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Routing is a very important aspect of computer networks. It facilitates the transfer

of data packets between devices. Routing involves determining the optimal path for
data packets to traverse from a source to a destination across interconnected network
devices. There are different kind of routing algorithms. Some of them are
 Link State Routing
 Distance Vector Routing
 Hierarchical Routing etc.
Within the routing algorithms, Distance Vector Routing stands out as a significant
approach in managing network traffic effectively. Distance Vector Routing
algorithms operate on the principle of exchanging routing information among
neighboring routers to construct and maintain routing tables. These tables contain
information about the distance and direction to reach various destinations within the


The significance of Distance Vector Routing is its ability to adapt to changes in
network structure and traffic conditions in a dynamic manner. Nodes continuously
exchange routing updates with neighboring routers and by doing so, Distance Vector
Routing protocols enable routers to make informed decisions about packet
forwarding based on real-time information.
Key advantage of Distance Vector Routing is it is very simple and resources are used
efficiently. The algorithm is straightforward to implement and requires minimal
computations and calculations which makes it suitable for both small-scale and
large-scale networks. Additionally, Distance Vector Routing protocols such as
‘Routing Information Protocol’ are well-suited for environments with limited
bandwidth and computational resources.
Distance Vector Routing algorithms offer inbuilt error tolerance. By disseminating
routing updates throughout the network, routers can quickly converge to new routes
in the event of link failures or network topology changes. This dynamic adaptation

ensures network resilience and minimizes downtime, enhancing overall network
Distance Vector Routing protocols support incremental updates, whereby only
changes to routing information are transmitted rather than the entire routing table.
This feature reduces network overhead and conserves bandwidth, especially in
scenarios with frequent topology changes or limited bandwidth availability.


Distance Vector Routing is based on the exchange of routing information between
neighboring routers to determine the best path for data transmission. The algorithm
operates iteratively, with routers periodically sharing their routing tables with
adjacent routers and updating their own tables based on received information. Let's
explore the working principle with a diagrammatic example:
Consider a simple network topology comprising four routers (A, B, C, and D)
interconnected as follows:

/ \
/ \
B _______ C
\ /
\ /

Step 1: Initialization
At the beginning, each router initializes its routing table, containing entries for
directly connected neighbors and infinity (∞) for all other destinations. For example,
Router A's initial routing table may look like this:

B B 1
C C 1
D D ∞

Step 2: Exchange of Routing Information

Routers exchange their routing tables with neighboring routers. For instance, Router
A shares its routing table with Routers B and C, while receiving tables from them in
return. Each router calculates the distance to various destinations based on the
received routing information.

Step 3: Update Routing Tables

Upon receiving routing updates from neighboring routers, each router recalculates
its routing table based on the received information. The router updates its entries for
destinations based on the minimum cost path obtained from neighboring routers.
This process continues iteratively until convergence is achieved, i.e., no further
changes occur in routing tables.

Step 4: Example of Routing Table Update:

Suppose Router B receives a routing update from Router C indicating that the cost
to reach Router D is 2 units. Router B compares this cost with its existing cost to
reach Router D. If the new cost is lower, Router B updates its routing table
Before update:
D D 3
After update:
D C 2

Step 5: Convergence
The process of exchanging and updating routing tables continues until all routers
have consistent routing information. Eventually, the network converges to a stable
state where each router has optimal paths to reach all destinations. This
diagrammatic example illustrates the iterative nature of Distance Vector Routing,
where routers collaborate to determine the best paths for data transmission based on
distance metrics. Final Tables stand as below.
Router A:
B B 1
C C 1
D B 2

Router B:
A A 1
C C 1
D C 2

Router C:
A A 1
B B 1
D D 1

Router D:
A B 2
B C 2
C C 1

1. RIP (Routing Information Protocol):
Routing Metrics: RIP uses hop count as its routing metric, where the number of
hops between routers represents the distance to a destination network. It assumes
that the shortest path to a destination is the one with the fewest hops.
Update Mechanisms: RIP exchanges routing updates periodically (every 30
seconds by default) or in response to changes in the network topology. It utilizes
broadcast updates, where routers broadcast their entire routing tables to neighboring
Compatibility: RIP is compatible with small to medium-sized networks and is
widely supported by various router vendors. It is suitable for homogeneous network
environments with relatively stable topologies.
Scalability: RIP has limitations in scalability due to its reliance on hop count as the
metric and the frequency of periodic updates. In large networks, RIP's convergence
time may be slow, and its routing table size can become unwieldy.

2. EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):

Routing Metrics: EIGRP uses a composite metric based on bandwidth, delay,
reliability, and load to calculate the best path to a destination. It considers multiple
factors when determining route preferences.
Update Mechanisms: EIGRP employs a combination of periodic updates and
triggered updates in response to topology changes. It uses a reliable transport
protocol (usually RTP - Reliable Transport Protocol) for exchanging routing
Compatibility: EIGRP is suitable for medium to large-sized networks and is
commonly used in enterprise environments. It is compatible with Cisco routers and
is often preferred in heterogeneous network environments.
Convergence Time: RIP's convergence time can be relatively slow, especially in
networks with frequent topology changes. The use of periodic updates and the
limitations of hop count as a metric contribute to this delay.
3. IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol):
Routing Metrics: IGRP uses a composite metric similar to EIGRP, incorporating
factors like bandwidth, delay, reliability, and load. It provides more granular control
over route selection compared to RIP.
Update Mechanisms: IGRP utilizes both periodic updates and triggered updates,
similar to EIGRP. It employs a reliable transport protocol for exchanging routing
information and has mechanisms to prevent routing loops.
Compatibility: IGRP was developed by Cisco and is primarily used in older
networks. It is less commonly deployed today compared to RIP and EIGRP.
However, it is compatible with Cisco routers and supports features similar to EIGRP.
Scalability: IGRP offers scalability improvements over RIP but may not be as
scalable as EIGRP in larger networks. It can handle medium-sized networks with
moderate convergence times and routing table sizes.


RIP in Small Office Network
Scenario: A small office with limited networking requirements and a tight budget
requires a routing protocol that is easy to configure and manage.
Solution: The network administrator decides to deploy RIP (Routing Information
Protocol) due to its simplicity and low overhead. RIP's hop count metric aligns well
with the small office's network topology, which consists of a few routers
interconnected in a single LAN.
Deployment Details:
RIP is configured on all routers within the office network.
The routers exchange routing updates every 30 seconds, allowing for quick
convergence in case of topology changes.
RIP's ease of configuration and minimal resource requirements make it an ideal
choice for the small office environment.

Outcome: The deployment of RIP enables the small office to establish reliable
connectivity between its internal resources, such as workstations, printers, and
servers. The network operates efficiently, with RIP dynamically adapting to changes
in network topology, ensuring seamless communication among devices.

Distance Vector Routing is a basic concept in computer networks, offering a
decentralized way to route computation and packet forwarding. Despite its
limitations, Distance Vector Routing protocols remain relevant and widely used in
diverse networking environments. By understanding the principles, protocols, and
applications of Distance Vector Routing, network engineers can design and manage
efficient and reliable communication networks.

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