Individual Research Iti Gwapo
Individual Research Iti Gwapo
Individual Research Iti Gwapo
A Research Paper
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Practical Research 2
The most important and vital factor to become successful in the fields of agri-
business is feeding. Feeding refers to giving food to your domestic and farm animals
to keep their body healthy and to improve the quality of products. An animal will only
perform at its potential if it is fed well. Being 'well fed' does not imply being 'over fed'.
An animal that is fed well is given just enough (but not more) of the correct foods so
that it can release its production potential.
Having a quality livestock feeds will ensure the growth and development of your
animals. Studies have shown that animal feed which contain all the essential
nutrients required for their well-being will improve their metabolic, production,
reproduction and health responses. (Weigel & Ballard-Reisch, 2015).
. The rise of livestock and poultry business has attracted a great deal of
attention and this has increased since the sector is now providing more as meat,
milk, or eggs. This global prominence has been partly facilitated by the availability
and on-farm provision of feed inputs within the major agriculture producing countries.
More than 70% of the total global agriculture production is dependent upon the
supply of external feed inputs. For the agriculture sector to maintain its current
growth rate, the supply of nutrient and feed inputs will have to grow at a similar rate,
while ingredients production remains static and other sectors compete for same feed
The increase in demand for animal feeds and bread products could cause
Philippine wheat imports in the current trade year to hit a record 6.3 million metric
tons (MMT), according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). And
in order to meet the demand needed, several studies have shown that there are
many methods or ways to produce an alternative livestock feeds for poultry and
livestock animals.
In the local setting, the researchers have observed the availability of fruit
peelings and vegetable wastes in houses and stocks which are to be considered a
contributor of land pollution, wherein wasting food is also hurting our environment.
When thrown into landfill, food waste produces a large amount of methane.
As food rots and degrades, it emits these harmful gases which are 25 times
more harmful than carbon dioxide in terms of trapping heat in the atmosphere
(Zerbock, 2016).
Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-
hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris,
agricultural waste, and other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
R.A. 9003 or Solid waste management act shall refer to the discipline
associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and transport,
processing, and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in accord with the best
principles of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, and
other environmental considerations, and that is also responsive to public attitudes.
Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the systematic administration of
activities which provide for segregation at source, segregated transportation, storage,
transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste
management activities which do not harm the environment. (Law Phil, 2017)
into a valuable things as one of the objective to the Republic Act No. 9003 or the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.
The ideas and concepts of this study are based on an Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000 an act providing for an ecological solid waste management
program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring
certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefore, and for
other purposes.
RA 9003 was crafted in response to the public officials from the national level
down to the barangay level to observe and discharge their duty herein mandated in
this Act so that it may reach the ends of its purpose why it was enacted to solve the
problems of garbage. This Act provides the systematic procedure from
generation down to the disposal. This Act also provides the standards and
controls of the generation, storage, collection, transport, segregation, and
disposal of wastes, such that it m a y n o t p o s e h e a l t h r i s k s a n d h a z a r d t o
t h e e n v i r o n m e n t a n d t h e population.
Given the Act, the researchers aim to extend their full support and
contribution by means of recycling fruit peelings to create a convenient, cost-effective
and eco-friendly livestock feeds.
The independent variables include the main product which is Livestock Feeds
out of Fruit Peelings and the Commercialized Livestock Feeds. While the dependent
variables include the efficiency of the livestock feeds in terms of texture and
appearance, moisture content, odor, nutrients, cost and the growth rate of the
This research study aimed to determine the effectivity of the livestock feeds made
from fruit peelings.
1. What is the effect of the fruit peelings in the livestock feeds in terms of?
a. Moisture content c. Carbohydrates
b. Protein
2. What is the effect of the livestock feeds out of fruit peelings on the weight of
the chickens?
3. What is the cost analysis of the livestock feeds out of fruit peelings?
4. What is the acceptability of the feeds livestock in terms of texture and
6. Is there a significant difference on the weight of the chicken fed between the
livestock feeds out of fruit peelings and commercialized feeds?
