LG 49LM7600
LG 49LM7600
LG 49LM7600
The contents of this guide are subject to change without prior notice for quality
❐❐To view program information
Wheel(OK) ➾ Info.
Displays information about the current program and/or current time, etc.
✎✎ Image shown may differ from your TV.
Current time
✎✎ ꔧ [Depending on model]
THX (Thomlinson Holman’s Experiment) is an audio and video certification
standard established by George Lucas and Thomlinson. A THX certified
display guarantees screen quality that exceeds the display standard
specification in both hardware and software.
❐❐To adjust pictures with Picture Wizard
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ PICTURE ➙ Picture Wizard Ⅱ
Use the remote control and follow the instructions of the Picture Wizard to
calibrate and adjust for the optimum picture quality without expensive pattern
devices or help from a specialist.
Follow the instructions to obtain the optimum picture quality.
❐❐To select Picture Mode
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ PICTURE ➙ Picture Mode
Selects the picture mode optimized for the viewing environment or the program.
Detects the ambient illumination and automatically
adjusts TV's brightness level to reduce power
Intelligent Sensor
consumption. Automatically adjusts the brightness,
sharpness, color or tint for optimum picture quality.
Heightens contrast, brightness, and sharpness to
display vivid images.
Displays images in standard levels of contrast,
brightness, and sharpness.
Cinema/ ꔧ Cinema Displays images that have been optimized for movies or
Game games. [ꔧ Cinema : Depending on model]
Menu for adjusting picture quality that allows experts
and amateurs to enjoy the best TV viewing. This menu
is ISF-certified and provided for picture tuning experts.
ꕋ Expert
(ISF logo can only be used on ISF-certified TV units.)
ISFccc: Imaging Science Foundation Certified
Calibration Control
✎✎ Depending on the input signal, available range of picture modes may differ.
✎✎ ꕋ Expert mode is for picture tuning professionals to control and fine-tune
using a specific image. For normal images, the effects may not be drastic.
❐❐To fine-tune picture mode
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ PICTURE ➙ Picture Mode ➙ Backlight/Contrast/
Brightness/Sharpness/Color/Tint/Color Temp.
Selects the desired Picture Mode first.
Adjusts the display brightness by varying the brightness of the
LCD panel.
Adjusts the difference between bright and dark regions of the
Brightness Adjusts the overall screen brightness.
Sharpness Adjusts the sharpness of the borders between bright and dark.
Color Adjusts the color that appears on the screen darker or lighter.
Tint Adjusts the red/green color balance.
Color Temp. Adjusts the overall tone of colors to hot or cool.
✎✎ Depending on the input signal or other picture settings, the range of detailed
items for adjustment may differ.
❐❐To set advanced control
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ PICTURE ➙ Picture Mode ➙ Advanced control/
Expert Control
For each picture mode, screen can be calibrated; or for a special screen, picture
settings can be adjusted.
Selects the desired Picture Mode first.
Adjusts the contrast to the optimal level according to the
Dynamic Contrast
image's brightness.
Adjusts colors to make the image appear in more natural
Dynamic Color
Enhances whites on screen to make the image brighter and
Clear White
Skin Color : Skin color spectrum can be separately set to
implement the skin color defined by the user.
Preferred Color Grass Color : Natural color spectrum (meadows, hills, etc.)
can be separately set.
Sky Color : Sky color is set separately.
Provides a crystal-clear picture by improving the details in
Super Resolution
an area that has a blurry or unclear picture.
Sets the gradation curve according to the output of picture
signal in relation to the input signal.
Color Gamut Selects the range of colors that can be expressed.
Shows clearer and distinctive yet natural edges of the
Edge Enhancer
xvYCC [Depending on model] Expresses richer colors.
Filters a specific color spectrum in RGB colors to fine-tune
Color Filter
color saturation and hue accurately.
Expert Pattern Patterns used for expert adjustment.
Adjusts the overall tone of the screen as desired.
White Balance In Expert mode, detailed fine-tuning can be set via Method
/ Pattern and the like.
This is a function used by experts when they adjust colors
Color with test pattern of six colors (Red/Green/Blue/Cyan/
Management Magenta/Yellow) without affecting other color areas.
System For normal images, adjustments may not result in
noticeable color change.
Selects speaker.
TV Speaker
Selects input.
