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2 authors, including:
Adem Akkuş
Mus Alparslan University
All content following this page was uploaded by Adem Akkuş on 09 November 2022.
Abstract Received:
24 March 2022
Purpose of this study is to evaluate the contribution of the faculty education to the
teaching skills of science teachers with respect to teachers’ opinions. Sample of Accepted:
the study consisted of 10 elementary science teachers working in Diyarbakır in 14 September 2022
Turkey during 2017-2018 instruction seasons. Purposive/convenience sampling
method is used for the study. Phenomenological research design is applied for the Published online:
study. Interview method which is one of qualitative methods is used for research 9 November 2022
purpose. Research revealed that most of the elementary science teachers think
faculty education is useful in improving teaching skills. However, it is also Keywords
revealed by the study that teachers lack to apply obtained knowledge in to practice. Science teachers,
Several themes are determined by the study. Determined themes by the study are;
Science education,
school theme, family and guidance service theme, theory and practice theme,
Pedagogical formation,
providing students’ needs and interests’ themes, individuality of student’s themes, Education faculty
teacher experience upon the classroom and students theme and teacher guidance
for student activity theme. The most significant outcome of this research is that
although teachers know theoretical aspects of instructional methods yet, they lack
in philosphical aspects of methods and skills in using them.
Ministry of Education, Science Teacher, Diyarbakır/ Turkey [email protected]
Elementary Science Education, Education Faculty, Muş Alparslan University, Muş/Turkey
[email protected] Orcid ID: 0000-0001-9570-3582
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
should be open to new information and changes Studies done in Turkey for different areas of
(Özbay, 2015). For that reason, it is important teacher education revealed some perspectives.
for a teacher to know his/her students’ For example, Unlu (2018) notes supporting
weaknesses and strengths along with his/her critical thinking curriculum would benefit
own (Sarıtaş, 2001; Turgut et al., 1997). As a teachers at all levels. Bayram et. al. (2019) also
consequence, a science teacher should be aware noted benefits of critical thinking approaches on
of recent developments and should be open to teacher candidates. Çoklar & Akçay (2018)
them (Niemi, 2021; Tezcan, 1997) while using self-efficacy factor in teaching area are
new teaching techniques, planning the indicators of success of teacher candidates.
instruction, exhibit good classroom Akın & Ok (2021) noted that although teachers
management skills, using time efficiently and think that they are equipped with professional
ability on continuous assessment (Green, 2004). knowledge they still lack on professional
Teacher Education in Turkey development.
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
sufficient professional attributes use more faculties. However, field researches would help
student-centered approaches and try to use to achieve a better understanding upon the case
inquiry-based teaching since permanent (Darling-Hammond, 2020; Gibbons & Farley,
learning is achieved by student-centered 2020; Koubek et al., 2020; Martin & Spencer,
approaches. The role of teachers in education 2020). For that reason, importance of this study
has revealed the importance of teachers' is that the study was carried out with elementary
education, proficiency levels and training science teachers who are actively working and
(Cooke-Nieves et. al., 2022; Ramdani et al., it provides current perspectives of the science
2021; Schriver & Czerniak, 1999). teachers. Thus, purpose of this study is to
examine the effectiveness of education given at
Importance of study education faculties with respect to teachers’
There are many researches done on teaching
and efficiency of teaching. However, most of Method
those studies either focused in a view of
faculties’ perspectives or management issues at Research model
schools. Competencies of teachers were tried to
be measured via affective domains of teachers Research design of the study is
(Yıldırım, 2013). For example, a study from phenomenological research. Phenomenological
Malaysia revealed teachers’ cognitive skills research design helps researchers to gain
with personality and interpersonal skills might perspectives on the individuals/cases
indicate the quality of instruction in the who/which are in the center of purpose of the
classrooms (Abd Hamid et al., 2012). Other research (Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2006).
method to assess the quality of teaching is via
students (Broder & Dorfman, 1994; Ferguson, Sampling method
2012). Thus, concerns on teacher trainings have
been an increasing issue. On the other hand, in Purposive sampling method was used for the
order to determine efficiency of education, study since it eased to carry out the study (Miles
teachers’ voices need to be heard (Basinger, & Huberman, 1994). Researcher visited
2000). In fact, studies focusing on teaching elementary schools based on proximity and
quality could reveal surprising facts by asked elementary science teachers whether they
involving teachers. Such studies may also would want to participate in the study. Ten
indicate where and when studies fail and reveal elementary science teachers agreed to
the factors buried under ground (Polikoff & participate in the study.