7. There is no significant difference on the acceptability between the livestock
feeds out of fruit feelings and the commercialized livestock feeds in terms of
texture and appearance
8. There is no significant difference between the livestock feeds out of fruit
peelings and commercialized feeds in terms of the cost.
The study focused on recycling and reusing discarded fruit peeling to create a
livestock feeds. The materials used are easily available in the locality. The livestock
feeds was created from fruit peelings wherein the materials are consider to be
garbage and waste.
The efficiency of the Livestock Feeds out of Fruit peelings was determined in
terms of how it affects the weight of the chicken, its moisture content and nutrient
content and its cost. Furthermore, the acceptability of the product will be based on
quality which was evaluated by thirty (30) household respondents. With the use of 4-
point Likert scale, the acceptability of the texture and appearance of the Livestock
Feeds out of Fruit and the commercialized livestock feeds was determined.
The creation of the livestock feeds out of fruit peelings was done at the residence of
the researchers at Puroc, Luna, Isabela. Also, this study was conducted at Luna
National High School, Luna Isabela from July to September 2018.
With the aid of this study, the researcher can help some people of the
community. The beneficiaries of the research study are as follows:
The student, this study will help them know the importance of recycling and reusing
waste materials and convert in to more valuable one.
The costumers, this will help them to save cash in buying an alternative livestock
feeds which can be from vegetable and fruit peelings;
The school and colleges, this research study will help the institution to make eco-
friendly livestock feeds, for their students and help them to save cash;
The environmental advocators and agencies, this study will help to reduce the solid
waste in households which can be a factor of pollution to the environment and also
reduce the problem on increasing demand for the use livestock feeds thus, save our
depleting source of livestock products as one of our major resources;
The manufacturers, they may adopt the Livestock Feeds out of Fruit peelings in the
production of livestock feeds. By this, we can reduce the amount of solid waste
around us.
The researchers, this research study will help them to strive more towards advance
integration of their SHS track and strand through applying what they learned to the
study alone; and
The future researchers, this study will help them in having ideas on the conversion of
fruit peelings to conduct useful things. And this can serve as a study reference of
future related research studies.
Solid waste- the useless and unwanted products in the solid state derived from the
activities of and discarded by society. It is produced either by - product of production
processes or arise from the domestic or commercial sector when objects or materials
are discarded after use. In the study the solid waste that we are referring to is the
vegetable and fruit peelings
Livestock feed- or animal feed is food given to domestic animals in the course of
animal husbandry. There are two basic types: fodder and forage. Used alone, the
word "feed" more often refers to fodder.
Moisture content- is defined as quantity of water that exists in the soil mass. It can
represent either the naturally present or water which is manually added. The term
moisture content is otherwise known as water content.
Local literatures
Organic livestock farming, while not the only solution to food security
challenges, offers great potential in addressing many specific concerns in
food production through a more sustainable farming system that may support
the rural economy with special relevance to smallholder farmers. Organic
livestock farming involves innovations that will improve farm productivity,
household incomes, and food security. For instance, the use of adapted local
(indigenous) breeds in smallholder organic livestock production is expected to
enhance consumer interest in organic animal food, and consequently lead to
an increased market share of organic products. Local breeds are thus sought
to provide the adapted livestock requirements of the slowly but steadily
growing global organic sector. However, as most of the current research on
organic livestock is being undertaken in temperate areas, more research on
organically-raised livestock in smallholder farms should be conducted in the
tropics, particularly in Southeast Asia. (SEARCA, 2015)
in the Philippines and other countries in Southeast Asia are also presented.
The goal here is to help smallholder farmers to produce organic livestock food
products that not only appeal to the consumer, adhere to local regulations and
retain product quality, but make organic food products widely available in
different regions at a fair (reduced) price. Specific recommendations are thus
provided to promote education, and R&D activities on organic livestock
farming by smallholder farmers; to develop niche markets for smallholder
farmers and add value to organic livestock products; to provide support for
smallholder farmers through joint industry-government-academe initiatives; to
organize improvement and conservation programs for adapted local breeds;
and to reduce the cost of organic certification for smallholder farmers.
Nonetheless, producing organic animal-derived food requires considerable
attention, care, and skill and, above all, a strong connection to the market.
