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Summative One Acts Full List

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One Act Plays - full list Title

Grade 10: >3,

grade 11: 3+ can be 2+ actors,

grade 12: 3+ 1 or 2 actors

playwright grade number of pages # of actors: combination it has to be (combination it is written for) # of pages per actor Genre/type, comedy or drama, content or language warnings setting Description of play Year it was in Toast cannot be done less than 4 years apart

Accidental Death of a Salesman Nick Mitchell grade 10 7.5pg 4: 2 women 2 men 2 men have longer roles (2+, 1.5) literary ( Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller), humour restaurant a salesman named Willy meets Arthur Miller in a restaurant and tries to convince him that 'Willy' was murdered, not a suicide. The action in the restaurant // this as a waitress tries to kill Willy the same way Toast 2008 Anything for you Cathy Celesia grade 11/12 7.5pg 2: 2 women equal (3.8) ironic, edgy, dramady, sexuality reference bar a woman meets a friend in the bar to talk about wanting to have an affair, then reveals that she wants to do this with her friend, not some guy Apoplexy Tom McCamus grade 11/12 2: 2 men equal (4) Drama, argument, language washroom A man chases another man who takes refuge in a washroom over road rage 8pg

Aprs Opera Dixon & Smith grade 10 8 4: 1 couple (man, woman), one either as womans ex, wait staff either Couple bit longer (2.3, 1.7) poignant humour, language, bit farce/physical comedy restaurant ex lovers meet. She now has narcoleptic fianc, he tries to talk about the relationship, mean waitress Toast 2009 Arabian Nights grade 11 9 3: 1 couple (1 woman, 1 man), 1 either, equal (3) word play, humour bazaar a man & woman meet in a bazaar. Even though both speak English, there is an interpreter saying what they really mean by what they are saying as they go through 1st meeting niceties Artist's Model grade 11/12 7.5 2: 1 couple (1 man 1 woman), equal (3.8) light drama studio artist and model talk about life, what is beauty, flirting etc then we find out theyre married Aspiring Francine Don Hannah grade 11/12 6 2: (2 woman), equal (3) light drama studio artist and model talk about life, what is beauty, flirting etc then we find out theyre married Attack of the Moral Fuzzies Nancy Beverly Toast 9 9: 6 women 2 men 1 either, some changes possible 2 longer, rest shorter (2.5, .5-1) social commentary/satire, humorous, over the top, game show studio game show dealing with moral issues and making choices. Must face those hurt by your choice. Eg, to win, you choose scholarships over day care so working Mom comes out to ask you why.

Attic Treasure grade 10 7 3: 3 siblings, can be any combination ( 2 women 1 man), pretty equal (2.3) poignant attic 3 siblings go into attic to find something their absent father said would be there for them in his will. They discuss how hard it was growing up with him away a lot. They find a suitcase he always took which was full of mementos of them Audience Shirley Barrie grade 10 3.5 2: couple (1.8) Breaks 4th wall, drama theatre stage couple go to watch a show and argue about him going to theatre shows 5 times a week, dont realize they are on stage and are the show The Audition Michael MacLean grade 10 4 2: (man, woman) pretty equal (2) Humorous, US border crossing Waiter tries to cross into the US and the border guard thinks hes an actor going to LA for a job Barriers grade 12 12 2: 2 women, really written for mother/daughter equal (6) poignant, sad living room A girl in a wheelchair comes home from college to tell her mother she is moving on with life. Her mother can't deal with the fact that her daughter has grown up and doesn't need her anymore The Battle of Bull Run Always Makes me Cry Carole Real grade 11/12 12 4: 3 women, 1 man in a non-speaking role, split stage 3 women fairly equal (4) social satire, language, sexual reference restaurant 3 women meet to discuss a date one had with a guy who spent the whole time talking about a battle. On the other side of the stage, we see the date being enacted as the woman moves between scenes. Bed & Breakfast Richard Dresser grade 10 9 5: 3women 2 men, hard to change sexes 2 women longer, one bit shorter, 2 men shorter (2.5. 2. 1) ironic humour , cute B&B in England US newlyweds are in England - he is a red neck who won't change eg drives on right side instead of left, they meet another couple whove been there for a while since he has short term memory loss and re-meets his wife each day. 'Suicidal' waitress. The Bends James OReilly grade 10 5.5 5: many combinations (1 woman, 4 men) very unequal (2X 2, 2X .5, 1X .3) Bizarre, drama, a death, language, bit disturbing, bit film noir restaurant A collision between 2 young boys and a nasty businessman with the waiter acting as narrator Toast 2008 Beverly Hills Waiting for Godot Elise Moore grade 11/12 7 2+director: 1 either 2 men, males play teenaged girls, men equal, (3, teacher 1) Literary, humorous, existential, over the top, language/drug references school auditorium Existential for modern times, play on prejudice, modern language, drug references, like overhearing two 'airheads' in conversation, shows their bias Toast 2006 A Bowl of Soup Eric Lane 2: 2 men one man only has 6 lines(4.5, .2) sad, poignant, sexual orientation grade 11/12 5

