Shadow City
Shadow City
Shadow City
Corporations have the real power today; they are multi-tentacled involved in the production of algae and other products of the sea. Implanted weapon (small size, up to 20 Coins cost, cannot be disarmed)
trans-national economic entities, so big that even their own managers The Tongs. Crime in Shadow City is widespread and powerful. The old One form of attack/defense gains Balanced or Deflect
don’t know their real extent. People agreeing to live in corporate arco- Chinese triads merged with the Russian mafia and the Japanese yakuza.
logies renounce a good part of their personal freedom in exchange for They are collectively called the Tongs. Three families, Won, Abernatzy Major Modifications
protected, easy lives. and Hoshiro, dominate much of the city.
Cultural Syncretism is the keyword of this era: state-issued money HKPD. The Hong Kong Police Department is the official police force +1 Dmg or one extra Atk
has disappeared, replaced by Corpcredits (CC); people speak in Netton- of Shadow City. Deeply corrupt, it has no power in corporate enclaves
+2 AR
gue, a mix of English, Chinese and a dozen other languages. The Aidoru, (where private police exist) and is often a toy in the hands of the Tongs
stars of the Sim Network, the virtual reality evolution of television, are too. The Chief of Police, William Shi, is only a pawn in the hands of Favors
the most popular public figures of the era. Cults and weird religions Mayor Benford Harato. In the Nightjack’s world, money isn’t everything. You are who you know:
appear every day trying in every way to give people an identity. 4 – Nightjacks Concepts connections, contacts and reputation can be used to acquire special
Common Life has changed in many subtle ways; natural food is a services and options during the game. They are abstracted through Favor
Cyborg. Your body is a hybrid of flesh and technology. You are stronger points. Characters start with 1 Favor Point. The GM and the players alike
luxury and people live on Kribble (algae) and vat-grown proteins. Many and faster than common people, but are you still human? (Implant)
people live a great part of their lives on-line, while their bodies stay in can propose during the game how to spend this point, but the GM has
Cop. In this lawless world, you are the one tasked with maintaining a the final call. Typically a Favor Point is worth 100 Coins (not to be spent
small cubicles, known as coffin-boxes. semblance of order. But are you really honest? (Perception)
The Ecosystem was destroyed by the side effects of biological wea- on goods).
Entertainer. Rockers, Sim stars, even geishas and streetwalkers be- Netrunning
pons, pollution and uncontrolled urbanization. Many species disappe- long to this category. You live by your striking appearance. (Charisma)
ared and other, mutated ones, appeared. Cities expanded so much that Every character can access the Net with a computer or a VR device, but
Criminal. You live outside the law. You can be a Yakuza, a Russian you need a cyberdeck to really surf the net and break into protected
they merged together, giving rise to conurbations. Despite this, large, mobster or even a simple, very enterprising fence. Whatever you are,
totally depopulated areas exist, where a new, wilder nature has returned. places. Breaking into data banks is handled with Mnd Long Tasks, of
beware: there is always a bigger fish in the pond! (Connections) variable difficulty. Reaching a certain number of Success Tokens grants
Lunar Colonies and the first inhabited artificial satellites were built Gang Member. The road is your home and the gang your family. You
thirty years ago, and they are progressively gaining independence, both specific things (access to classified data, etc…) In addition to gaining
have a specific tattoo, dress code or even special surgery to identify your Success Tokens, every failure gives Alarm Tokens. When a set number of
political and economic, creating great tension with the Earth. Apart gang membership. (Survival)
from the moon, space is largely unexplored. Alarm Tokens is reached, something happens (usually an ICE attacks).
Martial Artist. Others have implants, but you have kung fu. Keep Example: Black Moon Brothel Data Bank (-2, 2 Successes Tokens required:
Science and Technology continued to advance, especially in the your balance and nothing can stop you. Many martial artists are monks
fields of computer science, cybernetics and biotechnology. The union of First token grants access to all personal data of customers, second token
of some religious order. (Weaponcraft - Unarmed) allows stealing 100 CC of value, Alarm: 2 – protected by a Class 2 Ice (see
machine and man is now possible; for the right price you can implant in Medic. Whether on the battlefield, doing emergency surgery, or in an
your body devices of any type, from vat-grown hearts to artificial eyes. Creature Cards)).
illegal clinic implanting black technology, a patient is safe in your hands. Cyberfights. Combats in the net are handled as normal, Att and Def
Elective surgery is common and widespread. This isn’t without a cost; Well, more or less. (Healing)
massive implants cause psychological problems of all kinds. of a netrunner depend on his cyberdeck and software (see Gear), while
Ninja. You are a ghost. Trained to disappear and sneak into protected ICE has pre-defined stats. End lost represents brain damage and is real.
The Net as we know it today expanded and mutated: it is now so com- places. Sometimes you are hired to steal, other times to kill. (Stealth)
plex that it is rumored to be populated by AIs, Artificial Intelligences, Netrunner. A console cowboy, a daring scoundrel of cyberspace. No 6 – New Skills and Groups
far more powerful than man and with unknown agendas. It is usually data bank is safe from your skills. (Netrunning)
accessed using complex virtual reality systems, or, if you have a cortex The Connections Skill grants 1 Favor per adventure (2 if Advanced),
Pilot. Flying an assault helicopter at night without avionics? No pro- which cannot be hoarded and must be spent during the game.
implant, direct mental access. In the latter case you are a netrunner, a blem, if the pay is good! (Mobility)
console cowboy, who can easily enter the most protected areas of the Net Implant is a “special” Skill including training and surgically installed
Street Samurai. Call him soldier, bodyguard, muscle for hire. He is gear. For this reason, after character creation, you can spend 100 Coins
to acquire secret data. This is a risky business because the data is often the man to have on your side when things go amok. (Weaponcraft)
protected by ICE, specialized defense software which can kill your mind. to obtain 1 Exp spendable only for the Implants skill.
