Attitude of The Administrators of Private School Towards Physical Education in Chhenai
Attitude of The Administrators of Private School Towards Physical Education in Chhenai
Attitude of The Administrators of Private School Towards Physical Education in Chhenai
The primary goal of the study was to learn about the attitudes of private school administrators
regarding physical education. Research is often performed to generate new ideas that are important
to society. The current study's findings could be useful in the following ways: The study's findings
could assist persuade schoolchildren and instructors to participate in physical education. The
outcomes of this study may assist the relevant authorities in making recommendations about the
inclusion of Physical Education in the school curriculum. Based on the studied literature and the
research scholar's own experience, it was expected that school administrators would have a
considerable positive attitude toward physical education. The data for the current study were
gathered from 20 private school administrators. These individuals will serve as data sources.
To collect the data pertaining to this study, Adams Attitude Scale was employed and the marks
were recorded by employing the Likert method. The data for this study were obtained on 20
administrators from private schools using Adams' standard questionnaire for examining attitudes
toward physical education.
Physical education plays a critical role in educating the whole student. Like other academic
courses of study, physical education based upon rigorous national standards that define what students
should know and be able to as a result of participation. Physical education is unique to the school
curriculum, it is the only program that provides students with opportunities to learn more skills,
develop fitness, and gain understanding about the importance of physical activity. Students will be
provided an individualized, developmentally appropriate, and personally challenging instructional
program that will advance the knowledge, confidence, skill and motivational needed to engage in a
lifelong, healthy active lifestyle. With the increase in obesity nationwide, the benefits gained from
physical activity include: disease prevention, decreased morbidity and premature mortality, and
increase mental health and self esteem. The benefits of physical education can also affect academic
learning. Regular aerobic exercise produces an increase number of capillaries servicing the brain
which allows for a greater exchange of nutrients and waste products. This optimizes oxygen and
glucose delivery to brain which can help improve brain performance. Additionally, physical
education incorporates concept of math, reading/English language arts, and science into the physical
education realm. Technology is also being integrated into the curriculum through the use of heart rate
monitors, pedometers and computer based fitness stations. The ultimate goal of physical education
will always be participation in health-enhancing physical education physical activity for life time.
Statement of the Problem
As the research scholar belongs to Physical Education and Sports, He wanted to know about
the attitudes of the administrators of private schools towards physical education. Hence, the scholar
was interested to undertake the problem as “Attitude of the Administrators of the Private Schools
towards Physical Education in Chennai, Tamil Nadu’’.
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study was to know the attitudes of the administrators of private
school management towards physical education.
Significance of the Study
Research is generally conducted for evolving new ideas which are essential for the society.
The result of the present study would be helpful as follows:
i. The result of the study might be helpful to motivate school students and the teachers towards
physical education.
ii. The findings of this study might help the concerned authorities for the recommendation to
include Physical Education subject in school curriculum.
On the basis of literatures reviewed expert’s opinion and on research scholars own experience
it was hypothesized that there would be significant positive attitude of the school administrators
towards physical education.
The present study was delimited to the following aspects:-
i. 20 Private Schools were selected from Gaya district of Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
ii. The subjects were selected from C.B.S.E affiliated schools only.
iii. The data pertaining to this study were collected by using questionnaire only.
i. There was no control over the responses of the selected subjects.
ii. The psychological conditions of the subject at the time of answering the questionnaire were
not under the control of scholar.
iii. No specific motivational techniques were used at the time of collection of data.
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -1 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded Strongly agree, 2 (10%) in the favor of agree,1
(5%) un-decided, 10 (50%) responded disagree and 6 (30%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 2
Statement.2 I only feel like taking Physical Education Class now and then.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 5 3 9 1 20
10% 25% 15% 45% 5% 100%
It is learn from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondents only 2 (10%) responded
Strongly agree, 5 (25%) in the favor of agree,3 (15%) un-decided, 9 (45%) responded disagree and
1 (5%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 3
Statement.3 Physical education should be disposed of.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 0 1 12 7 20
0% 0% 5% 60% 35% 100%
The finding of table -3 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 0 (0%) in the favor of agree,1
(5%) un-decided, 12 (60%) responded disagree and 7 (35%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 4
Statement.4 Physical education is particularly in its value.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 2 1 9 7 20
5% 10% 5% 45% 35% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -4 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded Strongly agree, 2 (10%) in the favor of agree,1
(5%) un-decided, 9 (45%) responded disagree and 7 (35%) responded strongly disagree
Table – 5
Statement.5 Support Physical education is all right but I don’t much care for it.