a man is sitting at the table while his brother makes him soup and talks to him. It comes out that the mans lover had died of AIDs but hasnt allowed the man to be any part of the funeral process and has taken the body away to their hometown. The brother tries to say the right thing and tries to understand. Toast 2007 (Branta Canadensis) - Ellen Peterson Toast 6 12: 6 women 6 men (well, geese actually) fairly equal poignant, mild humour, social commentary in the skies geese are flying south for the winter and have conversations about this experience. One gets shot. How they deal with this and other geese hazards. Cute but sad at the end. Brights David Smilow Grade 11 10 4: couple plus 2 others (for 2 women 2 men) 1 man bit more rest pretty equal (3, 2.6) situational comedy, language in a car Couple are driving to their cottage with two others. the driver is mild mannered until he thinks they are being followed and gets very upset. finally admits hes drug mule & lost a shipment. @ end, other car turns off. Toast - 2005, Brother Mary Gallagher grade 11/12 8.5 2: 1 woman 1 man equal (4.3) drama, poignant kitchen brother and sister talk in the kitchen of their old home when he comes in late while she is there visiting. They talk about being responsible and choices Buried Alive grade 11/12 8 2: 2 men, equal (4) drama in a mine a young miner and an older miner are trapped by a cave in and talk while trying to survive The Button Stories Michael Healey grade 11 5.5 2: father/daughter# of actors: combination it has to be (combination it is written for) (2.5) Bit existential, dark, bit difficult because of disconnect and topics office Daughter comes in to fathers office, they continue a story they have been adding to for years Captive Audience Susan Coyne grade 10 5.3 3: 2 men one woman (2.2, 1, 2.2) Comedic 2 men kidnap director to force her to tell Hamlets audience the play was written by de Vere Toast 2009 The car of the future 10 7 5: 2 women, 3 men, can be mixed-3 large parts, 1 non-speaking/important, 1 just a few lines (2, .5) comedy, over the top trade show Super Dan is selling the car of the futurewhich runs on plutoniumwith 5 wheel driveand has to deal with the questions from people at the trade show Car Pool 10 7 4: 4 women but at least one could be a man pretty equal (1.7) poignant, sad, social commentary site of car accident 4 nurses come upon an accident. Injured man is bleeding to death. Only one of the four will help him because others are afraid of AIDS. Conversation about the others willing to let him die. What if it was her, and others were afraid. Christmas Bandit(the) 11 3: 1 woman 2 men, could look at other combos 9 pretty equal (3)

social commentary, drama, ironic diner a cop and a diner owner are talking late Christmas Eve when a bandit comes in to rob the diner. Classyass Caleen S. Jennings 12 9 3: woman, man, - both people of colour - man with small part, (4, 4, 1.5) Light drama, ironic, deals with discrimination against the homeless and prejudice radio station Woman from local shelter confronts DJ on late night classical music show about his reaction to her faxes about an error he made Count Dracula 10 5 6: must be mixed 3 longer, 3 shorter (1.2, .8) Farce a home in Transylvania Count Dracula goes out to seek his prey not realizing that there is a total eclipse for 2 minutes at noon and in 1.5 minutes, the sun will come out again. Toast 2008 Crosswords 11 7 3: 1 couple, (1 woman, 1 man), 1 Dr. can be either Dr has fewer lines (3, 1) poignant, sad hospital man in waiting room is afraid because pregnant wife is having complications. Woman there gets him to relax and cheer up, things will be fine. In the end, we discover she has terminal cancer Cure (the) Romulus Linney 12 1: monologue for a woman needs slight Appalachian accent Drama front porch Midwife in Appalachia talks about her life, prejudice against her (witch?) 4

Cuttin' Line 10 8 6: 4 women, 2 men, family to can be mixed differently 5 pretty equal, one a bit shorter (1.4, 1) dark humour but funny somewhere in Limbo after death a family dies in a car wreck and in standing in line for the afterlife. They have to decide whether to wait in line, perhaps forever, or going back to earth. Nasty 'angel' and family dog as person. Toast 2008 Daniel on a Thursday Garth Wingfield 12 13.8 2: must be same sex (written for men) (6.8) Humorous, strange, language, sexuality, gay bar Man wants to get to know a man he sees in the bar every Thurs. so he comes up with a series of weird ways to try to get to know him. Death in the Family(a) 11 7 2: 2 men, equal (3.5) serious drama hospital/battlefield medic talks about learning his skills in battle as we see him in flashback with a soldier who has been badly injured Death Knocks 12 11 2: written for 2 men equal (5.5) dark humour a house death comes for Nat Ackerman but things dont quite go as death had planned and Nat tries to trick him into giving him more life Toast 2007 Delivery Talia Shore 2: 1 couple(1woman 1 man) 11 equal (3) 6

humorous, cute hospital natal ward couple are in hospital room waiting for 1st child's birth. Argue over names, his paternalism, Pain DMV Tyrant 10 4.5 2: 1 woman equal (2.3) satire, ironic DMV a customer tries to get a drivers license renewed but the DMV person is definitely not helpful Don't Rent Furniture Geoffrey Howard 11 7 2: 2 friends (2 men) equal (3.5) situational humour living room A college boy has moved into an apartment and rented a couch which his friend says is buying into the phony 'American Dream' by pretending that you have more than you actually have Drivin Us Crazy Becca Kennedy 10 7: (written for 3 + 3 with very small part for teacher) fairly equal 1.5 comedy, some language drivers Ed classroom kids in drivers ed, a couple, 2 ditzy friends and 2 class clowns 2007 8