Future research should thus be able to address questions on the costs of
organic livestock farming and practical approaches to transform traditional or
conventional production systems into organic livestock farming. They should
also promote choice, so that smallholder farmers, consumers, and other end-
users can make informed decisions that reflect their best interest. (PIDS,
Local Studies
with iron, manganese and copper with the use of the culture Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and whey. (Valdez and Silva 2017)
Foreign studies
The growth in the broiler industry and the concomitant increase in the
broiler litter generated out of these operations, coupled with increased
environmental awareness, has resulted in increased interest by producers
and scientists in uses for broiler litter. Long-term land applications of broiler
litter have resulted in a buildup of some nutrients in certain soils. Research
results indicate that annual application rates of up to 4 ton/acre of litter are
acceptable, but should be accompanied by annual soil testing. Broiler litter of
adequate quality is acceptable as a livestock feed, provided the litter is
properly processed prior to feeding. When used as a livestock feed, the ash
level in litter is of concern due to its negative effects on the nutritive value
(total digestible nutrients, TDN) of litter diets containing relatively high ash
levels. Based on expected levels of performance, broiler litter-based diets
require varying levels of grain to meet the nutrient requirements of different
classes of livestock. Broiler litter can be used as both fertilizer and livestock
feed, and the combining of broiler production with a commercial beef
operation represents an attractive integration of two enterprises. (C.
P. Bagley, R. R. Evans and W. B. Burdine Jr., 2015)
USDA's recommended cooking temperatures of 71 to 77°C (160 to 170°F) for
potentially manure-tainted meat products. In addition to the spread of potential
pathogens, using animal wastes as feed presents the possibility that
antibiotic-resistant bacteria may spread from one animal to another and that
antibiotics or other chemicals may be passed between animals. Few research
reports have addressed the safety of this practice, and those studies that
have been published have generally been in controlled and artificial
environments, rather than in on-farm conditions. Further microbiological
studies are recommended to assess the extent of risk. (Haapapuro, Barnard,
and Simon 2017)
Foreign Literature
resource utilization, and contribute to the overall goal of sustainability.
(Gordon, Pas, and Westerford 2015)
This study used conceptual research design. This is utilized for researches that
include innovations and creating new ideas in a form of a product often in the field of
The two treatments in the study are the Livestock Feeds out of Fruit Peelings
(experimental treatment) and the commercialized Livestock feeds (control treatment).
Testing the effectivity of the two treatments was done in three (3) replications.
The materials needed in the study were obtained from the household’s bla bla . The
gathered materials were brought to Puroc, Luna, Isabela for the preparation and for
the fabrication of the livestock feeds. Further, it was observed that fruit peelings such
as calamansi, orange and guava are available here at Luna which are the primary
materials to be used in the study.
The materials used in the study are (2 pcs) 200-liter drums, (2 pcs) aluminum
plates, (3 pcs) large hinges, (1 pc) cylinder hasp lock, (1 pc) 1-inch aluminum angle
bar, (130 pcs) rivets, (1pc) bearing, (1 pc) 85 cm metal tube, (1 pc) drill bit, (1L) royal
blue paint, (3 pcs) cutting dishes, (1 pc) welding rod, (3 pcs) pull handles and (2 pcs)
drawer slides. The equipment/machines used are grinder, cut the metal drum; drill
gun and riveter, to connect/attach other parts of the steel cabinet; pull push ruler to
be used for measuring; snip metal sheet scissor, to cut the steel plate; and welding
machine, to weld other parts of the steel cabinet.
The two hundred (200) liter metal drum was place horizontally and cut a
measure of 77 cm length and 42 cm width using a grinder with cutting dish to form
the main door of the cabinet. Then, the top of the drum was circularly cut using again
the grinder to create an open for easy attachment of the internal-twisted
compartments. And the metal drum was washed with water and soap to remove dirt
and oil and dried through sunlight.
An 85 cm measured metal tube was cut which will serve as the main skeleton
of the cabinet using a grinder. Two 22 cm diameter circular steel plate with 168 cm
circumference were cut for top-bottom frames; the bottom frame served as the third
stage of the cabinet. Three 91 cm by 30 cm rectangular steel plate were also cut
which will serve as the divider of the cabinet.
