Speechcom Mid Term
Speechcom Mid Term
Speechcom Mid Term
1. Slide Content:
Slides background should not be too dark that your content is not visible
2. Preparation:
Bring name cards that you bring in your class for recording via IBA camera.
Load your presentation onto the room's computer using a USB beforehand.
3. Content Guidelines:
4. Presentation Style:
Avoid animations.
5. Delivery Tips:
Conclude effectively.
Criteria Score
Fluency & Thesis is clearly stated Most information Concept and Presentation is choppy 1
Coherence and developed; presented in logical ideas are loosely and disjointed; does
specific examples are sequence; generally connected; lacks not flow; development
appropriate and very well organized clear transitions; of thesis is vague; no
clearly developed ; but better transitions flow and apparent logical order
conclusion is clear; from idea to idea and organization are of presentation
shows control; flows medium to medium choppy
together well; good needed
transitions Unable to use
Uses connectives to
connectives effectively
Effective use of some good effect
connective issue in the Has some idea of No clear transitions
body: connectives but
use is somewhat
Grammatical Sentences are For the most part, Listeners can Listeners are so 1.5
Range & complete and sentences are complete follow the distracted by the
Accuracy grammatical, and they and grammatical, and presentation, but presenter’s apparent
flow together easily. they flow together some difficulty with
Words are chosen for easily. With a few grammatical grammar and
their precise meaning. exceptions, words are errors and use of appropriate vocabulary
chosen for their slang are that they cannot focus
precise meaning. evident. Some on the ideas presented.
sentences are
incomplete /
halting, and/or
vocabulary is
limited or
Personal Personal appearance is For the most part, Personal Personal appearance is 1
Appearan completely appropriate personal appearance is appearance is inappropriate for the
ce for the occasion and appropriate for the somewhat occasion and the
the audience. occasion and the inappropriate for audience.
audience. the occasion and
the audience.
Body Body language reflects Body language reflects Body language Body language reveals 1
Language confidence and ease comfort when reflects some a reluctance to interact
when interacting with interacting with discomfort when with audience.
audience. audience. interacting with