Internal Order

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Order Layout in the Standard ................................................................................................... 12
Field Selection .......................................................................................................................... 14
General SAP Status Management ........................................................................................... 16
Order Status Management ....................................................................................................... 19
Triggering Data Transfers ........................................................................................................ 25
Example of a Completed Sender Structure.............................................................................. 26
Creating an Order Group.......................................................................................................... 30
Versions.................................................................................................................................... 34
Copy Planning .......................................................................................................................... 37
Overall Planning ....................................................................................................................... 39
Unit Costing .............................................................................................................................. 41
Planning Primary Costs and Revenues.................................................................................... 42
Performing Primary Cost Planning and Revenue Planning ................................................ 44
Planning Activity Input .............................................................................................................. 45
Planning Statistical Key Figures ............................................................................................... 46
Screen Sequence for Manual Planning.................................................................................... 47
Periodic Reposting in Planning ................................................................................................ 49
Planning Overhead Application ................................................................................................ 50
Plan Settlement of Orders ........................................................................................................ 51
Cost Center Allocations in the Plan.......................................................................................... 53
Revaluating Jobs Using Activity Prices .................................................................................... 63
Calculating Overhead ............................................................................................................... 66
Costing Sheet ........................................................................................................................... 68
Settlement to One Receiver ..................................................................................................... 71


Maintaining Number Ranges for Orders................................................................................... 93
Order Reports: Carrying Out Actual/Plan/Variance.................................................................. 99
Carrying Out Reports From the Master Data Index ............................................................... 100
Carrying Out a Line Item Report for a Sales Cost Center...................................................... 102


Internal orders are generally used to plan, collect and settle the costs of internal jobs and tasks.
The SAP R/3 System enables you to control your internal orders throughout their entire life-cycle;
from initial creation, through the planning and posting of all the actual costs, right up to final
settlement and archiving:

Order management within a company usually differentiates between sales-oriented orders, and
internal orders. Sales-oriented orders (production or sales orders) are intended mainly for the
logistical control of input factors and sales activities. Internal orders categorized as either:
Orders used purely to monitor objects within Cost Accounting (such as advertising or
trade fair orders) and
Productive orders that are value-added, that is, orders that can be capitalized (such as in-
house construction of an assembly line).
The management of internal orders represents the most detailed operational level of cost and
activity accounting. It can be used for:
• &RVWPRQLWRULQJ, for example, where costs are considered by object-related aspects,
other than those used in Cost Element or Cost Center Accounting
• 'HFLVLRQPDNLQJ, in situations where you have to decide between in-house
production and external procurement
Internal orders can be differentiated according to:
• Order Contents [Ext.] (functional classification) and
• Controlling Objectives [Ext.]

• Order Master Data [Page 9] allows you to assign given characteristics to your internal
orders. In this way, you can control which business transactions can be carried out
with the order.
• Order Planning [Page 7] allows you to estimate the costs of a job before the order
starts and make an exact calculation at a later date. You can choose between various
planning approaches to compare the effectiveness of different methods.
• You apply the actual costs incurred by a job to your orders using Actual Postings.
• Using various allocation methods, as well as Overhead Calculation [Ext.] you can
allocate costs between different cost accounting areas. In financial accounting, you
can assign postings of primary costs (such as the procurement of external activities
and external deliveries) directly to an order.
• The Order Settlement [Page 70] functionality allows you to allocate the costs incurred
by an order to the appropriate receivers.


• The Internal Orders Information System [Page 75] allows you to keep track of
planned and committed costs on your orders in each stage of the order life-cycle.

To access the Internal Orders menu, choose $FFRXQWLQJ→&RQWUROOLQJ→,QWHUQDO

RUGHUVin the R/3 Menu.


An internal order is used to monitor parts of the costs, and, on certain occasions, the revenues of
the organization.

You can create an internal order to monitor the costs of a time-restricted job or the costs (and
revenues, if required) for the production of an activity. Internal orders can also be used for the
long-term monitoring of costs

The following types of internal orders exist:
• 2YHUKHDGRUGHUV are used for the time-restricted monitoring of overhead costs (that
are incurred when you carry out a job) or for the long-term monitoring of parts of the
overhead costs. Overhead orders can collect the plan and actual costs incurred,
independently from the cost center structure and the processes of the organization.
This makes it possible to control the costs at all times.
• &DSLWDOLQYHVWPHQWRUGHUV let you monitor investment costs that can be capitalized,
which can be settled into the fixed assets.
• $FFUXDORUGHUV let you monitor the period-related accrual calculation between
expenses posted in Financial Accounting and the costing-based costs debited in Cost
• 2UGHUVZLWKUHYHQXHV let you monitor costs and revenues that are incurred for
activities for external partners or for internal activities that do not form part of the core
business for your organization.

The following transaction-related postings exist on orders for the allocation of costs between
different areas of cost accounting:
Repostings enable you to repost primary costs, which you had previously allocated to
a given order in Financial Accounting, to other orders or cost centers so as to refine
the original assignment true to the cost element.
During activity allocation, internal activities, for example, from the cost center that
provided the activity, are posted to the order that received the activity.
Statistical key figures are used for information purposes only. For example, if you
want to post all the costs incurred for a trade fair to a trade fair order, you create
statistical key figures for:
− The number of visitors to your trade stand,
− Requests for further information


− The total number of orders arising from your trade fair participation.
You can use this function to enter commitments for costs you know will be incurred in
the future, but which you cannot yet assign to a particular category (purchase order,
material reservation, ..., etc.).
In this way you can reserve parts of the order budget at an early stage.
You can find more information on manual funds reservations inCO - Commitments
Management [Ext.].
You can apply overhead to orders using , or by using Overhead Calculation [Page 65]
or cost center assessment.
For information on assessment, see Entering Actual Costs and Transaction-Related
Allocations [Ext.].
For more information on the settlement of internal orders, see Order Settlement [Page


Master data is used partly for system-technical, partly for business purposes and either does not
change at all, or only insignificantly, during the life of an order.
The master data defines the attributes of an internal order, such as:
• Its purpose, as defined by the Order Type [Ext.]) or:
• The processing possibilities (as defined by Status Management [Page 15] and the
allowed or prohibited Business Transactions [Ext.]).

For more information on the classification of order master data, see Structuring the Order Layout
[Page 11].
Creating an Internal Order [Page 10])


1. Choose Master GDWD→2UGHU→Create from the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV menu.
2. Enter 2UGHUW\SH (0100, for example)and choose (QWHU.
3. Set the &RQWUROOLQJ$UHD for your order and choose (QWHU
4. Enter a short text to describe your order.
5. Enter the required data for the order in the subscreens.
• The controlling area, company code, and business area specifications are entered
automatically by the system, if required.
• General data is for information only and is not validated by the system.
• Status, Currency and Object class are set automatically by the system.
• You can also maintain the fields in the period-end closing group box at a later date
• If you want to settle an order 100% to RQH cost center or RQH G/L account under
RQH settlement cost element, then enter this data into the group box 6HWWOHPHQWWR
D5HFHLYHU. In all other cases you define settlement using the Settlement Rule
[Ext.] , which you can also define later.
6. Save your order.

If internal number assignment is active, the system automatically assigns an order number that
clearly identifies the order.


The interface structure for internal orders is not strictly defined. You can determine how your
orders are represented in the system according to the intended usage.

Choose Field Selection [Page 14] to specify which fields in the order master data are displayed
or ready for input, and when this should occur.

Order master data consists of tab pages with predefined group boxes. You can change the titles
of the tab pages in Customizing and assign the group boxes individually to the tab pages.
6HHDOVR Order Layout in the Standard [Page 12]

Define the order layout for each order type in Customizing.


In the standard, the order master data is structured as follows:

Here you maintain the: organizational assignments for your order &RPSDQ\FRGH%XVLQHVV
The authorizations for the user can be specified through the 5HVSRQVLEOH&RVW&HQWHU For
example, you can give a user the authorization for all orders that have a given responsible cost

A status documents the current processing status of an order. It LQIRUPV you that a particular
status has been reached (for example, ”Order released”), and GHWHUPLQHV which business
transactions [Ext.] you can perform.
The SAP R/3 System differentiates between system and user statuses:
• 6\VWHPVWDWXVHV are set by the system and inform you that a given function has
been performed on the order. For example, when you release an order for actual
postings by choosing (GLW→5HOHDVH, the system automatically sets the appropriate
system status.
• A 8VHUVWDWXV is a status that you define to enhance the existing system statuses.
User statuses are defined during Customizing in a status profile, which you can then
enter in the corresponding order type.
The system and user statuses currently active for an order are displayed on the &RQWURO'DWD
screen. Before performing a business transaction for an order, you should ensure that at least
one active status allows the transaction concerned and that none of the active statuses prohibits

Here you maintain the general control parameters
• Currencies
• Statistical key figures,
• Whether integrated planning is active
The system also displays, for example, whether:
• Revenue postings are allowed
• Commitments management is active

Here you maintain, for example:


• Parameters for costing (5HVXOWVDQDO\VLVNH\)

• Parameters for overhead costing (&RVWLQJVKHHW and RYHUKHDGNH\
• Parameters for interest calculation (,QWHUHVWFDOFXODWLRQVKHHW)

Here you maintain the parameters for order settlement to one receiver (6HWWOHPHQWFRVWHOHPHQW
and receiving &RVWFHQWHU or receiving */DFFRXQW).
If you want to settle to more than one receiver, choose 6HWWOHPHQWUXOH

The settlement rule consists of one or more distribution rules, which define the distribution for the
costs incurred on the order to the various receiving objects.
You can find more information on this subject under Settlement Rule [Ext.].

In this subscreen you maintain general data, such as $SSOLFDQW5HVSRQVLEOHSHUVRQfor the
order. This data is for information purposes only and is not checked by the system.

Here you maintain all the parameters required for capital investment orders (for example,

Here you maintain all the additional parameters you need to use the -RLQW9HQWXUH component.
The system only displays this group box when you have activated the component.

As well as the group boxes already mentioned, you also have the possibility of defining user-
defined fields, which you can summarize in user-defined group boxes. You can also include
these group boxes in the tab pages


The structure of an internal order is not strictly defined in the system. Depending on the purpose
of your orders, you will not always use all (or the same) fields. Using field selection, you can
define fields as display/entry fields or hide them.

You can define your field selection for the entire order or for each status using the order type. If
you define field selection for each status, the field attributes for the status are combined with
those of the order type.
You can define fields as follows:

Hidden fields are not displayed.

These fields are used for displaying information that is not allowed to be changed (for example,
the order type). You cannot overwrite the contents of these fields.

Fields of this type can include data that
Is not validated, because it is mainly for information purposes (such as, texts)
Is validated, because it
• Must correspond to a certain value (for example, you can only enter a given status in
the order if this is also defined for the order type)
• Must be checked for validity (such as, a date)

These fields are highlighted to improve clarity.

You must make an entry in these fields. Otherwise, the system outputs an error message and
you cannot proceed until you have filled the field. These fields are mostly identified by a question
mark, so long as they do not contain any values.

There are fields, such as the company code, which must always be filled. You
should define these fields either as required entry fields or fill them automatically
(for example, using a model order).

You decide how to handle a field when you set up the order types during &XVWRPL]LQJ.


The current status of an internal order (or the combination of all statuses) determines which
business transactions you can perform on the order. You use status management to specify the
current processing status of an internal order. The status can be set by the system or by the

An order is not a static object, but has its own life cycle that begins when you create it and ends
after you close it. During this time, the order is changed by various business transactions. For
example, costs are planned, posted and settled.
Each order passes through four system statuses. There is always one status active.
• "Created"
In this status, for example, you cannot carry out any actual postings.
• "Released"
Nearly all business transactions are permitted in this status.
• "Technically completed"
In this status, for example, you cannot carry out any planning changes.
• "Closed"
In this status, for example, no cost-relevant business transactions are permitted.

You can plan the processing of an order, by saving a plan date in the order master data for this
system status (except for &UHDWHG) These values are solely for information purposes. The
system logs in the order when a system status has actually been reached.
Changing the system status of an order is itself a business transaction. You do this using a
function (for example, 5HOHDVHG) in the master data maintenance.
In addition to the four system statuses already mentioned, further system statuses are set
through given business transactions. Examples are:
• "Locked"
In this status you cannot carry out any business transactions except for resetting the
• "Settlement rule created"
This status is set automatically by the system if you have created a settlement rule.

If you want to control when particular business transactions should be permitted, you can define
a user status. The user status enhances the existing system status.
For more information on defining the user status, see General SAP Status Management [Page
16] General SAP status management is also used in other areas (projects, production orders,
and so on) and will replace Order Status Management [Page 19] at a future date.


This chapter describes the general SAP status management functions. To activate general status
management for internal orders, you assign the status profile you want to use to the appropriate
order type. This type of status management is recommended if you want to require a control with
the application status.

The current processing state of an object is documented by one or more statuses. A status is an
indicator that fulfills two functions:
• It LQIRUPV you that a particular state has been reached (for example, "The order has
been released")
• It LQIOXHQFHV the number of business transactions you can perform for the order
You can set any number of statuses for an object.