Duet for Dog and Bear Sybil Rosen 10 8 5: 2 women, 1 man, one dog, one bear, people can be mixed somewhat even (1.5) ironic, social satire, language, cute park a dog, trying to impress his owner, chases a bear up a tree. 2 zoo people come along to deal with the bear. The dog and bear converse as they watch the humans make decisions which will affect them El Depresso Espresso L. S. Cunningham 11/12 for content 9 4: 2 women, 2 men, (2 longer, 3.3, 2 shorter, 1.5) Bizarrely humorous, sexual references and movements, language depression clinic 2 people go to a depression clinic where 2 Dr.s have a bizarre series of treatments for them Not Toast/Toast 2009 modified Emergency Room 11 6 2: 2(woman and man) equal (3) drama, social commentary hospital a young doctor in ER has just lost a little kid to violence and is dealing with the aftermath. Doesn't know how to keep going dealing with the violence humans use on each other Emotional Baggage Nina Shengold 10 9.5 6 plus offstage voice pretty flexible, (pretty even 1.5) Comedy, fantastical- actors are pieces of unclaimed luggage, drug references, language, airport Life in the unclaimed luggage room at an airport Toast 2009 Employment Agency 11 4 2: 2 people one is a mime who doesnt say anything until the end (3.5, .5) humorous, physical office a mime comes in to get work but of course, doesn't talk. The agent gets annoyed, then thinks of the perfect job for the mime English English English Kibum Bang 10 4 (written for 3 men 1 woman) 1 boy has double, other 2 have few lines comedy, language classroom A new ESL kid arrives in a class in Canada 6

Toast 2008 English Made Simple 12 12.5 3: 1 couple one narrator-on or off stage (1 woman 1 man + narr) ( 5.5, 1.5) social satire, very funny but raw fairly adult humour, language, sexual reference, language class video set up like language video, two people and relationships. Meeting, talking, social interaction. What is said and what is actually meant. Toast 2008 Equality Rules Jason Sherman 11 5.5 2: man, woman (2.5) Ironic, looking at sexual issues Woman auditions for role, man tells her she has to take off her clothes as part of audition Escape from Golf Camp Shaw & Wreggitt 10 7 3: one couple, one golf pro (1 woman 2 men) pro has less lines (2, 1) situational comedy golf camp woman - good golfer, man-weak golfer but both obsessed go to golf camp. Pro hits on woman and treats man badly. Conversation as they practice. They like each other and run away together after a perfect shot Eye to Eye Christopher Graybill 10 6 3: I couple and one other (1 woman 2 men) waiter has few lines (2.5, 1) dark, humorous restaurant couple on 1st date. She isn't impresses and he is too forward. Argue over paying bill so they have a staring contest. He cheats and so gets his way. Fade to Black David Gilles 11 6 2: 1 on stage, one voiceover (man but can be either) equal (3) dark, character, humorous language 'after death' green room man dies and ends up in green room. Finds out life IS just a play and we are but actors upon a stage.(Macbeth) stage manager on mike tries to explain everything to him. Funny but dark Toast 2006, Faith Eric Lane 2 men (2.3) Drama reference to sexual abuse, language Man confronts priest about the past Not Toast 11/12 for content confessional booth 4.5

Family Barbeque 11 14 5: family and couple(2woman 3 men) pretty equal (2.8) poignant, sad backyard grown kids get together for a BBQ and end up discussing the car accident that put their parents on life support and the decision to remove them from it. Ferris Wheel Mary Miller 12 14 2: 1 couple (woman and man) equal (7) situational humour sexual reference 2 kisses a stranded ferris wheel 2 on stranded ferris wheel. She-afraid of heights and so rides on her birthday to face fear. is talkative to cover fear. He is trying to quit smoking. They talk, she leaves but he knows where to find her next year. Fight Dreams Alison Weiss 12 for content 6.2 5: woman man, man briefly, two others (2.5, 2.5, .5, .5, .2) Comedy, deals with sexual fantasy, language bedroom/office/pharmacy

Man in womans sexual fantasies becomes boring and they fight a lot. She goes to the doctor and he is afraid he will cease to exist. Not Toast Find (the) Susan Sandler 11/12 7.2 2: woman, man (2.6) Lightly humorous, slightly romantic beach Older man with metal detector disturbs older woman on beach and they end up talking Firing Francine Don Hannah 11/12 2: women (3.4) Interesting! Multiple universe type, 12 scenes of pretty much the same event Woman trying to fire Francine who is driving her crazy. Great ending Fish Andy McKim 12 1: man (6.5) Monologue, bizarre situation yet forces you to suspend your disbelief A man talks about being born a fish and how that has affected his life 6.8


Five Minutes to change the World 10 5 6: 6 kids, can be of any gender, pretty equal (.8) light drama, social commentary 5 kids are talking about what a mess the world is & how kids would change things for the better. The controller gives them 5 minutes to change the world. They have to figure out how to do it properly Flop Cop Laura Cunningham 12 7.5 2: can be either (2 men) cop has a lot more lines ( 5, 2.5) farce, parody of old cop movies, film noir, making fun of playwrights and actors our stage a cop comes out on stage, talking to the audience, trying to stop the playwright from performing as though it were a crime Toast 2008 Funeral Parlour 11 6 2: written for woman, man equal (3) dark humour/drama, awkward for audience at times funeral home a man comes to see a woman who has lost her husband and tries to get her to grieve in unusual ways The Funny Man 10 6 3: 1woman 2 men pretty equal (2) sad, poignant hospital a comic is dying and his brother and girlfriend are with him. some lightness in a serious situation Gas Jose Rivera 12 5 1: man (5) drama, social commentary gas station, start of the golf war a man is about to fill up his car at the start of the gulf war(war over oil) when he talks about his brother who is a soldier fighting. He talks about life, war etc. finally he pumps gas but it is red(blood)

