903 S 4 Ave Yakima, WA 98908● 360-908-7170● [email protected]
Hope Human Services Mar. 2021- Mar. 2023
Direct Support Professional
Documentation for medication and observations of the client's behavior are tasks I complete daily. I focus
on providing supervision, support, and teaching basic living skills to clients. I show empathy and respect for
clients. I work with the clients to have them follow their support plan and residential guidelines. I
meticulously read over new guidelines and new requirements for clients each shift.
Volunteer Experience
Hippo Therapy Fall 2018
[24 hours] I would walk alongside the horse as the client performed visual tasks and upper extremity
mobility in a rink and on a trail. I observed how this type of therapy changes the client's behavior by
allowing them a chance to interact with therapists, students, and animals. I witnessed how occupational
therapists implement treatment with equestrian activities and give a chance for clients to engage with
students their age.
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute 2020-2021
[72.8 hours] Observed Occupational Therapists work with clients who had a multitude of diagnoses or just
a single injury. Therapists administered evaluation/discharge assessments, modeling/practicing transfers,
and exercises during their rehabilitation. I observed Occupational Therapists adapt their behavior to be
able to discuss therapy sessions with patients. I assisted with treatments when the therapist would record
patients' physical and mental success or barriers they would face during future treatment.
Providence St. Joseph's Care Center Fall 2020
[35.75 hours] I watched Occupational Therapists provide verbal cues to older clients for dressing and
performing hygiene tasks. Patients worked on transfers from laying down to sitting in bed. sitting and
standing from the toilet, and just standing at the sink to perform hygiene. If the patient has difficulty in an
exercise the therapist would provide implementation of adaptive tools. I observed multiple ways to
implement exercises into patients' daily routine, the routines and strategies will help progress them to
becoming more independent.
Northwest Spokane Pediatric Fall 2021
[75 hours] Volunteering in a pediatric center was by far the most fun and full of energy I experienced.
Northwest Spokane Pediatric environment was the most intricate therapy setting to observe. The dilemmas
and complexity of parents schedules and their child’s schedule. I observed and took notes as the main
Occupational therapist met with new patients and parents for an initial evaluation to see what the OT could
provide for their child. I watched the OT assess patients with Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
and Test of Visual Perception to allow the OT an insight into what services he could provide to the patient.
Besides assessments, I observed a patient use a whiteboard or picture schedule to show choice in the
therapist's exercise. Some patients required sensory input from a body sock while in the sensory-motor gym
and some received Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration therapy. Therapy in this setting is
designed around play and having fun so learning can be achieved.
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences 2023-2025
Masters in Science of Occupational Therapy *In Progress*
Including but not limited to: Learning and spending time with my son, running, mountain bike racing,
Spartan Races, gardening, physiology of the human body, and acquiring new knowledge on psychology by
Dave Christianson
907 W Sharp Ave #2
Spokane, Wa 99201 (509)-413-6984
[email protected]
Bridget Burke
(360)-440-1090 [email protected]
Kathryn Wilkie
753 NE Landon Rd Belfair, WA 98528
[email protected]