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BMC Genomics BioMed Central

Research article Open Access

Comparative genomic analysis of carbon and nitrogen assimilation
mechanisms in three indigenous bioleaching bacteria: predictions
and validations
Gloria Levicán†1,4, Juan A Ugalde†2,5, Nicole Ehrenfeld1,6, Alejandro Maass2,3
and Pilar Parada*1

Address: 1Biosigma 'S.A.', Loteo Los Libertadores, Lote 106, Colina, Chile, 2Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Mathematics of the Genome, Center
for Mathematical Modeling, Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Avda Blanco Encalada 2120, 7th Floor, University of Chile, Santiago,
Chile, 3Department of Mathematical Engineering and Center for Mathematical Modeling (UMI 2807, CNRS), Faculty of Mathematical and
Physical Sciences, Avda Blanco Encalada 2120, 7th Floor, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 4Biology Department, Chemistry and Biology
Faculty, University of Santiago of Chile, Avda. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 3363, Estación Central, Santiago, Chile, 5Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0208, USA and 6Austral Biotech, Francisco Noguera 41, Piso 3, Providencia,
Santiago, Chile
Email: Gloria Levicán - [email protected]; Juan A Ugalde - [email protected]; Nicole Ehrenfeld - [email protected];
Alejandro Maass - [email protected]; Pilar Parada* - [email protected]
* Corresponding author †Equal contributors

Published: 3 December 2008 Received: 11 August 2008

Accepted: 3 December 2008
BMC Genomics 2008, 9:581 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-581
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© 2008 Levicán et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Background: Carbon and nitrogen fixation are essential pathways for autotrophic bacteria living
in extreme environments. These bacteria can use carbon dioxide directly from the air as their sole
carbon source and can use different sources of nitrogen such as ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, or even
nitrogen from the air. To have a better understanding of how these processes occur and to
determine how we can make them more efficient, a comparative genomic analysis of three
bioleaching bacteria isolated from mine sites in Chile was performed. This study demonstrated that
there are important differences in the carbon dioxide and nitrogen fixation mechanisms among
bioleaching bacteria that coexist in mining environments.
Results: In this study, we probed that both Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus
thiooxidans incorporate CO2 via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle; however, the former bacterium
has two copies of the Rubisco type I gene whereas the latter has only one copy. In contrast, we
demonstrated that Leptospirillum ferriphilum utilizes the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle for carbon
fixation. Although all the species analyzed in our study can incorporate ammonia by an ammonia
transporter, we demonstrated that Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans could also assimilate nitrate and
nitrite but only Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans could fix nitrogen directly from the air.
Conclusion: The current study utilized genomic and molecular evidence to verify carbon and
nitrogen fixation mechanisms for three bioleaching bacteria and provided an analysis of the
potential regulatory pathways and functional networks that control carbon and nitrogen fixation in
these microorganisms.

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Background gen. Ammonium, nitrate, nitrite and glutamine are the

The employment of microorganisms for metal recovery main nitrogen sources used by microorganisms in natural
from low-grade ores and mineral concentrates and sec- environments. Under low nitrogen levels, diazotrophic
ondary materials, has developed into a successful and bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen under anaerobic or
expanding area of biotechnology. In association with this microaerobic conditions through the action of the nitro-
interest, microbial communities of extreme acidophilic genase complex. Because reduction of N2 to ammonium is
prokaryotes from bioleaching environments have long an energy-demanding process and because the nitroge-
been the subject of active research; however, the compo- nase enzyme is very sensitive to oxygen, biological N2
nents and interactions within these microbial communi- reduction is a tightly regulated process [18,19].
ties' remains poorly understood. Recent acquisition of
genomic data directly from organisms living in naturally The capability of microorganisms to fix atmospheric
extreme environments [1-4] in combination with genome nitrogen plays an important role in recycling scarce nitro-
sequencing projects of individual species [5,6] provides a gen existing in nutrient-poor acidic conditions; however,
novel opportunity for prediction and exploration of the the availability of nitrogen and the energy required for its
metabolic details that control both individual microor- fixation may limit bacterial growth and adversely affect
ganisms and microorganism communities. the efficiency of bioleaching operations. The study of
nitrogen metabolism in members of microbial communi-
Acidophilic prokaryotes involved in metal recovery from ties is therefore of both fundamental and applied interest.
sulfide minerals include members of the Bacteria and In bioleaching communities N2 fixation has been pre-
Archaea domains. Three species of chemolithotrophic dicted for A. ferrooxidans [5,20-22] and members of
bacteria are mainly involved: Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, groups I [23,4] and III [24] of the Leptospirillum genus.
Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Leptospirillum sp., all of Genomic analysis of these bacteria revealed the presence
which obtain energy primarily from iron and/or sulfur of genes involved in N2 fixation (nif), ammonium trans-
oxidation. A. ferrooxidans is capable of oxidizing reduced port (amt) and genes encoding the regulatory proteins
sulfur compounds and Fe2+ ions to form sulfate and Fe3+, NtrC and NifA (specific activators of nif genes). Genes
respectively [7-10]. A. thiooxidans can only oxidize encoding the regulatory PII protein, which plays a con-
reduced sulfur compounds such as thiosulfate, tetrathion- trolling role in the nitrogen metabolism coupled to the
ate, metal sulfides and elemental sulfur to form sulfate [7- central carbon metabolism [25,26], have also been identi-
9,11]. Leptospirillum sp. is solely capable of oxidizing Fe2+ fied.
ions to form Fe3+ [12]. These autotrophic microorganisms
utilize the energy and reducing power derived from iron Although carbon and nitrogen fixation has been predicted
and/or sulfur oxidation for several metabolic processes, for A. ferrooxidans and members of the Leptospirillum
including CO2 fixation and acquisition of several sources genus, the physiology and regulation of these processes
of nitrogen. In both Acidithiobacillus species, CO2 fixation are still poorly understood. Here we report a comparative
occurs via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle [5,13,14] genomic analysis of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism
whereas Leptospirillum sp. grows autotrophically; however carried out on three sequenced bacterial genomes (A. fer-
the molecular mechanisms involved in carbon fixation rooxidans, A. thiooxidans and Leptospirillum group II) iso-
remain obscure. lated from naturally extreme environments in the north of
In acidic bioleaching environments, dissolved inorganic
carbon can reach levels below atmospheric concentra- Results and discussion
tions average. Therefore, it is not surprising that CO2 con- Molecular mechanisms involved in CO2 fixation
centrating mechanisms have been identified in CO2 fixation by the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle
autotrophic prokaryotes present in such environments CBB is composed of 13 enzymatic reactions, 12 of which
[15,16]. In A. ferrooxidans (ATCC 23270), the presence of are involved in regeneration of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate
carboxysomes has been inferred from genome annotation (RuBP) and one of which is responsible for CO2 fixation
[17], but the physiological role of this compartment and catalyzed by ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxy-
characterization of global CO2 concentrating mechanisms genase (Rubisco). The key CO2 fixation enzymes in the
in bioleaching bacteria are yet to be determined. CBB cycle are Rubisco, Phosphoribulokinase (PRK) and
Sedoheptulose 1,7-bisphosphatase (SBP) [27]. We
Nitrogen plays an important role in the ecology of micro- searched in the genomes of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans,
bial communities. Therefore, understanding the molecu- Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans and Leptospirillum ferriphilum
lar mechanisms involved in nitrogen fixation and for genes encoding these CBB enzymes (See additional file
assimilation are critical to understand how microorgan- 1: CarbAsilProts.csv for the list and sequence of these pro-
isms adapt themselves to changes in environmental nitro- teins). PRK and SBP genes were identified in the Acidithio-

