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Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

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Circular supply chains in the era of industry 4.0: A systematic

literature review
Emilia Taddei a, Claudio Sassanelli b, *, Paolo Rosa a, Sergio Terzi a
Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy
Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management, Politecnico di Bari, Via Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy


Keywords: The literature already discussed about how the synergic implementation of Circular Economy (CE) and Industry
Circular Economy 4.0 (I4.0) paradigms in industrial contexts could enable improvements in Supply Chain (SC) efficiency and
Circular Supply Chain competitiveness. However, the experts concentrated on a single topic of circular supply chain (CSC), CE, and
Industry 4.0
I4.0, lacking a systemic approach to the integrated context. To this aim, the paper proposes a systematic liter­
Life Cycle Management
Systematic Literature Review
ature review investigating and systematizing the knowledge around the circular SC domain enabled by CE and
I4.0 and, simultaneously, highlighting the major trends. Starting from six dimensions of analysis (Type of
contribution, LC phases, I4.0 technologies, Triple Bottom Line (TBL) layers, CE strategies, and SC typologies),
CSC-related articles have been classified basing on five thematic categories (I4.0 enabling technologies, Per­
formance tools and indicators, Challenges and barriers, Business models and strategies, Best practices). Results
allowed to provide some peculiarities of each category. From a sustainability side, they confirmed a predomi­
nance of economic and environmental aspects over social ones, together with a life cycle perspective. From an
I4.0 side, they shown a prevalence and a synergic implementation of internet of things, big data analytics, and
cloud technologies. From a CE strategy side, reuse-recycle-remanufacturing, waste management, material and
energy efficiency have been identified as prevalent topics. The paper contributes in building an integrated
knowledge of the threefold CE, CSC and I4.0 research context. In addition, it proposes a theoretical framework
useful to gradually guide practitioners in approaching the CSC transition. Depending on different CSC aspects,
managers could easily raise their knowledge about practices, methodologies, and technological solutions helpful
to support their CSC activities.

This paper replies to the urgent need to shift the restricted focus of
Industry 4.0 on the firms, to a more extended and systemic view that
1. Introduction
considers governments perspective, macroeconomic aspects, public di­
mensions and social development. A more extended focus along the SC
Technological growth rates, resources constraints, environmental
and society will enable the exploration of the full disruptive impact of
issues, and directives have started to warn Supply Chain (SC) actors to
Industry 4.0 technologies from a Circular Economy perspective to a
rethink materials and energy consumption (Rosa et al., 2019). In this
more extended context, contributing to provide the needs of current and
sense, CSC plays a fundamental role since it promotes the transformation
future generations. Indeed, I4.0 technologies have been scarcely
from a linear to a circular paradigm characterized by return processes.
assessed from the CE perspective across the entire SC (Walker et al.,
To achieve this, upward and downward linkages in the different SC
2021). Several contributions have concentrated on the individual topics
processes and activities are established (González-Sánchez et al., 2020).
of Circular Supply Chain (CSC), CE, and I4.0, yet a scarcity of attention
Waste reduction through self-sustaining production systems can thus be
devoted to the integrated context and its synergic impact has been
achieved (Genovese et al., 2017).
Circular Economy (CE) and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) represent the two
Beside the lack of systematicity in the studying approach of the
most important industrial patterns in recent years. Their synergic
domain, the literature context appeared deficient of approaches to cross-
implementation in an industrial context provides improvements in SC
analyze different aspects and topics. Contributions able to detect trends
efficiency and competitiveness (Rosa et al., 2020).

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Sassanelli).