The 85cm measured metal tube was attached with a bottom-bearing for easy
movement of the compartments; while installation of improvise bearing to the top of
the drum was constructed. Next, the two circular steel sheets were attached using
the riveter on top and bottom. Same is true with the three rectangular steel sheets
which were attached vertically forming three divisions of the cabinet.
A 78 cm angle bar was cut using the grinder which was attached with one
side for each rectangular steel sheets; the angle bar served as frame. Four 168 cm
circular shaped angle bar were constructed; two for the frame of the first two circular
steel plate and an additional two frames for the first and second stages of
compartments. The frames or angle bar were attached using the riveter.
For the first and second stages of compartments, since the bottom steel plate
served as the third stage, two circular steel plates were cut using the snip scissor but,
this time, each circular plate was divided into three alike with a “pizza-cut or pieces”.
Each pieces/cut were attached to the empty spaces allotted for the first and second
stages using then again the riveter.
The three large hinges were welded with 11 cm space in between supporting
the main door with the main body of the cabinet. By this, the large hinges provide a
smoother or easy open-close execution. Next, the pull-handle and hasp lock were
attached which served as open-close tool and provides security, respectively.
An additional bottom drawer was installed which is one of the features of the
cabinet. With another 200 liter metal drum, its 3/8 half was measured and cut using
the grinder. From that, this secondary part was connected and welded to the first
drum with the internal-twisted compartments.
Four 20 cm flat bars were welded inside the secondary cabinet which will
serve as the foundation of the drawer slides. Next the drawer slides were connected
from the installed flat bars attaching to the main drawer. Lastly, installation of pull-
handle then followed.
Using one liter royal blue or any paint color, the outside part of the cabinet was
coated through brushing it vertically. After, the product was dried through sunlight.
In testing the tensile strength and durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet, each compartments were packed with Bagong Binhi Filipino book
weighing .480 kg as measured using digital weighing scale. Maximum number of
books were loaded on each compartment. The total mass of the load contained in
each compartment was computed based on the total number of books per container
times the mass of one book. Tensile strength was computed from the mass of the
load per container times 9.8 m/s2. Furthermore, durability was obtained by dividing
the tensile strength or the force applied on each container to the area of each
compartment. Tensile strength and durability of the commercialized steel cabinet
were determined using the same process above; however, On-line English Work text
books weighing .520 kg each were used.
Schematic Diagram
1. Mean and standard deviation were used to determine the efficiency of the
Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and commercialized cabinet in terms of load capacity,
tensile strength, durability, and appearance. Cost analysis will likewise be employed.
2. t-test analysis was used to determine the difference of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet and of the commercialized steel cabinet in terms of load capacity, tensile
strength, durability, and appearance.
Moreover, its main door was attached with large hinges and cylinder hasp
locks connected to it which will provide security. An additional drawer was
constructed to the bottom part of the cabinet covering a wide surface area. The
product has been painted to prevent it from rust which can be a factor to weaken the
durability of the metal drum.
In determining whether there exists a significant difference between the load capacity
of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and the commercialized steel cabinet, the
means were compared. Results are shown below.
Table 1
Independent Means t-test on Load Capacity of the Fabricated Metal Drum Locker
and Commercialized Locker
Fabricated Steel
Drum Cabinet
76.32 7.6 1.502590356 -60.78 0.00001**
Cabinet (N=2)
68.12 34.06 0.1272792206
Data above revealed that the load capacity of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet is higher than the commercialized steel cabinet. In fact, the total load
capacity of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is 76.32 kg while 68.12 kg total load
capacity for the commercialized cabinet. This implies that the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet provides a wider storage for objects to be stored compared to the
commercialized steel cabinet. Further, the fact that the computed t (-60.78) is lesser
than the critical value (-2.764). This implies that there is a significant difference on
the load capacity of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and commercialized steel
Table 2
Independent Means t-test on Tensile Strength of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet
and Commercialized Cabinet
Data revealed that the tensile strength of the Fabricated Steel Drum cabinet is
higher than the commercialized steel cabinet. The computed tensile strength of the
two materials were just based on the maximum amount of books that can be loaded
inside the compartments. The Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet having higher volume
(V= 2881.837m3) and area (A=0.88705m2) contained more books compared to the
commercialized steel cabinet having smaller volume (V=615.6m3) and area
(A=21.6m2). This imply that there are greater forces that will act on each
compartment of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet compared to the commercialized
steel cabinet based on their maximum load capacity. Moreover, the fact that the
computed t (-59.42) is lesser than the critical value (-2.764). This implies that there is
a significant difference on the tensile strength of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet
and commercialized steel cabinet.