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bacillus strains as single copies but not in the Leptospirillum doreductase (OGOR) and pyruvate ferredoxin oxidore-
strain. We identified canonical forms of Rubisco encoded ductase (POR) [34,35]. The presence of such enzymes
in the genomes of both Acidithiobacillus species inspected. activities in autotrophically grown bacteria and archaea is
In A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, two gene copies encoding considered indicative of RTCA function. Inspection of the
Rubisco form I (cbbSL1 and cbbSL2) and one copy encod- Leptospirillum DSM 17947 genome showed the presence of
ing Rubisco form II (cbbM) were identified, as described genes coding for all enzymes of the RTCA cycle, including
previously [28], whereas in A. thiooxidans DSM 17318, the four key enzymes (See additional file 1: CarbAsil-
Rubisco forms I and II were each encoded by one gene. Prots.csv for the list and sequence of these proteins). All
The presence of multiple sets of genes for Rubisco is well RTCA cycle enzymes and reactions are depicted in the
documented in the literature. For example, in Hydrogen- metabolic scheme presented in Figure 1. The citric acid
ovibrio marinus it has been proposed that the expression of cycle moving in the forward direction, in an oxidative
three Rubisco genes (two of form I and one of form II) is fashion, according to our genomic search, is unlikely,
dependent on the environmental CO2 concentration and because genes encoding for 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase
that there is an interactive regulation among these genes were undetected. CO2 fixation mechanisms other than the
[29]. It is interesting to note that both Acidithiobacillus Calvin Cycle and RTCA cycles include the 3-hydroxypro-
strains examined in this study contain a cbbR gene pionate and the reductive acetyl-CoA cycles [35]. No evi-
upstream of the cbbSL1 and cbbM genes. CbbR is a positive dence of genes coding for the key enzymes of these two
regulator of cbb operon that coordinates the expression of pathways for carbon fixation was found in L. ferriphilum
three Rubisco genes [29-31]. It is likely that the presence DSM 17947.
of multiple forms and gene copies of Rubisco and a con-
trolled Rubisco expression system allow these bacteria to These findings represent the first evidence of the reductive
rapidly respond to environmental changes in the CO2/O2 tricarboxylic acid cycle as being the autotrophic CO2 fixa-
concentrations. tion mechanism in a member of Leptospirillum genus.

In the Leptospirillum DSM17947 strain only the non- Genetic characterization of L. ferriphilum genes encoding
canonical Rubisco-like protein (RLP) was identified, enzymes of the RTCA cycle
which is similar to Rubisco form IV of the photosynthetic In the L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 genome, we detected two
thermophilic purple sulfur bacteria Chromatium tepidum gene clusters, named as cluster 1 and cluster 2, encoding
[32]. RLP has not been demonstrated to catalyze CO2 fix- seven of the ten enzymes involved in the RTCA cycle (Fig-
ation and therefore the enzyme may not take part in the ure 1), including the four key enzymes. The genes encod-
CBB cycle [33]. ing malate dehydrogenase, fumarate hydratase and
isocitrate dehydrogenase (Figure 1, reactions 1, 2, and 6)
The genomic analysis performed on these three genomes were also detected, but in a different genomic locus. In
suggested that the two γ-proteobacteria strains from the order to characterize the genetic organization of clusters 1
Acidithiobacillus genus (strains DSM 16786 and DSM and 2, we examined co-transcription of these neighbor
17318) can fix CO2 via the CBB cycle. This is based on the genes using a RT-PCR approach. Amplification products
identification of all 13 genes encoding enzymes required of the predicted size from each inter-operon region from
for this cycle; however, distinct forms and copy numbers both clusters were observed, verifying co-transcription of
of the Rubisco genes were identified. We did not identify the four proposed operons. These results suggest that the
genes encoding the key CO2 fixation enzymes of the CBB genes contained within clusters 1 and 2 are organized into
cycle in Leptospirillum DSM 17947. two transcriptional units (Figure 2). Genomic sequences
of both clusters were inspected looking for theoretical Rho
CO2 fixation by the RTCA cycle independent transcriptional terminators in the inter-
The absence of genes encoding for canonical enzymes of operon regions, but in any of the 4 operons an evident ter-
the Calvin cycle in Leptospirillum DSM 17947 suggested minator was found. Nevertheless the inter-operon regions
the existence of an alternative mechanism for CO2 fixa- in both cases is big enough for not to suspect a cotran-
tion. The reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle (RTCA), which scriptions of genes as it is probed by RT-PCR results (474
is essentially the TCA cycle running in reverse direction, nts between ccs and ccl operons and 207 nts. between for
also leads to the fixation of two molecules of CO2 and to and por operons. It is important to notice that our method
the production of one molecule of acetyl-CoA. The acetyl- identified three open reading frames by blast search,
CoA formed is then reduced by carboxylation to pyruvate, encoding the conserved hypothetical proteins orf1, orf2
from which all other central metabolites can be formed. and orf3, co-transcribed with the known putative RTCA
The four key enzymes that make possible the reversal TCA cycle genes on these two clusters. Additionally, bioinfor-
cycle and pyruvate formation are ATP citrate lyase (ACL), matic studies showed that each of these open reading
fumarate reductase (FDR), 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxi- frames contained a putative ribosome binding sequence,

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CO2 Fdx red



1 7


Fumarate CO2

CO2 6
Succinate NAD(P)H

5* CoA

Fdx red

Schematic1 diagram of the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle of L. ferriphilum DSM 17947
Schematic diagram of the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle of L. ferriphilum DSM 17947. Catalytic enzymes are
indicated by numbers: 1, malate dehydrogenase (EC; 2, fumarate hydratase (EC; 3, fumarate reductase (EC; 4, succinyl-CoA synthetase (EC; 5, 2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (EC; 6, isocitrate dehy-
drogenase (EC; 7, aconitase hydratase 1 (EC; 8, citryl-CoA synthetase (EC; 9, citryl-CoA lyase (EC; 10, pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (EC Key enzymes are indicated by asterisks. Fdxred, reduced ferre-

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Cluster 1
ccs operon ccl operon

A ccsA ccsB acnA ccl orf1 frdB frdA sucC sucD trx

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18

B RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - +

485 702 539 551 493 397 487 476 293

Cluster 2
for operon por operon

A forA forB forG forE orf2 orf3 porA porB porG porE porD

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 28 30 31 33 32 35 34 36

19-20 21-22 23-24 25-26 27-28 29-30 31-32 33-34 35-36

B RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - + RT - +

511 711 525 329 538 1576 880 414 653

Figure 2 tricarboxylic
reductive and genetic organization
acid (RTCA)ofcycle
the L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 genes in cluster 1 and cluster 2 predicted to be involved in
Structure and genetic organization of the L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 genes in cluster 1 and cluster 2 predicted
to be involved in reductive tricarboxylic acid (RTCA) cycle. A. Schematic map of the RTCA locus. Genes located in
Cluster 1: ccsA (citryl-CoA synthetase, subunit A), ccsB (citryl-CoA synthetase, subunit B), acnA (Aconitase A), ccl (citryl-CoA
lyase), orf1, frdA (fumarate reductase, subunit A), fdrB (fumarate reductase, subunit B), sucC (succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta sub-
unit), sucD (succinyl-CoA synthetase, alpha subunit) and trx (thioredoxin). Genes located in Cluster 2: forA (2-oxoglutarate
ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit), forB (2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, beta subunit), forG (2-oxoglutarate
ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit), forE (2-oxoglutarate ferredoxin, epsilon subunit), orf2 (hypothetical protein), orf3
(hypothetical protein), porA (pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, alpha subunit), porB (pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase,
beta subunit), porG (pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, gamma subunit), porE (pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, epsilon
subunit), porD (pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase, delta subunit). B. RT-PCR amplification (RT) of intergenic. -, RT-PCR
amplification control without reverse transcriptase; +, standard PCR amplification control. Primer pairs used for amplification
are indicated at the top of each panel and amplification product sizes are indicated at the bottom of each panel.

