Lecture 2
Lecture 2
Lecture 2
In TIP3P model, the energy function treats the nonbond terms in a pairwise
additive fashion and implicitly incorporates induced polarization by
optimizing the fixed partial atomic charges to yield average polarizable
induction in the bulk phase.
Such implicit treatment of has the inability to capture the sensitive polarizable
feature of water, and thus result in unbalanced descriptions among its
microscopic and bulk properties. For example, additive water models usually
overestimate the zero-field dipole moment in order to get better performance on
bulk properties.
To overcome this limitation, polarizable water models that explicitly treat the
polarization via different techniques including induced dipoles, fluctuating
charges, and the classical Drude oscillator (or Shell model), have been
developed in recent years
TIP3P model for water in the CHARMM FF
TIP3P model for water is included in the more general Force Field CHARMM
which is used also to describe PROTEINS
Water Force Field: CHARM
Next we will perform an NVT molecular dynamics simulation starting with the
periodic structure from the Amorphous builder.
In the Project manager select your model waterbox and right click on it. From within
the context menu select LAMMPS. When the LAMMPS interface appears,
change Name of Job to waterbox_nvt, in the Type of calculation pull down menu
of the General setup page select Molecular dynamics as type of calculation,
select the NVT ensemble from within the Ensemble pull down menu. Click Next.
In the Non bond interactions page leave everything at default and click Next.
In the Molecular dynamics page set Duration of run to 200 ps and leave everything
else at default, click Next.
In the Temperature control page leave all default parameters. Click on Next to
In the Output page set the Write trajectory file every to 1000 time steps.
Click Finish to submit the calculation.
A dialog box will appear and ask you if you want to start the calculation now. Click Yes.
You can view the progress of the calculation by using the Tools | Job manager. The
calculation should take approximately 1h on a single processor PC.
431- 78648 Laboratory of Molecular Design and
Materials Simulation
Setting up the LAMMPS NVT-MD calculations
When the job is completed, a note appears on the screen informing you about the
completion of the calculation (see picture below)
Click Yes in order to upload the results. A new model, the results of the
molecular dynamics calculation called waterbox_nvt (output) is
automatically loaded and placed into the Result for waterbox_nvtresult in
the Project manager.
The upcoming Frames dialog (see below) enables you to load All or a
selected number of frames as well as load the velocities and calculate bonds
for each frame. In the present case you will load All frames and uncheck
the Calculate bonds option. Click OK.
If you visualize the result (select the results model in the Project manager, do a right
click and from the context menu select Model viewer if the viewer has not been opened
automatically) you will see bonds through the cell from one side to the other.
These bonds are a result of the periodic boundary conditions (a water molecule has
atoms on both sides of the box) and can be corrected by pressing the Calculate
bonds button from the Tool bar.
For the time being, leave the system as it is.
This can be done for instance by calculating the Oxygen-Oxygen Radial Distribution
Function (RDF) of the output structure. In order to calculate this functions, first change
the selection mode to Element through the Choose selection mode pull down
menu in the Toolbar and select all oxygens in your structure by clicking on
one oxygen in the model window.
Then click on the Trajectory analysis button in the Tool bar. Go in the Structure tab
and select Radial distribution function, leave everything else at default and
click Apply. The result should look like that depicted in the picture below..
Oxygen-Oxygen Radial distribution function
Compare with
experimental data
for RDF of O-O of
water: GOOD
Now we finally check if we can predict the density of our water system correctly.
In order to do so, we will run an NPT simulation with LAMMPS. Open the Model viewer
on the model waterbox_nvt (output). We will start from the last configuration of the
NVT run and need to make sure that the structure which corresponds to the results
model is the last obtained at the previous MD run.
In order to do this deploy the Conformations level and click to select the last one.
Then reduce the waterbox_nvt (output) tree. Now first select, then right click on your
model waterbox_nvt (output) and select LAMMPS.
In the General setup page change the Name of job to waterbox_npt and
select Molecular dynamics and NPT in the Type of calculation and Ensemble pull
down menus. Click Next.
In the Non bond interactions page leave everything at default and click next, in
the Molecular dynamics page set Duration of run to 50 ps and leave everything else
at default, click Next.
In the Temperature control page leave all default parameters. Click on Next to
continue. Do the same in the Pressure control page and click Next. In the Output page
set the Write trajectory file everyto 500 time steps. Click on Finish to submit the
calculation. A dialog box will appear and ask you if you want to start the calculation now.
Click Yes
Calculate density with an NPT MD run
You can view the progress of the calculation by using the Tools | Job manager. The
calculation should take approximately 15 minutes on a single processor PC.
When the job is completed, a new model, the result of the molecular dynamics
calculation called waterbox_npt (output) is automatically loaded. Click OK in the
upcoming Frames dialog box to load every frame. If you visualize the result (select the
results model in the Project manager, right click and from the context menu select Model
viewer) you will again see bonds through the cell from one side to the other. Correct this
by pressing the Calculate bonds button from the Tool bar. You will see these bonds
disappear. You can now animate the trajectory by clicking on the Animate
trajectory button in the Toolbar. You can stop the animation by clicking the Stop
animation button .
To check the density of the system open up the model waterbox_npt (output) in
the Project manager. Select the Unit cell item, and right click it. Select View unit cell
properties. In the upcoming property list at the bottom of your window, note the density.
It should be 1.018 g/cm3.
1) Create a new project with a new model through File | New | New atomistic project + model or
with the shortcut CTRL +N. An Unnamed project and an Unnamed model appear in the Project
manager. Select Rename project and type in mixture. Click now on the model, select Rename
model. Type in Cyclohexane.
2) Sketch in the cycloC6 molecule. Activate the Sketch atom tool and sketch a 6 member ring of C
atoms in the model window. Press ESC button to deactivate the Sketch atom tool, double click in the
model window to deselect the last sketched atom and press the Add hydrogen button in the Toolbar.
Your molecule is complete.
3) Assign a force field to the system. Click on Assign force field button in the Toolbar. The Assign
force field dialog appears. In the first tab you will select the force field: Select Amber_Cornell.
Click OK.
4) Optimize the structure using MAPS' Optimizer engine. Therefore, go to the Project manager,
select the model cylohexane and right click to open the menu. Select Optimizer. The Optimizer
dialog appears. Click on Use threads, set Steps to 1000 and leave everything else at default.
Click OK to optimize the structure. Once the optimization has finished click on Cancel to close the
dialog. Now you should observe the typical Cyclohexane chair structure.
Example: build a cyclo-C6 molecule