Manupatra User Guide 1688725976

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. Search Inter ace Results

i. Legal Search
ii. Miscellaneous Searches
iii. Manu Search
i . Cita on Search
. Search Results
i. Manu Instant
ii. uery De ni on
iii. Search in Search Results
i . Court Selec on
. eatures
I. Manu Cite
ii. Ci ng Re erence ra h
iii. imeline
i . Print Re lica
. Search Commentary rea ses
. Na iga on
. ilters
. loa ng Na iga on
. Ma
. ar Chart
. Ka ture
. Manu atra ord Connect
. Manu atra Outlook Connect
. Store Document on Cloud
. S cky Note
. My Note ad
. Judgment em late
. Alerts
I. Deskto Alert
ii. Manu Cli
iii. Manu atra Search Alert

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 3
he case laws in Manu atra are di ided into elds. ach eld contains a s eci c in orma on (e.g., a ellant res ondent name,
udges name, e ui alent cita on, sub ect, udge name, cita on, acts, rules, order etc). Legal search allows you to search on a
s eci c eld or a combina on o elds.

Search for judgments under an Act or

specific section, article, rule, order of an Name of Judge: enables search
Act You can run simultaneous search on the Hon'ble judges name
on 2 Acts.

Search in Case Note: restrict your

Names of parties: Search on the search to the case note (summary)
name of appellant or respondent of the judgment.
to get unique results for your

Subject: cases are classified

under 50 subjects of law by our
editors. This can be combined Date: Search on date / range of
with sub-subject (phrase or key date / before / on/ after specific
words pertaining to the query) date



Benc earc enables search on cons tu on o bench, which may be combined with sub ect, udge name
and court name eld s.

Select from Single, Select from 50

Division, 3 Judge or 5 subjects of law Select court You may specify
and more Judges name judge name for
Bench specific query

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 4
his inter ace gi es you the single search bo e erience and assists you to search or key words, hrases, mul le
hrases and more. ou can er orm oolean search using Manu Search.

Sim ly ty e in your uery and the search engine uses back end algorithms to gi e results based on rele ancy. he
results can be sorted on Decision Date itle Court Name and Rele ance.

Pro imity Search Near each other

search is ro imity search. his searches
or the uery terms within words o Auto Searches or AND, then
Search in Results Re ne your each other. he occurrence may be OR and i nothing ound shows
ordered or unordered. results or AND or OR
search by searching only in results.


Did you mean In case o wrong s ellings in your

keywords, Manu atra will try and suggest you the best Check the Synonyms bo under the search
matching word and the sugges on will be resented as uery bo to include results or synonyms
a link with corrected s ellings
rela ng to your search uery.

Manu atra has a ower ul and e haus e Cita on search. hile s eci ying all com onents o the cita on, gets you
uni ue result, in u ng ar al in orma on o a cita on also gets you results, which hel s you iden y the rele ant
Click on Legal Search to access Cita on Search.

elect rom ndian Cita on nterna onal Cita on

Publisher s dro down
menu lis ng about
rint ublica ons.

When you select a publication, the

system automatically lists the years,
Volume No, page nos valid for the
publication and available in the
Manupatra system.
Journal itles uick link gi es the
ull orm o the abbre ia ons
used or arious ublica ons,
thus hel ing you ero down on Court Names drop
what you are looking or. down menu

Result o the search

No court defined thus
result is for across all
courts with AIR 2011
Page 5

Select Interna onal cita on to search or cases rom S, K, Srilanka, angladesh and Pakistan.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 5
S R Refine your search
Select the information
youwant to view in results
Tips Courts

Save search results

Show/Hide TOC: Hide for future reference
TOC when viewing results
for more space Sort search results
by Relevance, Date,
Title, Court Name.
Toggle View: View search
results and document in
samepane Save doc for current
Graphical representation
of occurance of cases Case Overruled

Manu Instant

Filters allow you to filter

results according to court, Open doc in
subject etc, drastically new window
improving your search
time and results.
Time line
Authority Check

