Planning Proposal for Godavari riverfront considering the the area on the opposite side of the bank there is open
following Stretch for Development: garbage dumping. Which create unhygienic conditions and
Proposals- section wise: unpleasant atmosphere. Closed transfer station should be
built at this place which will not expose the garbage and
A. Section 1
maintain the hygiene.
1) Ahilyabai Holkar (Victoria Bridge) to Ramsetu Bridge
This stretch consists of very important places like Gandhi B. Section 2
talav, Ramkund, Yashwant Rao Maharaj Patangan, Old 1) Ramsetu Bridge to Gadge Maharaj Bridge
vegetable market, Dhobi Ghat, Naroshankar Temple. In this stretch weekly market is set on WEDNESDAY. As it
Gandhi Talav- It is a small artificial lake which is is a huge market setup more open space is required in this
full of water around the year. Except for some hot months area. But this area consists of many food stalls, daily
like May and June. It is not maintained properly, all the litter vegetable vendors sitting randomly which acquire very large
and organic material like flower waste and vegetable waste area and create unnecessary crowd which affects the traffic
are dumped into the lake. People swim in this lake which is conditions of that area. To solve this problem these stalls
very dangerous. Motorboats are used in this lake which and vegetable vendors should be shifted to the newly
pollutes the air. constructed vegetable market zone on the left side of the
Swimming, motorboats, and littering the lake Gadge Maharaj Bridge. It is huge infrastructure which is
should be strictly prohibited. There is a water fountain in the enough to form a one-stop vegetable shopping, it has
middle of the lake. Using it, a Lacer Show or Fountain parking provision form the customers and there is also a
Dance can be created in the lake which will make the place provision of public toilets for the convenience of the
pleasant and attract the citizens. customers as well as the vendors which will help to maintain
Ramkund- Ramkund is the holy lake where people hygiene.
carry out the spiritual activities and have the holy bath. And
C. Section 3
then drop all the waste in the Ramkund. Women leave the
small wax lamps in the river over a floating bowl. This 1) Gadge Maharaj Bridge to Amardham Bridge
pollutes the water and holy bath don’t be holy anymore. This is the area where most of the development is required.
People carrying out DASHAKRIYA VIDHI should be Various amenities can be provided here. Riverbanks are
forced to drop the NIRMALYA in NIRMALYA KALASH. wide here but are no use as it is captured by the slum. Firstly
Dropping anything in the river should be strictly prohibited. the slums have to be shifted to some other place. A low
On the other hand, several large size dustbins should be budget housing scheme should be carried out in NMC
placed in the area for the convenience. Hawkers and small owned area. All these people should be hired to carry out the
stalls of food, flowers should not be allowed to sit randomly cleaning activities of the riverbed and river banks and
near Ramkund. They can put on their stalls near forever maintenance so it can be a fair deal to them. This
DUTONDYA MARUTI MANDIR. will create small-scale employment for these poor people
Yashwant Rao Maharaj Patangan- It is an open and help them live a good life. Some open sewers are
space in front of Yashwant Rao Maharaj Samadhi. It directly left in the river through the banks. This creates fouls
consists of unorganized parking, small stalls of seasonal smell, pollutes the air and makes the surrounding
sale. It is the best place for the social gathering functions. A unpleasant. So a packaged sewage treatment plant can be
Permanent Open stage can be constructed beside Yashwant provided which will make the water clean there itself and
Rao Maharaj Samadhi. Every morning and evening there discharge it into the river. Removing the slums and open
should be Ganga Arti and National Anthem recitation to sewers will make people feel fresh and safe to come here.
maintain the feeling of Unity. And then the stage should be There is a small bridge at road level on the right of the
open to all where people can perform for free and entertain Gadge Maharaj Bridge and the same type of bridge is there
the public visiting the area. on the left side of the Amardham Bridge. If steel railings are
Old vegetable Market- From the time Nashik was provided along these bridges and also along the banks of the
known, this place was a vegetable market. But it was river which will create an artificial lake where hand-pulled
migrated during the Kumbha Mela 2015 to relieve the boating facility can be provided for pleasure. The railing
congestion. Now it is captured by the poor people by setting will create a lap along the lake which will form a jogging
up their huts. It can be the best place for the parking on the track where people can do jogging, cycling, walking for
left side of the river (Panchavati area) for the people who which they had to go far away. Parapet will act as safety
come to visit KAPALESHWAR TEMPLE, RAM feature from falling in the river for the cyclists and also
MANDIR, and RAMKUND. As it is the nearest CenterPoint prevent from throwing garbage into the river. This is the
to all these destinations. area where we can give a modern look to the river because
Dhobi Ghat- It is the ghat formed to wash cloths there is abundant space available to provide various fancy
and utensils. It is between Yashwant Rao Maharaj Patangan amenities. The right side of this segment Consist of concrete
and old vegetable market. But people wash cloths and ghats and it can be used as a jogging track, Cycle Track or
utensils all over the banks of the river which should be just as a walkway
prohibited. Only this area should be allotted to this work.
Naroshankar Temple- It is one of the most ancient
temples of the Nashik. Where we talk about temples we
imagine the clean, beautiful and pleasant atmosphere. But