2022 MMDA Operations Manual
2022 MMDA Operations Manual
2022 MMDA Operations Manual
: OM-01
Quality Management System Effective Date: 04/01/2022
Revision No.: 01
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The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority was created on March 1, 1995 by virtue of Republic Act
7924 entitled “An Act Creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, Defining its Powers and
Functions, Providing Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes”, to administer the affairs of Metropolitan
Manila, now composed of sixteen (16) cities namely, Caloocan, Quezon, Manila, Pasay, Las Piñas,
Makati, Malabon, Valenzuela, San Juan, Parañaque, Pasig, Taguig, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Navotas &
Mandaluyong and one (1) municipality which is Pateros.
Metro-wide services under the jurisdiction of the MMDA are those services which have metro-wide
impact and transcend local political boundaries or entail huge expenditures such that it would not be
viable for said services to be provided by the individual local government units (LGUs) comprising
Metropolitan Manila.
(a) Development planning which includes the preparation of medium and long-term development
plans; the development evaluation and packaging of projects; investment programming and
coordination and monitoring of plans, programs and project implementation.
(b) Transport and traffic management which includes the formulation, coordination and
monitoring of policies, standards, programs and projects to rationalize the existing transport
operations, infrastructure requirements, the use of thoroughfares, and promotions of safe and
convenient movement of persons and goods; provision for the mass transport system and the
institution of a system to regulate road users; administration and implementation of all traffic
enforcement operations, traffic engineering services and traffic education programs, including
the institution of a single ticketing system in Metropolitan Manila.
(c) Solid waste disposal and management which include formulation, and implementation of
policies, standards, programs and projects for proper and sanitary waste disposal. It shall like-
wise include the establishment and operation of sanitary land fill and related facilities and the
implementation or other alternative programs intended to reduce, reuse and recycle solid
(d) Flood Control and sewerage management which includes the formulation and implementation
of policies, standards, programs and projects for an integrated flood control, drainage and
sewerage system.
(e) Urban renewal, zoning and land use planning, and shelter services which includes the
formulation, adoption and implementation of policies, standards, rules and regulations,
programs and projects to rationalize and optimize urban land use and provide direction to
urban growth and expansion, the rehabilitation and development of slum and blighted areas,
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the development of shelter and housing facilities and the provision of necessary social
services thereof.
(f) Health and sanitation, urban protection and pollution control which include the formulation and
implementation of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs and projects for the
promotion and safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region and for the
enhancement of ecological balance and the prevention, control and abatement of
environmental pollution.
(g) Public safety which includes the formulation and implementation of programs and policies and
procedures to achieve public safety, especially preparedness for preventive or rescue
operation during times of calamities and disasters such as conflagrations, earthquake, flood
and tidal waves; and coordination and mobilization of resources and the implementation of
contingency plans for the rehabilitation and relief operations coordination with national
agencies concerned.
(a) Formulate coordinate and regulate the implementation of medium and long-term plans and
programs for the delivery of metro-wide, services land use and physical development within
Metropolitan Manila, consistent with national development objectives and priorities;
(b) Prepare, coordinate and regulate the implementation of medium-term investment programs
for metro-wide services which shall indicate sources and uses of funds for priority programs
and projects, and which shall include the packaging of projects and presentation to funding
(c) Undertake and manage on its own metro-wide programs and projects for the delivery of
specific services under its jurisdiction subject to the approval of the Council. For its purpose,
MMDA can create appropriate project management offices;
(d) Coordinate and monitor the implementation of such plans, programs and projects in Metro
Manila; identify bottlenecks and adopt solutions to problems for implementation;
(e) The MMDA shall set the policies concerning traffic in Metro Manila, and shall coordinate and
regulate the implementation of all programs and projects concerning traffic management
specifically pertaining to enforcement, engineering and education. Upon request, it shall be
extended assistance and cooperation, including but not limited to, assignment of personnel,
by all other government agencies and offices concerned.
(f) Install and administer a single ticketing system , fix impose and collect fines and penalties for
all kinds of violations of traffic rules and regulations, whether moving or non-moving in nature,
and confiscate and suspend or revoked driver‟s licenses in the enforcement of such traffic
laws and regulations, the provisions of RA 4136 and PD 1605 to the contrary notwithstanding.
For this purpose, the Authority shall enforce all traffic laws and regulations in Metro Manila,
through its traffic operation center, and may deputize members of the PNP, traffic enforcers
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(g) Perform other related functions required to achieve the objectives of the MMDA, including the
undertaking of delivery of basic services to the local government units, when deemed
necessary subject to prior coordination with and consent of the local government unit
The MMDA has five (5) major offices, four (4) frontline offices (Operations), four (4) service units, four
(4) staff units, and thirty-eight (38) Divisions.
The five major offices are the Office of the Chairman, Office of the General Manager, Office of the
Assistant General Manager for Finance and Administration (OAGMFA), Office of the Assistant General
Manager for Operations (OAGMO) and Office of the Assistant General Manager for Planning (OAGMP).
The frontline offices are the offices involved in Operations namely: Solid Waste Management Office,
Traffic Discipline Office (which used to be called Traffic and Transport Management Office), Flood
Control and Sewerage Management Office, Health Public Safety and Environmental Protection Office.
Service Units include the Administrative Service, Finance Service, under the Office of the Assistant
General Manager for Finance and Administration Metropolitan Development Planning Service and
Physical and Spatial Development Service under the Office of the Assistant General Manager for
The Legal and Legislative Affairs Staff (LLAS), Corporate Planning and Management Staff (CPMS)
under the Office of the General Manager, Management Information System Staff (MISS) and Public
Affairs Staff (PAS) under the Office of the Chairman are the four (4) Staff Units.
The thirty-eight (38) Divisions are the following: Accounting Division, Budget Division, Treasury Division,
under the Finance Service; General Administrative Services Division, Supply and Property and Division,
Records Division, Staff Development Division, Personnel Transaction Division and Personnel Benefits
Division under the Administrative Service;
Plans and Programs Formulation Division, Plans and Programs Evaluation Division under the
Metropolitan Planning Service (OAGMP); Land Resource Management Division and Urban
Development Division under the Physical Planning Spatial Service (OAGMP).
Under the Solid Waste Management Office (SWMO) we have the Plans & Design Division, Project
Monitoring Division, Site Operations Management Division I (San Mateo), Site Operations Management
Division 2 (Carmona), Site Operation Management Division 3 (Las Piñas) and Site Operations
Management Division 4 (Payatas).
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For the Traffic Discipline Office (TDO), the Divisions include; the Plans Design and Traffic Signal
Operations Division, Traffic Education Division, Traffic Adjudication Division, TVR Management Division,
Traffic Enforcement Division – East Sector, Traffic Enforcement Division – West Sector, Traffic
Enforcement Division – South Sector, Traffic Enforcement Division – North Sector, Traffic Enforcement
Division – Central Sector, Impounding and Inspectorate Division, Traffic Mobile and Motorcycle
Enforcement Division.
The Traffic Engineering Center, although it is not included in the NOSCA has been included as one of
the major offices of the MMDA and works closely with the Traffic Discipline Office as it is in charge of
the traffic engineering functions. Its transfer from the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) to MMDA was done in 2003 by virtue of a Memorandum of Agreement signed by then DPWH
Secretary Simeon Datumanong and former MMDA Chairman Bayani F. Fernando.
The Health, Public Safety and Environment Protection Office (HPSEPO) includes the following Divisions;
Plans and Programs Development and Monitoring Division, Public Safety Division, Environmental
Management Division and Health and Sanitation Services Coordination and Assistance Division.
For the Flood Control and Sewerage Management Office (FCSMO) we have four (4) Divisions namely;
Plans Design and Project Monitoring Division, Equipment Management Division, Operation &
Maintenance Division 1 (Drainage, Floodways, & Waterways), Operation & Maintenance Division 2
(Pumping Lift Stations & Flood Gates).
There are thirty-four (34) Ad Hoc offices that were created to effectively and efficiently carry out the
mandated functions of the Authority. These include the Public Concerns and Responses Management
Unit (PCRMU), Internal Audit Service (IAS), Internal Quality Audit (IQA), Security Intelligence &
Investigation Office (SIIO), Pasig River Ferry System (PRFS), External Relations Office/ LGU Action
Officers, Special Events Operations, Metro Manila Network Against Terrorism (MMNAT), Metropolitan
Public Safety Office (MPSO), Metro Manila Crisis Monitoring & Management Center (MMCMMC),
Rescue Battalion, Metro Manila Emergency Volunteer Corps, Sidewalk Clearing Operations Group
(SCOG), Metropolitan Social Services Office (MSSO)/ Street Dwellers Care Unit, Anti-Smoke Belching
Unit (ASBU), Traffic Engineering Division (TED), Design & Layout Unit, Road Emergency Group (REG),
Traffic Investigation Unit (TIU), Children’s Road Safety Park, Task Force Special Operations and Anti-
Colorum Unit (TFSO), Road Safety Unit (RSU), Bus Management Dispatch System (BMDS), Parking
Management Team, No Physical Contact Apprehension Program (NPCAP), Over Speeding
Enforcement Group (OSEG), Bike Lane Program Office, Task Force Landas, Personnel Inspection
Monitoring Group (PIMG), Commonwealth Special Traffic District (CSTD), EDSA Special Traffic &
Transport Zone (STTZ), C-5 Special Traffic & Transport Zone (STTZ), Central Traffic Enforcement
District 1 (CTED1) and Central Traffic Enforcement District 2 (CTED2).
The MMDA Operations Manual presents the systems and procedures of all the Frontline Offices
(Operations) and some selected support services.
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The Administrative Division is an ADHOC office within the Traffic Discipline Office (TDO) that
provides administrative, secretariat and operational support to the TDO Director’s office as well
as all traffic office operating units. It is consists of 34 personnel who assist the Executive
Director and Director III for Enforcement in the overall direction, control and administration of
the TDO’s plans and programs relating to traffic personnel, budgetary and supply
requirements, and other administrative concerns of the traffic office, such as providing
secretariat support in all traffic meetings, investigating complaints against traffic personnel and
complaints about traffic conditions; and other related traffic concerns. The division is divided
into four sections, such as the Personnel Section, the Records Section, the UOVR Supply
Section and the Supply and Transport Section.
1. Ensures that CSC rules and regulations, MMDA policies, office guidelines and TDO rules
and regulations have been followed and implemented by TDO district/unit/office and
2. Ensures that all administrative operations are coordinated and work smoothly.
1. Administrative Issuances – are written statements which are distributed to staff and
action offices.
2. Apprehending Officer – a person authorized to issue Uniform Ordinance Violation
Receipt to motorists who violated traffic rules and regulations.
3. Deployment – a list of personnel who will manage a specific area of assignment with
additional information of time schedule, position/designation, etc.
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4. Issuances – are general policies and guidelines in written form issued from time to time
by the higher authorities or other responsible officials for the purpose of transmitting
orders, instructions, information and advisories, operations and activities of the units,
departments and sections of the Agency.
5. Memorandum – a communication document designed to impart and disseminate
information within an organization.
6. Office Order – an order containing directions or instructions followed by the person
receiving the order.
7. Regulation – an official rule or law that prescribes how something should be done; an
authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure, it is an order issued by an executive
authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.
8. Republic Act No. 7924 – an act creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
9. Rules – a regulation or by law governing procedure or controlling conduct.
10. Special Order – an order given to an individual or group of people that includes financial
11. Traffic Aide/Enforcer – a person authorized to enforce traffic laws, rules, and regulations.
12. Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt (UOVR) – refers to the traffic violation ticket issued
to a driver and or motor vehicle by the MMDA Traffic Enforcer due to infraction/violation of
traffic rules and regulations committed.
MO – Mission Order
MR – Memorandum Receipt
NGO – Non-Government Organization
OPCR – Office Performance Commitment Review
PBB – Performance-Based Bonus
PDS – Personal Data Sheet
PO – Purchase Order
PR – Purchase Request
QMS – Quality Management System
RIS – Requisition and Issue Slip
SO – Special Order
SPMS – Strategic Performance Management System
TAR – Traffic Apprehension Report
TDO – Traffic Discipline Office
TE – Traffic Enforcer
UOVR – Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt
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2.1 General
Overall supervision and coordination of administrative and human resource
management activities by TDO district/unit/office and personnel to ensure
efficiency and compliance with CSC rules and regulations, MMDA policies,
office guidelines and TDO rules and regulations.
b. Computer Operator
Issuance of Mission Order for traffic enforcer.
c. DTR Processor
Receives, review and processes TDO personnel DTR and AFLs.
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b. Receiving Clerk
Receives and records all incoming communications/documents
from TDO districts field offices, other MMDA offices and from public
and private entities;
Analyzes and determines where documents are
forwarded/transmitted for information and/or appropriate action.
d. Computer Operator
Monitoring of Data Tracking System (DTS) portal and
dissemination of communications through TDO Records Group
Chat/messenger and Emails;
Encodes all communications such as memoranda, MMDA and
OAGMO Office Order and other communications in a database for
quick retrieval of documents and reference.
e. Records Liaison
Facsimile of communications/documents to be
forwarded/disseminated to the concerned TDO
districts/units/offices and other MMDA offices.
c. Encoder
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d. Clerk
In-charge for the safekeeping of the returned UOVR ticket;
Filing of incoming/outgoing communications.
Act as a liaison with other office and outside agencies, including
other staff such as Director III for Enforcement and OIC, when
b. Procurement Staff
Provides administrative support for the procurement Head of the
TDO Supply and Transport Section.
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c. Transport Staff
Controls the distribution allocation of fuel, gas and other vehicle
accessories in the TDO district/unit.
Schedule transportation services, assign drivers and issue Vehicle
Dispatch Sheet (VDS) to TDO personnel on official government
Maintains all files, transport documents and reports in an organized
d. Inventory Staff
Conducts inspection and inventory of all TDO vehicles and
equipment to be issued and surrendered.
Updates and monitors TDO personnel accountability database, as
well as verification of the request for TDO Clearance.
Responsible for proper disposal inventory for unclaimed
impounded vehicles in impounding areas.
1. Flow Chart
Step 1
Personnel requesting to be reassigned
to another TDO district/unit should
accomplish Request for Transfer Form.
Step 2
Receive accomplished Request for
Transfer Form to prepare an OAGMO
Office Order.
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Step 1
Receive DTRs of TDO
personnel from various TDO
district/unit and DTRs from other
TDO personnel assigned to
other offices.
Step 2
Classification of DTRs according to
their plantilla/payroll group.
Step 3
Submission of DTRs to the
Administrative Service for payroll
Step 1
The traffic officer/enforcer must present their
deployment or an Office Order and also an
old Mission Order.
Step 2
Verify the presented deployment or Office Order and old
Mission Order before issuing of a new Mission Order.
Note: If the Mission Order is lost, the traffic officer/enforcer must submit an explanation
letter stating the circumstances surrounding the loss
of Mission Order, which must be approved by their respective supervisor before
obtaining a new one.
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Step 2
Print the document and write the date received or date
Step 3
Analyse and identify any marginal note or instruction
which will be used to forward or route document to the
concerned TDO district/unit that has to deal with it.
Step 4
Record summary details
of document through
Step 5
Reproduce copies and disseminate to the concerned
TDO districts/units or other relevant MMDA offices.
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Step 1
Step 2
Encode sorted documents via database.
Step 3
Maintaining the documents in
a file.
Step 3
Coordination with the MMDA's Records
Management Division for the analysis of
inactive records, archiving of documents,
and disposal of documents when the
retention period expires.
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Step 1
Received the list of traffic enforcers
who passed the exam at the Traffic
Education Division.
Step 2
Submit a duly accomplished
Application Form and other
requirements for the issuance of
deputation number and UOVR
Step 3
Verify the requirements submitted
before issuing the UOVR booklet.
Step 4
Accomplish the Inventory Custodian
Slip for Equipment, Semi-expandable
and Non-Expandable Property Form.
Step 5
Update the UOVR Holder’s Ledger
Step 6
Issue the UOVR booklet.
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Step 1
Surrender the issued UOVR tickets
and submit an accomplished
Request for UOVR Issuance Form.
Step 2
Verify the surrender UOVR
Step 3
Consumed Consumed Submit other requirements for the
or issuance of new UOVR booklet.
Unconsumed Step 4
Verify the requirements submitted
Step 3 before issuing the new UOVR booklet.
Call the attention of the district head
and admin for the extend of the validity
of the issued UOVR booklet until the Step 5
remaining tickets have been consumed. Accomplish the Inventory Custodian
Slip for Equipment, Semi-expandable
and Non-Expandable Property Form.
Step 4
Update the UOVR Holder’s Ledger
Form. Step 6
Update the OUVR Holder’s Ledger
Step 7
Issue the UOVR booklet.
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Step 1
Submit a written report/explanation within 72
hours upon knowledge of loss/misuse to the
District/Unit Head.
Step 2
The District/Unit Head shall endorse the report to the
UOVR Supply Section with attached documents such
as Police Report, Notarized Affidavit of Loss, and
Traffic Apprehension Report which must be certified
by TTMD.
Step 3
Verify the loss UOVR tickets/booklet.
Step 4
Issue a notice of loss and indorse the matter to the
Traffic Investigation Unit (TIU) for investigation.
Step 5
The TIU shall conduct investigation and provide a
copy of the Investigation Report to the UOVR Holder
and concerned offices for appropriate action.
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Step 1
Submit a letter request.
Step 2
Prepare and submit a Requisition Issue Slip (RIS)
for procurement processing to the MMDA Supply
and Property Division pursuant to RA 9184.
Step 3
MMDA's Supply and Property Division will notify the
TDO Supply and Transport Section for the delivery
of UOVR booklets.
Step 1
Receive delivery of UOVR booklets from
Step 2
Notify Internal Audit Unit for inspection.
Step 3
Notify Commission on Audit (COA) within 24 hours.
Step 4
Issuance of UOVR booklets to the UOVR Supply
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Step 1
Receive request from TDO
Step 2
Verify the name of the personnel on
the list of those eligible for supply.
Step 3
Check the availability of the
requested supply.
Step 4
Prepare the Requisition Issue Slip
(RIS) to be signed by the
requester/end user and Supervisor of
the TDO Supply and Transport Unit.
Step 5
Issuance of the supply.
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Step 1
Accomplish the Lubricant/Oil
Request Form
Step 2
Check the vehicle’s performance by
lubricating parts if it needs to change
the vehicle’s oil.
Need to No Step 3
change the The Request was
oil or not? denied.
Yes End
Step 3
Prepare the Requisition Issue Slip
(RIS) to be signed by the
requester/end user and Supervisor of
the TDO Supply and Transport Unit.
Step 4
Issuance of the lubricant oil.
Step 5
Record through stock card.
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Step 1
Accomplish the Fuel/Gas Allocation Request Form and
Vehicle Dispatch Sheet.
Step 2
Review the vehicle’s previous fuel/gas allocation prior to
approval by the TDO Supply and Transport Unit
Step 3
Record the accomplished request through logbook.
Step 4
Forward the accomplished request for coupon
processing to the Transport Division.
1. Accomplishment Report
2. Deployment of TDO Personnel
3. Division Performance Commitment Review
4. Masterlist of TDO Personnel
5. Office Performance Commitment Review
6. Request for Transfer
7. TDO Clearance
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1. TDO-ADMIN-001
2. TDO-ADMIN-0022
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The Bike Lane Program Office (BLPO) was established by the virtue of MMDA
Administrative Order No. 06, Series of 2012. The project invoices the establishment of
bicycles routes and lanes as a part of the energy conservation program of the Government
aimed at providing a safe thoroughfare with low-cost and environment friendly means of
non-motorized transportation for commuters. The program also aims to promote physical
exercise and health consciousness. BLPO has a total of seventy-four (74) manpower and
its Office is located near Earthquake Drill House, back of Chairman’s office at the MMDA
Bldg. It has also Field Offices located at three areas namely 1. EDSA/ Ortigas Ground Level
2. Commonwealth, Old Balara Quezon City 3. Manila Baywalk, Roxas Boulevard, Manila.
BLPO also have MMDA E-Bike Solar Charging Station at New Building Julia Vargas,
Pasig City. Inaugurated last June 22,2022 and two (2) Motorcycle/Bicycle Repair Station
located at Quezon Ave. Ground Level, Quezon City. Inaugurated last June 16,2022.
Personnel assigned work in two {2} Shifts, AM shift (5am to 1pm) and PM shift (1pm to
9pm). Each personnel given the specific tasks and activities to serve as a guide in the
discharge of their duties and functions.
1. Bike Counts – data gathering of cyclists and bikers using Bike Lane needed for its
2. Bike Lane Program – is a program which aims to provide an alternative non-motorized
transportation (NMT) in Metro Manila that is safe, Low-cost and environment friendly.
3. Bike Patrol Unit (Bikers) – the enforcement arm of BLPO and also the designated
marshal during peloton/events. Will cite violators and issue corresponding UOVR.
4. Bike Rack – the metal framework for holding bicycles located at strategic areas where
bikers can store their bikes safely.
5. Bike Sharing Program – aims to establish bike-lending schemes to further encourage
active transport by providing additional modes of transport readily available for the
6. Bike Shelter – the storage room for bicycles. It also serves as the field offices of the
BLPO personnel.
7. Docks – are special bike racks that locks the bikes and only released it by computer
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8. Repair Station – a commercial facility used for the repair of motor vehicles. Such facility
includes mechanics workshop, associated storage areas, and office(s).
9. Solar E-Bike Charging Station – station designed for e-bikes encounter low-battery
while on the road and need to be charge.
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2. General
BLPO shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities regarding the bike
lane program and as bike enforcers/ marshals during events and peloton, protect
bikers and maintain the bike lanes.
Bike Patrol are responsible for all aspects of the Bike Lane Program including
equipment, inventory control and checkout processes, and minor repairs. Safety
while providing outstanding and courteous service and ensuring outstanding
customer satisfaction is the main responsibility of the BLPO personnel in the
enforcement of Bike Lanes.
4.1 Head
Supervises the daily operational activities and implementation of the policies
and programs of the BLPO.
Organizes and allocates tasks of personnel and resources for various
Enforces standards in the management of records and reporting requirements.
4.7 Supervisors
In- charge of monitoring the lending operation of bicycles through the use of
borrower’s form and daily reports, responsible for checking the personnel if
they are doing their job well.
1. Number of Borrowers
2. Number of Bikes Borrowed
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Number of Bike Counts
5. Number of Violators on bike lanes
6. Number of repaired at repair station
7. Number of e-bike charged at charging station
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The City of Manila, Quezon City, Pasay City, Caloocan City, and other chartered cities and a
municipality comprised the 17 local government units (LGUs) of the present Metropolitan
Manila or the National Capital Region (NCR) of the Philippines.
Metro Manila has a population of close to 12 million and occupies a land area of 638 square
kilometers. Its daily daytime population increases to around 14 million as a result of the influx
of workers and students from the surrounding areas.
The 23.8-kilometer, 10-lane Epifanio Delos Santos Avenue (EDSA) is one of Metro Manila’s
main circumferential roads and serves as the main road artery in the movement of people and
goods. It carries some 320,000 vehicles daily in 2010 and increased to 360,000 in 2015,
including the 3,290 franchised city buses authorized to ply along EDSA, originating from the
northern or southern fringes.
On September 2003, the MMDA approved Resolution No. 03-28, Series of 2003 authorizing
the implementation of the EDSA Organized Bus Route (OBR) Project. This project is handled
by the Traffic Discipline Office wherein the functions and responsibilities fall under the 7
mandates of the MMDA, specifically the TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT
OBR aims to efficiently manage the flow of buses along EDSA by controlling the headways
between buses dispatched at terminals and by strictly enforcing rules on the use of PUV lanes
and loading and unloading areas. During the OBR Project period, cue cards were distributed
and used to monitor bus trips.
In 2012, with the use of information technology resources, the old OBR system was
rehabilitated. Cue cards were discarded and replaced with biometrics technology, dispatch
slip printouts, trip record print-outs, and bus/driver database. Further, OBR was renamed Bus
Management and Dispatch System (BMDS).
1. Tala
2. Ampid (San Mateo)
3. Novaliches
4. Malinta
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5. Oliveros
6. Buendia (Roxas Blvd.)
8. FTI
But on the onset of the worldwide pandemic due to Covid-19, these terminals and dispatch
booths are modified and regrouped to cater to the new bus routes issued by the LTFRB.
Sectors were established to group the BMDS dispatching areas:
These 5 sectors report directly to the BMDS main office stationed at the MMDA building in
Guadalupe, Makati.
The project is expected to cut the excess number of city buses in service (comprised of illegal
operators, as well as other authorized vehicles in excess of what is needed). This bus unit
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reduction is expected to increase passenger load factors while at the same time decongesting
major thoroughfares like EDSA.
The BMDS is an enhanced bus dispatch system that not only regulates the number of public
utility buses (PUBs) in EDSA but also monitors the performance of the drivers and their road
While we aim to monitor and control the dispatch of buses at MMDA Dispatch Stations
(terminals), it is also necessary to monitor and verify the profile of a driver to ensure the safety
of commuters. Under the BMDS, PUB drivers are required to finger-scan at the dispatch
terminals before being allowed to ply their routes. The MMDA has created a PUB Driver’s
Databank which contained the personal information of each registered driver, the bus
company where he is employed, and even the number of his unsettled violations. The project
covers a total of 4,306 city buses operated by 168 individuals/firms.
However, due to the recent pandemic, modifications in the daily operations of BMDS and strict
implementation of health protocols set by Covid-19 lead agencies took effect in lieu of the
previously observed standard operating procedures.
The Quick Response (QR) Codes Scanning System is the BMDS office’s transition to the
city Public Utility Buses (PUB’s) dispatching system. QR codes ensure compliance with the
IATF Minimum Health and Safety Protocols by avoiding physical contact and providing quick
and easy access to reading drivers’ information before dispatching.
Its main objective is to ensure the health and safety of BMDS personnel and bus
drivers/personnel to the Covid-19 variant to effectively and efficiently deliver public services.
Only authorized city public utility bus drivers will be given a QR code by the BMDS office. This
QR code will be presented to the BMDS terminal/roadside dispatcher before dispatch.
Bus Management & Dispatch System – The BMDS is a unified dispatch system for
public utility buses and uses biometrics fingerprint scanners not only to record and
monitor the arrival and departure of all bus units at terminals but also to identify and
monitor PUB drivers.
LTFRB Database (Updated List of Authorized Units) - The foundation of the system
lies in the assurance that all PUBs in operation are authorized units along franchised
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Terminals and Satellite Stations – Currently, MMDA has established four (4)
holding/dispatch terminals and eleven (11) checkpoints/satellite stations along the
main routes.
- Terminal – a fixed structure with enough space used for dispatch which allows
buses to queue in line for dispatch procedures. Further, passengers can board/
the buses which are queued within the terminal.
- Satellite Stations/Booths – are monitoring stations on the roadside along the bus
routes which does not allow queuing as this will cause traffic in the area.
Discipline Office is hereby constituted to answer the demand and need for an efficient and
effective traffic management in the rapid developing area along C-5 Road in the cities of Makati,
Taguig, Pasig and Quezon. It shall cover the stretch of C-5 Road from South Superhighway to
the intersection of Katipunan and Santolan roads with a total land area of 13.99km (8.69mi).
C5 STTZ Base is located at C5 corner Ortigas Avenue Pasig City and has a total manpower of
131 personnel who work and are distributed in three (3) shifts:
Group A Group B
1st Shift 5:00 am – 09:00 pm 6:00 am – 02:00 pm
2nd Shift 1:00 pm – 09:00 pm 3:00 pm – 11:00 pm
3rd Shift 9:00 pm – 05:00 am 10:00 pm – 06:00 am
It was created on April 30, 2013 according to the Office Order No. 100, Series of 2013 and signed
by then Chairman Atty. Francis N. Tolentino.
To ensure the efficient operation of the C-5 STTZ, it shall continuously coordinate with the Traffic
Bureaus of the cities of Makati, Taguig, Pasig, Quezon and other neighboring Local Government
Units (LGUs).
Radio Communication
QC - 21
TEIII John Paul M. Gojo Cruz QC - 17
TAI Aldrin M. Gaffud
No. of
57 3rd Shift No. of
TAI Jovy V. Pagulayan Personnel
Supervisor 42s
TAI Roberto T. Cruz Jr.
Total no. of Personnel Assistant Supervisor
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2. General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth flow
of traffic and orderliness on the road.
4.3 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector.
1. Work Flow
2. Apprehension Procedures
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. DPCR
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8. TDO-ADMIN-007-ver 0
(Certificate of Clearance)
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The Commonwealth Special Traffic District is a major branch of the Traffic Discipline Office
that is primarily responsible in maintaining smooth flow of traffic in the Commonwealth
Avenue portion of Metro Manila particularly along major thorough fares in tandem with the
Local Government Unit (LGU) that comprises the City of Quezon City. Commonwealth
Avenue spans from 6 to 18 lanes and is the widest Avenue in the Philippines. Its stretch is
12.7 km long. It is one of the major roads in Metro Manila and is designated as part of Radial
Road 7 (R-7) of the older Manila arterial road system. Commonwealth Avenue starts from
the Quezon Memorial Circle inside the Elliptical Road and passes through the areas of
Philcoa, Tandang Sora, Balara, Holy Spirit, Batasan Hills, Litex, Doña Carmen, Fairview,
Regalado Hi-Way and ends at the Quirino Hi-way in Novaliches area. Its District Office is
currently located at Commonwealth Avenue corner Luzon (underneath the flyover), Quezon
City, Metro Manila and has a total Manpower compliment of 206 personnel who work and
are distributed in three shifts: 1st Shift – 05:00 am – 01:00 pm and 06:00 am – 2:00 pm, 2nd
Shift: 01:00 – 09:00 pm and 3rd Shift: 09:00pm – 05:00 am. Each Traffic Enforcer is given
specific tasks and activities to serve as a guide for them in the discharge of their duties and
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1. Organizational Chart
2.1 General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth
flow of traffic and orderliness on the road.
2.2.4 Ensure smooth traffic flow, improved travel time and efficient conduct of traffic
direction and control within the area of responsibility
2.2.5 Enforcement of traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
2.2.6 Coordination with Barangay, local traffic units and stakeholders
regarding relevant traffic improvement programs and special activities
2.2.7 Periodical submission of accomplishment reports
2.2.8 Provide assistance to traffic related accidents and stalled vehicles
2.3.3 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector.
1. Work Flow
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2. Apprehension Procedures
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. DPCR
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The Central Traffic Enforcement District 1 (CTED-1) is one of the major branches of the Traffic
Discipline Office primarily responsible in maintaining smooth flow of traffic in the Central part of
Metro Manila particularly along major thoroughfares in collaboration with the Local Government
Unit (LGU) of Quezon City, District 1 and 4 comprising of 37 Barangays with a total land area of
433, 689 square kilometers. Its office is currently located at the corner of EDSA and Quezon
Avenue, Quezon City and complimented with a total manpower of 115 personnel as distributed
in three shifts with the following schedules.
Each Traffic Enforcer is given specific tasks and activities to serve as a guide for them in the
discharge of their duties and functions.
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1. Organizational Chart
2. General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth flow
of traffic and orderliness on the road.
4.3 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector.
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2. Apprehension Procedures
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. DPCR
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The Central Traffic Enforcement District 2 is a major branch of the Traffic Discipline Office that is
primarily responsible in maintaining smooth flow of traffic in the District 3, Quezon City portion of
Metro Manila particularly along major thoroughfares in tandem with the Local Government Unit
(LGU) that comprises the City of Quezon, with a combined total land area of 325,304 square kms.
Its office is currently located at the MMDA Katipunan Cor. Aurora, Metro Manila and has a total
manpower compliment of 115 personnel who work and are distributed in three shifts: 1 st Shift –
05:00 am – 01:00 pm,06:00 am- 02:00 pm 2nd Shift: 01:00 pm – 09:00 pm, 02:00 pm – 10:00 pm
and 3rd Shift: 09:00pm – 05:00 am. Each Traffic Enforcer is given specific tasks and activities to
serve as a guide for them in the discharge of their duties and functions.
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1. Organizational Chart
1ST Shift Supervisor 2ND Shift Supervisor 3RD Shift Supervisor
47 44 6
Personnel Personnel Personnel
2. General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth flow
of traffic and orderliness on the road.
4.3 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector.
4.4 Admin
Receives and files incoming and outgoing official communications.
Processing, recording, submitting and filing of DTR and maintains records of
4.8 Liaison
Responsible in bringing memos and other correspondences to and from the
Head office.
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4.9 Utility
In charge in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of the District Office
so that it will look presentable to the Public.
1. Work Flow
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2. Apprehension Procedures
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. DPCR
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The EDSA-Special Traffic and Transport Zone is an ad hoc traffic unit of the Traffic Discipline
Office (TDO), covers the stretch of EDSA – Monumento to Heritage Hotel in Pasay City.
The district is in-charge of the enforcement and implementation of all traffic rules and regulations.
Administer all MMDA programs and activities within their respective areas of operation/
boundaries such as, the EDSA Busway (commonly known as the EDSA Carousel) that will run
from Monumento to SM Mall of Asia extending towards the Parañaque Integrated Terminal
Exchange, 28.1 kilometres traversing the dedicated inner-most bus lane of EDSA, installed with
concrete barriers/ bollards, steel fences and with designated bus stops.
The EDSA – STTZ district field office is currently located at the lower ground level of EDSA/ Timog
fly-over, Quezon City, headed by the District Traffic Officer who oversees all traffic enforcement
activities including plans and programs of this Authority. The District Traffic Officer shall assist/
reports to the Director III for Enforcement, Director III, TEC and Officer-In-Charge, Traffic
Discipline Office. The district comprises of 540 personnel, deployed in 7 sectors with a three (3)
work-shift schedules, specifically 1st shift (5:00am to 1:00pm and 6:00am to 2:00pm), 2 nd shift
(1:00pm to 9:00pm and 2:00pm to 10:00pm) and 3rd shift (9:00pm to 5:00am).
1. Organizational Chart
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2.1 General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth
flow of traffic and orderliness on the road.
Enforcer flags down the vehicle involved in the violation and lead it to the
roadside where it will not obstruct the flow of traffic
Request the driver to show the driver’s license and other pertinent
Enforcer writes down the traffic violation on the citation ticket observing the
proper decorum in the issuance of citation ticket
The driver is informed of the place where to settle violation fines i.e., to
any Metrobank Branch, Bayad Center, SM Payment Center or at MMDA
Redemption Center located at MMDA Main Office.
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1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report/Daily Time Record
The Eastern Traffic Enforcement Division (ETED) is a major component of the Traffic
Discipline Office that is primarily responsible in the management of traffic flow in the eastern
portion of Metro Manila particularly along major thorough fares in tandem with the Local
Government Unit (LGU) that comprises the City of Pasig, City of Mandaluyong, City of
Marikina and the City of San Juan, which has a combined total land area of 72.86 square km.
Its office is located at the MMDA 200base Edsa Ground level Ortigas Mandaluyong City Metro
Manila and has a total manpower compliment of 146 personnel who work and are distributed
in three shifts: 1st Shift – 5:00 AM-1:00 PM 6:00 AM- 2:00 PM, 2nd Shift- 1:00 PM-9:00 PM
,2:00 PM- 10:00 PM and 3rd Shift – 9:00 PM-5:00 AM. Each Traffic Constable is given specific
tasks and activities to serve as a guide for them in the discharge of their duties and function.
The primary role is to provide better traffic management resulting from a sound coordination
with stakeholders to ensure safe travel and orderliness on the road through the conduct of an
efficient traffic direction and control as well as enforce traffic laws, rules and regulations
through physical apprehension to instil discipline on erring drivers.
1. Organizational Chart
2.1 General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth
flow of traffic and orderliness on the road.
2.3.6 Encoder
Encode all the official communications of the district that needs to be
prepared and assist the District Head in the drafting of various
communications and reports as instructed.
Update all electronic records to ensure availability whenever needed
Consolidation of Monthly Attendance Recapitulation.
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Enforcer flags down the vehicle involved in the violation and lead it to the
roadside where it will not obstruct the flow of traffic
Request the driver to show the driver’s license and other pertinent
Enforcer writes down the traffic violation on the citation ticket observing the
proper decorum in the issuance of citation ticket
The driver is informed of the place where to settle violation fines i.e., to
any Metrobank Branch, Bayad Center, SM Payment Center or at MMDA
Redemption Center located at MMDA Main Office.
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. DPCR
11. Special Order
12. SALN
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Motorcycle Unit (MCU) is one of the main components of the Traffic Discipline Office. It has
56 personnel and most of them assigned at the Motorcycle Unit have undergone intensive
motorcycle riding training. The primary functions are to assist to traffic management and to
provide security escorts during special events or activities. The unit provides security escorts
for international VIP delegates, Senators of the Philippines, Congressmen, Cabinet Members
and other government officials. The unit also assists other government agencies during
special operations, such as the PNP Highway Patrol Group (HPG), Land Transportation
Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and Land Transportation Office (LTO). Currently
the Office is located at P. Tuazon Cubao, Quezon City.
2. Strikers – refers to the MCU personnel, with no specific area of assignment (strikes
anywhere depending on the given instruction), deputized to issue UOVR to motorists
violating traffic rules and regulations.
4. Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt- refers to the traffic violation ticket issued to drivers
and/ or motor vehicles by the MMDA Traffic Enforcers or MCU strikers.
2.1 General
MCU shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities regarding traffic
management, operates against colorum, out of line and other forms of
MCU shall provide services like motorcycle escorts and augmentation to the
different Units and Districts as requested during important national and local
MCU shall respond to traffic accidents and stalled vehicles.
1. Dispatching Procedures
MC Escort
The team members (strikers) will submit
accomplishment reports to the Supervisor/
Asst. Supervisor.
Assisted Vehicular Accident/ Stalled Vehicle
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Dispatching Procedure
The Head of Unit/ the Deputy Chief for Operations will brief and disseminate
orders and instructions to the AM, PM and Night Patrol Supervisors/ Assistant
The AM, PM and Night Patrol Supervisors/ Assistant Supervisor will dispatch and
disseminate their Team members (strikers).
Team members are deployed into different tasking as enumerated:
- I-Act Operation
- Strikers conduct TDC and operate against colorum and out of line.
- Other required tasking; Communication Delivery, MC Escort, assisting
vehicular accident/ stalled vehicle, P2P Project of DOTr and other
augmentation as per request.
2. Apprehension Procedures
Enforcer flags down the vehicle involved in the violation and lead it
to the roadside where it will not obstruct the flow of traffic
Request the driver to show his/her driver’s license and other pertinent
The driver is informed of the place where to settle violation fines i.e.,
to any Metrobank Branch, Bayad Center, SM Payment Center or at
MMDA Redemption Center located at MMDA Main Office.
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1. Reports (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annual, Annual, After Activity and etc...)
2. Daily Attendance Records
3. Daily Time Records
4. Traffic Apprehension Reports
5. In-coming and out-going documents
6. Summons
7. M.R. of vehicles and radios
10. TDO-OVR Form 001 ver. 0 11. TDO-ADMIN Form 001 ver. 0
(Clearance) (Mission Order)
The Mobile Patrol Unit (MPU) started when Metro Manila Council (MMC) was created in 1978.
MPU are often called upon to supply services that are not enforcement oriented. These
operations are the following, but not limited to: Presidential and/or VIP Protection; security
operations for important occasions; rescue and assistance during calamities; disaster relief;
and support to police and military operations.
1. Summon – is a notice or citation issued by the Traffic Officer to one charge with a traffic
offense to pay a fine or to contest the traffic violations.
2. Ticketing Officer – A person authorized to issued traffic citation tickets to motorist who
violated traffic rules and regulations.
3. Traffic Adjudication Division – hears complaints / protest filed by contesting motorists who
were apprehended for violating traffic regulations and were issued UOVR by the Traffic
4. Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt – refers to the traffic violation ticket issued to driver
and or motor vehicles by the MMDA Traffic Constable
Appear before the TDO Adjudication Division upon receipt of summons for
contested apprehensions.
From time to time, performs such other functions as may be assigned by his
supervisor or superiors.
2.3.1 Head
Prepares monthly deployment of personnel, monitor and evaluate
performance of subordinate.
Monitors and observe situations in the field to determine which needs
immediate attention / response
Performs such other tasks as directed by the TDO Executive Director
Assist Vehicular
Mobile and crew will proceed to their Accident
respective Area of Responsibility (AOR)
Task to them
Assist stalled vehicle
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Apprehension Procedure
Submission of Reports
1. Incoming Documents
2. Outgoing Documents
3. Traffic Apprehension Report
4. Reports (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quartery Accomplishment Report)
5. Daily Time Record
6. Daily Dispatch
6. Clearance
The No Physical Contact Policy Program was re-implemented thru MMDA Resolution No.
16-01 series 2016 as part of its program in enforcing traffic laws in the major thorough fares
of Metro Manila. This is a policy that utilizes CCTV digital cameras and other gadgets to
capture videos and images to apprehend vehicles violating traffic laws, rules and regulations.
This aims to minimize the occurrence of physical apprehension in order to prevent traffic
build up, which will help improve the flow of traffic. This is an effective system of instilling
discipline to motorists as most have been alerted that even in the absence of Traffic
Enforcers, they may still be caught violating traffic rules through the CCTVs installed in
strategic areas. NPCAP Office is under the Traffic Discipline Office located at the 4 th Floor,
MMDA Bldg. There are 78 of personnel assigned in this unit working in 3 shifts: (5:00 A.M –
1:00 P.M), (1:00 P.M – 9:00 P.M) and (8:00 P.M – 5:00 A.M). Each are given specific tasks
and activities to serve as guide in the discharge of their duties and functions.
1. To introduce new technologies using digital cameras and Closed Circuit Televisions
(CCTVs) to further improve and strengthen traffic management and operations in Metro
2. To reduce traffic build-up in the Metropolis by using CCTV Cameras instead of
apprehending drivers in the middle of the road to prevent graft and corruption “kotong”.
1. Organizational Chart
2. General
NPCPP shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities regarding the
processing of the No Physical Contact Policy Program.
4.1 Head
Supervises the daily operational activities and implementation of the
policies and programs of NPCPP.
Organizes and allocates tasks of personnel and resources for various
Enforces standards in the management of records and reporting
4.9 Encoder/Mailing
Encodes and prints the names and address of the Registered
Owners of motor vehicles for the mailing envelopes.
Seal notice of violations for mailing thru the Records Division.
2. Apprehension Procedure
2.5 Payment
Payments of fines can be made thru the following:
Redemption Center Main Office
SM Payment Center Nationwide
Palawan Express Nationwide
1. List of printed Notice of Violations.
2. Register Return Receipts
3. List of Bus Company Operators/Owners
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Form01 – TDO-NCAP-001-ver 0
The Northern Traffic Enforcement District (NTED) is a major branch of the Traffic Discipline
Office that is primarily responsible in maintaining smooth flow of traffic in the Northern portion of
Metro Manila particularly along major thorough fares in tandem with the Local Government Unit
(LGU) that comprises the City of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, and Valenzuela, with a
combined total land area of 163 square kms. Its office is currently located at the PNP
Compound, Samson Road, Caloocan City, Metro Manila and has a total manpower
compliment of 93 personnel who work and are distributed in three shifts: (1st Shift – 05:00 am –
01:00pm, 6:00 am – 2:00pm) (2nd Shift: 01:00 – 09:00 pm, 2:00pm-10:00pm, 02:00pm – 10:00
pm) and (3rd Shift: 09:00pm – 05:00am,10:00pm-6:00am). Each Traffic Enforcer is given specific
tasks and activities to serve as a guide for them in the discharge of their duties and functions.
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1. Organizational Chart
2.1 General
Shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities to maintain a smooth
flow of traffic and orderliness on the road.
Ensure smooth traffic flow, improved travel time and efficient conduct of traffic
direction and control within the area of responsibility
Enforcement of traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
Coordination with barangay, local traffic units and stakeholders regarding
relevant traffic improvement programs and special activities.
Periodical submission of accomplishment reports
Provide assistance to traffic related accidents and stalled vehicles
2.3.1 Head
The overall in-charge of a division who is responsible in the supervision
of the operation and activities of the district particularly but not limited
to the deployment of personnel, formulation and implementation of
new traffic schemes and exercise administrative and operational
control of all traffic personnel within his jurisdiction.
2.3.11 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector.
1. Work Flow
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2. Apprehension Procedures
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Report
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Report
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
7. Locator Slip
8. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
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1. Forms
2. Uniform
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Republic Act No. 7924 empowers the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) to
formulate, coordinate, and monitor policies, standard and programs relating to traffic and
transport management to rationalize the existing operations and to administer and implement all
traffic enforcement operations, traffic engineering service, and traffic education programs. In line
with this, MMDA Resolution Number 02-09 was made and implemented.
MMDA resolution Number 02-49, approved by the Metro Manila Council, gave authority to the
MMDA to adopt a No Physical Contact Program in apprehending traffic violators in Metro Manila
thru use of digital camera and or video camera.
MMDA Resolution No. 11-001, approved by the Metro Manila Council (MMC), gave authority to
the MMDA to monitor the speed limit along Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City. The speed
limit of all types of vehicles, including public utilities buses, public utilities jeepneys and
motorcycles traversing Commonwealth Avenue shall be a maximum of sixty kilometers per hour
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(60Kph). MMDA Resolution No. 11-003, setting the maximum speed limit to 60Kph for all types
of vehicles whether public or private including Motorcycle traversing Diosdado Macapagal
Boulevard, located in the cities of Pasay and Parañaque.