Click on title to view the

full text of Judgment

Filters on manupatra give you the ability to quickly S S allows you to save your searches for future
focus on the documents that are most important to you. reference. You can give the search result a name by
Using filters, you can narrow a search result list by which you may recognize the search at a future date.
jurisdiction key words, judges name, acts referred etc. When
you run a search query, the results are automatically You can MANAGE the saved searches by selecting the
clustered under various heads such as Court, Document search you want to run from the list
Type, Subject, Judge, Ministry, Period etc. making
navigation easy for the user. ·You can delete or rename the selected search

You can S and re-sort results on Relevance, decision S allows unlimited nesting option. You
date, title of case and court name. may narrow down the results by searching only in the
results. Check the search in results button, input your
A S L allows to save documents for the query in the search box and click on Refine
current session to view, print or email directly from the
session list A provides for an interactive timeline
which identifies later-citing cases. It makes it easy to pick
D provides you with options to choose to view out the best cases from a large collection of results by
your result with Excerpts and Case Note displaying cases in an intuitive graphical format. Vertical
Axis displays list of Courts and the Horizontal Axis
T G gives a pictorial depiction of the results, displays year range in which case has been further cited.
giving a quick preview of how the search results are spread
across various years . ·By rolling and holding mouse over a bubble, one can
view extract of the case and no. of times it has been cited
T provides for viewing hit list and document in in future.
same pane, thus making browsing easier and faster.
·Citation Summary shows how many times case has
allows ease in browsing by been cited, in total and separately in Supreme Court and
allowing you to open documents in different windows. High Courts respectively

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 6
his gi es a bird s eye iew o editorial enhancements in the udgments. he user can iew elds like Case Note (based on which a user may
decide to read the ull te t), cases re erred with a ro riate conte t o re erence, e ui alent cita ons, ci ng re erence etc.

To close the MANU

One can also take a
print of the details as
Instant, click on the
available in the Manu cross button
Instant window. appearing on the left

To s e e t h e M a n u
Instant take the mouse
over the results, a blue
colour double arrow
icon will appear . Click
alue add a ears as a on the icon to see the
rollo er window value adds instantly.

Dis lays the de ni on o the uery words hrases.
ake the mouse o er the search word a earing as ou ha e searched or A o u will a ear with the dic onary meaning

Take the mouse over t h e

s e a rc h wo rd appearing
with “You have searched

A popup will appear

with the dictionary

Search bar to Re ne your search now a ears on to o your document to enable you to Re ne your search while reading a
document. ou don t need to go back to Results age to search in search results.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 7
Court elec on in Manu Search ou can now choose to search in only Indian Courts or Interna onal Courts by making a selec on
rom the dro down. y de ault (court lter is unchecked) the site will show results rom both Indian and Interna onal Courts.

A gear like icon Se ngs is shown beside e ery manuid men oned linked in a document, which when clicked
dis lays the number o mes the udgment has been cited in other udgments. he treatment o the sub ect case in other
cases is also de icted. Manu Cite when clicked rom the to bar dis lays a sorted iew o all the manuids men oned in the
selected udgment along with their cited count and treatment in other cases.

Click on Manu cite



Relied On Dissented Affirmed

eature: his eature will assist the ser in knowing as to in what ers ec e cases men oned in a ar cular
udgment were treated or considered by the Court deli ering udgment.

o it or s:
·O en a udgment, go to Ci ng Re erence tem late.
·Click on any o the treatment (e.g. Discussed Men oned etc).
· he o u will o en u describing about the cases re erred in this udgment and treatment gi en to those
cases in ra hical ormat as well.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 8
his eature will gi e user a uick in o on number o erdicts assed and as a ailable in Manu atra database with the hel
o gra hical re resenta on. his eature will hel the researcher user to orm a sta s cal o inion on re ailing
rominence o legal issue during a ar cular year range is-a- is erdicts assed by the res ec e Courts, ribunals and
Commissions, No ca ons as co ered in Manu atra database.
he abo e men oned meline will a ear at the to o search lter column

o it or s:

o see the imeline ra h in bigger rame click on the gra h in smaller rame a earing in the search window.

