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Weighted & bodyweight calisthenics

Page 1-2 How to get to 15 pull ups & 20 dips (before the weighted plan)
Page 3-6 The structure of your weighted calisthenics plan
Page 7 Weight & sets & reps
Page 8 How to progress the overload
Page 9 How your workout should look like step by step & tips how to max out
Page 10-11 Example of how your progress could look like
Page 12 Examples of workout structures depending on your priorities
Page 13 Why I consider this progressive overload method one of the best
Page 14-23 Bodyweight calisthenics skills information
Page 24-26 Diet advice & tips
Page 26-31 My workout plan and diet 14-19 years old


The main workout plan works after you can do 15+ pull ups and 20+ dips!

Here the workout plan that will help you achieve this goal before using the
main program:

At this level, this is how your training program would look like:
Sets Reps
1. Negative pull 3-4 Go with your chin above the bar
ups and control the whole
movement on your way down.
And after doing a rep, keep
going until you can control the
pull up for longer than 0.5
seconds. Rest between sets 3-4
2. Band pull ups 1-2 sets Take a band which take away
like 10-30 kg of your
bodyweight and do as many
reps as you can.
Warm up before the workout:
1. A little bit of stretch, just some light stuff.
2. Some light back exercises with the band, just to get the
blood flow going around the working muscles, for example
doing some back rows or pull ups with 2 bands (2 bands so
you do a similar movement but very light) so you work the
same muscle but very light

And after you get 1-3 pull ups, you just got to practice them by
doing more sets and low reps of pull ups, so you get used to your
bodyweight. Do this workout plan below twice a week, 2-3 days
rest between the workouts

Pull ups 1-2 reps 6-8 sets

(After 2-3 workouts progress 3-4 minutes rest
the overload by doing 2-4
reps instead of 1-2.) Keep between sets.
adding 1 rep into your sets
every workout until you get
to 8 reps in the set.
Warm up:
1. A little bit of stretch, just some light stuff.
2. Some light back exercises with the band, just to get the blood
flow going around the working muscles, for example doing
some back rows or pull ups with 2 bands (2 bands so you do a
similar movement but very light) so you work the same
muscle but very light

After you get to 8 reps of pull ups, you will have to do 3-4 sets of
maxing out, 5-6 minutes rest between sets, this type of training will
easily get you to 15 reps of pull ups, your goal every workout will
be to do more reps than you did the last workout, do this workout
every 3 days.
1. A little bit of stretch, just some light stuff.
2. Some light back exercises with the band, just to get the blood
flow going around the working muscles, for example doing
some back rows or pull ups with 2 bands (2 bands so you do a
similar movement but very light) so you work the same
muscle but very light
3. 2 pull ups 1 set, start your working sets after 3 mins rest

Same training method should be used to increase dips!


workout plan Weighted

WARM UP Activity Time
Jogging 5 minutes

2. Dynamic Stretching 2-4 minutes Normal Do like 5 sets

(chest & shoulders) school warm of 5 explosive
up & stretch. reps, start by
putting small
pressure and
then swing
more and
stretch the
muscle more
once you get
more warm.

3. 1. Bodyweight reps Slowly increase 2 sets of

(6-8 reps, 1 set) the resting time warm up in
Chest Day

2. Get 50% of the once the weight total, which

weight you planning increases is more than
to take in your For example, enough in
working sets and do after the case you are
like 6-7 reps (1 set). bodyweight worried, I
For example, you reps, rest 2-3 have been
are planning to lift minutes, and warming up
30kg on weighted after the last like this for
dips in your main warm up set, like 2 years
first set then for the rest 3-4 and never
second warm up minutes. got injured
set, take 15 kg and
do 6-7 reps.
Exercise Weight Sets Reps Rest
1. Weighted About the 2 sets Scroll down to 4-5
dips weight and how see the mins
much to take information
for your level, about the rep
scroll down ranges on the
below to the section
section ‘weight ‘weight & sets
& sets & reps’ & reps’

2. Incline bench 2 sets Scroll down to 240-

press (incline bench see the 300
press is better than information sec
normal push ups about the rep
because it is easier ranges on the
to increase the section
weight with time, ‘weight & sets
whereas it is hard to & reps’
increase the weight
on weighted push
up and you can’t go
up to more than 20
kg on your back) If
you don’t have a
bench press
Activity Time Speed
Cool down jogging 4-5 mins 6-7 kph

2. Activity Time Level Speed

Dynamic stretching 5-10 mins

Warm up
1. Jogging 5-6 minutes 7kph
Warm up
20%-50%- 70% of Slowly increase 2 sets in total Between the
the weight you the resting time of warm up first and
Leg day

planning to take in once the weight second set

your working sets. increases rest 2 mins,
For example, you then 3
want to lift 80 in minutes
your main squats between the
sets for 10 reps. So, second and
you take 20 kg-40kg third set, same
6-7 reps for each rest time for
warm up set all the
Exercise Weight Sets Reps Rest

