Q1 Week2 CSS DLL
Q1 Week2 CSS DLL
Q1 Week2 CSS DLL
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Computer Systems Servicing
%20any%20physical,be %20any%20physical,be %20physical,be%20held%20in %20your%20hand.
%20held%20in%20your %20held%20in%20your %20your%20hand.
%20hand. %20hand.
A. Reviewing previous Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson Review the previous lesson
lesson or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing Purpose Motive questions: Motive questions: Motive questions: Motive questions:
for the Lesson a. What is Computer Hardware? a. What is Computer Hardware? a. What are computer peripherals? a. What are computer peripherals?
b. What is Software? b. What is Software? b. What is Internet and its history? b. What is Internet and its history?
c. What is the difference of c. What is the difference of
Hardware and Software? Hardware and Software?
Note: The teacher must lead the Note: The teacher must lead the Note: The teacher must lead the Note: The teacher must lead the
students to the new learning on students to the new learning on students to the new learning on students to the new learning on
how to input data into computer how to input data into computer computer peripherals and internet computer peripherals and internet
history history
C. Presenting The Teacher will show a The Teacher will show a The Teacher will show a PowerPoint The Teacher will show a PowerPoint
examples/instances of PowerPoint Presentation of the PowerPoint Presentation of the Presentation of the new lesson Presentation of the new lesson
new lesson new lesson new lesson
D. Discussing new Let’s Do This! The students will be Let’s Do This! The students will be Let’s Do This! The students will be Let’s Do This! The students will be
concepts and practicing given a problem by the teacher. given a problem by the teacher. given a problem by the teacher. The given a problem by the teacher. The
new skills #1 The group will discuss their The group will discuss their answer group will discuss their answer later. group will discuss their answer later.
answer later. later. PROBLEM: What are computer PROBLEM: What is Internet?
PROBLEM: What is the difference PROBLEM: What is the difference peripherals? Think. The group will first analyze the
of hardware and software? of hardware and software? Think. The group will first analyze problem.
Think. The group will first analyze Think. The group will first analyze the problem. Discuss. The group will discuss their
the problem. the problem. Discuss. The group will discuss their answers to their group mates.
Discuss. The group will discuss Discuss. The group will discuss answers to their group mates. Act. They will finalize their answers
their answers to their group mates. their answers to their group mates. Act. They will finalize their answers according to what they have agreed.
Act. They will finalize their Act. They will finalize their answers according to what they have agreed. Reflect. The group will present to the
answers according to what they according to what they have Reflect. The group will present to class their answers.
have agreed. Reflect. The group agreed. Reflect. The group will the class their answers.
will present to the class their present to the class their answers.
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to formative
G. Finding practical
applications of
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Computer Systems Servicing
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning ACTIVITY 1: ACTIVITY 1: ACTIVITY 3: ACTIVITY 3:
Directions: Fill in the crossword Directions: Fill in the crossword Directions: Identify the following by Directions: Identify the following by
puzzle with the word of different puzzle with the word of different choosing word at the box. Write your choosing word at the box. Write your
Input and Output Devices. Match Input and Output Devices. Match answers in your answer sheet. answers in your answer sheet.
the number of the sentence to the the number of the sentence to the
box places across or down the box places across or down the
grid. Write your answer in your grid. Write your answer in your
answer sheet answer sheet
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Computer Systems Servicing