NEWS Comic Entertainment Information TV
Add to My Apps
Add to My Apps
❐❐To use paid Content
Some Premium Content is provided as for-fee services. To purchase for-fee
services, use either LG Electronics’ proprietary billing system or that of each
content provider. With LG’s billing system, sign up for membership and register
payment information on www.lgappstv.com before paying.
1 Click Sign In button in upper right corner of Home screen to sign in.
2 Move to the desired Premium service.
3 After checking the content’s pricing and service information, click the
Purchase button. (Some Content may be subject to a time limit or restricted
number of views.)
4 Once the purchasing process is completed, view the paid content by clicking
the Buy button.
5 Select your ID on upper menu of Home screen and check history of purchases
from My Page ➙ Payment inquiry. It is also available on My Page ➙ Purchase
History of web site (www.lgappstv.com).
✎✎ If there is no Social Center app on the My Apps, install one from LG Smart
✎✎ Log on to SNS services using smart phone’s LG Magic Remote app to
conveniently compose text messages. The apps are available on Google Play
Store or Apple App Store.
Sign up is required to use LG Smart World.
Membership to use free apps: Sign up at TV or PC.
Membership to purchase paid apps: Sign up only at PC.
Problem Solution
• The "Initializing" message shows you how long it takes to
When entering menu, reboot the microprocessor and hardware, set up network
the "Initializing" message communications, and communications with SDP (device
always appears. authentication and basic information download). It takes
about 20 seconds and this is a normal process.
• Content may not be shown when changing country setting
There is no content shown on Smart TV. Change to desired country in
on the Premium card. HOME ➾ Settings ➙ OPTION ➙ Smart TV Setting ➙
Smart TV Country.
Problem Solution
While using internet • The internet of the TV supports up to Flash 10 and may not
features, there is space replay any file format other than the following
that does not appear in : JPEG, PNG, GIF, WMV (ASF), WMA, MP3, MP4
some web sites.
Internet closes • If memory is insufficient because of large volume of image
automatically when information in the web page, internet may be forced to
visiting website. close.
• Use ID and password registered with TV to sign in to the
I already signed up on website (www.lgappstv.com).
TV. Do I need to sign up Type in personal information after signing in with the same
again at web site (www. ID and password registered with the TV. After completing
lgappstv.com)? the email authentication process, the website (www.
lgappstv.com) membership registration is completed.
Problem Solution
• It is possible to register and use more than one ID on one
Can each family member • To check the ID registered with TV from HOME ➾ Settings
use a different ID with a ➙ OPTION ➙ Smart TV Setting ➙ ID List.
single TV? • You can check the list of apps purchased by each ID.
However, you can see all apps installed by each ID in My
• After signing up on a PC, use “Forgot ID?” feature on web
What should I do if I forget site (www.lgappstv.com) when needed.
my ID? • After signing up on TV, check it from HOME ➾ Settings ➙
OPTION ➙ Smart TV Setting ➙ ID List.
Problem Solution
I purchased an app from • To check purchased apps on TV, sign in and view on the
website (www.lgappstv. Purchased Apps menu.
com). How can I use it on Select the ID at the top of Home and check the app in My
TV? Page ➙ Purchased Apps.
• Select the ID at the top of Home and check the app in My
Can I see history of my Page ➙ Purchased Apps.
purchased apps? • Sign in to website (www.lgappstv.com) and then select My
Page ➙ Purchase History.
• Once app has been purchased, it may be redownloaded
I deleted a paid app, then within one year, even if accidently erased.
do I have to purchase You can re-download apps only if they were purchased
again to download it? apps available for service. Select the ID at the top of Home
and re-download apps in My Page ➙ Purchased Apps.
Problem Solution
• Please check if the TV model supports LG Smart World.
Can I use apps provided • The apps provided from LG Smart TV's LG Smart World can
from LG Smart TV's LG only be run on LG Smart TV.
Smart World on both TV • Apps may be purchased from the website (www. lgappstv.
and PC? com) but cannot be used on a PC or Mac. Use care when
How can I check the ID • Select the ID at the top of Home and check the currently
currently signed in to TV? signed-in ID in My Page ➙ My Information.
I installed an app on TV. • Select HOME ➾ My Apps. All paid and free apps installed
Where can I check the on TV are displayed.
installed app?
Problem Solution
There is a difference • The app size shown in the screen includes the additional
between the app size space needed for installing apps so it may be different from
shown in the screen actually installed app size.
and the actual app size
installed on TV.