Table 3
Independent Means t-test on Durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and
Commercialized Cabinet
Table above revealed that the durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and
the commercialized cabinet is significant at 0.01 level of confidence. This imply that
the durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and the commercialized cabinet
is different the fact that the computed t (9.56) is greater than the critical value (2.764).
Table 4
Cost Analysis of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and Commercialized Steel
Commercialized Steel
Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet Cabinet
As presented on table 4, the total price of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet
is Php 4,683.17. Therefore, applying the marked-up price of 10% to the cost, market
selling price of the product is Php. 5,151.50. On the other hand, the commercialized
steel cabinet has a market selling price of Php 2,716.29.
It can be seen that the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is double the price of
the commercialized steel cabinet. This is due to the bigger size, durability, tensile
strength and load capacity of the steel drum cabinet.
Table 5
0.5561 58 1.672
Table 6
Integral Information Between the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and the
commercialized steel cabinet in Terms of Appearance
Number of 30 30
As reflected on table 6, the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet has a mean of 3.40 while
a mean of 3.33 has the commercialized steel cabinet. Further, the Fabricated Steel
Drum Cabinet and the commercialized cabinet have variance of 0.5137931034 and
0.4367931034, and standard deviation of 0.7167936268 and 0.6609032481,
respectively. Both cabinets have 30 respondents each. This indicates that the
Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and the commercialized cabinet is the same excellent
in appearance.
In general, the load capacity, tensile strength, durability and cost of the Fabricated
Steel Drum Cabinet and commercialized steel cabinet were compared. Construction,
formation and conduct of short survey evaluation of the cabinets were the primary
steps followed. The gathered data were organized, analyzed, and scrutinized with the
used of tables and appropriate hypothesis testing technique, t-test for independent
samples, and statistical package.
Summary of Findings
0.01 level of significance. The mean of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is
74.83 while the commercialized steel cabinet has a mean of 333.79.
5. The price of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is five thousand one hundred
fifty-one pesos and fifty centavos (5,151.50) while the commercialized steel
cabinet has a price of two thousand seven hundred sixteen pesos and twenty-
nine centavos (Php 2,716.29).
6. Using the same statistical technique, the null hypothesis “there is no significant
difference between the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and commercialized steel
cabinet in terms of appearance” was accepted at 0.05 level of significance. The
fact that the computed t value (0.5561) was less than the critical value (1.672).
The mean of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is 3.4 and the commercialized
cabinet, on the other hand, has a mean of 3.33.
1. The Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet provides several functions which can be
used to store books, foods, papers/documents, and other purposes.
2. The load capacity of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is higher than the
commercialized steel cabinet.
3. The tensile strength of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is not equal with
the commercialized steel cabinet as affected by their load capacity due to
differences in area and volume.
4. The durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and of the
commercialized steel cabinet have different strength.
5. The Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is more expensive compared to the price
of the commercialized steel cabinet.
6. The physical appearance of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet is not
significantly different as the commercialized steel cabinet.
For the further improvement of this investigatory project, the researchers
recommend the following:
1. Other means or ways of testing the tensile strength and durability of the
Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet, which may yield more accurate results.
2. Additional features of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet are also urged for its
improvement such as the use of rubber seals on edges to prevent the
consumers from being wounded.
3. The researcher endorsed the used of Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet by
4. Lastly, that the researcher should apply for intellectual property rights of the
NHDES. (2013). Best management practices for 55-gallon drums. 29 Hazen Drive,
Concors, New Hampshire 03301, United States.