Strongly agree Agre Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 4 3 9 4 20
0% 20% 15% 45% 20% 100%
It is learn from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded
Strongly agree, 4 (20%) in the favor of agree,3 (15%) un-decided, 9 (45%) responded disagree and
4 (20%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 6
Statement.6 Physical education is the most hate full subject at all.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 1 1 7 11 20
0% 5% 5% 35% 55% 100%
The finding of table -6 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 1 (5%) in the favor of agree,1
(5%) un-decided, 7 (35%) responded disagree and 11 (55%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 7
Statement.7 I don’t want to give up Physical education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 11 2 4 1 20
10% 55% 10% 20% 5% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 2 (10%)
responded Strongly agree, 11 (55%) in the favor of agree,2 (10%) un-decided, 4 (20%) responded
disagree and 1 (5%) responded strongly disagree to the statement
Table – 8
Statement.8 On the whole I think Physical education is a good thing.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
6 11 2 0 1 20
30% 55% 10% 0% 5% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -8 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 6 (30%) responded Strongly agree, 11 (55%) in the favor of agree, 2
(10%) un-decided,0 (0%) responded disagree and 1 (5%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 9
Statement.9 People who like Physical education are nearly always good to know.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 10 5 2 2 20
5% 50% 25% 10% 10% 100%
It is learn from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded
Strongly agree, 10 (50%) in the favor of agree,5 (25%) un-decided, 2 (10%) responded disagree and
2 (1%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 10
Statement.10 anyone who likes Physical education is silly.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 0 1 3 16 20
0% % 5% 15% 80% 100%
The finding of table -10 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 0 (0%) in the favor of agree,1
(5%) un-decided, 3 (15%) responded disagree and 16 (80%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 11
Statement.11 Physical education has some use less.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 3 2 7 7 20
5% 15% 10% 35% 35% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 1 (5%)
responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree,2 (10%) un-decided, 7 (35%) responded
disagree and 7 (35%) responded strongly disagree to the statement
Table – 12
Statement.12 Physical education is the ideal subject.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
3 9 6 2 0 20
15% 45% 30% 10% 0% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -12 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 3 (15%) responded Strongly agree, 9 (45%) in the favor of agree, 6
(30%) un-decided,2 (10%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 13
Statement.13 Physical education develops good characters.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
6 11 2 1 0 20
30% 55% 10% 5% 0% 100%
It is learn from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondents only 6 (30%) responded
Strongly agree, 11 (55%) in the favor of agree,2 (10%) un-decided, 1 (5%) responded disagree and
0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 14
Statement.14 School/College would be better without Physical education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 1 0 10 9 20
0% 5% 0% 50% 45% 100%
The finding of table -14 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 1 (5%) in the favor of agree,0
(0%) un-decided, 10 (50%) responded disagree and 9 (45%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 15
Statement.15 Physical education has little of offer.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 3 2 8 6 20
5% 15% 10% 40% 30% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -15 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree, 2
(10%) un-decided,8 (40%) responded disagree and 6 (30%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 16
Statement.16 Physical education is my favorite subject.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 7 10 2 0 20
5% 35% 50% 10% 0% 100%
It is learn from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded
Strongly agree, 7 (35%) in the favor of agree,10 (50%) un-decided, 2 (10%) responded disagree and
0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 17
Statement.17 Physical education is lasting satisfaction.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 14 3 1 0 20
10% 70% 15% 5% 0% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 2 (10%)
responded Strongly agree, 14 (70%) in the favor of agree,3 (15%) un-decided, 1 (5%) responded
disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 18
Statement.18 Physical education is good and bad point balance on each other.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 7 9 2 0 20
10% 35% 45% 10% 0% 100%
The finding of table -14 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 1 (5%) in the favor of agree,0
(0%) un-decided, 10 (50%) responded disagree and 9 (45%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 19
Statement.19 Physical education is pleasant break.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 13 5 2 0 20
0% 65% 25% 10% 0% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -19 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only (0%) responded Strongly agree, 13 (65%) in the favor of agree, 5
(25%) un-decided,2 (10%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 20
Statement.20 Physical education seems useless to me.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 1 2 10 7 20
0% 5% 10% 50% 35% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 0 (0%)
responded Strongly agree, 1 (5%) in the favor of agree,2 (10%) un-decided, 10 (50%) responded
