Patra 2006
Patra 2006
Patra 2006
Technical note
Results are presented for laboratory model tests conducted to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of an eccentrically loaded strip
foundation supported by geogrid-reinforced sand. Only one type of sand at one relative density of compaction and one type of geogrid
were used for the tests. The depth of the foundation was varied from zero to B (width of foundation). Based on the laboratory test results,
an empirical relationship called reduction factor has been suggested that correlates the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity of an
eccentrically loaded foundation with that for a foundation where the load is applied centrally.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Eccentric loading; Geogrid; Sand; Strip foundation; Ultimate bearing capacity
0266-1144/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.R. Patra et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259 255
on sand, Table 1
Variations of a and K (Eq. (4))
quðeÞ ¼ qN qðeÞ þ gBN gðeÞ , (2)
2 Df/B a K
where Nq(e) and Ng(e) are the bearing capacity factors ¼ 0 1.862 0.73
f(j0 ,e/B). 0.25 1.811 0.785
The above equation does not include the depth factors as 0.5 1.754 0.80
shown in Eq. (1). 1.0 1.820 0.888
Purkayastha and Char (1977) carried out stability
analysis of an eccentrically loaded strip foundation on
sand using the method of slices proposed by Janbu (1957).
Based on this study, they proposed that
¼ 1 RK , (3)
e K
RK ¼ reduction factor ¼ a . (4)
Based on a statistical analysis, it was also shown that B
and j0 have no influence on RK. The variations of a and K
determined by this study are summarized in Table 1. The
magnitude of a decreases with the increase in Df/B up to a
minimum at Df =B ¼ 0:5, and increases thereafter. From
this table, it can be seen that the average values of a and K
are, respectively, 1.81 and 0.8. For Df =B ¼ 0 and e/Bo0.2,
this solution provides practically the same results as the Fig. 1. Assumed failure mode under a centrally loaded surface strip
equivalent area method suggested by Meyerhof (1953). foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand.
Table 2
Physical properties of the geogrid
Parameters Quantity
Fig. 2. Assumed failure mode under an eccentrically loaded strip edges of the model were polished to reduce friction as much
foundation on geogrid-reinforced sand. as possible. The sides of the box were heavily braced to
avoid lateral yielding. Locally available sand dried in an
where quR is the ultimate bearing capacity on geogrid- oven was used for the present model tests. The sand used
reinforced sand, b is the width of geogrid layer and d is for the tests had 100% passing 0.7 mm size sieve and 0%
the depth of reinforcement below the bottom of the passing 0.3 mm size sieve. It had an effective size (D10) of
foundation. 0.41 mm and a uniformity coefficient (Cu) of 1.4. For all
The reinforcement depth below the bottom of the tests, the average unit weight and the relative density of
foundation can be expressed as compaction were kept at 14.81 kN/m3 and 72%, respec-
tively. The average peak friction angle j0 of the sand at the
d ¼ u þ ðN 1Þh, (6)
test conditions as determined from direct shear tests was
where u is the depth of first layer of geogrid from the 42.41. Tensar biaxial geogrid (BX1100) was used for the
bottom of the foundation, h is the distance between present tests. The physical properties of the geogrid are
consecutive layers of reinforcement; N is the number of given in Table 2.
geogrid layers. In conducting a model test, sand was placed in lifts of
Assuming the failure mechanism under centric load as 25 mm in the test box. For each lift, the amount of soil
shown in Fig. 1 to be correct, it appears that the ultimate required to produce the desired unit weight was weighed
bearing capacity due to eccentric loading (Fig. 2) may be and compacted using a flat-bottomed wooden block.
expressed in a form similar to Eq. (3). Or, Geogrid layers were placed in the sand at desired values
quRðeÞ of u/B and h/B. The model foundation was placed on the
¼ 1 RKR , (7) surface as well as at desired depths below the surface of the
sand bed. Centric or eccentric load to the model founda-
where quR(e) is the ultimate bearing capacity due to tion was applied through an electrically operated hydraulic
eccentric loading, RKR is the reduction factor for geogrid- jack. Two dial gauges having 0.01 mm accuracy placed on
reinforced sand. either side of the model foundation recorded the settlement
In Fig. 2, QuR(e) is the ultimate load per unit length of the of the foundation. Load was applied in small increments,
foundation with a load eccentricity e, and Df is the depth of and the resulting deformations recorded so that the entire
the foundation. The reduction factor may be expressed as load-settlement curve could be obtained. Since the length
df e a3 of the model foundation was approximately the same as the
RKR ¼ a1 , (8) width of the test box, it can be assumed that an
approximate plane strain condition did exist during the
where a1, a2, and a3 are constants, and d f ¼ Df þ d. tests.
For the present test program, the following parameters
4. Laboratory model tests were adopted for the geogrid reinforcement layers:
u=B ¼ 0:35, h=B ¼ 0:25, b=B ¼ 5. The sequence of the
The model foundation used for this study had a width of model tests is given in Table 3.
80 mm and a length of 360 mm. It was made out of a mild
steel plate with a thickness of 25 mm. The bottom of the 5. Model test results
model foundation was made rough by coating it with glue
and then rolling it over sand. Bearing capacity tests were For any given test, at any time during the test, the load
conducted in a box measuring 0.8 m (length) 0.365 m per unit area on the model foundation [qR or qR(e)] can be
(width) 0.7 m (depth). The inside walls of the box and the given as Q/A (Q ¼ load on the foundation, A ¼ area of
C.R. Patra et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259 257
Table 3
Sequence of model tests
Note: u=B ¼ 0:35, h=B ¼ 0:25 and b=B ¼ 5 for all tests on reinforced sand.
Using the experimental ultimate bearing capacities quR(e) about 1.21. Thus
shown in Fig. 4, the reduction factors were calculated, e 1:21
RKR / . (10)
and these are shown in Figs. 5(a), (b), and (c). From B
these figures it can be seen that for any given Df/B and Again, Fig. 6 shows the plots of RKR versus df/B for
df/B, the plot of RKR versus e/B is approximately a e=B ¼ 0:05, 0.10 and 0.15. Although there is some scatter
straight line in a log–log plot. The average value of a3 is as expected, the slope of the average lines for all e/B values
(i.e., a2 is approximately equal to 0.12). Thus
df e 1:21
RKR ¼ a1 , (11)
a1 ¼ . (12)
ðd f =BÞ 0:12
Using the average lines for each e/B shown in Fig. 6, the
magnitudes of a1 were calculated. These deduced values of
a1 are plotted against the corresponding e/B in Fig. 7. The
Fig. 6. Plot of RKR versus df/B for e=B ¼ 0:05, 0.10 and 0.15.
Fig. 5. Plot of RKR versus e/B: (a) Df =B ¼ 0; (b) Df =B ¼ 0:5; and (c)
Df =B ¼ 1:0. Fig. 7. Plot of a1 versus e/B.
C.R. Patra et al. / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 24 (2006) 254–259 259
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