MSDS - Clout - Powerful Cleaner &descaling Agent
MSDS - Clout - Powerful Cleaner &descaling Agent
MSDS - Clout - Powerful Cleaner &descaling Agent
Non Emergency
Assistance No : 9884400422
Eye Contact : Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact Immediately flush
eyes with copious amount of water for at least 15 minutes. Get Medical attention.
Skin Contact (or Hair) : Flush skin thoroughly with soap and water for several minutes. Get medical attention
if irritation persists after washing .Remove contaminated clothing immediately.
Ingestion : Wash out mouth with cold water provided person is conscious. Seek medical
advice. Do not induce vomiting unless directed by a physician.
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Suitable Extinguishing Media : Water spray, dry chemical powder or appropriate foam.
Small Spill : Absorb with inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal.
Large Spill : Absorb with inert material and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal and
use copious water and clean the floor.
Waste Disposal Method : Dispose of in accordance with national and local regulations for inert non-
hazardous waste material.
Precautions to be taken in Handling and Storage : Store in a cool, dry place (2-30°C) in original sealed
containers away from heat sources and sunlight. Avoid contact with strong oxidants, strong acids and alkalies.
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pH value 2.0
Colour Colourless
Clarity Clear
Odour Characterstics
Possibility of Hazardous Reactions : Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reaction
will not occur.
Acute effects.
Causes eye irritation if contacted.
Mild irritant to skin
To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly
Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not Available
Biodegradation : Biodegradable
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The used product can be drained to ETP or sewage after the pH is neutral. (6.5 to 7.5). Empty containers can
be reused after thorough rinsing with water or recycled.
Vendor notes:
Safety data sheet has been prepared on the basis of information given by our suppliers and our present knowledge. Information given is intended to present guidelines for
safe handling, use, processing, storage, transport, disposal and discharge; it is not intended to be a guarantee or quality specification .The intent of this data sheet is to give a
description of the product with regard to safe storage, handling and use. Information given applies only to the product itself and not in combination with other products or in
any processed form, unless this is specified in the text. We believe that all information in the data sheet (which replaces all previous versions)was correct at the date of issue
.It is the responsibility of the recipient of this safety data sheet to ensure that information given here is read and understood by all who use , handle , dispose of or in any way
come in contact with the product.
End of document
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