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Lesson 2 Social Entrep

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Eco vision - A leadership style that encourages open ● Transform the way water is managed and

and flexible structures that encompass the employees, provided, long-term, for both people and
the organization, and the environment, with attention to agriculture
evolving social demands.
- aims to stimulate simultaneous transformations ROLE AND IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL
within the organization and in the environment. ENTREPRENEURSHIP

Environmental awareness is having an understanding • Employment Development The first major economic
of the environment, the impacts of human behaviors on value that social entrepreneurship creates is the job and
it, and the importance of its protection. employment

Key Steps in an Environmental Strategy • Innovation / New Goods and Services

1. Eliminate the concept of waste. - develop and apply innovation important to
2. Restore accountability. social and economic development and develop
3. Make prices reflect costs. new goods and services.
4. Promote diversity. - Issues addressed include some of the biggest
5. Make conservation profitable. societal problems such as HIV, mental ill-health,
6. Insist on accountability of nations. illiteracy, crime and drug abuse.

Shared Value • Equity Promotion

An approach to creating economic value that also - fosters a more equitable society by addressing
creates value for society by addressing its needs and social issues and trying to achieve ongoing
challenges sustainable impact through their social mission
rather than purely profit-maximization.
Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
An accounting framework that combines consideration ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY
of traditional economic measures with environmental - have been pivotal resources for the success and
and social dimensions to measure the firm’s collaboration of many social entrepreneurs.
performance in achieving its sustainability goals. - a social entrepreneur organization can get
hundreds of people from across a country (or
from multiple countries) to collaborate on joint
online projects
- Having IT (Information Technology) enabled
kiosks in rural areas wherein those people can
pick up valuable IT skills which would enhance
their employability in future.


1. Funding
2. Strategy and long term focus
FOCUS AREAS OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP 3. Remaining true to the mission
4. Lack of skilled man force
● Enhance a person‘s ability to improve her or his 5. Social and cultural effect
economic well-being and personal dignity 6. Lack of govt support
through opportunity.
● Harness aid to be more accountable, GOVERNANCE OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP
transparent and solutions-oriented, for lasting
development. What is governance? Why is it important in social
● Enable access to and ensure use of reliable, Entrepreneurship?
affordable and appropriate healthcare in
disadvantaged populations. Governance is formally defined as “systems and
● Address issues of sustainable productivity not processes that ensure the overall direction,
beneficiary by beneficiary but system wide. effectiveness, supervision and accountability of an
● Lay the foundation for peace and human organization”.
● Harness the capital and consumer markets that
drive change by considering all costs and
Governance - Attend networking events and ask
- the set of systems, principles and processes by intermediaries for support in making
which a social enterprise is governed.
- provides the guidelines as to how the enterprise Focus of management - execution
can be directed or controlled such that it can Focus of governance - providing guidance and
fulfill its goals and objectives. oversight

Why is governance important in social Boards - should not get involved in day-to-day
entrepreneurship? operations but should oversee the results of these
- helps safeguard the mission of the enterprise operations.
- Allows the management team to meet the
demands of various stakeholders as well as WHAT ARE THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MY BOARD
comply with public policies and regulations MEMBERS?
support and oversight
Boards can help management teams reach their goals Four areas:
and mission in several ways: 1. Constitute sparring partners that provide
strategic guidance and challenge management
1. Provide strategic support and expertise: 2. Board members provide access to their
Organizations can compensate for a lack of networks, which can help raise awareness of the
in-house competencies or expertise through social entrepreneurs as well as foster
board members. fundraising and business development
2. Provide access to networks: Board members 3. serve as ambassadors for the mission of a social
open doors to valuable external networks (e.g. entrepreneurs and thus provide advocacy and
fundraising , advocacy and the recruitment of legitimization
high talent) 4. ensuring cash flows to increase the
3. Ensure the vision and legacy: Boards include sustainability of the business.
and empower carefully selected individuals to
guide the enterprise. This ensures the Oversight - safeguarding the mission of a social
organization’s vision succeeds beyond the entrepreneurship. Boards monitor the performance of
efforts of the founder or management team. managed men against benchmarks that reflect the
4. Signal credibility to external stakeholders: double bottom line.
Investors, contractors and customers may trust
the organization more if it has a well-regarded APPROVAL OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS
board. A task amid support and oversight is the approval of
certain management decisions.
Social entrepreneurs should evaluate and modify their Topics that require board approval include the
governance structures regularly and in particular during following:
the following: • Decisions related to the annual budget.
• Decisions on financing.
● The enterprise reaches the next life cycle stage • Changes in ownership structure
● The legal structure of the enterprise changes • Remuneration of the chief executive and Succession of
● The financial structure of the enterprise the chief executive and the management team.
changes, most commonly related to the • Decisions about overall strategy.
shareholder base
● The external environment changes (e.g. new HOW TO EVALUATE THE WORK OF A BOARD?
government regulations)
• A review at the end of each meeting: It is good
HOW DO I RECRUIT THE RIGHT BOARD MEMBERS? practice to review a meeting at the end, ask everyone
for comments, what went well and what went wrong.
To search for capable board members, social • Informal conversations between meetings: The board
entrepreneurs can: members should communicate with each other about
- Solicit recommendations from investors, any outstanding issues or conflicts that are preventing
foundations and other social entrepreneurs effectiveness affecting the culture of the board.
- Search through intermediary platforms • Boards should evaluate their effectiveness and identify
- Research, identify and reach out to people with development potentials.
expertise in or passion for the cause
CAPITALISM mission tells what you as an organization do for
Refers to an economic system where private businesses customers.
can have ownership of capital goods. As per capitalism
meaning, individuals can privately own means of ASSESSING THE OPPORTUNITY
production. Sustainability potential
DO GOODER Market potential
Someone who does things that they think will help other Social value potential
people, although the other people might not find their