Technician. If it’s broken you can fix it, if it’s working, you can impro- The Minion Skill, if taken with drones, vehicles and similar, implies you
3 – Shadow City ve it. And now pass me that screwdriver, please. (Crafting) are a Wire Runner, with a cybernetic implant to remotely pilot them (up
History. Hong Kong was detached from China in 2030 as a consequen- Wire Rider. Thanks to your specialized neural link you can remotely to 100 yards x Mnd, unless you have access to a satellite). A wired vehicle
ce of the Corporative Act, becoming an independent entity, where many control vehicles, drones, even assault exoskeletons, from your couch. acts at the same time as its owner.
corporations established their seats. In the next few years China was Cool, isn’t it? (Minion) Cyberpunk is a non-magical setting, so the Power Skill isn’t normally
devastated by the biological warfare of the Chinese-Russian War, and 5 – New Rules available (but some Relics could grant it)
hordes of refugees entered Hong Kong. Massive industrialization caused Implant (F)
high levels of pollution; the sun rarely appears in Hong Kong, which is Cybernetics B: Invent a specific implant, which is the focus of the skill. Choose a
now called Shadow City. Characters in Shadow City are often fitted with special biotechnological Minor Modification (below). It costs one Equ. .
Corporations. The four biggest are: Anikama (Chinese – electronics), implants, granted by the Implant Skill. Implants affect the sanity of a A: Choose a Major or two Minor Modifications linked to the implant. It
Shogiro (Japanese – entertainment and Sim networks), Elevatrix (Lunar person, decreasing his humanity. This is represented by a new Stat: costs one Equ.
– controlling the Space Elevator, see below) and Wilford Industries Equilibrium (Equ). Str + Mnd. When Equilibrium drops to zero, the
(English – biotechnologies). character suffers from a Psychosis chosen by the GM (see 14 – Psy- B: The character has advantage in Netrunning rolls. .
A Vertical City. Old Hong Kong has a relatively small surface but chosis). In addition, whenever he rolls a double one on a Stat roll, he is A: The character has advantage in Cyberfights rolls (both Att and Def).
subject to a Surge of Madness and is controlled by the GM till the end of
Shadow City Setting Book
few people know that, somewhere on it, near the geostationary point, damage. +2 to roll to resist poison, illness and drug effects. Doubles the
GM Guide
7 – Shadow City Themes
there is an illegal enclave of refugees and bandits, living in home-made
environments built around the Elevator’s cable.
effect of natural healing.
Retractable Claws. A set of implanted claws, dealing +1 Dmg.
Blue Cherry Garden. There isn’t a more secretive place in cyberspa- Vat-Grown Muscles. +1 Dmg to melee attacks, consider Str two
Dystopia. The future is a dark grim one, with mankind slowly but ce. In this very exclusive Net subsector gather the most talented hackers points higher for Enc purposes.
inexorably nearing the end of its evolution. Nature has suffered hun- and netrunners of the matrix, and, if the rumors are right, a couple of
dreds of years of abuse and technology, despite its enthralling aspect, Relics
AIs. You don’t stumble into the Garden, you enter only if invited, and Relics in Shadow City are usually prototypes of a technology not yet
causes more problems than it solves. this happens only if you are a very special person.
Isolation. Despite living in crowded spaces, people are tremendously available on the market. Note that not every relic is positive: some are
Braincube. This is the name of a new synthetic drug recently appe- really dangerous (and should be used as plot devices). In certain cases a
alone. Life is very fast, too fast to create solid relationships. Everything aring in the city. It is very cheap and sends you into orbit, but it causes
is on sale in the future: love, emotions, fidelity. Real friends are rare and Relic could grant the Power Skill.
a severe dependency, and in certain cases, uncontrolled violence. It is Bioengineered Pet. An animal (dog, cat, parrot) modified to have
usually don’t last. Virtual reality makes this worse, with people prefer- spreading like an uncontrolled virus and unless stopped, a great blo-
ring to live in artificial ivory towers rather than face everyday life. human intelligence. It has Mnd 4, can speak and has the Learning skill.
odbath will happen sooner or later. Who is producing this shit? Cortical Bomb. A microscopic charge of explosive (or toxins), which
East vs West. Hong Kong is the place where the eastern culture meets Dao-Tian. Literally meaning “Rice Field” this is one of the first
and blends with the western one: zen, martial arts and ancient philoso- will explode/be released after a certain period of time. Death is certain
underwater arcologies built by Anikama Corporation, before they aban- unless a way to defuse it is found.
phy coexist side by side with the extreme pragmatism of western culture. doned agriculture to concentrate on computer science. An experimental
Even language is a melting pot of the two cultures. Dead Boy. The personality of a dead person, saved on the Net. It is a
project to grown algae, something went bad inside it and now it is Minion (7 Stat points, A. Netrunning) existing only in the Net. It cannot
Loyalty. In the future, trust no one: even close friends have dirty sealed, somewhere under Pontoon Town.
secrets and hidden agendas, and today’s ally can easily be tomorrow’s be improved, the copy is static.
