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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: KATHLEEN B. VALERIANO Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: April 15- 19, 2024 (Week 3) Quarter: 4th


A. Content Standards weather disturbances and their effects on the environment.
B. Performance Standards prepares individual
emergency kit.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Characterize weather disturbances Characterize weather Characterize weather disturbances Characterize weather disturbances
in the disturbances in the in the in the
Philippines and describe their Philippines and describe their Philippines and describe their Philippines and describe their
effects to effects to effects to effects to
daily life daily life daily life daily life
II.CONTENT Conditions of the environment
Conditions of the environment Dealing with the Weather
Weather Disturbances before, during and after a Weekly Test
before, during and after a typhoon Disturbances

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Science Beyond Borders pages Science Beyond Borders pages Science Beyond Borders pages 103- Science Beyond Borders pages
114-121 103-105 105 103-105
2.Learners’s Materials pages Science Beyond Borders pages Science Beyond Borders pages Science Beyond Borders pages 174- Science Beyond Borders pages
174-191 174-191 191 174-191
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional materials from learning
resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or What are the ways to control soil Ask the learners: What happens before, during and Ask the learners: weekly test
presenting the new lesson erosion? What are the different weather after a typhoon? What causes lull to happen?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Let’s Try . Let’s Try Present different pictures of Let’s Try
have the pupils participate Refer to LM p. 175 Refer to LM p. 180 environment conditions. (before, Refer to LM p. 186
during and after)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Instruct the learners to prepare the Instruct the learners to prepare Present a video lesson regarding the Instruct the learners to prepare the
new lesson following materials: textbooks, pen the following materials: conditions of the environment following materials: textbooks,
and paper textbooks, pen and paper before, during and after a typhoon. pen and paper

Ask the learners to enumerate the Ask the learners to enumerate Ask the learners to enumerate the
safety precautions they need to the safety precautions they need safety precautions they need to
follow in doing the activity. to follow in doing the activity. follow in doing the activity.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Pupils’ Activity Pupils’ Activity Ask the learners to enumerate the Pupils’ Activity
new skills #1 Let’s Explore Let’s Explore things that they have learned about Let’s Explore
Refer to LM page 177 Refer to LM page 184 the video lesson Refer to LM page 188
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing Ask the learners the following Tell the learners to be ready to Ask the learners to present their Ask the learners this question.
new skills #2 question. perform their skit in class. output in the class. Imagine that the typhoon has
1. What does the activity imply? ended. How can you describe the
2. What did you observe in the surroundings? What can the
movement of the red and blue food government do to address this
coloring in the water? situation?

F. Developing Mastery Allow the learners to read about Ask the learners the following Allow the learners to read about Allow the learners to read dealing
weather disturbances on page 175- questions. condition of the environment with the weather disturbances on
177 of their work text. 1. How does the knowledge of before, during and after a tropical the worktext pages 186-188.
Then ask the learners the following the indicators of public storm cyclone on page 180-183 of their
questions. warning signals help people to work text.
1. How does the process of be more prepared in times of Then ask the learners the following
convection create cyclone? typhoon? questions
2. how does convection relate to 2. explain how being prepared 1. why does the department of
the formation of clouds? helps people to survive or to health advise the public to boil their
become safe from danger during drinking water after a flood?
typhoon. 2. is it safe for the people to go out
of their shelters once the eye of the
storm passes their place?
G. Finding Practical application of Let the learners answer the let’s Go Let the learners answer the let’s Let the learners answer the Let’s Tell the learners that during .
concepts and skills in daily living beyond LM. page 178 Apply it LM. page 185 Recall LM page 184. typhoons, people living on or near
the coastal areas are forced to
evacuate because their lives are
mostly at risk. Then ask this
What is the reason for forcing the
people to evacuate?
H. Making generalization and abstraction What are the different weather How will you describe the Let the learners answer the let’s Go Let the learners answer the Let’s
about the lesson disturbances? condition of the environment beyond LM. page 184. Recall LM page 189.
before, during and after a
tropical cyclone?
I. Evaluating learning Let the learners answer the LET’S Let the learners answer the Let the learners answer the LETS Let the learners answer the LET’S
CHECK on page 178 LETS CHECK page 185 CHECK page 185 Activity B CHECK on page 189
Activity A

J. Additional activities for application or Let the learners answer the LET’S No additional activities No additional activities Let the learners answer the LET’S
remediation Apply it on page 179. Apply it on page 189.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No.of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial work? No.of learners
who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E.Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F.What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can helpme
G.What innovation or localized materials
did used/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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