2023 Summer Question Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
2023 Summer Question Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
2023 Summer Question Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
[1 of 4] P.T.O.
22519 [2 of 4]
(c) Write a JavaScript for loop that will iterate from 1 to 15. For each iteration, it
will check if the current number is odd or even and display a message to the
Sample Output :
“1 is odd”
“2 is even”
(d) Write the use of charCodeAt() and from CharCode() method with syntax and
(a) Differentiate between push() and join() method of array object with respect to
use, syntax, return value and example.
(b) Write JavaScript code to perform following operations on string. (Use split()
Display output as
(c) Explain splice() method of array object with syntax and example.
(d) Explain how to create and read Persistent Cookies in JavaScript with example.
22519 [3 of 4]
4. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(a) Explain test() and exec() method of Regular Expression object with example.
(b) List ways of protecting your web page and describe any one of them.
(c) Explain how to create and display Rotating Banner in JavaScript with
(e) What is Status bar and how to display moving message on the status line of a
window using JavaScript ?
(a) Write HTML code to design a form that displays two textboxes for accepting
two numbers, one textbox for accepting result and two buttons as ADDITION
and SUBTRACTION. Write proper JavaScript such that when the user clicks
on any one of the button, respective operation will be performed on two
numbers and result will be displayed in result textbox.
(b) Write HTML code to design a form that displays two buttons START and
STOP. Write a JavaScript code such that when user clicks on START button,
real time digital clock will be displayed on screen. When user clicks on STOP
button, clock will stop displaying time. (Use Timer methods)
(c) Write HTML code to design a form that displays textboxes for accepting
UserID and Aadhar No. and a SUBMIT button. UserID should contain 10
alphanumeric characters and must start with Capital Letter. Aadhar No.
should contain 12 digits in the format nnnn nnnn nnnn. Write JavaScript code
to validate the UserID and Aadhar No. when the user clicks on SUBMIT
22519 [4 of 4]
6. Attempt any TWO of the following : 12
Frame 1 contains three buttons SPORT, MUSIC and DANCE that will
perform following action :
When user clicks SPORT button, sport.html webpage will appear in Frame 2.
When user clicks MUSIC button,music.html webpage will appear in Frame 3.
When user clicks DANCE button,dance.html webpage will appear in Frame 4.
(Fig. 1)
(c) Write a JavaScript to create a pull – down menu with four options [AICTE,
DTE, MSBTE, GOOGLE]. Once the user will select one of the options then
user will be redirected to that site.