ES Project Documentation Template
ES Project Documentation Template
ES Project Documentation Template
as a template to follow. In the actual documenta on of your project, you don’t have to, and in
fact you shouldn’t, explicitly iden fy each part of the document, e.g., this the project name,
this is the project descrip on, etc.; however, division into sec ons and subsec ons is required
as it makes it easier to analyze. It is also possible that in your project some addi onal elements
will need to be considered, which are not included in this simple example.
o Note: pay a en on to details. In this case, it is necessary to check how you interface
with the LCD (serially or parallelly) and whether a current-limi ng resistor is built in
the device.
A 50k-ohm poten ometer to control the LCD contrast
o Example: h ps://
Jumper wires
o h ps://blog.sparkfuneduca
1. More complex components require a short descrip on explaining how they work and how
they communicate with Arduino. In this case, these are the LCD and the DHT11 sensor.
2. Don’t use oversized pictures of components just to inflate the document volume and create
an impression that you did something meaningful. It won’t improve your grade.
3. Es mate the total cost of the system.
5. System schema c
1. To draw the system schema c you can use h ps:// or any so ware tool for
diagram drawing. The most important thing is to be specific, i.e., to show to which Arduino
pins components are connected. If the number of IO pins necessary to connect all required
components is insufficient, you need to come up with a way to increase it either using IO
expanders or more/bigger Arduino boards.
2. It is not required to model the system with TinkerCAD or any other similar tool.
6. So ware architecture
Note: You don’t have to write actual code. Just describe and illustrate with flowcharts how the
so ware works.
To control the LCD, we use the LiquidCrystal library, which comes with the Arduino IDE, and for
DHT11 – the DHT sensor library (h ps://
library/), which can be installed using the Arduino IDE Library Manager. A er ini alizing both the
LCD and DHT11 in the setup() func on, the program periodically (every second) reads data from
DHT11 checking their sanity. If received data are within an acceptable range, the values are sent to
the LCD to be displayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
7. References
Note: this part is op onal; however, for completeness, you can include the list of sources used in
the process of project prepara on.