Flesh Doll House. If you are a good-looking boy or gal and you need Psycho X. An illegal genetic drug capable of unlocking the powers of
enemy. to earn cash fast, you can lend your body to this mansion: they’ll put a
Machine vs Flesh. There is continual conflict between technology the mind, but which can drive you mad! It is a Poison (-1). Effect: Lose
particular chip in your brain, stealing away some of your time, during 1 Equ. It lasts for 12 hours. If the user survives he permanently gains the
and nature. Cybernetics allows you to be faster, stronger, more efficient, which your body will be used for... entertainment purposes. You won’t
but at the same time takes away your humanity. And in the end you’ll Power Skill (chosen by the GM).
remember anything, don’t worry, but there are rumors that sometimes Prototype Cyberdeck. This very advanced deck grants +2 to Ne-
pay the price. the Dolls are employed for shady activities. trunning rolls and +2 Att and Def during Cyberfights. If broken, rolls to
8 – parties and Adventuring Ideas Old Tube. This is the ancient network of underground tunnels used for fix it are made at -4.
Cyberpunk is a genre based on isolation, so creating a party of heroes the transport of people in the past. Now deserted, they are a dangerous
place where only the most desperate renegades go. Voices say that the 11– Psychosis
could be problematic.
Independent Specialists. The heroes are the top in their field and Son of Heaven dwells in it, an enormous Chinese dragon. Probably this The life of the near future can be very taxing, especially if you over-
they work as mercenaries. They are hired, with high fees, by the most is only a legend or maybe one of the many mutated animals dwells in the charge your body with implants of every type, progressively losing your
diverse persons and organizations, usually for highly dangerous, often darkness. humanity. While your Equilibrium is positive you are fine, more or less,
illegal missions. Loyalty is often a main issue in this type of story, both Red Flower House. A strange mix of traditional tea house and classic but when it drops to zero the GM should give you a Psychosis of some
among the party and to their employers. Changing character frequently American bar, this place is considered neutral ground by the Tongs. Run sort. At this point, things can only get worse: every successive point drop
is common in this type of game. Best suited for one-shots. by the ageless Madame Ho and her American husband Rich, a former brings you a more negative value, adding another psychosis. Below are
Freedom Fighters. The future is unfair, but the heroes are working special operations soldier, it is a good place to land a job, if you are a listed some psychosis, in increasing order of severity. If the hero mana-
to fix it, putting their lives at stake. They can be eco-terrorists, partisans, Nightjack. ges to recover Equilibrium, psychoses expire.
separatists, fighting against the great evils of the world (usually corpo- The Channels. Pontoon Town is an enormous floating conurbation, Delusion. The hero believes something is true that isn’t, with potential-
rations). Their world is apparently black and white: their enemies black a parasite on Shadow City. There are no streets, only channels, always ly harmful consequences.
and their friends white, but often the situation isn’t so clear. Scenarios shifting and changing. It can happen that the Tong or a powerful street Example: Drones are god’s envoys, corporations put enslaving drugs in
are often doomed fights against their chosen enemy, including daring gang closes or opens a passage, usually causing a war. coffee.
escapes when the situation turns ugly. Theatre Bay. Situated in the old bay of the city, before the expansion Behavioral Problems. Something is breaking inside the psyche of
Gang. Similar people group together, because in similarity they find of Pontoon Town, this area hosts the sets of the old cinema industry. the character, who develops social quirks, causing him -1 to social rolls.
strength. A gang can be made of common street criminals, be it an Abandoned and left to itself, it is the nest of several road gangs, the most Example: Speaking to himself, unclean aspect, wild gaze, “weird” sense of
ancient organization like the Yakuza or even a cult or sect of some type. important one being the Lees, surgically modified to resemble Bruce humor.
Gang members are very close among themselves, but the band’s rules are Lee, an old star of the past. Dependency. The hero needs his daily fix to operate: after a day of
often hard to follow and leaving isn’t an option. Adventures are usually Victoria Road. The perfect place to do shady business, it marks the abstinence he suffers -1 to all rolls, -2 after two days.
missions from the gang’s heads aimed at improving the gang’s power. boundary of the corporate quarter. It is full of bars, striptease clubs and Example: VR games, drugs, sex.
The Agency. Crime is widespread in the near future so police forces VR cubicles, plus a less obvious number of fences and illegal warehouses, Paranoia. The hero thinks that everybody is plotting against him. He
must be ready to fight it. The heroes are part of the HKPD or of one of all property of the Tonga. The common saying is that “if you can’t find it suffers from a Surge of Madness on any roll of doubles.
the many private security agencies. They can be investigators, forensic in Victoria Road, it doesn’t exist”. Lost. The hero’s mind is totally lost and he becomes an NPC, with se-
scientists, security. Adventures are often criminal cases to be solved, with rious problems; he can commit suicide, become a serial killer, whatever
10 – Relics and Implants the GM wants…
added problems from internal agency conflicts. While designing implants you must be careful not to duplicate Skill ef-
9 – Gazetteer of Shadow City fects. Below are some examples to be used as guidelines. If you limit the 15 – New Special Abilities
Archangel Dome. A massive grayish dome of an unknown polymer, field of usage (for example, attack with a single weapon) you can allow Container. This creature contains another one (usually the pilot). Eve-
Archangel Dome contains the whole Wilford Industries corporate buil- an extra minor Modification. ry time it is damaged and the Att roll scores a double, the pilot suffers 1
dings. Perfectly sealed and with a self-sustaining environment, it is said Basic Implants Dmg. When the Container is destroyed, the pilot suffers one die of Dmg.
