Ilusorio V Bildner
Ilusorio V Bildner
Ilusorio V Bildner
This case stemmed from a petition for habeas corpus filed by Erlinda K.
Ilusorio before the Court of Appeals to have custody of her husband
Potenciano Ilusorio in consortium. The petition was dismissed by the
appellate court for lack of unlawful restraint or detention of the subject. The
appellate court, however, gave visitation rights to Erlinda K. Ilusorio. The
dismissal of the petition for habeas corpus was affirmed by the Supreme
Court. However, the appellate court's ruling giving visitation rights to Erlinda
K. Ilusorio was nullified by the Court. CcAESI
PARDO, J, : p
Thus, on October 11, 1999, Erlinda K. Ilusorio filed with the Supreme
Court an appeal via certiorari pursuing her desire to have custody of her
husband Potenciano Ilusorio. 2 This case was consolidated with another case
3 filed by Potenciano Ilusorio and his children, Erlinda I. Bildner and Sylvia K.
Ilusorio appealing from the order giving visitation rights to his wife, asserting
that he never refused to see her.
On May 12, 2000, we dismissed the petition for habeas corpus 4 for
lack of merit, and granted the petition 5 to nullify the Court of Appeals' ruling
6 giving visitation rights to Erlinda K. Ilusorio. 7
The fact of illegal restraint has not been proved during the hearing at
the Court of Appeals on March 23, 1999. 16 Potenciano himself declared that
he was not prevented by his children from seeing anybody and that he had
no objection to seeing his wife and other children whom he loved.
Erlinda highlighted that her husband suffered from various ailments.
Thus, Potenciano Ilusorio did not have the mental capacity to decide for
himself. Hence, Erlinda argued that Potenciano be brought before the
Supreme Court so that we could determine his mental state.
We were not convinced that Potenciano Ilusorio was mentally
incapacitated to choose whether to see his wife or not. Again, this is a
question of fact that has been decided in the Court of Appeals.
As to whether the children were in fact taking control of the
corporation, these are matters that may be threshed out in a separate
proceeding, irrelevant in habeas corpus.
Third. Petitioner failed to sufficiently convince the Court why we should
not rely on the facts found by the Court of Appeals. Erlinda claimed that the
facts mentioned in the decision were erroneous and incomplete. We see no
reason why the High Court of the land need go to such length. The hornbook
doctrine states that findings of fact of the lower courts are conclusive on the
Supreme Court. 17 We emphasize, it is not for the Court to weigh evidence all
over again. 18 Although there are exceptions to the rule, 19 Erlinda failed to
show that this is an exceptional instance.
Fourth. Erlinda states that Article XII of the 1987 Constitution and
Articles 68 and 69 of the Family Code support her position that as spouses,
they (Potenciano and Erlinda) are duty bound to live together and care for
each other. We agree.
The law provides that the husband and the wife are obliged to live
together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity. 20 The sanction therefor
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is the "spontaneous, mutual affection between husband and wife and not
any legal mandate or court order" to enforce consortium. 21
Obviously, there was absence of empathy between spouses Erlinda
and Potenciano, having separated from bed and board since 1972. We
defined empathy as a shared feeling between husband and wife experienced
not only by having spontaneous sexual intimacy but a deep sense of
spiritual communion. Marital union is a two-way process.
Marriage is definitely for two loving adults who view the relationship
with "amor gignit amorem" respect, sacrifice and a continuing commitment
to togetherness, conscious of its value as a sublime social institution. 22
On June 28, 2001, Potenciano Ilusorio gave his soul to the Almighty, his
Creator and Supreme Judge. Let his soul rest in peace and his survivors
continue the much prolonged fracas ex aequo et bono.
IN VIEW WHEREOF, we DENY Erlinda's motion for reconsideration. At
any rate, the case has been rendered moot by the death of subject.
Davide, Jr., C.J., Puno, Kapunan and Ynares-Santiago, JJ., concur.
3 G. R No. 139808.
4 G. R. No. 139789.
5 G. R. No. 139808.
6 In CA-G.R. SP No. 51689, promulgated on April 5, 1999.
7 Decision, Rollo of G.R. No. 139808, pp. 290-A — 290-J.
18 Co vs. Court of Appeals, 317 Phil. 230, 238 [1995]; Gobonseng, Jr. vs. Court of
Appeals, 316 Phil. 570 [1995].
19 Romago Electric Co. vs. Court of Appeals, G. R No. 125947, June 8, 2000; Halili
vs. Court of Appeals, 287 SCRA 465 [1998]; Bautista vs. Mangaldan Rural
Bank, Inc., 230 SCRA 16 [1994].
20 Art. 68, Family Code.
21 Tsoi vs. Lao-Tsoi , 334 Phil. 294 [1997], citing Cuaderno vs. Cuaderno , 120 Phil.
1298 [1964].