Ordinary Kindness
Ordinary Kindness
Ordinary Kindness
Ordinary Kindness
Guided Meditation Script
Date / Time: So far today, have you brought kind awareness to your:
Thoughts? Heart? Body? None
Stealth Kindness
Although this is a practice in cultivating loving-kindness, it can also help you let go of
overthinking and concentrate the mind.
You can do this practice while walking, driving, or sitting in a space wherever other people are
This can be a part of your normal routine, or you can set aside special time for it.
Recognize that this is a person with hopes, dreams, fears, regrets, memories, and loved ones.
Offer a simple phrase of loving-kindness in your head, such as “May you live with ease today.”
Allow yourself to enjoy the practice of dropping “kindness bombs” on the other people you see.
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Ordinary Kindness
Guided Meditation Script
Stealth Kindness
If you run out of people, you can return to someone you have already visited.
When you get to where you are going or are ready to move on with your day, let the
loving-kindness phrases go.
However, don’t hesitate to return to them at any point as a reminder of your intention to be
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