Porter, 2014). In that sense, quality of
instruction possessed by the teachers is due to
quality of education given by the education Study group
faculties and, teachers’ opinions could reflect
the effectiveness of the education given at Sample of the study consisted of ten elementary
faculties (Darling-Hammond, 2017; Jenset et science teachers who were currently working at
al., 2018; Puustinen et al., 2018). Studies on eastern part of Turkey in Diyarbakır.
active and candidate teachers and curriculum Demographic information of the science
designs are effective on teaching by shaping the teachers was given in Table 1.
pedagogical education given by the education
Table 1.
Demographics of the teachers
Teacher Graduation Professional Age Gender Education Level
Code seniority
ST1 Science education 10 34 Male Bs D
ST2 Science education 8 33 Female Masters Degree
ST3 Science education 22 45 Female Bs D
ST4 Science education 11 39 Male Bs D
ST5 Science education 24 51 Male Bs D
ST6 Science education 15 40 Male Bs D
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
Table 2.
Interview questions
Question 1 Would you define a good classroom and bad classroom?
Question 2 Which problems do you encounter in classrooms?
How do you solve them?
Question 3 Do you think courses such as classroom management, guidance and school experience
offered you at faculties contributed you in the classroom? Why?
Question 4 Was there a classroom for you seem to handle hard?
Did you use different techniques to handle the classroom?
Question 5 Were you able to apply the techniques you learned at faculties in the classroom?
Question 6 Do students comprehend the daily life and knowledge taught in the classroom?
How do you help them?
Question 7 Did courses offered at faculties help you in that? (regarding previous question)
Question 8 How do you assess students’ learning?
Can you give few examples?
Question 9 Do you ask consultation of other teachers on the topics we discussed?
Question 10 How do think other science teachers on the topics we discussed?
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
school also causes less engagement in hence, decrease level of motivation and
classroom and increase disturbing behaviors of academic achievement (Aslan & Babadoğan,
students. For example, one science teacher 2005). Various instructional methods have been
commented as developed to eliminate problems caused by
abstract topics. Through those instructional
“Students with low motivation also methods students can transform abstract
disturb other students in the information and into concrete base since, the
classroom” main reason for low academic achievement is
the inability of students to transform abstract
while other science teacher also stated that information to solid grounds (Saygın et. al.,
“Students, who don’t pay attention to
lessons, always try to speak with their Students’ interests and needs
classmates and prevent teacher to give
the lecture”. Taking students’ interests and needs into
account can develop better motivation towards
Moreover, one of the teachers indicated that courses. If students’ interests and needs are not
provided then, they are not engaged with
“Problems between the students which courses (Baram-Tsabari, Sethi, Bry & Yarden,
happens outside of the classroom 2010). A science teacher already confirmed the
environment, might easily transferred case with
to the classroom environment”.
“After music or physical activities
Goodboy, Martin & Goldman (2016) courses, it is really very hard to engage
indicated that problems between the students the students towards the course”.
cause low motivation toward to attendance.
Thus, there is negative relationship between the Students’ needs and interests provided at music
motivation towards school and bullying or physical activities courses. Naturally,
(relational-verbal, cyber, physical and culture students are engaged more into those courses
based bullying) cases. Lack of motivation than science courses (Humphries, Bidner &
towards lesson also indicated by teachers as Edwards, 2011).
“Students are not interested towards Another reason stated by the teachers for lack of
lesson; they don’t pay attention to it” motivation of students was their transition
“Negative things might happen in the
classroom such as attention deficit or “Since students are in their puberty era,
low motivation”. they tend to come to classroom without
prepared and making objections to
One of the teachers indicated that lack of teacher”
motivation might be because of
In order to prevent undesired situations,
“Abstract topics in science education” it is revealed that only 4 science teachers try to
determine the reasons for the disturbance.
and another teacher also pointed out similar Those science teachers also stated that
conclusion by indicating that “Creating a democratic classroom environment
and using negative and positive reinforcements”
“Having low motivation as due to help them to eliminate the problems. Sarıtaş
nature of science courses which have (2006) stated that determining the class rules
abstract topics. Abstract topics makes it with students help teachers. In that case,
hard to comprehend the topics for students try to obey the rules. On the other hand,
students”. as stated previously, students have the tendency
Topics which do not have concrete
bases cause lack of interest towards lesson and
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
“Bringing outside problems into the students alongside with cognitive development.
classroom” Using instructional methods efficiently may
and only three science teachers out of provide both a safe learning environment and
10 create fun during the course (Hopp et al., 2000;
Rubin-Vaughan et al., 2011). In fact, fourth
“Use guidance service and inform question of the survey was aiming to determine
families about their children’s whether science teachers use different
situation” techniques to avoid problems or not.