MMDA Resolution No. 16-01, implementing the No Physical Contact Apprehension of traffic
violation in Metro Manila using cameras, CCTV, and/or other new technologies. MMDA
Resolution No. 17-003, establishing 50Kph as the maximum speed limit of buses and truck
traversing the Circumferential and Radial Road in Metro Manila. MMDA Resolution No. 19-001,
establishing 60Kph as the maximum speed limit of all motor vehicle, except buses and trucks,
traversing the Circumferential and Radial Road in Metro Manila.
MMDA Traffic Enforcers are strategically placed into different points of the Metropolis in order to
capture traffic violators through the use of digital/video camera. These cameras records video
and take pictures of the actual violations, which are filed as evidence.
Over-speeding violators along Circumferential and Radial Road are being apprehended using a
TruCam LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) speed gun that captures the speed of the vehicle
and takes a photo and video for evidence. The photo evidence taken by the LIDAR contains the
speed captured, time, date, and location of the violation.
3. Speed Gun - a small, handheld instrument/ device used to measure the speed of vehicles
or other moving objects
1. Organization Chart
Over Speeding Enforcement Group
Traffic Discipline Office
Head, OSEG
Deputy Head, OSEG
2.1 General
OSEG shall perform TDC and over-speeding operation.
OSEG shall perform other task given by the AGMO for No Contact Operation
2.3.1 Head
Supervises the daily operation.
Instruct and monitor the daily activities.
Perform such other function as may arise.
1. Process Flow
Deployment of personnel in
Deployment of personnel in
Macapagal Boulevard
Circumferential and Radial Road
(Traffic Constable)
(Traffic constable)
moving traffic Using handheld digital
violating (e.g., MC video camera and speed
Lane, DTS, gun for moving vehicle
Obstruction) violating traffic rules
(Traffic Constable) (DTS, Over-speeding, et.
(1-5 minutes) al.)
(Traffic Constable)
Ask for the license and issued (1-2 minutes)
UOVR ticket Upload and validate the video
(Traffic Constable) (Support Staff)
(1-5 minutes) (1-5 minutes)
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Circumferential Road Radial Road
of personnel
(Traffic Constable) (Traffic Constable)
in area of
(am & pm shift) (am & pm shift)
OSEG) Using speed
Using speed
laser speed gun laser speed gun
(Traffic Enforcer) (Traffic Enforcer)
(5-20 minutes) (5-20 minutes)
Maximum Maximum
speed of No No speed of
vehicle vehicle
60 Kph 60 Kph
Yes Yes
Flag down the captured over Flag down the captured over
speeding vehicle using two-way radio speeding vehicle using two-way radio
(Traffic Constable) (Traffic Constable)
(1-2 minutes) (1-2 minutes)
2. Apprehension Procedure
The Personnel Inspection and Monitoring Group (PIMG) is tasked to ensure the compliance
and adherence of all traffic enforcers to the existing rules and regulations and protocols set
by the Traffic Discipline Office in performing their duties and functions. The rules being
implemented are in consonance with CSC and MMDA Rules and Regulations. PIMG is
presently composed of 63 permanent personnel.
1. The PIMG’s main function is to inspect and monitor the presence and visibility of traffic
enforcers assigned in different areas of assignment and to check if the delivery of traffic
enforcement services is within the rules set by the Office. The PIMG Inspectors are
authorized to provide sanctions, if necessary, to erring traffic personnel by way of the
issuance of Deficiency Report Slip (DRS), Notice of violations, summons etc.
2. To conduct daily and monthly scheduled formation of all enforcement district/units
primarily focused on the inspection of the traffic uniforms and paraphernalia and on the
general appearance and physical look of traffic enforcers in line with the Agency’s thrust
to improve the image and professionalize traffic/field personnel of the Traffic Discipline
1. Daily Attendance Report – refers to traffic enforcer’s monitoring sheet or log sheet of
different district/units’ personnel gathered by PIMG Inspectors in their area of assignment
as basis for the latter inspection and monitoring functions.
2. Daily Formation – refers to shift formation conducted at district/units’ level for daily
checking of attendance, uniform and paraphernalia, physical appearance of traffic
enforcers before dispatching to their area of responsibility to ensure timely deployment
and expeditious turn-over of responsibilities from one shift to another.
3. Deficiency Report Slip – is a ticket issued by PIMG Inspectors to traffic/field personnel
who have committed deficiencies while in the performance of traffic duties. The DRS
issued is issued outright at the place where offense is committed, however, in case where
the offender is not present as in the case of abandonment of post, the notice of violation
is issued.
4. Inspection Report – PIMG form accomplished by inspectors conducting routine
inspection. During inspection, traffic field personnel are required to sign on the form to
prove among others their presence in the area and to validate their attendance as
indicated in the DAR submitted.
5. Monthly Formation - is an activity conducted as part of continuous commitment to
ensure law propriety and discipline which is primarily focused on the inspection of traffic
uniforms, paraphernalia, appearance and physical look of all traffic/field enforcers. It is
also a venue to disseminate information on new programs, memorandums, project,
policies and other issues or concerns.
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6. Notice of Violations – is a notice form sent to head of district/units in lieu of DRS ticket
endorsing list of traffic enforcers who are found to have violated CSC rules and
regulations, and office policies, and in cases where two (2) or more enforcers commit the
same offense at the same time/place.
7. PIMG Inspectors or Inspectors – are traffic field personnel tasked to monitor and
inspect visibility of traffic enforcers assigned in different districts and to check
completeness of prescribed uniform and paraphernalia, cleanliness and overall
appearance of traffic personnel.
8. Spot Inspection Report - is a report prepared by inspectors during the course of his
inspection to record attendance or presence of traffic enforcers in their area of
responsibility. It is also prepared when field Inspectors encounter certain incidents related
to the scope of their work
2. General
The Personnel Inspection and Monitoring Group (PIMG) is tasked to ensure the
compliance and adherence of all traffic enforcers to the existing rules and
regulations and protocols set by the Traffic Discipline Office in performing their
duties and functions.
4.1 Head
Supervises the daily operational activities and implementation of the policy and
program of PIMG.
Reviews Weekly & Monthly Performance reports and other periodic reports.
Recommendations to conduct investigations on erring traffic personnel etc.
Organize and allocates field assignment of Inspectorate member, tasking of
certain events and activities.
4.5 Head-Admin
In charge of administrative matters of PIMG, prepares letter correspondences
i.e., Memoranda, endorsements as needed and compliance with other reports
as required by Traffic Discipline Office,
Checks and reviews Daily, Weekly and Monthly reports prepared by other
admin staff
Conducts lectures to traffic personnel committing violations on traffic rules of
Perform other related functions that may be assigned by the district/unit head
or by other authorities from time to time.
Approved Disapproved
ca Submitted to:
TDO-Admin office for review and
Cancel DRS action
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2. Inspection Procedure
2.1 Inspector conducts daily and scheduled monthly scheduled every Saturday of the
month to all traffic enforcement district/units to check their daily attendance and
inspect completeness on the prescribed uniform and paraphernalia, over-all physical
appearance, good-grooming and compliance with minimum health standards and
protocols. DRS is issued to traffic field personnel who are found with violations of
existing office policies and regulations during formation.
2.2 Field Inspectors secure Daily Attendance Report (DAR) form of different district units
(as basis for monitoring of traffic field personnel) and then proceed to the field for
routine inspection to check their presence and visibility at their assigned AOR and
other infractions of office policies.
2.3 During inspection, traffic field personnel are required to sign on the Inspection form
to prove among others their presence in the area and to validate their attendance as
indicated in the DAR submitted. Those found not in their proper posts are issued
‘deficiency report slip’ for ‘abandonment’ or ‘negative at AOR upon inspection’.
2.4 The traffic enforcer with issued DRS was given only 72 hours to report to the head of
PIMG to make an appeal or contest the violation committed and will submit letter of
contention/ appeal otherwise said ticket is deemed affirmed.
2.5 Traffic enforcer who reported at PIMG to contest the DRS issued with letter of appeal
shall be subject for review and evaluation by the Chief PIMG for approval or denial of
an appeal. Unresolved cases shall be endorsed to TDO-TIU for further investigation.
2.6 Another method of inspections is to use GPS Map Camera App for contactless
monitoring of field personnel. `By capturing photos on GPS Camera App, you can
send your photos with real-time details date/time, locations and coordinates and do
away with tedious and time-consuming procedure of having enforcers to sign their
names and time inspected on your Inspection Report by just filling in the “Remarks”
column - “with photos”.
These practice likewise able to determine the real-time presence of Inspectors in their
AOR as they send photos to their respective Shift messenger group chat.
2.7 PIMG Inspectors are required to conduct inspection thrice or more within AORs. As
much as possible, they have to stay at their AORs to closely monitor activities and
presence of field personnel within their work schedule.
2.8 PIMG Inspectors submit DRS, Inspection Report, Notice of Violation and Daily
Attendance Report (DAR) to PIMG Admin at the end of their work shift duty. Shift
Supervisor also prepared a consolidated weekly performance report for
2.9 1st and 2nd Shift Head and PIMG Chief prepare/ submit recommendations for
investigation/ sanction of erring traffic enforcers to TDO-TIU relative to administrative
cases. (Ref: RACCS)
2.10 PIMG Admin staff encode DRS ticket, prepares Daily, Weekly and Monthly
Accomplishment Report to TDO-Admin. Submit Monthly Notice of Violation of field
personnel to respective district/unit head for information and reference.
2.11 PIMG Admin submits Monthly Summary Report on DRS issued to TDO-Admin
section as repository of the Merit and Demerit database of all TDO field personnel.
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End End
1. Inspection Report
2. DRS issued
3. Daily Accomplishment Report
4. Weekly Accomplishment Report
5. Quarterly Accomplishment Report
6. Annual Accomplishment Report
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The Southern Traffic Enforcement District (STED) is a major branch of the Traffic Discipline
Office primarily responsible in maintaining the smooth flow of traffic in the Southern portion
of Metro Manila, particularly along major thoroughfares in tandem with the Local
Government Units (LGU) that comprises the Cities of Pasay, Parañaque, Taguig, Las Piñas
and Muntinlupa and the municipality of Pateros, with a combined total land area of 232. 07
square kms. Its Office is currently located at the MMDA STED Headquarters at Pililia St.,
LTO Compound, Brgy., Valenzuela, Makati City, and has a total manpower of 220
personnel who work and are distributed in three shifts: 1st Shift: 05:00 am – 01:00 pm, 06:00
am – 14:00 pm, 2nd Shift: 01:00 pm – 01:00 pm, 14:00 pm – 22:00 pm and 3rd Shift: 21:00
pm – 05:00 am. Each Traffic Enforcer is given specifics tasks and activities to serve as a
guide in the discharge of their duties and functions.
1. Organizational Chart
Station Commander Station Commander Station Commander Station Commander Station Commander Supervisor
Supervisor AM Shif t Supervisor AM Shif t Supervisor AM Shif t Supervisor AM Shif t Supervisor AM Shif t
Supervisor PM Shif t Supervisor PM Shif Supervisor PM Shif Supervisor PM Shif Supervisor PM Shif
2.1 General
Shall perform duties/responsibilities and maintain activities a smooth flow of
traffic and orderliness on the road.
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2. Apprehension Procedures
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5.1 Finger Scanning – each personnel shall first proceed to the nearest biometric
scanning station to register his attendance (e.g., NAIA, Alabang, Orense are the
Biometric station in the South).
5.2 Signing of Attendance at daily attendance record (DAR) is vital to officially validate
the presence of the employee.
5.3 Everybody is required to attend Daily Formation at its station for briefing and
instruction to be lead and presided by the Supervisor.
5.4 Proceed to AOR afterwards.
5.5 Observe, Assist, Monitor, report the traffic situation to 400 base and Metrobase to
update and record the event.
5.6 Maintain Smooth Flow of Traffic.
5.7 Apprehend erring Driver
5.8 Never leave the post unless properly relieved.
5.9 Back to the scanning station for another biometric procedure.
5.10 Signing of attendance at DAR for the time-out.
1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Accomplishment Reports
4. Deployment Of Personnel
5. Apprehension Reports
6. Incoming/Outgoing Communications
7. Locator Slips
8. Daily Attendance Reports/ Daily Time Records
11. Control of Records and Documents:
a. Personnel Profile – Arrangement of 201 file and annual updating of PDS
b. Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Noteworthy – Submitted to the administrative
office of this authority.
c. DTR – Facilitation of DTR from MIS and its distribution to all concerned to counter
check by the concerned and supervisor and staff as requirement for initial signing
followed by the signature of the owner and untimely to be signed by the DTO. Upon
completion, the DTR shall be forwarded to the TDO-Admin.
d. UOVR – Traffic Constable with UOVR issued to the erring driver whether moving
or non-moving violation is required to submit the same to the redemption center
within the period of 36 hours.
e. Summons - STED staff to receive the summon/s from records Section of TDO,
then, notify the concerned Traffic Constable thru SMS or Radio Communication
and proceed to the TCC-TDO/TAB ass schedules for the proceedings.
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2. Forms
2.1 Form 001 …………… Personnel Deployment
2.2 Form 002 ……………… Office of the Director III for Enforcement
2.3 Form 003……………… Weekly Accomplishment Report
2.4 Form 004. …………… Daily Attendance Report
2.5 Form 005. ……………… Traffic Accident & Investigation Report
2.6 Form 007 ……………… Certificate of Clearance
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TDO-OED-Form-002 TDO-OED-Form-002
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Traffic Discipline Office Traffic Discipline Office
Office of the Director III for Enforcement Office of the Director III for Enforcement
____________ ____________
Date Date
______ For Necessary action ______Pls. call me ______ For Necessary action ______Pls. call me
______For your information ______Pls. see me ______For your information ______Pls. see me
______For your approval ______Pls advise this office ______For your approval ______Pls advise this office
______Note and reply ______Per your request ______Note and reply ______Per your request
______Note and file ______Reply ______Note and file ______Reply
______Note and circulate to ______Sign/Initial ______Note and circulate to ______Sign/Initial
Remarks: Remarks:
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
The Traffic Adjudication Division (TAD) hears written complaints filed by contesting motorists
who were apprehended for violating one or more traffic regulations and were issued Traffic
Violation Receipt (UOVR or TVR) by the MMDA Traffic Enforcers. There are presently 21
personnel assigned in this Unit, each given specific tasks and activities to serve as a guide for
them in the discharge of their duties and functions.
TAD is also tasked to review the documents relative to the processing/release of impounded
motor vehicles. Before the motor vehicle is released from the impounding area, the client needs
to process the release thereof with TAD by presenting the necessary documents pertaining
thereto or, contesting the basis for the vehicle’s impoundment if the client is not agreeable to
the violation imposed.
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1. To define and specify the duties, responsibilities and main activities carried out by the
Authority’s Traffic Adjudication Division.
2. To simplify and expedite the process of contesting traffic apprehensions, and ensure that
these contests are resolved judiciously, expeditiously and effectively, and in accordance
with due process.
3. To efficiently implement MMDA policies relating to the releasing of motor vehicles
apprehended for administrative violations, stalled vehicles and illegally parked vehicles.
4. To promote the agency’s mandate of effective traffic and transport management by
coordinating with other MMDA departments and submitting proposals as it finds
appropriate in the course of its adjudicatory function.
2. Traffic Citation – refers to the traffic violation committed by apprehended drivers and/or
their motor vehicles as indicated in the UOVR, OVR, TVR or MTT issued by the
apprehending MMDA Traffic Constables or its deputized traffic enforcers.
3. Traffic Apprehension – shall refer to act of any MMDA traffic constable or NCAP
personnel, as the case may be, of physically flagging down or capturing on CCTV camera,
and citing an erring motorist/driver/operator for violation of traffic laws, rules and
4. MRESS/Validation Slip or Clearance or Metro Road System – refers to the record which
contains the details of traffic apprehensions and violations of apprehended drivers and
motor vehicles.
5. Unified Ordinance Violation Receipt (UOVR) – refers to the traffic citation ticket issued
by MMDA Traffic Constables or its deputized agents, previously referred to as Ordinance
Violation Receipt (OVR), Traffic Violation Receipt (TVR) or Metro Traffic Ticket (MTT).
6. MMDA-TAD – shall refer to the Traffic Adjudication Division of the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority.
7. Traffic Constables – shall refer to MMDA personnel duly designated and authorized to
apprehend and issue traffic citations to erring motorists.
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8. Deputized Traffic Enforcers – shall refer to non-MMDA personnel duly deputized and
authorized by the MMDA to apprehend and issue traffic citations to erring motorists.
10. Driver’s license – shall refer to the official document authorizing a person to operate one
or more types of motorized vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, truck, or a bus, among
others, on a public roadway without in-vehicle supervision.
11. Motor Vehicle – shall refer to any engine-driven vehicle such as, but not limited to,
automobiles, trucks, vans, buses, jeeps, motorcycles and tricycles.
12. Private motor vehicle – shall refer to any motor vehicle owned by individuals and juridical
persons for private use.
13. Public motor vehicle – shall refer to any motor vehicle with a valid franchise issued by
the appropriate government agency to operate as a public utility vehicle or any vehicle for
14. Government motor vehicle – shall refer to any motor vehicle owned by the national
government or any of its agencies, instrumentalities or political subdivisions, including
government-owned or -controlled corporations or their subsidiaries for official use.
15. Diplomatic motor vehicle – shall refer to any motor vehicle leased or owned by a foreign
mission and its staff for their official use.
CR – Certificate of Registration
DL – Driver’s License
OR – Official Receipt
TAD – Traffic Adjudication Division
TDO – Traffic Discipline Office
UOVR – Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt
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1. Organizational Chart
2. General
Hear and resolve contest/protest on issued traffic citations
Process release of impounded motor vehicles
a. Head
Exercise overall supervision and control over the personnel of Division
Supervise TAD hearing and review conducted by the subordinate Attorneys
Approve resolutions prepared by the hearing officers
Review/examine if the required documents are attached and sign/initial Release
Order Form
b. Reviewing Officer
Assist the Unit Head in the daily activities of the unit
Review draft resolutions prepared by the hearing officers before the approval of the
Head of the Division
Review and examine if all the required documents for release of impounded motor
vehicles are submitted
Sign/initial Release Order Form
c. Hearing Officer
Conduct hearings and resolve contested traffic violations
Render advice to walk-in clients
Documents verification
d. Receiving Clerk
Receive complaints
Shall be responsible for all public concerns, complaints and inquiry as to TAD
Check all the required documents
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e. Summon Clerk
Schedule the hearings
Prepare Notice of Hearing for the Apprehending Officers
Transmit Summon/Notice of Hearing to TDO Administrative Unit for distribution
Assist complainants on their hearings
f. Encoder
Encode draft and final resolutions prepared by the hearing officers
Record the monthly accomplishment of the division
a. Receiving of Complaints
All contests/protests on issued traffic citations shall start with the receipt of the
filled out pre-numbered Pro-Forma Complaint Forms together with the
required documents. Complaints may also be filed thru online means, provided
that the documents needed must be attached thereto and the original copy or
certified true copy thereof should be presented for inspection and comparison
during the hearing.
The scheduled complaints are given to the Summons Clerk who prepares the
Notice of Hearing for the Apprehending Traffic Officer and transmits the same
daily to TDO Administrative Unit for distribution. Unless otherwise prevented
by circumstances, hearings shall be schedule within five (5) working days from
receipt of complaint. Summons will be sent also thru email if the complaint was
filed thru email together with the link for the hearing.
b. Scheduled Cases
All contest shall be distributed among the Hearing Officers through a raffle
except as otherwise provided herein or if the head deems that a case should
be assigned to particular hearing officer due to for reasons of case load,
familiarization of issues or other valid reasons for efficiency or expedite cases
Schedule of raffled cases shall be posted outside the office of the Traffic
Adjudication Division for reference of complainants.
c. Hearing of cases
The presence of the Apprehending Traffic Enforcer during the hearing shall be
mandatory in all cases. Provided however, that in case the concerned
Apprehending Officer is no longer connected with the Agency, the hearing
shall still proceed with the Resolution based solely on the records, and other
evidence at hand.
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The Hearing Officer shall proceed with the hearing if both parties are present.
If the Apprehending Officer is absent, the hearing will be re-scheduled. If on
the re-scheduled date, the latter is still absent, the hearing shall proceed ex-
parte and a resolution shall be issued on the basis of the complaint and
documents presented.
If there is a need for another hearing, the complainant shall be referred back
to the Receiving Section for re-scheduling of hearing.
The Hearing Officers shall sign the resolution, which shall be pre-numbered
for control purposes.
d. Preparation of Resolution
The Resolution shall cover not only the disputed citation/s but also the
imposition of the appropriate traffic citation/s proven during the hearing.
The Hearing Officer shall submit his/her recommendation within six (6)
working days from receipt of all needed documents.
The approved resolutions will then be forwarded for encoding and thereafter
transmitted to the Hearing Officer/s, Reviewing Officer and Head of TAD for
their signature.
e. Releasing of Resolution
a. Review of Documents
4. On the other hand, if the client acknowledge the violation cited and all
required documents are found to be authentic and correct, the client will be
advised to proceed to the redemption office for payment of violation.
1. Client settles the fine charged for the violation/s issued at the Redemption
Center and obtain the corresponding Release Order Form.
2. After securing Release Order Form, the client will proceed to the TAD
Receiving Window and submit Release Order Form for signature.
1. The Release Order Form together with the pertinent documents of the
impounded motor vehicle will be transmitted to the Reviewing Officer/s
for initial/signature. After which, the same shall be transmitted to the
Approving Officer for approval and signature.
1. The signed and approved Release Order Form shall only be released
to the Registered Owner/Owner with Duly Notarized Deed of Sale/Duly
Authorized Representative. As such the appropriate identification,
Proof of Ownership, and/or SPA/Secretary Certificate, as the case
maybe, shall be obliged from the person processing the release of the
impounded vehicle.
2. After verification, the release order will be handed to the client and he
will be directed to photocopy the signed Release Order Form and its
attachments and to submit a copy thereof to the TAD Office for filing
1. Complaint Proforma
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2. Summon
3. Complaints Register
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4. Action Slip
5. Desistance/Withdrawal
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6. Resolution Form
7. Minutes of Hearing
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The Traffic Education Division (TED) was created per DBM approved Notice
of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action (NOSCA) of this Authority pursuant to
RA 7924,
Section 5. e. The MMDA shall set the policies concerning traffic in Metro Manila, and
shall coordinate and regulate the implementation of all programs and projects
concerning traffic management, specially pertaining to enforcement, engineering and
education. Upon request, it shall be extended assistance and cooperation, including
but not limited to, assignment of personnel, by all other government agencies and
offices concerned;
The Traffic Education Division (TED) under the Traffic Discipline Office (TDO) implements
the education component of MMDA’s traffic management mandate. Designs various
training programs for MMDA Traffic Enforcers, Local Government Units, Security
Personnel, Non-Governmental Organization, Road Construction Worker and Drivers with
more than three (3) unsettled traffic apprehensions; other road users; and deploy road
safety education programs to support road safety.
The office is located at the Traffic Engineering Center Building, Ramon Magsaysay
Boulevard corner Valencia Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila. It has a total number of 38 personnel
working from Monday to Friday on a regular schedule of 7:00 am to 4:00 pm and 8:00 am
to 5:00 pm. This office has also implemented the skeletal workforce as required by the
agency in compliance to the CSC rules and IATF Guidelines.
2. To educate road users in upholding road safety and to work with all these communities
to achieve road law compliance to save lives.
3. To actively work with our road safety partners (networking) and with the community to
achieve results / outcomes to reduce deaths and injuries through road safety
4. To identify and train pool of speakers in specialized disciplines on Traffic Management
such as Traffic Investigation, Traffic Supervision and Direction and Control.
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1. Organizational Chart
2. General
Implements the education component of MMDA’s traffic management
To provide education and training in all areas of traffic management including
road safety, road emergency response, and environmental protection
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Head of TED
Assists the Head in the overall operations and activities of the Traffic
Education Division.
Conducts lectures on Traffic Management Training Courses.
Serves as the representative in the road safety seminars.
Liaises with other government and non-government organization on
modules pertaining to training
4. Computer Operator II
Encodes communication and other documents of the Office and maintains
the same for easy retrieval
Collates and summarizes statistical reports relative to the seminars/training
conducted by the office
Encodes the data of field evaluation and survey collection of the office
Prepares certification issued to the attendees of traffic management courses
6. Artist/Illustrator
Prepares drawing/artwork illustration of the office.
Assists in the daily administrative activities of the office.
Check and maintain training rooms
Assist in the registration of attendance and implement the minimum safety
protocols to all training participants
2. Information Officer II
Conducts lectures and seminars on traffic management, traffic laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations to traffic enforcers and drivers.
Prepares/Drafts Training Modules for Traffic Management Courses
Keeps/Maintains Record of Seminars conducted by TED
Screens and process request for seminar for traffic enforcement and
deputized agents
Assists in the preparation and review of accomplishment, training reports,
action plans and other official documents.
Receives call of clients re: inquiries and other operational concerns of the
2. Training Specialist I
Assists in the conduct of researches for input to the training programs.
Prepares teaching materials and multimedia presentation.
Monitors the daily attendance record of the Traffic Education Division
Updates on-going and upcoming schedule of seminars/trainings within and
outside the office (for COA and MMDA report).
3. Computer Operator II
Prepares list of participants (attended/failed to attend) in the UOVR review/
exam and maintains database the list of passing/failed frequency.
Assists in the registration of attendance of all training participants
Assists in the preparation of accomplishment and training reports and other
official documents.
Assists in the daily administrative activities of the office.
4. Traffic Aide I
Gathering and maintaining the database concerning Traffic Data
Assists in the daily administrative activities of the office.
Encodes Traffic Enforcers profile data
Keeps/Updates records of seminar of traffic field personnel
Assist in the registration of attendance of all training participants
3. Administrative Aide I
Assists in the training/seminar evaluation processing.
Monitor’s office equipment data inventory.
Prepares and submits the weekly accomplishment of the office.
Facilitates and assists in the final evaluation of driver’s seminar.
3. Messenger
Collects feedback forms answered by the visitors.
Facilitates Registration of visitors / client.
Delivers CRSP communication to the Head, TED
Assists visitors from actual tour of the park.
Flow Charts
Orientation/Briefing of applicants
about the training
- Facilitates the attendance log
sheet/s of participants
- Administers Pre-Test
- Facilitates post evaluation
o Post Test
o Speaker’s evaluation
o Client feedback
- Issues certificate of attendance /
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Road Rules and Safety Training/Seminar for Drivers with three (3) unpaid traffic violations
Security Guard checks the COVID 19 Vaccination card, attire of the participants
and issues visitors pass / ID with assigned number
TED Personnel:
I. Reviews and validates requirements presented by the driver and
records all the requirements in the logbook
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Seminar and Examination for the Issuance of Uniform Ordinance Violation Receipt (UOVR) for MMDA
Traffic Personnel
TED Personnel:
- Checks Test papers and records the results of UOVR examination
Submit report of the result of UOVR examination to the TDO Director’s Office
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Traffic Management Seminar for Local Government Units (LGU’s) Traffic Personnel and Security
Check email / Receive and evaluate approved letter request sent by the TDO Records
TED Head / Deputy for Operations assesses/evaluates the submitted request letter
approved by the Chairman, and coordinates with the representative of the requesting
organization for the training modules, program of instruction and seminar/training
- Facilitates the attendance log sheet/s of participants
- Administers Pre-Test examination
Traffic Education Division Staff
- Issues certificate of attendance / completion
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Traffic Control Management and Road Safety Orientation Seminar for Construction Personnel
- Facilitates the attendance log sheet/s of participants
- Administers Pre-Test examination
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Road Safety Education Seminar for Drivers of Transport Associations/Companies and Local
Government Units (LGU’s)
Traffic Education Staff receives and record the approved letter request of
the client
TED Head / Deputy for operations assesses the submitted request letter
approved by the Chairman, and coordinates with the representative of
the requesting organization for the program of instruction and
seminar/training schedule
- Facilitates the attendance log sheet/s of participants
- Administers Pre-Test examination
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Walk-ins (individuals or
groups not more than
15 persons) will be
allowed entrance to the
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Coordinates with the concerned requesting
organizations or representatives.
Coordinates with the schedule of the
Resource Speakers.
Prepare the necessary guidelines for the
implementation and administration of the
B. SEMINAR/TRAINING Facilitates the attendance log sheet/s of
PROPER: participants
II. Administers Pre-Test examination to
measure the knowledge of the participants
about the seminar
Conducts lecture on Traffic Management
Seminar or the requested topic of the Client
Administers Post-Test certificate
Facilitates Client Feedback / Resource
Speakers evaluation
Issues certificates of attendance /
Note: Seminars will be conducted whether Face
to Face or online using the social media platforms
(or as per request of the Client)
All research or media concerns must be directed to the MMDA-Public Information Office (PIO).
On March 12, 2022, TOO IV EDISON L. NEBRIJA assigned as the Head of the New Task
Force Special Operations and Anti-Colorum Unit thru Office Order No. 64 Series of 2022,
under the Traffic Discipline Office, the said unit was renamed after the Task Force Special
Operations that was created on September 2017 thru Office Order No. 0160 Series of 2022.
Same task was given to the new task force, which includes conducts clearing of all forms of
obstruction, Anti-Illegal Terminal and Anti-Colorum operations. But now, with stricter
implementation. Likewise, to respond on complaints and request forwarded thru different
social medias and CSC hotline 8888. The total manpower of New Task Force Special
Operation and Anti-Colorum Unit was forty-four (44), consists of thirty-seven (37) permanent,
one (1) casual and six (6) job orders.
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The New Task Force Special Operation and Anti-Colorum Unit shall oversee and support the
conduct in the implementation of (1) traffic management (2) conduct clearing of all forms of
obstructions in different streets especially along major thoroughfares and Mabuhay lanes,
ensuring the continuous flow of traffic in Metro Manila and; (3) conduct anti-illegal terminal &
anti-colorum operations.
AO – Area of Responsibility
DTR – Daily Time Record
IPCR – Individual Performance Commitment Review
LGU – Local Government Unit
TAR – Traffic Apprehension Report
TDC – Traffic Direction and Control
TDO – Traffic Discipline Office
TTMD – Traffic Ticket Management Division
UOVR – Unified Ordinance Violation Receipt
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1. Organizational Chart
2. General
The New Task Force Special Operations and Anti-Colorum Unit shall perform the
2.1 Enforces all traffic laws, ordinances, rules and regulations within the AOR and/or
to issue corresponding UOVR in case of violations.
2.2 Shall coordinate with HPG/I-ACT, LTO, LGU – Traffic Office and other concerned
agency involving traffic management.
2.3 Shall augment motorcycle riders if there are events, when needed.
2.4 Shall augment Traffic Enforcers for immediate deployment and response on
events, when needed.
2.5 Shall conduct clearing of all forms of obstruction.
2.6 Conduct covert operations to identify colorum vehicles and their terminals
including illegal terminals in Metro Manila.
2.7 Tow and impound illegally parked vehicles.
2.8 Ensures safety and security of vehicles to be impound.
2.9 Ensures Major Roads and Mabuhay Lanes free from obstruction.
2.10 To provide assistance to different Traffic District, when needed.
2.11 To respond on different request/ complaints sent thru 8888 citizen’s hotline and
other social medias.
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4.1 Head
In charge to oversee the daily operations and implementation of the policies
and programs of NTFSO-ACU.
Supervision and control of NTFSO-ACU operations.
To attend meetings as requested by Barangays, LGU’s and private sectors
regarding clearing of obstructions, with the approval of TDO Directors.
4.4 Driver
Provides servicing assistance to the Commander and to the operations
INSTRUCTION Traffic concern
that can done by
TDO - Disctict
For routing to
All concern
that needs
For routing to
Action Officer
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Towing and Impounding Group is one of the regular divisions of TDO whose main function is
to supervise the implementation of the MMDA regulation prohibiting parking of vehicles along
major thoroughfares and other prohibited areas and was located at Tumana, Marikina City
and Hk Plaza, Pasay City. There are presently Twenty-six (26) personnel assigned in this
Unit, each are given specific tasks and activities to serve as a guide for them in the discharge
of their duties and functions.
At present Towing and Impounding Group deployed a total of one hundred Forty-one (141)
MMDA Accredited Tow Trucks which are used to tow and impound motor vehicles illegally
parked and stalled in major thoroughfares and other prohibited areas in Metro Manila. Towed
and impounded vehicles are brought at Tumana Impounding Area in Tumana, Marikina City
and HK Plaza Impounding Area in Pasay City. The Tumana and Hk Plaza Impounding are the
current designated impounding Area where apprehended motor vehicles are brought and
stored until redeemed by the owners.
1. To define and specify the duties, responsibilities and main activities carried out by the
Authority’s impounding personnel at Tumana Impounding area;
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AO – Action Officer
AOR – Area of Responsibility
AL – Authorization Letter
CR – Certificate of Registration
DL – Driver’s License
DO – Duty Officer
IP – Illegal Parking
M.O – Mission Order
MV – Motor Vehicle
OR – Official Receipt
OP – Over Pricing
PA – Provisional Authority
SPA – Special Power of Attorney
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2. General
To perform duties and activities regarding disposition of impounded motor
4.1 Head
Responsible for the supervision and control of the administrative and
operational functions of the Towing and Impounding Operations Group;
Responsible for the implementation of guidelines on towing and impounding
operations in Metro Manila pursuant to MMC Ordinance No. 78-03A Series
of 1992 and MMDA regulation No.96-003 series of 1996;
Supervise and monitor the daily operational activities of Tow Trucks and its
Hands over the gatepass to driver together with the release order form and
records the same in a logbook;
Encodes and print memoranda, accomplishment reports and other data
4.9 Dispatcher
Responsible for the daily dispatch of Tow Trucks and its personnel;
Keep and record reference number and daily dispatch in the logbook;
Receive instructions and requests from MMDA Action Officers and
superior’s/unit heads of the agency;
Received calls/messages/instructions/requests from superior’s/unit heads
agency and relay them to the concerned personnel;
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3. Process Flow for Receiving and Releasing of Impounded Motor Vehicle (Illegal
Parking and Stalled Vehicle)
File a complaint
Present Official receipt of Towing fee to the Impounding Officer present official receipt of towing fee
and UOVR to security guard for
Record the paid amount of towing fee
recording and releasing
Hands over UOVR to the claimant and advice to pay the fine at any
bayad center, Sm Bill Payment Center or MMDA Redemption Center
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5.4 If the subject vehicle for towing is in the watch list of cars napped vehicles, then it will
be reported to the proper authorities;
5.5 The METROBASE, thereafter, shall give the go signal to the towing crew with following
instructions: “YOU ARE CLEARED TO TOW”, to indicate that they may proceed in
towing the vehicle;
5.6 Upon instructions, they shall engage the tow-hook;
6.6 Processing of apprehension ticket/payment of penalty at MMDA Main Building for the
issuance of the RELEASE ORDER from TAD and TTMD (Steps/Procedure included
in Traffic Ticket Management and Traffic Adjudication Division);
6.7 Impounding officer reviews documents presented for the processing of the Release
Order and Gate Pass retaining copies of the documents submitted (photocopy – 2
6.8 Head of Unit approves and signs the Gate Pass;
6.9 Impounding Officer Hands over gate pass to driver with the Release form (photocopy
of release order and original copy of pertinent documents);
6.10 Impounding Personnel record the Release Order for the vehicle including the Gate
6.11 Allows claimant to inspect impounded vehicle for any defect or missing tools or parts
and releases impounded vehicle from parking;
6.12 Client/Drivers surrenders gate pass to security guard;
6.13 Security guard records gate pass with Release Form and releases motor vehicle
7. Payment
7.1 Payments of fines for Towing Fee can be made thru duly Authorized Towing Services
7.2 Payment of fines for Traffic violations can be made thru the following:
MMDA Main Office Redemption area, Makati City;
Bayad Centers Nationwide
1. Daily Report of Impounded and Released Vehicles;
2. Weekly Report on Impounded and Released Vehicles;
3. Technical Inspection Forms;
4. Gate Pass;
5. Released Order;
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By virtue of Office Order No. 63, Series of 2020, the Traffic Investigation Unit (TIU) is under
the direct supervision of the Office of the Director for Enforcement, Traffic Discipline Office
(TDO-TEG). The TIU’s personnel consists of five (5) permanent and Two (2) Job Order
employees. Its duties and functions include receiving complaints against permanent, casual
and job order employees of the Traffic Discipline Office, conduct investigation relative thereto
-, and submits report and recommendation to the concerned office of this Authority for proper
1. To address and resolve the complaint within the specified time as provided in the R.A.
11032 or commonly known as the “Anti-Red Tape Authority”.
2. To serve as an investigatory unit that oversees erring TDO personnel as to maintain
and preserve the integrity of the enforcement of traffic laws consistent with the Code
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of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Government Officials and Employees, Agency’s
Rules and Regulations, CSC Rules and other pertinent laws.
2. Complainant – the party who initiated the complaint against TDO personnel.
3. Person Charged – refers to the TDO personnel against whom the complaint is filed.
5. Answer – a verified written statement setting forth the defenses of the Person Charged
in response to a complaint.
2. General
Gives the respondent the opportunity to present his/her side including the
evidence in his/her favor and so with his/her witnesses and other supporting
Allows the parties to discuss the matter to ventilate their grievance taking note
of their actions, expressions, etc. that speak of their motives and/ or intentions.
To ensure a capable, efficient and effective unit, responsive to the query and
complaints of the public regarding the conduct and decorum of TDO Traffic
Officers, Traffic Aides and other TDO personnel. Recommendations for
administrative sanctions against them, if warranted, as provided under the
Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Office Orders, Memorandum Circular,
and other requirements of the office in the performance of official their
To promote a high standard of ethics in public service, such that all public
officials and employees shall at al times be accountable to the people and shall
discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence, and
loyalty, act with patriotism and uphold public interest over personal interest.
*Receive and assessment of complaints (Walk-
In, Endorsed/Forwarded by PCRMU and other *After the termination of inquiry/investigation
offices or thru phone or submission of all necessary documents,
*Record, set formal inquiry/schedule, and issue preparation of Investigation Report (IR) with
summons to parties concerned findings and recommendation
(TIU Support Staff)
(TIU Investigating Officers)
*Approval/Disapproval of the
*Both parties may agree to A resetting may be made Investigation Report (IR)
Settle the Case Amicably by the Investigating Director III, TEC, OIC-TDO
(If permitted under the Rules) Officer, or upon request
either of parties for
justifiable reasons,
hence, the conduct of
*Execution of written investigation may *ENDORSEMENT FOR FINAL
agreement signed by necessarily be extended. DISPOSITION
both parties for amicable
settlement (TIU Dir IIILegislative
Legal for Traffic Enforcement
Affairs Staff LLAS
Investigating Officers) (MMDA-TDO)
(if involving Permanent and Casual
*Schedule for 2nd personnel) or to Administrative
inquiry/investigation Service (if involving Job Order
personnel) for their final disposition.
*Reading and signing of (TIU Investigating (TIU Support Staff)
written agreement or Officers)
Amicable Settlement
indicating the resolution
of the case. END
*Conduct of the 2nd
Inquiry/investigation and
presentation of other
END witnesses or supporting
documents, if any
(TIU Investigating
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I. Introduction………………………………………..……..
II. Objectives…………………………………………..…….
III. Definition of Terms………………………………..…….1
1. Complaint
2. Complainant
3. Person Charged
4. Investigating Officer
5. Answer
6. Affidavit of Desistance
7. Investigation Report
IV. Acronyms…………………………………………..……..
V. Organization and Responsibilities………..…...…….2
1. Organizational Chart
2. General
3. Target & Goals
4. Duties & Responsibilities
VI. Operating Procedures………….………………………5
1. Flow Chart
VII. Records………………..………………………………….
VIII. Appendices.……………………………………….……..6
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Traffic Ticket Management Division is one of the major administrative functions of Traffic
Discipline Office. It is in charge in the implementation of MMDA programs and services related
to the management of traffic violation data such as custodial and transaction servicing for
safekeeping, release of confiscated items, administration of services related to apprehension
records and clearance processing. Our office is located at the MMDA Parking Lot, EDSA cor.
Orense St., Guadalupe, Makati City with a total manpower compliment of 90 consisting of
forty-eight (48) permanent, five (5) casual, thirty-three (33) Job Order and five (5) Oyster.
1. Driver’s License – is an official document stating that a person may operate one or more
types of motorized vehicles such as motorcycle, car, truck or a bus on a public roadway.
2. License Plate – is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle.
3. Private vehicles – private cars or light trucks not for commercial uses.
4. Public Utility Vehicles – public utility cars (AUVs, Jeepneys, Taxicabs and School Buses)
1. Organizational Chart
2.1 General
To define and specify the duties, responsibilities and main activities carried out
by the Traffic Ticket Management Division Staff directly involve in processing of
2.2.4 Process applications for the issuance of violation clearances, request for traffic
violation records and information and verification pf lost TVR forms and/or
2.2.5 Implements a computer-based system of recording and reporting traffic
apprehensions, settlement of violations and other related transactions.
2.2.6 Compiles and maintains computer databases on violations, transactions,
enforcers and other data requirements of the Traffic Discipline Office.
2.2.7 Assists in the data processing requirements of the operating units of the Office.
2.2.8 Provides regular statistical and progress reports on the operation of the traffic
violation system and other reports required by the Traffic Discipline Office and
information users.
2.2.9 Develops and administers a record management system for traffic violation
records such as duplicate copies of traffic violation receipts, confiscated licenses
and vehicle plates, resolutions of contested violations, traffic apprehension
reports, transaction records and other related records.
2.2.10 Undertakes follow up actions on unsettled violations such as mailing of notices,
linkage with the Land Transportation Office, prosecution of delinquent violators,
2.2.11 Formulates, recommends and implements measures for the efficient disposition
of traffic violations.
Work Flow
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Citizens Charter
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3. Releasing of Transactions
Before releasing licenses, plate numbers and other confiscated items, the following
routines must be performed:
Examine accuracy of fines paid. Noted deficiencies must be re-routed for
assessment and payment.
Ensure that suspension of license is served, in cases where the penalty is required.
Ensure that driver has attended traffic seminar, in cases it is required.
6. Receiving Transaction
Require the driver to fill up Clearance Application Form and pay the required
Clearance Fee.
Checks and validate all entries in the application form.
Receive the form together with the Official Receipt of payment.
Record in the register of Clearance Application
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7. Processing Transaction
Verify unsettled UOVRs in the database.
Require the payment of unsettled traffic line, if applicant cannot pay the fine
immediately the application form together with the TVR shall be placed temporarily
in a pending file by the Clearance Processor for seven (7) days.
Pending documents shall be returned to the License Custodian after the prescribed
Refer protest or disagreement to the Traffic Adjudication Board.
For cancelled case, a copy of the Resolution will be forwarded to our office for
correction in the database. If payment has been made prior to the release of the
resolution, letter of request shall be made by the driver so we can process the
If evidence of fake license or multiple possession of license is encountered, the
corresponding penalties shall be imposed. The spurious licenses shall be
withholding and disposed accordingly.
Prepare Clearance Certificate after settlement of pending violations.
8. Releasing Transaction
Record Clearance in the Register of Clearance Application
Release clearance to applicant together with Original Receipt of payment.
Require the driver to acknowledge receipt of clearance on logbook.
9. Precautions
Ensure that confiscated licenses, plate number and associated records are
released only to authorized parties.
Ensure the penalties are accurately assessed and imposed.
Secure records of pilferage or damage.
2. Forms
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As per guidelines set by the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority governed by the
Department of Health on COVID-19 pandemic, personnel of MMDA particularly TTMD
personnel shall:
Always observe the proper wearing of face mask and face shield.
Always practice physical distancing and avoid eating together.
If the employee is experiencing symptoms or has been exposed to a positive Covid-
19 case, the employee must coordinate to the TTMD-Admin for proper coordination
to a swabbing facility and quarantine facility.
If the employee is having symptoms such as cough, fever or other flu-like
symptoms, he or she must not report to work anymore and must immediately advice
the TTMD Admin so they can coordinate it with MMDA Clinic.
The Western Traffic Enforcement District is a major branch of the Traffic Discipline Office
that is primarily responsible in maintaining smooth flow of traffic in the western portion of
Metro Manila particularly along major thorough fares in tandem with the Local Government
Unit (LGU) that comprises the City of Manila, with a combined total land area of 42.88 km2.
Its office is currently located at the MMDA TEC Building Valencia St. Sta. Mesa, Manila and
has a total manpower compliment of 198 personnel who work and are distributed in three
shifts: 1st Shift: 05:00 am–01:00 pm/06:00 am-02:00 pm, 2nd Shift: 01:00 pm–09:00 pm/02:00
pm-10:00 pm and 3rd shift: 9:00 pm–5:00 am. Each Traffic Enforcer is given specific tasks
and activities to serve as a guide for them in the discharge of their duties and functions.
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2. To ensure safe travel and orderliness on the road through the conduct of traffic direction
and control as well as enforce traffic laws, rules and regulations through physical
apprehension to instill discipline on erring drivers.
2. Area Of Responsibility (AOR) – the limits or territory within which authority maybe
4. Mission Order (MO) – a piece of written document possessed by each Traffic Enforcer
wherein his job description, designation and area of assignment are stated.
1. Organizational Chart
2. General
4.4 Supervisor
Supervises the daily operation of a certain sector/area.