Going Down 11 7 2: woman & man equal (3.5) ironic, social commentary, situational humour elevator a man and woman are on the elevator. He is trying to impress her but is quite macho and complains about having to have a woman boss. Of course, she turns out to be the new boss

Toast 2008 The Golden Door 12 8 2: written for women equal (4) ironic, bit moralistic/social commentary immigration office a friendly optimistic woman meets with the cynical tired immigration officer about whether or not she will be allowed to enter the US. It is a real contrast in personalities The Guest of Honor Richard Strand 10 5 4: 2 couples (written for 2 women 2 men) others pretty equal (1.5, .5) bizarre social satire couple's house woman invited to friends' house for a blind date. They tell her not to over react but don't tell her what is 'wrong'. he comes and everything she says is wrong but she doesn't know why. Twilight Zoneish Half Truths 12 10 2: 2 men equal (5) dark drama hospital ward conversations between a war photographer whose picture changes public perception of war and the general from the picture who was shooting an 'enemy' in the head when the picture was taken (Vietnam) Hold for Three Sherry Kramer 10 5.5 3: can be any combo. One part only has one line (2.8, .1) humorous, bit off the wall outside by the lake 3 friends are by the lake. One says s/he can hold their breath while the moon rises. The other two talk while periodically giving encouragement to the 3rd. Its Not You Craig Pospisil 10 4: one couple, two others (pretty even 1.8) Humorous look at friendship, bit bizarre but cute language subway th that they are breaking up with them because they are boring 3 friends tell 4 Toast 2009 7

Janitor (the) August Wilson 10/11 1+ 1: with brief walk-on with one line at end which can be director (1+) social commentary, ironic Youth conference stage a man speaks beautifully at the podium about life and what it means and being true to yourself. At the end, a conference organizer comes in and kicks the janitor off the stage to get back to work. Toast 2008 Jazz at 3 am. Carol Anderson 11 3: 2 women, 1 man (1.5) Language, deals with racism and sexuality, dark play A white couple in a bar try to pick up the black bartender 4.5

Judgment Call Frederick Stroppal 12 10.5 3: all 3 men or could be all 3 women, but not mixed 2 longer roles, one shorter(4.3, 2) philosophical, psychological baseball diamond 3 umpires warming up for new season. 2 older ones are talking about how life consuming sports are and the consequence of making bad calls. one is haunted by a bad call he made the year before that led to a suicide. Toast 2007 Just be Frank 10 5: 3women 2 men I longer, rest shorter (2, 1, .5) bit bizarre, social satire, ironic office 5

forward snotty woman trying for a promotion tells coworker she thinks everyone should just be honest. suddenly everyone around her is being brutally honest and she doesn't like what she hears. cute, ironic Toast 2006, Ladies Room Leah Davidson 10 3: women, (1.2, 1.2, .3) should be done with 2 people with guest actor Drama, unended 3 women in the ladies room of a large corporation 2.5

Landscape with Pigeons Mark Owen 11 5 2: women equal (2.5) poignant, sad, deals with homophobia park near hospital two mothers meet, sons were lovers and one has died. One doesnt accept who they were Toast 2007 Last Day of Camp Jeffrey Sweet 11 7 3: (written for 2 women 1 man) 2nd woman has less lines (3,1) drama, language, drug reference camp after kids leave 2 counselors talk, seem to like each other. 3rd comes along and is mean to the girl, had something going earlier with guy, then leaves, he says all the wrong things to the 1st girl and possible romance is killed Last Kiss Dennis Foon 10 4 2: one woman 1 man equal (2) light drama Sexuality one kiss party long kiss at party, then talk. He sees a new romance, she is leaving and sees it as last kiss. She has liked him for a while but he didn't notice her, now she is moving on. magnetic attraction and what it means Laundromat Eric Geyer 11 7.5 2: 2 men works better one is a bit longer (3.5, 3) humorous, bit existential/bizarre, bit Seinfeld laundromat encounter between 2 men in a laundromat and the discussions about life around them, society and one accuses the other of stealing hangers Toast 2007 League of Semi-Super Heroes 10 6 6: 2women 2men 2 either fairly even (1) ironic, humour, physical humour, over the top office semi SH can't understand why people don't want to use their skills, like Wrabbit woman, etc. wait for the phone to ring as they are being evicted from the office. funny characters and interaction Toast 2006 Left to Right Stephen Dietz 10 8.5 4: 2 women, 2 men (2.1) Light comedy, physically driven - table with all four facing audience, only talk to person on left Couple and 2 friends, one has had affair, story comes out through conversation. Bell. Everyone switches places, story continues in same fashion. Bell rings, they all switch places Let Me out of Here Eric Weinthal 10 4: (2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2) one can be off stage Bizarre situation, humorous in a situational comedy way but also poignant A person locked in a room tries to get help from 3 people, 1 blind, 1 deaf, 1 mute The Line Up 10 4: any combination works Fairly even (1.1) humorous outside the principal's office 5.5