suggesting that they are translated as independent Two examples of these differences are demonstrated by
polypeptides. conversion reactions of citrate, which form acetyl-CoA
plus oxaloacetate and carboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate
Bioinformatic analysis of the L. ferriphilum RTCA cycle which forms isocitrate. Both conversions can be catalyzed
predicted proteins in only one reaction as its described for most bacteria, or
The RTCA cycle operates in phylogenetically diverse in two reactions as has been described for Hydrogenobacter
autotrophic bacteria and archaea [36-41]. Due to this high thermophilus [42]. To elucidate the nature of the RTCA
diversity, it is not surprising to find some differences cycle enzymatic reactions for L. ferriphilum DSM 17947,
among these organisms with respect to the catalytic mech- we analyzed the deduced amino acid sequences of the pre-
anisms and enzymes involved in each step of the cycle. dicted proteins using a bioinformatics approach.

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The first key enzyme of the RTCA pathway is fumarate forD2) were identified in a different genomic loci which is
reductase (Figure 1, reaction 3), which catalyzes the reduc- strikingly different from other models described and will
tion of fumarate to succinate using ubiquinol as an elec- therefore require further analysis to confirm the nature of
tron donor. This enzyme is a transmembrane protein this putative δ subunit and its possible role in the enzy-
comprised of two domains; the soluble N-terminal matic activity of the OGOR complex. The deduced amino
domain (subunit A) which is exposed to the cytoplasm acid sequences of these six OGOR subunits showed high
and contains a covalently linked FAD, and the membrane- overall similarity (66–80%) to the corresponding OGOR
bound C-terminal domain (subunit B) which contains subunits of H. thermophilus and also to the conserved pro-
three iron-sulfur centers. Based on amino acid compari- tein motifs common to 2-oxoacid acceptor oxidoreduct-
sons of these core subunits and on comparison of the ases in the Prosite database (α: PF01855, β: PF02775, γ:
metal centers and membrane anchors, fumarate reductase PF01558, ε: PF00037, δ1 and δ2: PF02552). No evidence
has been subdivided into five classes, types A-E [43]. The of korAB genes encoding a two-subunit OGOR was found.
type E group is comprised of those enzymes that lack a
canonical membrane-anchoring domain but contain In prokaryotes, isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH) (Figure
amphipathic subunits that ensure interaction with the 1, reaction 6) is mainly an oligomeric enzyme that cata-
membrane. Although we searched the complete genome lyzes the reversible conversion of isocitrate to 2-oxogluta-
of L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 for specific sequences to each rate. ICDH has been mainly studied as a catabolic enzyme
class of fumarate reductase [43], only the frdA and frdB of TCA cycle; nonetheless, in some CO2-fixing organisms
genes were detected, which encode the flavoprotein and that utilize the RTCA cycle, special properties of the ICDH
iron-sulfur protein subunits respectively, and were located enzyme have become evident [42]. For illustration, ICDH
in tandem in the ccl operon (Figure 2). We did not detect from Clorobium limicola [45] is a monomeric enzyme that
orthologs for any of the known membrane anchoring sub- works more favorably fixing CO2 in anabolic way than in
units. The FdrA and FdrB candidate proteins showed over- catabolic decarboxylating way, contrary to that for the
all similarity to the corresponding subunits of Geobacter ICDH enzyme from E. coli. In addition, a novel mecha-
metallireducens (70% and 59%, respectively). In addition, nism for efficient conversion of 2-oxoglutarate to isoci-
FdrA has a high similarity to the SdhA subunit of succinate trate has been recently described for ICDH from H.
dehydrogenase from the cyanobacteria Synecchocystis sp., thermophilus [46] and involves two distinct and consecu-
which resembles type E enzymes that contain a non- tive reactions catalyzed by 2-oxoglutarate carboxylase
canonical amphipathic subunit structure [43]. Taken (OGC) and oxalosuccinate reductase (OSR). In L. fer-
together, these data suggest that the fumarate reductase riphilum DSM 17947, we identified isocitrate dehydroge-
from L. ferriphilum is a new member of the fumarate nase genes similar to those from E. coli. This suggests that
reductase type E family [43]. In addition, using bioinfor- L. ferriphilum does not utilize ICDH for anabolic CO2 fix-
matics procedures, the polypeptide encoded by orf1 ation, as described for C. limicola or H. thermophilus.
located upstream of frdA and frdB was predicted to con- Experimental methods will be required to determine
tain four putative amphipathic helices and to be targeted whether the ICDH from L. ferriphilum functions in a man-
towards the inner membrane of the cell. We therefore ner similar to that from E. coli or whether this enzyme cat-
believe that orf1 is a candidate gene for the anchor subunit alyzes the reductive carboxylation of 2-oxoglutarate in a
of fumarate reductase. Further research will be required to novel manner.
evaluate the subunit composition and the catalytic prop-
erties of the Frd enzyme from the Leptospirillum genus. An important reaction in carbon metabolism is the con-
densation of acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate to citrate via the
Another key enzyme of the RTCA pathway is 2-oxoglutar- TCA cycle. This reaction is catalyzed by citrate synthase;
ate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (OGOR) (Figure 1, reaction however, in the case of the RTCA cycle, the reverse reac-
5), which catalyzes the reductive carboxylation of succi- tion is catalyzed by ATP citrate lyase (ACL). ACL is a key
nyl-CoA to 2-oxoglutarate. In H. thermophilus, a chemo- enzyme of the RTCA cycle and is unique to organisms that
lithoautotrophic hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium that fixes utilize the RTCA cycle. ACL has also been reported in
carbon dioxide via the RTCA cycle, two different OGOR eukaryotes [47-50], where it plays an important role in
polypeptide complexes have been reported: one with two supplying acetyl-CoA for fatty acid biosynthesis. ACL
subunits (encoded by korAB) and the other with five sub- from Chlorobium [51] and fungi [52] is composed of a
units (encoded by forDABGEF) [44]. A search of the L. fer- small and a large subunit with similarity to the N- and C-
riphilum DSM 17947 genome showed five similar genes to terminal half, respectively, of the mammalian single
those in the for operon, including forABGE, which encode polypeptide ACL [53]. On the other hand, in the Aquifex
the α, β, γ, and ε subunits of OGOR (Figure 2), and two and Hydrogenobacter genera, a novel and ACL-independ-
non-identical copies of forD (encoding the δ subunit). ent citrate cleavage pathway has been described [54,55].
These latter non-identical copies of forD (forD1 and In these organisms, the ATP-dependent cleavage of citrate

