Nervous System Q. A Structures and Figures
Nervous System Q. A Structures and Figures
Nervous System Q. A Structures and Figures
Nervous system
B-Label the parts seen here. Color the Central Nervous System
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Complete the following
1-if someone taps you on the shoulder…what happens? (fill in the blanks)
A. __________________ in the skin sense touch .
B. __________________ transmit the touch message.
C. Information is sorted and interpreted in ___________________
D. _________________ neurons transmit a response message to the shoulder
E. The shoulder muscles are activated, causing the head to turn.
Q.3 Choose the correct answer.
1-What is the role of the nervous system in the body?
2- Carlos saw a pen he dropped on the floor. He bent down and picked up the pen. His
brain had to receive information from the eyes. Then it sent signals to his muscles so he
could pick up the pen. What type of neurons sent impulses to his muscles?
A. axon
B. motor
C. sensory
D. dendrite
3-Mae puts on her new winter scarf. Signals are sent to her brain telling her that the
scarf is soft. Which sense provides her brain with this information?
A. pain
B. sight
C. touch
D. emotion
A. brain
B. heart
C. medulla
D. spinal cord
5-Most cells in the body are specialized to perform a certain task. Neurons are cells that
are specialized to move messages through the nervous system. The diagram shows the
parts of a neuron.
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What are the parts of the neuron that are shown, in order, from A to D?
7-How does information about how food tastes get to the brain?
A. The chemicals from the food pass from the mouth to the nasal passage and into
the brain.
B. Taste receptors on the retina sense the chemicals in food and send vibrations to
the brain.
C. Taste buds on the tongue sense chemicals in the food and send electrical signals
to the brain.
D. The chemicals in the food pass into the bloodstream through the gums and are
taken to the brain.
3-________________. 1
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