1. Squats 2 Max out 240-

(you can use a 100% intensity 300
Resistanc squat machine Progressive sec
e instead of the overload
basic barbell works the
same on the
leg day and all
the exercises
as it does on
chest and back
2.Front squats with 40kg 2 Max out 240-
the bar 300
On your shoulders sec
3.Walking lunges 10kg dumbbells 2 Max out 240-
each hand 300

4.Calf raises (sitting 60 kg 3 Max out 240-

machine) (not sure about For calves the 300
how strong rep range is sec
your calves are the best
so see how it around 15-20
goes and take a hard reps
weight which
will make you
struggle to do
8-10 reps when
you max out.)
Any calves exercise 2 Max out
of your choice As I said the
main thing is
to barely get
15-20 reps in
the set
Activity Time Level Speed
Cool down 5 minutes jog and 5(jog) & 3 7 kph for jog
then mins(walk) and 3 kph for
3 Minutes’ walk the walk

Activity Time Level Speed


Jogging 5 minutes 7kph

Warm up

Dynamic Stretching
20%-50%- 70% of the Slowly 3 sets Between
weight you planning to increase the in the first
take in your working resting time total and
sets. For example, you once the of second
want to lift 60 in your weight warm set rest
main bench press sets increases up 2 mins,
for 10 reps. So, you take then 3
20 kg-35kg-40kg, the minutes
warmup percentages between
are different because the
the weight amount is second
usually higher which and
means 50% of the third set,
weight as a last warm same
up set may not be rest time
enough for a warm up. for all
For example, if your the

working set weight is exercises

140 kg then 70 kg as the
last warm up set is not

Exercise Resistance Sets Reps Rest

1. Pull ups 15 kg 2 Max out 4-6
100% mins
Resistance intensity

2. Barbell Rows 50kg 2 Max out 240-

300 s
Activity Time Level Speed HR
Cool down Jogging 4 mins 7 kph

The reason you have back rows on back day and incline bench on you chest day, even
though people may complain that these exercises are not calisthenics, let me tell you this,
what is the different between bench press and push ups? No difference right, bench Is
even better and safer because of the wrist position, and the reason bench is better
because it is easier to progress the overload by adding more weight with time, whereas it
is harder on normal push ups. Same example could be used with back rows, it’s same as
Australian pull ups but just 3 times better and more effective also because you can easily

add weight with time, whereas it’s not as easy to do the same on Australian pull ups.
Another reason why you don’t only do weighted pull ups and dips is because you could
have a bad disproportion in the future and get injured because there are muscles in your
back and chest that aren’t trained when doing pull ups and dips.

Weight & reps & sets

Finding the “perfect weight” to start with for your level is very simple
and important, but it may take 1-2 workouts to do so, I will explain how, you
need to find a weight that will make you reach your failure at the rep range
of 10 reps (in the first set).
For example:
So, you did your warmup, and let’s say you think that the perfect weight for
you is 25kg on dips, so you do your bodyweight dips, rest a bit, then also
warm up with half of the weight you are planning to take in your main set
which is 25kg, so you take 12.5 kg, do 6-7 reps. And now it is finally time to
test if 25kg is the perfect weight for you, and you max out, and if you do 10
reps with that weight in the first set then this means that the next workout
you are going to take 5kg more, I will explain everything about how to
progress the overload in the section ‘how progress the overload’ now we
only focus on finding the perfect weight for you to start, which is simple like I
said, and if you get 9 reps with 25kg instead of 10 reps like in the example,
then this also means that the weight is perfect to start, more details in the
‘how to progress the overload’ section.

The perfect rep range for muscle hypertrophy is 6-15 in my opinion (when
reaching failure! Scientifically the rep range can go up to 30 reps, but in my
opinion, this is practically not valid.

This section is VERY important, so far we only talked about the first set and
how you max out and progress the overload, right now we will talk about the
second set which is also very important, in this set you will have to choose a
weight that you will reach the failure at the reps range of 13-15 reps but only
progress the overload once you reach 15 reps, it’s just okay to get 13-14 reps,
but if you get 13-14 it just means that you will lift the same weight the next
workout but aim for more reps, more details on the ‘how to progress the
overload’ section

How to progress the overload:

1. Find your “perfect weight”

2. Always max out.
3. The goal in the first set is to get 10 or more reps, before adding more
weight the next workout, this doesn’t mean you should aim for a
specific number, never do this, if for example you did 10 reps which
means everything is good, but you could actually get 11 or 12 reps if
you would push yourself 100% then do that, always max out and never
aim for a specific number.
4. The goal in the second set until failure is 15 reps before adding more
weight the next workout. Which means that after maxing out in your
first set, you should take 20-25% less weight than you did in the first
set, so if in the first set you took 80kg then in the second set you will
have to take 60kg(25% less), if you took 150 kg on your squats in the
first set for example, then in the second set you take 20-25% less,
which is 112.5 kg-120kg, you can use google to find out what 20-25% of
a number is.
5. Rest 5-7 minutes between working sets! You need to rest this amount
because you maxed out, there is no point to rest less because you will
only perform worse in the next set or exercise if you rest less.