·Print Replica is the scanned image of the judgment as appearing in the journal with page
·Manupatra provides Print Replica of Judgments from over 28 Print Journals.
·We currently have a growing repository of 1.2 lacs print replica online.
·Take a print out of the print replica of the judgment and submit to the courts.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 9
he ollowing commentaries co ering all ma or Acts are currently a ailable online on www.manu he
re ository con nues to grow as more commentaries are added.
§Code o Ci il Procedure,
§Code o Criminal Procedure, . Click on Legal earc Miscellaneous earc es earc Comm
§Com anies Act,
§Cons tu on o India
§Consumer Protec on Act, Search Commentary
§Co yright Act,
§Court ees Act,
§ m loyee s Com ensa on Act,
§ actories Act,
§Indian Contract Act, . In the le T C click on Commentaries Trea ses
§Indian idence Act,
§Indian Stam Act,
§Industrial Dis utes Act,
§Jammu Kashmir( tension o Laws) Act,

§Ju enile Jus ce Act,

§Limita on Act, Commentaries rea ses
§Nego able Instruments Act,
§S eci c Relie Act,
§Suits alua on Act,
§ rans er o Pro erty Act,

he ollowing inter ace will o en.

Select Act Name rom

dro -down list
nter te t to search
Select Section / Annexure /
Schedule/ Article / Chapter etc. of
which you wish to read commentary

ou may also iew the Commentary through the are Acts Statute sec on.

he acts which ha e the commentary will ha e the Icon in the OC. Click on the icon to iew the
commentary o the sec on.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 10
hen you read the sec on o any Act, i commentary is a ailable or the sub ect act commentary icon a ears. Click on the
icon to read the commentary.

hen there is a re erence o a sec on o an act, in a udgment, clicking on the sec on gi es you the o on o reading
the te t o the Sec on o the Act or Commentary.

Click to read Click to read

te t o the Act Commentary

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 11
N Check the box Global navigation appears
where you Search o ons gi es on every page so you
can easily navigate the
want to search you the ability to run a
site and get to where you
Manu atra database ro ides abs that makes plit rame: s eci c search o your
want to go quickly

na iga on through the site seamless. Combined Le - able o content,

Right - Doc Search Inter ace
search, browse and intui e lters hel you narrow
your results ast and show related documents.
Search bo allows you to run a search without
ha ing to select a s eci c source. his im ro es
your ease o use.

My ome creen

· pilt rame iew allows or easy mo ement between databases and documents
·Results return to the last ace result list
· oc return to the last iewed document
·My a ed ocs iew the documents sa ed during arious sessions. here is a ro ision to create olders and directly select documents or rint
and email. ou may create ersonali ed olders with o on o assword rotec on.
· earc istory stores the last searches. istory dis lays your searches in re erse-chronological order, with your most recent search at the
to o the list with the iden ying in orma on about each search a earing in ad acent columns.
· le i ility to search in Selected databases or All databases. y de ault Manu atra searches in All documents. ou may select any ermuta on
combina on o databases by checking the bo ne t to database name, to restrict your search to selected databases.

ilters on manu atra gi e you the ability to uickly ocus on the documents that are most
im ortant to you. sing lters, you can narrow a search result list by

Jurisdic on Court wise no ca on etc.

Keywords Industry ty e
Sub ect classi ca on Ministry
Judges name De artment
Period -book
Acts Re erred Publisher
Document y e udgment, act,

hen you run a search uery, the results are automa cally clustered under the abo e heads
making na iga on easy or the user.

• Print • Save • E-mail • Go back to results • Find within
Document • Go to top • Go to bottom icons
Appear on right bottom of the page on mouse roll over. Take
your cursor to the right bottom of the page for these icons to
appear. No need to scroll to top of the page.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 12
his eature will assist the user to easily understand his last searches done in gra hical ormat as well so that one can see the
di erence among those searches.

o it or s:
·O en Search history, click on the Ma tab a earing on the age. On the le side o the rame you will see, your arent
· ick on the checkbo es against any o the searches to see the history in gra hical ormat. ou can see mul le search
gra hs by selec ng more than one checkbo rom the le search history rame.
· ogo back to the lis ng ormat click on the List tab.
To find out how many common
and uncommon records are
available, select the Similar or
Distinct option.