it contains a natural park with several lost species, DNA-reconstructed, Cybernetic Eye. +1 Att with a specific weapon, +1 to sight-based Shell (Master). This creature is a sworn defender of his Master.
and brand new ones. It is a place of mystery and experimentation, where perception rolls. Whenever the Master is hit by a physical attack, and the Protector is
non-corporates aren’t accepted. Equilibrium Chip. A gyroscopic processor, connected to the cerebel- near enough (GM’s call) he can make an Agi (+2) roll. If successful, he
A Signal in the Night. During the last war the conflict extended into lum. It grants +2 to all acrobatic rolls and Deflect against melee attacks. becomes the new target of the attack.
unexpected fields: even animals joined the war. Japan employed implan- Killer Thumb. A prosthetic thumb, hiding a deadly monowire whip. Stun (X). This creature or weapon doesn’t cause real damage, but can
ted dolphins to crack the ICE of enemy battleships and, in the worst Subdermal Implant. Layers of ultra-thin, regenerating polymer. It incapacitate the victim. A target hit by this attack must make a Str (-X)
cases, as kamikaze bombs. Today a small pod of these beasts (if they can grants AR 5/6 roll: in the case of failure he is stunned, suffering -2 to all stats for a
still be called that) roams the ocean around Hong Kong, and on certain Advanced Implants round. If a stunned target is stunned again, he passes out for 2d minutes.
nights their radio signals can be heard… Enhanced Reflexes. A biomechanical modification to your neural Wearing armor grants +1/2/3 to the roll (for Light/Medium/Heavy)
Bee Hive. The Space Elevator is the jewel in the crown of Shadow City, system, making you more reactive and quick. +1 Att and Def, +2 Ini. Armor.
taking thousands of tons of goods and people to the Lunar Colonies, but Nanomachines. Microscopic machines, constantly repairing body
Cover Art by Dean Spencer - file background by Lord Zsezse Works.
Shadow City Gear Sheet
Gear List
Weapon Att Cost Notes
Unarmed Group
Wrist Razors Agi 6 -1 AR
Martial Arts – Defensive Agi/Str - Weaponcraft (Unarmed) required – Deflect
Martial Arts – Offensive Agi/Str - Weaponcraft (Unarmed) required – Penetrating
Blades Group
Shuriken Agi 3 Range 8
Clubs and Axes Group
Manriki-kusari/Chain Agi-1 8 2H, Entangle (-2), Unwieldy 1
Monowire Whip* Agi 12 +1 Dmg, -2 AR, Unwieldy 1
Nunchaku Agi-1 4 2H, +1 Atk
Shocker Mace Agi 8 Stun (-2) only against living beings
Firearms Group
Flashbang Grenade* Agi+1 5 Range 15, Burst 10, doesn’t inflict damage but targets must roll
on Str (-2) or suffer -4 to all rolls for 1d6 rounds
Minicannon* Agi-1 30 2H, +2 Dmg, -2 AR, Burst 5, Range 80, Enc 3
Stun Gun Agi 7 Stun (-2) only against living beings
Weapon Modifications
Heavy* - x2 -1 AR, Scale Weapon (Vehicle)
Monowire - x3 Melee Modification, +1 Dmg
Armor Def Cost Notes
Mimetic Suit Agi 30 Technologically advanced stealth suit, grants +2 to rolls to pass
Armor Modifications
Unobtrusive - x1.5 The armor looks like a normal garment (Mnd roll to spot it).
Only Light and Medium Armor
Miscellaneous Item Cost Notes
Bug 4/8 A signaling device, placed on people, vehicles, hardware. The second value
refers to a magnetic projectile bug, fired from a weapon at the target. Ran-
ge 10 miles.
Com-link 3 Very advanced phone, allows non-VR Net access
Explosive* 3/charge Att: 1/Charge, Range: Burst 5/Charge, +1 Dmg/2 Charge, requires a Mnd
(-1 per 3 Charge) to place it
Jammer 5 Makes an area in Burst 5 totally safe from electronic surveillance
Laser Sight* 8 Doubles the bonus of Aim, if the shooter is stationary. Can be fitted on
guns, pistols and bows
Magnetic Crampons 5 +2 to Agi rolls to climb any type of surface
Night Goggles 6 Allows vision in total darkness and in infrared frequencies
Remote Surveillance Kit 8 Allows hearing conversation/seeing people at 500 yards
Satellite Time 6/Hour Use of a satellite extends the control of drones, bugs, remote surveillance
kit and other remote devices to unlimited range. If a double one is rolled,
contact is lost for 1d6 rounds.
Silencer 4/7 Muffles the sound of pistols/rifles. A Mnd (-2) roll is required to hear it.
Chemicals (Potions)
Calma Patch 6 Poison (-4). The victim sleeps for 6 hours.
Derma Patch 4 Restore 3 End immediately
Hype 4 Stimulant drug: +1 Agi and Initiative for three hours, any double 1 or 2
rolled on dice causes the loss of one End.
Shadow City Gear Sheet
Miscellaneous Item Cost Notes
Hypo-jet 4 A hypodermic syringe, consider it a weapon (Agi-1), doesn’t cause damage
but injects a chemical of choice
Vehicle Cost Notes
Bike 10 A multipurpose motorbike
Car 20 A multipurpose car
Drone – Defense 15 A small combat drone
Drone – Stealth 10 A drone optimized for surveillance tasks
Hover Skate 8 A hovering skateboard used by gang members and teens. Uses the stats of
the rider, except Agi+2 and End: 3.