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2. Apprehension Procedures
Enforcer flags down the vehicle
involved in the violation and lead it to
the roadside where it will not obstruct
the flow of traffic
Y Is complaint tackles
B Mabuhay Lane /
Is National Road
complaint Y
coming from
Is Y
coming from
PCRMU Finish
N Is
A complaint
coming from
N Is complaint
A tackles Mabuhay
Lane / National
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Refer to QRT Group for
Conduct Operation
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1. Summons Received
2. Application For Leave
3. Deployment Of Personnel
4. Apprehension Report
5. Incoming/Outgoing Communication
6. Locator Slip
7. Daily Attendance Report / Daily Time Record
10. Deficiency Report Slip (DRS)
11. Complaints
Signature of Requester
_____________________________ ____________________________
(Sending/From) Division/Unit Head (Receiving/To) Division/Unit Head
1. Cleared from money/supply/property accountability with TDO Transport and Supply Unit.
Yes No
Remarks: _____________________________________________________________________________
Based on the evaluation conducted by this office, we certify that subject personnel are clear of money
and property accountabilities. No pending administrative/criminal case and is not a witness to any drug related
case in relation to RA 9165 and DOB regulation no. 6 series of 2008.
Processed by:
Recommending Approval:
Recommending Approval:
With reference to the Performance-Based Bonus for FY 2015, and pursuant to Item No.
4.2.a of Memorandum Circular No. 2015-1 entitled “Guidelines on the Grant of the
Performance-Based Bonus for Fiscal Year 2015 under Executive Order No. 80” this
Operations Manual will serve as a tool for measuring office and individual work
It contains of brief view of the Office history, its mission, vision and mandated tasks. It also
includes the organizational structure, responsibilities, work flowchart and operating
procedures (REG Protocol).
The existing Road Emergency Group is the forerunner of the then Metro Rescue under the
disbanded Directorate for Special Operations, then created through an Executive Order,
during the early part of CY 1990, but was subsequently placed directly under the Traffic
Discipline Office (TDO), formerly Traffic Operations Center (TOC) for funding purposes. Its
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role then was limited to a mere disaster coordinating arm of the National Disaster
Coordinating Council, OCD-DND during the outbreak of natural calamities in Metro Manila.
Since then, this has evolved and shifted/focused its tasks on the conduct of emergency
roadside operations along the major thoroughfares of Metro Manila, hence saving
the lives and limbs of vehicular roadside victims and ensure the free flow of traffic
along EDSA and other designated major thoroughfares in the metropolis.
It should be noted that the mandated task of this Office is based on the delivery of related
basic services that are immediately responsive to the needs of the public as embodied in
the MMDA Policy, which is to provide quality services, that are responsive to the needs of
the public, promptly delivered and economical, adherent to the highest standard of good
With this Operations Manual, we do hope we will be able to provide an insight and better
grasp of what the Road Emergency Group is all about.
To respond to all road emergencies and remove all roadblocks and other obstacles thereby
ensuring the unimpeded flow of traffic along the main thoroughfares in the metropolis.
2. Metrobase – the department/office that facilitates the 136 Hotline of the Agency
(MMDA) and coordinates to other concerned offices
3. Rescue Base – central dispatch of the department that facilitates 0calls from the
Metrobase and concerned citizen/s relative to the occurrence of roadside
emergency operations, including coordination to the nearest emergency station for
the dispatch of resources needed
6. Run Report – forms used to get the details and information about the patient and
1. Organizational Chart
Edward C. Gonzales
1. Lareza, Katherine E 8. Llantada, Jesus
2. Braganza, Jarwin G. 9. Ventura, Mildred
3. Macabuag, Judy Ann C. 10. Frades, Regina
4. Marco, Ronessa 11. Garcia, Ignacio Jr.
5. Roxas, Wilbert C
6. Santos, Roberto DC.
7. Villacampa, Maricar
1. Dela Cruz, Ferdinand
2. Abad, Alfred S. 9. Garcia, German
3. Bacay, Oligario O. 10. Tejero, Chande P.
4. Bagonoc, Jacinto Jr. 11. Umbac, Mario O.
5. Cubar, Anthony S. 12. Enceso, Benvenido Jr
6. Dajucon, Roy P. 13. Leon, Ronnie B.
7. Fradejas, Jonathan 14. Singlatan, Celvin Q.
8. Regalario, Cecilio R.
Alpha Bravo
Group Group
Reyes, Rowena Villanueva, Nonilon
Group Leader Group Leader
Medic Medic
Alfonso, Randy Jaime, Abigail Palma, Kathleen **Administrative Aide IV Antiojo, Marvin Macalalad, Brianne Reyes, Jean Marie
Bacho, Maryel Las Piñas, Michael Paraiso, Clarence 1.Supan, Juslie Jimelle De Leon, Mark Macasaet, Julius Romano, Marie
Joe Jefferson Joseph Josephine
Bañanola, Mabutol, YvanJowe Reyes, Mark Rio De Leon, Rubelyn Mendoza, Leyda Marie Salandanan,
Reynaldo Evangeline
Concepcion, Macas, James Rubilla, Nathalia Enriquez, John Miro, Michael Samudio, Jehan Sheen
Kristopher Kenno Derick
Estocapio, Maria Momblanco, Santillan, Shenee Gadia, Annie Mae Montion, Josephine Siazon, Salve
Denise Carmelita
Fareñas, Erick Pacia, Ronald Terso, Joseph Lapera, Jonalyn Rayos, Webster Tiu, Nathaniel
Bryan Dominic
Alcantara, Paolo Casas, Melchor Llarena, Rolando Gonzales, Gerson Bautista, Allan Estipular, Carlito Nebrida, Edwin Ventura, Jerry
Alvarez, Remy CasoroG, Michael Martinez, Reynald Guiritan, Mamerto Castro, Jonathan Gumban, Henry Octobre, Alexander Villena,
Aoanan, Mark Dacuno, Jesus Medina, Neptali Mendoza, Eduardo Hamor, Brigido Jasmin, Errol Balico, Joel
Weylon III
Aquino, De Leon, Jonathan Sabio, Rolando Servano, Isidro Lapinig, Remigio Leonardo, Elmor Quintero, Alejandro Gerlaban,
Dominador Dominador
Avila, Lauro Dioquino, Ulysses Sarzuela, Santiago Cruz, Michael Leoncio, Sadel Ramirez, Judy Marcelino, Jeremiah
Francis O.
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Medic Medic
Alejo, Gerald Lacanlale, Rocky Quibuyen, Philip **Administrative Abao, Madel Fragata, Rodolfo Jr San Pedro, Diorel **Administrative
Christian Aide IV Nadiel Aide IV
Coronado, Luntao, Santos, Denisse Cometija, Marivonne Amparo, Aljohn Galin, Vicson M. Santos, Melissa Aquino, Lara
Lilibeth Krishandra B. Dale Edgar Mae
Cuadra, Marivi Magay, Roghien Sapalan, Joel Macaguiwa, Marian Avilla, Clodolfo Hernandez, Anna Solon, Rommel
Jr. Elizabeth
Domingo, Mallari, Tortoles, Jomel Azuelo, Marlon Lopez, John Subala, Bernadette
Michael Charmaine Vincent Elaine
Esguerra, May Miguel, Juvenal Castillo, Ulyssis Navarro, Micah Suguitan, Joseff
Ann Pauline Godfrey
Flores, Joanna Paz, Rafael Fernandez, Papa, Rosela
Abadilla, Coros, Kenji Nolasco, Marlon Cruz, Bobby Abarra, Rogelio Correa, Cipriano Lucas, Dominador Papa, Jann
Christopher Oliver Andrew
Abalos, Delos Santos, Pascua, Randy Nofies, Bernardo Adolfo, Orland Danga, Rosauro Mabagos, Victorino Salamanca, Dean
Reynaldo Jogar
Bonlagua, Deloso, Rey Raspado, Semic, Marcelino Alap-ap, Dela Cruz, Eric Martinez, Dexter Sayson, Elizar
Jerome Prudencio Vicente
Bulilan, Aries Dumlao, Oliver Serdoncillo, Jerry Apolinario, Facto, Ernesto Jr. Mateo, John Louis Silungan, Brian
Cabariban, Gacusan, Alvin Suriaga, Asper Asuncion, Ferreria, Reynante Ocura, Lorenzo Tejones,
Elvis Roberto Christian Jude
Columbano, Lumabi, Paolo Suriaga, Rimel Cabrera, Jaime, Ericson Ojano, Rolando V.
Leonardo Gaylord
Conde, Rodelio Monzon, Harold Verba, Ruben Castillo, Jezel Ladignon, Marlon Olayta, levi Jr.
2.1 General
REG shall be responsible in responding to all road emergencies and
clearing of roadways from all types of obstructions caused by accidents
to ensure the smooth flow of traffic.
2.3.1 HEAD
Over-all supervision and management of the Road Emergency
Group in its mandated task in conducting roadside emergency
Overseeing the repair and maintenance of assigned heavy
equipment and rescue vehicles/tools.
Attendance to other related matters relative to the conduct of
emergency roadside operations.
Performance of other duties and functions as may be required by
the Head or Superior.
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2.3.6 WELDER
Performs welding/installation work on assigned REG vehicles,
tools and equipment.
Fabrication and repair of rescue, emergency metal tools and
Assists in the conduct of roadside emergencies/operations.
Performance of other duties and functions as may be required by
the Head or Superior.
Disaster Occurrence
Submission of after-activity
report to Office of the Assistant
General Manager for
Operations and Office of the
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3. Rescue Base
As the central command center of Road Emergency Group once informed about
the occurrence of an accident, the following procedures shall be observed and
recorded immediately.
4. Emergency Stations
Get details of reported accident upon dispatch of ambulance while on the way
to the incident site.
5. Scene Sized Up
5.2 Basic information that should be relayed back to the dispatch office
upon arrival at the scene.
Address/location – give the exact location or landmark of the
Type of incident – give the appropriate type of incident to the
dispatch office.
Environmental condition – whether raining, sunny, or brown out
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** Must follow the “load and go” procedure to attain the 15-minute quick
response time thus preventing traffic build-up.
Mitigate risks
Disconnect car battery (negative terminal) in motor vehicle
accidents, shut-off the main valve for gas leak, extinguish
fire with fire extinguishers, manage traffic hazards,
stabilize vehicles/structures, etc.
6. Gain Access
Analyze the needs for personal protections such as helmet, eye protection, self-
contained breathing apparatus, gloves etc. before attempting to gain access to
the victim. If access is simple (not requiring tools and special trainings) or readily
available, remove the victim in such a way as to minimize or avoid further injury.
4.1 Doors
“Try before you pry”
Ask the patient to assist in opening the door, either by unlocking
or rolling down the window.
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4.2 Windows
Make sure that the patient is protected from glass particles
If you need to break the window, choose the one that is farthest
from the patient. Use a pointed tool. Strike tool against lower
corner of window and continue to strike in the same spot until
the window shatters
Rear and side windows are made of tempered glass, which
shatters into small granules. The windshield is laminated and
can be removed in one piece.
6.1 Advise Rescue Base of all details gathered and action/s taken.
6.2 Prepare Run Report (Patient Assessment) and shall advise Rescue
Base regarding the patient’s condition, whether it has improved or
got worst, while ambulance is on the way to a nearest medical facility
or a hospital for further treatment
6.3 Properly endorse the patient to the Doctor/Nurse or any available
medical personnel on duty, including his/her personal belongings. If
the patient refuses to be brought to a hospital, he/she should be
made to sign a waiver form, expressly stating that our attending
paramedics/rescue personnel are not responsible for the aggravation
of his/her illness or death if worse comes to worst.
6.4 Inform immediately immediate relatives of patient/s, with regards to
the 4 W’s and H.
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9. Reports
7.1 Responder shall relay all details to Rescue Base and shall prepare
corresponding report/s.
7.2 Rescue Base shall collate reports and shall submit it to the Head of
the Unit for perusal and notation on or before end of duty.
7.3 Major incidents shall be reported immediately to the Office of the
7.4 In normal routine operations. Daily Reports should be submitted not
later than 2:00 p.m.to the Office of the Director, Traffic Discipline
Office and the Office of the Assistant General Manager for
Operations, this Authority.
And lastly the Quarterly, Semestral and Annual reports shall also be
submitted to concerned Offices, including the Corporate Planning
and Management Services and Office of the Chairman, this
1. Rescue Base
1.1 Rescue Base shall log all the details transmitted by Metro Base.
1.2 As the central communication center of Road Emergency Group,
once informed of the need for road clearing/towing assistance, it shall
immediately observe the following procedures.
Receiving/Documenting a call for assistance.
Information to obtain
- Date
- Time
- Address/location
- Motor Vehicle Involved/Plate Number/Company etc.
- Problem/s encountered
- Action/s taken
- Other pertinent information
1.3 Duty Officer shall advise nearest Emergency Station to the area of
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1.4 Duty Officer shall dispatch needed available tow truck nearest to the
area of incident.
2. Emergency Stations
2.1 Get details of report from Rescue Base while preparing tow truck for
2.2 Towing Responder to advise Rescue Base upon touchdown and give
details of vehicle to be towed
2.3 Stalled Vehicle
Tow Truck Personnel shall immediately tow the vehicle to the
nearest emergency bay and shall be given two (2) hours before
towing it to MMDA Impounding Area.
--Shall respond to the vehicle causing obstruction immediately
within 15 minutes range
--Tow vehicle to MMDA Impounding Area (ULTRA 1 & 2)
Accomplish Technical Inspection Form (TIF) in two (2) copies,
Impounding Area copy and file copy
Endorse towed vehicle to Impounding/Duty Officer within 45
Advise Rescue Base and/or Metro Base for all actions taken
3. Impounding Area
3.1 Receive towed vehicle and double check submitted Technical
Inspection form.
3.2 Issue Traffic Violation Report (TVR) to concerned driver of towed
For heavy weighted vehicles
For medium weighted vehicles
For light weighted vehicles
3.3 Responsible for safekeeping and releasing towed vehicle.
4. Reports
4.1 Responder shall relay all details to Rescue Base and shall prepare
corresponding report/s.
4.2 Rescue Base shall collate reports and shall submit it to the Head of
the Unit for perusal and notation on or before the end of duty.
4.3 Major incidents shall be reported immediately to the Office of the
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And lastly the Quarterly, Semestral and Annual reports shall also be
submitted to concerned Offices, including the Corporate Planning
and Management Services and Office of the Chairman, this
3.2 If the patient does not want to be brought to medical facility, it is the
responsibility of the medical team to let the patient sign a waiver
stating that the team is free from any legal liabilities.
1. Rescue Base
1.1 As the central command center of Road Emergency Group once
informed about the occurrence of an accident, the following
procedures shall be observed and recorded immediately.
1.2 Receiving/Documenting a call for assistance. Information to obtain
Call Source/Identity of the origin of the call
Victims (quantity and condition)
Involved vehicles
Action taken (by the person who reported the incident)
Other pertinent information
1.3 Advise nearest emergency station to the incident
Rescue EDSA Roxas Boulevard Base – T/L
Rescue Nagtahan Base– T/L – Manila
Rescue Orense, Makati City
Rescue Ortigas Base – T/L
Rescue C-5 Ortigas Base – T/L
Rescue EDSA Timog Base – T/L
Rescue Commonwealth Base – T/L
1.4 Request/Dispatch available/nearest resources as the need arises.
2. Emergency Stations
2.1 Get details of reported accident upon dispatch while on the way to
the incident site.
3. Scene Sized Up
3.1 Determine the following upon arrival at the site.
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4. Coordination
4.1 In cases that the number of patients/ vehicles involved exceeded in
the number of available REG dispatched units, the crew at the area
must call Rescue Base for the needed additional resources at the
4.2 Rescue base will then call Metrobase to coordinate the augmentation
of needed manpower, rescue vehicles and/or equipment to other
MMDA Offices, other Government Agencies and Local Government
1.1 Fire Prevention
There should be available fire extinguishers. Check the
expiration date.
Check all the electrical wirings. Prevent exposed wirings (bitten
by rats).
Check if the fire alarms are working properly.
Provide clear, unobstructed and accessible walkways and
routes toward the emergency fire exits.
Familiarize employees of the prescribed evacuation plan.
Unplug all appliances and office equipment when not in use.
Turn off the aircon when not in use.
2.1 Damage Prevention
Remove unnecessary heavy materials above the cabinets.
Shelves should be stable to prevent them from falling during an
Provide clear, unobstructed and accessible walkways and
routes towards the emergency fire exit.
Familiarize employees of the prescribed evacuation plan.
2.2 In Case of Earthquake
Perform “Duck, Cover and Hold”.
Don’t panic, get out of the building.
Activate fire alarm system and get out of the building
immediately using emergency fire exits.
The Marshall shall ensure and check that no one is left behind.
Proceed to the designated Oplan Yakal Quadrants (North,
South, East and West)
2.3 After Earthquake
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3.1 Damage Prevention
Check and repair storm drainage lines for water leaks.
Clean and de-clog nearest drainage and canal within the
premises of the building.
Ensure that trees are properly tied and stable.
1. Accident Report
2. Accomplishment Report
3. Vehicle Dispatch
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TDO-REG-001-ver 0 (Clearance to
Release Form)
TDO-REG-005-ver 0 (Waiver
TDO-REG-006-ver 0 (Daily
Driver’s Vehicle Checklist
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I. Introduction
Under the office of the Director, the Administrative Support Group composed of eighteen (18)
personnel, functions as the Administrative Division of the Traffic Engineering Center (TEC),
mainly responsible in the safe keeping of various records pertaining to personnel,
communication and other documents relative to traffic engineering and management. The
Administrative Support Group also provides general services, such as supplies, liaison,
maintenance records, design/layout and printing of various documents and assists in the
formulation of policies, rules and regulations for the Traffic Engineering Center (TEC).
II. Objectives
Evaluates and monitors sufficiency of capable workforce to ensure that the works performed
by the Office are completed within the prescribed deadline, prepare communications and
assists the Director and other responsible groups in the preparation and submission activities
and regular operation/maintenance functions and maintains effective liaison/coordination with
other government agencies regarding the traffic engineering and management aspect of the
2. Daily Time Record - Use for time and attendance system to record when
Employees start to work.
3. File - Documents record
IV. Acronyms
5.1 General
Performs general administrative functions such as personal transactions, clerical
services and records management. Prepares TEC procurement programs and
requisition of supplies and materials and/or supervises the utilization of procured
properties and keep records of the accountabilities of TEC personnel. Maintains
effective liaison or coordination with other government agencies, within the
Authority or other agencies with respect to administrative matters. Prepares and
check DTR of TEC personnel to effect up-to-date payment of salaries, wages
and other benefits
- 201 File
- Accomplishment Reports (Annual, Monthly, Quarterly and Weekly)
- Income Tax Return (ITR)
- Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN)
- Approved Leave Application/DTR
- Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR)
- Plantilla appointment
- Notice of Salary Adjustment (NOSA)
- Approved Communications related to Traffic Engineering and Management
VIII. Appendices
The Construction Division is the Engineering Arm of the Traffic Engineering Center who is in-
charged in the implementation of Traffic Infra of the Agency which is to be done By-Contract
and In-House Implementation. This Division is aware of the vital needs to implement quality
infrastructures projects to ensure safety and convenience to the General Public and its
compliance of completed works to plans and specifications. And further, aims to increase the
efficiency of traffic and transport operations on the roadway system, to preserve the Urban
Transport Infrastructure.
1. To help increase the efficiency of traffic and transport operations, to preserve the Urban
Transport Infrastructure.
2. To contribute to poverty alleviation by facilitating access to public transport by the poor.
1. Approved Budget for the Contract – refers to the budget for the contract duly approved
by the Head of the Procuring Entity.
2. As-Built Plan – it indicates the in-place/actual work done on site.
3. By-Administration – it is the type of project implementation wherein we use the skilled
labor, equipment and materials of the Authority.
4. By-Contract – it is the type of project implementation where the procuring entity is
engaged with the private contracting group.
5. DPWH Standard Specifications – covers the public works governing specifications pay
items for the project.
6. Lay-out – sometimes called staking out, is the process of transferring the roadway plan
measurement to the ground of the site.
7. Program of Work – refers to the document that describes the sequence in which tasks
must be carried out. It also includes the summary of cost and estimates of quantities of a
proposed project.
8. R.A. 9184 – known as the Government Procurement Reform Act of the Philippines, An Act
Providing for the Modernization, Standardization and Regulation of Procurement Activities.
9. Terms of Reference (TOR) – contains the special specifications of required works that
are not included in DPWH Standard Specifications and R.A. 9184.
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Organizational Chart
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1. General
o Traffic Engineering Center – Construction Division shall perform duties,
responsibilities and main activities regarding the implementation of By-
Contract and In-house constructions of MMDA
3.1 Engineer V
- Supervision and Checking of Detailed Cost Analysis of Pay Items /
POW for road improvements and related works.
- Supervise/formulate methodology for the execution of works
relative to technical assistance being extended by the technical
- Supervision of in-house personnel and related construction
- Project supervision being implemented by contract.
3.2 Engineer IV
- Project supervision and contract management.
- Studies and evaluates researches made on the development of
plans and programs of the Traffic Engineering Center and submits
recommendation on the same, plans and updates policies,
guidelines and regulations to transport facility operations in Metro
3.5 Engineer II
- Coordinates with utility companies regarding relocation, removal
and assitance for the project.
- Prepares cost estimate and canvass for the supplies and materials
for the project.
- Provide assistance in preparation for plan layout, project cost
estimate, POW and ABC.
- Prepares inspection reports, endorsement, memorandum,
communication letters, including responding to complaints from
- Encoding of Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) of TEC
Construction Division for updating purposes.
3.14 Driver I
- Transport technical personnel in performing their task.
- Responsible in cleaning and maintenance of assigned vehicle.
3.15 Carpenter I
- Undertakes labor for civil works for in-house construction of traffic
infra related projects.
3.16 Mason I
- Undertakes labor for civil works for in-house construction of traffic
infra related projects.
3.17 Laborer II
- Undertakes labor for civil works for in-house construction of traffic
infra related projects.
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1. Construction Planning
Site verification prior to preparation of construction plan and details
Inspection of affected existing facilities
2. Scheduling
Preparation of Construction Details
Quantification of Works
Preparation of Unit Cost Analysis
Preparation of Program of Works (POW) and Approved Budget for the Contract
3. Procurement Stage
Preparation of Bid Documents, Specifications and Terms of Reference (TOR)
Form01 – TDO-TEC-C-001 (Itemized Cost of Change Order)
TDO-TEC-C-001-ver 0
(Pangasiwaan Sa Pagpapaunlad Ng Kalakhang Maynila)
Name of Project
TDO-TEC-C-001-ver 0
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You are hereby directed to make herein described changes from the plans and specifications, or do the following described work not included in the original plans and specifications
Payment Certificate No. 1
Item Total Unit Contract Total Quantity Quantity Total Balance Cost of Cost Cost Balance
No. Description Unit Quantity Price Amount Approved in Approved in Quantity to of Previous of this to of
(Pesos) (Pesos) Previous Billings this Billings this Date Quantity Billing Billing Date Cost
We hereby certify that the Statement of Work Accomplished stated on this page is true and correct.
Date :
Permit No.
Name of Project:
Contract Package:
Project Location:
Name of Contractor:
Part of Structure/Section to be poured:
Station Limits / Section:
Estimated Volume (m³): Concrete Strength:
Maximum Slump: Maximum Aggregates:
Types of Mixtures: Admixtures:
Permit to pour concrete is hereby requested on at AM/PM
Actual Time Started: Time Completed : Actual Date :
Requested by:
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I. Introduction
The Planning and Design Division is located at ground the floor of MMDA Main Building.
The division has four (4) sections, namely: Planning/Road Inventory Survey/TMC survey,
Design and Estimate, Vissim and Pavement Markings.
The Roadway Private Utilization Permit (RPUP) pursuant to Resolution No. 13-10
Series of 2013 stating “Adopting Rules on the use of Roads in Metro Manila in conducting
Fun Runs, Motorcades, Filming and other special events” is primarily being implemented
by the Office of the Chairman but was tasked to TEC since October 2016 for the processing,
assessment, evaluation and issuance of permit to different organizers and private entities
applying to conduct any of the said events. The application and authorization to use the
road will depend on the availability of the proposed locations for approval of the MMDA
II. Objectives
To provide efficient, effective and strategic planning and rapid, free and safe flow of traffic
within Metro Manila and nearby areas.
To formulate and develop strategies to improve traffic operations and safety within the
1. Traffic Engineers – Applies principles and practices in the design and construction of
roads, freeways, and other means of ground transportation. They focus mainly on
research for safe and efficient traffic flow, such as road geometry, sidewalk and
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crosswalk, cycling infrastructure, traffic signs, road surface marking and traffic lights.
Traffic engineers deals with the functional part of transportation system.
2. Traffic Management Plan – a document that details the way activities in the road
corridor will be carried out to minimize inconvenience and help ensure road users and
workers to remain as safe as possible.
- Is a site-specific plan that covers the design, implementation,
maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management measures while work
activity is carried out in the road corridor (road, footpath or beam)
- The plan details how road users – including cyclists and pedestrians
directed around a work site, accident, or other temporary road disruption, to minimize
inconvenience while providing safe conditions for both the road users and those carrying
out activities.
3. Traffic Survey – an activity undertaken to determine the volume and/or nature of traffic
utilizing a particular route.
4. Road Inventory Survey – used for planning and design purposes. It provides the
designer with information about the project site, road condition, capture current and past
road system data, road width, road length and pavement type.
6. Road Signs – facilities erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or
provide information to road users
8. Thermoplastic – is a hot compound applied on roads for the creation of highly reflective
stripping with long term performance. Thermoplastic is based on either alkyd or
hydrocarbon resins and contains a significant portion of premix glass beads.
9. Thermoplastic road marking paint – also called hot melt marking paint, is a kind of
powder paint.
10. Total Station – is an electronic/optical instrument used for surveying and building
construction. The total station is an electronic theodolite (transit) integrated with an
electronic distance measurement (EDM) to read slope distances from the instrument to
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12. AutoCAD - is a computer-aided design (CAD) program used for 2D and 3D design
and program to create blue prints for buildings, bridges, roads, computer chips, houses
and etc.
13. Traffic Lights – or traffic signals are lights used to control the movement of traffic. They
are placed on roads at intersections and crossings. The different colours of lights inform
drivers what to do. (RED – Stop, Yellow – Ready,
Green – Go)
IV. Acronyms
• Organizational Chart
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The Planning and Design Division conducts surveys, researches and relevant
studies on traffic engineering and management, road inventory to determine road
configuration and its physical attributes as basis in the preparation of plans and
development of designs, standards and specifications of various engineering
structures and geometric designs of road using advanced technology, such as
Automatic Computer-Aided Design (AutoCAD) and the state-of-the-art Traffic
Simulation Software (VISSIM).
o Assists other units in devising comprehensive plans and strategies for emerging
urban traffic and transport major concerns and program directions.
o Vissim Section – Uses the Visual Simulation Software and Vistro Software. It is
the leading micro-simulation program for multi-modal traffic flow modelling and a
solution for traffic impact assessment, analysis and optimization of a proposed
scheme. This section is responsible in the preparation of comparative analysis
of a proposed traffic scheme, video recording and 3D modelling.
o Road Inventory Survey - This survey is done to determine road and traffic
condition, collecting data regarding road furniture such as road markings, traffic
signs, street lightings, guardrails, bridges, tunnels and aims to conduct volume-
capacity ratio and level of service analysis at various intersections.
o It formulates plans and programs to train and educate motorists and the public
on the important use of various traffic control facilities and road furnitures on the
aspect of road safety, including energy conservation measures adopted by the
government, thereby enhancing traffic discipline awareness among road users.
o It also determines the road configuration and physical attributes to be used in the
design of roads, as well as traffic surveys, studies and researches on traffic
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1. Engineer IV
- Studies and evaluates researches made on the development of plans and programs
of the Traffic Engineering Center and submits recommendation on the same, plans
and updates policies, guidelines and regulations to transport facility operations in
Metro Manila.
- Supervising the activities of the Design and Estimate Section; prepares Traffic
Management Plans, attends meetings concerning Traffic Management within Metro
Manila and conducts ocular inspection at various locations and projects within Metro
- Project development and formulation of transport and traffic management projects
including the preparation of reports and collaboration with different offices of MMDA
and other government agencies.
- Preparation, checking and evaluation of Breakdown, Cost Estimates, Program of
Works (POW), Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) PR and RIS.
- Checks and evaluates Billing documents including Variation Orders.
- Monitors the implementation of traffic signalization projects related to pavement
markings and road signs.
- Supervises the operations and activities of the Planning and Design Division.
- Checks, evaluates and monitors all traffic management plans/schemes submitted by
various contractors on major infrastructure projects in Metro Manila.
- Evaluation and assessment of proposed Traffic Management Plans, Traffic Signal
Plans, Traffic Survey/Analysis and Road Inventory Survey activities
- Supervises the implementation of By-Contract and In-House Projects.
- Attends meetings, seminars, conferences, workshops and give lectures on short
courses at the Traffic Academy concerning Road Safety and Traffic Management.
- Conducts ocular inspection and monitoring of on-going transport infrastructure
projects within Metro Manila.
2. Engineer III
- Prepares and provides technical assistance, road inventory survey for the
preparation of Traffic Management Plans (TMP) at various locations in and outside
Metro Manila..
- Conducts field and road inventory surveys on site; plotting of road inventory and data
survey using AutoCAD
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- Assists in the preparation of traffic management plans, designs and other related
presentation materials.
3. Planning Officer III
- Responsible in assisting the Engineer in fulfilling their functions as well as in
providing technical assistance to the Offices in line with monitoring and evaluation.
The Planning Officer is tasked to monitor and report the progress of activities
conducted, programs implemented and the performance of the Offices based on
the assessment and evaluation of the reports submitted.
4. Engineer II
- Assist in the studies and evaluation of researches made on the development of plans
and programs of the Traffic Engineering Center and submits recommendations on
the same, plans and updates policies, guidelines and regulations to transport facility
- Conducts field and road inventory surveys on site, plotting of road inventory and data
survey using AutoCAD.
5. Planning Officer II
- Conducts field and road inventory surveys on site; plotting of road inventory and data
survey using AutoCAD.
- Prepares presentation and reports for Regional Cities.
- Prepares traffic signal design and traffic management plans
7. Engineer I
- Prepares Traffic Management Plans using AutoCAD.
- Conducts ocular inspection related to proposed design for TMPs.
9. Planning Assistant II
- Supervises field personnel performing application and removal of pavement
markings, and submit accomplishment report to the Division Head.
16. Mason II
- Undertakes labor for civil works for in-house masonry works.
17. Laborer II
- Undertakes labor for civil works for in-house application of reflectorized thermoplastic
pavement markings, geometric improvement, hauling and installation of various
traffic safety furnitures, etc.
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VII. Records
- Turning Movement Count survey data
- Pedestrian Count survey data
- Travel Time/Speed survey data
- Annual Average Daily Traffic (2002-2017)
- List of applicants of Roadway Private Utilization Permit
- List of Issued Permits (with pertinent documents)
- List of Public Schools in Metro Manila
- List of Major Infrastructure Projects in Metro Manila
- Unit Cost Analysis for Pavement Markings
- Unit Cost Analysis for Road Signages
- Traffic Management Plans (eFile)
- Traffic Signal Design Plans (eFile)
- Standard Design of Road Sign (eFile)
- Metro Manila MAP (eFile)
- Road Inventory Survey data (eFile)
- Program of Work (eFile)
- Approve Budget for the Contract (eFile)
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VIII. Appendices
I. Introduction
The TEC- Road Safety Unit (RSU) begun on 2005 located at 7th floor, MMDA Main Bldg.,
EDSA Corner Orense St., Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City. RSU consists of thirty six (36)
personnel devided into two (2) groups, the Roadside Operation and MMARAS Group.
Roadside Operation Group
These are the group in charge in the installation, realignment and replacement of traffic
safety devices such as plastic barriers, plastic cones, and see thru fence and concrete
barriers. It consist of two (2) shifts per day at six (6) days a week. They respond to Metro
base on whatever reported dislocated traffic facilities and signages to remove obstructions
on the road and to insure the free flow of traffic.
Metro Manila Accident Reporting and Analysis System Group (MMARAS Group)
The MMARAS Group is operated by the TEC- Road Safety Unit (RSU) of the MMDA in
coordination and assistance of the TEG-NCRPO- PNP. The MMARAS Group has eleven
(11) data researchers who gathered road crash data from twenty six (26) traffic police
precincts within Metro Manila.
All these data were brought and restored to Road Safety Unit database system. These are
being used as basis for whatever traffic engineering interventions to be undertaken such
as installation of traffic lights, construction of footbridges, application of lane marking, road
signages and etc…
II. Objectives
2.1. To remove obstructions on the road and to insure the free flow of traffic.
2.2 To compile and maintain an on going database of ‘fatal’, ‘non-fatal’ and ‘damage to
property ‘ road crashes. It is the basis to locate the so called “blackspot” where the Traffic
Engineering Center (TEC) provide countermeasure, enhance and to improve the area to
minimize and alleviate road crash.
1. Road – a public way for the passage of vehicle in transporting people and goods from
one place to another.
2. Safety – is a state of being protected from potential harm or loss. And/Or something
that has been designed to protect and prevent harm or loss.
3. Road safety - refers to the methods and measures for reducing the risk of a person
using the road network for being killed or seriously injured.
4. Roadside Operation- an act of performing road safety related activities along the roads
to ensure the free flow of traffic.
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5. Boomtruck- A boom truck is the holy grail in roadside operation. It is an essential piece
of equipment that increases the efficiency, safety and versatility in installation, hauling
and realignment of traffic safety devices.
6. Lifting- to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a
higher position.
7. Hauling- to pull or drag something forcibly. The act of transporting or carting.
8. Installation – the action or process of putting something, or of being installed.
9. Realignment- the action of changing or restoring something to a different or former
position or state.
10. Response- An act of responding to the call of Metrobase regarding Road Safety-
related concern.
11. Metrobase- The new Metro Command and Control Center. MMDA’s state-of-the art
Traffic Signalization System (TSS) that hopes to improve traffic condition as well as
pedestrian and commuter safety around Metro Manila.
12. Job Order- A written instructions to perform a work according to specified requirements,
within specified timeframe.
13. Engineering intervention- Road engineering interventions are engineering measures
involding physical engineering or structural changes to the road layout or road design
that directly affect road user behavior and have the potential to prevent road traffic
injuries among the most vulnerable. Road engineering interventions covered in this
review comprise three sub-categories: (1) Measures for reduction in vehicle speed; (2)
Changes at intersections; (3) Segregation of non-motorised road users from motorized
14. Traffic Safety Devices- are markers, signs and signal devices used to inform, guide
and control traffic, including pedestrians, motor vehicle drivers and bicyclists. These
devices are usually placed adjacent, over or along the highways, roads, traffic facilities
and other public areas that require traffic control.
15. MMARAS – Compilation of road crash incidents in Metro Manila.
16. Blackspot - Clustering of road crashes at certain locations at a given period of time.
It refers to sites where accidents occur most frequently.
17. Road crash- An incident, involving at least one moving vehicle, that may or may not
lead to damage to property, injury or death, which occurs on a public an d private road.
18. Road crash statistics- A fact or piece of data obtained from a study of a large quantity
of numerical data. One of the pillars of road safety management system. It helps us to
determine what new interventions need to be launched to continue to decrease a
serious road collisions, injuries and death on our nation’s road.
19. Database- A structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible
in various ways.
20. Blotter book- A book in which entries (as of transactions or occurences) are made
temporarily pending their transfer to permanent record book. This is where the road
crashes recorded.
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IV. Acronyms
Asst. Head, Road Safety Unit
Traffic Aide III
Ramil Lupena – Team Danilo Lupena – Team Richard Dupaya – Team Gilbert Bañaga-
Leader Leader Leader Team Leader
Carlos Garcia Jr. – Driver Rodolfo Lupena – Crane Jefferson Malto - Driver
Godofredo Teves Jr. – Operator Mario Panal – Crane Laborer/ Painter;
Crew Wilmer Vinarao – Arnold Bautista – Driver Operator Eric Piamonte
Crane Operator Wilfredo Barrion Jr. – Jonald Peña – Crane Calo Mathew
Arnel Llamas – Crane Driver Edgardo Cruz – Crew Operator Cañega
Operator Richard Navarro - Crew Arnel Saunoy – Crane Felizardo Esteron
Alvin Orogo – Driver Preciderio Niñada Jr. – Operator
Angelo Flores – Crew Crane Operator Jocar Almonicar- Driver
Ricardo Mogol – Crew John Ray Constantino-
James Agbayani- Driver Crew
Serafin Amonelo- Crew
Arnel Trinidad- Driver
5.1.2 General
RSU shall perform duties, responsibilities and main activities regarding on- going
database of road crashes and roadside operation.
1. Head
2. Assistant Head
- Gather road crash report from Police Traffic Precincts in Metro Manila on a
- Proper documentations of gathered reports.
- Assists the operation of the boomtruck during lifting, re-alignment and hauling
9. Driver II/Driver I
- Monitor and inspect all MMDA traffic safety devices installed in Metro Manila.
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a. Data researchers gathered road crash reports from twenty six (26) Police Traffic
Precincts in Metro Manila using their issued tablets and road crash report form
version 01.
b. The blotter book/ record book of the traffic investigator is their means to
copy/ collect the daily records of road crash.
a. The Gathered road crash reports will be submitted to their team leader for proper
recording and documentation.
b. Data encoders will input the reports using MMARAS database.
a. Data Statisticians will sort out and gategorized the MMARAS database into
classification by monthly, city, type of collision,time, location and etc...
b. Possible results is the identification of blackspot or accident prone area.
c. Identified blackspot will be recommended to TEC- Planning & Design Division for
further studies and provide traffic engineering solutions/ interventions.
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6.1.4 Pictures during garthering of road crash report at Navotas City Police Traffic
6.2.1 Submit a formal request letter to the Records Divisions for bar coding.
6.2.2 The Office of the Chairman and Chief of Staff will forwarded the request letter
6.2.3 The Director of Traffic Engineering Center (TEC) will addressed the request
letter to the Road Safety Unit for appropriate action.
6.2.4 Data Statisticians will assess and evaluate, prepare and provide the data
6.2.5 The prepared reports will be approved/ disaaproved by the head of Office
before releasing the documents.
6.2.6 Pictures taken and sample reports during preparation of MMARAS data
Roadside Operation
6.3. Roadside Operation
- Request Job Orders will be coordinated to MMDA traffic, concerned LGUs PNP
etc… and dislocated traffic safety devices reported by Metrobase will be responded
- Pictures will be taken before, during and after the operation and forwarded to the
head of the Unit for his comments and information.
6.4 Payment procedure for damaged MMDA traffic road Safety Facilities
Flow Chart for the Payment of Damaged MMDA Traffic Road Safety Facilities
Road Crash Incident
6.4.4. Payment
- Payment of the damaged MMDA property can be made thru the Treasury Division,
Located at 6th floor, MMDA Main Office EDSA cor. Orense St, Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City.
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6.4.5 Clearance
- After payment, proceed to Police Traffic Invistigator for the issuance of Police
6.4.7 FORMS
TDO- TEC-R-002-ver.0
Cost estimate for the restoration of damaged traffic facilities caused by accident
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VII. Records
- MMARAS Files
- PR/PO Files
- Copy of Order of Payment and O.R. Files
- Customers Feedback Files
I. Introduction
The Metropolitan Manila Traffic Management Authority (MMTMA) was created under PD
No. 1265 dated December 21, 1977. On November 08, 1978, Executive Order No. 78-7
was promulgated establishing the Traffic Operations Center (TOC) under the Metropolitan
Manila Commission (MMC), primarily in charge with the responsibility of working out a
sensible and practicable system to improve the traffic situation in Metro Manila and
ultimately to solve the mounting traffic problems that have been beleaguering traffic
Under the Organizational Chart of the Traffic Operations Center as provided in Executive
Order No. 78 – 07, Offices were created such as: Office of the Executive Director, Deputy
Executive Director, Planning Staff Legal Assistance, Inspectorate Staff, Administrative
Division, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DIVISION, Operations Division, and Data Control
Under the Traffic Engineering Division, all basic traffic engineering requirements along
eleven (11) major routes of Metro Manila shall be maintained. This means that mere and
not every well-kept roads, proper signs, road markings and adequate engineering design
of center islands, barriers paved sidewalk, waiting sheds adequate fencing, ongoing
construction or excavations projects on the roads. These engineering projects are
coordinated with government agencies, private institutions and others in charge with traffic
On July 25, 1994, Republic Act No. 7924, an Act creating the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority (MMDA) was passed and approved by the Congress of the
Philippines thru legislation.
Under MMDA jurisdiction are those services which have metro wide impact and transcend
legal political boundaries or entail huge expenditures that it would not be viable for said
services to be provided by the individual Local Government Unit (LGU) comprising
Metropolitan Manila, which include, services being provided by the MMDA, which is
Transport and Traffic Management.
Under the Transport and Traffic Management Office, the Traffic Engineering Center
(formerly with the DPWH), was absorbed by MMDA and merged with the Traffic
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Management Services of the MMDA. Because of the importance of the Traffic Engineering
Division, in the implementation, manufacturing, Installation of Traffic Road Signs and other
Traffic Facilities to support the Traffic Management in Metro Manila, this Division was
placed under the Traffic Engineering Center (TEC) up to present.
II. Objectives
To guide the safe and orderly movement of traffic on the road through the use of traffic road
Traffic Road Signs - oldest traffic control device used to guide the safe and
orderly movement of traffic. Play a vital role in directing, informing and controlling road
user’s behavior in an effort to make the road as safe as possible for everyone.
Regulatory Signs - Signs that inform road users of traffic laws and regulations,
where when disregarded will constitute an offense.
Warning Signs - Warn road users of the condition of to the road that may be
unexpected or hazardous.
Informative Signs - Inform and advise road users of directions, distance routes,
location of services and points of interest.
Directional Signs - Any road sign used primarily to give information about the
location of either the driver or possible destinations, and considered as subset of the
informative signs group.
Flexible Rubber Bollards - are bollards designed to bend when struck by vehicles. They
are typically made from synthetic plastic or rubber that is stiff on its own but pliable on the
weight of a car or truck.
See - Thru Fence - a barrier, or other upright structure, typically
made of wire mesh, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary or control access.
Steel Railings - a steel like barrier composed of one or more horizontal rails
supported by widely spaced uprights; balustrade.
Waiting Shed - usually used to refer to a passenger waiting area (roofed-in)
in case of rain, etc.
Signages - signs collectively, commercial or public display signs.
IV. Acronyms
5.1 General
To provide Traffic Engineering Services in order to maintain the safe and orderly movement
of traffic in the Metropolis
Shall provide traffic road signs and other traffic facilities on the road, for the safety of the
general public.
Shall coordinate with Local Government Units (LGU’s), requesting for any assistance as
far as Traffic Engineering is concerned
Shall provide assistance to all government agencies, private institutions and other related
agencies in charge in traffic engineering administration.
Shall respond to all complaints, suggestions, problems regarding traffic facilities for
immediate action
Shall make major roads in Metro Manila safe to motorists and the riding public by providing
various safety traffic road signs and other traffic facilities in order to maintain safe and
smooth flow of traffic.
Shall ensure the visibility of various safety signs on the road in order to minimize or
eliminate road accidents.
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Traffic Aide I - Installation Group I
Traffic Aide I – Installation Group II
Traffic Aide I - Carpentry and Masonry Group
Painter I –Painting Group
Engineering Assistant / Inspectorate and Monitoring Group
Welder I – Welder
Welder I – Welder
Laborer II – Welder
Laborer II – Welder
Laborer II / Welder
VI. Records
- Daily Accomplishments Report
- Weekly Accomplishment Report
- Monthly Accomplishment Report
- Daily Time Record
- Stock Card
- Received Copy of Action Taken
- Gate Pass
- RIS – Supply and Materials
- Purchase Order
- Delivery Receipt
- Locator Slip
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Organizational Chart
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1. Request letter
2. Clearance from (LGU’s) with City Ordinance
3. Clearance from Non-Government Institutions if needed
4. Order and Approved from the Authority
5. Traffic Management Plan and Design including Traffic Signages and other traffic
Team Leader
o Team Leader will conduct Survey and
coordinate to the LGU's and Private Company
if needed.
o Will evaluate and submit assessment to TED
chief for approval.
Division Chief
o Submit the report recommendations for the
status of request to the office of MMDA.
Form No. 08 – TDO – TEC – D – 008 (RS – For Maintenance & Repair of Service
Vehicles Heavy Equipments)
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Form No. 09 – TDO – TEC – D – 009 (Transport Service Vehicle & Heavy
Equipment Inspection)
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I. Introduction
The Traffic Signal Operation and Maintenance Division is one of the divisions under the
Traffic Engineering Center. Its main responsibility is to manage the operation and
maintenance of the existing traffic signal system in Metro Manila efficiently and implement
traffic signalization upgrades and/or install additional warranted intersections through In-House
and/or By Contract, using state-of-the-art technology for the safe and smooth flow of traffic for
effective traffic management.
Additional functions of this Division are the efficient operation and maintenance of the existing
street lighting system under this Authority and the implementation of street lighting projects to
illuminate all dark or black spots on thoroughfares of Metro Manila.
This division is also in-charge of the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) project implementation,
a technological tool applied to transportation for the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the
roads in Metro Manila.
There are 112 personnel in this division, divided into different sections; 33 personnel for the
Traffic Signal Operation Section, divided into 3 shifts of 24/7 operation; 65 personnel for the
Traffic Signal Maintenance; 5 personnel for the Street Lighting Section in 2 shifts; and 12
personnel as immediate staff.
II. Objectives
To maintain efficient traffic signals visible and operational at all times.
To maintain efficient street lights operational at all times.
To maintain efficient service vehicle operational at all times.
time between the series of intersections, allowing the maximum number of vehicles
to pass through. As a result, motorists will experience fewer stops and delays.
5. Fixed-time Signals – it is a system that produces routine gaps in traffic that may be
used to turn into or cross the street. It gives pedestrians an equal part of the traffic
signal system by providing them with regular and consistent intervals.
