete the ride.
2. Passenger:- Passenger can also create a profile in the system by entering
his details like name , phone number , email id etc. If a passenger gets verified
successfully he can search for a ride for his destination and he can send the join
ride request to the driver.After the ride completes then he can make payment and
complete the ride.
• To successfully execute the project and grow it in accordance with the avail-
able time.
• Safety prerequisite.
• System should process data in a secure and safe manner, making it safe.
User interface design is necessary for proper operation, and users must see it user
3.3.3 Software Interface Description
ROM – 1TB (500MB Min Space
Required) Speed – 2.5Ghz
We are proposing to create a ride sharing application which is helps to grow finan-
cially and independently. Two kinds of stakeholders are identified for this DApp
i.e. the driver and the rider. Each user has different roles and responsibilities that
are offered using different dashboards of the DApp. Driver Dashboard shows, i)
The pick-up and Drop details of the user ii) The ride fare and iii) Payment Status
whereas, the Rider Dashboard shows, i) Pick up and Drop details and ii) Ride Fare.
Whenever a user detail is entered, the details are stored in MongoDB and the
metadata of the credential is pushed into the blockchain. The DApp contains a
front end which at the back end runs a decentralized platform. The workflow of the
DApp is shown in Figure 4.1.
A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) can condense the
specifics of your system’s users (sometimes referred to as actors) and their inter-
actions with the system. You’ll need a specific set of connectors and symbols to
construct one.
4.1.2 Activity Diagram
4.1.3 Sequence Diagram
4.1.4 Class Diagram
The class diagrams are the system or subsystem’s blueprints. Class diagrams are
useful for modelling the system’s constituent parts, showing the relationships
among them, and describing the functions and services that each perform.
• Safety: Authenticity of data is assured as all the data blockchain are crypto-
graphically protected. It is impossible to have any fraudulent data over the
• Transparency: In the blockchain, the data is available over the network and
the raiding parties can have a transparent view of each other.
• Safe Payments: Users will be able to make a safe payment directly to the
drivers using smart contracts, another unique feature of blockchain
• Cab Driver
• 2 Ming Zhu, Xiao-Yang Liu, and Xiaodong Wang, “An Online Ride-Sharing
Path-Planning Strategy for Public Vehicle Systems,” 2018 Transactions on
In- telligent Transportation Systems, IEEE
• 10 Satoko Itaya, Rie Tanaka, Naoki Yoshinaga, Taku Konishi, Shinichi Doi,
Keiji Yamada, “Proposal of Ride-Sharing System using Harmonic aggregation
of user Demand,” 2011 IEEE 36th Conference
• 15 Marchi, A., Parekh, E.J. (2016). How the sharing economy can make its
case. McKinsey Quarterly, 1: 112.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 09 | Sep 2023 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Abstract – By giving people access to shared transportation resources,
vehicles and limiting the use of private automobiles, car-
sharing programs can help with a number of urban
challenges. People may now utilize a shared automobile
by performing basic operations on their mobile devices
thanks to the growth of the Internet of Things. The car-
sharing program, however, has security issues. Sensitive
data is communicated for car-sharing via a public
channel, including the user's identification, position
data, and access code. As a result, an attacker may be
able to obtain this data for improper reasons, making
the development of a secure authentication protocol
In a conventional car-sharing
system, a centralised service server can
store and manage user data as well as
service data. A centralised server,
however, is vulnerable to a malevolent
attacker's single point of failure. For
instance, if the service server is hacked and
all the sharing records are wiped, the user
won't be able to access the earlier data
matching to the information about the
used cars when anything goes missing
from the cars. Additionally, if the user
engaged in fraudulent activity during car-
sharing, or if the sharing records are
altered. Finding the user's proof of a crime
from these recordings is challenging.
Additionally, if the information that has
been saved has been compromised, it
poses a major risk to user privacy.
As a solution to the mobility issues in
metropolitan areas, car-sharing programmes have
garnered a lot of interest. However, the centralised
system structure and communication over a public
channel of the conventional car-sharing system
expose it to various security issues. In order to
provide a decentralised sharing service for
authorised users, this article presented a safe
decentralised model of a car-sharing system as well
as a secure authentication technique. Blockchain
was utilised to offer a decentralised car-sharing
service and guarantee the accuracy of service
Chart -1: Flowchart information. In order to ensure the user's privacy, a
pseudonym was also used in the car-sharing system.
Submitted by
Prof.Deokate V.P
1. Intoduction 4
2. ProblemStatement 5
3. Goals & Objectives 5
4. Feasibility_Study 6
5. TechnicalDetails 6
6. Technologiesused 7
7. Innovativeness & Usefulness 8
8. System_Architecture 9
9. Conclusion 9
10.References 10
Currently, there are hundreds and thousands of vehicles in India that travel from one
city to another and pass every day from neighborhoods to the metropolitan area. However,
the number of taxis in major cities is far below the demand, as many people wait for a taxi
on the roadside.
At last, ride service networks also face issues of user privacy like the security of financial
details, the privacy of personal details, and location.
The online car-sharing problem can be phrased in terms of interval scheduling if all the
pick- up and drop-off locations are the same. Let a car be a machine and each interval is
associated to a request, one for each car in the instance.