Available online 27 May 2022

0360-8352/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Nomenclature IoT Internet of Things

IT Information Technology
Acronyms KPI Key Performance Indicator
3DP 3D Printing LC Life Cycle
3Rs Reuse-Recycle-Remanufacturing LCA Life Cycle Assessment
AI Artificial Intelligence M&EE Material and Energy Efficiency
AM Additive Manufacturing ML Machine Learning
BDA Big Data Analytics MoL Middle of Life
BM Business Model PSS Product-Service System
BoL Beginning of Life RFID Radio Frequency Identification
CBM Circular Business Model SC Supply Chain
CE Circular Economy SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
CLSC Closed-Loop Supply Chain SME Small and Medium Enterprises
CPS Cyber Physical System SSC Sustainable Supply Chain
CRM Customer Relationship Management SSCM Sustainable Supply Chain Management
CSC Circular Supply Chain SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
CSCM Circular Supply Chain Management TBL Triple Bottom Line
CSF Critical Success Factor UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
EoL End of Life V&HSI Vertical and Horizontal System Integration
I4.0 Industry 4.0 WEEE Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment
ICT Information and Communications Technology

and successful relations among the research domains of SC, CE and I4.0 practices.
could not be found in the extant literature. The final purpose of this
research is, indeed, to investigate and systematize the knowledge 2.2. Circular Supply Chain
around this threefold research domain through an analysis able to sys­
tematically integrate the three domains and identify trends to provide CSCs promote the transformation from a linear to a circular model by
research directions for researchers and guidelines for practitioners involving return processes that capture additional value and further
coping with the CSC transition. integrate the SC activities.
In particular, in the discussion section, a framework to successfully Various terms, such as reverse, closed-loop or open-loop and green
guide managers and raise their awareness in the CSC domain has been SC, have been interchangeably used in the literature to talk about CE
provided. paradigm applications.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the research The reverse SC includes activities, dealing with product design, op­
context. Section 3 displays the adopted research methodology. Section 4 erations and End of Life (EoL) management, which maximize the value
provides the main findings. Section 5 discusses the results and raises the creation over the entire Life Cycle (LC) through the value recovery of
implications of the work. Section 6 argues conclusive considerations after-use products either by the original product manufacturer or by a
while debating limitations and future research trends. third party. Reverse SCs are either open-loop or closed-loop (Genovese
et al., 2017).
2. Research context Open-loop SCs involve materials recovered by parties other than the
original producers who are capable of reusing them.
This section introduces the main concepts of this research (i.e., Cir­ Closed-Loop Supply Chains (CLSCs) deal with the returning of
cular Economy, Circular Supply Chain and Industry 4.0) to clarify what products to the original manufacturer for the recovery of added value.
is meant per each of them and pave the way to their joint analysis. The latter expanding on reverse logistics, include remanufacturing,
reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling (Hussain & Malik, 2020).
2.1. Circular Economy Green supply chains engage suppliers and customers to foster an
environmental cooperation resulting in gains associated with both
A commonly agreed definition of the CE was proposed by the Ellen environmental and economic performance (Masi et al., 2017). “Green
MacArthur Foundation (EMF, 2015): “A circular economy is one that is supply chain management is characterized by greenness in product
restorative and regenerative by design and aims to keep products, design, selection and purchase of raw materials, production, distribution
components, and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, and after sale services” (Y. Kazancoglu et al., 2018).
distinguishing between technical and biological cycles”.
The CE is defined as an economic model overcoming the linear (take, 2.3. Industry 4.0
make, dispose) one and minimizing the consumption of finite resources
thanks to innovative materials, products, and systems. I4.0 is referred to as a wide range of concepts related to advanced
However, only in the last few years the relevance of the CE has been digital technologies (Rosa et al., 2020). In particular, the Boston
amplified worldwide. Progressively, closed-loop patterns, completely Consulting Group identifies 9 technologies as building blocks of I4.0: Big
focused on balancing economic, environmental, and societal impacts, data and analytics, Autonomous robots, Additive manufacturing,
have substituted old industrial practices (Rosa et al., 2020). Simulation, Augmented reality, Horizontal and vertical system inte­
The diffused CE strategies have been exhibited in the paper by Acerbi gration, the Internet of Things, Cloud and Cyber-security (Russmann
& Taisch (2020), including cleaner production, Circular Business Models et al., 2015). These connected systems (Cyber Physical Systems - CPS)
(CBMs), waste management, disassembly, remanufacturing, reuse, are able to gather and analyze data across machines through fast, flex­
recycle (3Rs), servitization, industrial symbiosis and eco-industrial ible, and efficient processes thanks to standard internet-based protocols.
parks, Material and Energy Efficiency (M&EE) and circular design Therefore, I4.0 enables to gather and analyze data across machines