Guidance service is one of the useful methods It is a well-known fact that different methods
to reach out the students. Yaman et. al. (2009) and techniques are used to increase cognitive,
stated that guidance service could eliminate the affective or psychomotor abilities. For example,
problems encountered in educational settings. cooperative learning method has proved its
In addition, value by increasing cognitive skills and
affective skills such as developing good
“…. contacting families” and “being in relationships with other students (Akkus, 2013;
continuous touch with families” Butera & Buchs, 2019; Kim, 2018). Most
for “the solution I get better results” science teachers responded that they are using
different techniques for the desired purposes.
Since, families and teachers On the other hand, none of the science teachers
revealed any details on the issue. They
“find a common agreement on the responded mostly in general responses which
issue” clearly indicated that science teachers might be
neglecting the attributes of the techniques. In
to eliminate the problems. Families are that case, it might be said that teachers aren’t
interested in their children’s education so, they fully aware on how to apply the techniques. A
try their best and guidance service might help few examples shown below would point out the
students to cope with the problems they have. situation.
Studies indicate that families’ involvement into
educational settings could bring benefits “I didn’t use different techniques. I
(Fantuzzo, Tighe & Childs, 2000). However, if believe the best way to manage a
there are families not being aware of that their classroom is being good on your area”
children go to classroom
“I used different techniques but that
“Without preparations such as pen and didn’t get me to solution”
“I didn’t use different techniques.
they can’t help their children. So, Every student has different and need so
informing the families about the situation of I give different assignment and
their children and lack of materials, then it is homework to them”
possible to engage the families more efficiently
into education settings. Researchers already “I had sometimes hard time to focus
state that families could help their children to students on the lesson and motivate
have motivation towards learning (Doğan, them towards lesson. Sometimes I call
2004). For that reason, asking graduate students to classroom to be an
example for them. I used different
“… help from management and techniques”
guidance service”
“Sure, I used. The most frequent thing I
Might benefit teachers, families and encountered that students didn’t want
students. Additionally, different techniques anything from the lesson. I act
could be used to solve the problems since those authoritarian in some classes,
techniques develop positive social skills of sometimes talk the student in private,
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
students, in return, will bring the academic and question, brain storm and concept maps. This is
social improvements (Bayraktar, 2011; also an indication that teachers use traditional
Crosswell & Beutel, 2017; Jalilifar, 2010; approach and assume they are using modern
Yasmin et al., 2019; Zakaria et al., 2013). Yet, techniques. Table 3 indicates teachers’
almost all of the science teachers indicated that responses to questions on using different
they use different techniques however, their techniques.
examples only consisted of answer and
Table 3.
Teachers’ responses towards different techniques usage
Responses (f)
Yes No Partially
Question 3 5 2 3
Question 4 9 1 -
Question 5 2 - 8
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
“Faculty education was helpful but it faculties. We teach way more simple
didn’t help enough in the teaching” things”
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
Table 4.
Science teachers’ preference on assessment and evaluation
Type f science teachers code
Multiple choice 9 EST1, EST2, EST3, EST4, EST5, EST6, EST8,
Open ended 7 EST1, EST2, EST3, EST4, EST5, EST6, EST8
True-False 7 EST1, EST2, EST4, EST5, EST7, EST8, EST9
Engagement in class 7 EST1, EST2, EST3, EST5, EST6, EST7, EST8
Fill in blanks 6 EST1, EST2, EST3, EST4, EST5, EST8
Matching 4 EST1, EST2, EST3, EST9
Question-Answer 4 EST2, EST5, EST6, EST10
Concept Map 3 EST3, EST8, EST9
Project Assignments 3 EST1, EST7, EST8
Question-Answer on Visuals 2 EST2, EST8
Oral Exams 2 EST9, EST10
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2022, 2(2), 1-17
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