Flexibility Matrix Method System Approach

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Analyze the continuous beam shown in fig.

(a), if the
support 2 sinks by 5 mm. Given E=25.5 x106 kN/m2 Breadth
of the beam b=300 mm and depth of beam d=600 mm.
1-2. The static indeterminacy of the structure is two, i.e. n=2. As support 2 sinks by 5
mm, it will be necessary to choose R2, vertical reaction at 2 as one of the redundant,
which is in the direction of settlement. Choose R1 as another redundant, which is
vertical reaction at 1. After removal of R1 and R2, the beam becomes statically
determinate and now this released structure can be analysed for loads and unit load at
1 and 2 to set up the flexibility equations.
3. Analyse the released structure for loads and unit load at 1 and 2 to obtain
displacements by the conjugate beam method.
(a) Deflection at 1 and 2 due to loads in the released structure as shown in fig.(b)

 02  moment at 2 / in the conjugate beam

250 1
  4  2   400  4  2.66
EI 2

 01  moment at 1/ in the conjugate beam
250 1 250 3 1 400
  4 7    5  5    42.66  5
EI 3 EI 4 2 EI

(b) Deflection at 1 and 2 due to unit load at 1 fig .c
1 2 9
f11     9  9
2 3 EI

5 1 2 4
f 21   4 2     4 4
EI 2 3 EI

(c) Deflection at 1 and 2 due to unit load at 2 ( fig . d )
1 4 4
f 22     4  2
2 3 EI

1 4  8
f12    4  5  
2 EI  3

• Set up of flexibility equations
• Support 2 settles by 5 mm, i.e. 5/1000=0.005 m, so that Δ2 =0.005 m and also Δ1 =0
• The first equation is compatibility at joint 1
f11 R1  f12 R2   01  1
243 184 14695.8
R1  R2  0
bd 3 0.3  0.63
I   5.4 10 3 m 4
12 12
EI  25.5  106  5.4  10 3
 137.7 103 kN / m 2
Substitute for EI in the equation
243R1  61.33R2  14695.83
The sec ond equation is compatibility at jo int 2
184 64
R1  R2   02   2
 02  0.005 m and  2  0.005
61.33 21.33 4128
R1  R2   0.005
61.33R1  21.33R2  0.005 137.7 103  4128
61.33R1  21.33R2  3439.5
Arranging equations in matrix form
 243 61.33  R1   0  14695.33   14695.33
61.33 21.33  R   688.5  4128    3439.5 
  2     
5. Solving the above two equations we get
R1  71.88kN  and R2  45.08kN 
6. Once the redundant reactions are known, the structure becomes
statically det er min ate and other quantities such as shear force, bending moment
can be obtained .
Analysis of plane frames
• This section discusses the analysis of plane frames by flexibility method. It is
convenient to obtain flexibility coefficient using the unit load method once the
redundant have been selected.
• Prob: Analyse the rigid jointed plane frame shown in fig. by flexibility method. EI is
constant througoht.
• Soln: 1. The structure is statically indeterminate externally and degree of static
indeterminacy Is =5-3=2
• 2. Let us choose the horizontal and vertical reactions at support D as redundant,
 R1   VD 
R      
 R2   H D 

• 3. Analyse the determinate structure, after removing the redundant for

• (a) Given loads
• (b) Unit load applied in the direction of redundant as shown in fig. b
• The expressions for bending moment in the various segments of the structure are
tabulated in Table for given loads (M), for unit load in the direction of redundant R 1
(m1 ) and for unit load in the direction of redundant R2 (m2 ).
Segmen Origin LimitCalculation
M Table m1 m2
DC D 0-3 0 0 -x
CB C 0-4 10x2 -x -3
BE B 0-3 20×4×2+20x -4 -(3-x)
EA E 0-2 160+20(3+x) -4 x
• Displacement due to given loads

 01  
1  
4 5
 
EI  0

  10 x  x dx   160  20 x  4 dx

0 
Mm2 dx
 02  
1  
4 3 2
 
EI  0

  10 x  3dx   160  20 x x  3dx   160  20(3  x)xdx

0 0 
 956.67

• (b) Due to unit load in direction of redundant R1
m1m1dx 1   101.33
4 5
f11       x dx   16dx  