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

through a fast, flexible and efficient process. The use of such technolo­ account only those contributions proposing approaches and related
gies contributes to information exchanges between actors and organi­ guidelines to foster the CE paradigm adoption through CSC solutions
zations fostering CBMs. thanks to the use of I4.0 technologies. By applying these refining
criteria, the set of documents found was reduced to 198 selected articles
3. Research methodology identifying the major trends in the field.
Finally, the contributions selected have been progressively sorted,
To optimally present the contribution of this paper in enlarging and labeled, integrated and then prioritized (using the SLIP method pro­
systematizing the Circular Supply Chain (CSC) domain, the research posed by (Maeda, 2006) adopted also in (Sassanelli et al., 2020)) ac­
methodology consists of a systematic literature review composed of cording to their content in five main categories, presented in Section 4.2.
three main phases (search criteria, article search and article content Then, they were analyzed through six dimensions: type of contribution
analysis) according to the guidelines provided by (Denyer & Tranfield, proposed (framework, approach, guidelines, model, methodology, tool),
2009; Rosa et al., 2020; Smart et al., 2017). In the first one, the inves­ LC phase covered (Beginning of Life (BoL), Middle of Life (MoL), EoL,
tigation dimensions were chosen according to the aim of the research. whole), I4.0 technologies adopted (according to the nine pillars
Specifically, Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies, Circular Economy (CE) described in Section 2), Triple Bottom Line (TBL) layers addressed
strategies, and Supply Chain (SC) typologies represent the three main (economic, environmental, social), CE strategies embraced (presented in
themes addressed by the analysis. Section 2), and SC typologies involved (green, sustainable, circular,
A documents search was performed in this threefold research context reverse, open-loop, and closed-loop). Among these six dimensions, type
through a set of queries on scientific database. Scientific articles pub­ of contribution proposed, LC phases covered, and TBL layers enclosed,
lished from 2010 up to the first quarter of 2021 were gathered from the have been selected and considered since they have already demon­
Scopus® scientific database (being it the most diffused one for industrial strated their effectiveness in this kind of analysis, due to their recurrent
engineering and having a broader coverage (Ren et al., 2019)) to use in previous systematic literature reviews investigating different
investigate about a decade from the initial digital technologies diffusion. facets of the CE paradigm (e.g. in (Rosa et al., 2019; Sassanelli et al.,
The term I4.0 was firstly introduced by Henning Kagermann, during the 2020)). The three remaining dimensions (SC typology, I4.0 technologies
Hannover Fair of 2011 (Kagermann et al., 2011). Without considering and CE strategies) have been included in the analysis due to their rele­
any field content limitation, to search for contributions, four queries vance for the definition and characterization of the threefold research
were used on titles, abstracts, and keywords. Fig. 1 shows the research context investigated in this study.
strategy used in the systematic literature review (Smart et al., 2017).
The first research related to the query “Supply Chain” AND “Industry 4. Main findings
4.0′′ AND ”Circular Economy” being the main and broader field of
analysis, was limited to journal articles and conference papers (23%). 4.1. Descriptive analysis
Alternatively, the other three searches were limited only to journal ar­
ticles; this choice was driven by the willingness to shrink the search to a Fig. 2, presenting the publications’ chronological distribution, shows
restricted number of documents representing finalized and valuable a growing trend from 2016, with a peak reached in 2020 (94 articles).
contributions in very wide research contexts. As a result, the combina­ This can be explained by the gradual shift of researchers interest related
tion, after discarding redundancies, led to a total number of 333 articles. to CE and I4.0 from the company dimension to a wider one, exactly the
Then, on the identified sample of papers, the first selection was CSC. Indeed, the need to move the restricted focus of Industry 4.0 from
conducted by reviewing titles, abstracts, and keywords, and the second the firm dimension to a more extended and systemic focus along the SC
screening was performed by analyzing the entire manuscript. The se­ and society enables the exploration of the full disruptive impact of In­
lection was conducted based on the relevance of documents, taking into dustry 4.0 technologies from a Circular Economy perspective to a more

Fig. 1. Systematic literature review approach.

