Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
Protection of Environment
River valley
This stage also defines the boundary and the time limit of
the study
Local associations
Proposal Identification
Initial Environmental
Public Impact Analysis
Involvement Mitigation & Impact
Management Redesign
Public Making
Involvement EIA Report
typically occurs at
this stage it could Review
occur at any other
stage of the EIA Approved Not Approved
EIA applies to public and private sections. The six main players
Project appraisal
Environmental Health
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(ii) Slurry All projects
pipelines (coal
lignite and other
ores) passing
through national
coral reefs,
sensitive areas.
1(b) Offshore and All projects Note
onshore oil and gas Seismic surveys which
exploration, are part of Exploration
development & Surveys are exempted
provided the concession
areas have got previous
clearance for physical
1(c) (i) River Valley (i) ³ 50 MW hydroelectric (i) ≤ 50 MW ³ 25 MW General Condition shall
projects apply.
power generation; hydroelectric power
Note: -
generation; Category ‘B’ river valley
(ii) Irrigation (ii) ³ 10,000 ha. of (ii) < 10,000 ha. > 2000 projects falling in more than
projects culturable command area. ha. of culturable one state shall be appraised
command area at the Central Government
1(d) Thermal Power ³ 500 MW (coal /lignite / ≥ 50 MW to < 500 MW General Condition shall
Plants naphtha and gas based); (coal/lignite/ naphtha and apply.
gas based); Note:-
³ 50 MW (all other fuels (i) Thermal Power plants
except biomass ). up to 15MW based on
biomass or non
<50 MW ³ 5MW (all other hazardous municipal
³ 20MW (using municipal fuels except biomass and solid waste using
municipal solid non auxiliary fuel such as
solid non hazardous waste, coal / lignite /petroleum
as fuel). hazardous waste). products up to 15% are
≥ 15 MW plants based on
biomass fuel.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
2 Primary Processing
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
3( b) Cement plants ³ 1.0 million <1.0 million General Condition
tonnes/annum production tonnes/annum shall apply
capacity production capacity. All
Stand alone grinding
4 Materials Processing
4(b) i) Coke oven ³ 2,50,000 tonnes/annum < 2,50,000 and General Conditions
plants ³ 25,000 tonnes/annum. shall apply.
All projects.
ii) Coaltar
4(d) Chlor-alkali ≥ 300 TPD production (i) All projects General as well as
industry capacity if a unit located irrespective of the size, specific Conditions
outside the notified if it is located in a shall apply.
industrial area/ estate. notified industrial
Area / Estate. No new Mercury Cell
based plants will be
(ii) < 300 tonnes per permitted and existing
day (TPD) and located units converting to
outside a Notified membrane cell
Industrial Area /Estate. technology are exempt
from the Notification.
4(f) Skin / hide New projects outside the All new or expansion of General as well as
processing industrial area or projects located within specific Conditions
including tanning expansion of existing units a notified industrial shall apply.
industry. out side the industrial area area/ estate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5 Manufacturing/Fabrication
5(a) Chemical All projects including all All Single Super General condition
fertilizers Single Super Phosphate Phosphate without shall apply.
with H2SO4 production H2SO4 production and Granulation of single
except granulation of granulation of chemical super phosphate
chemical fertilizers. fertilizers. powder is exempt.
5(e) Petroleum Located out side the Located in a notified General as well as specific
products and notified industrial area/ industrial area/ estate condition shall apply.
petrochemical estate
based processing
such as production
of carbon black Note:-
and electrode Manufacturing of
grade graphite products from polymer
(Processes other granules is exempt.
than cracking and
reformation and
not covered under
the complexes).
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5(f) Synthetic organic Located outside the (i) Located in a General as well as
chemicals industry notified industrial area/ notified industrial specific Condition
(dyes & dye estate except small units as area/ estate. shall apply.
intermediates; bulk defined in column (5).
drugs and Small units: with water
intermediates consumption <25
excluding drug (ii) Small units as m /day, fuel
formulations; defined in consumption < 25 TPD
synthetic rubbers; column (5). and not covered in the
basic organic category of MAH units
chemicals, other as per the
synthetic organic Management, Storage
chemicals and and Import of
chemical Hazardous Chemical
intermediates) Rules, 1989.
5(g) Distilleries (i) All Molasses based Non-molasses based General Condition
distilleries distilleries – shall apply.