7. Traffic Signal Lanterns – are facilities that provides a signal by which green (go),
amber (caution), and red (stop) to vehicles and pedestrians. Lanterns are basically
classified as primary, secondary or tertiary. Depending on location, the basic
classification can be qualified such as; dual primary or overhead primary, secondary
or tertiary.
8. Traffic Signal Phasing – is an output display for vehicles and pedestrian movement
sequences with an allotted "green" time.
9. Vehicle Detectors – are device installed above or under the road surface to detect
the presence or absence of vehicles on the spot, a device is installed above or
beneath the road surface. These collected traffic data are transferred to the front-
end processor and computer, where they are processed into traffic-related data such
as traffic volume, occupancy rate, travel speed, and congestion level.
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10. Preventive Maintenance – the work done consists of the monthly inspection and
cleaning and quarterly and bi-annual checking, cleaning, and servicing of various
system components and related equipment. Minor flaws discovered during
preventive maintenance must be corrected as soon as possible. Any issues that
require additional attention or the use of spare parts must be documented.
11. Corrective Maintenance – the work done consists of correcting malfunctions
resulting from equipment deterioration and failure under normal operating
12. Streetlight – a light illuminating a road, typically mounted on a tall pole, constitutes
one of a series spaced at intervals along a public street or highway.
13. Solar Streetlight - are raised light sources, powered by solar panels, are generally
mounted on the lighting structure or integrated into the pole itself.
IV. Acronyms
TS - Traffic Signal
ATSCS - Advance Traffic Signal Control System
SI - Signalized Intersection
LC - Local Controller
VDS - Vehicle Detection System
VMS - Variable Message Sign
TSES - Traffic Signal Enforcement System
SVES - Speed Violation Enforcement System
ITS - Intelligent Transport System
SL - Street Light
LED - Light Emitting Diode
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a) Each shift handles four (4) regions (North, East, South, West) of traffic signal operation.
VII. Records
- List of signalized intersections in Metro Manila
- List of streetlights under Metro Manila
- List of Monitoring Projects
- Inventory of Traffic Signalized Facilities
- Inventory of Equipment/Materials
- Inventory of Equipment/Motor pool
- Intelligent Transport System Study
- List of Personnel
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VIII. Appendices
Form 1
ver01 (Status
of Traffic
Signal Field
Equipment at
Form 2
(Inventory of
Used Supplies)
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Form No. 3 -
ver01 (Operation
Daily Monitoring
Form No. 4
Form No. 5
RA 7924, the law creating the METROPOLITAN MANILA DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY prescribes
the scope of metro-wide services. The Agency is mandated, among others, to provide flood
control and sewerage management services which include the formulation and
implementation of policies, standards, programs and projects for an integrated flood
control, drainage and sewerage system (Section 3, Paragraph d).
(FCSMO) performs the following processes:
a. Planning and design including the review of project plans and Program of Works
for regular infrastructure projects and preparation of Approved Budget of Contract
and Purchase Requests;
Director IV
Director III
Director's Staff
In order to effectively discharge its responsibilities, FCSMO established the four (4)
divisions consisting of the following:
- responsible for the preparation of yearly budget for flood control in coordination
the Drainage and Waterways Division, Pumping Stations and Floodgates
Division and Equipment Management Division. Also undertakes site survey and
investigation, project design, drafting and estimation, submission of Approved
Budget of Contract, monitoring of on- going projects implemented by this office,
and submission of monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and yearly reports to the
Department of Budget and Management and other concerned agencies or
- Coordinate with the eleven (11) flood control operation districts on the required
equipment to be used in their project and prepare the program for the following:
Moreover, FCSMO established two (2) additional functions / bodies in order to support the
four (4) aforementioned divisions.
and relay of data and information thru Multiplex Communication and Emergency
Radio Communication.
FCIC was created to act as a nerve center for the agency’s flood control and
disaster-related operations. It comprehensively monitors Metro Manila flood-prone
areas and provide crucial information needed to make policy decisions in crisis
Flood Control and Sewerage Management Programs are generally categorized into two
on account of the purpose for which they are formulated and intended, to wit:
Generally all regular infrastructure projects are aimed at addressing the occurrence
of flooding in a particular area.
Fund allocation from which these projects are charged against is not exclusive since
items such as but not limited to Travelling Expenses, Supplies and Materials, Utility
and Communication Expenses form part of MOOE.
Foremost among the laws which find application in the transactions and operations
of FCSMO is Republic Act No. 7924 from which the METROPOLITAN MANILA
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and consequently FCSMO derives its existence. This
legislative enactment expressly provides for the powers and functions of the
Authority relative to the administration and delivery of metro-wide services in
coordination with the local government units comprising the special region.
FCSMO endeavors to ensure that all proposed flood control projects will adequately
address the occurrence of flooding in a particular area. The specific locations of
projects are identified by the Waterways and Drainage Division based on observed
past flood occurrences, or reports from the media, local residents or LGUs. The
District Operations Engineers prepare the preliminary plans and cost estimates for
such proposed projects and submit them to the Plans, Design and Project
Monitoring Division (PDPMD) for review, consolidation and submission to DBM for
funding. The aggregate cost of projects programmed for the year shall be based on
the ceiling prescribed by DBM.
In the preparation of final plans which may include but not limited to the conduct of
the following: field surveys and investigations, compilation of hydrological data,
environmental and impact assessments, comparative evaluations of sites and
solutions, review of design parameters and calculations, geophysical
measurements, technical reports and other project related requirements, FCSMO
adopts the appropriate standards and criteria in accordance with general acceptable
engineering practice and sound construction methods and procedures. Considering
that the soundness of any engineering or technical decision is dependent primarily
upon the accuracy and suitability of data obtained in field and laboratory
investigations and previous studies by other departments, agencies, institutions and
organizations, FCSMO takes on an effective data gathering activity to secure
adequate, correct and reliable information.
The PDPMD shall review all project plans and program of works submitted by the
Flood Control Operations Districts after which the Approved Budget for the Contract
(ABC) shall be prepared and submitted for approval.
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The FCSMO’s Plans, Design and Project Monitoring Division through its Monitoring
Unit is responsible for updating the Authority the actual status of the projects
programmed for the year, including the previous years, as the case may be.
The Flood Control Operations Districts submit to the Monitoring Unit a semi-monthly
project report or as frequent as may be necessary in a format clearly showing the
contracted details of the project. Such report must indicate the necessary
information relative to the progress or development of the works which may become
part of the basis for the grant or reduction of contractor’s progress billing and
corresponding payment.
Regular drainage and waterways maintenance works which are done in-house, the
Monitoring Unit shall submit a quarterly summary of Accomplishment Report as well
as the cost expended and other related reports as may be required.
- Minimum health standards protocol such as wearing of face masks, face shield,
and physical distancing
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- Presence of sanitation station (alcohol stand and foot bath / disinfecting mat
strategically placed in front of the office)
- Disinfection or decontamination activities as part of regular maintenance
- Conduct of health status survey to ensure that all those reporting to the office
are in good shape and that no one is exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19
Contact tracing shall be initiated after case investigation of every reported confirmed
COVID-19 cases as prescribed by the Department of Health (DOH), to include the
following actions:
- Identify settings where the contacts have visited or social interactions where the
contacts have been exposed.
- Identify all social, familial, work, and health care worker contacts who have had
contact with a confirmed case
- Inform identified contacts of possible exposure
- Endorse completed case investigation to the local contact tracing teams
In order to eliminate risk of virus spread in the workplace, personnel who had contact
with a confirmed case in the office, especially those who are exhibiting symptoms of
COVID-19, shall undergo antigen or swab (RT-PCR) testing and quarantine upon
discretion of FCSMO Director, considering the recommendation of MMDA’s Medical
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Pursuant to RA 7924 providing the scope of MMDA Services, Solid Waste Disposal and
Management is one of the frontline services to be delivered by the Agency though the Solid
Waste Management Office (SWMO). The SWMO mandates include the formulation and
implementation of policies, standards, programs and projects for proper and sanitary waste
disposal. It was also directed to establish and operate sanitary landfill and related facilities
including the implementation of other alternative programs intending to reduce, reuse and
recycle solid waste.
Additionally, with the issuance of RA 9003 or known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000 on January 26, 2001, there was also established, under Section
11 of the same law, a Provincial Solid Waste Management Board in every province to be
chaired by the governor. In the case of Metro Manila, the Solid Waste Management Board
(MMSWMB) shall be chaired by the chairperson of MMDA and the members to be composed
of the 17 Local Chief Executives of the 17 component cities and municipalities as well as
representatives of the NGO sector involved in the promotion of recycling and the protection
of air and water quality. Also welcome for representation are those from the recycling,
manufacturing and packaging industries who qualified in the selection process of the Board
and those who were endorsed by the government agency representative for consideration
and approval of the MMSWMB.
One of the main functions of the MM Solid Waste Management Board is to develop and
oversee the implementation of the 10-year Solid Waste Management Plan for Metro Manila
based on the submitted SWM Plans of the 17 LGUs comprising Metro Manila. Under the
MMDA set up, the MMDA-Solid Waste Management Office serves as the Secretariat of the
SWMO Vision
SWMO Mission
Ensure the availability of disposal facilities for the residual waste of Metro Manila through
promotion of waste minimization and recovery; and adoption of other innovative SWM
schemes that will reduce volume of solid waste stream otherwise destined for landfill thereby
prolonging its life span.
Considering the diminishing budget allocation for waste disposal, to secure wide public
participation by devising various alternative programs including IEC campaigns that can
bring about transformational change in values and attitudes of the people towards proper
solid waste management.
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This operation manual provides an overview of the Solid Waste Management Office
(SWMO) work procedures and instructions for the attainment and promotion of quality
service in line with the MMDA Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015.
It provides guidance to users to limit the chances of delay and errors for performance
improvement and establishment of employee accountability.
The SWMO Operations Manual contains the detailed description and step-by-step
explanation illustrated through process flow charts including required timelines,
number of steps and signatories of each division/ unit, to wit:
AU – Administrative Unit
CDF – Closed Disposal Facility
DBM – Department of Budget and Management
GCT – Garbage Collection Truck
IEC – Information, Education, and Communication
LGU – Local Government Unit
MM – Metro Manila
OBDG – Office-Based Disposal Group
PDD – Plans and Design Division
PFC – Process Flow Chart
PMAD – Project Monitoring and Assessment Division
RA 9003 – Republic Act 9003 “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
SLF – Sanitary Landfill
SOMD – Site Operations Management Division
SWMO – Solid Waste Management Office
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The enactment of RA 7924 provided for the reorganization of MMDA with a prescribed
organizational design embodied in the DBM-recommended NOSCA. The Solid Waste
Management Office (SWMO) under the NOSCA was basically organized as follows:
a. The Office of the Director headed by a Director IV and assisted by two (2) Director III
positions. Immediately under the Director’s Office are straight-listed executive and
administrative support positions.
b. Two (2) Technical Staff Divisions namely - Project Monitoring and Assessment Division
(PMAD) and Plans and Designs Division (PDD) served as the technical arm of SWMO.
c. Also provided were four (4) Line Divisions representing SWMO field offices for site
disposal operations each headed by a Project Development Officer V.
1 - Director IV Office of the Director 12
2 - Director III Plans & Design Division 9
1 - Administrative Officer II Project Monitoring Division 11
1 - Secretary II Site Operations Mgt. Div. 1 12
2- Computer Operator II Site Operations Mgt. Div. 2 12
2 - Computer Operator I Site Operations Mgt. Div. 3 12
1 – Reproduction Machine Operator Site Operations Mgt. Div. 4 12
1 – Driver II Total Personnel 80
1 – Messenger
12 Total Personnel
11 Total Personnel
1 – Project Development Officer III 1 – Project development Officer III 1 – Project development Officer III 1 – Project development Officer III
Doc Ref No.:
1 – Project Development Officer II 1 – Project Development Officer II 1 – Project Development Officer II 1 – Project Development Officer II
Effective Date:
2- Project Development Officer I 2- Project Development Officer I 2- Project Development Officer I 2- Project Development Officer I
2 - Computer Operator II 2 - Computer Operator II 2 - Computer Operator II 2 - Computer Operator II
2 -Heavy Equipment Operator III 2 – Heavy Equipment Operator III 2 – Heavy Equipment Operator III 2 – Heavy Equipment Operator III
1-Heavy Equipment Operator II 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator II 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator II 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator II
1 - -Heavy Equipment Operator I 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator I 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator I 1 – Heavy Equipment Operator I
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Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Effective Date:
Administration Unit
OBDG- Office Based Disposal Group
* Vacant Position – 12
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o Plan and coordinate the waste disposal and management requirements of the
seventeen (17) local government units comprising Metro Manila; ensure the availability
of waste disposal facilities to accommodate the volume of waste generated daily in the
o Plan, coordinate, direct and supervise the identification of site location, establishment
and operation of waste disposal facilities including the eventuality of their safe closure
making sure that necessary rehabilitation and closure care measures are taken to avert
and mitigate any adverse effect of pollution and possible ecological damage to the
disposal sites immediate environment.
o Extend necessary operational and technical assistance and support to the LGUs, if
requested, in matters relating to solid waste management. This include the
development and implementation of necessary public information and educational
programs to ensure that public awareness and cooperation is secured and that the
projects and activities being implemented by the Office will gain wider acceptance and
support of the people.
o Exercises general supervision and control over the technical, field/operational, and
administrative activities of the Office including work performance of its staff and
personnel toward productive, efficient, effective and timely delivery of services as
mandated or assigned.
Figure 2.C. Request for Office Supplies from Supply and Property Division and SWMO
Disbursement Officer
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o Preparation of vehicle trip ticket, request for fuel issuance and mileage
o Monitoring and computing the landfill space availability and lifespan at the three
(3) designated disposal facilities based on the reports required to be submitted
by the landfill operators.
o Monitoring the compliance of the three (3) disposal facilities with the
requirements of RA 9003 based on the submitted reports (twice a month) of the
field disposal group.
o Compilation of the MOAs and Deed of Assignments of the three (3) disposal
facilities likewise keeping track of the effective validity of contracts signed by
Figure 3.B. Waste Flow Chart Waste Disposal Operators’ Billing/ Vouchers
The accreditation process covers all solid waste collection vehicles (open
dump trucks, compactors and trailer vans) duly authorized by the 17 local
governments (LGUs) to collect, transport and dispose solid wastes at
MMDA designated waste disposal facilities. It also covers all LGU
authorized independent/contractors/entities garbage collection trucks
owned by the LGU to transport wastes to the same facilities.
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o Coordination with the applicant to inform him/her about the terms and
conditions stipulated under the permit to dump.
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o Determination, recording and reporting the volume of waste received at the designated
disposal facilities, the corresponding number of trips made by accredited collection
trucks, as well as validation of contractors/truck owners or operators’ compliance with
the terms and conditions stipulated in the permit to dump; and
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o Monitoring the performance and compliance of GCTs in line with prescribed safety and
environmental standards; institutionalization and standardization of waste disposal
inspection and control procedures adopted at the designated disposal facilities.
o Enforcement of sanction/s for violation of the terms and conditions specified in the
issued Permit-to-Dump and related guidelines.
3. The SLF head coordinates with the requesting party and provide details
of the site visit.
C.1 Provide technical assistance / incentive schemes for Metro Manila local
government units or barangays and other interested parties comprised of the
following sub-processes:
Technical assistance can be in the form of IEC on SWM for M.M. LGUs/ barangays,
schools, NGOs, private sector, and seafarers. This process is normally triggered
by receipt of letter invitation from the requesting party. However, it can also be
offered through promotion and marketing to potential clients.
The effectiveness of the IEC is also measured through the Training / Seminar
Evaluation Form (SWMO-PMAD-011, 02//09/2021) using the Likert scale with 5-
Excellent, 4-Very Satisfactory, 3-Satisfactory, 2-Fair, and 1-Poor.
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Example :
Excellent VS S Fair Poor No. of
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) participants
a. Usefulness 23 7 1 0 0 31 4.70
b. Appropriateness 19 6 4 0 1 31 4.25
c. Quality of material 20 5 5 0 1 31 4.39
A. Effectiveness 22 7 1 1 0 31 4.61
B. Responsiveness 19 6 5 1 1 31 4.42
C. Time Management 16 10 3 1 0 31 3.74
Total Rating = No. of Participants rating per criteria X Equivalent Likert Scale rating
Mean = Total Rating / Total no. of participants
23 (No. of participants rating Per criteria) X 5 (equivalent Likert Scale Rating) = 115
7 X 4 = 28
1X3 = 3
Total Rating = 146 / 31 participants = 4.70 mean
Segmentation according to gender (male, female, and LGBTQIA+) and age is also
captured to form part of the disaggregated data for Gender and Development (GAD)
Participants must accomplish the Evaluation Test and earn 60% passing score to
qualify for the training Certificate of Completion. Falling below 60% score will only
be given Certificate of Attendance.
Only LGU/ barangay officials, senior high school students, and seafarers are
provided with training certificates.
C.2. Monitor the implementation of the LGU Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan
(SWMP) include the following sub-processes:
o Monitoring of LGU SWM program developments and keeping abreast with best
practices trends in the LGUs, Barangays, Institutions and Schools;
o Assist in the review and updating of LGU Ten-Year SWMPs every two (2) years or
as needed.
Figure 5.B. Monitoring the Implementation of the LGU Ten (10) SWMP
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C.3. Organize the Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Board/Technical Working
C.4. Monitoring of waste diversion activities of the Metro Manila local government
units (LGUs).
Figure 5.D. Monitoring of Waste Diversion Activities of the M.M. Manila LGUs
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The PMAD processes are supported by the following tools and forms:
The following are the process flow charts and forms utilized by the Plans and Design
Division of SWMO:
1. Meetings - Minutes or highlights of meetings
2. Site Inspections - Post Activity Reports submitted 3 days after the inspection.
3. Evaluation Forms
- Sanitary Landfill Accreditation Checklist 04/12/2018
- Table Top Evaluation of Candidate Sites 08/24/2018
- Evaluation of proposals for SWM Technologies and products
4. Feasibility studies undergoes regular procurement processes.
5. Prepared proposals, plans, designs are transmitted using MMDA Routing Slips
and/or Transmittal Memo.
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Form Admin
RA 9003
- To identify important
Evaluation PDD- SWMO
components of a sanitary landfill 06/13/2022
Form 003- PDD
and to ensure compliance with
RA 9003 operating criteria for
sanitary landfills.
- To primary assess the suitability
of offered sites for the
Evaluation PDD- SWMO
establishment of an Integrated 08/24/2018
Form 004 PDD
Solid Waste Disposal Facility
(ISWDF) using the minimum
criteria of NSWMC Resolution
No. 64, Series of 2013.
- To assess the viability of the PDD-
Evaluation SWMO
SWM technologies and 008- 06/13/2022
Form PDD
products offered and received
based on their features and
- To document and consolidate Report 06/13/2022
001- PDD
the weekly progress, activity,
and programs of SWMO.
- To document and consolidate PDD- SWMO
Report 06/27/2022
the monthly progress, update 002- PDD
and status of each project, R02
activity and programs of SWMO.
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Among the major problems in the Metropolitan Manila is the indiscriminate dumping and littering of
garbage, refuse, filth and other kinds of solid waste in public places, canals, rivers, drainage and
other waste outlets. These problems affect the health and sanitation of the region. Thus, it
enormously impinges the development of the whole Metropolis.
To address the problem, the Metro Manila Council composed of seventeen (17) Mayors within Metro
Manila enacted MMDA Regulation No. 96-009 which was subsequently amended by MMDA
Regulation No. 99-006 also known as the “Anti-Littering Law”. The law provides prohibitions on
littering/dumping/throwing of garbage, rubbish or any kind of waste in open or public places, and
requiring all owners, lessees, occupants of residential, commercial establishments, whether private
or public to clean and maintain the cleanliness of their frontage and immediate surroundings and
provides penalties for violation thereof.
The Regulation is bounded in the spirit and intent of Section 3(f) of Republic Act No. 7924 which
states that “...health and sanitation, urban protection and pollution control which include the
formulation and implementation of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs and projects
for the promotion and safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region and for the
enhancement of ecological balance and the prevention, control and abatement of environmental
The Anti-Littering Law was initially implemented in 1996 and it was suspended in 2002 due to
pressing priority programs of the Authority. However, after some period of dormancy, there is a
need to revitalize the law in conformity to the interest of public health and in order to keep Metro
Manila a setting of a clean, safe, sound, and orderly environment for the residents of the region.
The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) through the Health and Sanitation
Services Coordination and Assistance Division (HSSCAD) under Health, Public Safety and
Environmental Protection Office (HPSEPO) is mandated to design a mechanism to administer the
full implementation of the Anti-Littering Law. Thus, the creation of this Manual of Operations aimed
to institutionalize and standardized enforcement and implementation of the said Regulation
accordingly. This contains the operational systems and procedures of enforcement, payment of
corresponding administrative charges, penalties and deputation of Environmental Enforcers (EEs),
Further, this guide manual will harmonize the wide array of directives and enforcement measures
of the said regulation.
Republic Act No. 7924 - Entitled “Creation of MMDA and defining its power and
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Executive Order No. 432 of the - “Ordering the strict enforcement of PD No. 825,
Office of the President Providing penalties for improper disposal of garbage
and other forms of uncleanliness”.
To promote and safeguard the health and sanitation of Metro Manila and ensure ecological
balance, prevention and control of environmental pollution.
To develop discipline among the residents of Metro Manila in order to maintain the habit of
cleanliness and orderliness.
f. Environmental Enforcer
- Apprehends violators of the Anti-
Littering Law and witness by the
- Issues Environmental Violation
Receipts (EVR) tickets.
- Distributes Information and
Educational Campaign (IEC)
materials in the area of operations
g. Sanitation Inspector/Aide - Submits daily report of
- Prepares Summon or Notice
apprehensions of with
reminder for anti-littering
evidences. law
- Files/Subscribes cases, attends
- Prepares legal documents
court hearing. required
in the filing of cases in different
VI. OPERATING PROCEDURES Metropolitan Trial Courts in Metro
6.1. Criteria for Deputation of an EE
6.1.1. Duly accomplished Application Form for Deputation of Environmental Enforcers with
3 pcs. of current 2X2 colored pictures.
6.1.2. Must have undergone orientation seminar and passed the written examination.
6.1.3. Physically fit and mentally stable
6.1.4. Non-smoker and non-alcoholic
6.1.5. With good oral and written communication skills
6.1.6. Preferably at least 2nd yr. college
6.1.7. Preferably at least 18 to 60 yrs. of age
6.1.8. No pending administrative/ criminal case
6.1.9. Recommended by the Head of Office Politely ask for the identity of the violator by requesting any available valid
ID such as school, company, senior citizen ID, driver’s license, passport, etc. In case the violator cannot present any proof of identification; he/ she shall
be brought to the nearest Police station in adherence to Book 2, Title 4,
Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 178 of the Revised Penal Code: which states
that “any person who gives wrong information on his identity shall be arrested
or prosecuted”. The Penalty of “ARRESTO MAYOR” and a fine not to exceed
500.00 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who shall publicly use
fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a crime, evading the execution
of judgment or causing damage. When possible. Get the proof of violation like cigarette butt, candy wrapper,
and other forms of litter. Place it in a small transparent plastic bag and
property label and mark and have the violator sign in the evidence form. This
will be used as evidence for filing case against the violator. The issuance of EVR ticket to the violator with complete information of the
violator and the nature of offense committed. Have the violator sign the EVR ticket to acknowledge his/her violation
committed and the apprehending Enforcer and Spotter shall affix their
signature before issuing the first copy to the violator. The Spotter will serve
as the witness upon filing of case in trial court.
“In case the violator refuses to sign the issued EVR ticket, just write “RTS”
meaning “Refuse to Sign” and ask for the reason why he/she refuse to sign.
The information shall be written at the back of the 2nd copy of the issued EVR
ticket.” The EE or Spotter shall then advise the violator on how to settle the violation.
The Spotter will give the violator the "Bawal Magkalat” flyer for more
information regarding the committed violation and how to settle the
administrative fine of the violator. The EE and Spotter shall submit Anti-Littering Daily Apprehension Report
together with the duplicate copies of issued EVRs to their respective team
leader or to the authorized officials of the office for consolidation. The daily
apprehension report together with the issued EVR ticket shall be submitted
to Data Processing Group for consolidation, assessment, encoding for
record purposes for possible preparation and sending of summon for those
who fail to settle their obligation through payment or render community
service. Non-compliance to the summon or notice will result in the elevation of the
case to the concerned Metropolitan Trial Court. If the violator decides to settle the administrative fine upon receipt of
summon, he may proceed to the MMDA Office for payment.
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Procedure on the Settlement of the Issued ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATION RECEIPT (EVR) Payment of five hundred pesos (P500) for each EVR ticket
or twenty-five thousand pesos or (P25, 000) for EVR
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ADMINISTRATIVE FINES an amount of money imposed as
penalty for an offense/violation
committed that can be paid by the
violators on or before the third (3rd)
day of grace period from the time of
The Environmental Management Division - Metro Parkway Clearing Group (MPCG) is an interim
organizational unit of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) constituted by virtue
of an administrative order 03 from the Honorable MMDA Chairperson Francis N. Tolentino dated
July 19, 2011. To ensure a continuous maintenance of a clean and healthy environment and
development of and/or improvement of a uniform and unique landscape that will further enhance the
This Manual provides among other things, the background on the evolution of EMD-MPCG,
SOPDMU, its organizational structure and the guidelines on how it handles its day-to-day operation.
2. A briefing tool for MMDA officials and employees who are involved in the formulation
of plans and programs of EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU.
4. A basis for program evaluation to ensure that the performance of the office is in
accordance with the established policies and standards.
It is our hope that this document will be of help to our employees, researchers and stakeholders who
are interested to know how the Environmental Management Division (EMD)-Metro Parkway Clearing
Group (MPCG), Special Ornamental Plants Development Management Unit (SOPDMU), and Sidewalk
Clearing Operations are manage.
The following terms and acronyms were defined operationally for better understanding
of this Manual.
Ad hoc -is temporary in nature, upon the pleasure of the appointing authority and take effects
by virtue of an Office Order unless revoked by the appointing authority or incoming officer or
head of agency/office.
Ball out/ Balling out – refers to the process of transferring of trees/plants from one location to
another area.
Composting – the controlled aerobic decomposition of organic matter, such as food scraps and
plant matter, into humus, a soil-like material.
Face lifting - refers scope of work which includes but not limited to repair and re-painting and
its main objective is to alter and refurbish physical/external appearance of structure.
Investors Corridor Route - refer to the interconnected roads specially located within the
business districts, tourist attraction places, hotels and inns and government center. Namely NAIA
Avenue, MIA Road, Domestic Road, Tramo, Andrew Avenue, Sales, Lawton, McKinley, Roxas
Boulevard, Macapagal, Ayala Blvd, Finance Road, P. Burgos, Bonifacio Drive, Pres. Quirino
Ave., Ramon Magsaysay Blvd, Ayala Avenue, Buendia Avenue and P. Osmena highway.
Retaining Walls
Swimming Pools
Water Features
Stone Benches
Sprinkler Systems
Nursery - an area where plants are grown for transplanting, for use as stocks for budding and
Open public places – are roads, streets, sidewalks, easements, parks and other open spaces,
bridges, alleys, underpass, overpass, rivers, creeks, canals, drainage, esteros, waterways and
other body of water and outlets.
Republic Acts 7924 - an Act creating the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority, defining
its powers and functions, providing funds therefore and for other purposes.
Road Networks - refers to road, furniture/structure found in the vicinity of the road like waiting
sheds, urinals, see-thru fences, underpass, tunnels, railings, footbridges, flyover, concrete
barriers and loading bays.
Underpass - a crossing of a highway and another way (as a road or railroad) at different levels;
also the lower level such as crossing
VENDORS - is a person or company offering something for sale in the street or market.
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I. Historical Background
Evolution of ESC
The Environmental Sanitation Center (ESC) originated from the former Local Department of
Public Services (DPS) organizationally placed under the four (4) cities and thirteen (13)
municipalities in Metro Manila.
The former DPS was responsible for the general administration of the Refuse and
Environmental Sanitation Services of each local government unit of Metro Manila which
included the operational systems and procedures in refuse collection, street cleaning and other
related activities.
The integration of essential services including environmental sanitation was brought about by
PD 824, the law that created the first form of metropolitan governance, the Metropolitan Manila
In order to fully realize the mandate of MMC as provided for in Sec. 4, item 9 of PD 824
(“providing for the establishment of a garbage disposal operation center, which shall direct
garbage collection and disposal in Metropolitan Manila”), Executive Order No. 5 series of 1976
“Providing for the Integration and Administration of Refuse and Environmental Sanitation
Services in Metro Manila” was issued.
All local DPS of the 4 cities and 13 municipalities placed under the organizational umbrella of
Metropolitan Manila Commission are hereby integrated under the operational control and
supervision of the Refuse and Environmental Sanitation Center and headed by Executive
Director. This is to ensure the effective execution of all ordinances and orders and the
implementation of plans and policies approved by the Commission relative to refuse
management, environmental sanitation and other related services.
The City and Municipal Mayors shall assist the Governor of the MMC in the general
administration of the refuse and environmental sanitation services in their respective
jurisdictions and forward directly to the Office of the Governor all advocacies, complaints,
suggestions and recommendations regarding these services.
Executive Order No. 5 S.1976 was then the basis for ESC’s operation at the time
the Metro Manila Commission was created by virtue of PD
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824 to Metropolitan Manila Authority then to MMDA under Rule II, Section 5c of the
IRR of RA 7924.
Prior to the implementation of the Local Government Code of 1992, all aspects of
solid waste management were under MMA’s jurisdiction. However, with the
implementation of the said Code, garbage collection became the responsibility of the
local government units, while MMA retained its obligation to operate and maintain
transfer station and disposal sites.
The ESC was under the supervision of the Office of the Deputy General Manager for
Operations and was mandated to provide integrated services on solid waste management
and environmental sanitation and enforce and/ or coordinate the implementation of laws,
ordinances, rules and regulations relating to environmental sanitation in Metro Manila.
This institutional arrangement was carried up to the time the MMC was transferred to MMA
pursuant to Executive Order 392 by then President Corazon Aquino.
In keeping with the changing times, and to be more responsive to the needs, demands
and requirements of the metropolis, an ad hoc body on metropolitan landscape
management was created.
The Metropolitan Landscape Management Office (MLMO) was then constituted to ensure
that Metro Manila’s landscape is continuously maintained, developed and improved
uniformly to further enhance the beauty and at the same time develop a livable and vibrant
environment for Metropolitan Manila.
Later the MLMO unit was rename Landscape Equipment Organization and Management
Division (LEOMD) with same philosophy, Vision, Mission and Goals but with the
incorporation of equipment control management to ensure fast delivery of service.
At the middle of the term of former chairman Fernando, another ad hoc bodies were
created to address different needs, demands and requirements of the metropolis namely:
Roadway Cleaning Operation Group (RCOG); Construction and Equipment Maintenance
Office (CEMO); Sidewalk
Clearing Operations Group (SCOG) and Roadway Clearing Group (RCG) and during
those times Landscaping Group was a separated under the administration of GM’s office.
Most of the organic personnel including Metro Aides of MLMO then rename LEOMD were
absorbed in the new ad hoc office RCOG – Roadway Cleaning Operations Group.
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Almost all of the office personnel of RCOG are in the plantilla position under Environmental
Management Division of Health Public Safety Environmental Protection Office including
the designated head of RCOG, Mr. Francisco B. Martinez.
Last July 1, 2011, during the time of new administration, Atty Francis N. Tolentino was
designated as the new MMDA Chairman.
There is a need for the MMDA to streamline operations to attain efficiency and
professionalism. MMDA budget was reduced by 52% during those times so the offices of
overlapping functions were abolished Pursuant to the Administrative Order 03, series of
2011 dated July 19, 2011, an abolition of the offices of RCOG, CEMO and RCG were
issued and take effect August 1, 2011. Upon the demolition of the following offices
mentioned, Metro Parkway Clearing Group was created under Environmental
Management Division with Mr. Francisco B. Martinez designated as Officer In Charge
(OIC) by virtue of office order 281 Series of 2011 .
Chairman Francis N. Tolentino issued and approved memorandum relative to the said
demolition of the offices that RCOG, RCG and some CEMO personnel are re-assigned to
Metro Parkway Clearing Group.
The Landscaping group personnel are also absorb by the Metro Parkway Clearing Group
but later to focus on landscape alone gave way to the creation of Special Ornamental
Plants Development and Maintenance Unit (SOPDMU) as per Office Order 131 series of
2013 but still under the supervision of the MPCG head- Mr. Francisco B. Martinez.
MMDA Vision
MMDA Mission
“As a humane metropolis, Metropolitan Manila will become a livable and workable
physical environment for all.
As s center of growth polygon for Luzon Island, Metropolitan Manila will influence the
creation of socio-economic opportunities in the areas beyond its political and
administrative boundaries”.
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“Livable and vibrant metropolitan community that provides and promotes civic
engagement (state and non-state participation) and a sense of place through clean,
safe, orderly and sustainable environment”.
Maintains the cleanliness and aesthetic landscape of the Investors Corridors namely NAIA
Avenue, MIA Road, Domestic Road, Tramo, Andrew, Sales, Lawton, McKinley, Roxas
Boulevard, Macapagal Avenue, Malacañang, Ayala Blvd., Finance Road, P. Burgos,
Bonifacio Drive, Pres. Quirino Ave., Ramon Magsaysay Blvd., EDSA, Ayala Ave., Buendia
Ave.,and P. Osmeña highway to provide a pleasant environment that will portray a good
image of Metro-Manila in particular and the country in general;
Provide necessary skills and labor and in coordination with the concerned MMDA offices
/units in the upgrading of networks interconnected roads called “Investors Route”. It was
specifically located within business districts, tourist attraction places, hotels, inns, and
government centers. It which will entail face-lifting activities such as geometric
improvement, repair and rehabilitation of roadways and sidewalks, to include beautification,
cleanliness and landscaping of the identified routes, repair and replacement and
reconstruction of deteriorated government and private structures, drainage systems,
facades and other public facilities which are unsightly and dilapidated.
Responsible for the care of trees along major thoroughfares, parkways, or as requested by
the local government units and other government agencies which includes pruning,
trimming, balling and cutting;
Planting and re-planting of trees and plants which includes flowering or ornamental plants;
May establish and maintain an arboretum as a source of plants and trees for use of MPCG;
Responsible for the up keep and maintenance of cleanliness of male/female urinals, plastic
barriers, waiting sheds, traffic signages, sidewalks, gutters, railings, see-thru fences,
MRT/LRT posts/walls, sidewalls, catch basins, tunnels/underpasses, footbridges/
overpasses, murals, plant boxes, tree guards, pylons, high- masts and the like;
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Maintains the cleanliness and orderliness along Metro Manila major thoroughfares namely
EDSA, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon Avenue, Marcos Highway, Mac Arthur Highway,
C-5, R-10 and Macapagal Boulevard;
Construct street furniture and fixtures including waiting sheds in coordination with the Traffic
Discipline Office (TDO) and other concerned offices/agencies;
III. HPSEPO- EMD/ MPCG, SOPDMU believes that the framework for a
Livable Metropolitan Manila is:
To achieve a more sustainable metropolitan community, the government’s services and projects
are in harmony with nature, which include among other things, the provision of orderly, safe and
sustainable environment, provision of sound environmental resources for human needs without
undermining their ability to function overtime.
The previously mentioned paradigm is in accordance with Article II Section 16 of the Constitution
of the Republic of the Philippines that states that:
“The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and
healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature”.
Within this overarching paradigm, the EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU believes that the following are the
cornerstones of metropolitan development:
Economic Security
A more sustainable metropolitan community can be attained by providing measures that will
encourage and entice a variety of business industries and institutions to invest in Metro
Manila whose commitment includes the development of human resources and the
improvement and support to the Philippine economy in general and to Metro Manila in
particular. Measures that will encourage private investors include the continuous provision
of a safe, orderly and aesthetic Metropolitan environment.
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Consistent with the fundamental management principles that structure follows strategies, the
operationalization and implementation of Environmental Management Division (EMD)-Metro
Parkway Clearing Group (MPCG), Special Ornamental Plants Development Management Unit
(SOPDMU) strategies necessitate the setting of an organizational structure which can
translate this into more sustainable and coordinated action.
Acting Supervisor
/Public Service Skilled Workers
Head –SOPDMU Skilled Workers
Foreman (PSF)
Figure 3
Metro Aide-I / Skilled Workers
Laborer II
Laborer II
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Setting up of distribution scheme among the staff, field workers/ skilled workers for
the maintenance and improvement of landscape in the metropolis.
Encouraging people to work well on the job or motivating them to work productively.
V. Statement of Functions
Executes and implements MMDA ordinances, execute orders, laws and other
enabling issuances.
Checks and reviews plans, proposal and logistic requirement of the Division
relative to operation,
Engineer III
Participates in the working out of the operational plans for the proper execution of
the approved plans and programs.
Checks and evaluate engineering plans, estimates and work programs of the
proposed projects.
Engineer II
Assist in the working out of the operational plans for the proper execution of the
approved plans and programs and sees to it that are carried out accordingly,
Computer Operators
Sets up and operates peripheral devices and free standing computer support
Artist Illustrator II
Responsible for the cleanliness and orderliness of the major road thoroughfares
and investors corridor.
o Sweeping
o Debris collection
o Uprooting of Grass/ bush cutting
o Removal of graffiti
o Cleaning/ flushing of fly-overs, underpasses and footbridges
Repair, fabricate, construct, provide and install various road networks like see thru
fence, railings, urinals, pylons, waiting sheds, gutter, plant boxes, sidewalks, and
others as may be assigned.
Painting and re-painting of footbridges, flyovers, railings, Gutters, plant boxes, see
thru fences, concrete barriers, lane markings for pedestrians (upon request),
urinals and other Structures upon request/instruction from higher supervisor
Face lifting of structures, houses along the road that are unpleasant to the eyes.
Removed all illegal stall, vendors, structures and other obstructions that causes
to impede the flow of traffic.
The EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU Operational Framework shown in Figure 4, includes the input plans,
throughput variables (strategies) and the output which is the attainment of goals/objectives.
The Input variables indicate the day to day operations of the EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU namely:
Regular Maintenance Work, Plant Management Work, and Construction, Repair and
Rehabilitation work geared towards the effective implementation of the Flagship programs in the
identified seven (7) major road projects and the Investor Corridor Upgrade Project of the MMDA
mandated by the President.
The Throughput variables are the strategies designed to attain the objective of livable
community which include the following: landscape management for physical improvement of
metropolitan environment, instilling the value of self-discipline among the citizenry which will
lead to total participation of all residents in the metropolis. The processes also focus on the
stratification management, work simplification and continuous capacity building for human
resource development and the operationalization of good governance in the EMD-MPCG,
SOPDMU, as well as the inter-organizational coordination and cooperation.
The process in turn is expected to produce an Output of a livable metropolitan community which
is the objective of the metropolitan governance.
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Deployment of Manpower
o The EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU deploys one (1) Metro Aide to clean each of the
Urinals/footbridges installed along the major thoroughfares including its immediate
premises to ensure cleanliness within the area.
o Each Metro Aide assigned along the major thoroughfares is required to finish the
cleaning of his/her area of responsibility with a road stretch of at least 1000 meters (1
kilometer). But in a thickly populated areas like in intersections near Market, loading
bays and waiting sheds only a stretch of 500meters (0.5 kilometers) are required since
it will take time for her/his to finish his/her assigned task.
o The Metro Aides are required to use “tongs” in cleaning their area of responsibility in
order to capture all the litters that cannot be swept/ removed by an ordinary broomstick.
Deployment of Equipment
o The utilization of equipment such as, Man-lifter, Man-lifter Bridge, Elevated Flat form,
balling machines, etc., are scheduled accordingly. However in the event that these are
needed by top management to attend to the immediate requirements and demands
from the higher authority, the same shall be given priority.
Operational Policies
o Planting of plants/trees in all available open spaces, vacant lots, and parks.
o Adherence to the verbal instruction of the Chairman in the uniformity and consistency
in trimming and cutting of trees.
o The observance of planting of trees which requires 3 meters clearance from the street
lamp post. Pruning of the branches and twigs of existing trees that do not conform with
the required clearance.
o The manpower (Metro Aide) assigned to the various fields/ areas are required to
observe official working hours as scheduled by the Administrative Division.
Work Standards
A monitoring and evaluation system keep track of the progress of the plans and
programs/ projects implemented, by the EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU. Each
units/group/cluster prepared daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports and
submitted to the Head of Office, and then forwarded to Director of HPSEPO and other
key officials to keep them informed of the status of the programs and projects.
Actual accomplishments compared with the targets set during plan formulation.
The projected performance target and/ or indicators set by each group under EMD-MPCG,
SOPDMU program are usually higher than the levels of performance targets in the previous
years. These higher targets are intended so that all the departments and offices are challenged
to move to a higher level of performance in meeting the needs and expectations of the people in
the metropolis. Targets set are usually checked within the medium-term time frame to monitor
progress towards the attainment of program/project objectives.
The following are some of the Work Standards or Performance Indicators established by EMD-
MPCG, SOPDMU which Key Result Area (KRA) is “Livable Metropolitan Community”.
1.1 Sweeping
Length of street swept (m.)
Volume of litters swept (cu.m.)
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2.40 Propagation
6. Clearing Operations
6.1 Number of Illegal Stalls, Structures and Obstructions Removed
Number of illegal Stalls, structures and obstructions removed
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3. Upon approval by the MMDA Chairman/ AGMO. The letter was forwarded to the Director IV
of HPSEPO then forwarded to Environmental Management Division (EMD)/Metro Parkway
Cleaning Group (MPCG).
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4. The Head of EMD/MPCG will deploy personnel to survey and inspect the area.
5. The Survey & Inspection group will conduct the inspection. They coordinate with the
requesting party and verify the detail for pruning/ trimming/balling/ cutting.
6. Upon further verification, when no permit from Brgy. and DENR, then EMD-MPCG will defer
the execution of the request, but if it is an emergency and post danger to lives and property,
MPCG will proceed immediately to prevent further damage. An example of which, topple
trees because of typhoons and obstruct the road.
7. Requesting parties were allowed to comply with the required permit, and once submitted to
us, MPCG will re-schedule the trimming, balling, pruning, or cutting.
8. We will prepare the Progress report upon the completion of the task to the office of the
Director IV-HPSEPO. The said progress report will be submitted to the
9. Chairman/AGMO.
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Letter Request
(Government Agencies, Private Sector, GOCCs, NGOs, CSO)
Prepare Accomplishment
1. Letter Request for Demolition or Clearing should be forwarded to the office of the MMDA
chairman/ AGMO for approval.
2. Upon approval by the MMDA Chairman/AGMO. The letter was forwarded to Sidewalk Clearing
Operations Group (SCOG).
3. Head of SCOG, will deploy personnel to survey and inspect the area.
4. Survey and Inspection group will coordinate with the requesting party and verify the detail of
area/s for clearing. Then coordinate the matter with the city/municipality/barangay with
jurisdiction in the area.
5. The City/Municipality/Barangay council will issue notice or call the attention of the concerned
party being complain for clearing and will be given five (5) days to comply either by self-
demolition/clearing or give permission to demolish the area being complain.
6. If within the given period no action has been taken, MMDA will schedule clearing operation
together with the barangay, LGU and PNP.
Note: If the areas being requested for clearing possess danger and/or included in President’s
mandate to clear National road for the obstruction, then the clearing were done without notice.
7. After the completion of the task, Progress report will be prepared and submitted the same to
MMDA Chairman/AOGMO thru the office of Director IV-HPSEPO.
8. Failure to remove road obstructions and maintained cleared areas, an administrative case for
dereliction of duty may be charged against the concerned party.
Reference: Memorandum from Undersecretary Martin B. Diño dated February 23, 2019
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Step for Miscellaneous Request (Request for Portalets, Steel Railings, See-thru fences,
hauling of debris, Manpower Assistance, grass cutting and transportation services)
1. The requesting party should forward the letter to the office of the Chairman/AGMO for approval
of any of the Listed Miscellaneous Requests.
2. Upon approval by the MMDA Chairman/ AGMO. The letter was forwarded to the Director of
HPSEPO then forwarded to Environmental Management Division (EMD) /Metro Parkway
Cleaning Group (MPCG).
3. The Head of EMD/MPCG will assign personnel to coordinate and verify the following detail of
the Miscellaneous Request.
Grass Cutting Contact person of requesting party, area for grass cut
The detail will be submitted to the EMD-Chief/ MPCG head, like the schedule of the request
depends on the date needed, availability of materials, Manpower, and equipment.
4. After the completion of the task, a Progress report will be prepared and submitted the same to
the MMDA Chairman/AGMO thru the office of Director IV- HPSEPO.
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Steps or Procedures like changing your oil, checking your tire pressure, and getting scheduled
inspections and work done are like getting regular check-ups at the doctor. Breakdown as follows:
Inspect and get your timing and serpentine belts replaced when necessary. Replace timing
belt every 60,000 miles or so, and your serpentine belt replaced every 40,000 miles, give or take.
Mechanic to inspect the belts when it gets time to replace them mileage-wise. If they’re still in
good shape, don’t bother, but if they’re worn out, get them replaced before they fail. If you wait
and those belts do fail, you’ll break down, and the damaged belt can damage other accessories,
making the repair even more expensive.