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is catalyzed by the combined action of the citryl-CoA syn- tory enzyme phosphofructokinase, were also missing. The
thetase (Ccs) and citryl-CoA lyase (Ccl) enzymes (Figure absence of genes for the glycolitic enzymes pyruvate
1, reactions 8 and 9). Ccs is composed of a 46 kDa β sub- kinase (PK) and phosphofructo kinase (PFK) allowed us
unit and a 36 kDa α subunit. Ccl is a single polypeptide to predict that in L. ferriphilum, the Embden-Meyerhof-
protein of 30 kDa. Parnas (EMP) pathway also works preferentially in the
anabolic direction. Interestingly, in A. ferrooxidans and A.
Inspection of the L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 genome thiooxidans which use the CBB cycle to fix CO2, genomic
revealed the presence of ccsAB and ccl, but not aclAB, sug- analysis revealed the presence of genes for both PK and
gesting that in this bacterium, citrate cleavage occurs via PFK (PFK-2) enzymes. This suggests that in both Acidithio-
two successive reactions catalyzed by the enzymes Ccs and bacillus strains, the EMP pathway operates in both ana-
Ccl, as described for the Aquifex and Hydrogenobacter gen- bolic and catabolic directions, wherein the 3-
era and for H. thermophilus [54,55]. In addition, the pre- phosphoglyceraldehyde (PGA) formed by the CBB cycle
dicted polypeptide sequences of CcsA, CcsB and Ccl enters the EMP pathway to form glucose via anabolic reac-
displayed high amino acid similarity to the corresponding tions, or to form pyruvate via catabolic reactions. An
proteins of H. thermophilus (CcsA: 74% similarity, CcsB: incomplete TCA cycle can convert pyruvate to oxaloace-
75% similarity and Ccl: 66% similarity). tate as well as to succinyl-CoA and 2-oxoglutarate to form
metabolites related to the biosynthesis of cellular compo-
Pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) is another key nents [62]. Hypothetical models delineating the reactions
enzyme in the RTCA pathway and catalyzes the reductive associated with the glycolytic/glucogenic pathway and the
carboxylation of acetyl-CoA to pyruvate (Figure 1, reac- TCA coupled cycles in the Acidithiobacillus and Leptospiril-
tion 10). POR, like OGOR, is a member of the 2-oxoacid lum strains examined in this study are shown in Figure 3.
oxidoreductase family and both enzymes are structurally
similar, making sequence comparisons difficult; fortu- Our genomic analysis suggests that completely different
nately, the POR and OGOR enzymes of H. thermophilus regulatory mechanisms exist for microorganisms that fix
have been enzymatically characterized [56-59], and the CO2 via alternative mechanisms. Specifically, the
amino acid sequences are available in the NCBI database. Acidithiobacillus and Leptospirillum strains examined in this
We identified five putative por genes (porABGED) in the L. study fix CO2 by altering the direction of the central car-
ferriphilum genome, and based upon the similarity of their bon metabolism.
deduced amino acid sequences to those from H. ther-
mophilus we assigned a putative function to these genes. Molecular mechanisms involved in CO2 concentrating
The predicted proteins PorA, PorB, PorG, PorE and PorD mechanisms
were similar (65–79%) to α, β, γ, ε and δ subunits of the Carbon concentrating mechanisms are present in many
POR enzyme from H. thermophilus and has the conserved species of chemolithoautotrophic bacteria, enabling them
pattern of 2-oxoacid: acceptor oxidoreductases (Prosite to grow in the presence of low concentrations of CO2.
database). Additionally, the POR subunit genes were clus- They mainly utilize bicarbonate transporters and CO2
tered downstream of the for operon (Figure 2). traps to generate high intracellular concentrations of dis-
solved inorganic carbon.
Pyruvate produced from the RTCA cycle is directed to glu-
coneogenesis (Figure 1) for the biosynthesis of several car- Inorganic carbon transporters that deliver intracellular
bonated intermediate molecules required by the cell. The HCO3 - represent an important carbon concentrating
anabolic conversion of pyruvate to phosphoenolpyruvate mechanism within a diverse group of microorganisms
(PEP) is typically catalyzed by phosphoenolpyruvate syn- [63]. In cyanobacteria at least five distinct enzymes for
thetase (PEPS), whereas the catabolic conversion of PEP active inorganic carbon uptake have been described,
to pyruvate is catalyzed by pyruvate kinase (PK). The com- including BCT1 (High affinity Bicarbonate Transporter 1),
bined and coordinated action of PEPS and PK allows the SbtA (Sodium bicarbonate transporter A), BicA (Low
cell to control the interconversion of pyruvate and phos- affinity Na+-dependent Bicarbonate Transporter), NDH-
phoenolpyruvate according to its metabolic requirements. 14 and NDH-13 (NAD(P)H dehydrogenase type 1)
Additionally, in several organisms including bacteria and (Reviewed in [64]). BicA is a Na+-dependent HCO3 - trans-
archaea, phosphoenolpyruvate diquinase (PPDK) has porter belonging to the widespread SulP (Sulphate Trans-
been reported for interconversion of these metabolites porter or Permease) family [65]. In the Acidithiobacillus
[60,61] A search of the L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 genome DSM 16786 and DSM 17318 strains analyzed in this
revealed a candidate gene encoding PEPS, but did not work, a putative gene for the BicA transporter was identi-
uncover any genes encoding PK or PPDK. An additional fied, whereas in L. ferriphilum putative genes for the BCT1
search for genes involved in glycolytic pathways revealed transporter (cmpABCD) were detected.
that pfkA and pfkB, genes encoding the catabolic regula-

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Proposed 3 modelsexamined
of the metabolic
in this study
direction of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) and TCA cycle pathways in the three
Proposed models of the metabolic direction of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) and TCA cycle pathways
in the three microorganisms examined in this study. A) Model representing the pathways utilized by L. ferriphilum DSM
17947. PK, pyruvate kinase (EC; PEPS, phosphoenolpyruvate syntethase (EC; PC, pyruvate carboxylase
(; PEPC, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (; POR, pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (; PDH, pyru-
vate dehydrogenase (EC; CS, citrate synthase (EC2.3.3.1).B) Model representing the pathways utilized by A. ferrooxi-
dans DSM 16786 and A. thiooxidans DSM 17318. In A. ferrooxidans, the A, B and G subunits of the Por enzyme (encoded by
porABG genes) do not have amino acid identity with those from L. ferriphilum. In addition, por genes from L. ferriphilum DSM
17947 were not detected in either A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 or A. thiooxidans DSM 17318.

The carboxysome is a polyhedral micro compartment strains are followed by the cbbQO genes, which are
located in the cytoplasm of most autotrophic bacteria and involved in posttranslational regulation of Rubisco. Car-
is surrounded by a proteinaceous monolayer that report- bonic anhydrases are classified in four main forms: α-CA,
edly contains Rubisco and carbonic anhydrase (CA) [63]. β-CA, γ-CA and ε-CA [67-69]. ε-CA has been described as
CA converts accumulated cytosolic HCO3 - into CO2 a novel form that corresponds to carboxysomal shell pro-
within the carboxysome, elevating the CO2 concentration tein CsoS3 [70]. The β-CA family is comprised of enzymes
in the vicinity of Rubisco [65]. Previous reports described from four evolutionarily distinct clades (A through D).
the A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 carboxysome as being Candidate genes for β-CA (Clade B), γ-CA and ε-CA, but
composed of at least seven peptides, all encoded by genes not for α-CA, were identified in the A. ferrooxidans DSM
located in a carboxysome operon [66]. Similarly, seven 16786 genome. This is consistent with that reported for A.
candidate genes potentially involved in carboxysome for- ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 [6]. In A. thiooxidans DSM17318,
mation were identified immediately downstream of the we only identified a single candidate gene for ε-CA,
cbbLS1 genes in both Acidithiobacillus strains examined in located in the putative carboxisome gene cluster. In L. fer-
the present report. The cbbLS2 and cbbM genes from these riphilum DSM 17947, we identified putative genes for β-