3 kids outside the office dealing with the nasty VP before seeing the principal - Mr. Nomercy. Toast 2009 Listen David Gow 10 2: men (2.3) Light drama, language Man in telemarketing office teaches new guy how to sell 4.5

Louis and Dave Norm Foster 12 10 2: works well as 2 women pretending to be 2 guys but is written for guys equal (5) social satire in a car 2 guys crusin' to pick up chicks w bad lines. unsuccessful after 4 years. one starts to let other know he is into opera books, ballet etc and other feels betrayed. play on homophobia and coming out to a friend Toast 2005 Loyalties Murphy Guyer 11 8 4: 2 women 2 men fairly equal (2) Drama living room Very powerful play. soldier & wife argue with her sister & boyfriend about loyalty and going to war for the country. Patriotism. we believe they are talking about USA and Vietnam or Gulf War. it is Germany in 1939 Toast 2005 Man in the Box(the) 11 7 2: woman & man equal (3.5) man must be able to mime bit bizarre, humorous but a bit sad, off the wall on stage a man thinks he is a mime in a box on stage and the woman is trying to get him to leave the imaginary box to have a real life with her but he cant. Man who Couldn't Dance (the) Jason Katims 12 11 2: woman and man (and baby) equal (5.5) sad, poignant, language attic baby's room ex lover comes to woman's house and sees her new husband and baby. they talk about their relationship and how he couldn't open up and commit to a relationship. He says the problem is he couldn't dance which is a symbol of his problems with people. She teaches him to dance when he holds the baby. Married Bliss Mark ODonnell 11/12 6.2 4: 2 women, 2 men (2, 2, 1.1, 1.1) very difficult because of language (what do you want me to sink about) Comedy, experimental with language front porch Newlyweds are visited on their porch by their old boy/girl friends Merchant of Showboat (the) Jason Sherman 11/12 2: can be either, written for men Language, racial issues, drama Black politician talks to white producer about the racist play he is putting on 7

Moon Please (the) Diana Son 12 9.5 2: woman man (4.8) Drama, poignant, language appt in New York Womans first day going back after maternity leave. Babysitter cancels, they argue about who should stay home, baby cries and they cant leave yet because of love for baby. 8:35am Sept 11, 2001 Mrs. Sorken Christopher Durang 1: 1 woman (monologue) comedy, word play our stage 12 4.5

older sweet woman comes to talk to the audience about why we see plays and the meaning of the word theatre drama Toast 2007 Muse William Borden 10 5 2: could be either but written for two men equal (2.5) Literary, humour, some sense of sexuality reference writer's workroom writer gets blocked and tries to get his muse to help him. They discuss the story and what writers should get or do deserve to have a muse, My Baby 11 7 2: women equal (3.5) Drama hospital a woman has been a surrogate mother for her best friend but now cant give the baby up My Father 12 12 2: better as 2 men equal (6) light drama dock behind a clam bar young man comes, talks to owner of a run down clam bar, brings up idea the old man may be his father My two loves: a midsummers nightmare 10 9 4: 3 women 1man 3 longer, 1 shorter (2.8, 2.5, 1) humour, situational comedy in a dream a guy dreams about the girls in his life and they appear and he has to deal with them and their knowledge of ALL of his dreams Toast 2008 New York Actor John Guare 10 11 7: at least 2 women, at least 2 men(2 women 5 men) somewhat equal, critic & wife play out of towners at end (1.5) humour, bit physical, bit bizarre in an actors bar in New York friends meet at actors bar, guy back from LA for part on Broadway, friend comes in to say he got that part, one guy tells critic in bar how much he liked review then the critics wife says he stole her purse The Newcomer Kate Lynch 11 2: better as women (2.5) pretty equal Broken 4th wall, humorous, language, insider joke about acting A woman is trying to act in play, other woman freezes up then changes everything 5

Night Visits Simon Fill 10/11 8.5 3: 2 women, 1 man (man has longer part 4, 2.2, 2.2) Fantastical, light drama, lightly religious hospital st anniversary of the death of the Dr.s wife in a car accident. Woman comes in to hospital who has been in a 1 car accident and talks to Dr. She may be an angel, very perceptive or a spiritually connected person. Nine Ten Warren Leight 10 6.5 5: fairly open (3 women, 2 men) plus voice over (fairly even 1.3) Light drama, ironic court house People waiting to find out if they have jury duty and complaining about this disruption. It is Sept 10, 2001 Toast 2009 On the Door Eric Weinthal 10 2: can be either (2.5) Humorous, situational, inside joke/breaking 4th wall 5

late actor isnt allowed in theatre by volunteer, are acting for audience on other side of door, then for us Out of Body Beverly Cooper 10 5 2: 2 women equal (2.5) social satire, bit bizarre food court woman meets friend who is a bit of a bully and tells her secret, that she has out of body experiences. She proves this by telling her that she knows she is cheating with her boyfriend because she saw them the night before when out of body so she is dumping them both to join her new asteral friends Out on Good Behaviour 10 5.5 6: 1 woman 5 men but could mix a bit (rewrite to cut from 15 to 6) Make it equal (1) ironic satire detention room 6 kids are in the detention room when the teacher leaves the room. They talk about detentions, how to avoid this again, playing cards, etc until the principal comes back in Philadelphia (the) 12 11 3: can be any combination (written for 1woman 2men) 1 has less but has more actions (4, 3) ironic humour, bit bizarre, Language Restaurant guy thinks his life has gone weird until his friend tells him how people fall into mini black holes. The guy is in the Philadelphia where you can't get what you want and his friend is in the California where everything is fine. cute Toast 2006 Pink Judith Thompson 10 1: woman (1.5) Monologue, dramatic, deals with racism Girl in South Africa talking about what goes on around her 1.5