disagree and 7 (35%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 21
Statement.21 Physical education only serves the interest of few people.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
0 3 3 8 6 20
0% 15% 15% 40% 30% 100%
The finding of table -21 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree,3
(15%) un-decided, 8 (40%) responded disagree and 6 (30%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 22
Statement.22 Physical education encourages moral improvement.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
5 12 3 0 0 20
25% 60% 15% 0% 0% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -22 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 5 (25%) responded Strongly agree, 12 (60%) in the favor of agree, 3
(15%) un-decided,0 (0%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 23
Statement.23 There is no subject as good as Physical education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
1 3 8 7 1 20
5% 15% 40% 35% 5% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 1 (5%)
responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree,8 (40%) un-decided, 7 (35%) responded
disagree and 1 (5%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 24
Statement.24 Sometime I think Physical education is good and I sometime think it is useless.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 3 7 8 2 20
0% 15% 35% 40% 20% 100%
The finding of table -24 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree,7
(35%) un-decided, 8 (40%) responded disagree and 2 (20%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 25
Statement.25 Physical education we learn many thing of no use.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
0 1 2 12 5 20
0% 5% 10% 60% 25% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -25 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only (0%) responded Strongly agree, 1 (5%) in the favor of agree, 2
(10%) un-decided,12 (60%) responded disagree and 5 (25%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 26
Statement.26 There is little to be said for or against Physical education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 3 6 9 2 20
0% 15% 30% 45% 10% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 0 (0%)
responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree,6 (30%) un-decided, 9 (45%) responded
disagree and 2 (10%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 27
Statement.27 Physical education is quite good.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
4 11 2 3 0 20
20% 55% 10% 15% 0% 100%
The finding of table -27 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 4 (20%) responded Strongly agree, 11 (55%) in the favor of agree,2
(10%) un-decided, 3 (15%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 28
Statement.28 it is pity we have to do Physical education
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
0 5 2 10 3 20
0% 25% 10% 50% 15% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -28 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only (0%) responded Strongly agree, 5 (25%) in the favor of agree, 2
(10%) un-decided,10 (50%) responded disagree and 3 (15%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 29
Statement.29 Physical education should be main part of child’s education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
7 7 4 2 0 20
35% 35% 20% 10% 0% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 7 (35%)
responded Strongly agree, 7 (35%) in the favor of agree,4 (20%) un-decided, 2 (10%) responded
disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 30
Statement.30 Physical education is fundamentally unsound.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 0 3 12 5 20
0% 0% 15% 60% 25% 100%
The finding of table -30 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 0 (0%) in the favor of agree,3
(15%) un-decided, 12 (60%) responded disagree and 5 (25%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 31
Statement.31 I think Physical education is very good.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
6 10 1 3 0 20
30% 50% 5% 15% 0% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -31 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only 6 (30%) responded Strongly agree, 10 (50%) in the favor of agree, 1
(5%) un-decided,3 (15%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 32
Statement.32 Physical education is one of the best subjects I have ever taken.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
2 4 10 4 0 20
10% 20% 50% 20% 0% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 2 (10%)
responded Strongly agree, 4 (20%) in the favor of agree,10 (50%) un-decided, 4 (20%) responded
disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 33
Statement.33 Physical education is has not yet proved itself indispensable in education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 6 9 3 2 20
0% 30% 45% 15% 10% 100%
The finding of table -33 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 6 (30%) in the favor of agree,9
(45%) un-decided,3 (15%) responded disagree and 2 (10%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 34
Statement.34 Physical education is a deplorable waste of time.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagre Strongly disagree Total
0 3 2 10 5 20
0% 15% 10% 50% 25% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -34 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree, 2
(10%) un-decided,10 (50%) responded disagree and 5 (25%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 35
Statement. 35 Physical education sometime to commend it.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 11 5 2 0 20
10% 55% 25% 10% 0% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 2 (10%)
responded Strongly agree, 11 (55%) in the favor of agree,5 (25%) un-decided, 2 (10%) responded
disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 36
Statement.36 Physical education is has not yet proved itself indispensable in education.