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CA (clade D) and γ-CA, but not for ε-CA (encoded by the genes in the A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 and L. ferriphilum
csoS3 gene) or for any of the carboxysome genes (cso DSM 17947 genomes, which suggests that these microor-
genes). ganisms utilize alternative mechanisms for assimilation
of nitrogen from the environment, consistent with what
Differences in CO2 concentrating mechanisms were also has been reported for members of Leptospirillum Group II
predicted from genomic analysis of the bioleaching bacte- [2,3], and A. thiooxidans [5].
ria examined herein. In both Acidithiobacillus strains,
HCO3 - transport via carboxysomes and the BicA-type pro- Nitrate and nitrite assimilation
tein was inferred. Because CO2 concentrating mechanisms In addition to atmospheric nitrogen, other possible
have been described mainly among organisms that utilize sources of nitrogen for microorganisms are nitrate and
the CBB cycle, such as cyanobacteria, comparative analysis nitrite. Different nitrate and nitrite assimilation mecha-
with microorganisms that use the RTCA cycle is not possi- nisms have been described [72], but the general require-
ble. Further analysis will be necessary to determine ments include a transporter protein for nitrate and
whether L. ferriphilum truly lacks carboxysomes or enzymes that catalyze reduction of nitrate to nitrite and
whether an analogous structure is encoded by unidenti- finally to ammonia [72,73]. In A. thiooxidans, we found a
fied genes to improve the efficiency of RTCA cycle genomic region where genes homologues to components
enzymes that fix CO2. of a nitrate and nitrite assimilation system are located
(Figure 4). The elements located in this region include
Nitrogen uptake mechanisms genes encoding a periplasmic component of a transport
To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by system (nrtA), a putative nitrate transporter (narK), the
which the microorganisms examined herein fulfill their large and small subunits of nitrite reductase (nirB and
nitrogen requirements, we searched the genomic nirD) and nitrate reductase (narB), plus a hypothetical
sequences for genes involved in the uptake of different protein conserved among several microorganisms that
nitrogen compounds (See additional file 2: NitAsil- lacks an assigned function. The nitrogen uptake and
Prots.csv for the list and sequence of proteins involved in reduction mechanisms in A. thiooxidans appear atypical
nitrogen assimilation). From this search we identified compared to that described for other microorganisms that
genes that encode for the nitrogenase complex in A. fer- assimilate nitrate or nitrite [72-74]. For example, we iden-
rooxidans DSM 16786, genes encoding proteins involved tified a gene for the periplasmic component (nrtA) of an
in the assimilation of nitrate and nitrite in A. thiooxidans ABC transport system, but no evidence of the permease
DSM 17138, and genes coding for ammonia permeases and ATPase components of this system were found. In
(amtB) in the three microorganisms. addition, next to nrtA we found narK, which encodes a
protein belonging to the major facilitator superfamily
Nitrogen fixation (MFS) involved in the uptake of nitrate and nitrite. We
In the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genome, we identified a also found genes corresponding to ferredoxin-dependent
region in which genes of the nitrogenase complex and all reductases, which participate in nitrate and nitrite reduc-
the necessary assembly proteins are located (Figure 3), tion [74], but again these genes were distinct from those
consistent with what has been reported in other strains of reported for similar nitrate and nitrite assimilation sys-
A. ferrooxidans [22]. In this region we found the nitroge- tems. Specifically, genes for both nitrate reductase (narB),
nase genes nifHDK next to several tandem genes impor- which is involved in nitrate assimilation, and for nitrite
tant for assembly of the nitrogenase MoFe cofactor (fdxD, reductase (nirBD), which is involved in dissimilatory
C1499, nifE, nifN and nifX). Interestingly, the genes draGT, nitrite reduction, were identified. However, it is possible
the products of which are associated with post-transla- that the ammonium generated by nitrite reductase may be
tional regulation of nitrogenase in α-proteobacteria assimilated in A. thiooxidans DSM 17318.
[19,71] were situated in reverse orientation to the nifHDK
operon. In contrast, we did not find any homologous

nifA draG draT nifH nifD nifK fdxD nifN nifE

Figure 4 diagram of the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genomic region containing putative nitrogen metabolism genes
Schematic diagram of the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genomic region containing putative nitrogen metabolism
genes. A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genes implicated in nitrogen fixation (nifHDK), assembly of the nitrogenase protein (fdxD-fdx-
nifN-nifE) and regulation of nitrogen assimilation (nifA, draGT) are indicated.

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We examined whether A. thiooxidans DSM17318 was Nitrogen fixation (NifA, DraTG)

capable of utilizing nitrate as the sole nitrogen source by For γ-proteobacteria, nitrogen fixation has been shown to
monitoring the growth of this strain in a shaking flask be regulated via the NifLA system [18,19,76]. The NifA
experiment under aerobic conditions. Preliminary data protein is a transcription factor that regulates the nitroge-
showed that this bacterium cannot grow using nitrate as nase operon, whereas NifL provides post-translational
nitrogen source but can grow normally in the presence of inactivation of NifA when 2-oxoglutarate levels are high,
ammonia (data not shown). Most bacteria that assimilate indicating an excess of nitrogen in the cell [77]. In the γ-
nitrate do so under aerobic conditions; in contrast, dis- proteobacteria A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, we identified a
similatory nitrate metabolism only occurs under anaero- nifA gene near the nitrogenase operon (Figure 5), but did
bic or microaerophilic conditions. Genome analysis of A. not find any nifL homologs, which suggests that the regu-
thiooxidans DSM 17138 showed that conserved genes lation of nitrogen fixation in these microorganisms is dif-
involved in nitrate and nitrite assimilation as narB and ferent from that previously described for other γ-
nirBD are present. This evidence suggests that this bacte- proteobacteria. This was supported by a NifA-based phyl-
rium has the ability to assimilate both nitrate and nitrite ogenetic analysis which grouped A. ferrooxidans DSM
from the environment (Fig. 4). Nevertheless, experimen- 16786 with members of the β-proteobacteria (Figure 6).
tal evidence under anaerobic conditions would be This suggests horizontal transfer of this nitrogen regula-
required to verify this. tion mechanism to A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, similar to
what has been proposed for other genes in this microor-
Ammonia uptake ganism [78]. In addition, the absence of the nifL gene
Ammonia transporters (Amt) have been described for appears to be extended not only to the DSM 16786 strain,
almost all organisms, including bacteria [75], and catalyze because we did not find this gene to be present neither in
the movement of ammonia across the cell membrane. We the genome sequence of the ATCC 23270 strain nor in the
identified genes encoding ammonia permeases (amtB) in recently available genome sequence of the ATCC 53993.
all three microorganisms examined in this study. How-
ever, assimilation of ammonia from the environment The lack of nifL in the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genome
appears to be the only source of nitrogen for L. ferriphilum makes it difficult to discern the manner in which oxygen
DSM 17947, consistent with that reported for Leptospiril- levels affect the regulation of nitrogen fixation in this
lum sp. Group II [2,3]. microorganism. Nitrogenase is very sensitive to oxygen
levels, and microorganisms cope with this problem via
Regulation of nitrogen assimilation strategies such as anaerobiosis, high rates of oxygen con-
The process of nitrogen uptake, particularly nitrogen fixa- sumption, and compartmentalization. In γ-proteobacte-
tion, is energetically costly, and has therefore been shown ria, the NifL protein responds to high oxygen by
to be tightly regulated [[18,19], and [25]]. To assess the inactivating the NifA protein, whereas in low oxygen con-
regulatory mechanisms for nitrogen uptake in A. ferrooxi- ditions, the NifL protein activates the NifA regulator to
dans DSM 16787, A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 and L. fer- stimulate expression of the nitrogenase genes [18,79]. It
riphilum DSM 17947, we compared the genetic has been reported that in some microorganisms such as
information from these three organisms to genomic infor- Rhizobia, which also lacks nifL, NifA directly responds to
mation from microorganisms with previously described oxygen levels via an N-terminal cysteine motif (CXXXXC)
regulatory systems, focusing in particular on the genome [18,79]. We identified a similar N-terminal cysteine motif
of A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, which we determined to be in the translated A. ferrooxidans nifA sequence, suggesting
capable of nitrogen fixation. that this microorganism circumvents the need for NifL by
utilizing NifA for direct response to oxygen levels.