If you execute a business transaction, this can, in turn, set or delete one or more statuses for the
specified object.
A status can be displayed in two different ways in the system:
• As a 30 character text
• As a 4 character identification code
Both display variations can be translated into different languages.
The active status of an object can be displayed either in list form, or in a status line. The status
line may contain up to a maximum of 8 statuses. You use the status profile to define the position
in which the application status is displayed in these lines. Several statuses can be output at the
same position. The 3ULRULW\ column in the status profile determines which status is actually
displayed and the list display shows all active statuses (arranged according to position and
A status can be either active or inactive:
• It is DFWLYH if it is currently set for an object
• It is LQDFWLYH if it
− Has never yet been active
− Was active, but has since been deactivated
A status can
• Allow a business transaction.
• Allow a business transaction with a warning.
• Prohibit a business transaction.
If a transaction is allowed with a warning for a particular object, the system issues the warning
message when you perform the business transaction. You can then decide whether to ignore the
warning and continue with the business transaction.


You want to flag a released order for deletion. However, the order has not yet
reached the status &ORVHG. In this case, the system first issues a warning pointing
out that the order has not yet been closed.
To be able to perform a business transaction, the following requirements must be met:
• At least one active status must allow the business transaction.
• None of the active statuses may prohibit the transaction.
General SAP status management distinguishes between system status and user status.

A system status is a status set by the system to inform the user that a certain function has been
performed in an object. You can only influence this status by carrying out another business
transaction that causes the status to change.

If you release an order, the system automatically sets the system status

You can further differentiate the existing system statuses by creating your own user statuses.
You define the user status in a status profile, which you create for each order type in
Customizing. You can define and activate any number of user statuses.

In a production order you can simultaneously set the statuses 5HOHDVHG3UH

The system status and the user status influence the business transactions in the same way.

A status profile contains a quantity of user statuses and rules defined by the user. Status profiles
are defined for each order type in Customizing.
The status profile allows you to:
• Define the user status and document its functions with a corresponding long text.
• Assign a status number to a user status. This gives the expected sequence of the
user status flow.
• Define an initial status. This is automatically set when an object is created.
• Determine that a user status is automatically set when you execute a business
• Permit or forbid specified transactions, if a status is active.



User statuses can be used to determine a sequence for the different steps used in processing an
object. For each step, you define a user status and give it a status number. You should assign
these status numbers so that they are processed in ascending order.
A user status that does not have a status number can be set or deleted at any time, regardless of
whether other user statuses are already active. However, only one user status that has a status
number may be active at any one time. If you then activate another user status with a status
number, the previous user status is automatically reset.
If you assign a status number to a user status, you should specify a lowest and highest status
number for the user status. These numbers limit the status number interval from which the
subsequent user statuses can be chosen.

You want to use the user status to monitor the individual steps during the
construction of a building. You create the following user status in a status profile:



10 PLAN Planning 10 20
20 APRV Plan approval 10 30
30 CNST Construction 30 40
40 HDVR Handover 30 50
50 CMPL Completed 50 50
The statuses are usually processed in sequence according to the status numbers. In this
example, it would be impossible to change directly from status PLAN to status CNST, because
from status number 10 you can only switch to status number 20 $359. Similarly, after you have
reached the CNST, you can no longer return to the statuses PLAN or APRV.


In addition to general SAP status management, there is also the original order status
management function described here, which you define directly for each order type. Each order
type has its own status management, which can be structured according to the function of the
In general business practice a detailed subdivision of the order cycle is often required based on
the transactions which take place on the order.

If we take a trade fair order as an example. The business transactions for this
order are displayed below.
There are various transactions in the 5HOHDVHG system status. The posting of
setup costs (external invoices) and the posting of running costs. The posting of
follow-up costs in the 7HFKQLFDOO\FRPSOHWHG status also consists of external

Status Business transactions

Created Planning
Released Posting setup costs
- Stand rental
- Trade fair fees
Released Posting running costs
- Material issues
- Internal activities
- External services
Technically complete Posting follow-up costs
- Hotel bills
- Travel expenses
Closed None
It is likely that you will want to limit business transactions to a given period. For
example, the posting of external invoices would only be possible before the order
has been settled. Or you would not allow any more internal activities after the order
is technically complete.
You can achieve this by subdividing your 5HOHDVHG status and assigning the
transactions to where they are to be allowed.
You can subdivide a system status into more than one status. The transactions are then
assigned to the individual status.


In contrast to general SAP status management the system statuses in order status management
are not changed through a function. The system statuses are closely linked with the order status
and are automatically updated during a status change.

You can define business transaction groups in the configuration menu by collecting several
transactions into one group:

The transactions for a trade fair could consist of the following actions:
• Planning primary costs
• Planning overhead application
• Posting external invoices
• Material withdrawals
• Allocating internal activities
• Posting applied overhead
• Settlement of costs
• You can use these transactions to form transaction groups, for example:
• Cost planning
• Posting setup costs (external invoices)
• Posting running costs (internal activities, material issues, overhead):
• Posting follow-up costs (only external invoices)
• Settlement
• You can then use these groups to define which transactions are allowed and
prohibited at given times:
If a transaction is contained in a transaction group that is assigned to an active status, it is
allowed for the order. If a transaction is not assigned to a status, then it is prohibited in this

If you want to prohibit transactions for individual orders, then you should also define these as a
group, which you can then store in the order as a locking group.
A locking group can be identical to the currently permitted transaction group. It can consist of
only part of the transactions from the permitted transaction group. The locking group limits the
permitted transactions.
Order status management determines, for example:
Which status is defaulted by the system when you open the order.
Which transactions are permitted or forbidden in a particular status (a transaction is only
permitted when it belongs to the transaction group of the order status, and is not
prohibited by the system status).


Whether, and when, planning documents are written.

Which attributes the screen fields have during master data maintenance in the given
When you can mark the order for deletion.
The following example shows a status overview for trade fair orders. In this example, we have
defined six statuses (from 10 to 60) for the order type.

The columns have the following contents:

The first two columns from left to right contain the status number and a
short description.
/6W+VW (lowest status, highest status)
These two columns determine how you can change the status in the
order. The next example provides you with a detailed description.
&UW5HO&PS&OV (created, released, technically completed, closed)
These four columns contain check boxes for the different system
statuses. To assign the order status to a system status, mark the
appropriate column. When you do this, you must follow the sequence
from left to right. You must also keep to the numerically ascending
sequence for the status.
7UDQ*US (transaction group)
This column contains the transaction group that is allowed for each
respective status.
3O' (planning documents)
Here, you mark whether you want to log planning changes in this status.
The system then writes line items, which you can display, for each
change in order planning. The permitted transaction group must also
include planning actions. Otherwise, you cannot plan and the indicator
has no effect.
'VW (default status)
You mark the default status in this column. This is the status that the
orders of this order type should have when they are created. This is
usually the status with the lowest number.
The default status is only a default value. You can overtype this status if
The following example illustrates how status management can affect an order. We have used the
same example as shown previously.

You have planned your order in status 10 and now want to release it.


The column +6W shows that you can set the order only in status 20 (setup costs).
You change the status directly in your order to 20.
This causes the following:
You have changed the phase to 5HOHDVHG at the same time
the 5HOHDVHG date was set automatically in the order
You can now post the external invoices for your setup costs
If you now, for example, want to return to the planning status, which is allowed
according to /6W (lowest status = 10), the system would set the 5HOHDVHG date.
From status 20, you can set status 30, where all actual postings are permitted
(transaction group $//). If you make any planning changes now, they will be
recorded in planning documents according to column 3O'.
If you do not expect follow-up costs, you can set status 50 from status 30, thus
skipping status 40. At the same time, you have again changed the system status,
which also sets the technically completed date. You can now settle the order.
Then you realize that one of your employees had not yet submitted his travel
expenses. As you cannot post this in status 50, because it allows settlement only,
you need to reset the status in the order again.
The lowest status (Lst) determines that you can only go back as far as status 40
from the settlement status. The system notes the highest status that the order has
reached to this point. The lowest status to which you can return, therefore always
remains the same. Thus, you FDQQRWgo from status 40 back to status 30 again,
although according to LSt, status 40 would normally allow this.
Having posted your follow-up costs, you can change the status to 50 again and
settle the order.
As soon as the order is settled completely , you can set the deletion flag, since this
column is marked for status 50.
You can also set the order to status 60 after it is settled. As indicated in the
columns LSt and HSt, you now cannot make any further status changes.
You can no longer post to the order at this point. You can, however, still use it for
evaluations in reporting.


It is possible to transfer orders automatically from external systems into the SAP R/3 System.

You do this using the Executive Information System (EIS) application component.

The data in the external files is set by the system in the data fields in the R/3 internal orders you
want to create. The procedure for this is the same as that for creating orders from the application.
The option described in this section is an alternative to batch input.
For the purpose of this data transfer, the SAP R/3 System includes the receiver structure
OREXT. A corresponding sender structure must exist in the external system. The external
system must contain a matching sender structure and this structure must contain, as an external
file, all the orders you want to create in R/3. The external file must contain exactly one complete
sender structure for each order (including up to three settlement rules).
6HHDOVR Example for a Completed Sender Structure [Page 26]

The field KONTY_n determines the settlement receiver (n=1,2,3). You can settle to the
following receivers if you maintain KONTY_n as follows:


Receiver KONTY_n Conversion Exit

Fixed assets AN ALPHA

Cost centers KS
Cost objects HP ALPHA
Network NP ALPHA
Sales order VB ALPHA
Project/WBS element PR KONPR
G/L accounts SK ALPHA

If you want to use fewer than three settlement rules, do not maintain all three of the KONTY_n
fields, but only those you need.
The company code (BUKRS) field in the settlement rule is not currently supported, but is present
because it will be used in future releases. Leave it blank.
The SCOPE field (object class) is two characters long in the OREXT. Entries there are not
language dependent, for example, OC for overhead costs. For the purposes of the screen


display, the system determines the language-dependent field contents from the domain table for
the SCOPE data element and displays it five-characters long. For example, GKOST for overhead
In the case of order types for which the old order status management is active, you can use the
ASTNR field to set the initial status. Otherwise, the system uses the default status.
The same consistency checks occur for the automatic creation of internal orders as when you
create or maintain internal orders in R/3 transactions. This means you must fill the same fields.
The field names in the sender structure must be the same as the screen field names.

Name on the screen: Plant

Screen field name: WERKS
Field name in sender structure: WERKS

You can have the system display a field name by positioning the cursor on that field, then
choosing F1 and F9.

Many of the attributes of the order to be created are derived from the order type. You must
specify the order type in the appropriate field in the sender structure. The data you transfer using
the sender structure must fit the definitions of the corresponding order type in the SAP R/3
If you require a settlement rule, you must enter a settlement profile in the order type. If you want
to transfer a source assignment, you must maintain the source structure.
The R/3 System must be able to recognize all the organizational units, settlement receivers, and
so on. If you want to settle one of the orders you want to create to a different order, you must not
create this in the same run as the order you want to settle. It must already exist in the system.

In contrast to the creation of orders in the application, you cannot use reference
or model orders in the process of transferring old or external data from external

Triggering Old and External Data Transfer [Page 25]


1. Choose (QYLURQPHQW→ 'DWDWUDQVIHU→ 0DVWHUGDWD from the Internal Orders menu
2. Enter the name of the sender structure you have defined.
3. Enter the file name of the external file containing the sender structure. Then choose

It can be useful to summarize into an order group all the orders that you want to
create using this report, after transport from the external system. This allows you
to process them collectively in the R/3 System.
For example: you can release them all together. Selection criteria you can use to
create a group include the name of the person who created it (ERNAM field) or
the date on which it was created (ERDAT field).