Strongly agree Agre Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
0 0 2 10 8 20
0% 0% 10% 50% 40% 100%
The finding of table -36 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 0 (0%) responded Strongly agree, 0 (0%) in the favor of agree,2
(10%) un-decided,10 (50%) responded disagree and 8 (40%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 37
Statement.37 I hates Physical education more than anything else.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 2 0 9 8 20
5% 10% 0% 45% 40% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -37 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only1 (5%) responded Strongly agree, 2 (10%) in the favor of agree, 0
(0%) un-decided,9 (45%) responded disagree and 8 (40%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 38
Statement.38 I think Physical education is good.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
6 13 1 0 0 20
30% 65% 5% 0% 0% 100%
It is understood from the above table that out of twenty(20) respondent only 6 (30%)
responded Strongly agree, 13 (65%) in the favor of agree,1 (5%) un-decided, 0 (0%) responded
disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the statement.
Table – 39
Statement.39 I enjoy Physical education if I can succeed in performance.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
1 10 3 6 0 20
5% 50% 15% 30% 0% 100%
The finding of table -39 show that in response to the above mentioned statement out of
twenty(20) respondents only 1 (5%) responded Strongly agree, 10 (50%) in the favor of agree,3
(15%) un-decided,6 (30%) responded disagree and 0 (0%) responded strongly disagree to the
Table – 40
Statement.40 Physical education is decreasing in value to society.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
2 3 4 7 4 20
10% 15% 20% 35% 20% 100%
In response to the above mentioned statement the finding of Table -40 indicate that out of
twenty(20) respondents only2 (10%) responded Strongly agree, 3 (15%) in the favor of agree, 4
(4%) un-decided,7 (35%) responded disagree and 4 (20%) responded strongly disagree.
Table – 41
Responses of the administrators towards Physical Education.
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
66 225 138 235 136 800
8.25% 28.12% 17.25% 29.37% 17% 100%
From the table 41 it is evident that out of twenty (20) respondents and 40 statements on
physical education 66(8.25%) responded strongly agree.225 (28.12%) responded agree, 138(17.25%)
responded un-decided, 235(29.37%) responded disagree and 136(17%) responded strongly disagree.
The responses were graphically presented in the figure below-
Percentage of Responses
% 8.25%
Strongly Agree
28.12% Un-decided
29.37% strongly Disagree
The significance difference between the positive and negative attitude responses of the
administrators has been presented in table-42.
Table – 42
Comparison of the Positive and Negative Attitude Responses of Administrators
Strongly agree Agree Un-decided Disagree Strongly disagree Total
66 225 138 235 136 800
8.25% 28.12% 17.25% 29.37% 17% 100%
2 2
Calculated X =0.20 Tabulated X .05 (1) = 3.84
Finding of the table -42 reveal that the obtained X2 value of 0.20 is less than the tabulated X 2
value of 3.84 needed to be significant at 0.05 levels for 1 degree of the freedom. Hence it can be
inferred that statistically there was no significant difference between the positive and negative
attitude responses given by selected administrators.
Discussion of Findings
The findings of Table -42 revealed that there was no significance difference between the
positive and negative attitude responses of selected administrators. It may be attributed to the fact
that the administrators of the school affiliated to C.B.S.E. were not aware or conscious about the
physical education. Though they understand the importance of the physical education but due to the
lack of the facilities especially ground as well as lack of constructive suggestion and programmes
hence they are not so much interested to introduce physical education in their curriculum.
Discussion of Hypothesis
In the beginning of the study it was hypothesized that the attitude of administrators would
have positive towards physical education to include as a compulsory subject in the curriculum .the
finding of the study revealed that statistically there was no significance difference between positive
and negative attitude responses of selected administrators. Hence the hypothesis stated earlier is
The purpose of the study was to determine the attitude of the administrator of the private
school towards physical education in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
The study was restricted to 20 administrators of the school affiliated to C.B.S.E.
The data pertaining to the present study were collected by using the Adams scale of measuring the
attitude towards physical education.
By calculating the percentage of the responses of the each statements and percentage of the
responses out of the all statements, the attitude of Administrators were analyzed. Further Chi-square
was employed to compare the positive and negative attitude responses of the selected Administrators.
Within the limitation of the present study and on the basis of findings it was concluded that
there was no significance difference in positive and negative attitude responses of the selected
1. Similar type of the study may be conducted on different subjects and profession.
2. Similar type of study may be conducted on male female professionals.
3. The study may also be conducted on different age group people.
4. It also recommended that similar type of study may be conducted by selecting the attitude on
different activities, game and sports of the students, parents or teacher.