Arithmetic Coding
Arithmetic Coding
Arithmetic Coding
Arithmetic Coding Arithmetic coding is especially useful when dealing with sources with small alphabets, such as binary sources, and alphabets with highly skewed probabilities. In arithmetic coding a unique identifier or tag is generated for the sequence to be encoded. This tag corresponds to a binary fraction, which becomes the binary code for the sequence. The arithmetic coding approach is divided into two phases: 1. In the first phase a unique identifier or tag is generated for a given sequence of symbols. 2. This tag is then given a unique binary code A unique arithmetic code can be generated for a sequence of length m without the need for generating codewords for all sequences of length m. Coding a Sequence One possible set of tags for representing sequences of symbols are the numbers in the unit interval [0, 1). In order to do this we need a function that will map sequences of symbols into the unit interval. A function that maps random variables, and sequences of random variables, into the unit interval is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the random variable associated with the source. The random variable function is as follows:
where A = (a1,a2,... ,an) is the alphabet for a discrete source and X is a random variable. and the cumulative density function can be defined as
Generating a Tag The procedure for generating the tag works by reducing the size of the interval in which the tag resides as more and more elements of the sequence are received. With sequences of length one. Suppose we have a source that puts out symbols from some alphabet A = (a1,a2,..., an). We can map the symbols {ai} to real numbers {i}. Define Tx(ai) as
Example : Consider a simple dice-throwing experiment with a fair die. The outcomes of a roll of the die can be mapped into the numbers {1, 2 , . . . , 6}. For a fair die P(X = k) = 1/6 for k= 1,2, . . . , 6. Therefore, using the above formula we can find the tag for X = 2 as
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This approach can be extended to longer sequences by imposing an order on the sequences i.e. lexicographic ordering.
where y < x means that y precedes x in the ordering, and the superscript denotes the length of the sequence. Example : Consider the sequence consists of two rolls of a die. Using the ordering scheme described above, the outcomes (in order) would be 11 12 13 . . . 66. The tags can then be generated using above equation. For example, the tag for the sequence 13 would be
If we are using the midpoint of the interval for the tag, then
Example : Generating a tag Consider the source in A={a1,a2,a3} with probabilities P(a1)= 0.8, P(a2) = 0.02, P(a3)= 0.18.Define the random variable X(ai) = i. Suppose we wish to encode the sequence 1 3 2 1. From the probability model we know that Initializing u(0) to 1, and l(0) to 0, the first element of the sequence 1 results in the following update:
The tag is contained in the interval [0, 0.8). The second element of the sequence is 3.
The interval containing the tag for the sequence 1 3 is [0.656,0.8). The third element, 2
The interval for the tag is [0.7712, 0.77408). The fourth element is 1
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Example: The tag value is 0.772352 & using the details of the above example We start with l(0) = 0 and u(0) = 1
We need to find the value of x1, for which 0.772352 lies in the interval [Fx(x1- 1), Fx(x1)]. If we pick x1 = 1, the interval is [0, 0.8). If we pick x1 = 2, the interval is [0.8, 0.82), and if we pick x1 = 3, the interval is [0.82, 1.0). As 0.772352 lies in the interval [0.0, 0.8], we choose x1 = 1.
If we pick x2 = 1, the updated interval is [0, 0.64), which does not contain the tag. Therefore,x2 cannot be 1. If we pick x2 = 2, the updated interval is [0.64, 0.656), which also does not contain the tag. If we pick X2 = 3, the updated interval is [0.656, 0.8), which does contain the tag value of 0.772352. Therefore, the second element in the sequence is 3.
We can see that the only value of x3 for which this is possible is 2.
We can see that the value is x4 = 1, and we have decoded the entire sequence. Generating a Binary Code
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where xn is the value of the random variable corresponding to the nth observed symbol, l(n) is the lower limit of the tag interval at the nth iteration, and u(n) is the upper limit of the tag interval at the nth iteration. As the interval becomes narrower, we have three possibilities: 1. The interval is entirely confined to the lower half of the unit interval [0, 0.5). 2. The interval is entirely confined to the upper half of the unit interval [0.5, 1.0). 3. The interval straddles the midpoint of the unit interval. The most significant bit of the binary representation of all numbers in the interval [0, 0.5) is 0, and the most significant bit of the binary representation of all numbers in the interval [0.5, 1] is 1. Therefore we send the first bit i.e. 0 for the for the lower half & 1 for the upper half. The mappings required are
Example : Tag generation with scaling We wish to encode the sequence 1 3 2 1. The probability model for the source is P(a1) = 0.8, P(a2) = 0.02, P(a3) = 0.18. Initializing u(0) to 1, and l(0) to 0, the first element of the sequence, 1
The interval [0, 0.8) is not confined to either the upper or lower half of the unit interval, so we proceed. The second element of the sequence is 3.
The interval [0.656, 0.8) is contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval, so we send the binary code 1 and rescale:
The interval for the tag is [0.5424,0.54816), which is contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval. We transmit a 1.