Rader, M. (2014, April 15). Global Challenges. Retrieved October 16, 2018, from
Smithsonian. (2018, October 3). Oil/Petroleum. Retrieved November 12, 2018, from
Energy Information Administration:
Staff, R. (2018). Global oil consumption set to hit 100 million barrels per day sooner
than expected. Africa: INDEPENDENT.
Triano, J. J. (2012, August 10). SPINE-health. Retrieved November 12, 2019, from
R1 R2 R3
Top C1 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Top C2 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Top C3 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Middle C1 6.72kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.04 kg 69.10 N 0.234
Middle C2 7.2 kg 6.72kg 7.2 kg 7.04 kg 69.10 N 0.234
Middle C3 7.2 kg 6.72kg 7.2 kg 7.04 kg 69.10 N 0.234
Bottom C1 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Bottom C2 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Bottom C3 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 7.2 kg 70.56 N 0.239
Drawer 12 kg 12 kg 12 kg 12 kg 117.6 N 0.009
Appendix B. Descriptive Information of Obtaining the Standard Deviations, Variances
and t-value in Terms of Load Capacity, Tensile Strength, Durability and Appearance
of the Two Steel Cabinets
Load Capacity
ξf 10
n–1 9
= 1.502590356
Load Capacity
ξf 2
n–1 1
Computation of t-test
t= 7.6-34.06/ 2.25777777778+0.0162
= -24.46/ 0.18949814814833
= -26.46/0.4353138502
t= -60.78373107
Tensile Strength
n–1 9
= 15.04500227
Tensile Strength
ξf 2
n–1 1
= 1.244507935
Computation of t-test
t= 74.826-333.79/ 226.3520933+1.5488
= -258.964/4.357951481
= -59.42333253
ξf 10
n–1 9
= 0.07211102551
ξf 2
n–1 1
= 0.00007071067812
Computation of t-test
t= 0.2145-0.01545 / 0.0052+0.000000005
= 0.19905/0.02081667
= 9.562048109
No. of 15 13 1 1 30
o. of Respondents 13 14 3 0 30
Luna, Isabela
Nowadays, people have lot of entities inside and outside of their house. They intend
to fix their items in a specific place which can be a cabinet or locker. But these items
can be easily damage if the cabinet/ locker itself is made of rotten material. As a
solution, the researcher wanted to design, construct and recycle using used
oil/gasoline drums to produce a stronger steel drum cabinet. Since the researchers
also observed that several oil/gasoline drums are being discarded in their river
consumed by quarry business.
With the idea of the researcher, the community members are also urged to
reduce, reuse, and recycle abandoned things from their backyards or somewhere,
and convert them into valuable equipment or tools; it is a fact that the study is an
eco-friendly project.
This research study seeks to recycle discarded oil/gasoline drum to produce a useful
and stronger cabinet. Specifically, this project seeks to answer the following
b. Tensile Strength
c. Durability
d. Price
3. Is there a significant difference on the acceptability of the Fabricated Steel
Drum Cabinet and commercialized steel drum cabinet in terms of
The materials to be used in the study are (2 pcs) 200-liter drums, (2 pcs)
aluminum plates, (3 pcs) 5/8 cylindrical hinges, (1 pc) hasp lock, (1 pc) 1-inch
aluminum angle bar, (130 pcs) rivets, (1pc) bearing, (1 pc) 85 cm metal tube,
(1 pc) drill bit, (1L) royal blue paint, (3 pcs) cutting dishes, (1 pc) welding rod,
(3 pcs) pull handles and (2 pcs) drawer slides. The equipment/machines to be
used are grinder, cut the metal drum; drill gun and riveter, to connect/attach
other parts of the steel cabinet; pull push ruler to be used for measuring; snip
metal sheet scissor, to cut the steel plate; and welding machine, to weld other
parts of the steel cabinet.
Place the two hundred (200) liter metal drum horizontally and cut a measure
of 77 cm length and 42 cm width using a grinder with cutting dish to form the
main door of the cabinet. Then, circularly cut the top of the drum using again
the grinder to create an open for easy attachment of the internal-twisted
compartments. And wash the metal drum with water and soap to remove dirt
and oil and dry it through sunlight.