Pitch (the) 12 12 3: can be any combo ( written for 1woman 2men) pretty equal (4) situational humour, language producer's office famous director comes in, producer sucks up to him after telling the co-producer not to suck up. director pitches Tarzan' and the producer acts like it is the greatest new idea. co-producer ends up leaving. cute Playwriting 101: the Rooftop Lesson Rich Orloff 11 10 3: must be 2 and 1 of any combination (bit uneven, 4+, 3-, 3-) Light humour, multi views of the same scene roof top Teacher on playwriting class shows video but characters come alive and disagree with teachers ideas Toast 2009 Poetics (the) Jason Sherman 11/12 3: can be any combination, fairly equal (3.6) Light drama, language Newspaper on reporting the arts, should they be honest or sell out? 11

Prank David Macfarlane 11 6 1? written for one but can be done with several people doing their own voices instead of him funny, bit frat boy but also bit poignant man recalls a prank very funny and his mothers reaction to it after her death Procedure Joyce Carol Oates 11 7 2: 2 women and one male body equal (3.5) drama, sad hospital room very real. stern Sr. nurse is reading procedure as younger nurse prepares a man's body for removal after he has died. Younger nurse is nervous. we finally learn it is the Sr. nurse's estranged father

Proposal (the) 11 7.5 2: woman man equal (3.8) light drama, bit humorous park a couple have been friends for a long time and expect to get married but both secretly think they should wait but are afraid to tell the other. Finally, they get it out and are both relieved Pyramid Effect 10 11 6: 3 women 3 men fairly equal (1.7) physical humour, difficult physically since in pyramid for 8 min. college lawn 6 college kids get into a pyramid position to try to beat the world record of 4+ hours. One guy has the hiccups. they try to help him get over the hiccups, not fall. nattering, college kid talk. ends with a sneeze Toast 2006 Railing it Uptown Shirley Lauro 12 10.5 2: women pretty equal (5, 5.5) drama, uncomfortable, edgy, forces us to face how we treat the mentally ill a woman is sitting on the subway when another woman enters as everyone else exits. By her speech, we can tell that she is a little off. The woman gets unnerved, it settles down, then gets bizarre again Razed by Wolves Phil McBurney 10 4 3: 1 woman 2 men 2 men have equal parts, woman has very small part and few lines (1.8, .5) poignant, sad father's porch son comes to find alcoholic father who was cruel to his mother to beat him for what he did. Father has changed gone to AA and has a new wife and happy home. Son leaves after talking and without violence but with sadness for what he didnt have Reverse Transcription Tony Kushner 11 12.5 6 (+body or something in a sheet) +voice over at start: 2 women 4 men some flexibility (2) literary, ironic, sexual orientation grave yard in Marthas Vineyard @ midnight 6 playwrights have come to bury the 7th, their friend, illegally in a famous graveyard (Lillian Hellman/John Belushi). It was his last wish. They discuss all manner of topics before they bury Ding Road to Ruin (the) Richard Dresser 10 7.5 4: 1 woman, 3 men 3 fairly equal, 1 shorter (2.2, 1) bizarre, twilight zonish garage a couples car breaks down in a small town and at the garage, the husband ends up signing a contract saying he will work there until he has worked off the debt when he thought he was signing a work order Rosie in the Shadow of the Melrose Craig Fols 12 8.5 2: woman man (pretty even but she has a bit of a monologue) Light drama, sexuality reference railway station Young man meets talkative and inquisitive young woman on the way home from telling Mom he is gay Runaway (the) 12 10 2: 2 women equal (5) poignant, sad park bench a bag lady a runaway meet in the park. They discuss the situation and what the young girl's options are Runtkiller Carolyn Bennett 12 12 3: could be any combination (written for 2 women 1 man) 2 longer (4.8, 2.3) dark humour, bit twisted Arts grants office Woman in office thinks boss gives out grants to idiots. young woman comes in to get money for killing runts. woman convinces boss that this is artistic genius so he says yes. the runtkiller is really after business grant

Rustle of Wings (the) Linda Eisenstein 10 (uneven) 8.3 4: 2 women 2 open (4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.3) Fantastical, light drama, reference to sexuality bar Woman meets another woman who has wings, maybe only she can see them, who tells her she has wings too. Friends dont believe her Salad Days David Sereda MUSICAL 3: 2 men, 1 woman (2.2) Sexuality, singing, farce of classical musical Woman discovers husband with his masseur 10/11 6.5

Scruples Jon Jory 10 5.5 5: 4 women 1 man 3 pretty even, 1 same but all in 2 monologues, 1 only 1 line (1.4, .1) ironic humour, social satire casting office 4 women trying out for a pantyhose commercial talk about life, selling out etc. help to have scruples or not? Casting director comes in and makes it seem like a huge deal to get this little commercial Self John Mighton 11/12 1: written for woman (3) Situational, dramedy, does the other patient exist? Woman waiting in shrinks office talks to other (nonconversational) patient 3