Vehicle Modification Cost Notes
Aquatic x2 The vehicle can move on water
Armored x2 The vehicle gains AR 4/5, but suffers -1 Agi
Fast x1.5 The vehicle receives +1 Agi
Flying x2 The vehicle can fly
Wired x1.5 The vehicle can be remotely piloted by a Wire Runner.
Services Cost Notes
Psychological Aid 20 Used between scenarios, see Cybernetics and Equilibrium
Cyberdeck Att Def Cost Notes
Cheap Mnd-1 Mnd-1 5 Netrunning -1
Professional Mnd Mnd 10
Top-notch* Mnd+1 Mnd+1 30 Netrunning +1
Cyberdeck Modifications
Advanced Security System - - x2 AR 5/6, Professional and Top Notch only
Fast Processor - - x2 +2 Initiative
Software (base/advanced)
ICE Breaker - - 3/8 +1/2 Att
Defense Routine 3/8 +1/2 Def
Fake ID - - 3/8 +1/2 Netrunning
Stealth Program - - 3/8 Opponent must make a Mnd (-2/-4) roll to detect the
user. Single use only
Cyberdecks, except top-notch ones, are compact and portable and work wirelessly.
Martial Arts – Style. You can choose a balanced style (see core rules) or a very defensive or offensive one.
Software. Given the continuous advance of technology software lasts one scenario only, then becomes obsolete
(and you must re-purchase it).
(*) This item is Restricted, meaning that it is difficult to find: it can be illegal, military issue only or very rare. A
character can buy Restricted items only with GM permission and only after spending a Favor Point.
Shadow City Adventure
-1 AR, Burst 5)..
Perfume 66 Hacking Vaxama’s Cyberspace
Difficulty: -2
Security Door. A sealed door blocks the passage. Can
be lockpicked, with Agi (-2, Stealth), opened with hacking
Effects (1 Success Token each): or made to explode (End: 7). In this last case the General
1 – What Happened Before • Security clearance to open elevator on Floor 45 Alarm triggers.
Doctor William Dee was a famous drug designer, and • Access to gains maps of Floor 45 plus position of Puppet Room. A large decorated room, with a strange
Vaxama, a minor corporation specializing in chemicals, Sensors and Battle Puppet piece of art in the middle. In truth it is a BATTLE PUP-
made billions from his work. Due to his exposure to che- • Open the Security Door and disable the Sensors PET, which activates and attacks the heroes.
micals, Dee contracted a fatal, incurable, illness and died • Disable the Battle Puppet (-2 to the roll). Artificial Garden. A lush garden, populated with
a year ago. But Vaxama didn’t want to lose their golden Tokens Effect jungle plants and flowers, and with artificial light. Danger
goose: they used a revolutionary technology and “saved” lurks within.
his personality on a data storage unit (DSU), transfor- 1 Intrusion signaled: Difficulty of the system
worsens to -3. Lab S. The sign on this door is “W. Dee”. Inside there is
ming him into a construct. William Dee, now codenamed an advanced chemistry lab, with a number of servome-
Perfume 66, became an object, without any rights, a de- 2 Attack by 2 CLASS 2 ICE. chanisms (which Dee can control). The DSU (big as two
facto slave. But he is a fully intelligent being and wants his 3 General Alarm (see below). cigarette packs) is plugged into a computer and can be
freedom. On the satellite colonies laws allow him to be re- safely removed. Near it, on the table, there is small sack,
cognized as an individual, with civil rights. He only needs General Alarm: 12 SECURITY FORCES arrive, in
three waves of four. The first wave arrives in 1d rounds which contains one nasal plug per hero and a piece of
someone to physically steal his data disk and take him to paper with “put them on” written on it. When the DSU is
the top of the Elevator, where the Elevatrix Corporation is and the others at 3 round intervals. 3 CLASS 3 ICE
activate in cyberspace (one every three rounds). unplugged, the General Alarm automatically triggers (see
eager to meet and host him. Dee has a daughter, Jennifer, box).
who can help him, but they need some shady individuals
to do the dirty job of physically stealing the DSU from D Event/Npc 4 – Escape from Vaxama Palace
Vaxama’s Skyscraper… After the theft, the heroes have a rendezvous point near a
4 Hiroki, junior corporate executive, takes the hero big window on the eastern wall of the palace, on the same
2 - Corporate Party for an important person and asks him for a recom- floor, but the alarm calls in another squad of 10 SECURI-
The heroes are hired by a mysterious woman, “Jenny,” to mendation. TY FORCES, which intercepts them in the garden. Each
sneak into Vaxama’s Skyscraper, in the corporate quarter, 5 Baron Lebowsky, an annoying old man, asks for a hero who doesn’t declare he is jumping into cover suffers
and steal a particular DSU, from lab S on floor 45. The dance. He takes a refusal very badly. an attack, then the fire system starts, releasing a strange
security is very tight, usually, but tonight there is a party 6 A staff member asks to see the character’s invitation substance, a drug made for Dee/Perfume66.
for the release of a new line of cosmetics, with all the jet (roll again: even is OK, odd there is a The soldiers fall on the ground, coughing and bleeding
set, on floor 20. problem). from the nose ((-4), Effect: 1 End lost, Time Interval: 5
The Plan consists of joining the party (the heroes recei- seconds, Duration: 5 minutes), while the party, which
ved fake invitations and must disguise themselves accor- Reaching Floor 45 can be done through the elevators,
but the floor cannot be normally reached. The heroes has nasal plugs, is immune. On reaching the rendezvous
dingly – they can only bring easily concealable weapons), point, they must destroy/open a large glass window (with
locate a person with the right security clearance and use need to find a specific person, Vice President Gao (they
know this from Jenny’s info), because he is the only one an explosive charge or with an Agi (-1, Stealth) roll).
him to gain access to Floor 45. Then, after finding the When the exit is free (we are on the 45th floor), a flying
DSU, they have a rendezvous point at a window (which present with the security clearance to reach that floor; the
elevator checks his retina so the group can kidnap him, car arrives, driven by Goto, the heroes’ friend, and the
needs to be opened) where a flying car will take them off. party leaves.