REASONS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS A NEW - Strategic alignment: service/product creates

BUSINESS MODEL social value that is aligned with the mission.
- Achievable outcomes: service/product will
It connects you to your life purpose create a significant change in user behavior,
It keeps you motivated condition, or level of satisfaction.
It helps you help others discover their life purpose - Partnership and/or Alliance: Additional
It is what today's consumers want partnership(s) would have a synergistic effect
It brings you lasting happiness and improve or increase chances for desired
results – social value.
TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE BUSINESS - Organizational benefit: successful
People service/product will increase or create positive
Planet community perception of and/or political
Profit support for the organization.


- User Need: Evidence of social need and an open
1. Cross-Compensation – One group of customers window of opportunity.
pays for the service. Profits from this group are - User Desire: Evidence of user interest or
used to subsidize the service for another, evidence of success of similar services in other
underserved group. communities.
2. Fee for Service – Beneficiaries pay directly for - Funder interest: Evidence of interest, or
the goods or services provided by the social noticeable trends in grant making or
enterprise. government contracts for similar service.
3. Employment and skills training – The core - Market share: Evidence of an open market with
purpose is to provide living wages, skills little competition.
development, and job training to the
beneficiaries: the employees. SUSTAINABILITY POTENTIAL (HIGH VS LOW)
4. Market Intermediary – The social enterprise
acts as an intermediary, or distributor, to an - Idea development: research and development
expanded market. The beneficiaries are the resources are available or easily accessible
suppliers of the product and/or service that is - Startup: low cost of startup and/or easily
being distributed to an international market. accessible funding for startup.
5. Market Connector – The social enterprise - Cost-to-Benefit Ratio: Low total program costs
facilitates trade relationships between compared against high public benefit.
beneficiaries and new markets. - Organizational capability: Board, staff,or
6. Independent Support – The social enterprise volunteer capability is present and aligned with
delivers a product or service to an external potential service or project.
market that is separate from the beneficiary - Income potential: target population with
and social impact generated. Funds are used to discretionary income potential and/or
support social programs to the beneficiary. evidence/desire to pay fees.
7. Cooperative – A for-profit or nonprofit business - Organizational capacity: internal structures,
that is owned by its members who also use its space, technology, etc. are in order to easily
services, providing virtually any type of goods adjusted for new services or expansion of
or services services.
- Funder interest: trends or other evidence of
funder interest for a three to five year horizon.
Mission is the core purpose of an organization or a
company. It is a summary of the aims and core values. A
EMPATHIZE - to discover people’s explicit needs so that
you can meet them through your designs

USE : activities, work, goals to accomplish

USEABILITY: quality, accessibility, ease of use

How can you find needs and insights with empathy?


Finding paths to empathy

1. Connect with people
2. Seek stories, feelings and beliefs
3. Understand someone unlike you in many ways
4. See the world from someone else’s shoes
5. Not judging
6. Questions everything
7. Truly curious
8. Finding patterns
9. Great listener

ENGAGE - to share attention through activity

How can you engage? Interviewing.

OBSERVE - to watch carefully especially with attention

to details or behavior

How can you observe? Watching,

Look for what

Look for why
Look for how

IMMERSE: to become part of the environment

How can you immerse? Simulating.

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