Click on MAP to view

pictorial representation in
right screen of main
Open Search
searches in right screen
History to view the

Click on List to view the list

of last 20 searches done. Click on the Compare button
to see the Similar and
Tick checkboxes to see the Distinct documents between
history in pictorial format. the two searches

See multiple search Take the mouse over the

representation by selecting document sign , it will show
more than one checkbox. you the title of the last
document opened from that
particular search
Click on the search query
in the map to see the query

Chronological lis ng o are Acts Statutes shows the ar Chart which gi es yearwise lis ng o the are Act. One can
click on the number a earing on the ar to iew Acts a earing in that year.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 13
?Onceyou Login success ully you will be able to see the search results or your highlighted uery. his will be a ree te t search
and by de ault it will show results rom Su reme Court. I you wish to see the results rom other courts lease select the court
rom Select Court dro down. he list o courts you can see as er your subscri on lan.

? ou can also choose to search within the A ellant Res ondent ( ield Search) ,Cita on and on the eb as well.
?Also be ore closing the word document lease do not orget to Sign out rom Manu atra in the right rame.

?Click on any o the document tle to see the ull te t.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 14
? oco yany ma er rom search results, can drag and dro the te t rom the results documents to your word le
by highligh ng the te t and dragging the te t to the cursor osi on. his sa es you ty ing.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 15
sers can now seamlessly access content and resources rom Manu atra and the o en eb rom their MS Outlook
while reading or com osing email.

o to use:
? ighlight the te t in your email (reading or com osing) you want to search and click on Manu Search Icon a earing in
Add Ins Menu.
? ou will be rom ted to Login to Manu atra.
?Please enter your Manu atra Sign In and assword ensure no one is logged in with the same Sign in else it will gi e you
he session is already ac e message.

?Once you Login success ully you will be able to see the search results or your highlighted uery. his will be a ree te t
search and by de ault it will show results rom Su reme Court. I you wish to see the results rom other courts lease select
the court rom Select Court dro down. he list o courts you can see as er your subscri on lan.
? ou can also choose to search within the A ellant Res ondent ( ield Search) ,Cita on and on the eb as well.
?Also be ore closing the mail item, lease do not orget to Sign out rom Manu atra in the right rame.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 16
?Click on any o the document tle to see the ull te t.
? o co y any ma er rom search results, can drag and dro the te t rom the results documents to your word le by
highligh ng the te t and dragging the te t to the cursor osi on. his sa es you ty ing.

Now u load any document rom Manu atra to your cloud account (e.g. Dro bo oogle Dri e) at the click
o a bu on

?Click on cloud icon (bo om icons) rom documents age to u load the document to your cloud account.
?Click on the res ec e bu ons (Dro bo oogle Dri e) to Sa e the document to your cloud account.
? oogle Dri e works with below men oned browser
?Chrome, ire o , Sa ari, Internet lorer (only I and I )
?Dro bo works with below men oned browser
?Internet lorer , Chrome, Sa ari , ire o , O era

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 17
sers can now mark comments, add a note as well as highlight any or on o te t while reading the udgement, as er their
ersonal re uirement, or uture re erence.

?O en any udgement and click on the S cky Note below Sign O as shown below .
? ou will no ce s cky note control anel a earing on the right o the udgement.
? o start highligh ng any te t, select the en- ad icon rom the to o ons as shown here select the te t in
the udgment.
? sing the tool bar you can select the colour style or your highlighted te t or on. ser ha e an o on o old,
Italic and underline.
? hey can also change the ont ty e.
Clear all the comments
o the document

Print document
without notes
Print document with notes

Print only comments

Click to ighlight
To add a note right
a te t in a document
click on the document
where the comment
box is placed. A Click on this icon and
context menu will place the cursor at the
appear with Add Note location in the
option. document you wish to
Add Comments.
Click on Add Note, a
box will appear, add Sa e the documents
your comments in the
box or select the text with all highligh ng
and drag the content and comments.
from the same or any
other document into Search all sticky note
the box. created by you in
all documents.

rint uts ta en o udgmensts rom manupatra com are accepted y Courts

ou can choose to take a rint out in

?Singleor double column

?Choosethe ormat rom Doc PD ML
?Selec he ont ty e and ont si e

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 18

ser can create in ite share the note against a documents. he in ita on can only be send to Manu atra s ac e ids.

o it or s:
?O en a case against which you want to create in ite share note, Click on My Note ad on the to Menu, and click on
Add to My note ad .
? o in ite your colleagues (who are using Manu atra) click on on In ite to Share Note bu on. An email will be send
with the document id against which you want to in ite share note to the users whom you ha e in ited.
?All the notes wri en against that document will be dis layed along with your note.
? ou can iew the note by clicking on the cli icon a earing on the to le o the document as soon as you create a
note or you can also see i someone has in ited you to share the note.
? ou can also search within note.