Check your oil and get it changed regularly. Check the color and level of the oil of the vehicles
use a dipstick to check the oil’s color and oil level or the dipstick has been replaced with an
electronic gauge, you can read the level as indicated in the gauge but sample of oil is needed to
see the color. Knowing the difference between clean oil and muddy, murky oil will save you a ton
on unnecessary changes and gives you a way to tell if something’s wrong with your engine (e.g.
the oil looks terrible but you just had it changed
Check your battery and clean the contacts (if necessary). Check the batteries, you should
know where it is and check it to make sure it’s not leaking and there’s no mineral or other build-
up on the contacts. If there is, clean it off with a battery cleaning brush. It will be better if each
vehicles/equipment had cleaning brush and a battery tester. If not available, before leaving the
garage be sure to check the battery and clean the contacts.
Maintenance of Vehicles
Maintaining a vehicles in good condition will help you stay safe while driving, extend the lifespan of the
car, and increase the value so that it sells for a good price in the future.
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1. Establish a simple plan of attack. One way to think of this is to use the acronym T.O.W.B.I.F.,
which stands for Tires, Oil, Windows, Brakes, Interiors, and Fluids. Use your owner's manual to
establish a schedule of vehicles.
2. Tires. Make sure they are properly inflated to the manufacturer's specified pressure. Tire gauges
are cheap and easy to use. Tires should be replaced when tread wear indicators are showing
between the treads. Ask your local tire dealer if you are unsure how to identify tread wear indicators.
Check your tires every other day for pressure and every week for wear or damage. Have them
replaced when they become worn beyond acceptable limits.
3. Oil. Oil is the blood of your car, and without it, the car isn't going to go far or quietly. Have your
mechanic demonstrate how to check your oil properly, and have the oil changed every 3,000 –
3,500 miles. While oil manufacturers have claimed that their oil can last 10,000 miles, it is generally
best to use the same oil for no more than 5,000 miles to maximize engine reliability and efficiency
over the long term. Check the oil regularly, about once a week, and change the oil or have it
changed when you reach the 4,000–4,500 mile (6,400–7,200 km) limit.
4. Windows. Make sure that all windows, mirrors and lights are clean and not broken. Replace any
broken lights or mirrors as soon as possible. Have small windshield cracks by a windshield repair
center to determine whether the windshield can be repaired or needs to be replaced. Check
regularly for cracks and damage.
Allow plenty of room if when following behind other vehicles that could throw objects from
the road or loose debris from their loads. Even a small pebble from the back of a gravel
truck can damage your windshield.
5. Brakes, belts, and battery. The braking systems of vehicles are designed to be replaced
periodically to maintain maximum braking efficiency. If you notice ANY problems with the brakes,
take your vehicles to have the brakes checked immediately. If the brakes fail, you can have a very
serious crash.
Check the belts or have them checked regularly for wear and tension. Very loose belts
often make a loud squealing sound; have yours serviced if you hear this noise.
6. Interior. Clean and vacuum the interior as needed. The interior is often a point of selling power
when it comes time to trade the vehicles in or sell it. While many may not care about the oil or tires,
if the CD player won't work, or the interior looks a little dirty, the deal is off. It's been said that the
value of the car is held in the cabin, and that statement holds true. If you ever want to trade the car
in or sell it, every quarter spent at a pay vacuum will be paid back to you with interest.
7. Fluids. The other lifeblood of the car are the fluids that the drive train must have. Coolant, power
steering fluid, transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid, brake fluid, and other fluids need to be
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checked at a minimum of once per week. Ask your mechanic to demonstrate the method to check
8. Lights. You can check your own lights if you have someplace you can park near reflective glass
windows, or you can ask a friend to walk around your car while you turn on different lights. Make
sure to check your headlights, taillights, reverse lights, brake lights, and turn signals.
Notice where your headlights point and correct it or have it corrected as needed. They should
be pointing down and towards the outside of the road, not straight out, up, or towards the
center. You can see the light pattern on the road ahead of you. Misaligned headlights can be
distracting or hazardous to drivers ahead of you or in oncoming or adjacent lanes. If they are
too low, this could limit the distance you can see while driving at night.
9. Windshield wipers. It's not difficult to replace worn wiper blades yourself. Replace just the blades
once a year as needed before the rainy season. You can also replace the entire wiper assembly if
needed. If you do a lot of driving in wet weather conditions, you may also want to apply a water
repellent treatment to your windshield.
10. Emission control systems. Depending on where you live, you may be required to get your car
checked for emissions periodically. This is usually part of the MOT inspection. Generally, a
professional must perform the diagnosis. Oxygen sensors and EGR valves are two common culprits.
Good governance ensures that political, social and economic priorities based on broad
consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the vulnerable heard in
decision-making over the allocation of development processes (UNDP, 2000). In its
ideal sense, it is democratic in spirit and participatory in approach, thus enabling a good
improved quality of life on the basis of limited participation and civil liberties of the
Self-help management
In resource-poor environment, where MMDA lack the funds, personnel and administrative
capacity to provide relevant services such as the metropolitan roadway networks cleaning
maintenance and landscaping, self-help groups can play an important role by:
relationship between the two. The LGUs should be actively involved in the conceptualization and
planning of landscape projects/activities along major thoroughfares covering their areas of
On Administrative Aspect
Given the systems and procedures, there is a need for the EMD-Metro Parkway Clearing Group
(MPCG), SOPDMU to establish an efficient and effective record system that will integrate all
forms of documentations and recorded information on metropolitan roadway networks cleaning
maintenance and landscape management to improve the level of quality of all paper works
involving EMD-MPCG, SOPDMU operations.
Properly managed, this will enhance accountability for action, resources and results to all levels
of the office. Such system and procedures therefore need to ensure the provision of correct,
timely and relevant information in a cost-effective way to the appropriate end-users.
a. Act as the intermediary between HPSEPO-EMD/MPCG, SOPDMU and its clients.
b. Receive records and transmit documents for action to the immediate Units concerned.
c. Undertake regular monitoring of the status of documents to ensure that the EMD-MPCG,
SOPDMU properly posted the documents or papers under process at any given time.
d. Keep and files official records and mail services systematically and maintains a regular
inventory and appraisal of communications received and prepared by the EMD-MPCG,
e. If not, reviews and evaluates other documents as to completeness of the supporting papers
f. If complete, stamps date of receipts and initials documents.
1. Office Personnel
EMD-MPCG adopts the Skeleton (Skeletal) Workforce combined with Work-From-Home (WFH)
arrangements for the alternative work scheme, as prescribed by MMDA and the Civil Service
Commission (CSC). This alternative work scheme shall continue until the duration of community
quarantine or unless directed otherwise by the HPSEPO Director or the MMDA Chairman.
The employees have assigned a task to accomplish base on the full extent possible in terms of
man/days per workweek rate. They shall make themselves available during the work hours that they
are at home. They have access or with provided any communication, equipment, or facilities, such
as computer, internet, e-mail, telephone, or mobile phone.
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Another option is to bring two plants per day and have them received at the Ortigas base for proper
handling and recording. The plants accumulated are then transferred to the LLDA Compound,
Taytay, Rizal. The new establish nursery from the allocation of one (1) hectare from LLDA.
The Division Chiefs, Unit Heads, and Supervisors with WFH employees shall agree on weekly work
The Accomplishment Receipt form (Work from Home), HPSEPO-EMD-032, and duly signed by the
authorized personnel to receive the plants in Ortigas base. It also indicates the kinds and quantity of
the plants. It will be subject to strict monitoring to ensure the continuity of services.
2. Field Personnel
To fulfill the task required in sweeping and landscaping works are necessary to have all workforce
personnel or special arrangements subject to the discretion of the Division Chiefs, Unit Heads, or the
HPSEPO Director to fulfill necessary demands on site. However, the preventive and precautionary
measures to prevent the local transmission of COVID-19 shall be followed and monitor at all times.
Option for seniors and co-morbidity field employees is to bring two plants per day and have them
received at the Ortigas base for proper handling and recording.
Minimum health standards protocol such as wearing face masks, face shield, and physical distancing.
Presence of sanitation station (alcohol near the entrance of the office). Disinfection or
decontamination activities as part of regular maintenance.
Monitoring of the health status of the field personnel by communicating to the area supervisor to
ensure that all those reporting to the office are in good shape and that no one is exhibiting any
symptoms of COVID-19 disease.
Employees are also encouraged to bring their disinfectants such as alcohol sprays and wipes and
recommended to clean/sanitize their workstations regularly.
Once there is a confirmed case, he/she shall immediately undergo quarantine or shall be isolated.
The proper clinical assessment shall be the basis for quarantine or isolation. As such, it should inform
the MMDA's Medical Clinic for further instructions and guidance.
Contact tracing after case investigation of every reported confirmed COVID-19 cases as prescribed
by the Department of Health (DOH), to include the following actions:
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Identify settings where the contacts have visited or social interactions where the contacts have been.
Identify all social, familial, work, and health care worker contacts who had a close encounter with a
confirmed case.
Inform identified contacts of possible exposure Endorse completed case investigation to the local
contact tracing teams
To eliminate the risk of virus spread in the workplace, personnel who had contact with a confirmed
case in the office, especially those who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, shall undergo swab
(RT-PCR) testing and quarantine upon the discretion of the HPSEPO Director, considering the
recommendation of MMDA's Medical Clinic.
Among the major problems in the Metropolitan Manila is the indiscriminate dumping and littering
of garbage, refuse, filth and other kinds of solid waste in public places, canals, rivers, drainage and
other waste outlets. These problems affect the health and sanitation of the region. Thus, it enormously
impinges the development of the whole Metropolis.
To address the problem, the Metro Manila Council composed of seventeen (17) Mayors within
Metro Manila enacted MMDA Regulation No. 96-009 which was subsequently amended by MMDA
Regulation No. 99-006 also known as the “Anti-Littering Law”. The law provides prohibitions on
littering/dumping/throwing of garbage, rubbish or any kind of waste in open or public places, and
requiring all owners, lessees, occupants of residential, commercial establishments, whether private or
public to clean and maintain the cleanliness of their frontage and immediate surroundings and provides
penalties for violation thereof.
The Regulation is bounded in the spirit and intent of Section 3(f) of Republic Act No. 7924 which
states that “...health and sanitation, urban protection and pollution control which include the formulation
and implementation of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs and projects for the
promotion and safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region and for the enhancement of
ecological balance and the prevention, control and abatement of environmental pollution.”
The Anti-Littering Law was initially implemented in 1996 and it was suspended in 2002 due to
pressing priority programs of the Authority. However, after some period of dormancy, there is a need to
revitalize the law in conformity to the interest of public health and in order to keep Metro Manila a setting
of a clean, safe, sound, and orderly environment for the residents of the region.
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The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) through the Health and Sanitation
Services Coordination and Assistance Division (HSSCAD) under Health, Public Safety and
Environmental Protection Office (HPSEPO) is mandated to design a mechanism to administer the full
implementation of the Anti-Littering Law. Thus, the creation of this Manual of Operations aimed to
institutionalize and standardized enforcement and implementation of the said Regulation accordingly.
This contains the operational systems and procedures of enforcement, payment of corresponding
administrative charges, penalties and deputation of Environmental Enforcers (EEs), Further, this guide
manual will harmonize the wide array of directives and enforcement measures of the said regulation.
Republic Act No. 7924 - Entitled “Creation of MMDA and defining its power
and functions”.
Section 3, Paragraph f.
- Health and Sanitation, urban protection and pollution
control which include the formulation and
implementation of policies, rules and regulations,
standards, programs and projects for the promotion
and safeguarding of health and sanitation of the
region and for enhancement of ecological balance
and the prevention, control and abatement of
environmental pollution.
Section 48.
- Littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in
public places such as roads, sidewalks, canals,
creek, esteros, parks and establishments or causing
or permitting the same.
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Metro Manila Council MMDA Resolution - Authorizing the Metropolitan Manila Development
No. 02-28, series Authority and the Local Government Units to clear
2002 the sidewalks, street, avenues, alleys, bridges,
waterways or creek, parks and other public places in
Metro Manila of all illegal structures and obstructions.
Executive Order No. 432 of the Office of - “Ordering the strict enforcement of PD No. 825,
the President Providing penalties for improper disposal of garbage
and other forms of uncleanliness”.
MMDA Regulation No. 96-009, S.1996 - Regulation prohibiting littering, dumping, throwing of
garbage, rubbish or any kind of waste in open or public
places and requiring all owners, lessees, occupants of
To promote and safeguard the health and sanitation of Metro Manila and ensure
ecological balance, prevention and control of environmental pollution.
To develop discipline among the residents of Metro Manila in order to maintain the
habit of cleanliness and orderliness.
This Regulation shall apply to all areas of Metro Manila but with priority to major
thoroughfares/national roads which are the jurisdictions of MMDA as well as in public places
such as public schools, public markets, public utility vehicles, terminals, MRT and LRT stations
and etc.
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Chief Health Program Officer In case the violator cannot present any proof of identification; he/ she shall
be brought to the nearest Police station in adherence to Book 2, Title 4,
Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 178 of the Revised Penal Code: which states
that “any person who gives wrong information on his identity shall be arrested
or prosecuted”. The Penalty of “ARRESTO MAYOR” and a fine not to exceed
500.00 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who shall publicly use
fictitious name for the purpose of concealing a crime, evading the execution
of judgment or causing damage. When possible. Get the proof of violation like cigarette butt, candy wrapper,
and other forms of litter. Place it in a small transparent plastic bag and
property label and mark and have the violator sign in the evidence form. This
will be used as evidence for filing case against the violator. The issuance of EVR ticket to the violator with complete information of the
violator and the nature of offense committed. Have the violator sign the EVR ticket to acknowledge his/her violation
committed and the apprehending Enforcer and Spotter shall affix their
signature before issuing the first copy to the violator. The Spotter will serve
as the witness upon filing of case in trial court.
“In case the violator refuses to sign the issued EVR ticket, just write “RTS”
meaning “Refuse to Sign” and ask for the reason why he/she refuse to sign.
The information shall be written at the back of the 2nd copy of the issued EVR
ticket.” The EE or Spotter shall then advise the violator on how to settle the violation.
The Spotter will give the violator the "Bawal Magkalat” flyer for more
information regarding the committed violation and how to settle the
administrative fine of the violator. The EE and Spotter shall submit Anti-Littering Daily Apprehension Report
together with the duplicate copies of issued EVRs to their respective team
leader or to the authorized officials of the office for consolidation. The daily
apprehension report together with the issued EVR ticket shall be submitted
to Data Processing Group for consolidation, assessment, encoding for
record purposes for possible preparation and sending of summon for those
who fail to settle their obligation through payment or render community
service. Non-compliance to the summon or notice will result in the elevation of the
case to the concerned Metropolitan Trial Court. If the violator decides to settle the administrative fine upon receipt of
summon, he may proceed to the MMDA Office for payment.
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Procedure on the Settlement of the Issued ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATION RECEIPT (EVR)
7.2. After hearing the complaint, the Hearing Officer shall require the
COMPLAINANT to write to the Head of Agency or to authorized officials of
the HPSEPO or to fill-up the Complaint Form (HPSEPO-HSSCAD-024).
7.3. Complainant shall submit necessary documents to the Legal and
Legislative/Affairs Staff Service (LLASS), which shall conduct preliminary
investigation and follow the processes of the Committee on Decorum and
Investigation (CODI).
7.4. If the Legal Officer affirms that the apprehension is valid the violator shall
pay the administrative fine in the amount of Php500.00 to Php1, 000.00
depending on the nature of offense or have the option to render community
service of eight (8) hours to sixteen (16) hours depending on the violation
committed. This is if the case is still with the MMDA. If the case has been
filed with trial courts, the case will be decided by the Prosecutor or the
presiding judge.
ADMINISTRATIVE FINES an amount of money imposed as
penalty for an offense/violation
committed that can be paid by the
violators on or before the third (3rd)
day of grace period from the time of
The Health and Sanitation Services Coordination and Assistance Division is tasked
to formulate policies, guidelines and develop programs on health and sanitation requiring
coordination and monitoring activities in Metro Manila.
The Metro Health and Sanitation Program aims to maintain the good state of
environmental health and sanitation on national roads and major thoroughfares of Metro
Manila. This program also aims to achieve sustainable urban development through
barangays through with community participation, improve the health and quality of life of
the people not only by treating illnesses, but also by improving the social, physical and
economic environment of the Metropolis.
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Republic Act No. 7924 – Section 3, Paragraph F
“Health and Sanitation, urban protection and pollution control which includes the
formulation and implementation of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs
and projects for the promotion and safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region
and for the enhancement of ecological balance and the prevention, control and abatement
of environmental pollution”
Authorizing the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority and the Local government
Units to clear the sidewalks, streets, avenues, alleys bridges, parks and other public
places in Metro Manila of all illegal structures and obstructions, states that;
“all items, goods and structures found on or along roads, streets, avenues alleys,
sidewalks, bridges, parks and other public places shall be confiscated by the government
without prior notice. The same shall be treated as common or ordinary garbage and shall
be disposed of as such. The government shall, thus not be held liable for any damage
arising from the removal confiscation or disposal of the said items”
1. To increase public awareness and compliance on the existing enforceable environmental health
and sanitation regulations and other related laws.
2. To ensure positive social and economic environmental impact on urban development and public
2. Monitoring activities
a. Monitoring of environmental discrepancies along all National Roads and Major
thoroughfares of Metro Manila using the following Indicators
- Presence of foul/obnoxious odour in the area
- Presence of human/animal waste on sidewalks, streets, vacant lots,
waterways and other public places
- Presence of pests and vermin in public places
- Presence of dirty water flowing from dwellings and establishments
- Presence of visible trace or burnt garbage or ashes left in the area
- Presence of waste receptacles in public places other than the selling areas
- Presence of signage, advertisement, information graffiti, vandalism on walls
and improperly installed billboards on posts.
- Presence of refuse (other than garbage or litter) like stones, rocks, earth
mounds, etc. on sidewalks
- Presence of structure and improper/prohibited activities in public
places e.g. sidewalk vending
- Presence of stored, dumped construction waste or debris, dilapidated
appliances, junked or under repair vehicles, billboards, signage and other
immovable objects in any part of the sidewalk and street which may obstruct
vehicular and pedestrian traffic
4. Evaluation Activity
a. Re-inspection and evaluation on the action taken by the barangay.
b. Documentation to support compliance.
c. Issuance of Environmental Violation Receipt (EVR) for non-compliance
d. Collection of data (Date of operation, Time of operation, Name of violator, Address of
violator, Type of violation, name of Barangay and LGU)
e. Preparation and forwarding of letter to Metro Manila Mayors with copy furnished to
concerned barangay.
Team Leader/Coordinator
Notice Server
Responsible and accountable for the safekeeping of NESVR and EVR tickets.
Strictly and properly handles of NESVR and EVR tickets.
Provides correct information for issuance of ticket.
Submits daily accomplishment reports to team leader
Operation Head
Computer Operator
Team Leader
District I
(CAMANAVA) District II District IV
Coordinator Notice Server Photographer
District III Recorder
Malabon E) (MAMAMANSAN) A)
Navotas Pasig Manila Muntinlupa
Valenzuela Pateros Makati Paranaque
Marikina Mandaluyong Las-Pinas
Taguig San Juan Pasay
Navotas Quezon City
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Section 3-f of Republic Act 7924 stipulated that MMDA is mandated to provide “Health and
Sanitation, Urban Protection and Pollution Control which include formulation and implementation
of policies, rules and regulations, standards, programs and projects for the promotion and
safeguarding of the health and sanitation of the region and for prevention, control and abatement
of environmental pollution”. The Health and Sanitation Services Coordination Assistance Division
(HSSCAD) of the Health, Pubic Safety and Environmental Protection Office (HPSEPO) has
formulated programs and policies focused on maintaining balanced environmental health and the
abatement of environmental degradation in Metro Manila.
The Metro Manila Pest Abatement Assistance Program was developed by HSSCAD-
HPSEPO not only to augment the Local Government Units’ Pest Abatement Program but specially
to protect the Metro Manila residents from threats to health caused by urban pests like
mosquitoes, house flies, cockroaches and other domestic pests which are potential vectors of
Dengue, H-fever, Malaria, Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Diarrhea and other diseases.
2.1 To augment the Pest Abatement Program of the Local Government Units.
2.2 To protect the health of Metro Manila residents from threats caused by urban pests that
are potential vectors of communicable diseases.
3.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS (LGUs) – composed of sixteen (16) cities and one (1)
municipality in Metropolitan Manila that includes Cities of Manila, Pasay, Quezon City,
Caloocan, Makati, San Juan, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Las Pinas, Muntinlupa, Paranaque,
Taguig, Valenzuela, Malabon, Navotas, Marikina and Municipality of Pateros.
3.3 PEST ABATEMENT – refers to the regulation control or management of species defined
as a urban pest, usually because it is perceived to be detrimental to a person’s health, the
ecology or the economy.
3.4 MISTING – spraying with high performance residual insecticide to areas where flying and
crawling insects in domestic and public health applications.
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6.2 Assistant Team Leader/ – Assists the Team Leader in the supervision and
Area Coordinator coordination prior to Misting Operation in the target area of
6.3 Fogging Machine Operator – Prepares mixture of pesticides and water/diesel in the
machines to be used in the misting operation.
6.6 Supplies and Equipment – Cleans and maintains the misting machine to
Custodian ensure its safety and in good working condition.
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7.1. Receipt of a letter of request from Barangay Officials of LGUs, school principal, owner of
public market and slaughter houses, etc. duly approved by the MMDA Chairman/General
Manager or their authorized representative.
7.2 Conduct of actual inspection of the area of request and coordination with the
requisitioner/LGU’s official to confirm the date, time, and the scope of area coverage.
7.4 Checking of the misting machine and gasoline, pesticides and service vehicle to be used.
Since 2011, DSWD, MMDA and LGUs implements the comprehensive program for street children,
street families and Indigenous People that provide a package of services and interventions to respond
to the needs of children, unattached adults, and families at risk on the street to live productively in a
safe environment.
MMDA is tasked to; augment manpower and transportation during conduct of reach out operation,
attend orientation and consultation meeting with barangays, monitor influx of children, unattached
adults, and families at risk on the streets in identified critical hotspots.
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To deliver, implement, monitor and evaluate metro-wide social services projects / activities.
Street Children, Vagrant, beggar, and mendicants free in Metro Manila thoroughfares.
To clear roads and public spaces of Metro Manila from street dwellers and refer them to the
appropriate DSWD and LGU’s care facilities for their safety and rehabilitation until their return to
normal lives.
1. To clear roads and public spaces of Metro Manila from street dwellers and refer them to the
appropriate DSWD and LGU care facilities for their safety and rehabilitation until return to Normal
2. Conduction of Inter-Agency Joint Rescue Operation with LGU’s and other concerned agencies.
3. Provision of assistance for the speedy return to normal lives of rescued clients.
The Metropolitan Social Services Office (MSSO) is headed by the Director IV of the Health,
Public Safety and Environmental Protection Office. He is assisted by the Operations Officer in the
facilitation, coordination and conduct of the operations of the Street Dwellers Care Unit (SDCU) of
the MSSO who is also supported by an Administrative Officer to manage all administrative concerns,
and a Supply Officer to handle Supplies and Logistical needs.
The MSSO-SDCU is separated into three major groups, the SDCU - Operations Group, the
SDCU - Administrative, Supply and Logistics Group.
The SDCU - Operations Group is composed of four (4) rescue teams, The Alpha Team, Bravo
Team, Charlie Team and Delta Team. Each team in turn has a Team Leader, Team Members and
Rescue Vehicle Drivers.
The SDCU – Operations Group teams is co-supervised by the Social Welfare Officer II as over-
all team leader.
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1. Conduct of rescue / clearing operations along EDSA and other major thoroughfares.
2. Transport and referral of rescued street dwellers to appropriate care institutions for proper
1. Facilitation and preparation of all documents related to the activities of the SDCU-MSSO.
2. Submission of all periodical reports as necessary that are related to the activities of SDCU-
3. Receiving and coordination of reports and requests from, the Authority, Local Government
Units, and other Agencies.
C. Supply and Logistics Group – is responsible for accomplishing the following task to wit;
1. Facilitates a regular inventory of supplies and equipment and monitors the availability of each
item and requests them as necessary.
2. Facilitates the repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicles of SDCU-MSSO as
3. In charge of the preparation of purchase requests (PR), Purchase Orders (PO), Memorandum
Receipts (MR), liquidations, reimbursements, and other similar transactions as necessary.
4. Drivers are in charge of the facilitation of fuel allocations and additional fuel allocations used
for operations as necessary.
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5. Drivers are in charge with the maintenance and the cleanliness of their assigned vehicles and
ensure that it is in good working order and shall report any need for repair.
1. Over-all Head of the Metropolitan Social Services Office; directs the deployment of personnel
to the designated areas of operations.
2. Exercises direct supervision and control over all the major groups of the MSSO during the
course of the operations.
3. Attends meetings and briefings, receives and disseminates to the MSSO groups orders and
instructions from the Authority.
1. Assists in the supervision and monitoring of rescue / clearing operations and joint
operations with DSWD facilities, NGO’s & NGA’s catering rescued dwellers and other
concerned agencies.
2. Assists in the supervision and coordination of inter-agency Joint Rescue Operation with
the LGU’s and other concerned agencies.
3. Performs such other functions as his / her superior and or the MMDA management may
3. Performs such other functions as his / her superior and or the MMDA management may
D. Team Leader
1. Oversees the preparation, facilitation and conduct of the rescue / clearing operation of
street dwellers.
2. Ensures that the activity is properly recorded and documented for reporting.
3. Performs such other functions as his / her superior and or the MMDA management may
E. Supply Officer
4. Performs such other functions as his / her superior and or the MMDA management may
2. Responsible in the facilitation and coordination of incoming reports and requests from
DSWD facilities, NGO’s & NGA’s catering rescued dwellers, directives from MMDA and
other concerned agencies.
4. Performs such other functions as his / her superior and or the MMDA management may
1. Regular / Daily monitoring and rescue of street dwellers is done following the set
schedule of operations as planned by the Director IV and supervised by the SDCU-
Operations Officer.
2. Administrative group receives reports from the MMDA Metro Base concerning
sighted Street Dwellers and forwards information to Operations Group for
appropriate action.
a. Upon receipt of report, receiver asks relative information concerning the sighted
street dweller if available, which includes, the Gender of the client/s, relative age,
clothes worn, physical / mental condition, if the client is moving / ambulant or not,
or if being assisted by MMDA personnel, and etc.
1. Requests for assistance from LGUs and other agencies are forwarded through
communication letter, through e-mail / social media, and or faxed are received by the
Administrative Group and then coordinated to the Operations Group for appropriate
action and further coordination with concerned Agency or LGU as necessary. The
Director IV and the OAGMO are given information with regard to the activity for
additional instructions if any.
C. Rescued Clients
1. Mendicants found in the area are assisted unto the rescue van and is transported to
proper institutions for proper disposition. Clients found with injuries or are incapable
of moving due to illness or other reasons are endorsed to available Medical Personnel
in the area, if none are available the team will contact MMDA Rescue for assistance.
2. During Joint / Massive Operations with LGU and other Agencies, MMDA is tasked to
augment manpower and transportation during conduct of the activity.
3. Agencies such as Jose Fabella Center, Mandaluyong may also request for
transportation assistance for their Home Conduction Program if clients are cleared
and allowed to go back to their homes. The MSSO Rescue team must be
accompanied by personnel from DSWD.
D. Activity Reports
1. Team leaders are to ensure that activities related to MSSO operations are properly
documented by completing the daily report form (annex D).
2. Each team should have a photographer to take pictures during the conduct of the
activity and photos of clients, and a documenter to list client information and all
important details with regard to the activity.
3. Team leaders shall be responsible in the submission of accomplished reports to the
Administrative Group for proper recording and filing.
Annex A
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Organizational Chart
Annex B
Duties and Responsibilities
Annex C
Flow Chart of Activity
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Director III, HEPO
Chief Environmental Management Division
Chief Health Program Officer – HSSCAD
Computer Operator II
Operations Officer - SDCUI
Operations Officer - SDCU
Metro Aide I
Assistant Operations Officer - SDCU
Supply Officer
Metro Aide I Metro Aide I Metro Aide I
Metro Aide I Metro Aide I
DSWD LGU’S Coordinator Driver / Rescuer Rescuer
Rescuer Rescuer
- Responsible in the planning, supervision and - Responsible in the supervision and facilitation of
monitoring of rescue/clearing operations and joint administrative concerns of MSSO-SDCU.
operations with DSWD facilities, NGO’s & NGA’s and
other concerned agencies. - Responsible in the facilitation and coordination of
incoming reports and requests from DSWD facilities,
- Responsible in the supervision and coordination of NGO’s & NGA’s catering rescued dwellers, directives
inter-agency Joint Rescue Operation with the LGu’s from MMDA and other concerned agencies.
and other concerned agencies.
- Responsible in the supervision, facilitation,
- Performs such other functions as his/her superior and preparation, recording, safe-keeping of pertinent data
or the MMDA management may direct. and submission of periodical reports of the SDCU-
- Performs such other functions as his/her superior and
SOCIAL WELFARE OFFICER II or the MMDA management may direct.
- Assists in the planning, supervision and monitoring of ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
rescue/clearing operations.
- Assist in the facilitation and coordination of requests
- Assist in the supervision and coordination of inter- from DSWD facilities, NGO’s & NGA’s catering rescued
agency Joint Rescue Operation with the LGU’s and dwellers, directives from MMDA and other concerned
other concerned agencies. agencies.
- performs such other functions as his/her superior and - Assists in the preparation, facilitation and coordination
or MMDA management may direct. of incoming and out-going documents.
SDCU-HSSCAD adopts a Skeletal Workforce combined with Work-From Home (WFH) for the
alternative work arrangement, as prescribed by MMDA, IATF for COVID 19 response and the Civil
Service Commission (CSC). This alternative work scheme shall continue until the duration of community
quarantine or unless directed otherwise by the HPSEPO Director or the MMDA Chairman.
1. Office Personnel
For employees who are on a work-from-home arrangement, the following shall be ensured:
The employees are given tasks to be performed to the full extent possible in terms of man-
days per work week
They shall make themselves available during the work hours that they are at home.
The confidential and proprietary information is protected and secured at all times. Only
permanent employees or employees with employee and employer relationship are given
confidential tasks to ensure accountability.
For senior citizens who have difficulty reporting for work they are required to compensate with
submission of Eco bricks accepted by SWMO and/or plants accepted by EMD-MPCG.
2. Field Personnel
Special arrangements to fulfill necessary demands on site may be applied with the approval of
Unit Heads, Division Chief or the HPSEPO Director.
The Unit Heads, Supervisors and Division Chief, with WFH employees shall agree on the target
output of work. This shall be subject to strict monitoring to ensure the continuity of services.
quarantine and identify close contact employees. Cases are endorsed to MMDA's Medical Clinic for
further instructions and guidance. Employees are required to undergo RT-PCR Nose and Throat
Employees who tested Positive on RT-PCR Nose and Throat Swab or who are Confirmed COVID-19
positive are quarantined and are not allowed to report for work for fourteen days. They shall be required
to present a Negative RT-PCR Nose and Throat Swab before being accepted back to work.
Employees who are identified as close contacts and with Negative RT-PCR test result are instructed to
report back for work 5 days after release of negative findings.
Tobacco Control Program is one of the major programs of the Metropolitan Manila Development
Authority (MMDA) in the performance of its mandate on Health and Sanitation, Urban Protection and
Pollution Control.
This Operations Manual aims to provide the whole picture of how the program operates towards
achieving the objectives of having healthier citizens and environment.
1.2 Content
This operations manual includes the definition of terms that describes how words are being used,
general information on the selected areas of operation, the organizational structure and the duties and
responsibilities of the personnel involved in the operation, the operational control, the step-by-step
operating procedure and work instructions, and lastly, the control of records and documents.
Access Restriction – under section 9, 10 and 11 of RA 9211 or the Tobacco Regulation Act,
the sale of tobacco products to minors is unlawful, the sale or distribution of tobacco products is
prohibited within one hundred (100) meters from any point of the perimeter of a school, public
playground or any facility frequented particularly by minors and the need for posting of signage
in stores saying that “Sale/Distribution to or purchase by minors of tobacco products is unlawful”
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Environmental Enforcer – personnel assigned in the field of operation to enforce smoke free
environment policy
Public Places – refers to enclosed or confined areas of all hospitals, medical clinics, schools,
public transportation terminals, government offices, recreational places and places of youth
activities including hotels, malls, movie houses and restaurants
Smoking – refers to the act of carrying a lighted cigarette or other tobacco products, whether it
is being inhaled or smoked
Second-hand smoke –smoke emitted from the burning of end of a cigarette or from other
tobacco products, usually in combination with the mainstream smoke exhaled by the smoker and
has similar components
Director/s of
Division Chief of
Management Specialist
Environmental Environmental
Management Specialist II Management Specialist II
Environmental Environmental
Management Specialist I Management Specialist I
Division Chief – Head of the Plans, Programs Development and Monitoring Division (PPDMD),
in-charge of overseeing the overall operation and management of all activities related to the
advocacy campaign on smoke free policy in Metro Manila.
Environmental Enforcers – In-charge in the field operations to perform various activities for
tobacco control programs
5.2 Supervisory
The Head of the division together with the Environmental Management Specialists supervise the
day-to-day operations. They make sure that personnel assigned in the field are appropriately
trained to conduct proper approach to store owners or store attendants, students, drivers, and
other concerned citizens to give correct information about harmful effects of smoking, and deal
with different types of people they may encounter in the area of operation.
between field personnel and store owners, incident reports are being submitted to the office to
properly address complaints and settle disputes.
In addition, the administrative staff regularly record and check the reports submitted by the field
personnel to validate its accuracy and to make sure that work targets are achieved.
MMDA conducts tobacco control activities within the region with the objectives of protecting people
from secondhand smoke, informing people about the harmful effects of secondhand smoke
especially the youth to prevent them from starting to smoke, influencing people not to smoke, setting
up a system of effective enforcement, and documenting progress and impact of smoke free
environment policies.
Five major activities of the Plans, Programs Development, and Monitoring Division in line with the
tobacco control program of the agency are: Access Restriction to Minors, Orientation on Dangers
of Smoking (temporarily deferred due to pandemic since March 2020), Advocacy on Smoke-free
Policy in Public Transportation Terminal, Monitoring of environmental discrepancies along major
thoroughfares ; Monitoring and implementation of 100% smoke-free workplace policy and LGU
coordination-conduct training of environmental enforcers on smoke-free policy (as per request of
a. Access Restriction– monitoring of stores within 100 meters from any point of the perimeter of
school on sale and display of tobacco products to minors. Per RA 9211 the sale of tobacco
products to minors is unlawful.
About 2-3 personnel per group are deployed to visit different LGUs/barangays daily as
specified in the prepared monthly deployment of personnel. (Buddy-buddy system). They
coordinate with barangay officials for the access restriction that will be done in their areas.
Store attendants/owners are requested to give information on the business name of the
store, its owner and address. Interviews are conducted to determine if there are students
buying cigarettes if the age of the buyers has been verified and if IDs were asked when
in doubt of the buyer‘s age. The group looks out for tobacco product display, tobacco
products signage and warning posters for minors. At the end of the interview, IEC
materials such as flyers containing relevant information on the harmful effects of smoking
will be given to store attendants’/store owners. They also give information on the existing
laws on anti-smoking. Field personnel will inform the store attendant/owner that they will
post Stickers in the store labeled “Ang Tindahang ito ay Bawal Magtinda ng Sigarilyo”
Random Satisfaction Survey are given to store owners.
Environmental Enforcers strictly observe social distancing, wearing facemask/face shield
and using alcohol while in tour of duty
Daily Access Restriction Report are consolidated monthly and submitted to Mayors’ Office
and the local City Health Office for information and appropriate action.
This activity is done four (4) days a week (Monday to Thursday)
Observe health protocols
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About 2-3 personnel per group are assigned to go to different PUV terminals in local
government units as indicated in the schedule of activities for the month
Personnel interview and taking notes of the Operators, Drivers and/or staff’s personal
profile and smoking habits in the terminal. PPDMD personnel give advices and information
on the harmful effects of active smoking and second hand smoke. They also inform
smokers/drivers on the benefits of quitting smoking as well as making the smokers
understand the stages of quitting and the potential withdrawal symptoms that maybe
IEC materials and stickers are given to the drivers to post in their vehicles for continuous
information campaign
Random Citizen/Clients Satisfaction Survey (CCSS) are given to drivers
Submission of reports to supervisor/s. This activity is done every Friday
Five (5) field personnel are assigned to monitor (north and south bound) in the assigned
area along major thoroughfares. They are tasked to take photos of the current status to
see if there is a need to be improved or if it is properly maintained
A report is submitted a day or two after monitoring. Identified findings are being forwarded
to the division/unit concerned for appropriate action.
This activity is done once a week
Follow up monitoring in transport terminal is conducted once a month
Random survey is done
Observe social distancing, wearing of face mask and face shield
5. LGU Coordination
After the manual checking, reports on access restriction are encoded daily. This includes
business name of stores, the store owner, and classification as ambulant or stationary. It also
notes the observation of the interviewer; if the stores have tobacco products display, tobacco
products signage, and warning posters to minors. Further noted are responses to queries on
whether students buy cigarettes in the store, whether age verification is done in case of minor
looking buyers, and if IDs are required. Lastly, the types of IEC materials provided, warnings
issued, and any other remarks during the interviews are also encoded to the database.
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Monthly consolidation of access restriction reports are being done and summarized per LGU.
It is submitted to the Mayor’s Office and the City Health Office for their reference and
appropriate action.
Details of orientation are being encoded in the data base including the date, name of LGU,
name of school, number of participants, and number of IEC materials distributed. Photos are
also saved in the data base.
For Advocacy on smoke free policy in public transportation for PUV Operators, Drivers and
Staff, written reports are being submitted a day after the activity. Details such as date, location
of terminal, Name of ODA/PBOA, Route, Number of Drivers Counseled, Number of PUVs with
sticker posted and total number of IEC Materials are being encoded in the data base.
During inspection done by the Anti- Smoking Task Force, discrepancies are noted and
reported. Names of personnel caught smoking while on duty and in uniform are recorded on
logbooks for reference specially if warnings are issued by the Administrative Service. This will
also be used as reference in case of second and third violations of offenders.
Brief Lecture/orientation on MMDA Memo Circular No. 06 series of 2018 and CSC Memo
Circular No. 17 series of 2019 are given to apprehend personnel caught violating said
memorandum circulars.
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Observing the minimum health protocols such as wearing of face mask/face shield, physical
distancing, use of alcohol and other office policies.
Designation of Covid 19 Marshall to monitor employees in observing health protocols
Disinfection of tables, chairs and rooms as scheduled
Creation of online group chat among personnel for better communication.
Strict implementation of cleanliness within the office vicinity (5S and good housekeeping)
Fieldworkers are deployed by two (2s) to avoid close contacts (buddy buddy system)
Everyone is advised to observe social distancing particularly to their clients.
They are assigned within their barangay or nearby barangay.
Personnel are assigned to finger scanning stations near their residence
Fieldworkers are strictly advised to wear face mask/face shield and always washing of hands or
use of alcohol or while in tour of duty. All are also advised to wear their PPEs during inclement
weather condition.
Daily reporting of accomplishment reports to the office through online
Once a week reporting to the office of a team leader to submit accomplishment reports for the
week and other needed documents (every Friday)
Monitoring the attendance of field personnel through the following:
I. Introduction
II. Legal basis
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The Public Safety Division (PSD) is the major office adjunct to the Metropolitan Public Safety Office
(MPSO). Its primary function concerns with the formulation and implementation of programs and policies
and procedures to achieve public safety, especially preparedness for preventive or rescue operations
during times of calamities and disasters such as conflagration, earthquakes, flood and tidal waves; and
coordination and mobilization of resources and the implementation of contingency plans for the
rehabilitation and relief operations in coordination with national agencies concerned [RA 7924, Sec. 3
Noting the high risk and vulnerability of Metro Manila in natural and human-induced disasters
vis-a-viz the elements that may be affected (people, infrastructure, governance etc.), we have come up
with preparedness and mitigation program known as “Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management” (CBDRRM) whose purpose is to capacitate local communities, local government units
(LGUs) especially barangay institutions, volunteer and civic organizations, private entities and other
concerned stakeholders. Components of the said program include community hazards information and
disaster education; pre-positioning of response resources in strategic locations in Metro Manila; and
establishment of linkages and partnerships with volunteer organizations to broaden the base of our
response resources and capability.
Similarly, aside from the CBDRRM, another significant program that we are espousing is the
enhancement of our technical capability both in terms of manpower and equipment resources. That
initiative is aimed at preparing our Agency for a greater responsibility, especially on the area of disaster
response, being the lead agency of the Metro Manila Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
(MMDRRMC). Recalling our experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, while it is the Department of
Interior and Local Government – National Capital Region (DILG-NCR) which is the cluster head of the
Management of the Dead in the National Capital Region, yet said task was eventually delegated to our
Agency by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Infectious Disease (IATF-EID). Thus,
lessons learned from said experience: we have to be proactive and get prepared for a greater
responsibility than what we normally foresee.
By the same token, another crucial task that we perform is the conduct of response
operations during emergencies and disasters, not only those affecting Metro Manila but even those that
transpired in distant provinces. Notably, among the major disasters in Metro Manila that we responded
to were typhoon Ondoy in 2009 which almost submerged in flood the entire Metro Manila, habagat
occasioned by typhoon Maring in 2013 which also submerged low lying areas of the Metropolis, and
typhoon Ulysses in 2020 which heavily affected catch basin areas like Marikina City and San Mateo,
Rizal. On the other hand, as to major provincial response operations that we had undertaken, on top of
the list were the Compostella Valley operations during Typhoon Pablo in 2012, Bohol operations during
the 7.1 magnitude earthquake thereat in 2013, and Visayas Region operations during the onslaught of
typhoon Yolanda in 2013.
Remarkably, in 2015 when Nepal was shook by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake, it was our office
which was commissioned to constitute the Philippine delegation in Nepal through a seven (7)-man Light
Urban Search and Rescue Contingent Team. And through that international exposure, it further enriches
our experiences and gave us opportunity to adopt foreign best practices which can also be applied in
local setting.
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Finally, added also to our long list of accomplishments and experiences was our active
participation in incident management during international events held in our country particularly in Metro
Manila such as APEC Summit and Papal Visit in 2015 and ASEAN Summit in 2017.
In the delivery of our services, it is always our policy that “YOUR SAFETY IS OUR
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The legal basis of this Manual is Section 3 (g) of Republic Act 7924, otherwise known
as the “MMDA Charter” which provides that among the scope of services of the Authority
“Public safety which includes the formulation and implementation of programs and
policies and procedures to achieve public safety, especially preparedness for preventive
or rescue operations during times of calamities and disasters such as conflagrations,
earthquake, flood and tidal waves; and coordination and mobilization of resources and the
implementation for rehabilitation and relief operations in coordination with national
agencies concerned.”
This Manual of Operations shall be applicable to all personnel of the Public Safety
Division relative to the discharge of their duties and responsibilities. It shall also be
applicable to the transacting public or those availing of the services of the Public Safety
“A metropolitan area that is least vulnerable to hazards and a safe place to live in”.
A. Prevent unnecessary loss of lives, limbs and properties thru promotion of hazards
awareness and safety consciousness to the public.
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The official logo of the Public Safety Division is featured by a star of life, triangular
rays and a dolphin enclosed by intertwined hands on both sides. The dolphin signifies the
Samaritan behavior that must be imbibed in the heart of every
responder while the triangular rays denote the seventeen (17) local
government units (LGUs) comprising Metro Manila. Similarly, the
embedded star of life on the logo symbolizes the emergency medical
service that we are delivering to the public and the enclosing
intertwined hands exemplify the Filipino value of helpfulness. And
finally, the year stamped on the logo represents the time when the
Metro Rescue was established by the Agency.
a. Operations Section
i. Undertake disaster response operations.
ii. Maintain 24/7 response units.
iii. Man the Incident Management Team (IMT).
iv. Develop and implement logistical plans and management.
v. In coordination with the Training Section, assist in the formulation
and development of technical capacity building program of the
vi. Establish linkage with the rescue units of different local government
units (LGUs), volunteers and other stakeholders.
vii. Assist in the implementation of Community-Based Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management (CBDRRM) Program.
viii. Perform such other tasks as may be directed by the Division Chief,
the Section Chief or other higher authority.
b. Training and Administrative Section
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c. Logistics Team
iv. Process the regular and additional fuel allocations of the Division
especially during response operations.
v. Coordinate with the Transport Unit to facilitate the annual registration
of motor vehicles.
vi. Keep documentation of all logistical dispositions during response
vii. Recommend operational policies and measures concerning
implementation of logistical management.
viii. Assign personnel that will serve as IMT staff.
ix. Perform such other tasks as may be directed by the Division Chief,
the Section Chief or other higher authority.
d. Training Team
e. Administrative Team
f. Planning Team
g. Research Team
b. Once alert status is raised, all response personnel of the Division shall report
to the designated staging area for possible deployment in affected areas. The
Logistics Team shall prepare the equipment, vehicles, fuel supply, foods,
medicines and all other resources needed for incident response.
c. For response operations within Metro Manila, upon request for assistance by
certain local government units (LGUs), the Regional Incident Management
Team (RIMT) shall direct the response team/s to immediately proceed to the
incident area. Upon arrival thereat, the team/s shall check-in to the Incident
Command Post (ICP) and upon receipt of the area/s of assignment from the
local Incident Management Team (IMT), the team/s shall forthwith proceed to
the area and effect response operations. Upon completion of the operations
and approval of the demobilization order, the team/s shall return back to the
base and undergo a debriefing session.
d. On the other hand, for response operations outside Metro Manila, the process
is commenced by issuance of order by the National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Council (NDRRMC) to the Metro Manila Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (MMDRRMC) directing the latter to
mobilize response units to the affected provincial local government units.