Here’s how your push workout for example should look like step by step:
(The weight and reps amount is just an example, don’t take it too serious)
1. Warm up (1) – joints warm up + dynamic stretching, 3-5 minutes
2. Warm up (2) - 6-7 bodyweight dips
3. Warm up (3) – 50% of the weight you are planning to take in your
working set for 6-7 reps
4. Working set (1) – max out with the ‘perfect weight’, if you get to 10
reps or more then it means you add 5 kg more the next workout, but if
you get 8 or 9 reps then it means you keep the same weight in the
workout and try to get to 10 or more reps so you could then add more
weight in the workout after.
5. Working set (2) – max out with a weight that is 20-25% less than the
weight in the first set, if you get to 15 reps or more in this set then this
means that you will add 5 kg more into your set. Whereas if you get
around 12-14 reps, this means that you will take the same weight the
next workout until one day you get to 15 reps or more with that
6. Warm up before the next exercise (incline bench press) – here you will
have to do only one warm up set with 50% of the weight you are
planning to lift in your working set, start this warmup set after resting
like 5 minutes from weighted dips
7. Working set (1) – same method here as on weighted dips, let’s say you
got to 9 reps with a certain weight after you reached failure, this
means you keep the same weight the next workout and try to get to 10
or more reps so you could then add more weight again.
8. Working set (2) – take 20-25% less weight than in the previous set and
max out, let’s say you got 16 reps after reaching failure, this means
that you have to add more weight the next workout

Tip on how to do more reps if your goal is to reach failure in the set:
The best tip to reach the perfect failure is to use this method that I invented I
guess, if your let’s say today your goal is to reach failure at the rep range of
10 reps on weighted pull ups with 30 kg for example, then you should do 5-6
reps nonstop and after that do 1 by 1 reps with a little rest at the bottom of
the movement. Like this: 5-6 reps nonstop->1-2 sec rest a while hanging on

the bar->1 more rep->again rest a the bottom while hanging for like 1-3 sec->
and so on-> before your last rep you may take couple of deep breaths and
rest while hanging for like 3-5 sec, and this is the best way to max out, this
technique can add like 1-2 reps to your set if done right.
Here some examples of how your progress in the weighted
workouts should look like without including any calisthenics skills
since the weighted program is after a little bit of calisthenics anyway.

First example will be of how the program works if your progress is average:

1st workout:
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 9 reps
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 13 reps

2nd workout:
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 10 reps
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 14 reps As you can see, only in 5 workouts
you can lift 10 kg more already,
3rd workout: honestly I already know that 80% of
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 9 reps people reading this will have a even
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 15 reps better progress.

4th workout:
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 10 reps
2 set: 20 kg dips max out – 13 reps

5th workout:
1 set: 30 kg dips max out – 9 reps
2 set: 20 kg dips max out – 14 reps

Second example will be how I personally progressed and most of my clients:

1st workout:
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 9 reps
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 13 reps

The reason myself and some of my

clients had such a good progress is
because it was our first year of
training, which means that with an
amazing workout plan, the progress
will be very good, and of course, we
all had a good diet, right genetics. But
in my opinion a lot of you will have a
similar progress, make sure you text
me on Instagram, I would be more
than happy to read the messages
about your progress.
2nd workout:
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 11 reps
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 15 reps

3rd workout:
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 10 reps
2 set: 20 kg dips max out – 15 reps

4th workout:
1 set: 30 kg dips max out – 11 reps
2 set: 25 kg dips max out – 16 reps

5th workout:
1 set: 35 kg dips max out – 10 reps
2 set: 30 kg dips max out – 14 reps

How the progress could go and what to do in this situation:

1st workout:
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 9 reps The reason you could drop from 10
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 13 reps reps to 7 reps just by adding 5 kg is
because adding 5 kg may be too
much for you, an easy solution for
2nd workout: this would adding 2.5kg every time
1 set: 20 kg dips max out – 10 reps you reach 10 reps in the first set and
2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 14 reps 15 reps in the second set. Honestly
at some point after using this
3rd workout: progressive overload method, this
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 7 reps can happen, and you will have to
start adding 2.5 kg instead of 5 kg,
the reason you start with 5kg Is
because you will have a very fast
progress at the beginning.

2 set: 15 kg dips max out – 15 reps

4th workout:
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 8 reps
2 set: 20 kg dips max out – 13 reps

5th workout:
1 set: 25 kg dips max out – 9 reps
2 set: 20 kg dips max out – 13 reps

(Workout with this schedule below for now until you get to Dip +40 kg 10
reps and pull ups +20 kg for 10 reps. This is important as if you have a strong
basics then it will not take you long and it will be easier for you to learn most
of the statics moves.)