At the Party there are at least 200 persons, including take an accurate copy of his eye with a Com-link (Mnd
stars, journalists, and high level employees, plus 15 SE- (-4) roll required) or something similar. Gao is known to 5 – Framed!
CURITY FORCE MEMBERS (disguised: they wear suits have a fondness for pretty women. Alternatively a Cow-
boy can plug into the net and gain elevator access (see An hour later, Jenny meets the Nightjacks at the Red Flo-
and have only pistols). The party includes a speech from wer House, where she pays them online (100 Coins each),
the CEO, dancing and a corporate dinner. Roll a die for Hacking Vaxama’s Cyberspace).
takes the DSU and goes away. It seems the scenario is
every hero, if it is even, roll it again and play the corre-
sponding encounter below. 3 - The Secret Floor over, but it isn’t; after half an hour, the heroes start feeling
The secret floor is quite large, the heroes must cross seve- sick; they shiver and bleed from the nose. They immedia-
D Event/Npc ral rooms to reach Lab S, described below. tely lose one End (plus another per hour); it looks like the
Sensor Corridor. Covered with a thick fitted carpet, same effect of the gas they saw in the palace, only slower.
1 Jitaro Wen, curious journalist, looking for a scoop. They need a doctor, and very quickly. Spending one Favor,
2 Marabella Vanny, former model, now in decline there are several hidden infrared sensors. They can be
spotted with Night Goggles (or found and disabled with they know one with a debt, a French illegal surgeon, cal-
(she knows a lot of embarrassing gossip). led le Docteur, who lives in a palafitte in Pontoon Town.
hacking). If spotted, they can be evaded with an Agi (-2,
3 A waiter clumsily drops a drink on a character’s Athletics) roll. If they are triggered, the General Alarm The Doc is a quirky fellow, but he discovers the party is
dress/suit, creating embarrassment. triggers and two mini-cannons emerge from hidden poisoned with a neurotoxin. He gives them a shot to slow
compartments and attack (Att: 2, Def: 1, End: 5, +1 Dmg down the symptoms (recover 1 End), but it is only a pal-
liative; in 12 hours they will be dead, unless an antidote
Shadow City Adventure
can be found. in Bee Hive, Lizard, who can lead the party inside the docked it now, blocking the engines. We are falling. Gra-
Crashing In! While the heroes are discussing, the light capsule, using a secret hatch (for 30 Coins). But this isn’t vity will kill all of you in few minutes, while my DSU will
suddenly turns off and a squad of deadly CORPORATE simple, and requires a walk outside, in space, using space- survive. I am sorry Jenny, but I am much too important to
NINJA (1 per hero) storm in! They are Vaxama’s hounds, suits and magnetic boots. This requires two rolls. A Mnd be enslaved again!”
sent to kill the thieves and recover the loot. When defea- one to resist the fear (failure causes the loss of 1 Her) and Stopping the Capsule is the final part of the scenario.
ted, Jiro, their leader, can be questioned. an Agi (+2) one to avoid losing contact with the elevator’s The heroes must first reach the engine room. It is an Agi
“Fools, you were framed: whoever stole Perfume66 doesn’t cable – a failing hero must be helped by a friend (with an Long Task (3 Success Tokens), to be attempted indivi-
want to leave any loose ends! Tell me who it is and I’ll get Agi roll) or be lost, screaming, in space! dually, with a cumulative -1 per round, due to increasing
you the antidote!” On reaching the capsule, Lizard leads the party into an problems caused by acceleration (panic among people,
Jiro is bluffing, he doesn’t know about the antidote or empty sector and says: furniture flying away and so one). After succeeding at the
have any intention of giving it to the group, but he knows “The capsule stays here for another 45 minutes. You have task, the heroes reach the engine room, and then must
the content of the DSU and can be persuaded to spill the that much time to do what you need, then it will go up and make another Mnd (-2, Crafting) Long Task (2 Success
beans. you’ll be in Elevatrix Corporation hands. I won’t wait for Tokens), which can be made by the whole group, to re-
Tracking Jenny isn’t simple: probably Jenny isn’t her you for more than 40 minutes.” start the capsule stopping the free fall!
real name, but a hacker can try to follow the credit trail Note: Elevatrix SECURITY FORCE are armed with Stun
and track down an identity. This is a Mnd (-3, Netrunning 7 – Gravity! Guns and Shocker Maces, and wear no armor.
required). In case of failure or if there isn’t a Cowboy in The capsule is quite big, arranged like a ship and with
the party, the adventurers can spend 1 Favor to make security enforced by Elevatrix guards (for a total of 8 8 – The End
Jonny Cash, a Cowboy connection, do the job. Jennifer SECURITY FORCES). Once the capsule is saved, the heroes can exploit the tur-
Maleson, born Jennifer Dee (daughter of Professor Dee) The main areas are: moil onboard to reach Lizard (who waited for them even
paid for a coffee in the Elevator’s ground station one hour 1 - Panoramic Bridge. Built around the perimeter of after 45 minutes), return to Bee Hive and synthesize the
ago, which means she is leaving Earth, heading for the the capsule, to watch space. Crowded with people. antidote. Then they only have to travel back to Shadow
lunar colonies! 2 - Restaurants. There are two, both quite costly. City, but with a skilled pilot like Ganjaman and a fine
3 - Sim Cubicles. A dozen of them, to connect with the shuttle like the Marley it will be a piece of cake…
6 – Up the Elevator Sim Network.