The sender structure shown here has the same structure as the SAP R/3 receiver structure
OREXT. The data fields have been filled, which meet the minimum requirements for creating an
internal order that is to be settled in full to a WBS element.
When required, you can get the current OREXT receiver structure from the Data Dictionary. You
access the Data Dictionary from the SAP R/3 menu, by choosing 7RROV→$%$3:RUNEHQFK→


Field Type Length Short Description Field Contents

AUFNR CHAR 12 Order number ‘‘

AUART CHAR 4 Order type ‘0100’
KTEXT CHAR 40 Short text Order to WBS
KOKRS CHAR 4 Controlling area ‘0001’
BUKRS CHAR 4 Company code ‘0001’
GSBER CHAR 4 Business area ‘0001’
WERKS CHAR 4 Plant ‘‘
PRCTR CHAR 10 Profit center ‘‘
KOSTV CHAR 10 Responsible cost center TEST_001
POSID CHAR 24 WBS element ‘‘
STORT CHAR 10 Location ‘‘
SOWRK CHAR 4 Plant for location ‘‘
ASTNR NUMC 2 Order status ‘‘
VOGRP CHAR 4 Group locked Transaction ‘‘
PDAT1 DATS 8 Planned release date ‘‘
PDAT2 DATS 8 Planned tech. completion date ‘‘
PDAT3 DATS 8 Planned closing date ‘‘
ASTKZ CHAR 1 Statistical order indicator ‘‘
WAERS CUKY 5 Order currency ‘‘
KALSM CHAR 6 Costing Sheet ‘‘
ZSCHL CHAR 6 Overhead key ‘‘
ABGSL CHAR 6 Results analysis key ‘‘
AWSLS CHAR 6 Variance key ‘‘
ABKRS NUMC 2 Processing groups ‘‘
KSTAR CHAR 10 Settlement cost element ‘‘


KOSTL CHAR 10 Settle order to cost center ‘‘

SAKNR CHAR 10 Settle order to G/L account ‘‘
USER0 CHAR 20 Applicant ‘‘
USER1 CHAR 20 Applicant ‘‘
USER2 CHAR 20 Responsible person ‘‘
USER3 CHAR 20 Responsible person ‘‘
USER4 CHAR 14 14-char. text field ‘‘
USER5 DATS 8 Application date ‘‘
USER6 CHAR 15 Department ‘‘
USER7 DATS 8 Work start date ‘‘
USER8 DATS 8 Work finish date ‘‘
USER9 CHAR 1 Work approved indicator ‘‘
VNAME CHAR 6 Joint venture ‘‘
RECID CHAR 2 Cost type ‘‘
ETYPE CHAR 3 Investment class ‘‘
TXJCD CHAR 15 Tax jurisdiction code ‘‘
JV_JIBSA CHAR 5 JIB/JIBE subclass ‘‘
SCOPE CHAR 2 Object class ‘‘
KDAUF CHAR 10 Sales order number ‘‘
KDPOS NUMC 6 Item number Sales order ‘‘
AUFEX CHAR 20 External order number ‘‘
IVPRO CHAR 6 Capital investment measure profile ‘‘
AKSTL CHAR 10 Requesting cost center ‘‘
PERBZ_1 CHAR 3 Settlement types FUL
URZUO_1 CHAR 3 Source assignment ‘‘
PROZS_1 DEC 5 Settlement percentage rate ‘100’
AQZIF_1 DEC 10 Settlement equivalence number ’0’
BETRR_1 CURR 15 Amount/amount rule ‘0’
KONTY_1 CHAR 2 Account assignment category PR
GSBER_1 CHAR 4 Business area ‘‘
BUKRS_1 CHAR 4 Company code ‘‘


HKONT_1 CHAR 10 G/L account number ‘‘

PRCTR_1 CHAR 10 Profit center ‘‘
KOSTL_1 CHAR 10 Receiving cost center ‘‘
AUFNR_1 CHAR 12 Order number ‘‘
POSID_1 CHAR 24 WBS Elements 04717.1A.010
ANLN1_1 CHAR 12 Main asset number ‘‘
ANLN2_1 CHAR 4 Asset subnumber ‘‘
NPLNR_1 CHAR 12 Network number account assignment ‘‘
VORNR_1 CHAR 4 Activity number ‘‘
KDAUF_1 CHAR 10 Sales order number ‘‘
KDPOS_1 NUMC 6 Item number Sales order ‘‘
KSTRG_1 CHAR 12 Cost objects ‘‘
PERBZ_2 ... .. .
PERBZ_3 ... .. .

The settlement rules are substructures of ORSEND. To reach them in the Data Dictionary,


An order group consists of several orders grouped together to represent a particular structure.

Order groups can be used for:
• Planning
• Overhead calculation
• Settlement
• Evaluation in reporting

You can set up order groups using as many levels as you wish. The orders themselves are
always at the lowest level of the group. An order may be assigned to different groups at the same
time. Groups are client-dependent. Therefore, you can use a group name only once.

You have three buildings (A, B, C) on which maintenance work is being done by
three maintenance shops (plumber, painter, electrician). You create an order for
each building and each workshop and group these nine orders together to form
the order group.
To do this, you first create the top node and name it, for example, MAINT01
"Maintenance". To this node, you add three further nodes, one each for building
A, building B and building C respectively.
To each building node you assign the orders of the workshop that carries out the
work on this building.
Using this group you can analyze both the entire maintenance costs for the three
buildings, as well as the costs for each individual building.
The above graphic displays order group INST01, which groups the orders
according to buildings.
You can also set up a second group using the same orders. This time, instead of
creating building nodes, you create three workshop nodes to which you then
assign the respective orders. This alternative group allows you to evaluate the
maintenance costs for each workshop.
The group INST02 contains the same orders as INST01. This time grouped
according to workshop.


1. Choose 0DVWHUGDWD → 2UGHUJURXS → &UHDWH from the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV menu.

You can also proceed as follows to create order groups:

– In the Overhead Cost Orders Implementation Guide, choose 3ODQQLQJ →
– When you have created an order list, choose 5HSRUWVHOHFWLRQ → 0DVWHUGDWD
from the info system for internal orders in the master data index.Choose (GLW
→ &UHDWHRUGHUJURXS in the master data index
2. Enter a name for your order group and choose (QWHU.
3. Choose ,QVHUWJURXS to add a node to your order group.
4. Enter a name and a short text for the new node in the dialog box.
5. Choose &ORVHto leave node maintenance.
6. Position the cursor on the lowest node and choose 0DLQWDLQYDOXHV.
7. Choose 3URFHVVVLQJOHYDOXHV and enter the individual order numbers or intervals in
the dialog box. Choose 7HVWYDOXHVto check that your entries do not overlap.
8. Save your order group.


During order planning, you enter costs, activities and business processes which you expect to
incur during the life cycle of an order. With order planning, you can compare plan and actual
costs, and carry out a differentiated variance analysis.
You can plan both individual orders and groups of orders with the same order type (see also:
Creating an Order Group [Page 30])

Unlike cost center planning, you can plan overhead rates on orders (except for
statistical orders).

Cost planning is performed mostly on orders with long durations. Orders that only exist for a very
short period, such as orders for unexpected small repairs, are usually not planned. You can plan
order costs in more than one version and using various planning forms, depending on when you
are planning and the information available.

You administrate the approved cost framework for an order or an order group using Budget
Management [Page 55] .

The SAP R/3 System provides you with a range of planning functions for the processing of
internal orders covering the different levels of planning detail required at different stages of order

Integrated Planning for Internal Orders [Page 33] lets you settle order plan data to cost centers or
business processes and transfer them to profit centers and the general ledger. You need to know
the difference between:
Plan-integrated internal orders enable you to plan cost elements and activity inputs
integrated with cost centers and business processes in a plan version. Allocations are
then updated directly on the cost center or business process. You can settle these
orders to cost centers and business processes and transfer the plan data to profit
centers and the general ledger.
You can only plan costs and activities locally on non-plan-integrated internal orders.
There is no planning on the performing cost centers or business processes. You
cannot settle these orders to cost centers and business processes, or transfer the
data to profit centers or the general ledger.



During the planning phase, the information available regarding the internal order changes
constantly. It is therefore useful to be able to execute order planning in more than one version.
This corresponds to the planning process in normal business practice. You can plan any number
of versions for orders in the system.
These individual plan versions can be:
• Stored separately in the system
• Changed
• Copied (see also: Copy versions [Page 37])
• Compared using the reports available in the information system (for example,
plan/plan comparisons, comparisons between actual costs and the various plan
versions). You can thus, for example, compare best and worst-case planning

Manual Order Planning [Page 38]
Activity-dependent or activity independent planning of both primary and secondary
costs, which occur as a result of activity input.
Overall Planning [Page 39]
Unit Costing [Page 41]
Primary Cost and Revenue Planning [Page 42]
Planning Activity Input [Page 45]
Planning Statistical Key Figures [Page 46]
Planning Allocations [Page 48]
Automatic order planning of allocations at period end.
Periodic Reposting [Page 49]
Planning Overhead Rates [Page 50]
Settlement [Page 51]
Planning of Allocations from Cost Centers [Page 53]
Planning of allocations that occur during period-end closing from cost centers to

In period-end closing, you can debit an order in version 0 using overhead, assessments or
distribution. If the order is a plan-integrated order, you can also use periodic reposting or
debit/settle the order using indirect activity allocation.

Changes to order planning can be recorded on planning documents. This generally occurs for
changes in a plan that has already been approved. They are written using the 3ODQOLQHLWHPV
transaction, which you can permit by setting the appropriate user status (see also: Status
Management for Internal Orders [Page 15]) defines whether planning documents are to be
written and from which status.


Within the framework of integrated planning for internal orders, cost centers or business
processes, you can integrate cost element and activity input planning for an internal order into a
plan version with cost center- or business process planning. All the planned business allocations
on the internal order (also repostings, assessments and so on) are then automatically updated on
the sender/receiver cost center or on the sender/receiver business process
You can only use integrated planning for Internal Orders with Cost Center Accounting or Activity
Based Costing, when the internal order already exists at the time of cost center or business
process planning. You cannot lock the plan version. You must plan locally those internal orders
that do not exist at the time of cost center- or business process planning. You can also manually
plan costs and activities on receiver cost centers or business processes, when required.
For more information regarding planning on cost centers, see Cost Center Planning [Ext.] (see
also: Periodic Reposting [Page 49], Settlement [Page 51]).
You can find further information on business process planning in the R/3 library under &RQWUROOLQJ

Cost center 2 plans to take 2000 production hours from cost center 1 using an
internal order. The planning of activities on the cost center and internal order can
be integrated, because the internal order already exists in the system and the
same time horizon is planned. If integrated planning is active, the scheduled
activity for the order is updated on cost center 1. The settlement of the order in
the plan is updated on cost center 2 (the receiving cost center).
Cost center 3 plans to take 700 production hours from cost center 1. No internal
order exists at the time of cost center planning. The internal order is created later
and cannot, therefore, be executed as a plan-integrated order. You must carry out
cost center planning manually, and independently from order planning.

When you activate integrated planning with Profit Center Accounting and the Extended General
Ledger, the system transfers Internal Order planning data along with Cost Center Accounting
plan data to Profit Center Accounting and the General Ledger.
You must activate the ,QWHJUDWHG3ODQQLQJ indicator in the version for the Internal Orders planning
data to be available through the FI/CO interface to the other applications in the SAP system.

For more information on activating integrated planning for internal orders, see Versions [Page


When you create a controlling area, the system automatically creates the version 3ODQDFWXDO (0).
Actual values are posted in this version. If you only want to plan in one version, you can plan in
this standard version 0. In this case, you do not need to create any other versions.
If you want to plan in more than one version, you must define the plan versions before starting to
You define versions in the Internal Orders Implementation Guide, 0DLQWDLQYHUVLRQV. Refer to the
documentation there for details of how to proceed.

The following indicators are used for integrated planning for internal orders:
1. Integrated planning in the order master data or the order type.
3. ,QWHJUDWHGSODQQLQJ with Profit Center Accounting and the General Ledger in the

To activate integrated planning for internal orders with Cost Center Accounting or Activity-Based
Costing you must set the following indicators:
The ,QWHJUDWHGSODQQLQJ indicator in the order master data
You can set the indicator in the order type as a default value. To do this, go to the
The Integrated Planning indicator in the version&VW$F%3URFHVV$F
To activate integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting, choose 3ODQQLQJ→
%DVLF6HWWLQJV→0DLQWDLQ9HUVLRQV from the Internal Orders IMG.
This gives you the following options:
Plan-integrated order Non-plan-integrated order
Integrated planning with CCtr accounting 1 2
and ABC active
Integrated planning with CCtr accounting 3 4
and ABC not active

1. Integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing

active, plan-integrated order.
In this case, integrated planning is active for the internal order with Cost Center
Accounting and Activity-Based Costing.
– You can plan activity inputs on plan-integrated orders Scheduled activity is
updated by the system on the sender cost center or the sender business process.


– If you are planning overhead rates, overhead is applied to the order and the credit
objects are credited. The corresponding credit objects must also be plan-
integrated in this case.
– If you have activated Profit Center Accounting and the General Ledger, you can
transfer order plan data to them.
– You can perform a plan settlement to cost centers and business processes or
carry out a periodic reposting for the order

As a rule, it is a good idea to activate the ,QWHJUDWHGSODQQLQJindicator in version

2. Integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing is
active, but the order is not plan-integrated.
If you only want to plan orders locally for an order despite active integrated planning
with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing, then you carry out the order
3. Integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing is not
active, and the order is plan-integrated.
Suppose you want to create a full copy of a plan-integrated version of a plan-
integrated internal order, so that you can document the planning history. In this case,
you use a non-plan integrated target version.
4. Neither indicator is active
You plan your internal order locally only. No integrated planning occurs.

When you activate integrated planning of Orders with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based
Costing, you can use the ,QWHJUDWHGSODQQLQJ indicator in the version to activate the transfer of
plan data from internal orders and cost centers to other applications (Profit Centers, the
Extended General Ledger).
As a rule, it is sufficient to postpone such a transfer until cost center planning and order planning
is complete. This is because only the final planning results are of importance to Profit Center
Accounting and the Extended General Ledger. Moreover, if you activate the ,QWHJUDWHGSODQQLQJ
indicator, every planning change leads to the updating of plan line items, which has an adverse
effect on system performance.

The following table provides an overview of the planning types where integrated planning is and
is not allowed:

Overall planning Allowed 1RWSRVVLEOH

Primary cost planning Allowed Possible


Revenue planning Allowed Possible

Activity input planning Allowed Possible

If integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting and Activity-Based Costing is active and you
set the 9HUVLRQORFNHG indicator, you are no longer able to plan on plan-integrated orders. You
can, however, continue to plan on non-plan-integrated orders.