• If you only have the TV account, you cannot recover your
password when it is lost. Create a new ID and log in with
I forgot password on TV.
the ID.
What should I do?
• But, if signed up on both TV and PC, use the “Forgot
Password?” feature at website (www. lgappstv.com).
Problem Solution
• To purchase paid apps from TV, enter payment method
Do I need to store information at the website (www.lgappstv.com) but to not
payment information in store payment information, use quick payment service.
web site to purchase paid But, quick payment service is only available on the
apps? website, and apps may not be purchased from TV unless
payment information is stored on the web site.
• As a member you cannot demand refund just because you
changed your mind after purchase.
Can I cancel an app that I • If there is a defect in the product or a problem of using the
have purchased? product, which does not caused by your fault, you can ask
for a refund. However, the valid reason for refund must be
Problem Solution
I am resistered as a • Log in with the ID you created on your PC and add your
member, but I cannot payment information. Then, log out from TV and log in
purchase paid apps. again so you can buy paid apps.
❐❐To view 3D images
3D imaging is a technology that utilizes the slight difference in left/right eyes to
make the images on TV appear just like real-life 3-dimensional space.
1 Play a 3D-image title or tune to a 3D channel.
2 Put on 3D glasses.
3 Press 3D button to activate 3D.
4 While viewing 3D images, press the 3D button on the remote control to end 3D
image viewing.
✎✎ The right mouse button and any special buttons will not work with the TV.
✎✎ The usability of a wireless USB mouse and keyboard may be affected by
Radio Frequency environment and the distance.
❐❐To use a USB wired/wireless keyboard
Connect your keyboard to a USB port on the TV. You can enter text with the
keyboard when using the search function and the Web browser.
✎✎ Text cannot be entered on some screens.
✎✎ Applicable Keyboards
It is recommended to use a product which is tested for compatibility with LG
LOGITECH K200, LOGITECH K400, MICROSOFT Comfort Curve 2000,
MICROSOFT MS800, and LG Electronics ST-800
❐❐To use a game pad
Connect your game pad to the USB port on the TV if the game supports the use
of game pad.
✎✎ Applicable Game Pads
It is recommended to use an authorized game pad which is tested for
compatibility with LG TV.
Logitech F310, Logitech F510, and Logitech F710
❐❐Set-Top Box Control
If you have a Magic Remote, you can use it to control your Set-Top Box tuner
(cable box, satellite box, or IPTV box). Before set up, make sure that the set-top
box is connected to your TV.
Set the set-top box following the instructions on the screen.
✎✎ If no instructions are displayed, set in MY APPS ➾ INPUT ➙ Set the set-top
box manipulation.
❐❐To reset/disconnect the set-top box
MY APPS ➾ INPUT ➙ Set the set-top box manipulation ➙ Resetting/
Resetting Deletes the set-top box settings and set it again.
The set-top box cannot be controlled by the Magic Remote
❐❐To control the set-top box with the Magic Remote Control
Select the external input connected to the set-top box. You can use the direction,
OK, and channel buttons on the Magic Remote Control.
ou can use various function buttons of the set-top box by pressing MY APPS
button on the Magic Remote Control.
✎✎ Some buttons may not work depending on the set-top box model.
Problem Solution
Cannot view certain • Adjust the location or orientation of the antenna.
channels. • Save the desired channels on Auto Tuning or Channel Edit.
After turning on the TV, • It is not a problem because this process was intended to
there is a delay before clean up the image noises that may occur when turning on
full images appear. the TV.
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ SUPPORT ➙ Picture Test
Check if the image signal output is normal by beginning with Picture Test.
If there is no problem with the test image, check external device connections or
broadcast signals.
Problem Solution
Images from previous
• Try adjusting the antenna to the direction of the TV
channel or other channels
station or refer to the manual for proper way to connect
linger or the screen shows
the antenna.
annoying lines.
Problem Solution
• Such a problem may happen when there is strong
Vibrating horizontal/vertical
electronic interference. Turn off other electronic devices
lines and fishnet patterns
such as mobile phones, power tools and other small
appear momentarily.
electrical appliances.
• It may happen when the signals are weak or the
The screen display freezes reception unstable. Adjust the antenna’s orientation or
or does not work properly in cable connections.
digital broadcast. • If the signal strength or quality is low on Manual Tuning,
call the TV station or administration office for checkup.
