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ERSA ANALOG 60 Soldering Station

The electronically tempera-

ture-controlled ANALOG 60
soldering station is the basic
model of the ERSA soldering
station series. It has the tried
and proven ERSA RESIS-
TRONIC temperature control
technology, with the ceramic
PTC heating element serving
as the temperature sensor.
The high initial power enables
fast heat-up.

The large selection of solder-

ing tips allows a broad range
of applications. The internal
heating provides high thermal
efficiency. A front-installed
socket with integrated, high-
impedance allows potential
equalization between the
soldering tip and the work-
The device is primarily used with Basic tool 60 soldering iron, ERSA RESISTRONIC control system
for smaller and medium-sized 832 and 842 soldering tip series see page 45 / 46
solder joints. The low-voltage
operated soldering iron Basic Order no. Description Rating / Voltage Heating time Temperature Weight
tool 60 has a highly flexible, range (w/o cable)
heat-resistant connecting 0ANA 60 ANALOG 60 soldering station complete 60 W / 230 V, 50 - 60 Hz / 24 V 150°C - 450°C
cable. with Basic tool 60 soldering iron 0670 CDJ - 60 W (at 350°C) approx. 60 s (280°C) 60 g
with soldering tip 0832 CD and tool holder 0A 28

ERSA ANALOG 80 Soldering Station

Experienced amateurs and
professional users, especially
in wiring harness production,
etc. have for many years appre-
ciated the unusually wide
range of applications of the
ERSA ANALOG 80 soldering
station and its predecessors.
The light and slim Basic tool
80 soldering iron with an in-
ternally heated soldering tip
has a high level of thermal
efficiency. It can even replace
commercially available uncon-
trolled soldering irons of up to
150 W output.
control system with its thermo-
couple temperature sensor
inside the soldering tip and
near the soldering track im-
mediately reacts to any heat
loss. Practically delay-free re-
heating and high temperature
constancy are ensured. with Basic tool 80 soldering iron, ERSA SENSOTRONIC control system
The soldering tip is connected 832 and 842 soldering tip series see page 45 / 46
with high impedance to the
front-installed potential equa- Order no. Description Rating / Voltage Heating time Temperature Weight
lization socket. range (w/o cable)
Basic tool 80 has a highly 0ANA 80 ANALOG 80 soldering station complete 80 W / 230 V 50 60 Hz / 24 V 150°C - 450°C
flexible, heat-resistant con- with Basic tool 80 soldering iron 0810 CDJ with 80 W (at 350°C) approx. 40 s (280°C) 50 g
necting cable. soldering tip 0832 CD and tool holder 0A 28


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