Reaching Jenny on the elevator capsule is impossible now: 4 - Personal cabins. Divided into standard, business About the Elevator
the capsule has already taken off, but le Docteur knows a and Executive. The Elevator consists of five linked ultra-tough cables
smuggler of the Bee Hivers (see Setting), Ganjaman, who 5 - Corporate Quarters. Hosts the crew and the starting from the ground in Shadow City and reaching
has a shuttle that can intercept the capsule at a re-char- Elevatrix VIPS (see below). into space. Movement on it uses capsules (imagine
ging point, where there is a Bee Hive, for 200 Coins. By 6 - Control Bridge. The piloting center of the capsule them as necklace beads moving on a thread). Capsules
spending 1 Favor, the Bee Hivers can help the party sneak (at least two pilots are always present there). are of different sizes (they can usually host 100-500
into the capsule, but it is dangerous. Finding Jenny requires finding the passenger list and this people plus goods) and self-propelled, but need to re-
The Space Trip up the Elevator is a nightmarish one: can be done by stealing it from a steward (with guile or charge at automated charging stations placed in various
the Marley, the shuttle (use the Small Spaceship profile), is violence) or with an incursion into the data banks of the points of the Elevator. The Elevator is the property
old, battered and filled with marijuana smoke. Ganjaman capsule (see box). of a consortium, but Elevatrix Corporation holds the
is almost permanently high, but a good pilot. Jenny is lodged in a VIP suite, in the Corporate reserved majority stake.
The trip presents two events: area, and is guarded by (1 per 2 heroes + 1) SECURITY Hacking Elevator Capsule Mainframe
Automated Probes, which guard the airspace around FORCES. Reaching her isn’t simple, the party must find Difficulty: -1
the Elevator, intervene: Ganjaman has some hacked a suitable excuse to enter the off-limits area (for example Effects (1 Success Token each):
security codes, but they are obsolete. The ship is attacked they must steal one or more steward uniforms), or, in al- • Locating Jenny’s position in the capsule
by two AUTOMATED PROBES. The party can fight or ternative another Mnd (Netrunning required) allows the • Finding the air vent maps
escape (a Pursuit scene). discovery of a route through the ventilation ducts leading • Finding the shortest route to the engine room (+2 to
After the combat, there are problems aboard: the Engine to Jenny’s toilet. rolls to reach them)
is Damaged! The party must fix it to allow the shuttle to The guards try to defend Jenny, but aren’t heroes, and • Disable the Battle Puppet (-2 to the roll).
reach the Bee Hive. This is a Mnd (-1, Crafting) Long Task quickly surrender. Jenny is puzzled to see the heroes, but
(4 Tokens) to be completed in four rounds. In the case of she doesn’t know they are doomed to die. The DSU is now Tokens Effect
failure, the docking is very rough and each hero loses 2 connected to the capsule’s mainframe, so Doctor Dee/ 1 Intrusion signaled: Difficulty of the system
End. Perfume66 can directly interact with the party through worsens to -2.
The Bee Hive is a conglomeration of illegal artificial monitors and speakers. He will reveal to them the formula 2 Attack by 2 CLASS 2 ICE.
environments built inside an automated fueling station on of the antidote (the true one) in exchange for his freedom,
the elevator cable, where an outcast community dwells. and download it onto a data disk. But this is only a trick 3 Security patrol sent to inspect the ship (4
The capsule with Jenny is anchored nearby, recharging for to gain time, because Perfume66 has decided on extreme Elevatrix SECURITY FORCES arrive in 2d
the last step to the upper part of the line. measures. minutes)
Space Walk! Ganjaman knows a grumpy old woman “I am connected to the capsule’s controls, and I have un-
Vicky Determined Razor Girl Sammy Ho Sophisticated Console Cowgirl
Name Concept Name Concept
Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her
1 3 2 4 3 7 2 0 2 4 3 2 5 1
Gear Gear
Finger razors (Str/Agi+1, balanced) Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20)
Black jacket – Unobtrusive Light Armor (AR 5/6, Enc 1) Professional cyberdeck with advanced security system (Att: 4,
Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20) Def: 4, AR 5/6)
Night goggles Cowgirl dresses and dancer’s dresses
Com-link Reconstructed albino python
Derma patch 2 Coins
Skills Skills
Implant – finger razors (+1 Att unarmed) Charisma
Weaponcraft (|Unarmed) Netrunning
FAVOR Points: 1 FAVOR Points: 1
Notes Notes
Vicky worked as a flesh doll to pay for her implant. Something Sammy knows a number of people in the dancing clubs of Shadow
didn’t work out so well and she still has bad dreams of that experi- City.
