WD293 2004 05-58
WD293 2004 05-58
WD293 2004 05-58
Patron Saint of the Sisterhood • Founder of the Order of Founder of the Order of the Valorous Heart
the Ebon Chalice· Bearer of the Grail of Ages The youngest of Dominica's companions, Lucia was martyred
Alicia Dominica is renowned (hroughom the Imperium as the after being captured by Recidivists, who gouged out her eyes
SiSler who ended the Reign of Blood when she beheaded lhe High and forced her to endure the screams of 1,000 innocents as they
Lord Vandire. In the aflermarh of lhe galaxy-wide strife brought were tortured to death before her. Unknown to Lucia, a group of
about by vandice's ryranny. she formally founded the Sisterhood her own Sisters were amongst those put to death, but it is said
according to the instructions of Sebastian Thor. and established that not one of them uttered a sound as they endured their
the Order of the Eben Chalice as her own Order. tortures, so as not to cause Lucia any more pain than she had
Dominica led her Sisters on many crusades. and oversaw the already sutTered.
early years of the Adepta Sororitas for several cenruries before Lucia is represented in SororitaS an by a woman with eyes
falling in battle at the Scourging of Frideswide's World. It is said shrouded and a drop of blood running down one cheek. She may
that she survived literally hundreds of blows throughout the also carry a sword, held upright to symbolise her manial role
banle, but was finally laid low by a single lasgun blast that within the Orders Militant. She may hold a skull in her left hand.
penetrated a weakened point in her armour and pierced her hean. which represents the severed head of Lord vandire. which she is
The symbol of Dominica's Order is the skull·filJed and flaming said to have recovered after Dominica put him to death, nensed.
Ebon Chalice, a representation of the terrible knowledge imparted polished, carved with the Litanies and placed within the ancient
to Dominica when she was brought before the Golden Throne. archive of the Vault of Origins.
Few are aware of the significance of this symbol in Sororitas an. Saint Mlna
Saint Katherine