< 60 KLD
(ii) Non-molasses based
distilleries ³ 60 KLD
5(h) Integrated paint - All projects General Condition
industry shall apply
5(i) Pulp and paper Pulp manufacturing and Pulp manufacturing General Condition
industry Pulp and Paper from waste paper and shall apply
manufacturing industry paper manufacturing Note:-
except from waste paper. from waste paper pulp Paper manufacturing
and other ready pulp. from waste paper pulp
and ready pulp without
deinking, bleaching
and colouring is
5(j) Sugar Industry - ³ 5000 tcd cane General Condition
- crushing capacity shall apply
6 Service Sector
6(a) Oil & gas All projects -
transportation pipe -
line (crude and
products), passing
through national
reefs /ecologically
sensitive areas
including LNG
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
6(b) Isolated storage & - All projects General Condition
handling of shall apply
chemicals (As per
threshold planning
quantity indicated
in column 3 of
schedule 2 & 3 of
1989 amended
7(c) Industrial estates/ If at least one industry in Industrial estates housing General as well as
parks/ complexes/ the proposed industrial at least one Category B specific Conditions
areas, export estate falls under the industry and area <500 shall apply.
processing Zones Category A, entire ha. Note:
(EPZs), Special industrial area shall be 1. Industrial Estate of
Economic Zones treated as Category A, area below 500 ha.
and not housing
(SEZs), Biotech irrespective of the area. any industry of
Parks, Leather Category ‘A’ or
Complexes. ‘B’ does not
require clearance.
Industrial estates with area Industrial estates of area>
greater than 500 ha. and 500 ha. and not housing 2. If the area is less
than 500 ha., but
housing at least one any industry belonging to contains building
Category B industry. Category A or B. and construction
projects > 20,000
Sq.mtr. and or
development area
more than 50 ha it
will be treated as
activity listed at
serial no. 8(a) or 8
(b) in the Schedule,
as the case may be.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
7(d) Common All integrated facilities All facilities having land General Condition
hazardous waste having incineration & fill only shall apply
treatment, storage landfill or incineration
and disposal alone
facilities (TSDFs)
7(e) Ports, Harbours, ³ 5 million TPA of cargo < 5 million TPA of cargo General Condition
break waters, handling capacity handling capacity and/or shall apply.
dredging. (excluding fishing ports/ harbours ³10,000
harbours) TPA of fish handling Note:
capacity 1. Capital dredging
inside and outside the
ports or harbours and
channels are included.
2. Maintenance
dredging is exempt
provided it formed part
of the original proposed
for which environment
Management Plan
(EMP) was prepared
and environmental
clearance obtained.”
7(g) Aerial ropeways (i) All projects located at All projects except those General Condition
altitude of 1,000 mtr. covered in column (3). shall apply
And above.
(ii) All projects located in
notified ecologically
sensitive areas.”
7(h) Common Effluent All projects General Condition
Treatment Plants shall apply
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
7(i) Common All projects General Condition
Municipal Solid shall apply
8 Building or Construction projects or Area Development projects and
8 (a) Building and >20,000 sq.mtrs and The term “built up area”
Construction <1,50,000 sq.mtrs. of for the purpose of this
Notification the built up
projects built-up area or covered area on all the
floors put together,
including its basement
and other service areas,
which are proposed in the
building or construction
Note – “General
conditions” shall not
General Condition (GC):
Any project or activity specified in Category ‘B’ will be appraised at the Central level as
Category ‘A’, if located in whole or in part within 5 km from the boundary of : (i) Protected
areas notified under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972); (ii) Critically polluted areas
as identified by the Central Pollution Control Board constituted under the Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (6 of 1974) from time to time; (iii) Eco-sensitive areas as
notified under sub section (2) of section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, and (iv)
inter-State boundaries and international boundaries: provided that for River Valley Projects
specified in item 1(c), Thermal Power Plants specified in item 1 (d), Industrial estates/ parks/
complexes/ areas, export processing Zones (EPZs), Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Biotech
Parks, Leather Complexes specified in item 7 (c) and Common hazardous waste treatment,
storage and disposal facilities (TSDFs) specified in item 7 (d), the appraisal shall be made at
Central level even if located within 10 km.
Provided further, that the requirement regarding distance of 5 km or 10 km, as the case may be,
of the inter-State boundaries can be reduced or completely done away with by an agreement
between the respective States or the Union Territories sharing the common boundary in case the
activity does not fall within 5 km or 10 km, as the case may be of the areas mentioned at item
(i), (ii) and (iii) above.”