Click to open
your note pad

View note for subject Click to close

document by clicking note pad
Search in your notes

Add a note for

current document
Note or current document,
Print mail Note
ou can in ite manu atra
subscribers to share
a note

List of your notes

List of shared notes

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 19

M Print Email save

Print Replica of the

Multiple equivalent citations Judgment as appearing
to print journals. Manupatra in the Print Journal with
covers citations of over 280 page nos.
Journals making your
research easier.

Click on Judge name to Click on Counsel name to view

view the cases from various all cases from various courts
courts for the judge for the Counsel.

Judgments are classified

across 50 subjects of law

Click to view the catch

words in the judgment
Cases where the
subject case has been
mentioned in future

Manupatra database
gives ready links to
referred cases

status with link to the
respective case
Prior History of the
case showing which
court has the appeal
come from

Citing reference which

analyses whether the
referred cases have
been Mentioned, Relied
on: Discussed:
Affirmed: Distinguished:

Case note gives a

succinct summary of
the case compiled by
Manupatra editors

Reason for deciding Full text of the

Proposition of law laid judgment
by the court

Links to cases

Click to read the

section of the Act

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 20

On www.manu you can sa e your search and use sel e lanatory nomenclature to name the sa ed
search. NO you can also set an AL R to get results or your search uery rom the new documents which are
added on site e ery day.

Eg. if you did a search for "gender jus ce" as a phrase and saved it under the name 'gender jus ce', you can now set an
alert wherein, every me a new document is uploaded with "gender jus ce " as a phrase you will get an email alert with
brief details of the document.

o to se t e earc lert eature

·Login to www.manu site as a subscriber and click on Manage Search on your my ome Page as shown
in g below.

·Click on dit link or the Search Name you wish to set an alert or. Select the number o iry Days ( this is
number o days or which you wish to recei e Alerts or the sub ect search uery). Click on pdate under dit
o on . hen click on na le to ini ate the Alert.

ou can Disable the Alert at any oint o me by clicking on isa le bu on against the Search Name.

·Once the Alert is success ully nabled, you will start recei ing the Alerts on your registered email id as and when
any udgment is u loaded on www.manu which contains your search uery or which you ha e set the
Alert. he email in ma on will contain details o the document which you can access by Signing on to
· ery user can set u to Alerts at any oint o me.

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 21
Manu atra Deskto Alert ser ice is a com limentary ser ice rom Manu atra designed to hel you stay connected with
sna shots o legal e ents on all working days.
It is an internet a lica on that resides on your deskto and is managed by the ser er com onent o our la orm.

ey eatures:
?No Registra on re uired.
? his ser ice is com limentary and takes only seconds to install.
?Manu atra will alert you on im ortant case laws, no ca ons, Statutes, news, etc., through cris summaries.
?New In orma on ows on to your deskto so you don t ha e to access di erent sites to kee yoursel u dated.
?Doesnot inter ere with your work. Deskto Alert remains in your indows system tray. As soon as an alert is recei ed, it o s
u .
? oom In and oom Out eature is a ailable.

Desktop Alert on Chrome is also available.

hen you log in and go to your manucli age ,by de ault it will show you udgments or the sub ects you ha e selected.

ou can iew and change your o ons at any oint o me and any number o mes.
To o nload Log on to: h www.manu downloads ln

his ser ice allows you to monitor u dates on No ca ons and Judgments without actually searching or them. our results are
con eniently deli ered to your ersonali ed manu cli age which is uni ue to your sign in.
o customi e your o ons click on S L C S J C and NO I ICA ION S J C .
Select the sub ects, ministries de artments or to ics you would like to recei e the u dates on. Select and Submit to store
you choices.
o remo e any selec on, deselect the check bo and to add any select the check bo .
ou also ha e the o on o de ning the number o days ranging rom to days. All in orma on is stored or last days. y de ault
it is last days.
hen you log in and go to your manucli age ,by de ault it will show you udgments or the sub ects you ha e selected. ou
can change your o ons at any oint o me and any number o mes.

To know more about to click below link…

Copyright, SLS-NOIDA 22

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