Shasta Rue Jane Martin 12 4 1: woman (4) edgy, in-your-face story, racism, beautyism, a black woman talks about watching a (all white) beauty pageant with her daughter then going down to crash it to talk about real beauty Sherlock Holmes 12 9 2: 2 men equal (4.5) humour, farce 221B Baker st Holmes and Watson have been tied up by Moriarty and a bomb will go off soonif Holmes could only solve the problem, untie them and disable the bomb... Toast 2008 Shoe Store Johnson & Martin 2: better as man and woman Slight dream quality in a way, light Clerk tries to sell a woman high heels to change her life 10 4

Siobhan John Augustine 12 4.5 1: 1 woman(monologue) cynical, realistic drama laundomat working class woman at Laundromat is reading a self help book and considers her life so far, thinking about how in our society, people try some weird things because you are supposed to be somebody Toast, 12 Sisterly Love 10 5 3: women equal (1.6) humorous, situational comedy bedroom three sisters having the usual sibling arguments when one pulls a trick on the others pretending to be ill Slice of Heaven Diane Flacks 11/12 6.5 2 + small part for director (3.3, 3.3, .5) Situational humour, over the top character, can be sexuality if secretary is played by guy

Man with screen play gets help from big agent and hot secretary Slob School 11 9 3: any combo works (2 women 1 man) 2 women close to equal, man has a little fewer lines (3.5, 2) comedy dining room/classroom teacher of manners, aided by a former pupil and now protg, is trying to teach a new student how not to be a slob. It doesn't go well since the other two are attracted to each other as slobs. Toast 2009 Slop Culture Robb Badlam 10 6 4: 2women 2 men pretty equal (1.5) physical humour, ironic, pop culture references, language living room woman comes to friend's house to get help with a job application that asks for 1st memory. 2 guys on couch are TV nuts discuss truth vs. getting a job. Toast 2005 Sniper (the) David & Romero 12 7.5 2: woman, man (3.8) Drama, poignant, reference to sex bar in Israel He is a sniper, she is a journalist. Article has just come out about the shooting of an Arab child based on info from him that he didnt know shed print. So Tell me about this Guy Dolores Whiskeyman 10 5 2: 2 women, could be 2 guys as women equal (2.5) comedy, word play sexual innuendos, sexuality reference living room 2 young women are talking about a guy in modern slang and finishing each other's sentences so it is very hard to follow. cute Some People Bill Kitcher 10 8 5: 1 dog 1 cat 1 kitten, 2 human voice overs which can be done on stage pretty equal for the three animals, shorter for two humans (2.3, .5) sad dog pound pound is closing. 3 animals are left with no home, but hope to get family. even a scientist doesn't want them for experiments. they decide to escape but fail. Sound of gas coming in to kill them as lights go down. can have ending changed so an audience member saves them Toast 2006 Someone for Everyone 10 11 9: 4 women, 3 men & 1 either, can kinda be different combinations very uneven comedy office/dance a dating agency promises to find a date for everyoneincluding a fish worker, a perfectionist and a clown! a friend is checking it out to see if they should invest Toast 2009 Spirit is Willing (the) Nicole B Quinn 11 7 2: women equal (3.5) bizarre twilightish, social commentary Medium and Seers convention a woman reporter runs into a woman medium who used to be a man she went to school with. The medium reminds the woman about what she was like in school and how mean she was. Going into a trance, the medium channels the womans grandmother. Real or not? Stuck Claire Reeve 11 6.5 2:woman, man. Written as voice over for man but can be done with split stage (3.3) Humorous a stuck elevator

A woman is in a stuck elevator and is kept from going crazy by Sal at the front desk. It gets hot and she takes off some clothes Sure Thing 12 15 2: 1 couple (1 woman 1 man) equal (7.5) situational humour, multi scenario coffee shop woman sitting with coffee, man comes in to sit down. bell rings to show new take on dialogue, restarting or changing topic or approach, like //universe, lively and cute Telemarketing: the Musical Karen Hines MUSICAL 11/12 2: couple (3.3) Singing, bizarre, humorous, they believe weird things about the place around them Couple meet at the telemarketing firm and sing a lot Toast 2009 6.5

Telephone 11(difficult) 9 5: 2 women 3 men pretty equal (1.8) drama poignant, language, diversity reference, split stage guys living room/ladies living room couple breaks up because she wants to pursue acting and so is moving to city to try. found place to share with gay man so boyfriend freaks. hear both sides and try to connect again but timing is wrong and calls don't get through Ten Minute Play! (The Musical) Kate Lynch MUSICAL 11/12 2: couple, (1.8 +singing) Send up of people who watch a lot of musicals, humorous Couple start singing instead of talking by accident and cant stop 3.5

Time Flies 12 15 3: 2 mayflies and 1 voiceover can be done on stage equal for flies, a bit shorter for human (7.3, .5) comedy, language, bug sexual reference and situations swamp 2 mayflies meet and hit it off. Here David Attenborough's special on Mayflies and find out they only have 24 hours to live, love, mate and die. to defy fate, they decide to fly to Paris. Toast 2005 The Tooth Hurts 11 6 3: 1 woman 1 man sleeping child equal, no presence at all for child (3) ironic humour bedroom Tooth fairy wants to retire so she is finding a replacement. He is really bad. She tries to help him but he says he has a contract so she pawns him off on the Boogeyman. cute Toast 2005 Transformation 10 10 6: 1 woman 1 man 4 either fairly even (1.6) Drama drama class kids in a drama class have to come to class knowing what animal they would be. One guy is a jerk. The experience is bizarre as the kids become comfortable with their 'totems' Twenty Dollar Drinks Joe Pintauro 12 9.5 2: women (4.8) Light drama, ironic, bit over the top Russian Tea Room A star who has just won an award meets her old friend who has not found success as an actor yet. Star thinks her friend is jealous, friend thinks star is spoilt The Typist Susan Coyne 2: written for women 10 5.5