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Fig. 2. Historical publication trend by year.

extended context, contributing to provide the needs of current and

future generations. The degradation trend in 2021 can be explained by
the fact that only the data related to the first quarter were used.
A further analysis, to detect geographical trends in the literature, has
been performed. Figs. 3 and 4 show the top 10 countries and 5 schools
that emerged from the 198 selected articles according to the first author
provenance. Fig. 3 displays that a large number of papers come from
European authors, in particular United Kingdom (18), Italy (17), Ger­
many (15), Spain (12) and France (9). In this regard, the French Mont­
pellier Business school has been reported as the most diffused one, since
4 first authors are affiliated to this school. The Italian university of
Politecnico di Milano and the British university of Warwick are both
referred to 3 papers. Indian authors have proven to be the most
numerous in terms of articles (27) with the Nation Institute of Industrial
Engineering as the reference school. Others very populated countries
have shown a strong commitment to the research domain, as the case of
Brazil (14), China (11) and United States of America (10). Lastly, the
University of Johannesburg in South Africa has collected 3 papers.
The principal publishing location is the Journal of Cleaner Produc­
tion (20 publications), followed by Sustainability (18) and Resources
Conservation and Recycling (15). Fig. 5 presents the distribution of the
selected documents according to the top 10 relevant journals.
Fig. 6 shows that there are many different industries contributing to
the development of the literature on the application of Circular Supply
Fig. 3. Top 10 countries.

Fig. 4. Top 5 schools.

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Fig. 5. Top 10 journals.

investigation, articles have been progressively grouped, leading to the

detection of the following five main categories composing the CSC

- CSC I4.0 enabling technologies, focusing on the role of I4.0 technolo­

gies in the CSC adoption;
- CSC performance tools and indicators, offering guidelines and practical
tools to achieve relevant assessment and performance measurement;
- CSC challenges and barriers, about problematic and challenging issues
that may occur in the development of a CSC;
- CSC business models and strategies, presenting managerial and orga­
nization models proven to be efficient;
- CSC best practices, clustering successful case studies and practices in
implementing the transition.

The articles’ distribution among the categories has been performed

manually and is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Five tables (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) have been built for each category
Fig. 6. Addressed Industries.
with the aim of characterizing the contributions according to the LC
phases, I4.0 technologies, Triple Bottom Line (TBL) layers, Circular
Chain (CSC) through Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies. As would be ex­
Economy (CE) strategies, and Supply Chain (SC) typologies.
pected, the most addressed industry is manufacturing, being able to
exploit in its production processes the applications and opportunities
4.2.1. CSC I4.0 enabling technologies category
offered by I4.0 technologies. However, numerous contributions come
Concerning the proposition types, five papers present an innovative
even from the agri-food, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equip­
methodology, such as the work by Fernández-Caramés et al. (2019), in
ment (WEEE), and automotive industries, where the search for SC
which the design and evaluation of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-
circularity has been deeply stressed in the last years.
based system is presented. Findings show that UAVs, together with big
data analytics, help industries in automating inventory tasks and
traceability, ensuring SC efficiency and effectiveness. Alternatively, four
4.2. CSC thematic classification analysis
contributions proposed a model. For instance, Tripathi and Gupta
(2020) re-designed a procurement framework leveraging on I4.0 tech­
This section presents the results of the analysis of the detailed macro
nologies. Several documents focused on informing managers of the I4.0
topics concerning CSC detected in the literature. To structure the

Fig. 7. CSC categories’ distribution.