Upon receipt of the order from the MMDRRMC Chairperson, the Chief of the
Division shall immediately organize a response team with appropriate
equipage. Upon arrival in the incident area, the team shall check-in to the
Incident Command Post and afterwards make a courtesy call to the concerned
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local officials particularly to the local chief executive. Upon receipt of the
area/s of assignment from the Incident Management Team (IMT), the team
shall immediately proceed thereat and conduct response operations. After
completion of the operations and upon approval of the demobilization order,
the team shall return back to the base and undergo stress debriefing session.
b. Upon receipt of the information by the Metrobase, the latter shall call the
Division’s Dispatch Officer to convey all essential information regarding the
c. Upon receipt of information by the Dispatch Officer, the latter shall notify the
EMS Team Leader, and the team shall immediately proceed to the incident
d. Upon arrival in the area, the team shall undertake patient assessment and
thereafter administer pre-hospital care to the patient.
e. After patient’s assessment is done, the Team Leader shall inform the Dispatch
Officer of the essential information taken from the patient for subsequent
endorsement to the nearest capable hospital or preferred hospital by the
patient. Provided that for those patients who refused to be endorsed to the
hospital or whose condition does not require hospital treatment, after
administration of first aid intervention, the Team Leader shall require the patient
to sign a Waiver manifesting his/her refusal to get endorsed to the nearest
medical facility.
f. Upon receipt of essential information by the Dispatch Officer, the latter shall
immediately coordinate with the nearest capable hospital for admission of
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g. After the patient is endorsed by the Team Leader to the physician on-duty, the
team shall return back to the base.
b. Upon receipt of the letter-request, the Training Coordinator shall forward the
same to the Metropolitan Public Safety Office (MPSO), which shall then likewise
forward to the Office of the Assistant General Manager for Operations
(OAGMO), and finally to the Office of the Chairman (OC) for approval.
c. While the request is pending approval, the Training Coordinator shall undertake
pre-coordination with the requesting party to undertake knowledge survey of
the prospective participants and obtain some relevant information about the
proposed training such as tentative schedule, number of participants, venue of
training, exact address of the venue, contact details of the focal person, etc.
h. Except for orientation session only, the participants shall undergo written and
practical examinations during the training-proper. The rating obtained by the
trainee shall determine the type of certificate that will be awarded to him.
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a. Physical Assessment
b. Property Management
c. Tour of Duty
No response personnel shall leave the area unless permitted by the Team
d. Uniform
All personnel shall wear the prescribed uniform and personal protective
equipment and observe proper grooming.
e. Documentation
a. Attendance
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Unless otherwise provided, all personnel shall be required to report for work
8:00 o’clock in the morning to 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon from Mondays
through Fridays.
b. Absence
No personnel shall be allowed to get absent for more than five (5) days without
serving any notice to the Division Chief. Failure to establish justifiable reason
during such absence shall constitute as sufficient ground for the imposition of
appropriate disciplinary actions consistent with the provisions of the Civil
Service Law Rules and Regulations.
c. Leave of Absence
As a general policy, application for leave of absence shall be filed three (3) days
prior to its effectivity, unless there is extreme urgency which renders impossible
for the subject personnel to file his application within the prescribed period.
Failure to file the application within the prescribed period shall constitute as
sufficient ground for the disapproval of the application.
d. Offsetting
e. Locator Slip
No locator slip shall be approved unless the same is duly accomplished and
filed prior to departure from the office or during the day of operations.
f. Discipline
Order directing him to explain within a period of not more than 72 hours
upon receipt 9thereof why no punishment could be meted against him.
Alert Code
The established alert codes of the Authority as lead agency of MMDRRMC, the NDRRMC
and the PAGASA are hereby adopted in this manual to ensure consistency and
responsiveness during the activation of the response team for deployment to the affected
Communication System
The communication system which shall be used in alerting and activating the response
team shall be mobile communication system. However, in case of breakdown of such
system, proper communication shall be coursed through two-way hand-held radios, satellite
phones and other alternative communication systems.
To fully enhance the level of knowledge and expertise of all personnel of the Division on
DRRM especially on the field of disaster response operations, there shall be conducted
an annual refresher training on USAR, basic trauma, high angle, fire rescue, water search
and rescue, and other necessary trainings.
No amendment of the provisions of this Manual shall be valid unless in writing and duly
published in the office premises for a period of not less than five (5) days upon its approval.
In case some provisions of this Manual are found inconsistent with the provisions of
existing policies of the Authority, laws, rules and regulations, such other provisions which
are not affected thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.
This Manual of Operations of the Public Safety Division shall take effect after five (5) days
of its publication in the office premises.
APPROVED this _____ day of ________________at Public Safety Office, MMDA
Building, EDSA corner Orense Street, Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City.
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What started off METROBASE as a Radio Communications Group in 2008, quickly evolved into
being the wider public’s central source of general road information. MMDA fast-tracked its
digitization by harnessing the power of technology, cost-efficient system applications, latest
equipment, the internet, and mobile devices, using its own resources as well as through various
partnerships with the private sector.
In January 2014, MMDA launched a new upgraded digitalized traffic control system for Metro
Manila’s more than 400 signalized intersections, beginning with 85 priority intersections for the
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Phase I of the Project. Phase I also included a new and modern Metro Manila Communications
& Command Center.
The new building’s oval-shaped structure symbolizing power, prestige and infinity signifies
MMDA’s vision to be a powerful source of city information for efficient management, and a
prestigious Agency keen on continuously improving itself in adding more value to local
government units, stakeholders and the Metro Manila citizenry through the infinite power of
information technology for smarter planning, rapid response, enforcement of law, policy reforms
and speedy resolutions.
a. CCTV Cameras
b. Traffic Signal Control System
c. Radio Communications System
d. 136 Hotline
e. MMDA Agila (Mobile Metrobase)
f. Digital Media Group
- MMDA Twitter
- MMDA Traffic Navigator & Accident Alerts
- Metro News, Facebook & e-Mails
- LED Boards
1. Organizational Chart
2. General
a. The METROBASE facilitates the execution of all operations of the agency and provides
valuable information and coordination capability to other government agencies and
b. It operates 24/7 and performs three primary functions: command and control, situational
awareness and information management for its area of responsibility in order to
successfully ensure the safety and security of the public.
c. The Metrobase is an invaluable tool providing operation unit heads and officials a
professional and continuous “command and support node”, coordinating activities and
enhancing operational effectiveness to achieve its program objectives.
a. Operations Group - monitors the daily traffic and oversees the efficient response
operations for road accidents and breakdowns.
The MMDA 136 Hotline. This 3-digit telephone number caters to inquiries,
complaints and requests for assistance from the public. The group also gives live
(on-air) traffic updates to radio stations.
The Metrobase group monitors and coordinates traffic and road situations
through the use of IP cameras for better traffic management.
b. Technical Group - maintains and manages traffic control devices, including traffic
signals, CCTV cameras, radio communications and communication network (wireless
and fiber optics) with improved technology which can integrate sub-systems of higher-
level functions in the future.
4. Programs/Projects/Activities
While fulfilling the basic function of traffic management to improve traffic flow and travel
time through new system and engineering installations, the new system is also set
towards elevating to Mobility Movement in the future, through a comprehensive and
integrated approach that improves not just vehicle movement, but also the overall
networked movement of the people, good and services.
The new system has the capacity to continuously track traffic and monitor various
control systems and future sub-systems real-time. Phase I focuses on traffic control
systems which shall continuously control and monitor the traffic situation remotely. It
can analyze and consolidate information for decision-making related to mobility, making
it possible to improve road safety, optimize vehicle flow and pedestrian movement,
reduce travel time and help mitigate environmental impacts.
The Phase I of the Project includes the installation of 85 signalized intersections. On-
going are the Phase II and Phase III installations for 161 and 110 signalized
intersections, respectively.
Since 2012, the Command Center continuously expanded the coverage of its network
coverage through the addition of IP Cameras which were deployed along
Commonwealth Avenue, EDSA, España, Quezon Avenue, Katipunan/C-5, Elliptical
Road, Marcos Highway, etc.
For motorists and commuters using the roads, there may also be some additional
benefits, as our surveillance network gives motorists insight into traffic flow via real time
traffic updates/advisories. LED boards along EDSA forms another link to the system,
making use of the information to advise motorists of traffic incidents or related events.
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The system is the major link to MMDA’s key personnel on field through handheld radios.
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Radio Communication Group – receives reports from the ground enforcement and
coordinates to concerned agencies/offices.
g. LED Boards
The LED team manages the contents uploaded on the gantries along EDSA, which
include real-time traffic updates (sourced from Twitter and Navigator updates) and
other related advisories on the road. LED also accommodates posting of materials
from other government units. The team is managed by personnel from 6 AM to 10
The team also handles the email account of MMDA ([email protected]) and
its Facebook account to address the concerns, inquiries, and more specifically
complaints that are in need of proper investigation and evaluation by MMDA’s
departments and operations.
The MMDA Facebook account has more than 1M followers to date, and posts non-
time bound MMDA-materials about the Agency (i.e. Unlike in Twitter, the Facebook
timelines of users do not reflect all real-time updates. As such, the MMDA Facebook
limits its content posting to selected materials). It is also where public concerns are
received and recorded, along with the MMDA email. The team is managed by
personnel from 6 AM to 10 PM.
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CAD is an advanced Computer Aided Dispatch product for public safety including
Police, Fire, Medical and other Emergency Response agencies to provide better, faster
emergency services, by enabling the efficient management of response resources and
effective data sharing between multiple agencies and regions.
The spatially enabled MMDA CAD solution provides insights that impact decision
making processes, facilitating rapid response, enhancing efficiency and productivity, as
well as improving service delivery. This solution empowers responding agencies by
providing mission critical information and situational awareness through a state of the
art, intuitive Common Operating Picture. It leverages the strengths and capabilities of
desktop, web, and mobile technologies to seamlessly integrate the command center
with the necessary response forces.
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Traffic Monitoring
Traffic Field
Situation Personnel
Responding Unit
Metro Call
AM and
FM Radio
Twitter Traffic Update
Team Update on
the Internet
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Special Operations
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Radio Repeater Location:
Atlanta Tower, Greenhills, San
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Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3 Radio Repeater
Location: Ponderosa
BMDS Subd., Antipolo City
Segment 4
Segment 5
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Conventional Radio
Landscaping Group
Radio Repeater
Location: MMDA
Main Building
Pumping Stations
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1. Posting from Internal Source (Traffic, Flood, Fire and other Road Incidents and its Updates)
(Metrobase/TDO/TEC Editing Posting
(TriMedia/Other Verification of Details Getting Approval for Editing Posting
Agencies/LGUs/Group Posting
In terms of traffic updates and accidents, the major sources of information of the Twitter team are reports from radio operators and
actual CCTV feed of the roads in Metrobase. In other cases, reports are posted by Twitter users, Twitter news channels. In such
instances, these details are coordinated with the radio operators for verification and response. The clearing of accidents and other
events on the road are also broadcasted through the twitter account.
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LED Operations
1. Internal (Traffic/Flood/Typhoon)
Metrobase Screening/Editing Posting
Chairman Screening/Editing Posting
3. External Activities/Advisories
Agencies/LGUs/Other Approval Screening/Editing Posting
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1. Posting
Source Posting
Chairman/Top Editing (Authorized Admins)
Viewing Output
Data Input Menu Only
2. Units
(In Table Format)
Call Sign
1. Call Sign
Unit Name Computer
Type 2. Name
Process 3. Unit Type
Area of Assignment the data 4. Status
Start Date 5. Effectivity Date
End Date 6. Area Of Assignment
Phone 7. Manage
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Viewing Output 1
(In Table Format)
Data Input Menu
3. 136 1. Nature of Call
Reported By Computer 2. Reporter
Phone Process 3. Report Date
Nature of Call the data 4. Status
Synopsis 5. Manage
Report Date Viewing Output 2
Time (In Table Format)
1. Nature of Call
2. Contact No.
3. Synopsis
4. Time Reported
Report Output
(In Table Format)
1. Nature of Call
2. Date
3. Total Number of Calls
Viewing Output
Details of announcement
Flashing upward at the upper
center portion of the screen
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Become one of the Philippines’s Center of Excellence on Disaster Risk Reduction
and Mitigation
4. Prepare situational and operational reports, action plans, and other reports
as maybe required
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The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance and directions to the command
and general staff and employees of Metro Manila Crisis Monitoring and Management
Center. A step by step response action and protocols for specific hazards and other
emergency/calamity that may strike Metro Manila is explained on this Manual.
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ations are in
action to alert
Severe 89-117 -Many coconut -The disturbance Expecte Alert -Relays
Tropical km/hr trees may be is dangerous to d to Warning
Storm(ST broken or the communities occur information
S) PSWS destroyed and threatened/affecte within -Recommends
#3 large numbers of d. 18hrs partial
tree maybe -Watch out for the activation of T
uprooted. passage of the “UNOS” (yello
-Majority of all “eye” of the alert status)
nipa and cogon typhoon indicated -Assessment o
houses maybe by the sudden impact
unroofed or occurrence of fair -Document
destroyed and weather impact
there may be immediately after -Recommend
considerable very bad weather Deactivation
damage to with very strong
structures of light winds coming
to medium generally from the
construction. north.
-There may be -Classes in all
spread disruption levels should be
of electrical suspended and
power and children should
communication stay in the safety
services. of strong
-In general, buildings.
moderate to -Disaster
heavt damage preparedness and
may be response
experienced, agencies/organiz
particularly in the ations are in
agricultural & action with
industrial sectors. appropriate
response to
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Typhoon 118- -Many large trees -The situation is Expected Preparat -Relays
(TY) 184 may be uprooted. potentially very to occur ory Warning
in 12hrs.
PSWS #4 km/hr -Most residential destructive to the information
and institution community. -Recommends
buildings of -All travels and raising of Alert
mixed outdoor activities level of TF
construction may should be UNOS to
be severely cancelled. ORANGE.
damaged. -Evacuation to -Assess impac
-Electrical power safer shelters and provide
distribution and should have been update to TF
communication completed since it Commander/D
services may be may be too late puty
severely under this -Monitor
damaged. situation. Deployment
-In the overall, -The disaster and coordinate
damage to coordinating with Metro
affected council concerned LGUs and
communities can and other disaster MMDRRMC
be very heavy. response Action
organizations are Agencies (AFP
now fully JTF,PCG,
responding to NCRPO,
emergencies and DSWD, NCHD
in full readiness to for additional
immediately resources to b
respond to put on “GET
possible calamity. SET” status.
response statu
of all units
-Deactivation o
update of alert
status of TF
Super >185k -Urges residents -It is expected to Expecte Emerge -Relays
Typhoon m per to beware of bring very heavy d to ncy Warning
(STY) hr widespread to widespread occur in Action information
PSWS #5 damage to damage in all 12hrs -Recommends
structures, affected areas. putting the
particularly old -Storm surges of entire TF to
and dilapidated more than Alert Level
homes and 2meters are also RED.
buildings. Most
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Stay away from glass windows, shelves, cabinets, and other heavy object.
After the strong ground shaking, check yourself and everyone on the
operations center for any casualties and injuries.
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Check for any water and electrical damages, spills of chemical or toxic
materials and control fire which may spread within the operations center.
In the event that the MMCMMC building is not safe to occupy, refer to the
MMDA Earthquake Contingency Plan (OPLAN Yakal) for the identification
of the Alternate Emergency Operations Center.
Monitor update from Phivolcs, broadcast media, social media and the likes
for the source of information regarding the extent of damages caused by
strong ground shaking.
5 San Juan City Saripada Pacusum, Jr. 0927-2634349 238-4333
310-6537/288-8811 drrmocaloocan@yahoo
6 Caloocan City Dr James D. Lao 0917-2042424
loc 21 m
0922-8548063 / 921-6009 / malabon.drrmo@gmai
7 Malabon City Roderick D. Tongol
0916-4180725 921- 6029 m
8 Navotas City Vonne B. Villanueva 0949-8699324 281-8602 /283-4208
9 Valenzuela City Dr. Arnaldo F. Antonio 0917-8204166 352-4000 / 352-5000 [email protected]
Richard Raymund R. makatidrrmoffice@yah
10 Makati City 0919-9915099 870-1191 / 870-1460
Rodriguez om
Dir. Arnel Eutacio M. 0915-9155263
11 City of Manila 8565-4316 [email protected]
Angeles 0932-6622322
Tiong Eng Roland D pcdrrmorescue@gmail
12 Pasay City 0905-493911 8551-7777/833-8512
Tan m
13 Las Piñas City Alejandro Dela Merced 0915-4145534 552-7694 [email protected]
Dr. Teodoro B.
14 Parañaque City 0928-5038559 664-4428 [email protected]
15 Muntinlupa City Erwin O. Alfonso 0917-5766674 861-6623
16 Taguig City Erwin Niño C. Palima 0992-8903880 275-6412 loc 6359
Pateros paterosrescuedrrmo@
17 Marko S. Pialago 0928-3425636 642-5159
Municipality il.com
B. Support Services
I. Introduction
The MMA that lasted for five (5) was given authority to continue collecting
contributions from the Local Government Units (LGUs) at a reduced amount of
15% of their annual income.
On March 01, 1995, Congress passed Republic Act No. 7924 creating the
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA). Currently, the agency in
The Metro Manila Council is the policy making body and the governing
board of MMDA composed of the voting members of all the mayors of the
seventeen (17) local government units in Metro Manila, the President of the Metro
Manila Vice Mayors’ League and the President of the Metro Manila Councilors’
League. The ex-officio or non-voting members of the Council are the Heads of the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM); Department of Transportation
and Communication (DOTC); Department of Tourism (DOT); Department of
Public Works and Highways (DPWH); Housing and Urban Development
Coordinating Council (HUDCC) and Philippine National Police (PNP).
The President appoints the Chairman of the Council with a Cabinet rank
together with the General Manager and the three (3) Assistant General Managers
for Planning, Operations and Finance and Administration.
The services under the jurisdiction of MMDA are those basic services
which have metro-wide impact and transcends legal boundaries or which entail
huge expenditures such that it would not be viable for said services to be provided
by the individual LGUs comprising Metropolitan Manila, like:
1. Development planning
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Metro Manila Council is the policy making body of the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority (MMDA). It is composed of the voting and non-voting
members of the Council. Voting members are composed of the Mayors of the 17
local government units, the President of Metro Manila Vice Mayors’ League and the
President of Metro Manila Councilors’ League. Non-voting members or ex-officio
members are the heads of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM);
Department of Tourism (DOT); Department of Transportation and Communication
(DOTC); Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH); Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) and Philippine National Police (PNP).
Local Government Units comprising Metropolitan Manila are the cities of Las Piñas,
Manila, Quezon, Parañaque, Makati, Caloocan, San Juan, Pasig, Marikina,
Muntinlupa, Valenzuela, Mandaluyong, Malabon, Navotas, Taguig, Pasay and the
Municipality of Pateros.
The Council Secretariat provides technical secretariat support to the Metro Manila
Council. Aside from performing its basic function, it also renders the following tasks:
15. Perform other directive that maybe assigned by the Chairman
Reference: R.A. 7924
Council Meeting During the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has forced the Metro Manila Council to hold on line
meetings through zoom teleconferencing where approval of issuances by the mayors
were affixed thru electronic signature or e-sign. Invitations were sent either thru viber
or messenger.
The Council Secretariat also provides assistance to special meetings called for the
Currently, there are eleven (11) manpower requirements of the Council Secretariat
composed of the following:
1.Board Secretary V
2. Local Legislative Staff Officer V (2)
3. Local Legislative Staff Officer IV (3)
4. Local Legislative Staff Assistant I
5. Computer Operator II
6. Stenographer Reporter II
7. Reproduction Machine Operator II
8. Administrative Assistant
Chairman – refers to the head of the Authority or the Presiding Officer during the
Metro Manila Council meeting
Authority – refers to the powers embodied under EO 392 of Metro Manila Authority
and RA 7924 creating Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Meeting – refers to gathering of mayors and other officials during the Metro Manila
Council Meeting and other meetings
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Quorum – refers to the majority number of voting members of the Metro Manila
Council who are present during the meeting
Republic Act – is a piece of legislation used to create policy in order to carry out the
principles of the Constitution
Official Gazette – is the public journal and main publication of the government of the
Republic of the Philippines
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They were recommended by the Commission to the President who had the power to
amend, revoke or modify the act of the Commission. Metro Manila Commission or
MMC under its first governor Madame Imelda R. Marcos was highly identified by
Metro Aides along the streets wearing red and yellow uniform with broom in tow.
MMC source of funds was derived from the local governments comprising the
Metropolitan Manila equivalent to 20% of their annual income. The Commission
lasted for 14 years until its abolition on January 09, 1990.
Metro Manila Authority (MMA) replaces MMC under PD 824. It was created by virtue
of Executive Order No. 392 entitled “Constituting the Metropolitan Manila
Authority Providing for Its Powers and Functions & Other Purposes”. It was
issued on January 09, 1990 by former President Corazon C. Aquino in order respond
to the pressing needs of the basic services of Metropolitan Manila, referring
otherwise to Art. XVIII, Sec. 8 of the Constitution which states that “until otherwise
provided by the Congress, the President may constitute the Metropolitan Manila to
be composed of all heads of local government units comprising Metro Manila” It
demands for a unified consolidations and coordination of the basic services among
the component cities and municipalities of Metropolitan Manila that necessitates an
urgent devolution of the powers and functions of Metropolitan Manila to an interim
authority. MMA retains the basic autonomy of the local government units to their local
executives and local legislative assemblies but having limited jurisdiction only to the
delivery of basic urban services that requires coordination in Metro Manila. These
urban services are land use, planning and zoning; traffic management; public safety;
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Unlike the MMC which authorized the Sanggunian Bayan to draft legislative actions
for the Commission, the MMA on the other hand was governed by the
Metropolitan Manila Council2 as policy making body of the Authority. Herein
referred to as the Council, it was composed of voting and non-voting members. The
chairman was selected among the mayors serving the office for a term of 6 months
and was assisted by the General Manager and three (3) Deputy General Managers
for Planning, Operations and Finance. Voting members were the Mayors of the 4
cities and 13 municipalities while non-voting members were Secretaries of the
Departments of Transportation and Communications (DOTC); Public Works and
Highways (DPWH); Budget and Management (DBM).
1. E.O. 392
2. Sec. 4, R.A. 7924
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The MMA that lasted for 5 years was given the authority to continue collecting their
shares from the local governments at a reduced amount of 15% of their annual
4. It shall promulgate rules and regulations and set policies and standards for
metro-wide applications governing the delivery of basic services, prescribe and
collect service and regulatory fees, and impose and collect fines and penalties
1. Sec. 6, R.A. 7924
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The Chairman is the Chief Executive Officer of the Authority and the Presiding
Officer of the Council. He is appointed by and holds office at the pleasure of the
President of the Philippines and is subject to disqualifications and prohibitions of
a member of a cabinet. He performs functions 2 such as:
1. Appoint, subject to civil service laws, rules and regulations all subordinate
officers and employees who shall enjoy security of tenure and may be
removed only for cause in accordance with law. He is also authorized to
engage the services of experts/consultants either on full time or part time
basis, as may be required in the performance of his functions and duties as
may be determined by him;
2. Execute policies and measures approved by the Metro Manila Council and be
responsible for the efficient and effective day-to-day management of the
operations of the MMDA;
3. Prepare the annual budget for the operations of the MMDA for submission to
the Council;
4. Submit for consideration of the Council such other policies and measures as
may be deemed necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this
5. Subject to the guidelines and policies set by the Council, prepare the staffing
pattern and fix the number of subordinate officials and employees of the
Authority for approval by the Department of Budget and Management;
6. Discipline subordinate officials and employees under the provisions of law;
7. Submit development plans and investment programs to NEDA for integration
into the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) and public
investment program;
8. Enter into contracts, memoranda of agreement and other cooperative
arrangements with local government and executive departments and
agencies of the national government, POs, NGOs, and the private sector for
delivery of required services within Metropolitan Manila;
9. In coordination with NEDA and the Department of Finance, Interface with the
foreign assistance agencies for purposes of obtaining financing support,
grants and donations in support of the programs and projects;
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1. Sec. 10, R.A. 7924
2. Sec. 7, R.A. 7924
10. Prepare an annual report on the accomplishments of the Authority at the close
of each calendar year for submission to the Council and to the President of
the Philippines; and
11. Perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the President or by
the Council.
The term of office of the voting members shall be coterminous with the offices or
positions they hold or until the expiration of their term of office as mayors or as
president of organization they represent.
Under the MMDA set up, the Chairman is assisted by a Deputy Chairman, General
Manager, GM for Finance and Administrations, GM for Planning and
Operations. These officers are all presidential appointees.
The Council shall adopt internal rules of procedures which shall govern its
proceedings. Until such rules shall have been adopted, the proceedings of the
Council shall be as follows:
1. Meetings – the Council shall hold meetings once a month and such special
meetings as may be needed upon the call of the Chairman or of 1/3 of the
voting members of the Council.
2. Quorum – In order to transact business, there shall be present in the meeting
a quorum consisting of a majority of the regular members of the Council.
Quorum consists ½ +1 of the voting members present during the meeting
including the Chairman.
3. Presiding Officer – The Chairman shall preside over the regular or special
meeting of the Council. In case of his absence or temporary disability and
there being a quorum, voting members present during the meeting shall elect
from among themselves to preside over the meeting.
1. Rule III, Sec. 10, IRR of R.A. 7924
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6. Forms of Acts –
6.1 The judgement, opinion, sense or will of the Council on any subject matter
being taken up may be expressed either by resolution, order or vote. When it
commands, it is by an order. But facts, principles, its own opinion or purposes,
are most expressed in the form of resolution. The term of vote may be applied
to the result of every question decided by the Council.
6.2 Where the will or act is made pursuant to or by virtue of the exercise of its
regulatory power related solely to metro-wide services, such act be dominated
as MMDA Ordinance or Regulation.
6.3 MMDA Resolutions, Regulations and Ordinances shall be numbered
consecutively throughout the calendar year and continuously from year to
year, using the last 2 digits of the calendar year in which it is enacted, followed
by its denominated number.
6.4 The Authority shall publish, circulate or post notices of its ordinances,
regulations and resolutions and other issuances to afford interested parties
the opportunity to submit their views thereon.
7.1 Within 10 days after approval, certified true copies of MMDA Ordinances,
Regulations, Resolutions and other issuances shall be published in full in
two (2) newspapers of general circulation, Official Gazette and Office of
the National Registration at UP Law Center.
7.2 The MMDA Ordinances or Regulations and other issuances shall become
effective fifteen (15) days from date of publication unless a different date
is fixed therein.
The Council shall be responsible for the formulation of rules, policies and procedures
on the delivery of basic services requiring coordination/consolidation in Metropolitan
Manila for the operations of the Authority. It shall have regular Committees which
shall consider, investigate, hold public hearing or take actions within the scope of its
functions and on other matters referred to them.
1. The Chairman of the Committee shall from time to time, convene the
Committee to a meeting provided that if the Chairman fails/refuses/neglects
to convene such meetings, the Committee may, upon written request of a
majority thereof, call for and convene such meetings;
2. All proposed regulations/resolutions/issuances referred to the Committee
for study/investigation/recommendation shall be considered in the
Committee meeting and shall report the result thereof to the Council for
further deliberation and consideration
The Council, may from from to time also create an ad hoc committee for special
purposes and which shall cease to exist as soon as their reports have been submitted
to, and acted on by the Council. Ad-Hoc Committee shall be independent from the
regular committees but the procedure thereof shall be the same rules governing
regular committees.
The Council may decide to create an Executive Committee taking into account the
geographical representations thereon. Executive Sessions of the Council shall be
held behind closed doors where decisions thereto are considered confidential. The
restriction and ban on secrecy may be lifted by a 2/3 vote of the Council. Any member
who violates on the secrecy may be excluded from attending executive sessions.
Decision of the Executive Committee in Executive Session shall be binding if ratified
by majority vote of the Council.
The Committee shall have the power to create sub-committees and delegate to the
latter such functions as may be necessary.
5. Committee on Public Safety – All matters relating to the Police and Fire
Departments, regulations affecting the welfare and safety of the public,
general orders, enforcement of laws, ordinances, regulations and
maintenance of public order, prevention and abatement of public nuisances
and enforcement of existing laws and local ordinances within Metro Manila as
they affect public interest and general welfare.
12. Committee on Public Affairs – All matters relating to the relationship of the
Council and other government offices and agencies
Council Secretary – The Council Secretary shall establish the necessary technical,
consultative and secretariat support.
Voting – If the question is not debatable or debate has been closed, the Chairman
shall put
the same to vote
1. Those in affirmative shall raise their right hand or rise from their seats;
2. No member can vote on a question which he has a direct or personal
pecuniary interest. This does not preclude any member from voting for
himself as candidate for any position in the Council;
3. A member can change his vote only before the Chairman has announced
the result of the voting. After the announcement, a member can change his
vote only unanimous consent;
4. Any member may be allowed to explain his vote in not exceeding five (5)
5. No member may be compelled to vote. He may however, abstain from
6. No motion or question shall be entertained after the voting.
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Motions – Every motion filed by a member shall be included in the agenda. The
following rules shall be allowed in determining the order of preference of motions:
1. When a motion has been presented, the Chairman shall submit the same to
the Council for consideration. If in writing, the Chairman shall require the
Council Secretary to read it unless the reading is dispensed with. A motion
may be withdrawn at any time before a decision is made thereon.
2. When a question is under debate, no other motion except to adjourn, to
declare a recess, or to lay on the table, shall be entertained.
Reference: MMDA Resolution No. 12, Series of 1990
3. Motions to postpone to a definite date, motions to defer action and motions
to postpone indefinitely shall have preference in that order.
4. No motion or proposition pertaining to a subject different from that under
consideration shall be entertained under any guise or color.
5. A motion to strike out or to insert is indivisible. But if the motion is to strike
out has been lost, it shall not preclude an amendment.
6. A motion to read any part of these rules is equivalent to a call to order and
takes precedence over other motion except that to adjourn.
Unparliamentary Acts and Words – Sanctions, acts, words and declarations which
personally offend any person or public institution shall be declared unparliamentary.
Question of Privilege – Questions relating to the rights and privileges of the Council
or any of its members shall take precedence over all motions except those relating
to adjournment and recess.
Privilege Questions – shall include, beside questions of privilege, a call for the order
of the day and privilege motions relating to adjournment and recess
1. A call or the order of the day demands that the Council shall conform to the
order of business and such motions need not be seconded;
2. Any member shall have the right to demand that the order of business be
complied with.
Point of Order – All points of order may be raised at any time and such questions
shall be resolved by the Chairman immediately. The decision of the Chairman may
be appealed to the Council and a majority vote shall be sufficient to confirm or
reverse the decision made.
Privilege Speech – A member desiring to deliver a privilege speech may, with the
recognition of the Chairman speak for not more than thirty minutes (30).
Reference: MMDA Resolution No. 12, Series of 1990
Appearance or Report of Department Head – Any MMDA Official or employee
may be summoned in aid of legislative functions of the Council or its Ad-Hoc
Committee to report matters pertaining to his department. The Council or the
Committee concerned may take such action provided for by Sec. 3 par. F of RA 1319
otherwise known as anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, in case of failure of the
MMDA Official/employee to comply with summons or requests within a reasonable
time without proper justification.
Review of Rules of the Metro Manila Council – The Committee on Rules shall
conduct a continuing study, review and evaluation of the existing rules of the Council
and prepare an updated set of rules which shall be attended with the needs of the
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A. Face-to-face meeting
Board Secretary V
Computer Operator II
Stenographic Reporter II
V. Methodology
All information and materials produced from the PAS will only be released to
the public with proper authorization from the Authority.
Aside from dissemination of information, the PAS also assist the media, as
well as general public, by providing them with relevant data and documents about
the Authority’s programs and projects. It is responsible for the production of
Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials, such as official press,
video and photo releases and statements and other official presentations (AVPs),
intended for internal and external holders regarding the mandates of the Authority,
including but not limited to, flood control, solid waste, and traffic management.
The Digital Media Group (DMG) manages and maintains the MMDA social
media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Viber, Traffic Navigator App, LED
Boards, and Gmail) for information dissemination, response to inquiries, promotion
of advocacies, and other related information.
PCRMU and DMG are ad hoc offices under the direct supervision of the
Director of MMDA Public Affairs Staff.
a) Exercises overall supervision and control over activities and personnel of the
f) Establishes and maintains coordinative linkages with MMDA Offices and local
government units as well as with other government agencies to facilitate its
public assistance and public relations activities and projects;
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Information Officer IV
d) Directs the kind of press releases that should be farmed out to news media
outlets to achieve maximum exposure of projects and other activities of the
e) Plans and organizes coverage of important meetings and events that are of
public interest; and
f) Conducts periodic visits to public forums and service organizations for the
widespread circulation of information;
Information Officer II
e) Performs liaison work and establishes effective relations with various public
information agencies on communication media;
f) Promotes better understanding between the Authority and the general public;
Clerk II
c) Gathers and collates data and other statistics required by the Head of Office;
d) Takes charge in determining the needs of the staff for office supplies and other
such requirements;
e) Develops and implements a systematic filing system for office files and
f) Prepares periodic reports, personal matters, daily time record (DTR), etc.; and
Photographer II
b) Takes still pictures, both colored and black and white, of important events;
Computer Operator II
c) Personally attends to, reviews, and checks its operation to maintain a constant
standard of technical efficiency and effectiveness;
e) Files and maintains simple records of requests for audio-visual work; and
b) Controls inventory and prepares and submits requisition forms for supplies
and materials;
Photographer I
Hereunder is the present organizational structure of PAS which includes the MMDA
Band, PCRMU, and DMG.
Figure 1:
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Figure 2:
Figure 3:
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Figure 4:
Figure 5:
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It also serves as the central receiving and releasing unit of all requests for
information of the Agency.
The standard processing time is fifteen (15) working days from the date of
1. Incoming Documents
2. Recording of Documents
After receiving a document, it will be recorded in the Office logbook and will
be encoded in the Document Tracking System (DTS). Every document has
respective reference number to easily track and control the receiving,
releasing and retrieval of documents.
3. Outgoing Documents
4. Filing of Documents
All records are properly stored in a designated filing box for future reference.
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The Management Information System of MMDA started its humble beginning with only
1 server housing the database for the employees’ salaries. In 1998, with then-Chairman
Jejomar C. Binay at the helm of the Authority, the MMDA computerization began. This
has leveled up the playing field for the MMDA when it comes to processed information
dissemination, with the help of various systems such as the Document Tracking System,
TVR Management System, MMDA Portal/Website among others running through the
newly built Local Area Network and stored in multiple servers and workstations. Over
time, these systems were either upgraded or replaced to step up the Information
Technology assets of the Authority. Today, with the presence of our own Information
Systems Strategic Plan (ISSP), various major systems are currently in place (some of
which are at the end-stages of completion) to cater to the needs of the agency both
internally and externally. And with these IT concepts at hand, the agency can be
competitive and efficient in delivering basic services to the metropolis.
The MISS aims to provide processed information to the agency executives which shall
be basis for decision making to improve the agency’s agenda to better serve the public.
A graphical user interface (GUI) computer with computing power somewhere between
a personal computer and a minicomputer (although sometimes the distinction is rather
fuzzy). Workstations are useful for development and for applications that require a
moderate amount of computing power and relatively high quality graphics capabilities.
Graphical user interface; a mouse-based system that contains icons, drop-down menus,
and windows where you point and click to indicate what you want to do. All new Windows
and Macintosh computers currently being sold utilize this technology.
Local area network; a network that extends over a small area (usually within a square
mile or less). Connects a group of computers for the purpose of sharing resources such
as programs, documents, or printers. Shared files often are stored on a central file
A term that is often used to describe the main network connections that comprise the
Internet or other major network.
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A worldwide network based on the TCP/IP protocol that can connect almost any make
or model of popular computers from micros to supercomputers. Special programs called
"clients" enable users with a network connection to do things like process e-mail or
browse web sites using the familiar interface of a desktop computer.
Wireless Fidelity; A generic term from the Wi-Fi Alliance that refers to of any type of
802.11 network (e.g., 802.11b, 802.11a, dual-band, etc.). Products approved as "Wi-
Fi Certified" (a registered trademark) are certified as interoperable with each other for
wireless communications.
'Content Management System' is the collection of procedures used to manage work
flow in a collaborative environment. In a CMS, data can be defined as nearly anything:
documents, movies, pictures, phone numbers, scientific data, and so forth. CMSs are
frequently used for storing, controlling, revising, semantically enriching, and publishing
documentation. Serving as a central repository, the CMS increases the version level
of new updates to an already existing file. Version control is one of the primary
advantages of a CMS.
A computer that is responsible for responding to requests made by a client program
(e.g., a web browser or an e-mail program) or computer. Also referred to as a "file
IT – Information Technology
GUI – Graphical User Interface
DTR - Daily time record
e-NGAS - Electronic New Government Accounting System
LAN - Local area network
CCTV - Closed circuit television
DICT - Department of Information and Communications Technology
PLDT - Philippine Long Distance Telephone
STO - Shielded twisted pair
UTP - Unshielded twisted pair
MBPS - Megabytes per second
ISP - Internet Service Provider
OAGMP - Office of the Assistant General Manager for Planning
PAS - Public Affairs Service
TAB - Traffic Adjudication Board
SWMO - Solid Waste Management Office
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2. Indentify top management data requirements, as well as, data requirementsof operating
units and identify data source and data deviation
3. Collate and classify data, and design necessary data configuration to purposes of
computer-based data retrieval and specific information reporting formats
4. Set up mechanism for safeguarding and accuracy of data, integrity, and computer library /
files management
The main goal of MIS is to modernize our way of processing things by building an automated
environment in MMDA to deliver quick response to transactions whether inter-office/inter-
agency or public transactions through the use of information and communications
technology, and to keep updated with the latest innovation to maintain the level of
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Director II
Management Information Systems Staff
1. Supervises the maintenance and expansion of the MMDA Local AreaNetwork (LAN)
and Interconnectivity.
1. DTR Administrator
2. Supervises all Biometric Field Scanning
3. DTR processing and printing
4. Prepares certification for defective scanning areas
1. Website Administrator
2. DTR Administrator
3. DTS Administrator
4. HRIS Administrator
5. AMS Administrator
6. GAD focal person for MIS
7. Assisted in maintenance of e-NGAS (Electronic New Government Accounting
8. Other assigned tasks
1. DTR Administrator
2. DTS Administrator
3. HRIS Administrator
4. AMS Administrator
5. Data Manager MMDA Vaccination Program
6. MIS Disbursing Officer
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4. Conducts registration of newly hired employees for daily time record atscanning
EDUARDO G. VERONA - Traffic Aide I
1. MISS technician
2. MMDA Domain Network Administrator for MIS
3. In-charge of Preventive Maintenance of MMDA computers
1. MISS technician
2. MMDA Domain Network Administrator for MIS
3. In-charge of Preventive Maintenance of MMDA computers
3. Assists in reprinting, sorting and releasing of employees’ DTRs
4. Delivers documents to other offices
1. MISS technician
2. Vaccination Tasking (encoding of records, releasing of vaccination
3. In-charge of Preventive Maintenance of MMDA computers
4. DTR Processing and printing
1. MISS technician
2. In-charge of Preventive Maintenance of MMDA computers
A.1 This section describes the components of the MMDA campus LAN infrastructure as
illustrated in Figure 1.
A.2 The connections (backbone and uplink) of the various devices that form the
campus LAN infrastructure are illustrated in figure 1.
A.3 There are 72 network devices connected to the campus LAN infrastructure:
- 3 units of router;
- 66 units of switches;
- 3 units of switches.
- IP cameras and devices of CCTV network infrastructure are excluded.
A.4 There are 562 workstations connected to the New campus LAN infrastructure:
- 12 units of servers (CCTV servers are excluded)
- 550 units of PCs
A.6 The physical scope of the campus LAN infrastructure consists of the
- Main Office building;
- Communication and Command Center Building;
- Annex A building; and
- Annex B building
A.7 As shown in Figure 1, the uplink connectivity between buildings & floors is made
thru the use of shielded twisted pair (STO) and unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
cables. The connection’s capacity is limited to 100 Mbps.
A.8 The backbone capacity of CCTV network is 1000 Mbps. Campus LAN utilizes
the backbone to allow clients’ applications to cross the entire network. Campus
LAN and CCTV network infrastructures are spontaneously expanding with an
assorted mix of devices that is difficult to manage and accommodate changing
user needs.
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C.1 Access points and wireless routers are devices that allow Wi-Fi enabled
devices (such as laptop, tablet, smartphones, etc.) to access network
resources (e.g. Internet).
C.2 Access point devices were installed at the Office of the Chairman.
OAGMP, Legal Services, and PAS. Also, wireless routers were installed
at the Office of the General Manager and TAB.
C.3 All access points and wireless routers are connected to the campus
LAN infrastructure.
C.4 There are 30 Wi-Fi enabled devices with access to network resources
in the campus LAN:
On July 2012, Administrative Order No.39 was passed. All NGAs, GFIs,
GOCCs, and inter-agency collaborations, programs and projects were
mandated to completely migrate their websites to the Government Web
Hosting Service (GWHS) of the Department of Science and Technology
– Information and Communications Technology Office (DOST-ICTO)
within one (1) year from the effectivity of AO 39 (July 12, 2013).
The new website of MMDA which was designed following the GWT -
Government Web Template per Administrative Order 39, was put live
on December 23, 2014.
Using the prescribed CMS Joomla, the migration of the old MMDA website
to the Government Web Hosting Site started on January, 2014 and was
completed on July, 2014.
o I. Agency's Mandate, Vision, Mission and List of Officials
o II. Annual Financial Reports
o III. DBM Approved Budget and Targets
o IV. Projects, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation
o V. Annual Procurement Plan
o VI. QMS Certification of at least one core process by an international certifying body (ICB)
o VII. System of Ranking Delivery Units and Individuals
o VIII. The Agency Review and compliance Procedure of Statements and Financial
o IX. MMDA Freedom of Information People's Manual
o X. MMDA Citizen's Charter
o XI. Modifications made pursuant to the general and special provisions in the FY 2018
GAA (Not Applicable)
o XII. Annual Reports on the Status of income authorized by law to be deposited outside
the National Treasury
o XIII. Operations Manual (ISO 9001-Aligned QMS Documents)
o XV. Major Programs and Projects categorized in accordance with the five key results
areas under EO No. 43, series 2011
o XVI. Accomplishment Reports
o XVII. Compliance on PHILGEPS / Posting and Publication of Bids and Awards
o XVIII. Performance Based Bonus Documents
MMDA Social Media
Employee Portal
AGENCY FOOTER (Directory of Agency)
STANDARD FOOTER (Link of Government Directory)
Standard Operating Procedure for Submission of Articles for Posting to the Website
The above mentioned guidelines and protocol have been discussed with the
concerned offices. A memorandum was also disseminated stating the
standard operating procedures for submission of articles. Only articles who
met the standard guidelines will be posted. Those not following the standards
set for the purpose may cause delay in posting of the article(s) submitted.
Image 01 – MISS-RWP-007
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E.1 The MMDA Biometric Time Keeping System, generally known as the Attendance
Monitoring System, is a process by which fingerprint recognition using biometric
technology is used to record the daily attendance of MMDA employees. Fingerprint is
a form of biometrics which is used to identify individuals for purposes of recording their
time of entry and exit in the MMDA facilities.
- There are a total of 72 scanners (11 PC based and 61 portable scanners) used by
6,714 users located in 72 stations.
- There are seven personnel involved in retrieving data from the devices in the
different stations, and another four (4) in printing the DTRs.
E.2.1 All employees are required to enroll or register in the Biometric Timekeeping
System at MISS;
E.2.2 Newly hired personnel with “job order” status are also required to register
at the MISS;
E.2.4 When either of the indices is not recognized by the scanner, other fingers
are scanned. Ex. left and right middle fingers or left and right thumbs
E.2.5 Assignment of scanning station where personnel are allowed to scan after
registration at MISS. This is based on the proximity of work area;
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E.2.7 In the event that a scanner in the field breaks down, the personnel should log
and sign his name on a logbook which is made available in the area all the time.
E.3.1 On PC-based scanner the employee keys in his/her number on the numeric
E.3.2 After this procedure, he/she puts his/her right or left index finger on the
fingerprint scanner (Computer-based & Portable scanners).
E.3.3 With portable scanner, there is no need to key-in number as this appears on the
screen of the device as soon as the finger is scanned.
E.3.4 As soon as fingerprint is recognized by the system, the computer flashes his/her
name on the monitor together with the time of scanning as proof that he/she
scanned for that particular period. This is quickly indicated by a green bar at the
bottom of the monitor. In our portable scanners, the device will say “Thank You”
(audio) if the employee’s fingerprint is recognized.
E.3.5 In case the system experiences difficulty reading the employee’s finger
- the computer-based scanner will deny the transaction by flashing a red bar at
the bottom of the monitor thereby indicating that the employee should againtry
to scan his/her fingerprint on the scanner.
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- the portable scanner will say “Please Try Again” (audio) to prompt the employee
to try to scan his/her fingerprint again.
- the concerned employee proceeds to the MISS office to ask for assistance,
(for main office-based PC scanners); or
- the concerned employee will ask the help of our administrator assigned in the
area (for field-based scanners).
E.3.7 The immediate remedy for this kind of problem is through another fingerprint
registration done by our technicians/DTR Staff in the Main Office and our DTR
Administrators in the field scanning station.
E.4.1 The database from the scanning stations (in the field office and from the main
office stations) is backed up with the use of USB flash drive by the System Administrator.
