4bs1 01 Rms 20230824
4bs1 01 Rms 20230824
4bs1 01 Rms 20230824
Summer 2023
International GCSE
Business (4BS1 01)
Paper 1: Investigating small businesses
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June 2023
Question Paper Log Number P72670RA
Publications Code 4BS1_01_2306_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2023
General Marking Guidance
• As a business that started in 1989 it has
been able to develop and maintain a
strong image for its chocolates and sweets
• Branding against local competing
chocolate shops helps Irsi Chocolatier
stand out
• This is important as the brand helps create
recognition of the business allowing Irsi
Chocolatier to continue as a long-standing
• As the brand becomes stronger a higher
price for the products can be charged and
new products being introduced have a
higher success rate due to its current
branding (6)
Question State one way Irsi Chocolatier might extend the Mark
Number life cycle of one of its products.
2 (b) A02 - 1 mark
Indicative content
2 (f) AO2 = 3 marks AO3 = 3 marks
AO4 = 3 marks
• Option 1 – batch production would allow
different flavours and shapes of chocolate
lollipops to be made
• Option 2 – Job production allows Irsi
Chocolatier to give customers the option
of personalised chocolate lollipops
• Option 1 – This method will allow Irsi
Chocolatier to make a certain number of
one type of lollipop and then switch to
another to give customers a range in
lollipops as it does with the chocolates
• Option 2 – This method would give a
consistent approach to its customers of
personalised products
• Option 1 – However, it could be more
costly depending on the demand for
different shapes and flavours
• Option 2 – However, lollipops are only
small items so customers may not want to
wait for them to be personalised and may
prefer to buy off the shelf to make the
transaction quicker (9)
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No Rewardable material.
Level 1 1-3 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context. (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points.
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple
justification based on limited evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 2 4-6 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies.
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies. (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a
justification based on sound evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 3 7-9 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout. (AO2)
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning. (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear
justification based on a thorough
evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made.
Question Define the term fringe benefits. Mark
Number Answer
3 (a) A01 - 1 mark
• Break-even charts make the assumption
that all of the new chocolate lollipops will
be sold
• The chart shows the costs for the
chocolate lollipops as a straight line not
taking into account other costs that may
occur along the way
• This could lead to false data as it does not
take into account any wasted or damaged
stock not sold
• This could lead to overspending if Irsi
Chocolatier have not taken into account
other costs or if customers do not like the
new product (6)
• Option 1 – Offering on-the-job training
allows the new employee to see current
chocolate making techniques
• Option 2 – Offering off-the-job training
allows the new employee to learn new
techniques of producing chocolates from
lecturers at a college
• Option 1 – This may increase the levels
of production as the employee will be
producing whilst training allowing Irsi
Chocolatier to meet the increased
• Option 2 – Therefore the new employee
could bring new ideas into the business
making it more efficient producing more
in less time
• They are located in a busy area with other
competitors nearby and want to make
sure customers are drawn to them over
the other chocolate shops in the area so
will not want to move the location of the
physical shop
• As a small business with only 3
employees, it may want to consider its
online place as well as its physical
chocolate shop to remain competitive
• With the business having started in 1989 it
is important to have the shop in the same
location so locals and tourists come back
year after year if they have enjoyed the
chocolates they have bought from the
• With it offering a local delivery service and
the market changing Irsi Chocolatier may
put some importance on improving their
online presence to allow customers to buy
from the website as well as find
information about its products (6)
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No Rewardable material.
Level 1 1-2 • Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context. (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points.
Level 2 3-4 • Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies.
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies. (AO3)
Level 3 5-6 • Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout. (AO2)
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning. (AO3)
Question Evaluate the impact of Irsi Chocolatier using Mark
Number financial methods of motivation on its employees.
You should use the information provided as well
as your own knowledge of business.
Indicative content
4 (c) AO1 = 3 marks AO2 = 3 marks
AO3 = 3 marks AO4 = 3 marks
• A bonus can be given to employees
• A promotion could be awarded to an
• This can motivate the employees is they
meet their targets of making and selling a
certain amount of chocolate each month
• Irsi Chocolatier could promote the hardest
working employee in the chocolate shop
• This may push employees to work harder
and produce/sell more products in order to
meet their targets therefore increasing the
revenue for Irsi Chocolatier
• This will motivate the employee as they
will be given additional responsibilities
with a potential pay increase making them
more loyal to the business as they are
being promoted for their work
• However, if the same employee keeps
getting the bonus each month, then this
may demotivate the rest of the employees
if they feel they do not have a chance at
getting the bonus leading to a decrease in
• However, this would only be for one
employee as the business only currently
has three so the other two may end up
feeling demotivated and unrecognised
possibly leading to an increase in staff
turnover and creating a recruitment issue
for Irsi Chocolatier (12)
Level Mark Descriptor
0 No Rewardable material.
Level 1 1-4
• Demonstrates elements of knowledge
and understanding of business concepts
and issues, with limited business
terminology used. (AO1)
• Limited application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context. (AO2)
• Attempts to deconstruct business
information and/or issues, finding
limited connections between points.
• Makes a judgement, providing a simple
justification based on limited evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 2 5-8 • Demonstrates mostly accurate
knowledge and understanding of
business concepts and issues including
appropriate use of business terminology
in places. (AO1)
• Sound application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context although
there may be some inconsistencies.
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding interconnected
points with chains of reasoning,
although there may be some logical
inconsistencies. (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a
justification based on sound evaluation
of business information and issues
relevant to the choice made. (AO4)
Level 3 9 - 12 • Demonstrates accurate knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues throughout, including appropriate
use of business terminology. (AO1)
• Detailed application of knowledge and
understanding of business concepts and
issues to the business context
throughout. (AO2)
• Deconstructs business information
and/or issues, finding detailed
interconnected points with logical chains
of reasoning. (AO3)
• Makes a judgement, providing a clear
justification based on a thorough
evaluation of business information and
issues relevant to the choice made.