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Table 1
CSC I4.0-enabling technologies category analysis.
Life cycle phase I4.0 technologies Triple bottom line

AUTHORS Bol MoL EoL Whole IoT Big Data Additive Cloud Autonomous Simulation V&HSI Augmented Cyber- General Economic Environmental Social
LC Analytics Manufacturing Robots Reality Security

(Chiappetta Jabbour et al., x x x x x

(Cwiklicki & Wojnarowska, x x x x x x
(Rizvi et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Rejikumar et al., 2019) x x x x x x x x x
(Nascimento et al., 2019) x x x x x
(Borregan-Alvarado et al., x x x x x x x
(Sung et al., 2020) x x x
(González Rodríguez et al., x
(R. Sharma et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x
(Zheng et al., 2021) x x x x x x x x x x x x
(Van Lopik et al., 2020) x
(Takhar & Liyanage, 2020) x
(Franco et al., 2020) x x x
(Núñez-Merino et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x
(Ramirez-Peña et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x x x x x
(J. Sharma et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Danjou et al., 2020)
(Raut et al., 2020) x x x
(Patrucco et al., 2020) x x x x x
(Taboada & Shee, 2020) x x x x x
(Dhamija, 2020) x x x
(Abdirad & Krishnan, 2020) x x x x
(Zekhnini et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x x
(Rejeb et al., 2020) x x x
(Tiwari, 2020) x x x x x x x
(Moldabekova et al., 2020) x x x x
(De Vass et al., 2020) x x x x x
(Tripathi & Gupta, 2020) x x x x x x
(Chauhan & Singh, 2019) x x x
(H. Gupta et al., 2020) x x x x
(Oncioiu et al., 2019) x x x x x
(Fernández-caramés et al., x x x x x x
(Ardito et al., 2019) x x x x
(Ben-Daya et al., 2019) x x
(Jermsittiparsert & x
(Barata et al., 2018) x x x x
(Ivanov et al., 2018) x
(Ciccullo et al., 2021) x x x x
(Safiullin et al., 2020) x x x x
(Garrido-Hidalgo et al., 2020) x x x x x
(Del Giudice et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Hazen, Russo, & Confente, x x x x x x x x x x
(S. Gupta et al., 2019) x x x x x
TOTAL 0 0 2 6 32 30 16 22 14 3 5 8 6 2 23 23 20

paradigm in Supply Chain Management (SCM) (Dhamija, 2020), and professional capabilities.
showing both potentialities and difficulties (Rejikumar et al., 2019). Augmented reality in SCM and logistics was examined by Rejeb et al.
Moreover, R. Sharma et al. (2020) proposed a I4.0 discussion high­ (2020) and van Lopik et al. (2020) as a potential solution to enhance
lighting the benefits in favor of the sustainability dimension. operational efficiencies, business processes, and competitiveness.
I4.0 has been defined through a set of important improvements in Jermsittiparsert and Boonratanakittiphumi (2019) examined the role
digitalization, data exchange, processes automation, and system pro­ of Additive Manufacturing (AM), showing the relationship between SC
ductivity (Abdirad & Krishnan, 2020). Raut et al. (2020) evaluated the management, flexibility, and performance. Franco et al. (2020) explored
implementation of I4.0-enabling technologies in the manufacturing AM adoption effects on businesses. A circular model reusing scrap
context. electronic devices and integrating CE practices, reverse logistics, and
Among the nine technologies defined by Russmann et al. (2015), additive manufacturing was recommended by Nascimento et al. (2019).
some are more diffused and adopted than others. In particular, Internet Some scholars have assessed all the proposed nine technologies, such
of Things (IoT) is addressed in 74% of the selected articles, as shown in as in the case of the review about I4.0 technologies’ applications in the
Table 1. IoT is a technology based on connected smart devices able to business processes of manufacturing companies (Zheng et al., 2021).
strengthen the internal and external SC integration (de Vass et al., Ramirez-Peña et al. (2020) conducted a study of the key enabling I4.0
2020). Ben-Daya et al. (2019) explored the IoT impact on SCM and technologies aimed at obtaining a general overview. Cwiklicki and
found a scarcity of empirical studies and analytical models. Wojnarowska (2020) identified the relationships between the CE and
Others have concentrated on the big data analytics technology. For I4.0, demonstrating the importance of recycle and reuse strategies for
instance, Chiappetta Jabbour et al. (2020) stated that developing big SSCs, while Taboada and Shee (2020) explored, through a systematic
data analytics capabilities are able to effectively build competitive literature review, the role of 5G.
Sustainable Supply Chains (SSCs). Oncioiu et al. (2019) studied big data Several contributions are committed to presenting innovative efforts
analytics potentialities for SC improvements in experience, strategies, in sustaining SCM (Ardito et al., 2019). In this regard, Hazen et al.