nrtA narK cysG

nirB tnpA nirB nirD narB nasT

Schematic5 diagram of the A. thiooxidans DSM17318 genomic region containing putative nitrate assimilation genes
Schematic diagram of the A. thiooxidans DSM17318 genomic region containing putative nitrate assimilation
genes. The following genes are indicated: ntrA encodes the periplasmic component of the nitrate transport system; narK
encodes a nitrate/nitrite transporter; nirB encodes a nitrite reductase, which is interrupted by the transposase tnpA; nirD
encodes the nitrite reductase small subunit; narB encodes a nitrate reductase; cysG encodes an uroporphyrin-III C-methyltrans-
ferase; and nasT encodes a nitrate assimilation system regulator.

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Burkholde ria xe novora ns

P ola romona s na phtale nivorans

Burkholde ria vie tna mie ns is

Le ptothrix cholodnii

He rba s pirillum s e ropedica e

Acidithiobacillus fe rrooxida ns Gamma-proteobacteria

Bradyrhizobium s p

Rhodos pirillum rubrum

Ma gne tos pirillum gryphis wa lde ns e

Ma gnetos pirillum ma gne ticum

Me thylococcus ca ps ulatus

Ha lorhodos pira ha lophila

Azotoba cte r vine la ndii Gamma-proteobacteria

Azotoba cte r vinela ndii 2

P s e udomona s s tutze ri

de lta prote oba cte rium MLMS -1

De s ulfota le a ps ychrophila Delta-proteobacteria

Des ulfococcus ole ovora ns

P ros thecochloris a e s tua rii

Chlorobium pha e oba cte roide s

Chlorobium limicola

P ros the cochloris vibrioformis


Figure 6
Phylogenetic tree based on NifA protein sequences
Phylogenetic tree based on NifA protein sequences. The tree was inferred using the Neighbor-Joining method, with
1000 replicates. Only those branches that appear in more than 50% of the boostrap replicates are considered. Evolutionary
distances were computed using the JTT matrix. Analysis was conducted using the software MEGA4 [110].

In the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 genome, we also identi- genomes, we searched these genomes for nitrogenase reg-
fied genes encoding dinitrogenase reductase-activating ulatory elements. In L. ferriphilum DSM 17947, we identi-
glycohydrolase (DraG) and dinitrogenase reductase ADP- fied a candidate nifA homolog, annotated as a NifA-like
ribosyltransferase (DraT) proteins near the nitrogenase transcriptional regulator, but the gene was located in a
operon (Figure 5). These gene products are involved in region containing genes involved in the synthesis of flag-
post-translational regulation of the nitrogenase complex ella. This NifA candidate has an 82% identity with the
in α-proteobacteria [18,80]. Under high nitrogen condi- NifA transcriptional regulator from Leptospirillum sp.
tions, DraT inactivates nitrogenase via ADP-ribosylation Group II. In Leptospirillum sp. Group II, nifA is also located
[80]. Under low nitrogen conditions, DraG catalyzes in a region containing genes involved in the synthesis of
removal of the ADP-ribose from nitrogenase to activate flagella. It is possible that in L. ferriphilum, this NifA-like
the enzyme [80]. Only recently, the presence of these protein regulates the synthesis and/or the assembly of
genes was described in the ATCC23270 strain of A. fer- flagella, but this needs to be explored further. Of note, the
rooxidans [5], making this microorganism the first NifA gene in L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 is distinct from
reported γ-proteobacteria to be carrying such genes, again that in L. ferrooxidans, an organism previously shown to
suggesting lateral transfer from other microorganisms. participate in nitrogen fixation in the Tinto River
[23,112], and from that in L. ferrodiazotrophum, an organ-
Although nitrogenase genes were not identified in the A. ism previously connected to nitrogen fixation in the acid
thiooxidans DSM 17318 and L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 mine drainage [24].

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The NtrB/NtrC two-component system enzymes and transcription factors according to the
Another important regulatory system in the assimilation requirements of the cell [18,19,26,81,82,85].
of nitrogen compounds is the NtrB/NtrC (Part of the
nitrogen regulation system Ntr) two-component system We identified several members of the PII proteins family
[18,19]. This system is involved in bacterial response to (See additional file 2: NitAsilProts.csv for the list of pro-
different nitrogen sources, such as molecular nitrogen, teins) within the genomes of the three microorganisms
ammonia, or nitrate, and is present in great number of examined in this study: A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 had
microorganisms [18]. The NtrB protein is a kinase, which four PII family member genes, whereas A. thiooxidans
activates NtrC via phosphorylation under low nitrogen DSM 17318 and L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 only had two.
conditions. NtrC is a transcription factor that not only reg- This difference may reflect the finding that only A. ferrooxi-
ulates the glnA gene, which encodes the glutamine syn- dans DSM 16786 is capable of nitrogen fixation, thus
thetase enzyme required for metabolic incorporation of requiring a tighter control over the process involved in
ammonia, and the glnK-amtB operon, which encodes a PII nitrogen assimilation (nitrogen fixation and ammonia
regulatory protein and an ammonia permease protein, uptake). In Figure 7 we propose a model depicting the reg-
but also regulates its own operon (ntrBC). Positive regula- ulation of nitrogen assimilation in A. ferrooxidans DSM
tion of ntrBC is triggered in response to low intracellular 16786. In this organism, the PII proteins are germane to
levels of glutamine via the PII sensory system [18,81,82]. regulation of nitrogen levels in the cell, the key effectors
We identified genes encoding proteins of the NtrB/NtrC being glutamine and 2-oxoglutarate. Under low nitrogen
two-component system in the A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 conditions, PII protein is uridylylated by GlnD (uridylyl
and A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 genomes. In contrast, we transferase), which is active when glutamine levels are low
identified genes from the NtrY/NtrX two-component [81,82]. Uridylylated PII interacts with DraG protein to
nitrogen assimilation system in the L. ferriphilum DSM remove the ADP-ribose from nitrogenase, rendering this
17947 genome. NtrX is a transcriptional regulator similar enzyme active for nitrogen fixation. Uridylylated PII also
to members of the Fis family (53% identity with a protein interacts with the NifA regulatory protein to activate NifA
from Geobacter uraniireducens) whereas NtrY is a mem- and stimulate the transcription of its target genes (e.g., the
brane-bound sensor kinase protein. The NtrY/NtrX system nitrogenase operon and the elements required for its
has been described in Azorhizobium caulinodans and Azos- assembly). In addition, when nitrogen levels are low, the
pirillum brasilense (both diazotrophs), and in A. brasilense, intracellular levels of 2-oxoglutarate are high [81,82],
where it was shown to participate in the regulation of which inactivates the action of the non-uridylylated PII
nitrogen assimilation via detection of ammonia [83]. This protein, resulting not only in the removal of AMP from
suggests that in L. ferriphilum DSM 17947, NtrY detects glutamine synthetase (GlnA) to stimulate glutamine syn-
ammonia levels and regulates the transcription factor thesis from ammonia but also in stimulation of NtrC
NtrX accordingly. phosphorylation by NtrB to induce the transcription of
several targets including the amtB-glnK operon, which
Because amtB is present in all three organisms examined contains an ammonia permease and a PII protein, and the
in this study, this suggests a common mechanism for reg- ntrBC operon itself [18,19]. Under low nitrogen condi-
ulation of ammonia uptake [18,84]. In A. ferrooxidans tions, AmtB permease participates in the uptake of ammo-
DSM 16786 and A. thiooxidans DSM 17318, ammonia lev- nia, which is transformed into glutamine by glutamine
els are detected in response to glutamine concentrations synthetase (GlnA). Under high nitrogen conditions,
and uptake is controlled by the NtrB/NtrC system. In L. glutamine stimulates GlnD, which removes the uridylyl
ferriphilum DSM 17947, ammonia levels are directly moiety from the PII protein [81,82]. This protein stimu-
detected by NtrY and uptake is controlled by the NtrY/ lates DraT, which inactivates nitrogenase by ADP-ribo-
NtrX system. Nonetheless, both systems likely control sylation. Also, the non-uridylylated PII protein sequesters
similar target genes. DraG to the membrane and binds to AmtB permease,
blocking the uptake of ammonia into the cell [18,80]. In
PII protein family addition, because 2-oxoglutarate levels are low, the non-
The PII family of signal transduction proteins are found in uridylylyated PII protein stimulates NtrB dephosporyla-
eukarya, bacteria and archaea [81,82]. These proteins tion of NtrC to prevent activation of NtrC target genes.
comprise one of the central mechanisms for controlling Non-uridylylyated PII also stimulates GlnE, which inacti-
the metabolism of nitrogen and carbon in the cell [26,85] vates glutamine synthetase by AMP-ribosylation [18,19].
via detection of intracellular levels of different com- We propose that A. ferrooxidans likely has four PII genes
pounds, like glutamine, ATP, and 2-oxoglutarate [18]. because both nitrogen fixation and ammonia uptake
This allows them to integrate the information from nitro- mechanisms are in operation. The PII family of proteins is
gen (glutamine, ATP) and the carbon metabolism (ATP, also central for the other two organisms examined in this
2-oxoglutarate), thus activating or inactivating several study. However, because A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 uti-