E.4.2 From the USB flash drive, the data is uploaded to the Biometric Timekeeping
System at the Head Office. Uploaded data is extracted and interpreted by our Biometric
software, after which it is printed in DTR form.
o For personnel on “job orders” a n d “ O y s t e r , ” DTRs are prepared after the 15th &
and 30th/31st of each month.
o For permanent employees, DTRs are prepared after the end of each month.
E.4.3 The DTRs are sorted per office/unit to facilitate retrieval by the different
administrative officers of concerned offices.
E.4.4 The administrative officer of each office/unit claims the DTRs of their personnel
from MISS office and signs the MISS log book as proof of claim.
E.4.5 The release of the DTRs is documented through the use of the outgoing logbook.
E.4.6 In case of damage/loss of DTR, a duly accomplished from is required for the
issuance of a reprinted DTR (please see Image 03 – MISS-RRD-011).
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Image 02 – MIS-BRF-006
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Image 03 – MISS-RRD-011
7 1 Katipunan (600 Base) Jonas Reyes C-5 Katipinan, QC
8 1 Marcos H'way Efren Ables Marcos H'way, Pasig
9 1 Quezon Ave/Sct. Roces Jonas Reyes Quezon Ave
Valencia St., Sta Mesa,
10 1 T.E.C.(Sta. Mesa) Renesar Ramirez Manila
11 1 Kamias Rey Bautista Edsa / Kamias, Q.C.
Festival Town Center,
12 1 Alabang Ed Verona Alabang
13 1 Arroceros P.S. Marquez Arroceros St., Manila
14 1 Aviles P.S. R. Rivera Nagtahan, Manila
Commonwealth Ave.,
15 1 Balara (900 Base) Rey Bautista Quezon City
16 1 Balintawak Cloverleaf Jonas Reyes Balintawak
17 1 Binondo PS Mark Marquez Binondo, Manila
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There are forty one (42) desktop PCs in MMDA which are installed with the
software in the following offices:
F.3.1 Accounting Division (FAAS- Financial Account Analysis Section) –16 personnel
F.3.2 Budget Division – 13 personnel
F.3.3 COA (Commission on Audit) –5 personnel
F.3.4 Supply and Property Division – 5 personnel
F.4.4 To run scripts sent by COA to fix system errors and updates system; and
F.4.5 To back-up database every end of the month.
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a. Background
The rising volume of vehicles and pedestrians using the roads of Metro
Manila contributes to our worsening traffic congestion.
In view of this, MMDA has come up with the Metro Road Rules
Enforcement System that may be able to deliver systematic approaches
in dealing with traffic enforcement within Metro Manila.
b. System Overview
Under this system, every traffic officer apprehends erring motorists with
the usual way of physically accosting motorists when he commits any
traffic violation. The apprehending officer, upon issuing a Unified
Ordinance Violation Receipt (UOVR) will no longer have to confiscate
the driver’s license or the car plates. The issued UOVR already contains
the violation code and its corresponding fine/amount, thus, they have
the option to pay the fine in the bank (Metrobank) with whom we have
entered into a service agreement.
d. Web Server of MRRES-2 transactions share one (1) physical server unit with
the Database Server.
f. There are 31 PCs connected to the campus LAN infrastructure with access on
the MRRES Web servers:
- 3 PCs for LTO connectivity at the Redemption;
- 9 PCs for TTMD at the Redemption;
- 5 PCs for Verification at the Redemption;
- 5 PCs for TOS at 6th floor of MMDA Main Office;
- 6 PCs for Data at 7th floor of MMDA Main Office; and
- 3 PCs for TDO at 2nd floor of Communications and Command Center.
g. Attachments:
a. System Overview
b. System Process
I.1.1 MISS conducts computer inventory every year using the form MISS-CI-009
(please see Image 04 – MISS-CI-009). Based on the inventory conducted on
January to December 31, 2021, there are 917 (30 Servers) working units of
computers and 103 Laptop and and 367 printers.
I.1.2 Out of the 915 working units, the processor with the highest number is Intel Core
i5, followed Intel Core i3, followed by Intel core i7 & Intel Core 2 Duo, followed
by Intel Celeron G1840, followed by Intel Pentium 4 and Intel Pentium dual core,
followed by Intel Xeon, followed by Intel Pentium D, followed by Intel Pentium,
followed by Intel core 2 quad, followed by Intel core, and Others.
Information System
Image 04 MISS-CL-009
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- The system locks up or hangs. This can caused by improperly seated CPU and/or
heatsink, inadequate thermal paste between the CPU and the heatsink, and
malfunctioning heatsink fan.
Image 05 – MISS-SRF-001v2
Image 07 – MISS-ICT-003
a. Description
b. Steps
Step 1: Step 5:
Step 2:
Step 4:
Image 09 – MISS-FSVS-0004
Image 10 – MIS-PCES-008v2
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Before the rollout of MMDA’s Vaccination Program in April 2021, the MISS
has started the development of a system called the “MMDA Vaccination
System” to computerize MMDA’s health profile and vaccination records. The
system was designed to comply with DICT’s dta structure requirement. The
system development was done in-house and the team used the existing
network infrastructure of the Agency with the acquisition of five (5) new
computers to complement the existing units for encoding.
All the data encoded in the system are submitted to the Makati health
Information Management System (MHIMS) for uploading to the DICT-VIMS.
During the early to the mid-90s, there were attempts by 2 private firms, i.e.
Magsaysay Lines and StarCraft Ferry, to provide passenger ferry service using boats
with different build and capacity and small makeshift stations along the Pasig River.
Unfortunately, the foul smell emanating from the polluted river, the presence of illegal
structures built on the river banks and the poor condition of the makeshift stations
negated the financial viability of these private enterprises leading to their closure after
only about a year of operations.
In 2007, the ferry service was resumed along the Pasig River and Marikina
River with a franchise granted by MARINA to the Nautical Transport Services, Inc.
(NTSI) by virtue of a tri-partite agreement among the Pasig River Rehabilitation
Commission (PRRC), Department of Transportation and Communication (DOTC)
and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA).
During the said year, the PRRC, through an ADB loan, built several
permanent ferry stations along the two (2) rivers with appropriate pontoons or landing
platforms which were then utilized by NTSI. However, the same factors experienced
by the earlier firms including some unfinished and poorly located ferry stations as
well as the adverse impact on boat efficiencies due to the overabundant water
hyacinth along the river forced NTSI to stop operations after 4 years.
On April 2014, the MMDA re-launched the Pasig River Ferry Service (PRFS) by
rehabilitating the ferry stations built by PRRC and initially used second-hand and
privately leased ferry boats to serve the commuters. From then on until this time, the
Operations Manual used was the one prepared by PRRC wherein the policies,
standards and procedures were largely based on a private firm providing the ferry
boats in the conduct of the ferry operations. Manpower at the ferry stations were
deployed by MMDA and PRRC until 2016.
Full control of the PRFS operations started with the official turnover of the
PRRC-controlled ferry stations to MMDA in January 2017. As earlier mentioned, the
Authority leased privately-operated ferry boats but eventually purchased brand new
ferry boats, rehabilitated all the ferry stations and pontoons as well as improved the
boat dockyard located at the MMDA Napindan Hydraulic Control Structure (NHCS)
in Pasig City for the maintenance and repair of the ferry boats.
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In 2019, with the support of the Office of the President and private sector
partners, the PRFS acquired new and bigger capacity ferry boats and offered Free
Rides to expand ferry ridership as well as meet the transport needs of the growing
number of ferry commuters particularly students. Unfortunately, the PRFS operation
was suspended with the imposition of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
on 16 March 2020 to fight the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic which plagued the
country. After putting in place health and safety protocols to protect the riding public
as well as the boat crew and station personnel from the transmission of the virus, the
PRFS operations was resumed on 03 August 2020 up to the present.
The crafting of the PRFS Operations Manual aims to achieve the following:
Station - a stopping place for boat or other land conveyances, for the
of passengers.
Radio - an apparatus used for receiving and transmitting information
stations,boats and Napindan dockyard.
1. Organizational Chart
2. General
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The development of the PRFS Operations Manual was made imperative on account
of the following:
The Pasig River Ferry Service is now a fully integrated operations consisting of
the boat fleet, dockyard and ferry stations with the support from established
administrative and finance services units of the MMDA
The MMDA Quality Management System requires the regular updating of the
PRFS systems and procedures for continuous quality improvement in the ferry
Re-launch special tours for students and tourists in coordination with concerned
government agencies as soon as travel restrictions are lifted
Strict enforcement of the required repairs and maintenance of the ferry boats
and stations including the dockyard
Hire additional personnel and conduct relevant skills training for PRFS
Strict compliance with health and safety protocols and guidelines in all PRFS
facilities to ensure the overall well-being of passengers and PRFS personnel
Station Assignments
* There will be one assigned Administrative Officer for all operating stations
of the
Pasig Ferry stations
* Deployment of personnel shall be determined from the Central station with
Approval of the PRFS Head & Head Admin.
* Safety and welfare of the passengers shall be given priority in all stations
* PRFS personnel shall extend proper and utmost courtesy to all passengers
* The use of abusive words, profane or vulgar language, assault and battery
be strictly prohibited.
* Excessive noise shall be prohibited during office hours/ station operational
* Personnel are prohibited from spreading false rumors and fomenting
among other employees. Dishonesty with malicious intent is discourage
* Personnel conflict/dispute which include, but is not limited to examples such
as fighting, instigating a fight, physical assault upon or any threat to any
shall not be expressed while inside the station premises.
* Vandalism or the willful destruction of any property inside the station which
includes but not limited to examples such as writing, drawing or posting
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* All personnel shall at all times be required to wear the Official ID card
which shall
be presented upon entry into the station premises
* Personnel under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not allowed to enter
station premises.
A certain employee need to exercise good judgement and always arrive for work
Groomed and in an overall neat and clean appearance.
* Personnel shall wear the prescribe uniform while on duty unless proper
Authorized exceptions.
* Uniforms shall be clean, and maintained in good condition. Wearing of
inside the station is prohibited unless justifiable. All personnel must present
Neat and well groomed appearance at all times when entering the station
Premises on or off duty.
* No wearing of earrings for male personnel while on duty
* Pubic Assistance
- Only children above 5 years old are allowed, however they required
to log in
the passengers manifest
- Smoking inside the station premises and ferry boat is not allowed
Wearing of face masks for passengers and PRFS personnel at the stations
and dockyard at all time.
Body temperature checks for all personnel reporting at the stations, boats and
In case of an emergency, the PRFS personnel are tasked to implement the following
Immediately call in the emergency to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), the
MMDA Metrobase and Guadalupe Central Station by radio or cellular phone
for appropriate action
Only skilled and trained PRFS personnel shall respond to the emergency such
as the provision of first aid, rescue of a drowning person, fire-fighting, etc.
In case of a disaster that will involve rescue, transport of people, medicine and relief
goods along the Pasig River, the PRFS shall be called upon to extend help in
mitigating the impact of the disaster.
During a disaster, all PRFS personnel not directly affected by the disaster shall report
to their respective work areas for deployment and conduct of rescue and relief
The Security Service Provider, through their Security Guard, is mandated to strictly
enforce the following security measures:
Always wear a smile and greet all MMDA officials, employees, commuters
Request all commuters to present any valid ID with pictures for compliance
are allowed to pay the ferry fare, fill-up the Passenger Manifest and seat at
safekeeping by the Boat Captain and release the firearm(s) to the PIA upon
drugs during inspection and immediately call for assistance from the nearest
Check and maintain cleanliness and sanitation of boats to be deployed
Weekly accomplishment report and daily boat deployment report are prepared and
submitted to the Office of the Assistant General Manager for Operations for
8:15 8:20 8:22 8:40 8:55 9:00 9:10 9:15 9:20 9:35 9:30
8:00 7:00
10:00 9:00
12:00 11:00
2:00 1:00
4:00 3:00
2. Development Planning,
7. Public Safety
Under the leadership of then Acting MMDA Chairman Thomas M. Orbos, the
External Relations Office was officially created by virtue of Office Order No. 19,
Series of 2017, through the consent and with the approval of the Metro Manila
Council (MMC) by the issuance of MMC Resolution 17-01, dated March 7, 2017.
b. The Office of the Deputy Chairman shall forward the said request/s to
the External Relations Office (ERO-MMDA) to call the attention of the
concerned Action Officer.
b. The Office of the Deputy Chairman shall forward said the request to
the External Relations Office (ERO-MMDA) to call the attention of the
concerned action officer.
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Section 12 of the Republic Act 7924 creating the Metropolitan Manila Development
Authority (MMDA) provided that the Chairman shall be assisted in the discharge of
his powers, duties and functions by a General Manager, an Assistant General
Manager for Planning, an Assistant General Manager for Operations, and an
Assistant General Manager for Finance and Administration.
2.2 The Legal and Legislative Affairs Staff was established to support the General
Manager concerning legal and legislative matters.
2.3 The Corporate Planning and Management Staff was established to support the
General Manager concerning corporate strategic planning and assessment of
performance of the various operating centers and units of MMDA.
2.4 A Core Staff under the supervision of a Chief of Staff assists the General
Manager in the effective performance of his functions.
4.1 The performance monitoring and reporting of the Office of the General Manager
and its staff is governed by the existing MMDA Strategic Planning and
Management System and in accordance with the guidelines set by the Civil
Service Commission.
4.2 The Chief of Staff regularly monitors and reviews the performance rating of the
Core Staff and Support Staff and recommends for its approval.
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The Legal and Legislative Affairs Staff (LLAS) of the MMDA provides legal
services, counseling, and advice to the Agency and its officials and employees so that
MMDA programs are administered in accordance with legal and legislative authorities.
LLAS is divided into two divisions: the Investigation Group and Legal Research
Group. The Investigation Group is tasked to handle court cases, conducts investigation
and resolution of any form of complaints received by the LLAS, provides legal advice and
issues Clearance/Certification of No Pending Cases to employees. On the other hand, the
Legal Research Group is responsible for the gathering and analyzing research data such
as statutes, decisions, legal articles, codes and documents that will help lawyers to confirm
information relevant to their court cases, hearings and pleadings and other meetings that
needed them to render legal opinions/comments, preparing Position Papers, Contracts and
other legal documents.
The purpose and scope of this Operational Manual is to describe in detailed the
functions, duties and responsibilities, its personnel composition, processes and system of
the Legal and Legislative Affairs Staff (LLAS).
TOTAL 15 5 4 24
1. Handling Court Cases
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The LLAS represents and defends the Agency’s interest, as well as its employees, in
courts and private companies. It initiates litigation in case of court examinations.
This function is fulfilled by the following activities:
a.) Preparation of pleadings, protocols, claims and counter-claims;
b.) Representation of Agency in Courts and Quasi-Judicial bodies;
c.) Investigation and Research of relevant laws and jurisprudence;
d.) Examination and preparation of witnesses for trial;
e.) Protection of the Agency, as well as it employees’ rights and interests in judicial
and/or quasi-judicial settings
Attached on the next page are the Process Workflow of the following LLASA functions:
1. Court Representation
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1. Receiving of Records
All documents received at LLAS are received by the assigned Receiving Clerk, putting a
receiving stamp on the document received, indicating her name, the actual date and time she
received the documents.
2. Recording of Documents
After receiving a document, this will be recorded in a logbook in accordance to its subject
matter. The following logbooks are maintained at LLAS:
A. Court Cases – includes all pleadings received in different Courts and cases from the
Office of the Ombudsman, CSC and CHR
B. LRC Cases- all Land Registration Cases (LRC) were exclusively log in this book
C. Towing – all complaints against accredited Towing Services of MMDA and its crew
D. Admin Complaints- complaints against erring MMDA employees
E. WALK-IN COMPLAINTS- all received complaints that will refer to Other Offices for
investigation and resolution of their respective Administrative Investigation Officer
F. MOA/Contract- received MOA/contracts for review
G. Travel Order- Notice of Meetings requiring LLAS to attend
H. BAC- all documents relative to Bids and Awards Committee (BAC)
I. INCOMING COMMUNICATIONS- all documents that does not belong to the above-
mentioned classification such Memorandum, Letters, Office Orders, Special
Orders, Office Issuances, Accomplishment Reports, etc.
Every document will have its respective reference number to easily tract and control the
receiving, releasing and retrieval of documents.
Aside from logbook, LLAS also maintains database of records and weekly monitored for
updating of records and accomplishment reports.
3. Releasing of Documents
Before releasing a document, this will be photocopied first in order to have an Office file
copy. A security of electronic records is also maintained to ensure the recovery of records. This
will be properly recorded on their respective logbooks based on their respective reference
numbers. This will also be logged in their respective database.
4. Filing of Documents
LLAS designed a file classification scheme to provide efficient access to records.
Providing an appropriate registration, classification and indexing scheme helps the Records
Officer to control all the legal documents.
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All records to be filed will be classified whether it is an active or inactive file. Active files
(current records) include pleadings of active cases, references that are used for day to day
operations, issuances, guidelines, office orders, memorandums issued within three (3) years.
Inactive files, on the other hand, include pleadings, decisions/resolutions of cases, archived files
or issuances, guidelines, office orders, memorandums issued four (4) years ago.
All records are stored in a designated storage facility. Status of court cases are also
maintained in a database to easily tract the status of each case.
I. Introduction
The Corporate Planning and Management Staff (CPMS), as one of the offices under the
Office of the General Manager (OGM), serves as the key coordinating, validating, and
documenting body of the Agency in terms of continuing study and analyses of agency mandates,
existing strategies, policies and programs, and resources; scanning the environment for
developments that shall impose on the Authority; facilitating the Corporate Planning Activity;
preparing Highlights of Agency Accomplishment Reports; reviewing/validating Initial
Performance Assessment of MMDA offices/units; and providing secretariat work for the holding
of Directors’/Organizational meetings as called by the Chairman.
With the thrust of ensuring the timely submission of all the required reports to the National
Government Agencies concerned necessary in the approval of the Agency’s Budget and
ultimately in the delivery of its mandated metro-wide services that redound to the benefit of the
general public, this manual specifically explains the various functions of the CPMS and the
processes involved in accomplishing the same, its organizational structure as well as the different
forms/templates utilized by it in the preparation and submission of office reports.
II. General Information about CPMS and the Selected Areas of Operations
inclusive of the Head of Office. Two (2) personnel (Mr. Ersan Jimenez and Ms. Rosalie Mando)
are the additional personnel in Job Order and OYSTER status at the CPMS since 2019 and 2021.
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Below is the Organizational Chart of the Office of the General Manager (OGM). Under the
DBM-approved NOSCA, only the CPMS and the Legal and Legislative Affairs Staff are under the
Office of the General Manager.
Atty. Cesar Ona
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The Corporate Planning (Corplan) Activity is held once a year or as may be approved by
the Chairman. It chiefly starts with a recommendation initiated by the CPMS. Once approved
by the Chairman, the CPMS prepares all the necessary office communications e.g. Special
Order, memoranda, Corplan forms/ templates, Corplan Programme, Corplan Guidelines,
conduct of pre Corplan meetings participated by CPMS Personnel, MMDA Officials, Heads
of different offices/ units, preparation of Corplan kit and all pertinent papers/ documents/
attachments, scouting and ocular inspection of Corplan venue and coordination with the Hotel
Management as well as engaging the services of Corplan Facilitator under the direct
supervision of the General Manager. The CPMS also provides technical assistance/ inputs in
the preparation of sectoral Corplan reports/ forms to be presented by clustered units during
the Corplan Activity. After the Corplan Activity, the CPMS prepares / documents the Highlights
of Corplan Proceedings for submission to the General Manager and the Chairman.
Consolidating the Accomplishment Reports (ARs) of the units of the Agency is also
another core function of the CPMS as these reports, after thorough review and consolidation
by CPMS, are regularly submitted to the Congress, the Department of Budget and
Management (DBM), Commission on Audit (COA), and to MMDA’s top officials.
As a means to providing timely and accurate executive summaries or highlights of
Accomplishment Reports, the CPMS in a quarterly, semi-annual and annual basis prepares
appropriate memoranda to all units/ departments of the Agency to submit their respective
Accomplishment Reports (ARs) within a specified period. These unit Accomplishment
Reports once submitted, undergo reviews by CPMS personnel in a clustered manner. Close
coordination with the staff of units/ departments/ divisions who prepared the accomplishment
reports are regularly done for the clarification and/ or rectification of possible errors monitored
by CPMS personnel. After review/ evaluation of the Accomplishment Reports, the CPMS
prepares the Agency Highlights of Accomplishments for submission to DBM and Congress
though the Office of the Assistant General Manager for Finance and Administration
(OAGMFA) or the Budget Division and to COA and top management officials.
Similar to the process carried out in order to collate office Accomplishment Reports, the
first process necessary to be able to evaluate the OPCRs is to issue a memorandum to all
units/departments of the Agency to submit their respective OPCRs within a specified period.
Once submitted, the OPCRs are distributed/ assigned to CPMS Personnel for the review/
validation of the initial assessments/ ratings made by the respective heads of offices/ units in
accordance with the Performance Rating Guidelines of the SPMS (MC No. 8) as a means for
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Evaluation/validation is done after the assessment period which is every six (6) months or
on a semestral basis. Close coordination with the staff of units/ departments/ divisions who
prepared OPCRs are regularly done for clarification and/ or to rectify errors committed in the
preparation of the OPCRs.
After review/validation, the OPCRs as validated/assessed by CPMS are collated for
submission, review, and final approval thereof by the Chairman as recommended by the
Performance Management Team (PMT).
4. Provision of technical, administrative and secretariat services to:
recommending for
approval of Contract
and revised Special
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DBM issues Memoramdum
DBM Circular requiring
submission of
Accomplishment Report
Division submits Agency
NT submission of Report to DBM, COA and
OAGMFA / Accomplishment Report Congress
Budget Div.
OC signs CPMS-prepared Final approval of OPCRs
OC Memo requiring submission by Chairman
Records disseminates
Memo to MMDA Offices
MMDA Accomplishment / / Units
submission of OPCR to
Coordination /
discussion with
MMDA offices / units END
re Assessment rating
CORPORAT CPMS monitors / collects /
E consolidates OPCRs CPMS recommends
PLANNING OPCRs for Chairman’s
& approval
Review and Evaluation of
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The OAGMP Operations Manual aims to facilitate the activities of the Office
such as implementation of projects, regular activities, and formulations of
development plans and policy directions, among others.
For the purpose of this operations manual, the following terminologies are
hereby defined:
Project - a special undertaking carried out within a definite time frame and
intended to result in some predetermined measure of goods and services.
The Office’s mandates are highlighted in the following specific sections of the
▪ Republic Act 7924, Section 3e: “Urban renewal, zoning and land use
planning, and shelter services which includes the formulation, adoption and
implementation of policies, standards, rules and regulations, programs and
projects to rationalize and optimize urban land use and provide direction to
urban growth and expansion, the rehabilitation and development of shelter
and housing facilities and the provision of necessary social services
The OAGMP, in the performance of its duties and functions, is guided by the
following vision and mission statements:
a. Vision
b. Mission
a. Organizational Chart
b. Responsibilities
■ Formulate/update and submit to the MMDA Chairman, for Council
approval, long and medium term metropolitan development plans, land
use plans and zoning ordinances, including annual/medium-term
investment programs, in consultation with concerned agencies, local
government units and the private sector and in conformity with national
development policies and guidelines;
The MDPS comprises two divisions, namely the Plans and Programs
Formulation Division and the Plans and Programs Evaluation Division.
Similarly, the PPSDS also comprised two divisions, namely the Land
Resource Management and Zoning Division and the Urban Development
Metropolitan Manila”, the MMDA shall serve as the Secretariat for the RDC-
NCR. The OAGMP through its technical staff core group shall be part of the
RDC Secretariat staff as mandated by Section 21 of MMDA Resolution No.
02-47 s2002 (IRR for the RDC-NCR).
1. Submits to the RDC-NCR/MMDA Chairman the request for
issuance of RDC endorsement of the proposed
ct Proponent
- RDC-NCR 2. RDC Secretariat requires the program/project proponent to
Secretariat submit the following documents, as applicable:
- Program/ a. Feasibility Study
Project b. Traffic Impact Assessment Study
Proponent c. Flood Control Study
d. Environmental Impact Assessment Study
e. Environmental Compliance Certificate
f. Resettlement Action Plan
g. Conceptual Plan
h. Endorsement from the Local Chief Executive/s of the
LGU/s affected
i. Traffic Management Plan
j. Project Brief
k. Implementation Schedule
l. Cost and Financing
DBM 1. Issuance of memorandum circular re: Budget
With the consolidation of the HLURB and the Housing and Urban
Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) into the Department of
Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) last 14 February
2019 by virtue of Republic Act No.11201, the OAGMP now reviews said
CLUPs and ZOs with the DHSUD-National Capital Region (DHSUD-
NCR) and the DHSUD-Environmental, Land Use and Urban Planning
and Development Bureau (DHSUD-ELUPDB) prior to the approval of the
Metro Manila Council for endorsement to the DHSUD for ratification.
10.2.C. LGU refines the plan consistent with the LOCAL Three
3. recommendations of the reviewing body. GOVERNM (3)
Close coordination between the LGU and ENT UNIT weeks
the reviewing body is recommended to (LGU)
facilitate the refinement. If necessary,
LGU conducts a public hearing among
stakeholders affected by the revisions and
critical comments from that activity.
* Time period for review is temporarily
halted when documents are returned to
the LGU. LGU may request for an
extension if they could not comply by 3
10.2.C. LGU shall publish the ratified CLUP and LGU Two
17 ZO consistent with Section 59 of the Local (2)
Government Code (R.A. 7160) weeks
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Source: DHSUD Memorandum CircularFLOW
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● Concept Papers
● Policy Papers
● Position Papers
● Legal Documents (e.g. MOA, MOU, etc.)
● Terms of References
The processing time for the major technical documents in which is based on
the Republic Act No. 11032 or also known as the “Ease of Doing Business and
Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018, which will be three (3)
working days for simple transactions, seven (7) days for complex transactions,
and 20 working days for highly technical ones. Most of the time, major technical
documents are classified as highly technical or in some cases it will require a
planning process and one of which is a consultation with concerned
stakeholders. For the case of RDP and RDIP, it follows a certain timetable and
procedures in accordance with a certain given set of guidelines from the
National Economic Development Authority (NEDA).
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4. Provision of Data/Information
For requests for interviews, the researcher is to be contacted for the schedule
of the interview. The interview can be done either physically/virtually.
The OAGMP, upon the instructions of the Chairman and requests by other
officials, prepares needed Presentations, Speeches and Information Education
Campaign (IEC) Materials to be used for meetings, events and activities
participated by the Agency.
Not regular convening and meetings, only in preparation for conduct of census.
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All outputs are discussed by the technical staff with their respective Division
Chiefs prior to submission to the concerned Director. The Director will then
review the output before submitting the final draft to the AGMP for approval and
subsequent release.
Republic Act No. 7924, “The Law Creating the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority”
Executive Order No. 113 series of 2002, “Operationalizing the Metro Manila
Council as the Regional Development Council for the Metropolitan Manila
Development Authority”
Metro Manila Council Resolution No. 02-47 series of 2002, “Approving and
Adopting the Rules and Regulations Implementing Executive Order No.
113, Operationalizing the Metro Manila Council as the Regional
Development Council for Metropolitan Manila”
Executive Order No. 72, Series of 1993, “Providing for the Preparation and
Implementation of the Comprehensive Land USe Plans of Local
Government Units Pursuant to the Local Government Code of 1991 and
Other Pertinent Laws
Republic Act No. 11032, “An Act Promoting Ease of Doing Business and
Efficient Delivery of Government Services, Amending for the Purpose
Republic Act No. 9485, Otherwise known as the Anti-Red Tape Act of
2007, and for Other Purposes” or Ease of Doing Business and Efficient
Government Service Delivery Act of 2018
Republic Act No. 10121, “An Act Strengthening the Philippine Disaster
Reduction and Management System, Providing for the National Disaster
Reduction and Management Framework and Institutionalizing the NAtional
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan, Appropriating Funds
Therefor and for Other Purposes” or Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Act of 2010
Accounting Division
- compose of:
Financial Statements (FS) Statement of Financial Position - a formal
statement which shows the financial condition
of the agency as of a certain date.
Statement of Financial Performance -
shows the results of operation/performance of
the agency at the end of a particular period.
Statement of Government Equity - shows
the financial transactions, which resulted to
the changes in Government Equity account at
the end of the year.
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Chief Accountant
Accountant V
Administrative Staff
Accountant IV - Data Controller
- Accounting Clerk II
- Traffic Aide I
d. PhilHealth
Issues Certificate of Remittances per request of
MMDA personnel
Computes and consolidates total deduction made
and recorded in the individual index card for the
preparation of the annual income tax withheld and
alphalist of employees to be submitted to BIR
Verifies clearances, payrolls and vouchers for the
last salary received by MMDA employees
Prepares vouchers of billings of various creditors
such as Meralco, Globe, Smart and maintains
records of billing and payments of various creditors
Performs other related functions as may be
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Preparation Releases voucher to Office
LDDAP-ADA Receiving/Releasing Clerk
of Assistant General
Manager on Finance and
Release Voucher and Administration (OAGMFA)
LDDAP-ADA for check preparation
Approve Payrolls
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Payroll, Bills & Remittance
Start Section
Signs on Statement of
Accounting Clerk II Remittance “Prepared By”
Sign on Statement of
and Certify
of Voucher/SOR Receive Summary of
Individual Deductions
Review and Initial on
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Checks amount of
voucher/SOR against
Central Ledger Worksheet
Certifies correct on SOR
Chief Accountant
Signs on Voucher and
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
Releases voucher to
Treasury Division for check
Document Originator
Financial Accounting and
Analysis Section
Payment thru
collection of check by
Accounting Clerk a collecting agent
Payment to gov’t (PSMBFI, Provident
agencies and private Fund, KOOPNAKAMI)
institutions and direct payment to
submission of List of different gov’t
Individual Remittance agencies (SSS, GSIS,
(soft copy) Pag-IBIG, PhilHealth)
Submission of Individual
Remittance (soft copy) thru
PSMBFI – email
GSIS – USB (it must
be uploaded first in
the GSIS System to
verify the correctness
of the individual
remittance before
GSIS accepts the
SSS – email
PhilHealth – online
Provident Fund – USB
Review and Certify the PBRS Section Head Releases the Certificate of
Certificate of Remittance/Loan
Remittance/Loan Payments to requesting
Payments MMDA employee
Receiving/Releasing Clerk
Release Certificate of
6. Issuance of Loan Clearance from GSIS and Pag-IBIG (30 Minutes)
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Releases Clearance
Review and Sign the Receiving/Releasing Clerk
Clearance Form
Release Clearance
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Review entries and Sign Section Head Reviews entries and signs
Clearance Form the Clearance Form
Financial Accounts and
Analysis Section
Release Clearance
Issuance of Certificate of Tax Withheld
Expanded Withholding Tax (BIR Form 2307) for Job Order Personnel/
Consultant (Quarterly)
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National Fund
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10. Encoding of Paid Vouchers and Payrolls in e-NGAS and Preparation of Financial
Reports (Daily Activity)
With Without
adjustment adjustment
(double entry,
Bookkeeper II Prepares adjustments
Prints-out Journal Entry
Voucher (JEV)
Prepares and print
Generate Financial
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If any
Yes No
Fiscal Examiner II
Prepare Prepares adjustments and
adjustments makes print-out
and make
FAAS Section Head/
Chief Accountant Reviews and Initials
Review and Initial Financial Statements
Financial Statements
Transmits Vouchers,
Payrolls, and other
Transmit Financial documents
Statements, Vouchers,
Transmits Financial
Payrolls, and other
Commission on Audit (COA)
Receive Financial
Statements, Vouchers,
Receive Financial Payrolls, and other
Statements, Vouchers, documents
Payrolls, and other
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11. Encoding of Paid Vouchers and Payrolls in e-NGAS & Preparation of Liquidation
Report - Trust Fund (Daily Activity)
FAAS Section Head Approves encoded
Approve encoded vouchers and payrolls
vouchers and payrolls in made in e-NGAS
vouchers, Receive
payrolls and
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The Administrative Service is one of the two (2) Services under the Office of the
Assistant General Manager for Finance and Administration. It is composed of six (6)
Divisions, namely: Personnel Transaction Division, Staff Development Division,
General Administrative Services Division, Supply and Property Division, Records
Division and the Personnel Benefits Division.
I. Introduction
The Personnel Transaction Division Operation Manual has been prepared to assist
in the operation and maintenance of Human Resource system, policies and
procedures that are needed to ensure that the authority meets both best practice
and legislative requirements. It covers the whole process of selection and
recruitment, deploying and evaluating manpower force of the MMDA including the
leave administration, personnel records management in relation to the operation
and maintenance of the system of transaction.
896 of 1,183
Most crucial resources that creates the largest and longest
lasting advantage for an organization. It resides in the
knowledge, skills and motivation of people, is the least
Human Resource
mobile of the four factors of production, and has high
potentials for learning and growing better with experience
which no other resources can
The spinner and weaver of all activities laid out in the
Human Resource Agency’s Strategic Plan so much so that without his or her
Practitioner intervention and influence the agency’s strategic objectives
would not be achieved
Measures/tasks carried out by the project/program in order
to achieve and obtain the outputs/results (actions)
IPCR Individual Performance Commitment Rating
ISO International Standards Organization
Job Order – Issued to a person whose contract covers
lump sum work or services where no employer-employee
JO relationship exist. Job Order covers piece of work or
intermittent job of short duration not exceeding six month
or a daily basis
Requisites not limited to the qualification standards of the
position, but may include skills, competencies, potentials,
Job Requirements physical and psycho-social attributes necessary for the
successful performance of the duties required of the
Detailed examination of the tasks that make up a job,
conditions under which they are performed and job
Job Analysis
requirements in terms of aptitudes, attitudes, knowledge,
skills and the physical condition of the employee
LGU Local Government Unit
MC Memorandum Circular
MFO Major Final Output
MMDA Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
NGA National Government Agency
a position which by reason of the hierarchical arrangement
of positions in MMDA is determined to be in the nearest
degree of relationship to a higher position as contained in
the System of Ranking Positions (SRP)
position expressly declared by law to be in the non-career
service; or those whose entrance is the service is
characterized by 1.) entrance on bases other than those of
Non-Career the usual tests of merit and fitness utilized for the career
Service service; 2.) tenure which is limited to the duration of a
particular project for which purpose employment was mad,
and 3.) appointment which is coterminous with the
appointing authority.
NOSCA Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action
897 of 1,183
A series of profession/occupations in the same field/area
Formal and informal framework which determines the
Organizational manner and extent to which roles, power and
Structure responsibilities are delegated, controlled and coordinated
and how information flows between levels of management
OPCR Office Performance Commitment Rating
OPIF Organizational Performance Indicator Framework
Out-of –School Youth Servicing Towards Economic
PBB Performance Based Bonus
PDF Position Description Form
PDS Personal Data Sheet
Issued to a person who meets the requirements of the
Permanent position to which he/she is appointed, including the
Appointment appropriate eligibility prescribed in accordance with the
provisions of law, rules and standard promulgated thereof
PEI Productivity Enhancement Incentive
Any action denoting the movement or progress of
personnel in the civil service such as original appointment,
Personnel Action reappointment, promotion, transfer, reemployment,
reinstatement, detail, reassignment, secondment and
Refers to guidelines and current pre-retirement programs
of the government as well as available business
opportunities or other productive options/pursuits which
are intended to familiarize would-be-retirees.
The advancement of an employee from one position to
another with an increase in duties and responsibilities as
authorized by law and usually accompanied by an increase
in salary. Promotion may be from one department or
agency to another or from one organizational unit to
another within the same department or agency
The characteristic of traits of a person which involve both
Psycho-Social psychological and social aspects. Psychological includes
Attributes perception of and reaction to things, ideas, beliefs and
social situations
PRS Personnel Requisition Slip
HRMPSB Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board
Q Quality
The statement of the minimum and basic qualifications for
Qualification a position, which shall include education, experience,
Standards training, eligibility, psychosocial attributes and personality
traits required in the performance of the job
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A n employee appointed on a permanent status to a
position next-in-rank to the vacancy as reflected in the
Qualified Next-in-
System of Ranking Position of the authority who meets the
minimum qualification requirements for appointment to the
next higher postion
RA Republic Act
RATA Representation Allowance and Travelling Allowance
A detailed plan which provides guidelines in setting
standards or determining a course of action towards a goal
The second level shall include professional, technical and
scientific positions which involve professional technical and
Second Level/1st
scientific work in a non-supervisory or supervisory capacity
requiring at least four years of college work up to Division
The systematic method of determining the merit and fitness
Selection of a person on the basis of qualifications and the ability to
perform the duties and responsibilities of the position.
The listing of qualified and competent applicants for
consideration to a vacancy which includes but not limited
to the comparative information of their education,
Selection line-up
experience, training, civil service eligibility, performance
rating, relevant work accomplishment, psycho-social
attributes, personality traits and potential.
Capability acquired through practice. It can be a financial
Skill skill such as budgeting or verbal skill such as making a
SPMS Strategic Performance Management System
Integrating human resource strategies and systems to
achieve the overall vision, mission, strategies and success
Strategic HR Plan
of the organization while meeting the needs of employees
and other stakeholders
Strategic Broadly defined targets than an organization must achieve
Objectives/ Goals/ over the period of the strategic plan (e.g. over the next 3 or
Priorities 5 year)
Organization’s defined strategy, or direction, and making
Strategic Plan decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this
strategy, including its capital and people
Issued when the regular incumbent of a position is
temporarily unable to perform the duties of his/her position,
Substitute when he is on leave of absence or is absent without official
Appointment leave or is under suspension or is on scholarship grant or
is on secondment. This Is good until the return of the
A systematic approach that enables an organization to
identify talented employees and provide development
opportunities to fill key or critical organizational positions
SRP System of Ranking Positions
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The hierarchical arrangement of position from highest to
lowest, which shall be a guide in determining which position
System of Ranking is next-rank, taking into consideration 1.) organizational
Position structure 2.) salary grade allocation 3.) classification and
functional relationship of the position, and 4) geographical
T Timeliness
Issued to person who meets the education, experience and
Temporary training requirements for the position to which he is
Appointment appointed except for the appropriate eligibility but only in
the absence of a qualified eligible actually available
The movement of an employee from one position to
another which is of equivalent rank, level or salary without
break in the service involving the issuance of an
appointment. Such movement may be from one
department or agency to another or from one organization
unit to another in the same agency
Defines the desired and shared values on the
Value Statement organization’s culture and priorities and provide a
framework in which decisions are made
Defines the desired or intended future state of an
Vision Statement organization in terms of its fundamental objective and/or
strategic direction
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(Organizational Chart of the Personnel Transaction Division)
The function of the division deals with issues related to personnel administration
such as acquisition of competent employees through proper recruitment,
selection, placement and utilization, rewards and incentive, leave administration,
career development, job analysis, personnel audit, position classification and
performance evaluation. The division ensures that the personnel transactions
and processes are merit-based, efficient and supportive to the mission vision of
the agency. The primary concern of the office is the development and retention
of a competent and efficient workforce in the authority.
The Personnel Transaction Division can be classified in the following
Managerial Functions, or those that are developmental in
nature and manpower planning and career development;
Operative Functions or those that are concerned with the
traditional, personnel administration and routine
personnel related processes
901 of 1,183
organizational goals is determined, Research is an important part
of this function, information is collected and analyzed to identify
current and future human resource needs and to forecast
changing values, attitude and behavior of employees and their
impact on organization;
b.) Job Analysis and Design – Job Analysis is the process of describing the
nature of job and specifying the human requirements like qualifications, skills
and work experience required to perform the job. Job Design aims of outlining
and organizing tasks, duties and responsibilities into a single unit of work for
the achievement of certain objectives.
c.) Performance Appraisal – required to perform this function to ensure that the
performance of the employee is at acceptable level.
e.) Maintenance – The Personnel Transaction Division always try to keep the
best performing employees. Research to know and understand the
employees satisfaction (wage, position, working conditions, welfare activities,
leadership etc.) employees turnover, employees termination or separation
from the service etc.
902 of 1,183
Description of the different components of the Personnel Transaction Division
The process of finding and screening potentials
applicants, interviewing and selecting the best
qualified for employment and placement.
Recruitment is also the process of encouraging
Recruitment, selection, individuals to apply to government position.
placement and A Selection Board for the purpose is formed to
appointment formulate criteria for evaluation, conduct tests
and interview to assess the education, training
and experience of the applicants and determine
who among the applicants is best suit for the
organizational needs.
Intended to maintain and retain competent
personnel in the authority. These include leave
benefits and privileges. Incentive awards be
given to qualified personnel who performed
Administration of exemplarily and/or have rendered continuous
Personnel welfare, and satisfactory services to the agency. It might
incentive and awards be a merit promotion, loyalty award, incentives
including retirement honoraria etc.
plan administration Retirement plans as provided under pertinent
laws. Retirement benefits are generally given
under the retirement laws in addition to other
benefits being provided to government
The filing system and standards for the effective
management of personnel records like 201 files
Personnel records and
of employees and service records, including
custodial services (201
computation of leave credits and balances,
certification of employment, clearances and
other related information and documents.
Is the process of analyzing the agency’s
manpower needs and determining the
appropriate measures to meet these needs.
This includes the forecasting of the personnel
Manpower Planning
needed to man the different units/office in the
agency, inventory and audit of current
manpower capability, the skills needed the
personnel must possess.
It pertains to the formal progression of an
Career Development employee from position to another. It includes
manpower structure to provide for the career
path of employee, review their appraisal and
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provision of education and training to facilitate
employee’s learning of the content of the job
and other related behaviors in other to improve
his/her performance.
This includes training and scholarship,
opportunities, coaching, counseling, special
task force assignment, Job rotation and other
developmental activities that the MMDA carries
out primarily for the purpose of development of
their skills and keeping up on the job
Process of grouping jobs, based on a set of
predetermined standards by comparing each
Position Classification job against the salary schedule and job
and competency description. The competency requirements
requirement pertain to the job specification of each job in
terms of skills, experience, training and other
special qualifications.
Administering continuing appraisal, accurate
recording and periodic reporting of employee’s
performance. It includes the development of
employee’s fullest potentials, improvement of
job performance and development of mutuality
between the MMDA and employees’ personal
The office applied appropriate approaches of tools to the way it will provide
services to its internal and external client, to enable the mission, vision of the
904 of 1,183
authority is effectively manage and support the agency’s development to deliver
effective and efficient service to the public. Often used standardized documents
to ensure the information gathered is complete and consistent.
Policies and Procedures help ensure that behaviors in the workplace conform to
the office policies, rules and laws of the civil service etc. Often policies are
applied to specified situations in the form of procedures. Personnel policies and
procedures help ensure that employee laws are followed. A procedure is a
step-by-step list of activities required to conduct a certain task/s. Procedures
ensure that routine tasks are carried out for effective and efficient public service.
1. Objectives
905 of 1,183
Establish a system that characterized by strict observance of the
principles of merit, fitness and equality in the selection of
employees for appointment to positions in the career and non-
career service in all levels.
2. Scope
This Operations Manual covers career positions in the first and second levels
as well as executive managerial positions in the authority. It includes career
and non-career positions.
906 of 1,183
3. The Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selcetion Board (HRMPSB)
The PSB shall evaluate and screen all candidates for appointment to the first
and second level of positions, equal employment opportunity to all levels
provided they meet the minimum requirements of the position to be filled
according to the principle of merit and fitness. For this purpose, the MMDA
established a Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selcetion Board
(HRMPSB) for first and second level positions with the following
As Chairperson
Agency Head or the authorized representative – The agency
Head shall ensure equal opportunity for
3.2 The PSB shall make a systematic assessment of the competence and
qualifications of candidates for appointment to the corresponding level of
position in order to assist the appointing authority in the judicious and
objective selection of candidates for appointment. Maintain fairness and
impartiality in the assessment of candidates for appointment.
3.3 For vacancies in the first and second levels, all qualified next-in-rank
employees shall be automatically considered for promotion to the next
higher position except when they have signified in writing that they are not
interested in the position.
4. Procedure
907 of 1,183
The selection process begins when a position becomes vacant. In this
instance, the division does the following actions
Once the workforce needs for the vacant position has been
determined, the process of selecting, finding, screening and
selecting the best-qualified person for placement/hiring. Selection
of employees for appointment to the MMDA system shall be open
to all qualified applicant according to the principle of merit and
fitness. No discrimination in the selection of employee on account
of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political
The publication of a vacant position shall be valid until filled but shall
not extend beyond nine (9) months reckoned from the date the vacant
position was first published provided the process of application and
screening started within six (6) months from publication. Vacant
positions not filled within nine (9) months from the date of its publication
shall be re-published (CSC MC No. 16, s. 2005)
All applicants except those who are next-in-rank must submit a letter
of application to the Personnel Transaction Division, Administrative
Service together with the supporting documents within the specified
period as indicated in the announcement of vacancy. A next-in-rank
employee shall be considered as an automatic candidate for promotion
to the next higher vacant position in the first level or second level. In
case the next-in-rank is not interested to be evaluated, he/she must
submit a “letter of waiver” for documentation purposes.
908 of 1,183
Applicant’s Personal Data Sheet (PDS) (Appendix 1)
completely filled-up;
910 of 1,183
Step 4: Notify the applicants of the outcome of the evaluation.
911 of 1,183
d.) Ensure that the Chairman of the Personnel Selection
Board has signed the certification at the back of the
appointment, when applicable;
e.) Ensure that all question in the Personal Data Sheet (PDS)
or CSC Form 212 (Annex F) of the appointee are
answered properly and completely with his recent
photograph attached, his right thumb mark affixed and his
current Community Tax Certificate number is indicated
912 of 1,183
Basic documents required
Effectivity of Appointment
Promotion takes place when a vacancy occurs and the position is to be filed by
personnel occupying the next in rank position or other qualified personnel from
within the office following the career development policy.