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

CE strategy SC typology

Recycle Reuse Remanufacturing Disassembly Waste M&EE CBM Circular Servitization Cleaner Industrial Green Sustainable Circular Reverse Closed- Open-
Management Design Production Symbiosis SC SC SC SC loop SC loop SC

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x
x x

x x x
x x

x x x x x x x x x
x x x

x x x

x x

x x


x x

x x x
x x x
x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x

x x x x
14 12 6 1 8 6 1 5 5 0 0 2 4 1 8 7 1

(2020) presented CE applications in the plastics industry adopting a coordination, coupled with holistic SC information processing, can
SCM perspective. Zekhnini et al. (2020) evaluated the SCM and digital effectively create a basis for achieving TBL sustainability. Ciccullo et al.
technologies relationship. Chauhan and Singh (2019) assessed the I4.0 (2021), in contrast, stated that food systems are afflicted by the sus­
theme in the context of SCM, highlighting the need for practical models tainability issue of food waste from economic, environmental, and social
to guide the implementation. Gupta et al. (2020) identified “big data points of view.
science skills,” the “tracking and localization of products,” and the Several scholars have addressed the CE strategies, including waste
“adoption of Big Data Analytics (BDA) technologies and techniques” as management, Material & Energy Efficiency (M&EE), circular design,
the top three Information Technology (IT) enablers to improve SC per­ and servitization. However, the majority (6 articles) implemented the
formances. Barata et al. (2018) discussed mobile SCM in the advent of Reuse-Recycle-Remanufacturing (3Rs) strategy. For instance, Sharma
I4.0, presenting the gaps raised in the domain, while Núñez-Merino et al. et al. (2020) explained food SCs and their linkages in the Indian system.
(2020) assessed the research context of lean SCM by including recom­ Tiwari (2020) explored the relationship between I4.0 and SC integra­
mendations for policy makers and industrial managers. tion, providing directions to practitioners. Safiullin et al. (2020) created
Concerning the LC, two articles about the End-of-Life (EoL) phase a mechanism to minimize the negative effects produced by industrial
were reported. Unsurprisingly, they are part of the WEEE sector; indeed, activities.
the industry operates in the recovery of wastes’ inner value, focusing, in Regarding the SC typologies, the majority of the gathered contribu­
particular, on the last phases. In this regard, Garrido-Hidalgo et al. tions presented reverse (8 articles) or closed-loop (7 articles) SCs.
(2020) proposed an EoL management framework aimed at satisfying the Respectively, Rizvi et al. (2020) sought an answer to the research
information infrastructure requirements for the recovery of electrical question of “has the CE and reversed SC logistics nexus changed
vehicle batteries. significantly under the impact of the IT tools and their applications?’.
Regarding the TBL, 19 articles reported on all the three layers. Sung et al. (2020) focused on the strength of using sensor data and IoT
Among others, S. Gupta et al. (2019) argued that mutual support and technology in the collection phase of reverse logistics. González

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Table 2
CSC performance tools and indicators category analysis.
Life cycle phase I4.0 technologies Triple bottom line
AUTHORS Bol MoL EoL Whole IoT Big Data Additive Cloud Autonomous Simulation V&HSI Augmented Cyber- General Economic Environmental Social
LC Analytics Manufacturing Robots Reality Security

(Morella et al., 2020) x x x x x

(Hoffa-Dabrowska & x x x x
(Ivascu, 2020) x x x x x x x x x x x
(Bhagawati et al., x x x
(Gružauskas et al., x x x x x x
(Fatorachian & x x x x x x
Kazemi, 2020)
(Xie et al., 2020) x x x x x
(De Giovanni & x x x x
Cariola, 2020)
(Ehie & Ferreira, x x x x x
(Singh et al., 2019) x x x x
(Ante et al., 2018) x
(Tjahjono et al., x x x x x x x x x
(Walker et al., 2021) x x x
(Luo et al., 2021) x x x x
(Alkhuzaim et al., x x x
(Shoaib-Ul-Hasan Et x
Al., 2021)
(Vegter et al., 2020) x x x x
(Tahu et al., 2020) x x x
(Inoue et al., 2020) x x x x
(Isernia et al., 2019) x x x x
(Doni et al., 2019) x x
(Jain et al., 2018) x x x
(Y. Kazancoglu x x x
et al., 2018)
(Braun et al., 2018) x x
(Larsen et al., 2018) x x
(Genovese et al., x x x
(Zhu et al., 2011) x x
(Nasir et al., 2017) x x
(Wei et al., 2014) x x
(Halstenberg et al.,
TOTAL 1 0 3 3 11 8 2 8 5 2 1 2 2 1 25 24 12