You have the following options for copying plan data from the original version to the target
• If you want to copy the overall values from overall planning, and you do not want to
copy any fiscal-year dependent plan data, activate the 2YHUDOOYDOXHV indicator and do
not enter a fiscal year in the input screen.
• If you want to copy the plan data for primary costs, revenues, activity inputs, statistical
key figures and fiscal-year-dependent overall planning, enter a fiscal year in the input
If you also want to copy fiscal-year-independent overall values from overall planning,
activate the2YHUDOOYDOXHV indicator.

If the target version is plan-integrated, no allocation data is copied. An exception

to this is scheduled actual data on the order.

You can only use a plan-integrated order from this version as a copy reference if
you set the &RS\LQJDOORZHG indicator in a version and integrated planning with
Cost Center Accounting is active.

1. Go to the Internal Orders menu and choose 3ODQQLQJ → 3ODQQLQJDLGV→&RS\
1. Enter &RS\IURP and 7DUJHWYHUVLRQV, as well as the fiscal year, if necessary.
2. Specify whether you want to copy overall values.
3. In the ([LVWLQJWDUJHWGDWD fields, specify whether any data that already exists in the
target version should be overwritten.
The system checks whether any plan data already exists in the target version for
the corresponding planning. This data is not overwritten when you copy.
The system resets all the data in the target version for this planning transaction,
and overwrites it with plan data from the ”Copy from” version.


Activity-dependent or activity independent planning of both primary and secondary costs, which
occur as a result of activity input.

The various types of planning are only possible if the relevant business transactions are

These planning types are not mutually exclusive, but can be used either individually or in
combination. Depending on the information status, you use one or more of the planning types.
This means that for certain parts of an order you can use unit costing or cost element planning,
while roughly estimating the costs of the other parts of the order using overall planning.

Overall planning is the simplest way of planning costs on orders. This type of planning does not
depend on cost elements. You can use it to plan overall and annual values for an order.
6HHDOVR Overall Planning [Page 39]

If you have access to more information on sources of supply, quantities and prices, you can
perform unit costing taken from the overall planning.
6HHDOVRUnit Costing [Page 41]

You use these types of planning when you have detailed information on costs. Each planning
type is carried out for one year and covers cost-element-related planning of primary costs,
revenues and activity inputs.
If more than one currency is permitted within your controlling area, the system will propose a
value date each time you use cost element planning. You can overwrite this date if required.
Primary Cost and Revenue Planning [Page 42]
Planning Activity Inputs [Page 45]
Planning Statistical Key Figures [Page 46]

You can plan statistical key figures in order to calculate the business-related key figures in
6HHDOVRPlanning Statistical Key Figures [Page 46]


Overall planning is the first and most basic form of order planning. This type of planning is
performed independently from cost elements. You use it to estimate the costs likely to be
incurred for an order. Overall planning is always performed in the controlling area currency. From
Release 4.0, plan costs and plan quantities are updated variably in full, just as with actual costs.
This applies to both primary and secondary cost planning.
To obtain an overview of the overall planning for an order or order group, go to the internal orders

To call up overall planning, choose 3ODQQLQJ → 2YHUDOO → Change from the
internal orders menu.

You can plan either overall values or annual values.
When you access overall planning, the system offers the fiscal year you specified as the start
year in the planner profile. You define the planner profile in the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ
*XLGH and store it in the order type.
You can enter the following in overall planning:
• An overall plan value for the order
• An annual plan value for each year in the order life
You can plan the timeframe in the past and in the future that you specified in the planner profile.
You can use planning of annual values in the past to transfer old data from other systems when
you implement internal orders.

Using the Views menu, you can select the values you want displayed alongside the planned
values you enter manually instead of the plan total.
In addition to the plan total, you can choose from the following views:
• Unit costing
• Cost element planning

You can check your order planning by choosing 3ODQYDOXHV → Check. The system then checks
whether the cumulated plan value (the plan total for all years) is greater than the overall plan
value. If the plan contains any inconsistencies, the system issues a message, which refers you to
an error log. This log can be displayed or printed if you choose ([WUDV → Error log.

You can call up the following planning types in overall planning:
• Primary cost planning
• Unit costing


The ([WUDV menu lets you plan also:

• Revenues
• Statistical key figures
• Activity input


RYHUDOOSODQQLQJ. You can call up unit costing from overall planning.
You can also use detailed planning to carry out GHWDLOHGSODQQLQJDWDOHYHOEHORZWKHFRVW
HOHPHQWOHYHO. This is a good idea in cases where you have totaled up a number of individual
jobs and activities under one cost element.

Wage costs are recorded under cost element 420000. The plan envisages
$368,700 for this. You can differentiate the wage costs by employee category and
by period.
The planned figure for three category A employees is $1000 per period, making a
total of $36,000 for category A personnel. For category B personnel, on the other
hand, the figure is $1000 per period for periods 1-3 and periods 10-12 (making
$6000 in total). These are external personnel, employed on a seasonal basis. For
category C personnel, the figure is $900 per period for periods 6-8 (making $2700
in total). These are personnel working in their vacations from, say, higher
education. You cannot achieve this degree of detail in ”normal” primary cost
planning at totals level (for each cost element), but only in unit costing.
For more information on XQLWFRVWLQJ, see Detail Planning for a Cost Element [Ext.].
You can find detailed information on the possible uses of EDVHREMHFWFRVWLQJ in the R/3 library


In primary cost planning, you record the costs incurred by the consumption of goods and services
originating from outside your business.
These include, among others:
• Material costs
• Costs of raw materials, operating supplies
• Wage costs
• External services
• Accrued costs
Accrued costs may have a different meaning in internal reporting from that in
Financial Accounting (imputed interest or amortization). They may also occur at
different times in Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting (special payments, such
as holiday bonus, or irregular costs, such as repairs).
To plan revenues in orders, you use special cost elements for the revenue elements class of the
relevant chart of accounts. You can only plan revenues if the order type allows revenue postings.
Entries for revenues in orders must be preceded by a minus sign (”-”).
You plan the primary costs and revenues by cost element, and split over the orders to which you
will later assign the actual costs. You can also plan on order groups and cost element groups.
For more information on defining cost element groups, see Cost Element Groups [Ext.]
If you want to further subdivide the plan value for a cost element, you can use unit costing. This
is a good idea if, for example, you have combined several items/external services under one cost
element. See also: Unit Costing [Page 41]
For planning by cost element, you can combine planning objects and planning contents as

Single order Single cost element

Single order Cost element group
Order Groups Single cost element
Order Groups Cost element group

You want to plan wage costs for some trade fair orders. You combine the orders
for the various trade fairs into one order group Enter the order group and the cost
element 420000 ”Wages” on the initial screen.
You can then branch to either the overview screen or the period screen. The
system then offers you the first trade fair order for processing. Choose 3UHYLRXV
FRPELQDWLRQ or1H[WFRPELQDWLRQ to scroll from one trade fair order to another.


You want to plan the advertising costs for several trade fair orders. You combine
the orders for the various trade fairs into one order group You summarize the
individual advertising costs into one cost element group.
In the overview screen, the system displays all the advertising costs for the first
trade fair order. You can then scroll from one order to another.
In the period screen, you can scroll to plan all the advertising cost elements for
the first trade fair order, then for the second, and so on.
You can enter the planned total for each cost element, and distribute it to the plan periods using
a standard distribution key, or one you have defined yourself. You can find more information in
the Overhead Costs Implementation Guide under 3ODQQLQJ→0DQXDO3ODQQLQJ→'HILQH2ZQ
Alternatively, you can distribute the plan values manually in the period screen.
6HHDOVR Screen Sequence for Planning [Page 47] .
For more information on the screen sequence, as well as the online, dynamic changing of
planning masks, see Planning Techniques [Ext.]..


You access Primary Cost and Revenue Type Planning:
• Through the Internal Orders menu 3ODQQLQJ → &RVWHOHPHQWDFWLYLW\LQSXW → &KDQJH
• Directly from overall planning
You plan primary costs and revenues on orders as follows:
(nter the standard profile SAP101 when you plan primary costs.
Enter the standard profile SAP103 to plan revenues
2. Choose
– 3ODQQLQJ → &RVWHOHPHQWVDFWLYLW\LQSXW → &KDQJHand enter the data required in
the &KDQJH3ODQQLQJ&RVWRevenue(OHPHQWVInitial Screen.
entries you have just made on the initial screen are set automatically by the
system from overall planning.
In the period screen, you can plan each order across cost elements for the periods of
a fiscal year.
In the overview screen, you can plan each order per period by cost elements.
The structure of this screen depends on the combination of planning objects you
entered on the initial screen. If, for example, you enter a single order and a single
cost element, the system displays only these two objects.
3. Save your plan values.
If you now call up the overall planning function for your order group and branch to the )LVFDO\HDU
RYHUYLHZ, you will see that the 3ODQWRWDO has been updated to include the primary cost values you
have just planned, and the entry marked with the letter &


As with primary costs, you can plan activity input on an order or order group, individually or in
groups, for each cost center/activity type or for each business process.
You require the activity prices for the activity types when you plan activity inputs.
For plan-integrated orders in plan-integrated versions, the system takes the activity price from the
current version (see also: Versions [Page 34]). When you change the activity price for an activity
type, the system automatically revaluates the relevant orders. The system valuates the planned
activity input quantity with the activity price for the activity type to determine the planned costs on
the orders. If you have planned activity inputs for an order from a cost center or a business
process, the system updates the scheduled activity and the resulting credit posting on the sender
cost center or the sender business process.
If you plan activity inputs on orders when integrated planning between Orders and Cost Center
Accounting is not active, you can use the 9DOXDWLRQYHUVLRQIRU,&$ field in the version, to specify
the version from which the activity prices for the activity type are to taken for valuing the activity
input. If you do not specify a valuation version, the system uses the corresponding activity price
from version 0.

The SAP system does not update the scheduled activity and the credit on the
sender cost center for non-plan-integrated orders.
To plan activity input, proceed as follows in the internal orders menu:
• Set the planner profile SAP 102
Screen Sequence for Planning [Page 47] .
For more information on the screen sequence, as well as the online, dynamic changing of
planning masks, see Planning Techniques [Ext.]..


You can plan statistical key figures and statistical key figure groups on orders or order groups.
This is similar to how you plan primary costs.
You can plan statistical key figures (for example, number of employees) to calculate commercial
key figures on orders (such as telephone costs per employee).
Statistical key figures appear as either
• )L[HGYDOXHV (key figure category 1)
• 7RWDOYDOXHV (key figure category 2)

On the overview screens, the system displays average values, not totals, for
)L[HGYDOXH category statistical key figures.
To plan statistical key figures, proceed as follows:
• Choose a standard profile, such as SAP 101
• Go to the Internal Orders menu and choose 3ODQQLQJ→6WDWLVWLFDO.H\ILJXUHV→
6HHDOVR Screen Sequence for Planning [Page 47] .
For more information on the screen sequence, as well as the online, dynamic changing of
planning masks, see Planning Techniques [Ext.]..
For more information on statistical key figures, see Statistical Key Figures [Ext.]


The screen sequences shown below are available for planning.

Before you can reach the initial screen, you have to select a planner profile.
You can find more information on planner profiles in the implementation guide for overhead
Planner profile [Ext.].
Use the 6HWSODQQHUSURILOH function to select the planner profile. This profile is configured in the
PPP user parameter and called up by the system when you enter planning.
On the initial screen, you can see the planning layout for the planning area you have chosen.
For more information on planner layouts, go to the overhead orders implementation guide, under
To display in the overview the records already planned for change, you must activate the
3ODQQHGREMHFWV)UHHLQSXW indicator in the initial screen.You can also enter new records.
If you want to execute all the planning objects selected in the initial screen, regardless of existing
plan values, activate the $OOSRVVLEOHREMHFWV indicator.

The structure of the overview screen depends on the planner profile chosen and the planning
layouts assigned to the profile. You can change individual settings, such as number format,
dynamically during the planning phase.
The number format enables you to display your planning either in the original value or scaled,
that is, displayed in powers of ten.
The *RWR and (GLW menus include functions that let you branch to the period screen or enter a
planning long text using SAP word processing tool, SAP-Script.
If you want to use combinations of groups in planning, you may have to position the cursor on a
particular group combination. The *RWR menu includes the 1H[WFRPELQDWLRQ and 3UHYLRXV
FRPELQDWLRQ functions to achieve this.

In the period screen, you can display or change the period distribution of your plan value.
To access the period screen, position the cursor on an entry in the overview screen and choose


The planning of allocations that occur periodically.

You plan periodic repostings to make corrections on orders.
6HHDOVR Periodic Reposting [Page 49]

You plan overhead rates as part of overhead allocation.
6HHDOVR Planning Overhead Rates [Page 50]

In order settlement, the costs collected on an order are posted further to cost centers or business
6HHDOVR Settlement [Page 51]


Periodic reposting is a posting tool that lets you to make corrections to your orders. Periodic
reposting effects the plan costs at the period end.

At the period end, the costs, which are first collected on a costs collector (such as, an order, or
cost center), are reposted through keys to the appropriate receiver (order, cost center). The
following data remains unchanged:
• The original cost element (primary cost element or revenue cost element)
• The accounting proof of origin
For more information on this subject, see Periodic Reposting [Ext.]