Light Temp comes in and helps secretary see the beauty in doing little things typing muse U.I.C.(the) Joan MacLeod 11/12 2: written for woman and man Language, bizarre, interesting character, violence Man goes into UIC (EI) office to get benefits and meets an unbelieving clerk 3.5

Variations on the Death of Trotsky 12 11 3: 1 woman 2 men mix (3.5) literary, humorous, multi scenario his home Trotsky, a major figure in the Russian Revolution, and his wife discover through 2005 encyclopedia that he is to die on this day so go over various scenarios about what happens Visit (the) Norm Foster 10 8 3: 1 woman 2 men son could be daughter pretty equal (2.7) social satire, language, sexuality situation son's office parents drop in on son at his office. In conversation they make gay stereotype remarks and son argues with them finally comes out that he is gay. Mother's only concern is that this means she must be overbearing & made him gay Wake David Widdicombe 12 13 2: 2 women equal (6.5) poignant drama mild humour dead man's sister's home for a wake widow ends up talking to the undertaker's daughter who is refreshingly honest. Widow 'killed' husband because she wanted to adopt kids but husband was compensating for no kids with fish. She flushed them, he had heart attack. family blames her. Welcome to the Moon John Patrick Stanley 11 - content 12 5: one couple of opposite sex, one couple of same sex, bartender 4, one short (2.8, 1) dark humour, Language sexuality situation bar dark/sick. old friends V&S get together. S just left wife because he is still in love with girl from high school. finds out V has invited R & girl to meet them. R arrives. he has tried suicide 3 times. Takes S for walk. S finds out R loves V so is suicidal. Gets S to try suicide with him. V & girl find them. V loves R so happy, girl still doesn't love S. gay couple actually works better as two women Toast 2005 Wall in the Garden Don Hannah 10 2: written for 2 women (2) Both actors play the same woman, split conversation, drama, dealing with racism Looking back at a childhood in South Africa and the concept of loyalties Whatdya Mean you cant act in Hamilton Derek Huxtable 10 4: written for 2 + 2 very short for one, somewhat even for other 3 comedy talent agents office A talent agent deals with his weird clients Toast 2008 6 4

Whole Household of Babies(a) Sean OConnor 10/11 5 2 women (2.5) drama, amusement park Young woman has just given up her baby for adoption and wants to get it back when she is drunk and at the amusement park where she got pregnant by a carnie who didnt come back this year.

Whose Life is it Anyway? 11 because of content 5 2: can be either equal (2.5) serious, sad hospital a man who is a sculptor has been left a quadriplegic by a car accident and a woman comes in to try to make him see that life is worth living Winging it 10 5 7: 3 women 4 men close ironic, humorous pearly gates 6 kids are at the gates waiting to get in. They can't until 25 people have said something nice about them. Interesting look at different types of kids and how their lives affected others Toast 2007 Words, Words, Words 11 9 3: 1 female monkey 2 male monkeysequal (3) ironic, humorous, physical, literary a bit, some crudeness, Language, sexual reference monkey cage at behavioural scientist's 3 monkeys, Milton, Swift and Kafka are working on typewriters. Not monkey suits, just suggestion. Scientist wants to prove idea of monkeys writing Hamlet. One ends up doing so at the end. Really funny, need people who can be very physical Toast 2006 Writer Left 10 8 4: 4 women, could be men with some rewriting 2 more than other 2 (2.5, 1.5) bit bizarre humour caf & writer's home woman comes to talk to friend because her characters seem to be changing text without her writing it. Friend thinks she is over tired. cut to writer's home where author is talking about character going to caf to complain instead of where she sent her. 'Character' appears ready to burn pages. We don't find out which is really the author Yesterdays Window Chiori Miyagawa 11 8 3: 2 women one man man has fewer lines (3.5, 1) existential, disconnected, experimental apartment with a window A woman has a dream but we arent really sure if this is a dream or not. She is talking with her daughter about all kinds of things and questions interrupted once in a while by a delivery man. 21 Sigrid Heath 10/11 5.5 2women 1 male nonspeaking (2.8) Light, humorous, language, restaurant 2 gold diggers talk. One whose older husband just died actually loved him and doesnt want to do this anymore. Other one is angry this goes against the plan. Waiter tries to be helpful to first woman

4 AM (Open All Night) Bob Krakower 11 11 4: 3 of one gender, one of the other (1 woman 3 men) 3 fairly even, 1 shorter (3, 2) light/ironic drama, social satire, timing play, language, diner A man in a diner complains he can't meet compatible women. One woman is there but he doesn't talk to her until it is too late and he misses his chance so he loses her

Argument Sketch Monty Python 3 2: any combo equal (1.5) work play, farce an office a man walks into an office to buy an argumentan argument happens about whether or not they have had an argument Fatal Beating 2: one has more (1.8, 1.2) black humour headmasters office a man comes in because his son is in trouble and it goes way downhill from there Whos on First? 2: either equal (2) funny, word play anywhere Abbott and Costello routine about ball players with funny names 3

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