Rodríguez et al. (2020), on the contrary, addressed a methodology to Nakajima’s six big losses (breakdowns, setups, minor stoppages, speed
overcome Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) management problems loss, quality defects, and start-ups). A three-pronged structure of KPIs
through a decision-making system built on Machine Learning (ML). describing the performance measurement system of a lean production
However, several scholars focused on the circular SC, such as the system was proposed by Ante et al. (2018). Singh et al. (2019) deter­
paper by Del Giudice et al. (2020) exploring the moderating role of big mined an index able to quantify SC coordination performance in the I4.0
data analytics in SC relationships. Takhar and Liyanage (2020), instead, era. Wei et al. (2014), instead, presented an evaluation system for green
proposed the adoption of an open loop manufacturing system through SCM in the manufacturing industry.
CE. Finally, Borregan-Alvarado et al. (2020) discussed I4.0 and additive The TBL dimension raises a second deficiency as 60% of the selected
manufacturing tendencies in the context of SSCs. documents did not focus on social aspects. A partial analysis of the TBL
Several contributions focused on the construction sector. For line is stressed by several scholars; Walker et al. (2021), for instance,
instance, Danjou et al. (2020) explored the I4.0 technological applica­ highlighted that the social dimension is the least assessed and that when
tions in the construction industry. In the same sector, Patrucco et al. it is included, the analysis is frequently superficial.
(2020) discussed how process re-engineering can be supported by I4.0 Luo et al. (2021) proposed a framework to examine food loss and
technologies. waste issues within food SC operations. Alkhuzaim et al. (2021) dis­
Finally, the logistics sector has been addressed on different occa­ cussed CE performance measurement and Sustainable Supply Chain
sions. Moldabekova et al. (2020) provided a review of the role of In­ Management (SSCM). Lastly, Genovese et al. (2017) compared, across a
formation and Communications Technology (ICT) in logistics services. range of indicators, the performances of both traditional and innovative
Ivanov et al. (2018), alternatively, stated that a cooperation between SC circular production systems. The articles by Larsen et al. (2018) and Zhu
experts and technical operators may improve the performance in pro­ et al. (2011) examined, respectively, the role of environmental SC
duction and logistics systems. cooperation practices and how reverse SCs contribute to the financial
4.2.2. CSC performance tools and indicators category Concerning the LC phase, three documents state their commitment to
Only four out of the 30 articles explicitly proposed a tool. Among the entire LC, such as the SSC model proposition by Hoffa-Dabrowska
them, just two defined a new Key Performance Indicator (KPI) (Ante and Grzybowska (2020) and the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) consider­
et al., 2018; Morella et al., 2020). In particular, Morella et al. (2020) ations of Shoaib-ul-Hasan et al. (2021).
developed a new KPI to measure the impact of energy consumption on Ivascu (2020) proposed a hierarchical framework that integrates the

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

CE strategy SC typology
Recycle Reuse Remanufacturing Disassembly Waste M&EE CBM Circular Servitization Cleaner Industrial Green Sustainable Circular Reverse Closed- Open-
Management Design Production Symbiosis SC SC SC SC loop SC loop