You can carry out periodic repostings of costs on internal orders, regardless of
the version in the plan, if you have activated integrated planning of Orders with
Cost Center Accounting (see also: Versions [Page 34]).


Note the following when planning overhead rates:
Overhead is only calculated for values from cost element planning.
• Orders are GHELWHG with overhead, regardless of whether integrated planning with
Cost Center Accounting is active.
• Cost centers, business processes and orders are only credited if integrated planning
is active for the order to which overhead is applied and all credit objects. You must
also activate integrated planning with Cost Center Accounting in the version (see
also: Versions [Page 34]).
Which plan costs incur overhead depends on which costing sheet and, where appropriate, which
overhead key you have defined in your order. You can find more information under Actual
Postings on Internal Orders [Page 56].

To plan overhead rates for individual orders, go to the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV menu and choose
To plan overhead for order groups, go to the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV menu and choose 3ODQQLQJ→
For more information on the calculation of overhead, see Overhead Calculation and Simulation
[Page 66].


In plan settlement, the costs planned on an order are posted further to cost centers or business

After planning the order settlement, you can distribute the planned costs within splitting on
activity types on the cost center or the business process. For more information on splitting, see
Cost center planning [Ext.].

You can plan the order settlement if you have activated integrated planning of orders with cost
center accounting. The settlement rule for the order to be settled must also contain one of the
following rules:
• PER rule (for period-related settlement of costs to a cost center).
• PRE rule (for the previous period-related settlement to capital investment measures).
6HHDOVR Versions [Page 34]).

Plan settlement of orders is possible to cost centers and business processes.
The planned costs settled from an order to a cost center or a business process can only be split
completely between activity types on a fixed basis. This is because settlement of costs to cost
centers or business processes is always independent of activity.

If you carry out marginal costing and plan costs on an order in proportion to an
activity type, you must also plan these costs manually in the receiving cost center
or the receiving business process. Settlement is not possible within integrated

You are planning the maintenance of a production plant on an order. The

maintenance costs are proportional to the output of the plant. In this case, you do
not activate integrated planning. Rather, you plan the maintenance costs
manually on the receiver cost center.

To settle individual orders to cost centers or business processes, choose 3ODQQLQJ → $OORFDWLRQV
To settle more than one order to cost centers or business processes, choose Planning →
Allocations → Settlement → Collective processing.


For more information, go to the overhead orders implementation guide under 3ODQQLQJ→


In cost center allocation, the system allocates plan costs from sender cost centers or business
processes to orders.

Allocations of costs to an internal order is possible, regardless of the version in the plan, if you
have activated integrated planning of Orders with Cost Center Accounting and the order is plan
integrated (see also: Versions [Page 34]).

Distribution means allocating the plan costs from a sender cost center to orders, according to
distribution keys which you have defined.
The following data is transferred to the orders in the process:
The original cost element (primary cost element) remains unchanged.
The sender and receiver data is documented.
For more information, including the procedure for distribution, see Distribution [Ext.]

As part of plan assessment, you can use an assessment cost element to allocate costs from a
sender cost center to orders, according to assessment keys defined by the user.
For more information on assessment and how to use it, see &2&RVW&HQWHU3ODQQLQJ.

In indirect activity allocation, you define keys that you use to allocate activities and business
processes to orders. Moreover, you can determine LQGLUHFWO\ the activity quantities for cost
centers and business processes whose activities it is impossible, or very time consuming, to
There are two methods of processing activity allocation, depending on the category of activity
type to be allocated:
• Activities can be entered in the cost center or business process
For some business processes or activity types, you can determine for each cost
center the amount of activities carried out. You can then use indirect activity allocation
to distribute these posted activity quantities from the cost centers or business
processes to the receivers, which you define in the segment, according to their
allocation base.
• Activities cannot be recorded in the cost center or business process, or only with
For activity types, whose activity quantities cannot be determined, or only with a great
deal of effort, you can use activity calculation.:


Œ Using the order tracing factors with weighting factors, which you can define for
each cost center or business process
Œ By stipulating it in segment definition
For more information on indirect activity allocation and how to use it, see Cost Center Planning


The budget is the approved cost structure for an internal order or an order group.
In contrast to planning, budget management is binding. Having estimated the costs as accurately
as possible using the different tools during the planning phase, you then prescribe the funds
available for your order in the form of a budget. The budget is the device by which management
approves the expected development of order costs over a given timeframe.
The following different budget types exist:
This is the budget originally allocated - that is, the budget before any updates were
carried out.
Unforeseen events, additional requirements, prices rises, and so on, may require you
to correct the original budget. Therefore, budget updates are necessary. These take
the form of:
– Supplements
– Returns
This is derived from the budget types already mentioned:
Original budget
+ Supplements
- Returns
Current budget

The technique for allocating the original budget and performing budget updates
and for configuring availability control for orders or order groups corresponds to
the technique for projects, except that projects are organized in hierarchies.
For more information on budgeting, see Budget Management [Ext.] and
Availability Control [Ext.].

In the case of capital-investment programs, you can manage and monitor budgets
that cover more than one order. For more information, see Investment
Management (Overview) [Ext.]


You use actual postings to enter actual costs that enable up-to-date monitoring of the costs
incurred by the organization. In this way, you can identify any variances at an early stage and
correct them.
Manual actual postings are the daily transaction-based postings of primary and secondary costs.
Actual postings create totals records and line items. A WRWDOVUHFRUG gathers all the costs posted
on the order under a given cost element. /LQHLWHPV consist of the lines of the document created
during posting, and document the individual posting transaction.

Manual actual postings consist of:
Postings in Financial Accounting
You can also assign statistical postings of primary costs (such as for external services
and deliveries) in Financial Accounting directly to an internal order. The same applies
to goods movements, if you are not using the Materials Management component
You will find this topic described in more detail in the ),$FFRXQWLQJ*XLGHOLQHV.
• Goods movements in Materials Management
In the Materials Management (MM) component, you can make the following statistical
postings to orders:
− Purchase requisitions
− Purchase orders
When you create a purchase order that is statistically posted to an internal order,
a commitment is created on the order. At goods receipt, the commitment
becomes actual costs.
6HHDOVR CO - Commitments Management [Ext.]
• Goods receipts
• Reservations
• Goods issues
A goods issue that refers to a material reservation in which an internal order
number is stored, automatically leads to the posting of actual costs on the order.
For more information on purchase order processing and goods movements, refer to
Internal activity allocations in CO.
For more information on internal activity allocations, see Transaction-based and
Periodic Actual Postings [Page 58]



To be able to post actual costs on an order, this must be allowed by the relevant business
transaction (see Order Master Data [Page 15]).


Repostings allow you to correct incorrect postings from the primary systems. This means that
you can repost primary costs, which you had previously allocated to a given order in Financial
Accounting, to other orders or cost centers so as to refine the original assignment true to the cost

An incorrect order was entered for a material purchase order. As the posting for
the goods receipt refers to the purchase order, the system automatically debits
the costs to the wrong order.
With the reposting function, you can pass these costs on to the correct order or to
a cost center. The original cost element remains unchanged.

Here, internal activities supplied by cost centers are posted directly to the order that received the
activity. The consumption quantity is valuated using the plan price for the cost center, and the
order is debited with an allocation cost element.

Statistical key figures on an order are for information purposes only.

On a trade fair order, you post all costs incurred for a trade fair. For information
purposes, you then post statistical figures for the number of visitors at your booth,
the number of requests for further appointments, or the number of orders
resulting from the trade fair and the further appointments.

This function allows you to enter costs, which you know will definitely occur, but you do not yet
know through which transaction they will be caused (for example, purchase order, material
reservations, and so on).
In this way you can reserve parts of the order budget at an early stage.
You can find more information on manual funds reservation in the project system.


Within period-end closing, period-related business transactions are executed after the period

The following belong to periodic actual postings:
Revaluation using actual activity prices
6HHDOVR Revaluating Jobs Using Actual Activity Prices [Page 60]
Allocating overhead rates
6HHDOVR Calculating Overhead [Page 65]
Periodic repostings
Assessment and distribution methods
Order settlement
6HHDOVR Order Settlement [Page 71]


Job revaluation using actual activity prices is an enhancement to the revaluation of activity
allocations between cost centers and business processes. It is used to correct activity allocations
that occurred previously from cost centers or business processes to other CO objects. You can
carry out job revaluation using actual activity prices on the following CO objects:
• Internal orders
• Production orders
• Cost objects
• Production cost collectors
• Projects
• WBS elements
• Networks
• Network transactions
• Sales and distribution documents (sales orders)

If required, the revaluation of jobs on cost centers and business process can take
place as previously within actual activity price calculation in Cost Center
Accounting (see also: Actual activity price calculation [Ext.]).
If a CO object uses a cost center- or business process activity, you usually allocate the activity
using a plan activity price. This is because the actual activity price is calculated at period-end
closing. Due to the actual costs that have occurred on a cost center or a business process, you
may need to adjust the activity prices to the true cost situation at the end of the period.
Subsequent to actual activity price calculation, you can revaluate CO objects with actual activity
prices if they have used the activities from cost centers or business processes. You do this using
-REUHYDOXDWLRQXVLQJDFWXDODFWLYLW\SULFHV(revaluation) Each time, the system determines the
variances between the costs posted up to this point and the costs that occur under the new
activity prices. Revaluation occurs for all the secondary cost elements affected.
You can repeat revaluation as often as you need. Only the differences that have occurred due to
activity price changes in the meantime are updated.

When you use revaluation, you cannot apply any SHUFHQWDJH overhead to costs that have FRVW
HOHPHQWFDWHJRU\ LQWHUQDODFWLYLW\DOORFDWLRQ . If you were able to perform revaluation on
cost elements with applied overhead, you would have to recalculate the overhead. This would
lead to a recursion.
Revaluation of 0DWHULDO leads to follow-up costs. During settlement to materials you deal with this
just as with price control.
– You can either post the follow-up costs as price differences.


– Or readjust the follow-up costs to the inventory, so long as there is stock coverage in
the warehouse.
– You do QRW use revaluation to perform the revaluation of semi-finished products that
have been taken from orders with a higher manufacturing level. SAP does not foresee
the introduction of such a function to be carried out on orders.
SAP plans a change for actual costs on the material level for a later Release level in multi-level
period-end closing.

Revaluation occurs periodically for individual CO objects or in collective processing for more than
one CO object. You start revaluation with your own user-defined transactions after the actual
activity price calculation. The following revaluations are possible:


Internal orders Revaluation of the internal Specify objects to be revaluated

order using a selection variant.
Production orders Revaluation of the Revaluation occurs per plant.
production order
Cost objects Not possible Revaluation occurs per controlling
Projects, WBS- Revaluation of the object Specify objects to be revaluated
elements, networks, using a selection variant.
network transactions
Production cost Revaluation occurs for Revaluation occurs for each plant.
collectors each material, plant,
production order or run
schedule header.

You can also start revaluation for test and forecast purposes. In this case, you do not update the
revaluations that you have calculated. You can run both test and update runs either online or in
the background.
You can create a so-called ”work list” for objects that cannot be revaluated. In this work list, the
system provides you with information about the cause of the incorrect processing. Once you
have corrected these error sources, you can restart revaluation for the objects in the work list. To
do this, choose ([WUDV→:RUNOLVW
You can reverse completely the revaluations carried out in the update runs, so long as the status
of the relevant CO objects allows this. The original activity allocations remain the same. If you
have reversed any activity allocations, you should also reverse the revaluation for the period

For cumulated activity prices, you should first reverse the revaluations for the
higher periods.


After reversing the revaluations, make sure that you perform the settlement again.
This is necessary, because the revaluation data that was passed on from one CO
object to other CO objects is not reversed in this case.
Order Settlement [Page 71]

The method you use for the revaluation depends on the activity price indicator that you specified
in the fiscal year dependent parameters in version 0. You can set the following activity price
indicators (see also: Methods of Activity Price Calculation [Ext.]):
• Period activity price
Periodically differentiated activity prices, based on the costs and activity quantities for
the period.
• Average activity price
Activity price based on the costs and activity quantities of all periods. The revaluation
is posted in the period in which the activity was incurred.
• Cumulated activity price
Activity price based on the costs and activity quantities of all periods. You post
revaluation of the current period and all previous periods in the current period.
Performing Job Revaluation Using Actual Activity Prices [Page 63]


Before you perform job revaluation using activity prices, you should carry out the following steps:
1. SAP recommends you to set the period lock for actual activity allocation (RKL).
2. Set the period lock for actual indirect activity allocation (RKIL), so that you can carry
out the following steps on solidly based costs. Should it still be necessary to carry out
further activity allocations in Financial Accounting before settlement, you must carry
out the following steps once again.
3. If there are CO internal receivers, you apply the overhead. You cannot use
SHUFHQWDJHEDVHG overhead calculation in this case for secondary cost elements.
4. If there are CO internal receivers, carry out CO internal settlement. Settle all CO
objects that have internal receivers.
5. Perform the splitting.
6. Carry out the activity price calculation. The actual activity price forms the basis for the

1. From the Internal Orders Menu, choose $FWXDOSRVWLQJV→3HULRGHQGFORVLQJ
using actual activity prices. You should always perform revaluation on cost objects
EHIRUH the distribution to the cost object hierarchy..
2. After performing revaluation with actual activity prices, carry out the following
a) If there are QR CO internal receivers, you now apply the overhead. You can also
carry out overhead calculation for secondary cost elements.
b) Set the period lock for revaluation (RKLN).
c) Carry out settlement for all receivers. This is an important requirement, as it is the
only way that you can pass on revaluation data from a revaluated CO object to
further CO objects.
d) Execute reports, if required. Following settlement, your data is once more

The system displays the revaluation results in a list. In addition to the selection criteria and the
processing parameters, the list header contains the following data:
• Processing status (test run, update run)
• Number of messages
• Number of selected CO objects, whose status does not permit a revaluation (with an
error message)
• Number of processed CO objects


There is no change to the debit, when

– No activity was included,
– No actual activity price exists,
– The object was already valuated with the actual activity price or
– You cannot post to the cost center to be credited due to its current status.
The list itself displays the credits for the selected and revaluated CO objects. You can branch to
the master record for each activity type. The list contains the following details:
• Sender
• Allocation cost element
• Values in the controlling area currency.
You can display additional columns using other display variants.
Any errors that occur are recorded by the system in an error log.
You can print both the list and the error log if you have selected background processing.