1. Status of Appointment
2. Nature of appointment
a.) Original – refers to the initial entry into the career service of the persons
who meets all the requirements of the position, including those appointed
under CSC MC No. 10 s. 1980 as amended by MCS No. 11 s. 1996.
3. Policies
4. Operating Procedures
916 of 1,183
The Leave Clerk of the Personnel Transaction Division validate the
remaining leave credits vis-a vis the request. If it is in excess of the
available credits, the excess number of day-equivalent to the leave
credits will be reflected as without pay and deducted to his/her salary for
the period;
The purpose of the leave will be clearly indicated in the leave application
form which shall be submitted through their immediate supervisor to the
Administrative Service;
An employee who fails to report for work on a regular day for which
suspension of work is declared after the start of a regular working hours,
he/she will not be considered absent for the whole day. However, the
corresponding time between the start of the official working hours and
the suspension of work will accordingly be deducted from his/her leave
Vacation and sick leave are cumulative and any part thereof not taken in
the calendar year when they were earned may be carried over to the
succeeding years;
917 of 1,183
Any employee who has accumulated 15 days of vacation leave will be
allowed to monetize a maximum of 10 days; provided that least 5 days
are retained after monetization.
1.) The prescribed government working hours is 8 hours a day for five days a
week or 40 hours a week exclusive of time for lunch. Although the law and
rules do not specifically provide for the number of hours which may be
allowed for lunch break, the same may be implied from the number of
working hours a day exclusive of time for lunch. The reason is to give time
for each employee time to eat and enable him to work a new in the afternoon
with equal vigor and enthusiasm.
2.) All employees are required to register their attendance thru finger scanning
pursuant to Memorandum dated September 20, 2008, except for those who
are appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines and for
those who have been issued exemption by the MMDA Chairman. However,
absences of these officers/ employees must be recorded.
3.) Locator Slip shall be duly accomplished and a duplicate copy of which must
be officially transmitted at least one (1) day before the actual date of use to
the respective Personnel Officer in the Administrative Service.
4.) Whenever the finger scanning is out of order, the employees concerned
shall register his/her their attendance in the record book of the guard at the
lobby indicating the time of arrival and/or departure. The same shall be
reflected in the attendance sheet in their respective office.
5.) The said document must be xerox, a copy of which shall be attached to the
Daily Time Record (DTR) issued by the Management Information System
6.) Attendance
Undertime is an act leaving the office work before the time usually allowed
by law or that specified by the office concerned or rendering less that the
required eight hours of work.
1. Policy on Undertime
918 of 1,183
Any officer or employee who incurs undertime, regardless of the number
of minutes/hours, ten (10) times a month or at least two months in a
semester, or ten times a month for at least two (2) consecutive months
during the year shall be liable for simple misconduct and or Conduct
prejudicial to the best interest of the service, as the case may.
Flexible working hours may be allowed subject to the discretion of the head
of department or agency. In no case shall the weekly working hours be
reduced in the event the department or agency adopts the flexi-time
schedule in reporting for work. Off-setting of tardiness or absences by
working for an equivalent number of minutes or hours by which an officer or
employee has been tardy or absent, beyond the regular or approved
working hours of the employee concerned, shall not be allowed.
3. This shall apply to all officials and employees in the career or non-career
service, whether or not they receive compensation.
a.) A nominee must be in the service for not less than one (1) year
at the time of the nomination.
b.) Has been rated Very Satisfactory for the last two (2)
performance rating periods prior to his nomination.
6.) Require all offices to prepare their own annual action plan/work
indicting the time table and outputs/deliverables and ensure
that these are submitted on time.
1. Operating Procedure
1. Resignation
923 of 1,183
An officer or an employee who is intermittently absent by reason
of illness for at least 260 working days during a 24-month period
may also be declared physically unfit by the head of the office;
2.) The officer or employee who is separated from the service through
any of the above modes has the right to appeal his case to the Civil
Service Commission or its regional office within fifteen (15) days from
receipt of such order or notice of separation.
4.) This mode of separation from the service for unauthorized absences
or unsatisfactory r poor performance or physical and mental
incapacity is non-disciplinary in nature and shall not result in the
forfeiture of any benefit on the part of the official or employee nor in
disqualifying him/her from reemployment in the government.
3. Dismissal
A certified true copy of the decision rendered where the penalty of dismissal
was imposed shall be submitted to the CSC
4. Retirement
924 of 1,183
It involves identifying retirees wants and needs, developing a plan to
achieve them, acting on the plan and continually reviewing and revising
the plan. This shall teach the retiring officials and employees the setting
of financial goals and investing in appropriate modes of business.
d.) Procedure
1. Sending the retiring employee a letter not late than 120 days prior to
the effectivity date of his/her retirement, informing him/her to submit
his/her the necessary requirements at least 90 prior to the effectivity
date of his/her retirement.
8. Endorsing not later than ninety (90) days prior the actual date of
retirement to GSIS the request of the retiring employee together with
the complete set of documentary requirements
925 of 1,183
GSIS Retirement
Terminal Leave
926 of 1,183
N. 201 Process Flow
927 of 1,183
Appendix I - A
Submission of documentary
requirements for the
Evaluation of applications Deliberation
preparation of appointment
(30 mins) (7 hours)
(within 5 days upon receipt of
928 of 1,183
Appendix I - B
3 days
Submission of requirements (The processing time will change
depending on the Applicant's
compliance with the requirements)
929 of 1,183
Appendix I - C
3 days
Submission of requirements (The processing time will change
depending on the Applicant's
compliance with the requirements)
3 days
Medical examination (if the applicant does not have a
930 of 1,183
Appendix I - D
931 of 1,183
Appendix I - E
2 days
(The processing time will
Submission of Documentary Requirements change depending on the
Applicant's compliance with
the requirements)
3 days
Medical Examination (if the applicant does not
have a diagnosis)
10 days
Approval of Appointment thru Channel (depending on signatories'
Assumption to Duty
18 days, 4 hours
and 30 minutes
932 of 1,183
Appendix I - F
933 of 1,183
Appendix I - G
934 of 1,183
Appendix I - H
15 minutes
Received the duly signed AFL from
Leave Processor
the applicant
11 days, 7
TOTAL hours and 45
935 of 1,183
Appendix I - I
TOTAL 30 minutes
936 of 1,183
Appendix I - J
937 of 1,183
Appendix I - K
938 of 1,183
Appendix I - L
15 days and 30
939 of 1,183
Appendix I - M
Processing of Resignation
TOTAL 30 minutes
940 of 1,183
Appendix I – N
941 of 1,183
Appendix II
Competency Position
Job Analysis Job Evaluation
Requirement Classification
Evaluation Motivation
Manpower Planning
Recruitment, Incentive and
Promotions Recruitment, Awards
Selection Promotions
Placement Selection
Maintenance of 201
Files Maintenance of
Files Retirement and
Personnel Administration
942 of 1,183
Appendix III
Administrative Service
Supply and Property Staff Development Personnel Transaction Personnel Benefits
Administrative Records Division
Division (SPD) Division (SDD) Division (PTD) Division (PBD)
Services Division
943 of 1,183
Appendix IV
Personnel Transaction Division
I. Introduction
This paradigm shift promotes people - centric, values - oriented and citizen -
focused service delivery models to add more strategic value to the organization.
merit promotions
performance evaluation
in - service training
overseas and local scholarships and training grants;
suggestions, incentive award systems
recreation and other services
other HRD interventions such as job training, counseling,
job rotation, secondment, etc.
Section 6. Each department or agency shall have a human resource
development office created or a staff assigned solely for the
purpose of attending to the agency’s human resource
development functions, activities and requirement.
Section 18. Trainees as grantees shall submit to the head of agency a report
of his study / training within thirty (30) days for local and
foreign training / scholarship grant after his return to duty
copy furnished the CSC main office. In additional thereto, they
shall also conduct or share vital information and knowledge
relative to the course attended with other was in order that
colleagues can benefit from the course / program.
Section 19. Should the grantee fail to fulfill his service requirement due to
transfer to a private entity or resignation, he shall pay back his
agency the full amount spent for his/her entire training /
scholarship grant.
II. Objectives
Evaluation Questionnaire
Director III
Administrative Service
Chief of Division
(SG 24)
Administrative Aide VI
Administrative Aide V
Job Order
Computer Operator I
Utility Worker II
Computer Operator II
- L&D monitoring does not end when the actual conduct of the L&D /
training program ends. It also looks into the application of learning on
the job and what organizational results have been achieved and
- Both are necessary management tools to improve decision-making or
- Supports decisions on program strategy or policy options
B. Foreign Scholarship Grants
The SDD acts as the PDC Secretariat and facilitates Foreign Scholarship
Grands received from Donor Countries through TESDA, CHED, CSC and
other foreign facilities as conduits of Foreign Countries with bilateral
agreement with the Government of the Philippines
VII. Control of Records and Documents
III. Summary of Local / External Trainings / Seminars and Other related / activities
IV. Summary of Gender and Development (GAD) Programs and related activities
VIII. Appendices
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Staff Development Division – Administrative Service
This Assessment is intended to identify your learning and development needs to become more effective in your current work
performance as well as your future responsibilities. Please respond to all questions honestly. Your answers will be treated with
utmost confidentiality. (Ang pagtatásang ito ay naglalayong malaman ang iyong pangangailangan sa kaalaman at pagpapaunlad
para sa mas epektibong pagsasagawa ng responsabilidad sa kasalukuyan at hinaharap. Maging matapat sa pagtugon sa lahat ng
mga tanong. Ang iyong mga sagot ay ituturing na kumpidensiyal.)
Maaari ninyo ring sagutan sa google link (online form) na ito https://forms.gle/5Vrit61J32hpKQt3A
I. Personal na Pagkakakilanlan
Pinakamataas ng Pinag-aralan:
_____Post Graduate Studies _____ Kolehiyo _____ Vocational Course (2 Yr. Course) _____ High Iskul ____ Elementarya
1. Ano ang iyong masasabi sa pagganap mo sa iyong kasalukuyang trabaho? Lagyan ng bilang 1–10 ang sumusunod; 1 ang
pinakamababa at 10 naman ang pinakamataas (Self-work Performance Rating).
Page 1 of 2
Kung OO, pakilahad:
2. Anong bagong kaalaman o kasanayan ang kailangan mo para mapabuti ang iyong kasalukuyang trabaho? (What new knowledge and/or
skills would you need to further improve your current performance?)
3. Anong kaalaman o kasanayan ang iyong maituturing na kapaki-pakinabang para sa pagpapatuloy ng personal at propesyonal na pag-unlad?
(What knowledge and/or skills would you consider useful for your continued personal and professional development?)
4. Anong mga pagsasanay ang iyong kakailanganin para mapabuti ang iyong kompetensiya para sa susunod na pagtaas ng posisyon? (What
trainings/seminars would you need to further improve your competency for your next higher position?)
Page 2 of 2
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Staff Development Division – Administrative Service
To the Respondent: This Assessment is intended to identify your learning and development needs to become more effective in
your current work performance as well as your future responsibilities. This is designed for Level 2 Employees with Salary Grade 10
to 22. You may also answer this form via google link (https://forms.gle/GRxMk8CC2b9KRhdL7). Please respond to all questions
honestly. Your answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality.
Status of Appointment (pls. check): Permanent Casual Job Order Co-term No. of yrs. in MMDA: _________
Educational Attainment (Pls. check): _____ College Degree _____ Post Graduate Degree _____ Doctorate Degree
Course in College: ________________________________________________________ Year Graduated: __________________
Name of School/University: _________________________________________________________________________________
Where do you/we see your career progressing in the next two years?
What will you need from us to assist you reach your goals?
Respondent’s Name and Signature
Page 2 of 2
Training Logistic Checklist
Training Room
1. Room Layout – (AREA) secretariat, facilitators, coffee / snack, supply, reading
2. Break-out rooms
3. Audio / Video System – microphones (wireless, corded), Music, Video players (format?)
4. Lighting
5. Ventilation
6. Comfort rooms
7. Training equipment – projector, laptop, screen, presenter, clicker, easel stand, flagpole, lectern
8. Streamer
9. Others
Meals Learning Materials and Aids
1. Meal Requirements 1. Presentation slides
2. Special Dietary Needs 2. Handouts
3. Menu 3. Worksheets
4. Coffee – flowing / controlled 4. Resource Books / Materials
5. Schedule of serving 5. Posters, Visual Aids
6. Finger foods – candies, chips, nuts 6. Others
7. Others
Day/Time Learning Objectives Session/Activity Expected Outputs Topic/Content Teaching/Learning Nominated Resources
Highlights Methodology Facilitator Needed
Day 1
8:00 AM
9:00 am
1:00 pm
5:00 pm
(Pangasiwaan Sa Pagpapaunlad Ng Kalakhang Maynila)
Activity :
Date/Time :
Venue :
Staff Development Division – Administrative Service
Module/Session: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Staff Development Division – Administrative Service
The Staff Development Division, Administrative Service would like to get your assessment on this
training program that we delivered. Your feedback is very valuable to us so that we will able to
continuously improve our programs and services to serve you better.
Kindly accomplish this form before you leave. Please encircle the number that best corresponds to
your preferred rating and hand it to the SDD Staff. All feedback will be treated in strictest
confidentiality. Thank you.
Excellent Satisfactory Fair
Clarity of Training Objectives 4 3 2 1
Relevance of Content 4 3 2 1
Sequence of Content 4 3 2 1
Usefulness of Learning Materials 4 3 2 1
Comments / Remarks:
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Staff Development Division-Administrative Service
held at _______________________________________________________________________________.
This certification is being issued upon request of the above mentioned employee for
whatever purpose it may serve.
Head of Office / Training Department
AS-SDD-TCF-003 Ver.01
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Presents this
Certificate of Completion
Name of Participant
for having completed the
ACTIVITY (Subject):
Republic of the Philippines
Office of the President
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
Title of Program :
Date / Duration :
Venue :
Target Participants :
Resource Person/s :
Methodology :
Objectives :
Highlights :
Evaluation/ Recommendation :
Submitted by:
Date Prepared: ____________________
Date Submitted: ____________________
Enclosures: Updated Personal Data Sheet (PDS)/Statement of Actual Duties & Responsibilities/Latest Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form
(2 Consecutive Rating Periods)
PROGRAM : _________________________________________
DATE : _________________________________________
DONOR AGENCY : _________________________________________
Deadline to TESDA : _________________________________________
EDSA corner Orense St., Guadalupe, Makati City
1. Performance 20%
2. Educational Attainment
a. College Graduate 10%
b. Masteral 5%
c. Doctoral 5%
3. Training relevant to the course 15%
Experience relevant to the
4. 15%
5. Human Relations 10%
6. Leadership Qualities 10%
7. Length of Service 10%
(Office Address)
(Home Address)
(Home Address)
W I T N E S S E T H:
That pursuant to the provision of E. O. 129 as amended and in consideration of the
grant and acceptance by the GRANTEE of a scholarship/training award to undergo on
(Title of the Program)
official time a program entitled __________________________________________________
from _________, to ______________, the GRANTEE hereby agrees to fulfill the
following terms and conditions:
1. That the GRANTEE shall keep up with the standards of scholarship or award;
2. That the GRANTEE shall conduct herself in a manner as not to bring disgrace
or dishonor to herself and or her country;
3. That the GRANTEE shall submit to the head of her Office and to the Special
Committee on Scholarships (SCS) at the end of each term, her official transcript
of grades, certificate of performance or its equivalent;
4. That, if there is sufficient reason for the extension of the GRANTEE’s original
scholarship / training / award, she shall submit a formal request to her agency,
with justification and recommendation from her Program Adviser,
six (6) months prior to the expiration of her travel authority/validity of the
passport. It is understood that approval of the extension shall be made only upon
the GRANTEE’s agency to SCS and upon the GRANTEE’s execution of a
supplementary training/scholarship contract covering the extension period;
5. That the GRANTEE shall return immediately to the Philippines and report to
her Office upon the completion or termination of her scholarship, fellowship or
training grant;
6. That the GRANTEE shall submit to her Office, the Special Committee on
Scholarships (SCS) and to other concerned office, a completion report on her
training/scholarship within sixty (60) days her return to duty, as per attached
7. That the GRANTEE shall serve her Office or any government office or
instrumentality for the period of _________ years as exigencies of the service
require per section 2 of E.O. 367;
9. That should the GRANTEE fail to comply with the foregoing conditions
through her fault or willful neglect, resignation voluntary retirement and other
causes within her control, she shall refund to her Office the amount defrayed by
the Philippine Government and the sponsor as enumerated in Section 8.
Proportionate refund shall be allowed, provided that the GRANTEE has served
her office/agency at least 75 % of her total service obligation;
10. That the GRANTEE shall have a guarantor as her co-maker or co-signor in this
contract who shall assume full responsibility jointly and severally should she
fail to comply with the conditions set forth.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, we have hereunder set out hands this ___ day of
__________, 20__, at _________________________________________________.
Name of Guarantor
(Relative of the Grantee)
Staff Development Division - Administrative Service
CY __________
Staff Development Division - Administrative Service
CY __________________
(Per DBM Budget Circular 2007-1)
SG 24 – Php. 64,416.00
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the acquisition, utilization and
disposition of supplies, materials and equipment needed by the Authority is on time,
sufficient and safeguarded pursuant to existing laws.
This procedure applies to all internal and external documents identified by the
organization as required by the quality management system.
Supply and Property Operational – Shows the overall supply and property
Procedures operation system of a government
agency/unit. It includes procedures in
Acquisition, Utilization and Disposal of
Properties of the Authority.
Unserviceable Property – Is a property that is not operational. It
may be economically repairable or beyond
economical repair.
Utilization – refers to the act of employing, enjoying
applying, converting supplies or property
for the purpose for which the same are
Annual Procurement Plan – Refers to the itemized list prepared by
the head of the department or office
showing the kind, estimated quantity,
estimated cost, description of supplies or
property together with the balance on
hand, if any, required by the department of
office for the ensuing fiscal year.
Approved Budget for the Contract – Refers to the budget for the contract duly
(ABC) approved by the head of the Procuring
Entity, as provided for in the General
Appropriations Act and/or continuing
appropriations, in the case of National
Government Agencies; the Corporate
Budget for the contract approved by the
governing boards, pursuant to E.O. No.
518, series of 1979, in the case of
Government-Owned and/or Controlled
Corporations, Government Financial
Institutions and State Universities and
Colleges; and the Budget for the contract
approved by the respective Sanggunian, in
the case of Local Government Units.
BAC – Refers to the Bids and Awards
Committee established in accordance with
Rule V of RA 9184.
BAC Secretariat – To assist the BAC in the conduct of its
functions, the Head of the Procuring Entity
shall create a Secretariat that will serve as
the main support unit of the Bac. The Head
of Procuring Entity may also designate an
existing organic office within the Agency to
serve as the Secretariat.
Bid – Refers to signed offer or proposal
submitted by the supplier, manufacturer,
distributor, contractor or consultant in
response to the Bidding Documents.
Bid Opening – The BAC shall publicly open all bids at
the same time, date and place specified in
the bidding documents.
Bidding Documents – Refers to documents issued by the
Procuring Entity as the basis for Bids,
furnishing all information necessary for a
prospective bidder to prepare a bid for the
Goods, Infrastructure Projects and/or
Consulting Services required by the
Procuring Entity.
Competitive Bidding – Refers to a method of procurement which
is open to participation by any interested
party and which consists of the following
processes; advertisement, pre-bid
conference, eligibility screening of
prospective bidders, receipt and opening
of bids, evaluation of bids, post –
qualification and award of contract, the
specific requirements and mechanics of
which shall be defined in the IRR of RA
Direct Contracting – Procurement of Goods of proprietary
nature, which can be obtained only from
the proprietary source i.e., when patents,
trade secrets and copyrights prohibit
others from manufacturing the same item.
Disposal – Refers to the act of parting with,
alienation of or giving up of supplies or
Equipment – Refers to all articles needed to outfit an
individual or organization which do not lose
their identity when used or applied. The
term refers to typewriters, adding
machines, computers, printers, vehicles,
weapons and other similar items.
Goods – Refers to all items, supplies, materials
and general support services, except
consulting services and infrastructure
project, which may be needed in the
transaction of public businesses or in the
pursuit of any government under-taking,
project or activity, whether in the nature of
equipment, furniture, stationery, materials
for construction, or personal property of
any kind, including non-personal or
contractual services such as the repair and
maintenance of equipment and furniture,
as well as trucking, hauling, janitorial,
security and related or analogous services,
as well as procurement of materials and
supplies provided by the procuring entity
for such services.
Hope – Refers to Head of the Procuring Entity or
the head of the agency or his duly
authorized official.
ICS – Inventory Custodian Slip
Inventory – Is an itemized list of supplies or property
on hand containing designation or
description of each specific article with
its valuation.
ITB – Refers to the Invitation to Bid
NOA – Refers to the Notice of Award
NTP – Refers to the Notice to Proceed
Offer – Is a proposal involving one or more items
in a tender
PAR - Property Acknowledgement Receipt
PhilGEPS – Means the Philippine Government
Electronic Procurement System. It serves
as the primary source of information and
definition source of information on
government procurement.
PPE - Refers to Property, Plant and Equipment.
Properties with acquisition cost of ₱
50,000.00 and above.
PR – Refers to Purchase Request use in the
requisition of supplies or property not to be
carried in stock
Pre-Procurement Conference – Prior to the issuance of the Invitation to
Bid, the BAC is mandated to hold a pre-
procurement conference on each and
every procurement, except those contracts
below a certain level or amount specified in
the IRR, in which case, the holding of the
same is optional. This is done to access
the certificate of availability of funds, as
well as reviewing all relevant documents in
relation to their adherence to law.
Pre-Bid Conference – At least on pre-bid conference shall be
conducted for each procurement, unless
otherwise provided in the IRR. It shall
discuss among other things, the eligibility
requirements and the technical and
financial components of the contract to be
Procurement – Refers to the acquisition of Goods,
Consulting Services and the contracting for
Infrastructure Projects by the Procuring
Entity. Procurement shall also include the
lease of goods and real state. With respect
to real property, its procurement shall be
governed by the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8974, entitled” An Act to facilitate the
Acquisition of the Right-of-Way Site or
Location for National Government
Infrastructure Projects and for Other
Purposes”, and other applicable laws,
rules and regulations.
Purchase – Refers to the act of procuring or acquiring
supplies or property for a price.
Purchase Order – Is a contract between the government
and the suppliers or dealers for the delivery
of supplies at a stipulated amount and
includes, among others, quantity, period
and mode of delivery, unit and total price
per item, and mode of payment.
Republic Act No. 9184 – An act providing for the modernization,
standardization and regulation of the
procurement activities of the Government
and for other purposes.
– This act shall also be known as the
“Government Procurement Reform Act”
RFQ - Refers to Request for Quotation.
RIS – Means Requisition and Issue Slip use in
the requisition of supplies or property
carried in stock.
Semi–Expandable Properties / - Properties with acquisition cost below
Items ₱ 50,000.00
Shopping – A method of Procurement whereby the
procuring Entity simply requests for the
submission of price quotations for readily
available off-the shelf Goods or
ordinary/regular equipment to be procured
directly from suppliers of known
Small Value Procurement – Where the procurement does not fall
under shopping pursuant to Section 52 of
the IRR of RA 9184 and the amount
involved does not exceed the threshold
prescribed in Annex “H” of the said IRR.
Specification – Refers to technical description of
supplies or property being requisitioned or
ordered, which should be clear and
complete, including if necessary, the
specific uses therefore and how
acceptability thereof can be determined.
Waste Materials - Unserviceable semi-expandable
- Old Spare parts from equipment and
3 Buyer II 1 Storekeeper II
1 Clerk III
a. Property Clearance
b. Inventory Custodian Slip (ICS)
c. Property Acknowledgement Receipt (PAR)
d. Gate Pass
Ensure the availability and readiness of supplies and
materials for issuance to various offices.
The organization shall ensure that the The purchasing process of the public
purchased product conforms to specified sector organization should be performed
purchase requirements. The type and in accordance with R.A. 9184 or the
extent of control applied to the supplier Government Procurement Reform Act
and the purchased product shall be and other legal and regulatory provisions
dependent upon the effect of the regarding the procurement of goods
purchased product on subsequent and/or services.
product realization or the final product.
As a support process, purchasing’s primary objective is to ensure the acquisition of
the required products (goods and services) when and where needed, at reasonable
cost. In order to achieve this, purchasing activities should ensure that:
The type and extent of purchasing control depends on the nature of the
products/services being procured and their subsequent effect on Agency’s operations,
products and services. Control provisions may include but are not limited to
combinations of the following:
Nature of Purchase Control Provision
Low value lot or individual items (e.g.,
sealed medical supplies).
Certificate of Inspection/Certificate of
Quality goods can be determined upon Analysis provided by the supplier upon
delivery, with some allowance for non- delivery.
complying items; Individual items may
not seriously affect Agency operations.
To be effective, these controls should be built into the purchasing process at relevant
steps. Records of implementation of controls should be maintained; effectiveness of
implementation should be periodically evaluated (e.g., Through management reviews
and audits).
Agency personnel who need to access PhilGEPS have been properly identified
and their respective access rights defined and controlled.
The performance standards for the purchasing process should be set, measured,
monitored and periodically evaluated to identify opportunities for improvement.
Measures may include but are not limited to the following:
Purchasing Cycle Time – Number of days from the preparation of the Purchase
Requisition to the delivery of the goods/services requested.
Economic capability;
An Agency should normally purchase only from accredited suppliers, such as those
registered under PhilGEPS. The PhilGEPS website includes links to a list of registered
The Agency may maintain a separate list of suppliers (who are not on the PhilGEPS
list) for non-critical, low-value, small-volume items. Where the Agency accredits its
own suppliers, accreditation should consider specific criteria which may include:
Evaluation against these criteria should be done prior to the first purchase from a
supplier. Evaluation may be accomplished through one or more of the following:
General Administrative Services Division is one of the six (6) sub offices under
the Office of the Administrative Service – MMDA.
The Division’s main function is to provide general services including conducting
inspections, undertaking urgent repairs, responding to staff/employee or office
requests, Issuance of gas coupons (for all service vehicles & equipment used in
the operations of the agency), Carpooling (providing service vehicles/ drivers to
other offices in performing their assigned task/projects), Renewal of Insurance and
Registration, Repair & Maintenance (vehicles under Proper), Issuance of
lubricants, Inspection and Certification and performing other building maintenance
services (such as: Air Conditioning, Electrical & Telephone system, Painting,
Plumbing, Printing operation and other services that maybe assigned from time to
time), and at the same time ensure the safety of clients and employees of the
Authority. The Division also performs in emergency tasks for incidental field
projects and programs which call for its manpower expertise and resources.
3.1 . Gas Coupon – a type of paper that serves as Purchase Order to be
presented to accredited gas stations for the issuance of fuel.
3.2 . Lubricant – a substance, such as oil or grease used for minimizing friction
of engine.
3.3 . Gas Allocation – amount of gas assigned to a particular vehicle.
3.4 . Stencil – a procedure of obtaining an impression of a motor vehicle’s
engine and chassis number.
3.5 . Trip Ticket – or Vehicle Dispatch Sheet is a document includes the date,
trip, pick up and destination location and the VDS no. It is use to deploy the
driver and vehicle.
3.6 . Official Receipt (OR) – refers to the document issued by LTO, a receipt
serving as a proof that the owner has paid for the vehicle registration.
3.7 . Certificate of Registration (CR) – refers to the document issued by LTO,
a certificate confirms the ownerships (indicated owners full name and
address) towards the vehicle.
3.8 . Certificate of Cover (COC) – a requirement for LTO registration it is
showed to LTO upon registration as a proof that the motor vehicle has third
party insurance cover.
3.9 . History Card – a card or file that use to keep a record of information about
o All request for service vehicle to be accommodated on time and on the day
of trip dependent to the inventory/ availability of service vehicles.
o To issue gas coupon for all request within schedule and exact allocation.
o Immediate quality repair and maintenance job done on all vehicles upon
availability of parts/ supply.
o 95% of total vehicles and equipment/s registration renewed complying to
LTO guidelines.
o To issue lubricants for all request within the date and exact quantity.
o To have 100% updated, honest and accurate records of Past Repair within
prescribed period.
Coordinates with the end user of the proposed project being requested by
the various offices as instructed by the Head of GASD.
Inspect the on-going projects and submit reports to the Head of GASD.
Assist the Head of GASD in the development and implementation of
policies and procedure.
Assist in the administration of personnel, management and records
Coordinate with the different offices/services regarding administrative
matters and conduct necessary follow ups and submit recommendation for
Prepare and submit reports on monthly, quarterly and semi-annual and
annual basis.
Assist the Head of GASD on matters to administrative works.
Guides in public relations work and does other duties that maybe assigned
from time to time.
Administrative Assistant
Answer and direct phone calls.
Assist in the preparation of regularly project activities of the division.
Update and maintain office policies and procedures.
Develop and maintain a filing system.
Computer Operator
Provides data by operating a computer.
Determines sequence of operations by studying production schedule.
Performs defined tasks per documented instructions/processes.
Prepares equipment for operations by accessing software in computer.
Responsible in the systematic control of receiving and releasing of incoming
and outgoing communication pertaining to the division.
Performs administrative researches and technical duties which assists the
division in reaching or implementing substantive decision.
Responsible in the requisition and distribution of supplies and materials and
equipment needed by the office.
Assist the Head of GASD pertaining to the project activities of the division.
And perform other function that maybe assigned from time to time.
Supervise the transaction/s of Liaison Officer for GSIS Insurance and
Liaison Officer for LTO Registration.
Records all incoming and assist for the preparation of MMDA vehicle
Registration. Compile and release all Vehicle Registration & their
corresponding Stickers.
Release Plate numbers of vehicles to designated End-User's if possible.
Consolidate, Prepares & Follow-up's Overtime.
Receives / Pick up Daily Time Records (DTR) of all Transport Unit's
personnel from different offices / department.
Checked and complied all the requirements needed before submitting it to
accounting office for processing.
Collects and delivers intra and inter-office correspondences, documents,
memoranda, reports, voucher and other supplies and materials.
Perform simple clerical task such as filing and sorting of mail and other
Keeps records of deliveries and receipt of small stock of office supplies.
Follows up papers and other documents for processing and appropriate
action by other offices.
Assist in the receiving and releasing of documents.
Process and prepare the Daily Time Records (DTR) of all GASD personnel
(Permanent / Casual / Job Order & OYSTER).
Electrician Foreman
Inspecting and testing electrical equipment to ensure that it is safe and
operating correctly, including light fixtures, smoke detectors, fire alarms,
wiring, circuit breakers, transformers, and grounding systems.
Supervising work crews in the installation, repair, or maintenance of electrical
systems, including installation of electrical wiring, conduits, transformers,
lighting, switches, breakers, fuses, power lines, junction boxes, etc.
Coordinating the work of other contractors on site who are not directly
involved in the electrical work.
Recommending changes to electrical designs to ensure that they meet local
codes and standards.
Estimating materials needed for projects and ordering supplies from
Install, maintain, and enhance electrical systems and components, including
fuses, lights, and wiring.
Inspect, test, and diagnose issues with electrical systems and components.
24 hours’ rotation duty electrician and troubleshooter in case of emergency
within the MMDA buildings, including the base offices of the Authority.
Telephone Technician
Responsible for repairing, installing, modifying, and upgrading
telecommunications systems and related equipment.
Running routine tests on telecommunications systems to ensure that all
components are functioning at optimal levels.
Performing diagnostic testing on problematic telecommunications systems to
identify and resolve various technical faults.
Performing temporary fixes until extensive repair work can be done at a later
Checking all wiring work done to ensure that there are no exposed cables.
Ordering replacement components for telecommunications equipment and
devices from suitable vendors.
Write down a list of materials and supplies needed for installation purposes
and either purchase them or ask customers to buy them, depending on the
Do the installation of types of air conditioners in various office and buildings
by following standard installation protocols.
Test installed air conditioners to ensure that they are in proper working
Repair air conditioning units by performing analysis and troubleshooting
Perform maintenance activities such as cleaning AC grills and filters on
installed air conditioning systems.
Replace AC systems that are not in a fixable condition.
Assist in every projects activities of the division.
Perform other tasks that maybe assigned from time to time.
Do the general repair maintenance on carpentry and masonry works.
Do the fabrication and installation cabinets, tables and other office furniture.
Do the carpentry and masonry maintenance of MMDA buildings, including
the base offices of the Authority.
Do the general repair maintenance on welding, steel and iron works.
Do the installation of grills and other frames.
Do the welding maintenance within the MMDA buildings, including the base
offices of the Authority.
Do the general repair maintenance on painting works.
Do the painting of cabinets, tables and other office furniture.
Do the painting maintenance of MMDA buildings, including the base offices
of the Authority.
Do the general repair maintenance on plumbing works.
Do the installation of new waterline and plumbing fixtures.
Do the plumbing maintenance of MMDA buildings, including the base
offices of the Authority.
Utility Foreman
Assist the Assistant Head for Utility Works in a variety of general cleaning
maintenance of facilities, offices, buildings and grounds.
Report repair and maintenance needs to proper personnel and assist
maintenance personnel as assigned.
Perform other duties as assigned.
Do the general sweeping of the premises of the MMDA buildings.
Do the maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness within the area assigned to
him / her.
Hauls and transfer office furniture, equipment records and supplies.
Hauling of trash/scrap materials in all common Comfort Rooms and area
assigned to him/her.
Maintain the cleanliness and orderliness within the premises.
Elevator Operator
Do the general operation of elevator.
Maintain the regular cleanliness and orderliness of the elevator area.
Liaison Officer
Responsible for the Renewal of Vehicle Registration including preparation of
Documents & stencils & also inspections needed for LTO.
Registration of Newly Acquired service vehicles, heavy equipment, and
motorcycles including PNP Clearance and Stock Report.
Mechanic II
Conduct the Repair & Maintenance for vehicles.
Prepare Job Orders
Assist GASD in conducting the Repair & Maintenance for MMDA offices like
repair on simulator, elevator, Gen. set etc.
Supervise Carpooling / Dispatch.
Answers vehicle request/s from other departments / offices thru telephones.
Prepares / Fill up Vehicle Dispatch Sheet/s based on the request of each and
every office as long as there are vehicles & drivers available.
Handles Preventive Maintenance Checklist for Transport Unit's Vehicles.
Monitors Lubricant Issuance.
Conducts daily check up on Transport Unit's Vehicles for Preventive
Maintenance purposes.
Coordinates with Mechanics if Repair & Maintenance is applicable.
Drives vehicles to fulfill the request/s of the passenger/s (Depend on the Item /
Ensures the safety of the passenger during and after their travel.
Carpooling Group
Acts on request for availability of vehicles and drivers by concerned office.
Dispatches and deploys vehicles and driving by concerned office.
Distribution of renewed “Official Receipt (O.R.).
1. Requisitioner requesting for photo copying their documents are advice to:
Bring their own bond paper for photo copying their documents.
Write down their details (name, date & time of request, name of their
office, signature and no. of documents requested to duplicated) in the
Official logbook of GASD Reproduction Room.
The operator will do the request.
10.5 Carpooling
1. Requisitioner must submit trip ticket at least one (1) day before the
schedule of travel.
Trip ticket must specify purpose destination and time of departure
Trip ticket must be signed by head of office
For travel outside Metro Manila, trip ticket must be approved by
the Chairman or the General Manager or the AGM for Finance.
2. Dispatcher will have received trip ticket from the requisitioner and
aside from the trip ticket requisitioner will also relay the number of
passenger & other load to bring.
3. Dispatcher will assign the Driver and which vehicles will be use.
Granting of request is based on first come first serve policy.
Dispatcher must immediately inform the requisitioner if there is or
no vehicle or driver available.
For trips outside Metro Manila requisitioner will shoulder all toll
4. The Dispatcher will endorse the trip ticket to Driver for Check-up and
preparations for travel/dispatch.
1. End-user submit previous Vehicle Dispatch Sheet (VDS)/ Trip ticket &
Fuel Issuance Request (FIR).
2. Transport Section check all signature and entry on the VDS & FIR. (If ok)
3. Transport Section will issue “gas coupon’’ based on weekly allocation.
4. Recording gas coupon and assigning of control number for fuel request.
5. Encoding of Fuel Request/Gas Coupon Issued and date of gas up.
6. Gas Coupon issue with attachments is then endorsed to end-user for
Head of Office signature.
7. Gas Coupon with attachment is now endorse to end user for gas up.
8. End-user shall gas up at accredited gas stations.
9. Gas Station submit the billing to Transport Section for evaluation
including attachments.
10. Endorse the billing to Transport Section Head signature for
recommendation of payment.
11. Forward the billing to Supply & Property Division (SPD) for the start of
Payment Process.
1. Preparation of Vehicles Masterlist by ending (“1” to “0”) (Jan. – Oct.).
2. Request for the policy, via email (GSIS Insurance Premium) (Proper &
3. GSIS office replied for the Policy ID no. of MMDA Vehicles (by ending “1” to
4. Preparation of voucher for the payment of Insurance Premium (Proper &
5. Payment of Insurance Premium (GSIS, Pasay City) (Proper & FCSMO)
6. Issuance of COC (Certificate of Cover) by the GSIS, attached as supporting
papers by the LTO (per vehicle)
7. Gather the stencil for all units, by ending (“1” to “0”)
Advise the end-user to submit the stencils 2 months before the respective
date to avoid penalties.
8. Request for the Inspection/ Smoke Emission Test schedule by LTO.
9. Preparation of voucher for the payment of renewal of registration (Proper &
No submission of stencil, no inspection, no registration
10. Issue memorandum to the end-user for the schedule of Inspection/ Smoke
Emission Test done at LTO, East Ave. Q.C.
11. Payment of Registration (LTO main office)
Those vehicles with RSU (Record System Update) will be temporary
hold/pending for the registration time, only LTO shall advise the record.
12. Issuance of Official Receipt (OR).
1. Purchased Request (PR) from End-User is received by Transport
2. Preparation, Reproduction & Attachments of History of Past Repair
to ‘’PR”
3. Inspection of Units for verification/ confirmation of request by the
4. Pre-repair inspection findings by the inspector with signature and
noted by Transport Section Head
5. PR with attachments is then forward to Supply and Property Division
(SPD) or End-User (Requisitioner)
1. Disbursement Voucher (Payments/ Replenishment and Attachments
is received from End-user/Requisitioner)
2. Inspection of units for verification/confirmation of repair/installation by
the inspector.
3. Updating History of Past Repair which includes: Listing of
parts/materials/supply/official receipts/invoice no./date of
purchased/amount/ suppliers.
4. Post Repair Inspection findings by the inspector with signature and
noted by the Transport Section Head.
5. Certification of installed/ supplied verified by inspector & Head of
Transport Section and previously signed by End-user.
6. Disbursement Voucher with attachments is then forward to End-user
or Supply Property Division.
- History of Past Repair
Form 1
Form 2
AS – GASD – 002 – Electrical Billing
Form 3
AS – GASD – 003 – Water Billing
Form 4
Weekly Accomplishment Report
Form 5
Form 6
Form 7
Form 8
Form 9
Form 10
Form 11
AS – GASD – 011 – JOB SLIP
Form 12
Form 13
Form 14
Form 15
Form 16
Form 16 A
Form 17
Form 18
Form 19
Form 20
Form 21
Form 22
Form 23
AS – GASD – 023 – ON THE JOB (OJT) - DAR
Form 24
Form 25
Form 25-A
Form 26
Form 26 - A
Form 27
Form 27-A
Form 28
Form 28-A
Form 28- B
Form 29
Form 29 - A
Form 30
Form 30 - A
Form 31
Form 31 - A
Form 32
Form 32 - A
Form 33
Form 33 - A
Form 34
Form 34 - A
Form 35
Form 35 - A
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
Form 4
AS-GASD-TU-004A-Rev.01 Requisition and Issue Slip
Form 5
Form 6
Form 7
Form 8
Form 9
Form 10
Form 11
Form 12
Form 13
Form 14
Form 15
Form 16
Form 17
Form 18
Form 19
Form 20
Form 21
Form 22
XIV. ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT (14.1. 1st Quarter Accomplishment Report CY
14.2. Annual Accomplishment Report FY 2021.
15.2. Report on Physical Count of Property Plant and Equipment
(Form B – To be left out in the old building)
2. Records are transmitted to offices, divisions, units, sections and
departments for action or information.
A. Scope
B. Content
The goal is to achieve an orderly, systematic and efficient flow of
communication throughout the organization which provides necessary
information in the form needed to facilitate the process of decision-
making concerns within the Agency. A well-designed and well-
implemented records management program supports the Agency’s
management processes of planning, organizing, controlling and
communicating. Need purpose of the procedure is to establish,
document and maintain an effective and economical system to ensure
and demonstrate that the services carried out by the Authority conform
to specified requirements. It is also to provide information and serve as
a reference for employee staff.
Document - encompasses paper, electronic forms and files, emails, faxes,
contracts, leases, vendor communications, etc.
Filing – is the placing of records into file containers for easy and quick retrieval.
Records - those documents that have been made final and are no longer meant
to be altered.
Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) – each Agency shall
create, as an advisory body on the development of records management, the
Chairman and members of which shall be designated by the Head of the
Records Series – refer to group of related records arranged under a single unit
or kept together as a unit because they deal with a particular subject, result
from the same activity or have a special form.
Valueless Records – refers to all records that have reached the prescribed
retention periods and outlived the usefulness to the agency or the government
as a whole.
Records Officer V
Records Creation & Control Section File Management Section Disposition Section
Abraham B. Cambaliza Records Officer III (Vacant) Records Officer III ( Reassigned to SPD)
Records Officer III (Functioned by Ronalyn De Guzman) (Functioned by Abraham Cambaliza)
Lemuel D. Manacpo
Clerk III NorriegaS. Odin Marilyn M. Cabunilas
Clerk III Messenger
Raquel T. Lagos
Records Assistant Eduardo T. Arquisola Jr. Amalia A. Palaganas
Admin Assistant I Reproduction Machine Operator I
Roselyn L. Camton
Laborer II 4 JOB ORDER
CarmelitaC. Joaquin
Laborer II
2. General Information about the Agency and the Selected
Areas of Operation
On March 23, 1995, approval of Republic Act No. 7924 – creation of the
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), declaring the
Metropolitan Manila as a special development and administrative region
comprising of cities and municipalities in the area under the direct
supervision of the President of the Philippines, and replacement of the then
Metropolitan Manila Authority (MMA). Also, Memorandum Order No. 372,
s. 1996 approved the RR of RA 7924, stating that the Metro Manila Council
is the governing board and policy-making body of MMDA. Its powers and
functions are performing planning, monitoring, coordinating and
implementing functions in the process, exercise regulatory and supervisory
authority over the delivery of metro-wide services within Metro Manila area
in conformity with the national government policies without diminution of the
autonomy of the local government concerning purely local matters. The
scope of services of the Authority shall include:
reams per week, now 150 reams in 2 weeks time),
transmits to 89 offices in 30 minutes. Recipient Offices
incurred virtual storages for received issuances. Goal:
paperless dissemination and less usage of cabinets and
A4 file folders to file received issuances of recipient offices
– virtual storage. GOAL: ANTI-COVID 19 scheme for the
welfare of Messengers of Records Division so as to avoid
contamination and respective offices shall receive on time
certified, processed approved Issuances.
STATUS: still implemented, thereby pinpointed
accountability for the received issuances.
4. Organization and Responsibilities
Records Officer V
1. Exercises general supervision and control of all records
management activities, takes charge and supervises the
reproduction of vital records and documents of the Authority;
Records Officer IV
3. Assists in the planning, directing and supervising the
implementation of the records management program of the
MMDA and recommends courses of action to the Chief for an
efficient records management;
authorization for issuance of records copies of documents in
accordance with policies and procedures;
Records Officer II
3. Handles independently a functional phase of an office programs;
Records Officer II
Records Officer I
4. Maintains periodic review of records and reporting system and
makes necessary changes for its effective operations; and
Computer operator II
Clerk III
Clerk III
Clerk II
a) Administrative Issuances
b) Personnel Actions
c) Acted upon Communications
– Reply-letter from concerned Office/Division/Section/Unit
a. type of issuances
b. control/serial number
c. subject matter
d. year/date of effectivity
document; encode details of received communications in the
Document Tracking System (DTS).
b. Filing
c. Storage
Designated Records Custodians to all installed Cabinets at the
Records Storage Area, responsible for its management,
maintenance of records. Also, shall be responsible to search and
retrieve requested records, if requested.
d. Disposition of Records
1.0 Purpose
AS - Administrative Service
PBD - Personnel Benefits Division
LPS - Leave Processing Section
PG - Payroll Group
MDC - Medical and Dental Clinic
3.0 Responsibilities
3.5 Ensures the promotion of primary health care and benefits available
for the employees of the Authority;
4.0 Job Requirements
4.1 General
4.3 Activities
Annual Physical Examination
Dispute settlement
3. Development and implement an agency-wide medical and dental
program and physical fitness and sports development program to
promote the general well-being of MMDA employees including their
4. Develop and update policies and procedures for the efficient and
effective implementation of medical claims.
4.5 Precautions
See to it that:
4.6 Records
Leave records
Transmittal sheet
General form No.2005-00 1 – Disbursement Voucher
Payroll/Voucher Authority
GSIS Membership Information Sheet
GSIS Application forms for retirement, CSV, and other claims
PHILHEALTH ER 2 (Report of Employee Members)
PAGIBIG Multi-Purpose Loan Application
SSS Membership/Updating (for JO personnel)
Bank – ATM Application
BIR Registration Form
Monitoring journals/sheets
Duplicate copies of payrolls and vouchers.
Letters and communications
5. References