Speechcom Mid Term

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1. Slide Content:

 Aim for 4 to 5 bullets per slide.

 Number your slides.

 Bold keywords instead of using colors.

 Slides background should not be too dark that your content is not visible

2. Preparation:

 Bring name cards that you bring in your class for recording via IBA camera.

 Dress formally; avoid slippers, joggers, hoodies, jeans and prints.

 Boys are required to wear solid-colored shirts and dress pants

 Girls can wear solid-colored shalwar kameez.

 Load your presentation onto the room's computer using a USB beforehand.

 Come an hour early to the examination room

3. Content Guidelines:

 Avoid irrelevant visuals and graphics.

 No videos; multimedia usage is mandatory.

 Demonstrate if required on Saturdays for feedback.

 Choose topics you have command over.

 Make color-coded cue cards (mandatory).

4. Presentation Style:

 Avoid animations.

 Use different transitional words, not "firstly, secondly, thirdly."

 Focus on real-time pictures.

 Keep 5-minute presentations to a specific number of slides.

5. Delivery Tips:

 Limit the introduction to one minute.

 Emphasize on body paragraphs.

 Conclude effectively.

 Don't look at slides during the presentation.

 Start with a story or quotation; avoid making jokes.

 Avoid hiding behind the podium

 Have a good posture while speaking

6. Additional Points:

 Add references at the end.

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Score

Exemplary Proficient Marginal Unacceptable

Content An abundance of Sufficient information There is a great Thesis is not clear; 3

material clearly that relates to thesis; deal of information included
related to thesis; many good points information that that does not support
points are clearly made but there is an is not clearly thesis in any way
made and all evidence uneven balance and connected to the
supports thesis little variation thesis

Clear main points

Clear indication of Some indication of

ending ending Abrupt ending without
Summary of main Mention of main suggested but
points points not clear

Catchy concluding Concluding statement Lacking closure

statement suggesting closure

delivered with closure

Organization Presentation is clear, Presentation is Listener can Logic of arguments is 2

logical and organized. generally clear and follow not made clear.
Listener can follow well organized. A few presentation Listeners are
line of reasoning. minor points may be with effort. confused.
confusing Some arguments
Statement that related
are not clear.
the topic to the
audience directly.
Preview of main haphazard.

Fluency & Thesis is clearly stated Most information Concept and Presentation is choppy 1
Coherence and developed; presented in logical ideas are loosely and disjointed; does
specific examples are sequence; generally connected; lacks not flow; development
appropriate and very well organized clear transitions; of thesis is vague; no
clearly developed ; but better transitions flow and apparent logical order
conclusion is clear; from idea to idea and organization are of presentation
shows control; flows medium to medium choppy
together well; good needed
transitions Unable to use
Uses connectives to
connectives effectively
Effective use of some good effect
connective issue in the Has some idea of No clear transitions
body: connectives but
use is somewhat

-Internal previews and

Lexical Uses vocabulary with Uses vocabulary Manages to talk Is able to talk about 2
Resource full flexibility and resource flexibly to about familiar familiar topics but can
precision in all topics; discuss a variety of and unfamiliar only convey basic
uses idiomatic topics; uses some less topics but uses meaning on unfamiliar
language naturally and common and idiomatic vocabulary with topics and makes
accurately vocabulary and shows limited frequent errors in word
some awareness of flexibility; choice; rarely attempts
style and collocation attempts to use paraphrase
with some paraphrase but
inappropriate choices; with mixed
uses paraphrase success

Grammatical Sentences are For the most part, Listeners can Listeners are so 1.5
Range & complete and sentences are complete follow the distracted by the
Accuracy grammatical, and they and grammatical, and presentation, but presenter’s apparent
flow together easily. they flow together some difficulty with
Words are chosen for easily. With a few grammatical grammar and
their precise meaning. exceptions, words are errors and use of appropriate vocabulary
chosen for their slang are that they cannot focus
precise meaning. evident. Some on the ideas presented.
sentences are
incomplete /
halting, and/or
vocabulary is
limited or

Style Level of presentation Level of presentation Aspects of Presentation 1.5

is appropriate for the is generally presentation are consistently is too
audience. Presentation appropriate. Pacing is too elementary elementary or too
is a planned sometimes too fast or or too sophisticated for the
conversation, paced slow. The presenter sophisticated for audience. Information
for audience seems slightly audience. is read to audience.
understanding. It is uncomfortable at Presenter seems Presenter is obviously
NOT a reading of a times, and the uncomfortable anxious and cannot be
paper. Speaker is audience occasionally and can be heard heard.
clearly comfortable in has trouble hearing only if listener is
front of the group and him/her. very attentive.
can be heard by all. Much of the
information is
Communication aids Communication aids Communication No communication
enhance the contribute to the aids are poorly aids are used, or they
presentation. They are quality of the prepared or used are so poorly prepared
Use of prepared in a presentation. inappropriately. that they detract from
Communicatio professional manner. the presentation.
 Font size is  Font is too
n Aids (e.g.
 Font on visuals is appropriate for small to be
Transparencies large enough to be reading. easily seen.
, slides, seen by all.  Appropriate  Too much
posters,  Information is information is information 1
handouts, organized to included is included
computer maximize  Some material is  Unimportant
generated audience not supported by material is
materials) understanding. visual aids highlighted.
 Details are Listeners
minimized so that may be
main points stand confused

 Personal Personal appearance is For the most part, Personal Personal appearance is 1
Appearan completely appropriate personal appearance is appearance is inappropriate for the
ce for the occasion and appropriate for the somewhat occasion and the
the audience. occasion and the inappropriate for audience.
audience. the occasion and
the audience.

 Body Body language reflects Body language reflects Body language Body language reveals 1
Language confidence and ease comfort when reflects some a reluctance to interact
when interacting with interacting with discomfort when with audience.
audience. audience. interacting with

 Eye Holds attention of Constitutes use of Displays No eye contact with 1

Contact entire audience with direct eye contact with minimal eye audience, as entire
the use of direct eye audience, but still contact with report is read from
contact, seldom returns to notes. audience, while notes.
looking at notes. reading mostly
from the notes.

 Delivery Presenter speaks Presenter speaks Presenter’s voice Presenter mumbles 2

clearly and loud clearly and loud is relatively and speaks too quietly
enough for all in enough to be heard by clear, but too low to be heard by many in
audience to hear. most in audience. to be heard by audience.
those in the back
of the room.

Pronunciation  Is easy to  Can be Produces some Speech is often in 2

understand understood acceptable intelligible.
throughout, with throughout, features of
first language though English
accent having mispronunciation pronunciation
minimal effect on may occasionally but overall
intelligibility cause momentary control is limited
 Uses a wide range strain for the
and there can be
of phonological listener.
severe strain for
features to convey
meaning the listener.
Time Within one minute of Within two minutes of Within three Too long or too short;
allotted time +/- allotted time +/- minutes of five or more minutes
allotted time +/- above or below the 1
allotted time

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