You use overhead calculation to allocate overhead through percentage-based or quantity-based
overhead rates. The basis for the allocation are those primary cost elements that you posted as
overhead costs. In the manufacturing industry, for example, these are usually the labor and
material costs.

To be able to calculate and apply overhead, you define control data during Customizing and
include this in a Costing sheet [Page 68].

You can apply overhead to both plan and actual costs, or on the basis of commitment data.
You can perform overhead calculation for single or multiple objects.
You can also start overhead calculation for test and forecast purposes without updating the
calculated overhead.

You start Overhead Calculation [Page 66] through its own transaction. This means that you
cannot carry out transaction-based overhead calculation.


You can allocate overhead using percentage-based or quantity-based overhead rates in either
the plan, the actual, or based on commitments data.

To be able to calculate and apply overhead, you define control data during Customizing and
include this in a Costing sheet [Page 68].

You can perform overhead calculation for single or multiple objects. Collective processing takes
place based on individually definable selection variants.
You can also start overhead calculation for test and forecast purposes without updating the
calculated overhead. The system then calculates the overhead, without you having to update on
the object (such as, an order). This function allows you to identify and correct any errors before
the actual calculation (such as, an invalid overhead costing sheet in the order or missing
percentage rates).
You can run overhead calculation online or in the background.
You can use the costing sheet to check overheads that have been determined.
Overhead calculation can be repeated any number of times for each period. If the values have
changed in the object (such as, an order) or in the overhead calculation, the system only updates
the difference. This can be a positive or a negative value.

Dates in overhead calculation are determined as follows:
– Processing line items in the plan First day of the period
– Actual processing Last day of the period
– Commitment The system does not write any line items
Today’s date
With posting date
With the entered value date, otherwise posting date

The system displays the results of the overhead calculation in a list for all objects, for which it has
determined values. This list contains the following information:
• %DVLFOLVW with data for the current processing and the number of objects edited.


• 'HWDLOHGOLVW with the amounts for each sender and receiver when you enter the
credit cost element. If the overhead calculation for the given period has already taken
place, the system displays only the variances from the overhead already calculated.
• 3HULRGGULOOGRZQ in the plan, should the overhead calculation or simulation occur
over several periods.
If errors occur during the processing, the system refers you to an error log that contains a list of
the errors.
You can print both the results list and the error log.
You can create a so-called work list for objects, for which overhead calculation could not take
place. After you have corrected these objects, you can restart overhead calculation for the
objects in the work list.

Enter the costing sheet you want to use for your overhead calculation in your object (such as an
order, project or costing reference object).
Go to the Internal Orders menu and choose $FWXDOSRVWLQJV→3HULRGHQGFORVLQJ→2YHUKHDG
If you want the overhead calculation to run in the background, mark %DFNJURXQG3URFHVVLQJ.
To simulate the overhead calculation, choose 7HVWUXQ
If you want to check overhead calculations using the costing sheet, select 'LDORJGLVSOD\
To create a work list for objects that do not have overhead applied to them, select :RUNOLVW.


The costing sheet combines all parts of the overhead calculation and determines the rules for
calculating the values to be posted.

The costing sheet links the control data for the overhead calculation.
You use calculation bases to determine which direct costs you want to apply
overhead to.
A calculation base refers to a group of cost elements, to which overhead is to be
applied collectively. For each controlling area, you can assign individual cost
elements or cost element intervals and individual origins and origin intervals to the
calculation bases.
The overhead rate determines how high the percentage-based or quantity-based
overhead rate should be applied to the direct costs and under which conditions
(dependencies) the overhead rate is to be applied. For example, you can calculate a
defined overhead rate for each plant by specifying a plant dependency.
Credits determine the credit objects and the credit cost elements.
When overhead is applied to an order in the actual, another object is credited at the
same time (either a cost center or an order). You allocate the overhead rates using a
special overhead cost element (category 41)

Only debits are posted in the commitments (QR credits).

A costing sheet comprises multiple rows that are processed from top to bottom during the
overhead calculation.
You define these by assigning a calculation base. Therefore, they contain the direct
costs that are to have overhead applied to them during the overhead calculation.
These are defined by the assignment of an overhead rate.
An overhead row consists of a base row or a totals row. The overhead amount is
calculated by multiplying the amount contained in these rows by the overhead
percentage rate or quantity-based overhead rate determined through the overhead
As well as overheads, the overhead rows contain credit keys. These credit keys
determine which object (cost center or order) is to be credited under which cost
element during overhead rate determination.


Totals rows are used to generate subtotals or final totals.
Calculating Overhead [Page 66]


Internal orders are usually used as an interim collector of costs and an aid to the planning,
monitoring, and controlling processes. When the job has been completed, you settle the costs to
one or more receivers (cost center, fixed asset, profitability segment, etc.).

To be able to settle an order, you must have saved a settlement rule in each of the senders. This
settlement rule determines where the costs are to be settled to. This can be achieved in two
In t his basic form of order settlement, you settle the costs collected on the internal
order 100% to either a cost center or a G/L account under a settlement cost element.
The system generates the appropriate settlement rule from the information contained
in the order master data.
You can find information on order settlement to one receiver under Order Settlement
To One Receiver [Page 71].
Definition of an extended settlement rule gives you more settlement possibilities, for
example, you can:
• Settle costs to a wide range of receivers (project, sales order, profitability
segment, etc.)
• Specify how the costs are to be distributed between receivers.
• Define the cost elements under which the senders are to be credited and the
receivers debited.
For more information on extended settlement, see CO - Settlement [Ext.].

You can use only RQH of these settlement methods at any given time. If, for example, you have
defined a basic settlement rule for an order, you can only define an extended settlement rule
after you have deleted the basic settlement rule.


You settle the costs collected on an internal order to RQH cost center or RQH G/L account through
RQH settlement cost element.

If you have entered a general settlement rule for an order, you FDQQRW use the order settlement
form described here.

You must have assigned a settlement profile to the order in the settlement parameters. As you
cannot maintain settlement parameters when you settle to one receiver, you store this in the
order type. Otherwise, you must create the order using a reference order, to which you have
assigned a settlement profile.
Before you can settle an order, it must have a status that allows the ”Settlement” activity.


The system always uses the document type “SA” during settlement to one
receiver. If you want to use a different document type for your order settlement,
use the more extensive CO-settlement.


Cost Category 21 Under the Takes place Settlement is carried out by
centers (internal settlement on the cost period. Each time, the
settlement) cost center system settles only the
element under the costs from the period
cost specified in settlement.
G/L Category 22 Under the Takes place The system settles
accounts (external settlement on the G/L cumulatively all the costs
settlement) cost account incurred on the order (up to
element and including the
settlement period).
To execute settlement by
period, you must settle the
order in each period.


1. To enter the settlement receiver and the settlement cost element, choose the 3HULRG
HQGFORVLQJ tab page in the order master data. Then, in the 6HWWOHPHQWWRRQHUHFHLYHU
group box, enter the settlement cost element and the receiver for the costs collected
on the order.
When you settle the order, the system automatically creates the corresponding
settlement rule and hides the 6HWWOHPHQW5XOH pushbutton.
2. To settle internal orders, choose the following:
• Individual processing
You use individual processing to control the settlement of individual orders. For
more information, see CO - Settlement [Ext.].
• Collective Processing
Collective processing is used as part of period-end closing to trigger background
processing when you want to process a large number of orders.
• Line item apportionment
You only require line item apportionment for capital-investment measures. For
more information on line item apportionment for capital-investment measures, see
Settlement account assignment [Ext.]

In the initial screen for collective processing, make the following entries:
• Selection variant
• Parameters
• Processing
To select orders, enter a selection variant.


You define selection variants in either the Internal Orders Implementation Guide, or by choosing

These selection variants are also used elsewhere - for example, in collective
processing of orders.
During selection, you can refer to order master data fields and order groups. You can also use
classification characteristics during selection. However, this is not a good idea when you are
processing large numbers of orders (more than 10,000).
For more information on the 3DUDPHWHU and 3URFHVVLQJFRQWURO group boxes, see CO -
Settlement [Ext.].


Reporting is the tool used to analyze internal orders. It provides information on the status of your
orders and enables you to control them effectively.
There are several predefined standard reports available for the Internal Orders component (CO-
OM-OPA). You can also use the Report Painter to define your own reports.

The report tree enables you to collect all the reports required for your order and to sort them into
a hierarchical structure. You define report trees during &XVWRPL]LQJ by specifying:
Which reports belong to the report tree
How the tree is to be structured
Whether the report tree has been activated
If you have activated the report tree, you can display the structure you have defined.
For more information on this topic, see Report Tree [Ext.].

Most reports allow you to mark given rows and then, using the Report call function, to branch to
another report containing detailed information.

You can branch from a total cost report to a cost element report, from where you
can start a line item report.

When defining your own reports, you should note the following technical details:
Total cost and cost element reports CCSS 601
Overall plan and budget reports using Report Painter RWCOOM 602
Summarization reports for Internal Orders KKBC 701
For more information on defining your own reports, see Report Painter [Ext.]
For more information on the Internal Orders information system, see Internal Orders Report
Types [Page 75]
For more information on reporting in the Controlling component (CO), see Information System in
Cost Center Accounting [Ext.].


Predefined standard reports for internal order analysis inform you about the current state of an

The following types of reports are available for Internal Orders:
In total cost reports, the actual or plan costs for each order within a given period are
totaled across cost elements. When you enter an order group, the system creates a
separate row for each order contained in the group. Additionally, the system
determines the total costs for the orders belonging to each node in the order group.
This is then displayed in a totals row.
6HHDOVR Total Cost Reports [Page 86]
For these reports, you must specify a cost element group during data selection. The
system creates a separate row in the report for each cost element and each node of
the cost element group. The node row contains the total for all cost elements
assigned to it.
SAP delivers a standard cost element group, which you can adapt to suit your own
cost element layout. This standard cost element group is independent from the chart
of accounts or controlling area.
6HHDOVR Cost Element Reports [Page 84]
There are line item reports for actual costs, plan costs, as well as for commitments
Actual line items are created for each posting of actual costs. They contain
information about the posted amount, the posting date, and the user who posted
the item.
These are created by the system when you enter a commitment, for example, for
a purchase order.
During order planning, line items are only be created if the order status specifies
that planning documents should be written. Therefore, plan line items document
only those changes made after the order has reached the status from which
planning documents can be written for an order.


You can plan cost-element-independent overall costs in orders and determine the
annual plan costs or the order budget. Special reports are available covering these
6HHDOVR Overall Plan and Budget Reports [Page 82]
The purpose of order summarization is to group together orders with common
attributes for analysis in the reporting system. You carry out order summarization in
the Controlling component (CO) using classification.
In this way, you might summarize and analyze the costs of all the orders for a given
order type, cost center, or plant. This gives you a much greater degree of
transparency within your organization.
6HHDOVROrder Summarization [Page 79]
6HHDOVR Order Lists: Master Data Index / Cost Analysis [Page 78]
Each report considers only the internal orders within one controlling area. For this reason, you
must always specify the controlling area as a data selection parameter. Should an order group
contain orders from multiple controlling areas, then only those belonging to the controlling area
you specified are considered by the system.
You can overwrite selection parameters (fiscal year, period, plan version, etc.) and enter
individual values or intervals instead of cost element groups or order groups.

To call up the report tree with the structure you have defined, choose ,QIRUPDWLRQV\VWHP→
5HSRUWVHOHFWLRQfrom the Internal Orders menu.
For more information on calling up your own reports, see Selecting an Order Report [Page 77]


The system displays a report tree with the existing internal order reports.
2. Choose a report, for example 3ODQDFWXDO FRPSDULVRQV→2UGHU
3. In the screen which follows, (for example, 2UGHU$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH enter at least
the required order/order group. You can also change the defaults in the other input

In the standard, the system selects across all cost elements (cost element group
6-KSTAR-ALL).You can change the cost element group by choosing ([WUDV →
4. Choose ([HFXWH.
The system displays the appropriate internal order report.


