6WB Retrofit Guide On F25
6WB Retrofit Guide On F25
6WB Retrofit Guide On F25
By Willywi
USE THIS GUIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK ! I’m not responsible for anything
that could eventually go wrong. Follow all the steps carefully! The instructions
are for KOMBI’s with the 160D0WT chip.
Hot air station or SOIC 8 Pin Testclip compatible with the R270
Working E-Sys 3.33.x with actual PSDZData for CAFD injection
Step 2: Virginize used 6WB cluster (if you bought the cluster new or it’s
already Virginized skip this step)
5. Once chip is in place open up R270 software select read chip and
it will prompt you with this menu, select 160D/35160 and click ok.
Then press read, after EEPROM read success save original Bin file.
6. Erasing mileage off 160D0WT.
a. Click on M35080/160D under Advanced Function it will
prompt you with this window select 160D/35160 option and
click read, this will read out current mileage on this chip.
After current mileage is read click on Erase Odometer
Injecting CAFD:
Activate FA (VO) => Read SVT (VCM) => Left-Click on DKOMBI => Click
on "Detect CAF for SWE" => Select the CAFD from latest I-Level shown
=> Select OK => Right-Click on DKOMBI (the ECU itself not the
underlying CAFD) => Select CODE.
After CAFD is injected turn on the car and make sure RPM gauge and
gear select gauge is working properly. If you get fault code or some
function isn’t working correctly modify F18 VO according to your car’s