Background Sammy Ho is the typical Californian girl: tanned, blonde and
Vicky is a tiny girl with the body of a gymnast. She is a mercenary absolutely gorgeous. She dresses in fake cowboy style and works
bodyguard and, occasionally, killer, but she has a soft spot for sob as an exotic dancer in the clubs of Victoria Road. But don’t be
stories. fooled; inside that blonde head hides one of the best hackers of
Shadow City
“Cutchie” Relaxed Rasta Wire Rider Wang Tong Driver with a Problem
Name Concept Name Concept
Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her
2 2 2 3 2 6 3 1 3 2 4 3 9 2
Gear Gear
Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20) Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20)
Defense drone Pilot suit – Light Armor (AR 5/6)
Advanced crafting kit (+2 to repair rolls to mechanical devices) Fast armored flying car
Assorted drugs
Skills Luck,
Crafting Mobility (cars)
FAVOR Points: 1
FAVOR Points: 1
Notes Wang has three months to live unless he finds a cure for the ret-
Cutchie has a mild dependence on synthetic, relaxing drugs. He rovirus which infected him (see Background) and he is hunted by
suffers -2 to Initiative rolls, but gains +2 to rolls against Fear. This the Tongs (this grants him his car for free).
doesn’t apply to using drones or other Wired devices.
Background Wang was a driver for the Tongs, delivering drugs and other
Cutchie is a big, muscular Jamaican man, with dreadlocks and illegal goods. He cheated them, hoping to retire by re-selling a
a cheery attitude. Almost permanently drugged, he has three precious briefcase containing advanced cloned organs. But the
women and at least a dozen small children, which forces him to briefcase was trapped, containing a retrovirus which killed the
take shady jobs to supplement the earnings from his small garage. customers and infected him.
Victorio “Vic” Solinas Reliable Heavy Weapons Specialist “Face” Egocentric Impersonator
Name Concept Name Concept
Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her
3 3 0 4 3 9 1 2 2 2 3 2 7 3
Gear Gear
Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20) Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20) with silencer
Rifle (Agi+1, +2 Dmg, -2 AR, Range 40, 2H) Monowire stiletto (Agi, +1 dmg)
3 Charges of explosive Several sets of disguises
Skills Skills
Implant – subdermal armor (AR 5/6) A. Implant – impersonation skin (+2 to rolls to impersonate some-
Weaponcraft (firearms) one other, +2 to reactions rolls or rolls to distract opponents)
FAVOR Points: 1 FAVOR Points: 1
Special Special
Vic is cold, but very loyal. Somewhere there are still survivors Face’s implant consists of an artificial skin and subcutaneous
from his battalion, who call him “Sarge” and remember him sav- manipulators which allows him to change his face with simple
ing their skins, down in the Venezuelan jungle. concentration. It includes a voice altering implant and a color
changing one. Face can also pass for a woman (but must roll on
Notes Mnd to be convincing).
Vic Solinas is a veteran of the South American Corporate Wars,
one of the few. A man of few words, he is a big, solid guy, the right Notes
one to have on your side when things go south. Face, his real name unknown, survived a terrible fire years ago.
An illegal medic saved him and did an almost total skin implant,
transforming him into an impersonator. Face is ruthless and with
very few moral obligations. He deeply fears fire.
Name Concept Name Concept
Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her
Gear Gear
Skills Skills
Notes Notes
Android AutomAted Probe bAttle PuPPet
Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her Str Agi Mnd Att Def End Her
3 3 2 3 4 9 2 1 2 0 2 2 5 0 2 3 0 3 3 8 0
Gear. Pistol (Agi+1, +1 Dmg, -1 AR, Range 20), Armored Duster – Gear. Impulse Cannon (Agi, Range 10) Gear. Katana x2 (Str/Agi, Balanced, Penetrating), Metal Body (AR: 5/6)
Unobtrusive Light Armor (AR 5/6)
Special Abilities. Entangle (-1), Scale (Vehicle) Special Abilities. Advanced Ambixterity, Weaponcraft (Blades)
Special Abilities. Advanced Athletics, Stealth, Weaponcraft (Blades,
Unarmed) Notes. This automated flying vehicle, similar to a giant spermatozoon, is used Notes. This robot is dressed in a long kimono and a kabuki theatre mask.
to patrol aerial space. It first uses EMP impulses (the Entangle) to scramble Only vaguely human, it is programmed with advanced sword-fighting skills.
Notes. An artificial man or woman, created by top-notch technology. They enemy vehicles, then attacks with cannons. Sometimes Battle Puppets are Wired and used by Wire Riders but their cost is
are highly illegal, almost indistinguishable from real persons and feared for so high that they must be considered Relics.
their superior capacities; as a safety mechanism, they have a life length coded
in their hardware: when it expires, they die. Many androids don’t know they
are machines. This one is a combat android, but several models exist.
Special Abilities. Scale (Vehicle) Special Abilities. Constrict (-1) or Pack Fighter Special Abilities. Extra Attacks (1,0), Fear (-1), Perception
Notes. A multi-purpose car, used mainly in cities. Can carry up to six people, Notes. ICE are electronic countermeasures, living programs made to detect Notes. ICE are electronic countermeasures, living programs made to detect
although that many are a little cramped. The basic model is ground only. and crush hacker incursions. Their danger level, and Stats, depend on their and crush hacker incursions. Their danger level, and Stats, depend on their
Class, so a Class 1 ICE has 1 in Str and Agi, a Class 2 has 2 and so on. Class, so a Class 3 ICE has 3 in Str and Agi, a Class 4 has 4 and so on.
Class 1-2 ICE is dangerous but fairly common. Each has one Special Ability. Class 3-4 ICE are terrible black ice: illegal killer software usually available only
to the military, powerful corporations or crime syndicates.