Your workout schedule now:

Day 1: Back Day
Day 2: rest
Day 3: Chest Day
Day 4: Leg Day
Day 5: Rest

Your workout plan after you get to 40kg for 10 reps on dips & 20 kg for 10
reps on pull ups if your priority is more bodyweight skills:
Day 1: Handstand push ups or planche (70% intensity) + push workout
Day 2: Muscle ups or front lever (70% intensity) + back workout
Day 3: rest
Day 4: handstand push ups or planche workout (100 % intensity)
Day 5: muscle ups (100 % intensity)
Day 6: legs
Day 7: handstand workout (100 % intensity)
Day 8: muscle ups + core (100 % intensity)
Day 9: rest

Also weighted calisthenics + bodyweight but this time the structure will be if
your goal is more towards weighted calisthenics:
Day 1: Handstand push ups or planche (50% intensity) + push workout
Day 2: Muscle ups or front lever (50% intensity) + back workout
Day 3: rest

Day 4: handstand push ups or planche workout (100 % intensity)

Day 5: muscle ups (100 % intensity)
Day 6: legs
If you try to combine weighted with bodyweight calisthenics in one program
then It will be way more effective if you will work on 2 skills at the time, this
is why you see me write “handstand or planche”, master the 2 skills you
choose first and then you can add more.

Why this program is one of the best!?

I already know what you have in your head, why only 2 sets yeah? Not
enough volume? If I guessed then it’s for a reason ha, a lot of volume is only
effective if your goal is endurance or if you work on skills and you prepare for
a calisthenics battle where you must do a lot of skills in a short period of
time. Working until failure at this rep range you see in the program is the
best for muscle hypertrophy, this is the first thing, the second thing is that
this progressive overload method shows what yourself and your body what
your limits are when you max out so then until your workout, your body will
recover that way so you could lift more, you will change your mind about this
method after at least 3 workouts once you see that it works so good. High
volume is not effective for lifting weights because:
 you can not keep track of your progress because you are doing too
many random exercises.
 You don’t push yourself in the sets, because you are far away from
failure, which Is already very bad because you need failure or close to
failure to maximise your progress.
 You don’t really put stress on your body, because your sets are very
light, you just can’t progress the overload properly when you have so
many useless sets when doing high volume.
The only way you could injure yourself with this weighted program is if you:
1. Don’t warm up like I say
2. Workout more often than I tell you
3. Do the reps with bad form
4. If your diet and sleep is very bad

One big way to avoid any injuries is by listening to your body, if you feel like
you chest still hurts for some reasons, then give more rest, remember, it’s
always better to rest 1-2 days more than you should instead of risking and
getting injured for 1 week up until couple of years, be careful.

Skills information:

Handstand, back level, front lever, planche & muscle ups!

Some important info about handstand:

If you can’t hold the handstand straight against the wall the work
on your shoulders flexibility and try to engage your abs. The best
exercise to learn handstand is just attempts, you just got to try it a
lot of times, maybe like 20-30 times a day, even if you fail every
time you do it, your main goal is to try to hold it and balance it by
mainly using your wrists, this is why most of your warm up you
should focus on your wrists (will show you the warm up exercises
you will have to do for it). Before you start learning handstand push
ups, get to 15 seconds handstand hold, and learn the L-sit to
handstand, after you get to this level, you will just have to do
attempts of the handstand push ups, you will fail a lot, but this is
how you will progress, fail a lot of times before you succeed.

Everything is easier than you think, to learn the handstand you will
have to do the handstand against the wall only for 2 workouts like
4 sets max hold, just so you get used to that position, but
handstand is mainly about balance so this exercise is not good for
Warm up before handstand workout for any levels:
1. Focus on warming up your wrists 3-5 minutes, best wrists
warm up before doing handstand are dynamic stretches which
is putting your hands on the floor or parallels and leaning

forward and backwards 10-15 times for 3 sets, focus more on

putting pressure on your wrists when you lean forward, lean
that much so you can feel pressure on your wrists.

2. Light shoulders stretch and warm up, for this you will have to
choose some basic exercises and do some dynamic stretches,
similar to the ones you did in school before physical
3. Do 1 set of clean handstands against the wall 7-9 seconds
4. After these 3 steps you can start doing your handstand
Actual workout (when not being able to hold handstand):
1. 15-20 attempts of handstand (try your best to hold it)
2. That’s all you have to do when learning handstand, rest 1-2
minutes between the attempts, once you have the right
mobility and strength, you will learn this skill very fast just by
doing a lot of attempts.

Handstand workout after being able to hold it for 10-15 seconds:

1. Do 5-8 attempts of L-sit to handstand (2-3 minutes rest)
Here are some tips on the correct shoulder position when
doing the L-sit to handstand
Shoulders shouldn’t drop
down lower than this
when going from l-sit to handstand.

2. Do 6-9 maximum handstand holds (2-3 min rest)

Warm up: the best way to warm up before this workout is by

doing your usual wrists and shoulder dynamic stretch, then do
some light shoulder press with dumbbell’s or a band, do 1 set of

5-7 sec handstand hold, after that 1 set of 2 pike push ups and you
are ready for the session above.

Handstand workout after learning how to do 1-2 L-sit to handstand:

1. Do handstand push ups negatives (1 rep & 6-8 sets, 3 mins
rest) rest around 2-3 minutes between each attempt (be as
slow as possible on the way down and try to control
everything as much as you can, it’s okay if you can’t do it very
slow because it will take some time and practice to get good
at it and do it more controlled.)
2. 1 rep of L-sit to handstand 4-6 sets (3-4 minutes rest)
3. Maximum handstand holds, 4-6 sets

Warm up: the best way to warm up before this workout is by

doing your usual wrists and shoulder dynamic stretch, then do
some controlled shoulder press with a light band or small weight
on some dumbbells, after this do 2 light pike push ups.