EI EI  0 0  EI
m1m2 dx 1  
4 3 2
f 21      3 xdx   4(3  x)dx    4 xdx 
EI EI  0 0 0 


• © Due to unit load in the direction of redundant R2

From Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem
f12  f 21 
m2 m2 dx 1  2 
3 4 3 2
f 22     x dx   9 dx   3  x 2
dx   x 2
 dx
EI EI  0 0 0 0 

• 4. Set up compatibility equation
• As there are two redundants R1 and R2

f11 R1  f12 R2  1   01
f 21 R1  f 22 R2   2   02

  4840
As the support D is restrained Δ1 =Δ2 =0, sothe equations
are 
1 101.33 34   R1   EI 
 34     956  
EI  56.67 R
 2   0  
 EI 
The final equations are
101.33 34   VD  4840
 34    
 56.67   H D   956 

5. Solving the two equations gives

VD =52.27 kN↑ and HD =-14.74 kN←

6. Knowing the redundants the solution can now be completed.

Analysis of Pin-jointed Plane Truss
• This section illustrates the use of flexibility matrix method in the analysis of
indeterminate pin-jointed plane truss. It is necessary to choose the redundant
forces judiciously which keep the structure stable and determinate. The unit load
method is again used to compute the displacements.

• Ex. Analyse the pin-jointed truss shown in fig (a) by flexibility method
• 1. The static indeterminacy of the structure is 2. It is externally determinate but
internally indeterminate. As the structure is internally indeterminate to second
degree, it will be necessary to remove two members to make the structure
• 2. Choose forces in members BF and DF as the redundant forces so that

 R1   BF 
R      
 R2   DF 
• Analysis of the truss
• Fig. (b) shows the determinate truss with loads, while fig. © and (d) show the truss
with unit load in the direction of redundant forces R1 and R2 .
• In Table below, the results for the analysis are tabulated for further calculations.
Memb Length Area P p1 p2 pp1L/AE pp2L/ p1p1L/ p2p2L/ p1p2L/
er Table AE AE AE AE
AB 3 A -50 -0.6 0 90 0 1.08 0 0
BC 4 2A -50 -0.8 0 80 0 1.28 0 0
CD 4 2A +50 0 -0.8 0 -80 0 1.28 0
DE 3 A 0 0 -0.6 0 0 0 1.08 0
EF 4 2A +50 0 -0.8 0 -80 0 1.28 0
FA 4 2A +50 -0.8 0 -80 0 1.28 0 0
AC 5 A 62.5 1 0 312.5 0 5 0 0
CE 5 A 62.5 0 1 0 -312.5 0 5 0
BF 5 A 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0
FD 5 A 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0
CF 5 A 0 -0.6 -0.6 0 0 1.8 1.8 1.8
• (a) Displacement with loads

Pp1 L 402.5
 01   
Pp2 L 472.5
 02   
• (b) Flexibility coefficients with R1 =1

p1 p1 L 15.44
f11   
p1 p2 L 1.8
f12  f 21   
• © Flexibility coefficients with R2 =1

p1 p2 L 15.44
f 22   
• 2. Set up compatibility equations

f11 R1  f12 R2   01  1
f 21 R1  f 22 R2   02   2
• Substituting the values and noting that Δ1 = Δ2 =0
• The final equations are

1 15.44 1.8   R1  1  402.5

     
AE  1.8 15.44  R2  AE  472.5
• The solution of equation gives
• R1 =-30.0 kN (member BF)
• R2 =34.10 kN (member DF)
• 4. The final forces in the member are given as
• Final force=P+p1R1 +p2R2
Thus, the final forces in the truss are calculated and are given in Table
Member Example Example
AB 32.08© 39.37©
BC 26.10© 52.50©
CD 22.57(T) 6.12(T)
DE 20.57© 4.59(T)
EF 22.57(T) 6.12(T)
FA 73.89(T) 52.50©
AC 32.64(T) 65.62(T)
CE 28.22© 7.65©
BF 29.86© 65.62(T)
FD 34.29(T) 7.65©
CF 2.66© 34.78©

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