Steam Tip Sheet #13

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Energy Tips – Steam

Steam Tip Sheet #13 • Revised May 2006 Industrial Technologies Program

Suggested Actions Use a Vent Condenser to Recover Flash Steam

• Inspect vent pipes of receiver
tanks and deaerators for Energy
excessive flash steam plumes.
When the pressure of saturated condensate is reduced, a portion of the liquid
• Reexamine deaerator steam “flashes” to low-pressure steam. Depending on the pressures involved, the flash
requirements. steam contains approximately 10% to 40% of the energy content of the original
• Eliminate remaining flash condensate. In most cases, including condensate receivers and deaerators, the
steam energy loss with a vent flashing steam is vented and its energy content lost. However, a heat exchanger can
condenser. be placed in the vent to recover this energy. The following table indicates the energy
• Consult manufacturers for content of flash steam at atmospheric pressure.
materials specifications,
as well as size and cost Energy Recovery Potential of a Vent Condenser
recommendations for the vent Energy Content, MMBtu/year*
condenser. Pipe
Diameter Steam Velocity, feet/min
(inches) 200 300 400 500 600
2 90 140 185 230 280
4 370 555 740 925 1,110
6 835 1,250 1,665 2,085 2,500
10 2,315 3,470 4,630 5,875 6,945
* Assumes continuous operation, 70°F makeup water, and condensed steam at 100°F.

Consider a vent pipe with the following conditions:
Velocity of flash steam: 300 feet per minute
Diameter of vent pipe: 4 inches
Hours of operation: 8,000 hours per year (hr/yr)
Boiler efficiency: 80%
Resources Cost of fuel: $8.00 per million Btu ($8.00/MMBtu)
U.S. Department of Energy—
DOE’s software, the Steam A vent condenser could condense the flashed steam, transfer its thermal energy to
System Assessment Tool and incoming makeup water, and then return it to the boiler. Energy is recovered in two
Steam System Scoping Tool, can forms: hotter makeup water and clean, distilled condensate ready for productive use
help you evaluate and identify in your operation.
steam system improvements. In
addition, refer to Improving Referring to the table above, the potential energy recovered from the flashed steam
Steam System Performance: A is 555 MMBtu, based on 8,760 hours of annual operation. Correct this value for
Sourcebook for Industry for actual operating hours and boiler efficiency:
more information on steam
system efficiency opportunities. Annual Energy Recovered = 555 MMBtu/yr x (8,000 hr/yr / 8,760 hr/yr)
= 505 MMBtu

Visit the BestPractices Web site Annual Fuel Cost Savings = (505 MMBtu/yr x $8.00/MMBtu) /0.80
at = $5,050*
bestpractices to access these and
many other industrial efficiency * Note that the annual fuel savings are per vent. Often, there are several such vents in a steam facility, and
resources and information on the total savings can be a significantly larger number. The additional heat exchanger cost still needs to be
considered, but available literature shows a quick payback for the measure.
Distilled Water Recovery BestPractices is part of the Industrial
Technologies Program Industries of the
A useful rule of thumb is that every 500 lb/hr of recovered flash steam provides Future strategy, which helps the country’s
1 gallon per minute of distilled water. most energy-intensive industries improve
their competitiveness. BestPractices brings
together emerging technologies and best
Materials Considerations energy-management practices to help
companies begin improving energy efficiency,
Depending on the specific application, the vent condenser materials can be either environmental performance, and productivity
all stainless or mild steel shell with copper tubes. For deaerator vent condensing, right now.

a stainless steel heat exchanger is recommended to avoid corrosion due to the BestPractices emphasizes plant systems,
high concentrations of gases. Mild steel can be used for receiver tank vent where significant efficiency improvements
and savings can be achieved. Industry gains
condensing. easy access to near-term and long-term
solutions for improving the performance of
Adapted from an Energy TIPS fact sheet that was originally published by the motor, steam, compressed air, and process
heating systems. In addition, the Industrial
Industrial Energy Extension Service of Georgia Tech. Assessment Centers provide comprehensive
industrial energy evaluations to small- and
medium-size manufacturers.



EERE Information Center


Industrial Technologies Program

Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy
U.S. Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585-0121



Energy efficiency and clean, renewable

energy will mean a stronger economy, a
cleaner environment, and greater energy
independence for America. Working
with a wide array of state, community,
industry, and university partners, the U.S.
Department of Energy’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy invests in
a diverse portfolio of energy technologies.

Revised May 2006
Steam Tip Sheet #13
Revised from DOE/GO-102001-1276 • May 2001

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