Handstand workout after doing negatives easily:

1. 1-2 reps of handstand push ups(half reps are okay for now) 4-
6 sets (3-4 min rest)
2. Handstand push ups negatives,1-2 reps 5-6 sets (3-4 min rest)
3. Handstand maximum holds 4-6 sets (3-4 min rest)

Warm up: the best way to warm up before this workout is by

doing your usual wrists and shoulder dynamic stretch, then you
do some shoulder press with a light band, 6-8 very light reps,
after that do 1 set of 2 negative handstand push ups, don’t control
too much, do them pretty quick, remember this is a warm up, you
don’t need to get tired before your main set, so do 2 quick
negative handstand push ups.

Handstand workout after being able to do 3-4 handstand push ups:

1. Almost max out, which means max out but leave 1-2 reps in
reserve (5-7 sets) (if your goal is only to improve your

handstand push ups then you will progress the overload by

doing more reps in the sets, add 1 rep every 2 workouts.)
2. Max out on L-sit to handstand (3-4 sets)
3. Max handstand holds 2sets (6 sets)
Warm up: the best way to warm up before this workout is by
doing your usual wrists and shoulder dynamic stretch, then do
some pike push ups 2-3 reps, rest a bit and then do 1-2 reps od
handstand push ups, and then you can start the workout above.
Handstand workout if your goal is to learn the 90 degree handstand
push ups:
1. Attempts of the 90 degrees push up, 1 rep, 4 sets, 4-5
minutes rest between sets
2. Handstand push ups close to failure, leave 1-2 reps in
reserve, don’t max out, 3 sets, 3-4 minutes rest.
3. 2 sets maximum handstand hold
Warm up: since the 90-degree handstand push up is like a 1 rep
max for you, you need to take the warmup serious. Start with your
usual wrists and shoulder dynamic stretch, then you do some
shoulder press with a light band, 6-8 very light reps, after that 2
reps of L-sit to handstand, rest 3 mins, then do 2-3 reps of
handstand push ups, and then start your workout above after like
4 minutes.

Handstand workout after being able to do 2 reps of the 90-degree

handstand push ups:
1. Do as many 90-degree push ups as you can, 3-4 sets, max
reps, 4-5 minutes rest between sets.
2. Handstand push ups, 1-2 reps away from failure, 4 sets, 3-5
mins rest between sets.
3. Handstand holds 2 sets, hold until failure

Back lever:
For back lever everything is much easier, the only thing you will
have to do is a decent warm up for shoulders and back and just
simply doing attempts of it, no easier progressions (because you

don’t need them as you have the basic strength from dips for it),
just full back lever as it is very easy to learn it. One tip is to put your
hands closer when learning it as it will be easier to do your first
hold it and how it is with handstand and back lever is that it is all
about warming up well and trying the exercise you want to learn.
This is why you need a decent basics level(pull ups and dips) so you
can just do attempts to learn most of the statics moves without
doing the progressions, remember, attempts is the best exercise,
the more you do the better it is(in one training, 5-10 attempts is
enough for back lever, and 20-30 attempts for handstand, as you
don’t get tired when you do it and it is mainly about balance.

One arm back lever should be trained after you get to 20 seconds
normal back lever hold. After you get to this level, warm up well
your shoulders and elbows, and then do a lot of attempts of the
one arm back lever, by leaning on the side and just traying to hold
it, keep doing it until one day your body will get stronger and get
used to this body position and you will eventually hold it, go from
bad to good form with time.

Front lever is an exercise I would suggest you to start training after

you get pretty strong at weighted pull ups, this is important
because when you will start training it your back will be strong
enough and it will take you less time to learn it. Start training it
after you get to 20 kg for 10 reps on pull ups. And when you start
training it, you will have to stretch and warm up very well:
Warm up:
1. Light shoulder and back warm up for joints (dynamic
stretches) 4-6 minutes
2. 4-5 normal pull ups
3. 1 set of tuck front lever hold (5-6 seconds)
4. 1 set of advanced tuck front lever (5-6 seconds)

After this start the training by doing full front lever attempts (this is
the hardest and most effective exercise)

1. Start with 5-8 attempts, even if you can’t hold it, just try, rest
like 3-4 minutes between attempts
2. After this to front lever negatives, 1 rep 6 sets, 3 mins rest
3. After these 2 exercises you do the progression that you make
you struggle when holding it 10 seconds (for example
advanced tuck)

Front lever workout after being able to hold it for 4-6 seconds:
1. Max holds 4-6 sets, 4-5 minutes rest
2. Negative front lever 2 rep 4 sets
3. Advanced tuck pulls ups max out 2 sets
4. Rest 3-5 minutes between sets for all the exercises
Warm up:
1. Light shoulder and back warm up for joints (dynamic
stretches) 4-6 minutes in total
2. 4-5 normal pull ups
3. 1 set of advanced tuck front lever (5-6 seconds)
4. Full front lever 1-2 sec hold