Cut an 85 cm measured metal tube which will serve as the main skeleton of
the cabinet using a grinder Cut two 22 cm diameter circular steel plate with
168 cm circumference for top-bottom frames; the bottom frame will serve as
the third stage of the cabinet. Cut three 91 cm by 30 cm rectangular steel
plate which will serve as the divider of the cabinet.
The 85cm measured metal tube will be attached with a bottom-bearing for
easy movement of the compartments; while installation of improvise bearing
to the top of the drum will be constructed. Next, the two circular steel sheets
will be attached using the riveter on top and bottom. Same is true with the
three rectangular steel sheets which will be attached vertically forming three
divisions of the cabinet.
A 78 cm angle bar will be cut using the grinder which will be attached with
one side for each rectangular steel sheets; the angle bar will serve as frame.
Four 168 cm circular shaped angle bar will be constructed; two for the frame
of the first two circular steel plate and an additional two frames for the first
and second stages of compartments. The frames or angle bar will be
attached using the riveter.
For the first and second stages of compartments, since the bottom steel plate
will serve as the third stage, cut two circular steel plates using the snip scissor
but, this time, each circular plate will be divide into three alike with a “pizza-
cut or pieces”. Each pieces cut will be attached to the empty spaces allotted
for the first and second stages using then again the riveter.
Weld the three cylindrical hinges with 11 cm space in between supporting the
main door with the main body of the cabinet. By this, the large hinges provide
a smoother or easy open-close execution. Next, a pull-handle and hasp lock
will be attached which will serve as open-close tool and provides security,
Weld four 20 cm flat bars inside the secondary cabinet which will serve as the
foundation of the drawer slides. Next is to connect the drawer slides from the
installed flat bars attaching to the main drawer. Lastly, installation of pull-
handle will follow.
Using one liter royal blue or any paint color, coat the outside part of the cabinet
through brushing vertically. After, let the product be dry through sunlight.
In testing the tensile strength and durability of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet, each compartments will be packed with Bagong Binhi Filipino book
weighing .480 kg as measured using digital weighing scale. Maximum
number of books will be loaded on each compartment. The total mass of the
load contained in each compartment will be computed based on the total
number of books per container times the mass of one book. Tensile strength
will be computed from the mass of the load per container times 9.8 m/s2.
Furthermore, durability will be obtained by dividing the tensile strength or the
force applied on each container to the area of each compartment. Tensile
strength and durability of the commercialized steel cabinet will then be
determined using the same process above; however, On-line English
Worktext books weighing .520 kg each will be used.
Thirty (30) respondents will be randomly selected; they will be rating the
appearance based on their visual impact, of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet and the commercialized steel cabinet. Cost analysis will be employed
to determine the total price of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and the
commercialized steel cabinet. Questionnaires and survey forms will be
Gathered data will be presented using tables. The summary, conclusions, and
recommendations will be formulated by the researchers based from data
1. Mean and standard deviation will be used to determine the efficiency of the
fabricated steel drum cabinet and commercialized cabinet in terms of load capacity,
tensile strength, durability, and appearance. Cost analysis will likewise be employed.
2. t-test will be used to determine the difference of the Fabricated Steel Drum
Cabinet and of the commercialized steel cabinet in terms of load capacity, tensile
strength, durability, and appearance.
Load Capacity of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and Commercialized Steel
R1 R2 R3
Top C1
Top C2
Top C3
Middle C1
Middle C2
Middle C3
Bottom C1
Bottom C2
Bottom C3
4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Very Good) (Good) (Fair) Total
No. of
4 3 2 1
(Excellent) (Very Good) (Good) (Fair) Total
No. of
Cost Analysis of the Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and Commercialized Steel
Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet Commercialized Steel Cabinet
Materials: Cost: Cost:
You are asked to rate the (a) Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet and (b)
commercialized steel cabinet in terms of appearance based on the visual impact of
both cabinets. Kindly write your answer in the black space.
Scale Range Description
4 3.1-4 Excellent
3 2.1-3 Very Good
2 1.1-2 Good
1 0-1 Fair
(a) Fabricated Steel Drum Cabinet: ___ (b) Commercialized Steel Cabinet: ___
Attaching the angle bars which
serve as frame of each
Installing the pull-handle and
hasp lock.