This Peer to peer car sharing system has been developed to help encourage sharing system
by helping car owners to “offer a ride” in their vehicle or “find a ride” with other
users.Security is always a concern with car sharing and strangers could prove to be risky.
To address this issue and improve security, the admin has been given the sole authority to
verify users. User can’t log in and access the modules unless their request has been verified
by the admin. Along with being helpful for commuting, peer to peer car sharing is also a
viable method of inter-city or inter-state travel.
A large group of car-sharing users sold their first or second car. Their car use has reduced
Car Sharing causes less Traffic.
• The authentication phase is more frequent than other phases, so only the authentication phase
was compared. The proposed scheme was compared because these schemes perform
using blockchain and similar cryptography. This comparison shows that the proposed scheme is
appropriate for practical car-sharing system because it considers three party authentication,
including user, station and car owner.
• Informal security analysis was performed to demonstrate that the proposed protocol prevents
various attacks and supports user anonymity and mutual authentication. P2P carsharing offers a
greater selection of locations, vehicle types, and daily and hourly rental prices than classic and
one-way carsharing.
Tool Visual studio code community 2022
1 Next js
Next.js is a React framework that gives you building blocks to create web applications. By
framework, we mean Next.js handles the tooling and configuration needed for React, and
provides additional structure, features, and optimizations for your application
2 Web3js
Open source Javascript library provides API to interact with local Ethereum nodes.
3 Tailwind CSS
First CSS framework which make it very easy to apply great styling to you react web
applicationby choosing from the framework ready made CSS classes.
This easy approach makes Tailwind CSS very popular among today’s CSS frameworks and
speeds up the development and styling process significantly.
Object Oriented programming Knowledge to write and Implement Smart contracts in
Ethereum Blockchain.
Truffle Framework
Allows creating apps on Ethereum network. Provides a suite to tools to write smart contracts
using solidity.
Provides for testing the contracts . Give tools to deploy smart contracts in the blockchain.
Used to develop client side applications inside Truffle.
MongoDB: Ide
Core data is saved in blockchain however to facilitate the user details and displaying
dashboard details we use MongoDB.
Innovativeness and Usefulness:
To ensure fair payment in a reliable way between driver and passenger. The driver needs
to send in the normal past time distance to the authorized passenger by signing it using his
or her secret key. After that, if the passenger has provided a guaranteed distance (that is, a
previous pass once driver's signature), a smart contract transfers money to the driver. In
this way, the driver is paid as he drives. In the meantime, if a passenger stops sending
evidence to block, can stop the trip immediately.
Moreover, the distances only ended is stored in the blockchain and no other
sensitive information has been disclosed to the public. It is useful for Driver because while
using OLA and UBER apps the drivers are facing the Problem of low cost. But in our
service we are removing the third party person and giving more Profit to Car Owner. This
app will help both Driver and Passenger driver will get more profit and Passenger can
reach their Destination Fast and Secure.
The easiest way is probably to just do a Google search for "car sharing" plus the
name of where you live. If you are in a big city, your chances are pretty good. If you are in
a rural area, you're probably out of luck. Another way to find a shared ride is to look at
Wikipedia's list of car sharing operators by country. There will be a little variation from
one car sharing service to the other, but most of the big ones will send you a membership
car that can be used to unlock the cars.
The car-sharing market is changing at a dynamic pace. Along with changes and
new user habits, car-sharing systems are required to make this market even more accessible
and flexible. This solution is possible due to the joining of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS)
systems and the sharing of data, as well as the implementation of open innovations.
Car-sharing systems have attracted widespread attention as an approach that alleviates
the transportation problems in urban areas. However, the traditional car-sharing system is
exposed to some security problems owing to the centralized system structure and
communication via a public channel. This paper proposed a secure decentralized model of a car-
sharing system and a secure authentication scheme to provide a decentralized sharing service for
legitimate users.
1 P. W. Wadhwani and P. Saha, ‘‘Car sharing market size by model (P2P, station-based, free-
floating), by business model (round trip, one way), by application (business, private), industry
analysis report, regional outlook, application potential, price trend, competitive market share &
forecast, 2020–2026,’’ Global Market Insights, Pune, India, Tech. Rep., Apr. 2020. [Online].
5 Marchi, A., Parekh, E.J. (2016). How the sharing economy can make its case. McKinsey
Quarterly, 1: 112.
In order to deal with urban transportation issues including
road congestion and fuel combustion pollution, car-
sharing programs were created. Carsharing is a substitute
for owning a vehicle that enables people to increase their
mobility without having to pay for upkeep and storage.
Peer- to-peer (P2P) carsharing is a cutting-edge shared-use
vehicle concept in which individuals in the neighborhood
have access to privately owned vehicles. P2P start-ups are
a part of a group of internet businesses that have
promoted the development of "collaborative
consumption" and the "sharing economy" ideas. P2P
vehicle sharing is one of several shared-use mobility
services that are concentrated on sharing transportation
resources, and the sharing economy is emerging as a more
significant force in society..
The proposed protocol will protect users from man-in-
the- middle, replay, offline password guessing,
impersonation, and stolen mobile device threats. By
doing a loose security analysis, the suggested protocol
offers reciprocal authentication, anonymity, and
secrecy. Comparisons were made between the
proposed protocol's performance and similar systems.
The suggested protocol may be used in the blockchain-
based car-sharing system and is effective. The