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Nitrogenase Nitrogenase
GlnA glnE GlnA


UMP 2-oxoglutarate



NifA NtrB

nifENX NtrC


Figure 7 model of nitrogen assimilation proposed for A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786

Regulatory model of nitrogen assimilation proposed for A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786. Proteins (boxes) and their
resulting functions (lines) are indicated in red for activation during low nitrogen conditions and in blue during high nitrogen
condition. In green are identified the principal effectors and nitrogen source that trigger the activation/inactivation of the
enzymes involved in the model: ammonia (NH3), molecular nitrogen (N2), glutamine and 2-oxoglutarate. In orange are repre-
sented the signal transducer proteins: GlnD (uridylyltransferase), NtrB (Nitrogen regulation protein ntrB) and GlnE (Gluta-
mate-ammonia-ligase adenylyltransferase). It is important to mention that this model considers the role of NifA in activating
target genes under low nitrogen conditions.

lizes nitrate reduction and ammonia uptake and because assimilation likely occurs under low oxygen conditions, is
L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 utilizes only ammonia uptake, tightly regulated, and involves not only detection of
only two PII genes are required to carry out nitrogen glutamine and 2-oxoglutarate levels, but also detection of
metabolism. For A. thiooxidans DSM 17138 and A. ferrooxi- oxygen levels, for expression of the appropriate genes. Fur-
dans DSM 16786; the common elements of ammonia ther exploration is needed to establish the connection
uptake are those involved in detection and regulation of between ammonia uptake and nitrate assimilation in A.
ammonia levels. Similar to nitrogen fixation, nitrate thiooxidans.

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An unexplored issue for nitrogen fixation in A. ferrooxidans ings are conserved in microorganisms from the same spe-
is the oxygen sensitivity of the nitrogenase enzyme. A. fer- cie.
rooxidans typically uses oxygen as its terminal electron
acceptor during nitrogen fixation, although it reportedly Based on our genomic analysis, an ecological role for each
grows under anaerobic conditions using a ferric ion as the of these three microorganisms within a bioleaching com-
terminal electron acceptor [86]. We have recent evidence munity can be proposed. In this type of environment,
that this nitrogenase enzyme is functioning under aerobic energy is not the limiting factor for the development of
conditions on some substrates (data not shown). We the microbial community, as sulfur or iron minerals are
believe that in A. ferrooxidans, inactivation of nitrogenase abundant and can be used as electron donors. Therefore,
may be prevented by two parallel mechanisms: increased carbon and/or nitrogen are likely the most limiting ele-
activity of the terminal cytochrome oxidase bd protein ments for the development of the microbial biomass.
may impart respiratory nitrogenase protection [87] and a Given this limitation, A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, or other
ferrodoxin "FeSII"-like protein may provide conforma- nitrogen fixing microorganism, may act as the primary
tional protection of nitrogenase. Both protective mecha- supplier of nitrogen (either in the form of nitrate or
nisms have been described for Azotobacter vinelandii ammonia) and may therefore be essential for the estab-
[88,89]. A homolog of the A. vinelandii FeSII gene was lishment of a microbial community in this system.
identified two open reading frames downstream of the
nitrogenase gene nifK, and would likely be co-expressed Although each of the strains analyzed in this study is capa-
with the complete nif operon (data not shown). This puta- ble of carbon fixation, different pathways are employed to
tive ferredoxin protein may protect nitrogenase from irre- accomplish this purpose. The Calvin-Benson-Bassham
versible inactivation mediated by oxygen, as has also been cycle represents the most important extant autotrophic
described for Gluconobacter diazotrophicus [90]. More carbon fixation pathway. Despite its global significance, it
experimental data is necessary to confirm this hypothesis. is restricted to organisms with high-energy yield from a
chemotrophic or phototrophic lifestyle. Microorganisms
Although this study provides important genetic informa- present in extreme environments (e.g., high temperature,
tion regarding L. ferriphilum DSM 17947, there is insuffi- anaerobic, or acidic conditions) generally utilize different
cient information for development of a nitrogen CO2 fixation pathways [37]. Thus, the presence of the
metabolism regulatory model. For example, a possible RTCA cycle in Leptospirillum reflects the fact that these
interaction between the NtrX/NtrY system and the PII pro- microorganisms are more metabolically restricted than A.
teins has been recently explored in Rhodobacter capsulatus ferrooxidans or A. thiooxidans; Leptospirillum is the only
[91]; for L. ferriphilum DSM 17947, it is unclear which genus which strictly uses ferrous iron as an electron
nitrogenous species is detected by NtrX/NtrY. In addition, donor. Additionally, the presence of two completely dif-
other Leptospirillum species [4,24] are reportedly capable ferent CO2 fixation mechanisms in the Acidithiobacillus
of nitrogen fixation, in contrast to L. ferriphilum, making and Leptospirillum genera likely reflects the distinct growth
extrapolation from one species to another difficult. and colonization capacities of these bacteria in extreme
environmental conditions. This might also explain the
Recently it has been reported the genome sequence of dominance of the Leptospirillum genus reported in
another strain of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, which was bioleaching communities from industrial operations or
released by the Joint Genome Institute and named as A. from naturally extreme environments [93,94].
ferrooxidans ATCC 53993. This strain was previously char-
acterized as L. ferrooxidans, but now with the genome To date, a lack of mutational studies and/or knockout
available it has been reclassified as a member of the strains has prohibited analysis of CO2 and nitrogen
Acidithiobacillus genus. Comparing the genome sequence metabolisms in A. ferrooxidans, A. thiooxidans, and L. fer-
of the ATCC 53993 strain and our A. ferrooxidans DSM riphilum. However, as demonstrated here and elsewhere
16786 strain, we observed some differences related with [3,24], genomic and other global (transcriptomic and
the genome organization (manuscript in preparation), metatranscriptomic) approaches (1,4) can bypass this
but the genes and mechanisms involved in carbon and limitation to provide relevant information regarding indi-
nitrogen fixation that we are discussing in this paper, are vidual and community metabolisms.
also present in the ATCC 53993 strain. A similar situation
occurred when we compared the genome sequence of our Conclusion
L. ferriphilum strain DSM 17947, against the genome The genomic study presented here, is the first attempt to
sequence of the microorganism Leptospirillum sp. Group II describe the metabolic tactics used by a community of
UBA (92), where the same genes that we described in this three chemolitotrophic bacteria found in a Chilean bio-
work for the carbon and nitrogen assimilation, are also mining environment. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is capa-
present in this microorganism, confirming that our find- ble of oxidizing iron and sulfides as energy source,