This interval is contained entirely in the lower half of the unit interval, so we send a 0 and use the E1 mapping to rescale:
The interval is still contained entirely in the lower half of the unit interval, so we send another 0 and go through another rescaling:
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Now the interval containing the tag is contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval. Therefore, we transmit a 1 and rescale using the E2 mapping:
At each stage we are transmitting the most significant bit that is the same in both the upper and lower limit of the tag interval. If the most significant bits in the upper and lower limit are the same, then the value of this bit will be identical to the most significant bit of the tag. Therefore, by sending the most significant bits of the upper and lower endpoint of the tag whenever they are identical, we are actually sending the binary representation of the tag Continuing with the last element, the upper and lower limits of the interval containing the tag are
The binary sequence generated during the encoding process in the previous example is 1100011. We could simply treat this as the binary expansion of the tag. A binary number .1100011 corresponds to the decimal number 0.7734375. Deciphering the Tag using scaling Example: We will use a word length of 6 for this example. The sequence of received bits is 110001100. . . 0. The first 6 bits correspond to a tag value of 0.765625, which means that the first element of the sequence is 1
The interval [0,0.8) is not confined to either the upper or lower half of the unit interval, so we proceed. The tag 0.765625 lies in the top 18% of the interval [0, 0.8); therefore, the second element of the sequence is 3.
The interval [0.656, 0.8) is contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval. At the encoder, we sent the bit 1 and rescaled. At the decoder, we will shift 1 out of the receivebuffer and move the next bit in to make up the 6 bits in the tag.
while shifting a bit to give us a tag of 0.546875. When we compare this value with the tag interval, we can see that this value lies in the 80-82% range of the tag interval, so we decode the next element of the sequence as 2.
As the tag interval is now contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval, we rescale using E2 to obtain
We also shift out a bit from the tag and shift in the next bit. The tag is now 000110. The interval is contained entirely in the lower half of the unit interval. Therefore, we apply E1 and shift another bit.
Because the interval containing the tag remains in the lower half of the unit interval, we shift out another 0 from the tag to get 110000 and rescale one more time:
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Now the interval containing the tag is contained entirely in the upper half of the unit interval. Therefore, we shift out a 1 from the tag and rescale using the E2 mapping:
Now we compare the tag value to the the tag interval to decode our final element. The tag is 100000, which corresponds to 0.5. This value lies in the first 80% of the interval, so we decode this element as 1. As our trigger for rescaling, we check to see if the tag interval is contained in the interval [0.25,0.75). This will (n) (n) happen when l is greater than 0.25 and u is less than 0.75. When this happens, we double the tag interval using the following mapping:
Integer Implementation of Arithmetic Coding The first thing we have to do is decide on the word length to be used. Given a word length of m, we map the important values in the [0,1) interval to the range of 2^" binary words.The point 0 gets mapped to
1 gets mapped to
Define nj as the number of times the symbol j occurs in a sequence of length Total Count. Then FX(k) can be estimated by
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For this example, this means that the total interval range has to be greater than 200. A value of m = 8 satisfies this requirement. With this value of m we have
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This is the condition for the E3 mapping. We complement the second MSB of both limits and shift 1 bit to the left, shifting (2) (2) in a 0 as the LSB of l and a 1 as the LSB of u This gives us
The two MSBs are identical, so we shift out a 1 and shift left by 1 bit:
As Scales is 1, we transmit a 0 and decrement ScaleS to 0. The MSBs of the upper and lower limits are both 0, so we shift out and transmit 0:
This is the condition for the E^ mapping. Applying the E3 mapping by complementing the second MSB and shifting 1 bit to the left, we get
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Decoder Implementation
Example: Decode the sequence: 1100010010000000. Using word length 8 Sol: Read the first eight bits of the sequence to find the tag
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In this way the decoding is done & the final symbol is decoded as 1
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To generate a codeword for a sequence of length m, using the Huffman procedure requires building the entire code for all possible sequences of length m whereas in arithmetic coding we simply obtain the code for the tag corresponding to a given sequence. 2. In practice, we can make m large for the arithmetic coder and not for the Huffman coder. This means that for most sources we can get rates closer to the entropy using arithmetic coding than by using Huffman coding. 3. Huffman codes we are guaranteed to obtain rates within 0.086 + pmax of the entropy, where pmax is the probability of the most probable letter in the alphabet. If the alphabet size is relatively large and the probabilities are not too skewed, the maximum probability pmax is generally small. In these cases, the advantage of arithmetic coding over Huffman coding is small, and it might not be worth the extra complexity to use arithmetic coding rather than Huffman coding. 4. Another major advantage of arithmetic coding is that it is easy to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes. Once we have the computational machinery to implement one arithmetic code, all we need to implement more than a single arithmetic code is the availability of more probability tables. 5. It is much easier to adapt arithmetic codes to changing input statistics.This can be done by keeping a count of the letters as they are coded. There is no need to preserve a tree, as with adaptive Huffman codes. 6. A major advantage of arithmetic coding over Huffman coding is the ability to separate the modeling and coding aspects of the compression approach. Applications Arithmetic coding is used in a variety of lossless and lossy compression applications. It is a part of many international standards like The International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (lEC) are industry groups that work on multimedia standards. Arithmetic coding is used in image compression, audio compression, and video compression standards.
The reason is that beacuse the alphabet size for the images is quite large, the value of pmax is quite small, and in the Huffman coder performs very close to the entropy.
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