Front lever workout if your goal is learning the front lever pull ups:
1. 1 rep 5 sets of a front lever pull up as high and clean as you
can (do this workout until you can touch the bar)
2. Advanced tuck pull ups, stop repping out when you stop touch
the bar, 3 sets
3. Maximum front lever holds, 2 sets
Warm up:
1. Light shoulder and back warm up for joints (dynamic
stretches) 4-6 minutes in total
2. 4-5 normal pull ups
3. 1 set of advanced tuck front lever pull ups 2 good reps
4. Full front lever 1-2 sec hold

Planche is a movement which is mostly about shoulders and

scapula strength, after you get to 40 kg for 10 reps on dips then this
is how you are going to work on your planche:
This how your workout plan for planche will look like for 5-6
workouts (3-4 workouts only because you will prepare your body
for this movement by training like this).

Warm up – make sure you warm up your wrists very well before
the workout (use the same wrist warm up from the handstand
section), you can do some little stretches and dynamic stretches for
wrists, after this warmup your shoulders, do a casual joints school
warm up, after this do 1 set of planche leans but very light, then do
another set of planche leans but a bit more intense than the first
one, so don’t lean too much because it’s only a warm up.

Actual workout – do 5-6 sets of planche leans. Lean this much so

you can barely hold this position for 8-10 seconds, rest 3-4 minutes
between sets, I know the volume is small even though the intensity
is good, we are only preparing your body now, the actual intense
workout is coming soon. After you did this for 3-4 workouts, start
training planche like this:

Warm up:
1. Wrists dynamic leans
2. 1 set of planche leans, very light for like 3-5 seconds
3. 1 set of planche leans a bit more intense, also 3-5 seconds

Actual workout:
1. 4 sets of maximum hold of the progression that you can hold
for maximum 6-8 seconds, rest 3-4 minutes between sets.
2. Planche leans, lean so much so you can barely hold that
position for 4-5 seconds
3. Planche leans but lean a bit less, so when you max out you
can barely hold it for 6-8 seonds

1st progression and just planche leans are more than enough to
lean planche, for 2 reasons:
1. When doing planche leans, you are using the same
muscles as you do when you hold the actual planche
2. It’s very easy to progress the overload when doing this
exercise because you can just lean more and more with
The workout above is all you need to do in terms of sets and
exercises, once you get stronger at one progression, just move on
into a different one which will also make you struggle to hold it for
6-8 seconds, same with planche leans, remember to always max
out and lean enough so you can max out in the range of the
seconds mentioned above. About the structure and how often to
train the skills, check the sections above.

Muscle ups is a very long process in terms of learning how to do 5

dirty muscle ups to getting them perfect and clean, it is a long
process because it is hard to get a better explosive strength, by
hard I mean that it takes time. When doing the muscle up, the
percentage of the muscles working and spending more energy is
80% for pull(back) and 20% for push (dip part). If you can do 20 pull
ups (which is the requirement before using this program) then it
means you could definitely do a muscle up, I know it’s with bad
form which is why you are reading this.

Requirements before learning the muscle ups:

1. Body fat% not higher than 20% for men and 25-30% for
2. Recommended bodyfat % is 10-20% for men and 15-25% for
3. It’s not about the weight or height, it’s about the bodyfat %
because you could weight 100kg+ but if you are lean then
muscle ups will not be a problem for you

Muscle ups

Warmup is a very important part of your training, and as a warmup

you can do some light cardio (3-5 mins light jogging) to get the
blood flow going around the body, remember it’s only a warmup,
you don’t have to exhaust yourself too much. This is how your
actual warmup should look like:

1. 3-5 minutes jogging or bicycle at a medium speed

2. Some light back exercises with the band, just to get the blood
flow going around the working muscles, for example doing
some back rows or pull ups with 2 bands (2 bands so you do a
similar movement but very light) so you work the same
muscle but very light
3. Last bit before your working sets is doing 3-4 pull ups

Stage 2: After you learn the muscle up, your goal will be to do more
and more muscle ups in one set, at this stage your goal will be to
get to do 6 dirty (kipping and swinging) muscle ups in one set. If
you can do only 1 or 2 muscle ups in one set. Your goal is to do
more sets of 1 muscle up, so for example 10 sets of one muscle ups,
just so your body gets used to this movement and you just built
volume in terms of reps. After you do 10-15 attempts of the muscle
up, you will have to do 2 sets of pull ups max reps.
Example of a workout plan at this level (when you are able to do 4-
6 muscle ups)

Reps Sets
Muscle ups 1-2 reps 5-8 sets
(2-3 minutes rest)
Pull to the chest 3 reps 3 sets
(4-5 minutes rest)

But the most important thing is to be able to do those pull ups

faster because to do the muscle ups you need to have the ability to
pull yourself up as fast as possible. When doing the muscle up, the
percentage of the muscles working and spending more energy is
80% for pull (back and biceps) and 20% for push (dip part, chest and
triceps), remember this, the main priority is on pulling.

