Estudio Cinetico de Transesterificacion de Acetato de Metilo Con Catalizador Con Nbutilo
Estudio Cinetico de Transesterificacion de Acetato de Metilo Con Catalizador Con Nbutilo
Estudio Cinetico de Transesterificacion de Acetato de Metilo Con Catalizador Con Nbutilo
Transesterification of
Methyl Acetate with
n-Butanol Catalyzed
by NKC-9
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China
Received 18 December 2007; revised 10 June 2008, 15 July 2008, 20 July 2008; accepted 20 July 2008
DOI 10.1002/kin.20378
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
Calculation of Activities
A strong acid cationic exchange resin, NKC-9, was
used as a heterogeneous catalyst. The forward and Nonideality of the liquid phase was corrected by re-
reverse reactions were investigated, and the pseudo- placing components’ concentration with activities. The
homogeneous model was studied in this work. components’ activity coefficients were calculated by
the UNIFAC group contribution methods. The split-
ting of the groups is shown in Table I. The volume
and area parameters of the groups and their interaction
parameters are quoted from Peisheng Ma [7].
Mass-Transfer Resistance
n-Butanol (99.9% w/w) and methyl acetate (99.9%
w/w) were obtained from Ke Wei Co. Ltd., Tianjin, To evaluate the effect of external mass-transfer resis-
China. The catalyst, i.e., the cationic exchange resin, tance on the conversion of methyl acetate, the reaction
NKC-9 in the form of H+ , was purchased from Chem- was carried out at three different stirring speeds, mean-
ical Plant of Nankai University, Tianjin, China. Its ap- while the rest of the reaction conditions were similar.
pearance is like a camel bead, the particle size was As we can see from Fig. 1, the speed of agitation had
0.4–0.7 mm, and the volume exchange capacity was no effect on the reaction rate at third and fourth gears,
4.7 mmol/g. The catalyst was washed with methanol which ensured the absence of external mass-transfer
to remove impurities and dried at 343.15 K. resistance. All further experiments were performed at
the third gear to ensure that the reaction rate was not
restricted by external diffusion.
To evaluate the effect of internal diffusion on the
conversion of methyl acetate, the commercial NKC-9
resin was screened into four different sizes. Identical
operations were carried out with each of the fractions
obtained. The experimental results in Fig. 2 show that
Figure 4 Effect of catalyst loading on the conversion of Figure 6 Effect of the molar ratio of reactants on the
MeOAc (BuOH/MeOAc = 1,343.15 K). conversion of MeOAc (343.15 K, catalyst mass concentra-
tion = 87.06 g/L).
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