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whereas Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans only oxidizes sulfides total sequence, while the general coverage of all the
and Leptospirillum ferriphilum only oxidizes iron. These assembled contigs is estimated to be near a 94% of the
three organisms often share the same environmental total sequence. The genome of A. thiooxidans DSM 17318
niche, but their relative abundance differs depending on was sequenced using a shotgun library of 18,0480 plas-
whether their surroundings are natural or modified by mid clones (4,000 bp each) and 11,088 fosmid clones
operations such as mining, likely because the nutrient (40,000 bp each) sequenced by Agencourt (Boston, MA),
sources in both cases are completely different. To have a with an estimated coverage of 4.5×. The final assembly
deeper insight on how microorganisms take advantage of contained 882 contigs forming 283 scaffolds; the seven
the CO2 and nitrogen resources present in their environ- biggest scaffolds covered the 75% of the sequence, while
ment we performed this comparative analysis concluding the general coverage of all the assembled contigs is esti-
the following main facts: mated to be near 92% of the total sequence. The genome
of L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 was sequenced using a shot-
A. ferrooxidans fixes CO2 by the Calvin-Benson-Bassham gun library 13,645 plasmid clones (2,000 bp each) and
(CBB) cycle, the same mechanism used by A. thiooxidans, 10,088 fosmids clones (40,000 bp each) sequenced by
but the latter has only 1 copy of Rubisco type I instead of Agencourt (Boston MA), with an estimated coverage of
the 2 copies found in A. ferrooxidans. A different and novel 5.47×. The final assembly contained 321 contigs forming
situation was discovered for Leptospirillum ferriphilum that 89 scaffolds; the five biggest scaffolds covered 87% of the
is fixing CO2 by the reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle. sequence, while the general coverage of all the assembled
contigs is estimated to be near a 94% of the total
With respect to nitrogen source assimilation we discov- sequence. For all the three genomes, base calling was per-
ered that while all the species analyzed can incorporate formed using Phred [95,96] and resulting reads were
ammonia by their ammonia transporter, Acidithiobacillus assembled using a two-stage method: contigs were formed
thiooxidans can assimilate nitrate and nitrite and only using Arachne [97], consensus sequences of each contig
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is able to fix nitrogen directly were obtained using Phrap [98]. Scaffolds were formed
from the air using the Bambus software [98] based on read mate-pair-
ing. Ambiguities were solved by comparison to the refer-
Methods ence sequences and by manual curation.
Strains and culture conditions
A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786, A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 and Genome annotation
L. ferriphilum DSM 17947 (all strains owned by BioSigma The assembled sequences of the three genomes were
SA) were grown at 30°C with shaking (200 rpm) in basal annotated using the GenDB annotation system [100].
9 K medium ((NH4)SO4: 0.4 g/L, K2HPO4: 0.4 g/L, Candidate ORFs were marked using Glimmer/Critica
MgSO4-7H2O: 0.4 g/L) adjusted to pH 1.8 with concen- [101] and annotated by homology to the COG database
trated sulfuric acid and supplemented with i) FeSO4- [102], to non-redundant proteins from NCBI and to pre-
7H20: 30 g/L, ii) S°: 1% w/v and iii) FeSO4-7H20: 15 g/L viously described proteins from the literature. Protein
plus Fe2(SO4)3: 12,4 g/L, respectively. Cell number was domains were marked using InterPro [103]. Afterwards
determined by chamber counting under microscope automatic annotation was manually cured.
(Thoma Chamber, depth 0.010 mm). Cultures were har-
vested by centrifugation at 12,000 × g for 20 min at 4°C. PCR and RT-PCR
Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) was carried out in
To evaluate the growth of A. thiooxidans DSM 17318 on order to identify co-transcribed genes of L. ferriphilum
nitrate, cells were grown in 9 K medium with or without DSM 17947. PCR reactions were carried out to character-
ammonia and supplemented with 0.5–4.0 g/L KNO3, ize the nirB gene of A. thiooxidans DSM 17318. For RT-
above described. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations were PCR, total RNA was isolated from cells in late exponential
quantified using Nitratest (Merck) according to manufac- phase using the protocol described in [104] Briefly, cell
turer's instructions. pellets were washed with a solution of 10 mM H2SO4
(pH1.2) followed by PBS buffer (pH 1.2) and suspended
Generation of Genomics Library and Sequence Analysis in Tris buffer (pH 8.0) containing EDTA, SDS, Triton X-
Sequencing of A. ferrooxidans DSM 16786 performed 100, and Tween 20 (STT buffer) [105]. The suspension
using a shotgun library of 5,568 clones (2,000 bp each) was treated with proteinase K and phenol: chloroform
sequenced by Seqwrite (Houston, TX) and a second extracted. The total RNA was precipitated using isopropa-
library of 1,433 fosmids (40,000 bp each) sequenced by nol as described in [105]. Genomic DNA for PCR amplifi-
Agencourt (Boston, MA), with an estimated coverage 2.79 cation of nirB was obtain using the same protocol in
folds. The final assembly contained 764 contigs forming [104], for total RNA extraction described previously. PCR
286 scaffolds; the biggest scaffolds covered 62% of the and RT-PCR were carried out by standard procedures and

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included various control reactions that accompanied each

experiment. The DNA sequences of the various primers Additional file 3
used for both RT-PCR and PCR and their locations on the Oligonucleotide primers used for RT-PCR amplification reactions.
genomic open reading frame context are provided (See Click here for file
additional file 3: OligoList.pdf for the list of primers 2164-9-581-S3.pdf]

Bioinformatics sequence analysis

The genomic sequences from the three microorganisms Acknowledgements
under investigation were examined. Proteins involved in This work was supported by BioSigma 'S. A.'. The authors thank the com-
known carbon fixation pathways were obtained from the pany for authorizing the submission of the manuscript for publication. Also,
KEGG database [106]. Amino acid sequences derived this work was partially supported by FONDEF D04I1257, R18, FONDAP
from genes identified as being involved in the Calvin cycle and BASAL-CMM projects.
and the RTCA cycle were used as query sequences to
The authors also thank Carolina Burgos and Valeria Espinoza for their tech-
search the translated nucleotide database from the
nical support.
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