Stage 3: After you get to around 6-7 muscle ups, your goal will be
to make them cleaner and then work on the amount of muscle ups,
to work on explosive strength. The main focus when doing those 2-
3 reps is to do them as clean and explosive as you can.
Reps Sets
Muscle ups 2-3 reps 5-7sets
(3 minutes rest)
Pull ups 3 reps 4sets
(3 minutes rest)

Stage 4 this stage is about how to progress later, so for example

you can do 10 muscle up, and the form on the first 4 muscle ups is
pretty good. At this level to progress and get the muscle ups more
explosive and cleaner and just increase the endurance and be able
to do more muscle ups in a row with good form, you will have to
increase the amount of muscle ups in one set and also increase the
amount of sets, for example 3-4 reps and 5-8 sets. Start with 3 reps
5 sets, then after like 1 months do 3 reps also but 6 or 7 sets, and
after 2 or 3 more months, start doing 4 reps 5-6 sets.

Slow muscle ups


The best exercise to learn the slow muscle ups is to do attempts

and do negative muscle ups, focusing a lot on the transition bit.
Before learning the slow muscle ups, achieve at least 3-5 normal
muscle ups and get to 20 dips. When working on it only focus on
the transition, try to even avoid the pull and the dip part.
Diet advice and tips!
 One of the most individual things in sport is diet, everyone is
very different, in terms of how many calories they naturally
burn, how many calories they need to consume to progress in
sport and be healthy.

 The first thing you need to calculate is your BMR which stands
for Basic Metabolic Rate, this will tell you how many calories
you roughly need to consume to maintain your weight or gain
weight, it is not very very accurate because genetics plays a
big role and they don’t ask you questions about it on the
website but here’s the link to the website anyway

 You know your body the best so just try to be in a little

surplus of 100-300 kcal in a day, the average is 2500 kcal for a
male and 2000 kcal for a female, this is the amount you need
to consume to maintain your weight, it could be higher or
lower, it depends on the persons metabolism, age and
lifestyle. When it comes to the foods you need to eat, it’s up
to you and your preference, the main thing is to get all the
nutrients in (carbs, fats, protein), the types of foods you can
eat will be shown in the picture below (eat well plate)

Because you are

an athlete, you
can make the
protein intake a
little higher.

When it comes to cheat days, this is also very important, because

for most people it is very good to have cheat days since it will
mentally make you more likely to stick to a diet, because if you
have been having a bad diet your whole life and you suddenly have
a very healthy diet then you will quit very fast since it will be very

hard for you to maintain the healthy lifestyle, that’s why cheat days
are needed, I personally have it once every 2-3 days, only because I
am young and I will be okay, the older I will get the less often I will
have cheat days. 2-3 cheat meals a week is the best in my opinion.
But if like in the example, you suddenly switch from a bad lifestyle
to a healthy one then you may slowly reduce the amount of junk
food you eat, take your time because it will be hard, which is why
you often hear from athletes that diet is the hardest part, it takes
the most effort and time, so take your time.
 Most supplements are very overrated and won’t help you
with your results, the most effective supplements are sea
moss and creatine, protein shakes are just extra protein,
nothing special, that’s why I don’t take it, I have a very good
diet already, I don’t really need protein shakes. 2 spoons of
sea moss has 90% of the of all the vitamins and minerals you
need to consume in one day, which is why I take it, once you
consume it you can forget about all the useless pills with
vitamins that may not even contain those vitamins haha.

My diet and workout plan at 14-19 years old

What I did: What I could have done to make my progress better:

0-12 months of my journey 0-6 months of my journey

Training: Training:
I worked out 1-5 times a week, outside in Well, as you can see, everything was
the park where I had a thick bar and a dip wrong with my training and diet and I still
station, I only warmed up if it was cold progressed, only because I was a beginner
outside, the main goal for me was to learn and the main thing for me was to do
a 2 hands muscle up, at the time I could something, and that would be enough for
only do a chicken wing muscle up with one me to progress. I was very lucky to not get
arm, the training was very random and not injured because I never warmed up, and
planned or structured, I worked out worked out in cold weathers which is bad.
differently most of the time, I had no If I would be to start training again and
knowledge about training, I started my have the knowledge I have now then I
session with muscle ups attempts, after would send myself this workout plan
that doing some pull ups and dips, random haha, which sounds weird but the reason I
amount of sets and reps, and I did learn don’t tell you now exactly what I would do
the two hands muscle up eventually just is because all the methods in this workout
because I kept trying it a lot of times, it plan above is exactly what I would do,
took me like 1-2 months to get it, which because they are the most effective, there
isn’t fast considering that I had a pretty are many other methods that work but the
strong back because I was able to do a ones explained in this plan are just the
dirty normal muscle up and 10+ pull ups. most effective.
Diet: Diet:
I used to eat 3 times a day, small-medium In terms of diet, I would also change a lot
portions, I ate very random food and a lot of things but if we think about it, I was just
of junk food, which was normal since I a kid, 14 years old, it’s okay to eat the way
never took my diet seriously. I did, at this age the main thing is to
workout properly, not to have an amazing
diet because you grow and progress from
anything like I said before, so the main
focus should be on working out.
1-2 years of my journey 1-2 years of my journey
Training: Training:
This is when I started taking working out My training was very good honestly, I can
and diet seriously, I was watching a lot of not really complain, of course the
YouTube videos about training and diet, weighted plan now is more effective, if
and this is also when I started doing this plan I have now is 10/10, then the one
weighted calisthenics. I had an amazing I had before is like a 7/10 I would say, the
progress this year and went from 60kg to reason it’s 7 is because I worked out once
like 72kg, which is also because of my age, a week with weights instead of every 4
because I was hitting puberty but I also days like I would do now and also because
gained a lot of muscles which is from i kept the same weight in my second set
training, I ‘only’ did 3 working sets of which is okay but if I would decrease the
weighted dips and 3 sets of weighted pull weight a bit and use the method I use now
ups, it may sound like it wasn’t enough but also another reason I gave the plan a 7 is