Digital broadcast is not on • Check with cable operator regarding the subscription
even though the cable is and/or signal. (Depending on the subscription, digital
connected. broadcasting may not be supported.)
Problem Solution
• Check the HDMIⓇ cable specifications. Use only HDMIⓇ
cable. Other cables may cause images to fade in and
Image is not on or not clear out or not be displayed properly.
when connected to HDMI. • Verify that all cable connections are securely
connected. When connections are not secure, images
may not be properly displayed.
Does not work when USB • Verify that the USB device and cable is version 2.0 or
storage device is connected. higher.
HOME ➾ Settings ➙ SUPPORT ➙ Sound Test
Try Sound Test first to verify that sound signal output is normal.
When the test sound is normal, check external device connections or broadcast
Problem Solution
Screen display is on but no • Check other TV channels.
sound. • Make sure the TV Speaker is set to On.
• In a poor reception area (areas with weak or unstable
For analog broadcast, stereo
signal) or if multi audio is not stable, select Mono on
is not clear or sound comes
Multi Audio.
from one speaker only.
• Adjust the Balance with the Navigation button.
Problem Solution
• If it happens on a certain TV channel, it may be caused
TV sound is not in sync with
by problems with an individual station’s broadcast
the lips or the sound breaks
signal. Check with the TV station or local cable
up occasionally.
Whenever changing the • Depending on the channel, there can be differences in
channel, the volume is volume.
different. • Please set Auto Volume to On.
Problem Solution
On certain channels, sound
• On Language, set Language ➙ Audio Language as the
does not come out or only
desired language. Even if the language on Multi Audio
the background music plays.
is changed, once the power is turned off or the channel
(If it is a program created for
is changed, the default settings will be reset.
• Verify that the HDMIⓇ cable is high speed.
There is no sound when • Check if the USB device and cable is version 2.0 or
connected to HDMI/USB. higher.
• Use only regular music (*mp3) files.
❐❐PC connection problem
Problem Solution
• Verify that the computer and the TV are securely
• Turn the TV off and back on using the remote control.
The screen display is not • Restart the PC with the TV on.
on after connecting to • Check if the resolution is correctly set for PC input.
the computer. • To use the TV as a secondary monitor, check if the
connected desktop or laptop supports dual monitor
• Reconnect the RGB/HDMI cable.
There is no sound after • Check with the video card manufacturer to ensure it
connecting the computer supports HDMI voice output. (Video cards manufactured in
with the HDMI cable. DVI format require connection of a separate sound cable.)
Problem Solution
When connected to the
• Set up the resolution supporting PC input. (If it does not
computer, the display is
work, please reboot the computer.)
partially cut off or shifts
• Select Screen (RGB-PC) and adjust Position/Size/Phase.
to one side.
❐❐Trouble with replaying movies in My Media.
Problem Solution
• Check if the file on the USB storage device can be read
Files on the Movie List are
on a computer.
not displayed.
• Check that the file extension is supported.
"This file is invalid." The • Verify that the file replays normally on the video player in
above error message the computer. (Check for damaged files.)
appears or the image • Check if the resolution is supported by the computer.
display is not normal even • Verify that the video/audio codec is supported.
though the sound is okay. • Verify that the frame rate is one that is supported.
Problem Solution
• Verify that the file replays normally on the video player in
"Unsupported Audio."
the computer. (Check for damaged files.)
The above error message
• Check that the audio codec is supported by the
appears or the sound is not
normal even though the
• Verify that the bit rate is supported.
image display is okay.
• Verify that the sample rate is supported.
Problem Solution
• Verify that the file replays normally on the video player in
the computer. (Check for damaged files.)
• Check if the video file shares the same name with the
subtitle file.
Subtitle is not displayed. • Verify that the video and subtitle files are placed in the
same folder.
• Verify that the subtitle file format is supported.
• Verify that the subtitle language is supported. (Open the
subtitle files in Notepad to check for the language.)
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions:
1 this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2 this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation of the device.
❐❐Indoor use only
FCC Caution: for indoor use only, use outdoors or in other modes not covered by this
manual may violate the FCC regulation and violate the user authority to use the product.
Specially, within the 5.15-5.25 GHz band, U-NII device is restricted to indoor operations
to reduce any potential for harmful interference to co-channel MSS operations.