Internal order lists provide you with an overview of a number of selected orders. They display in
list form given data from the order master data for the selected internal orders.

Various selection variants are defined in the standard to help you with selection from the master
data index. You can use the order master data fields as selection criteria. You can define your
own selection criteria or limit the selection through 6HOHFWLRQ&ULWHULD.
You can branch to the master data for the internal orders listed.

You want to assign to a new responsible person all orders that have a given
Enter the responsible cost center and the order type as selection criteria. The
system displays a list of all the orders that meet the specified criteria. You can
branch to each of these orders and change the name of the responsible person.
You can generate an order group using the master data index for internal orders. You can use
these order groups for overhead calculation and in reporting

Order groups created with the 2UGHUOLVW function cannot be used in order planning
or edited with the hierarchy function.

The system selects classification characteristics in order to analyze plan and actual costs. These
characteristics are taken from the internal order master data. You must generate them using the
Implementation Guide.
You can restrict the selection by entering intervals or individual values in the appropriate fields.
The system creates an order list, showing the orders which meet the specified criteria.

The system selects only orders with order types for which classification is active.
To find more information on classification, see Order Selection [Ext.].

To create a master data index, choose ,QIRUPDWLRQV\VWHP →5HSRUW6HOHFWLRQ→ Master Data
Index from the Internal Orders menu.
If you want to carry out cost analysis of classified orders, choose ,QIRUPDWLRQV\VWHP →5HSRUW


To carry out controlling efficiently, it is not enough simply to analyze the cost structures of
individual internal orders. You need to be able to group together orders with common attributes
and analyze them as a collectively. This gives you a much greater degree of transparency within
your organization.

You could, for example, summarize and analyze the costs of all your orders
according to the following criteria:
• Order type
• Responsible cost center
• Plant

You carry out internal order summarization using classification.

You can only summarize orders belonging to an order type for which the
Classification is active.

Internal order summarization collects, for reporting purposes, internal orders with common
You can use it, firstly, to get an overview of a large number of orders, and then to process those
order groups that contain large variances. You can then analyze specific orders individually using
the cost element reports. This means that you do not have to analyze every single order.

You define the individual levels of the summarization hierarchy using characteristics. These
characteristics are taken from the fields in the order master and are delivered in a standard table.
Before you start defining your hierarchies, you have to generate the characteristics in the
appropriate client .
You specify the structure of your summarization hierarchy using a hierarchy ID. To create a
hierarchy ID, go to the Detail screen and enter characteristics to define the hierarchy levels.
The controlling area is always the top node in the summarization hierarchy. Orders you want to
summarize, must be differentiated from the other orders in the same controlling area. To do this,
you use a characteristic in the corresponding hierarchy ID.

For more information on classification and order summarization, see Cost Object
Accounting [Ext.]


The system contains the following standard summarization reports:
Compares the plan and actual costs for the selected subhierarchy.
Compares the costs already allotted and those still available. The value in the $OORWWHG
column is calculated by adding actual cost and commitment values. The difference
between the plan costs and the allotted costs is displayed in the last column as
available costs.
Compares the plan and actual costs for a selected period, the whole year, and the
cumulated costs.


For each posting to a CO object, for example during settlement, reposting, or internal cost
allocation, the system creates a Controlling document. These documents can be displayed by the

For further analysis of Controlling documents, you have the full functionality of the line item
reporting system at your disposal. For example, you can call up the posting document or the
master record.

1. Enter a document number.
If you do not know the document number, you can choose Further sel. criteria to enter
search criteria, such as cost element, etc.
When you have selected your criteria, the system displays a dialog box where you can
enter intervals for the criteria you have chosen. When you choose Proceed, the
system confirms that the selection criteria have been stored.
2. Choose 3URFHHG to start your selection.
The system creates a list of Controlling documents meeting the various criteria you
have entered. You can now select a document from this list.
The document number is automatically entered in the 'RFXPHQWQXPEHUfield.
3. Choose (QWHU.
The system displays the Controlling document.
For more information on how to display Controlling documents, see Document Display [Ext.]


These reports display the values for overall planning or budgeting.

The system creates the overall plan report or the budget report for the order or order group you
entered in the selection screen. You can find these reports under 5HSRUWVHOHFWLRQ more reports.
Displays the overall plan, actual and commitment values for all years or for individual
years. The system also displays the allotted amounts and the available plan values.
Displays the budget, actual, and commitment values for all years or for individual
years. The system also displays the available amounts.


Line item reports list the line items for the internal orders you have selected.

There are line item reports for actual costs and plan costs, as well as for commitments and
settlement data.
Unlike ordinary order reports, the line item reports (except the report for plan line items) are
programmed reports. This means that you do not create them using Report Painter.

Actual line items are created for each posting of actual costs. They contain information about the
posted amount, the posting date, and the user who posted the item.
When you start a line item report, you need to limit the data to be read by entering an order (or
order group), a cost element (or cost element group) and a posting period. Additionally, you can
configure different layouts to control the appearance of the report.
You can branch directly from a line item on the list to the corresponding document. This may be a
Financial Accounting document, created by posting to a general ledger account, or a Controlling
document, created by a posting within Controlling. A document usually has more than one line

The report lists all actual line items from the order settlement.

You can find more information on the commitment line item report in CO - Commitments
Managenment [Ext.].

During order planning, line items are only be created if the order status specifies that planning
documents should be written. Therefore, plan line items document only those changes to the
plan values, which occurred when planning documents were written for the order.
A plan line item contains all periods of a fiscal year, thus documenting simultaneously all period
values changed during one planning transaction. The system creates a row for each cost
element and document number. This row contains the total of the changed plan values and plan

You can only call up plan line items as a target report from other reports using the
report/report interface .


Cost element reports represent the costs of the selected internal orders according to cost

For these reports, you must specify a cost element group during data selection. The system
creates a separate row in the report for each cost element and each node of the cost element
group. The node row contains the total for all cost elements assigned to it.

Any cost element that is not included in the cost element group does not appear
in the report, even if actual costs have been incurred for it.
If you select more than one order for your report, the costs incurred are totaled by cost element
across all the orders. Therefore, if you enter an order group, the system displays the costs by
cost element of all the orders belonging to this group.
The following cost element reports are available in the standard:

Compares actual and plan costs. The value in the $EVROXWHYDULDQFHV column is
calculated by subtracting the plan costs from the actual costs. The last column shows
the percentage variance, based on the plan costs.
Compares overall plan costs with overall actual costs, and
- Actual costs for the period
- Cumulative costs per fiscal year
- Cumulative costs for all previous fiscal years
Represents the costs and quantities in the plan and actual for each order and cost
element. Variances are carried out in the same way.
Compares plan and actual costs, as well as variances. The rows list the costs by cost
element. Secondary cost elements are displayed additionally by partners and partner
Compares the costs already allotted and those still available. The value in the $OORWWHG
column is calculated by adding actual cost and commitment values. The difference
between the plan costs and the allotted costs is displayed in the last column as
available costs.

Provides an overview of the planned costs, quantities and statistical key figures for an


For more information on the planning overview, see Planning Overview [Ext.].
Compares the costs from two fiscal years
Compares quarterly totals within a fiscal year.
Compares period totals within a fiscal year

Compares actual and plan costs. The actual costs are always those actually incurred
(including price variances). The price variances included in the actual costs are
displayed separately. The values in the 9DULDQFHV column are calculated by deducting
the plan costs and price variances from the actual costs.
Compares the actual and plan costs. The value in the $EVROXWHYDULDQFHV column is
calculated by subtracting the plan costs from the actual costs. The &RQVXPSWLRQ is
the percentage share of the actual costs based on the plan costs.
Compares actual and plan costs. Fixed and variable costs are shown separately.
• 2UGHU&XUUHQF\&RPSDULVRQ (Actual) (Order): TCurr./OCurr./GCurr.)
Displays actual costs in the transaction, order (object), and controlling area currency.
This report is only useful if you have activated all the currencies in a controlling area.

SAP delivers a standard cost element group, which you can adapt to suit your own cost element
layout. This standard cost element group is independent from the chart of accounts or controlling
You can define separate cost element groups for each chart of accounts and use them in the
report You can configure a supply of cost element groups in Customizing for Internal Orders.


In total cost reports, the actual or plan costs for each order within a given period are totaled
across cost elements.

When you enter an order group, the system creates a separate row for each order contained in
the group. Additionally, the system determines the total costs for the orders belonging to each
node in the order group. This is then displayed in a totals row.
The following total cost reports are available in the standard:

Displays all the actual and plan costs incurred to date, with variances.
Displays all the debits/credits carried out to date, with balances.
Displays all the costs already allotted and those still available.

This displays actual and plan costs for each period, with variances.
Displays the total actual costs for a fiscal year.
Displays all the actual costs incurred to date.



For a detailed description of archiving in Controlling, choose the extended help


During archiving (reorganization) orders are written on an external storage medium and deleted
from the database at the same time.

Enter a date as a selection criterion for the archiving. This date is used to compare with the date
of the last change to the orders. The system selects only those orders that have not been
changed since this date. The system checks whether the orders you have selected are to be
The time at which orders are archived depends on the two residence times that you defined
when customizing each of the respective order types. These residence times are given in

You start the archiving from the ,QWHUQDO2UGHUV task level menu as follows:
Environment → Archiving → Orders → Create Archive
In the variant, you can further restrict the selection by entering:
• One or more controlling areas
• One or more order numbers
• One or more order types
Archiving is a multi-step process:
• To flag an order for deletion, go to order master data maintenance and choose
To be able to set a deletion flag for an order, the order must not contain any actual
costs or commitments. This means that the order must have been settled completely.
This restriction does not apply to statistical orders. You can flag these for deletion at
any time.
This restriction does not apply if you have stored a settlement profile for the order that
contains the indicators ”Actual costs can be settled” or ”Actual costs cannot be
settled” (see also: Settlement parameters [Ext.])
You can undo the deletion flag, as long as the system has not yet set the deletion
indicator. Choose (GLW→'HOHWLRQIODJ→'HOHWH
• Residence time 1 is the interval that must elapse between flagging the order for
deletion and the setting of the deletion indicator.


You cannot reverse the deletion indicator.

• Residence time 2 is the interval between setting the deletion indicator and archiving
the order. If the deletion indicator has already been set, the system checks, during the
reorganization run, whether this residence time has elapsed.
If it has not, the system ignores the order.
If it has, the order is written to an archive file and deleted from the database.


As an example of the use of internal orders we describe here cost monitoring for a company
participating at a trade fair. As the final screen version for the R/3 user interface is not yet
established, the screenshots shown here could differ from those which you are actually using.
These screenshots are used in the example for clarification purposes only.

You often attend trade fairs to make new business deals. You want to collect all costs that occur
within the scope of the trade fair, and then display them in a report. A settlement of the costs has
not been allowed for and there is only one cost center (for example, the sales cost center)
responsible for all costs that occur within the scope of the trade fair.
Possible costs associated with attending a trade fair are:
• Travel costs for the trade fair participants
• Work center costs for the trade fair stand
• Costs for the construction of the trade fair stand due to internal activities
• Costs for construction of the trade fair stand due to external activities (costs of
• Material costs for brochures and bulletin boards
• Costs for advertising material and gifts
You collect these costs on a separate order.
In this way, you can:
• Justify the costs later
• Use the costs as the basis for future planning
• Compare the costs of participation at different trade fairs
• Use the results to decide on a suitable marketing mix where trade fair participation is
a component

1. Create an order type for all your trade fair orders (Create Order Type [Page 91]).
If you do not require a separate order type for your trade fair orders and prefer to
work with the standard order type for marketing orders, then start at workstep 3.
2. Determine how the number assignment for your trade fair orders should be made and
in what intervals the order numbers should be set (Maintaining Number Ranges For
Orders [Page 93]).
3. Create your trade fair order (Creating an Order [Page 95]).
4. Enter the postings in your trade fair order (Entering Postings on Orders [Page 97]).
5. Display the costs in different reports (Order Reports [Page 98]).
You should create separate order types:


• If you want to set up many trade fair orders and you want to assign these to a
separate order type
• If you require setups for your trade fair orders that differ from the setups in the
standard order type for marketing orders (order type 0400).


Orders are subdivided into RUGHUW\SHV according to their usage.
The order type contains a great deal of control information that is important for the management
of orders. The order type is client-specific. It can be used in all controlling areas.
Examples of order types are production orders, maintenance orders, capital investment orders
and marketing orders.
You create the order type for your trade fair orders in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for
Overhead Orders [Page 103] an.
1. If the order type for the trade fair order is the first order type you are going to create,
you must first carry out the worksteps $FWLYDWH3UHUHTXLVLWHVDQG2UGHU0DQDJHPHQW
LQWKH&RQWUROOLQJ$UHD in the implementation guide 2YHUKHDG0DQDJHPHQW section
2. You create an order type by choosing the workstep 'HILQH2UGHU7\SHV in the section
3. In the 0DLQWDLQ2UGHU7\SHV overview screen, choose 1HZHQWU\.
4. A dialog box appears, in which you can enter the order type and the order category.
2UGHU&DWHJRULHV in the SAP R/3-System are preset. They characterize the technical
attributes of the orders.
Examples of order categories are CO-Production Order (04), PPC-Production Order
(10), Maintenance Order (30).
An order category determines, for example, to which SAP application an order is
assigned to. The order category controls which functions are possible with a particular
order. Each order category can have several order types.
– Choose 2UGHUW\SH and enter a four-digit key and a description for your order
type (for example 0410, Internal Order - Trade Fair Order).