well, it worked amazing on me. Here’s because I only did one exercise which
what I did on my pull day: could make me have disproportions in my
1. Warm up body, since weighted pull ups doesn’t
2. 2 working weighted sets until work some muscles of the back, also dips
failure don’t work on the whole chest and
3. 1 set of bodyweight pull ups until shoulders.
failure Diet:
I did the same workout for my weighted My diet was honestly pretty good, the only
dips, the method I used to progress the thing I would change is that I would cook
overload is the same as in the weighted for myself 1 or 2 times more, because I ate
workout plan I have above, the only quality good but not in big amounts, so if I
difference is that I took the same weight could go back in time then I would eat
on the second set as I had in the first set, more, maybe 4-5 times a day, big portions.
whereas now in the plan above there’s a
little bit of difference and the second set is
different, the reason it is different is
because the progress is way faster if you
do that. I also did some calisthenics during
the week, I don’t remember the structure
of my training but I did progress, at that
point, I only had a good progress in muscle
ups and front lever, because these were
the only 2 skills I worked on, and the
reason I was stronger at pull exercises
than push, and I had a big disproportion
which is bad, but now I fixed that.
This year here, I improved my diet a lot
and started eating 3-4 times a day, good
food and big portions and I was rarely
eating junk food which I would say was a
pretty bad idea haha, the reason I say that
is because I was young and it’s okay to eat
junk food at that age because the body is
strong and nothing will happed to you, but
the reason I ate junk food so rarely is
because I took my training very seriously
and I had a very good progress.

2-3.5 years of my journey

This year was the worst! And this year and
a half was the reason I keep telling people
now that I have been working out for 3
years, even though you know I started 4-5
years ago, this year of my journey was
when I had a very serious lower back

injury which came from weighted pull ups

and it came because I never worked on my
core, as you know we use our core a lot in
calisthenics, and we have to work on it in
order to perform better, but I never did,
which is why I got injured, I had a
disproportion in strength, this is why I
suggest people to work on all the muscles
in the upper body and not only do pull ups
and dips. This year I had no progress at all,
because I couldn’t workout properly, and
when I tried to workout after feeling
better, my injury kept coming back,
eventually I got rid of the injury by paying
a lot of money to the doctors and after like
1 year and a half I finally started training
It was very hard to stay disciplined with
the diet, because I couldn’t workout, I had
no motivation to eat well, but I did
eventually eat good.

3.5 years – 5 years(now) of my journey 3.5 years – 5 years(now) of my journey

Training: Training:
My training experience is about 3 years, When it comes to working out the only
it’s just I started working out 5 years ago, mistake I could do now is not listen to my
but because of me not training serious and body and workout even though I could feel
having a long-term injury, I say 3 years and some muscle pain, which is wrong, but the
not 5 years, I don’t take the 2 years of reason I still workout is because I am
useless training and me being injured as stupid, I try my best to listen to my body
my experience. and this is the only reason I am injury free
My workout plan now: right now, and if I get injured is because of
Day 1: handstand push ups (70% intensity) the same reason I mentioned above. In
+ my push session terms of structure and working out,
Day 2: muscle ups (70% intensity) + my everything I do is amazing and my
pull session progress is also very good, remember, this
Day 3: rest is only the beginning of my journey, there
Day 4: leg day is way more to come.
Day 5: handstand push ups & muscle ups Diet:
(100 % intensity) I eat junk food like 3 times a week, I mean
Day 6: rest 3 meals a week, which is okay only
because I am 19 years old, once I get older
I use the same method from this program I will start eating less food and also less
when I lift, because it works the best, I junk food, but this will be like after 40
tried a lot of workout methods and years old, for now my diet is very good,
progressive overload methods that were can’t really complain.

suggested to me by the best athletes but

they all worked pretty bad 4/10 - 6/10,
this method worked the best on me which
is why I still do it and progress very good
at it, this method not only works on me
perfectly, it also worked very good on all
of my clients I used it on when I used to be
a coach. And it still works very good on the
people who have this workout plan. Also
there is a lot of knowledge that I have, all
you see in this workout plan is only like
10% of all I know, so with time I will try to
add more and more information to this
workout plan.
Right now I eat 4 times a day big portions,
usually between 3-4.5 kcal, the foods I eat
are not out of this world, I eat the same
food as most people do, the only
difference is that I eat big portions.

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