When you allocate a key for the order type, you must ensure that the same name
range is used for all order categories. You should therefore agree a common
naming convention with other applications that use orders (for example, PP, PM).
– Enter in the 2UGHU&DWHJRU\ field ( = Internal Order (Controlling)). You can
display possible order categories using F4-Help.
5. Save your entries.
6. The 0DLQWDLQ2UGHU&DWHJRULHV detail screen appears.Make the following entries:
– Set the 5HOHDVHLPPHGLDWHO\ indicator, so that you can post business transactions
to your trade fair orders as soon as you create them.
– To completely reconstruct the chronological course of the order status, set the
&KDQJHGRFXPHQW indicator.The system then writes the status change
documents for the trade fair orders.


– If you want to carry out cost planning for trade fair orders, enter a planning profile
(for example 000001). The planning profile summarizes the control parameters
for cost planning.
– The residence time is required so that you can archive the orders at a later date
and delete them from the system. Enter a residence time (for example, six
months). Residence time 1 defines the time period that must elapse between the
setting of the deletion flag for an order and the setting of the deletion indicator.
Save your entries.
7. Hide any order fields that you do not require for your trade fair orders.
– To do this, choose )LHOGVHOHFWLRQ and select +LGH for those fields you do not
For example, for your trade fair order you should hide the following fields: 5HVXOWV
– Save your field selection.

You can find notes relating to the creation of order types in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for
Overhead Orders [Page 103] in the 2UGHU0DVWHU'DWD section.


Every order is assigned to a number range group using the order type. You assign order
numbers in the order master data using the number range group. The order number for an order
master record is unique within a client.
To assign an order type to a number range group, choose 1XPEHU5DQJH in the 0DLQWDLQ2UGHU
7\SHV detail screen.
You can also access number range maintenance from the Implementation Guide (IMG) for
Overhead Orders [Page 103]. Choose the workstep 0DLQWDLQQXPEHUUDQJHVIRURUGHUV in the
initial screen
1. Create a new number range interval. Choose *URXS →,QVHUW in number range group
2. A dialog screen is displayed, in which you define the number range groups.
– Enter a description for your number range group under 7H[W(for example, Trade
fairs (internal number assignment)).
– To enter the lower limit for your number range interval choose )URPQXPEHUand
to enter the upper limit choose 7RQXPEHU.
Note that the number range intervals are not allowed to overlap. In the lower part
of the dialog screen you can display the number range intervals that you have
already set by scrolling through the intervals.

When you assign number range intervals, ensure that the 12 digit interval area is
used by the order types for all the order categories belonging to one client. You
should therefore discuss the assignment of number intervals with the other
applications that use orders (for example, PP, PM).
– The ([W H[WHUQDOQXPEHUUDQJH indicator enables you to establish whether an
order number is automatically assigned by the SAP R/3-System when you create
an internal order or whether you have to assign the number yourself.
If the indicator is not set, the SAP R/3-System automatically assigns a number
that lies within the interval you specified previously. The last number to be
assigned is always logged in the 1XPEHUOHYHO field.
If the indicator has been set, you must allocate a number when you create an
order, which lies within the interval you laid down and has not yet been allocated.
– Choose ,QVHUW to finish your entries.
3. Assign the number range interval to your order type.
– You can find the order type that you created in the non-assigned order types at
the end of the list. Double-click to select your order type.
– Select the number range interval you created.
– Choose $VVLJQHOHPHQWJURXS The order type (element) appears in the list for the
number range group you created.
4. Save your entries.


5. Leave number range groups maintenance.

6. Leave the IMG and return to the SAP R/3-Menu.

You can find notes relating to the maintenance of number ranges for orders in the
Implementation Guide (IMG) for Overhead Orders [Page 103] in the 2UGHU0DVWHU'DWD section.


You create your trade fair order in the Internal Orders Menu [Page 104] an.
1. To create a new trade fair order choose 0DVWHUGDWD→2UGHU→&UHDWH.
2. If you have created a separate order type for your trade fair orders, enter the key for
your order type in the initial screen (for example 0410).
If you want to work with a standard order type, enter the order type 0400 ( = Internal
Order - Marketing).

If you use the standard order type 0400, the system offers you additional fields to
those described here. You do not have to maintain these fields for your trade fair
3. Choose 0DVWHUGDWD
– If you are using external number assignment, enter a number, which lies within
the fixed number range interval, in the 2UGHU field.
– Enter a short text.
4. Make the following entries in $VVLJQPHQWV:
– Enter the company code and, if required, the business area. If Profit Center
Accounting is active in the controlling area, you should also enter the
corresponding profit center.
The default settings for the company code are transferred from the user
DQG([WHUQDO2UGHU1Rare for information purposes only.
5. Make the following entries in &RQWUROGDWD:
– You should not settle the trade fair order. Therefore, you mark the trade fair order
as a statistical order. To do this, set the 2UGHULVVWDWLVWLFDO indicator.
6. Make the following entries under 3HULRGHQGFORVLQJ:

Note that the fields under $VVLJQPHQWV and *HQHUDOGDWD are of no importance for
the functioning of the order. For example, the estimated costs entered here are
not displayed in reports and the responsible cost center is neither debited with
costs nor is it settled to.
7. Choose &RQWURO.
8. There should be one cost center (for example, a sales cost center) responsible for all
costs that fall within the scope of your participation at a trade fair. You enter this cost
center under 6HWWOHPHQWin the &RVWFHQWHU field When you post to Financial
Accounts, you should enter only the trade fair order. The costs are posted
automatically to the cost center.


If you want to represent costs from various cost centers, do not store a cost
center in the control data for the trade fair order. When you post to a statistical
order in Financial Accounting, enter the cost center responsible.
For example, you can enter a responsible department for the trade fair order, a
responsible person, as well as their telephone number. You can also enter the start
and end of the trade fair order and estimate the likely costs.
9. Save your entries.
If you have chosen internal number assignment, the internally assigned order number
is displayed as a message after saving.

To find notes on creating orders, see the R/3 library under &RQWUROOLQJ→2YHUKHDG&RVW


To enter postings in Financial Accounting choose $FFRXQWLQJ→)LQDQFLDO$FFRXQWLQJ→*HQHUDO
In the control data for the order, you have stored a cost center, which is responsible for the costs
of participating at the trade fair (for example, the sales cost center). Therefore, you only need to
enter the trade fair order when you are posting in Financial Accounting. The costs are posted
automatically to the cost center.
As the debiting of the order is only a statistical auxiliary account assignment, the accompanying
cost center is debited immediately as the true account assignment and only a document is

If you have not stored a cost center in the order master data, enter the relevant
cost center as well as the order when posting in Financial Accounting. This is
especially useful when you want to represent costs from different cost centers.


There are various ways in which you can display the costs for one or more trade fair orders in a
• If you want to display the costs incurred on a trade fair order, choose the 2UGHUreport
$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH (Order Report: Carry Out Actual/Plan/Variance [Page 99]).
• If you want to compare the costs of participating at different trade fairs, choose the
master data directory for orders (Carrying Out Reports from the Master Data Index
[Page 100])..
• If the sales cost center is responsible for the overall costs of the participating at the
trade fair, you can display the costs of participating at the various trade fairs and total
them separately by trade fair order. To do this, you define a line item report for the
sales cost center (Carrying Out a Line Item Report for a Sales Cost Center [Page


In the report$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH the costs for the trade fair order are displayed separately by
cost elements.
You call up order reports from the Internal Orders Menu [Page 104]
2. In the report tree, choose 3ODQ$FWXDO&RPSDULVRQV→2UGHU$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH.
3. Enter the number of your trade fair order in the initial screen. You can limit the
reporting timeframe to particular periods or display a cumulative report covering all
4. Choose ([HFXWH
5. The trade fair order was created as a statistical order. You can display statistical
postings on page 3 of the report. Scroll to page 3 or choose *RWR→3DJHV and enter
 in the dialog box in the *RWRSDJH field.
6. To sort the report by cost elements, position the cursor in the &RVWHOHPHQWV column
7. You can branch to the line item report for the trade fair order from the report 2UGHU
$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH To do this, position the cursor on a report row and choose /LQH
You can access the line item report from the Internal Orders Menu [Page 104]


When you create a master data index for your trade fair orders, you have the possibility of
selecting individual trade fair orders and calling up reports for them. Additionally, you can carry
out reports across several trade fair orders. In this way, you can compare the costs of
participating at different trade fairs.
You create the master data index in the Internal Orders Menu [Page 104].
2. From the dialog screen, choose the selection variant 6$3  ( = Standard).
3. Choose 6HOHFWLRQcriteria and enter the order type for your trade fair orders as the
selection criteria in the 2UGHUW\SH field for example 0410)Choose &RQWLQXH to
leave the 6HOHFWLRQ(QWU\ screen
4. Choose ([HFXWH in the MDVWHUGDWDLQGH[IRURUGHUVinitial screen The system
displays a list of the orders that are assigned to the chosen order type.

1. Select the trade fair order for which you want to execute the report and choose
2. Choose the report you want from the list (for example. 6000: 2UGHU
3. From the list of cost element groups, choose .67$5$//: (= all cost elements).
4. If required, change the fiscal year interval, the period interval and the plan version in
the default values for the report parameters.
5. The report is executed for the trade fair order you have selected. If you have selected
the report 2UGHU$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH, you must go to page 3 to display the statistical
postings (Report Order: Carry Out Actual/Plan/Variance [Page 99]).

1. Select all trade fair orders that you want to consider for the report and choose
2. Choose the report you want from the list (for example. 6000: 2UGHU
3. Choose .67$5$//(= aOOFRVWHOHPHQWV from the list of cost element groups
4. If required, change the fiscal year interval, the period interval and the plan version in
the default values for the report parameters.
5. In the report2UGHU$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH, the system displays, for each cost element,
the total for all selected orders. If you have selected the report 2UGHU
$FWXDO3ODQ9DULDQFH, you can scroll to page 3 to display the statistical postings
(Report Order: Carry Out Actual/Plan/Variance [Page 99]).
6. Position the cursor on the first row of the report and choose (GLW→6HOHFWEORFN
Then position the cursor on the last row of the report and choose (GLW→6HOHFW


7. Choose /LQHLWHPVDFWXDOThe system displays the line items for each order and cost
element in the line item display.
8. Position the cursor in the 2UGHU column and choose 6XPPDWLRQ Costs are displayed
separately according to cost elements for each selected order.
9. If you want to display the costs for each cost element separately according to orders,
position the cursor in the CRVWHOHPHQW column and choose 6XPPDWLRQ


If the sales cost center is responsible for participation at different trade fairs, you can display the
costs incurred in the line item report in Cost Center Accounting.
To display the costs for the sales cost center separately for different trade fairs, you must first
define an appropriate display variant for the line item report.
You define the display variant in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Cost Center Accounting
[Page 106].
1. In the IMG for Cost Center Accounting, choose ,QIRUPDWLRQV\VWHP→8VHU'HILQHG
2. In the initial screen &RQILJXUDWLRQ&KDQJH&RVW&HQWHU/LQH,WHPV choose 'LVSOD\
3. Choose &UHDWH
4. Enter a name and description for your display variant (for example, zka, Cost
Center/Order) and choose &RQWLQXH.
5. Choose ,QVHUW to display a dialog screen. Enter the field names for a column in the
line item report. Choose F4-help to display all possible fields. Choose &RVWFHQWHU
6. If you position the cursor on field names already included in the list, you can add
more field names by choosing ,QVHUWDIWHUand ,QVHUWEHIRUH. You complete the display
variants as shown in the following graphic.
7. Save your display variant.
8. Leave the IMG and return to the 6$350HQX.
You carry out the line item report for the sales cost center in the Cost Center Accounting Menu
[Page 105].
2. Enter your sales cost center (for example 4713) in the selection screen for the line
item report
3. Overwrite the default time period for the posting date, if required.
4. Choose your display variant (for example, &RVW&HQWHU2UGHU)
5. Choose /LVWVFUHHQ.
6. The costs that have been incurred by the sales cost center are displayed by cost
element for each trade fair order (auxiliary account assignment).
7. Position the cursor in the $X[LOLDU\DFFRXQWDVVLJQPHQW column and choose
6XPPDWLRQThe costs are displayed separately and totaled for each trade fair order .



To access the IMG for Overhead Cost Controlling, proceed as follows:
2. Choose your business organization’s IMG or a project IMG in the &XVWRPL]LQJ initial


To access the Internal Orders menu, choose $FFRXQWLQJ→&RQWUROOLQJ→2UGHUVin the R/3


To access the cost center accounting menu choose $FFRXQWV→&RQWUROOLQJ→&RVW&HQWHUVin
the SAP R/3-Menu



To access Cost Center Accounting in the IMG proceed as follows:
2. Choose your business organization’s IMG or a project IMG in the &XVWRPL]LQJ initial


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