x x x x
x x

x x x x x x

x x
x x x x

x x x x x
x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x

x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x x

17 19 12 0 15 11 4 5 2 3 3 8 5 3 8 5 1

goals for sustainable development and those of I4.0 by considering the (2020) stated that companies monitoring product usage through IoT are
whole LC through reverse SCs, taking into account several CE strategies able to suggest and implement appropriate life cycle options, such as
and the technologies of IoT, big data analytics, the cloud, and autono­ reuse and remanufacturing, leading to customer retention.
mous robots. Ehie and Ferreira (2019) developed a conceptual frame­ Concerning the LC phase, three documents focus their attention
work describing the relationship between SC digitalization and exclusively on the EoL (Inoue et al., 2020; Isernia et al., 2019; Vegter
performance. Tjahjono et al. (2017) and Fatorachian and Kazemi (2020) et al., 2020), two of which (Isernia et al., 2019; Vegter et al., 2020),
analyzed and explored the impact of I4.0 on the SC. An indicator to regarding the WEEE sector. Morella et al. (2020) concentrated on the
monitor SC performance was proposed by Xie et al. (2020). Lastly, BoL phase, developing a KPI to measure the impact of energy con­
Gružauskas et al. (2018) highlighted how the adoption of these tech­ sumption and, thus, to adjust and improve the design of machine tools.
nologies (IoT, big data analytics, the cloud, and autonomous robots) is Several contributions have implemented the synergic use of waste
fostering the competitiveness advantage in the long run, limiting trade- management and M&EE since the material efficiency potential is
offs between sustainability and cost-effective performances. Similar re­ assessed through the waste recovery by CE activities along the SC (Braun
sults in terms of cost reduction and competitive advantage opportunities et al., 2018). A new green SCM performance assessment framework was
were described by Jain et al. (2018), using a Circular Supply Chain proposed in detail by Y. Kazancoglu et al. (2018). Tahu et al. (2020)
Management (CSCM) performance matrix. analyzed how CE, SCM innovation, and sustainability impact on orga­
Further documents focused on CE strategies. For instance, the ser­ nizational performance. Lastly, Nasir et al. (2017) demonstrated the
vitization theme and its opportunities were profoundly discussed by environmental gains (carbon emissions) achieved through CE strategies
Doni et al. (2019), assessing the potential impact on sustainability in the context of sustainable, green, and CLSC.
through a sample of 208 European listed manufacturing companies.
Halstenberg et al. (2017) presented industrial symbiosis as a promising 4.2.3. CSC challenges and barriers category
approach to foster the transformation toward CE. This category represents the most numerous in terms of selected
The numerical recurrence of IoT technology in the selected docu­ articles (52). As stated by Ozkan-Ozen et al. (2020), in fact, the industry
ments represents more than one-third of the total, as displayed in is facing a transition from Industry 3.0 to the I4.0. Therefore, in the 3.5
Table 2. stage, barriers to synchronized CSC and I4.0 need to be taken into
IoT fosters SC digitalization and optimization, as highlighted by consideration.
Bhagawati et al. (2019) and De Giovanni and Cariola (2020). Inoue et al. This category is mainly composed of framework and methodology

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Table 3
CSC challenges and barriers category analysis.
Life cycle phase I4.0 technologies Triple bottom line
AUTHORS Bol MoL EoL Whole IoT Big Data Additive Cloud Autonomous Simulation V&HSI Augmented Cyber- General Economic Environmental Social
LC Analytics Manufacturing Robots Reality Security

(Kumar et al., 2021) x x x x x x x

(Ozkan-Ozen et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(G. Yadav et al., 2020) x
(Bag & Pretorius, 2020) x x x x x x x x
(Philip et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Rajput & Singh, 2019) x x x x x x x
(Cezarino et al., 2019) x x x x x x x x x x
(Cañas et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x
(Panetto et al., 2019) x x x x x x x x x
(Luthra & Mangla, 2018) x x x x x x x
(Acharya et al., 2019) x x x x
(M. Sharma et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x x
(Bag et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Princes, 2020a) x x x x x x
(Princes, 2020b)
(Luthra et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Pandey et al., 2020) x x x
(Pessot et al., 2020) x x x x x x x x x
(Veile et al., 2020) x x x x
(S. Yadav et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Ogbuke et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Horváth & Szabó, 2019) x x x x x x x
(Ivanov et al., 2019) x x x
(Krykavskyy et al., 2019) x x x x x x
(Kaczmarek, 2019)
(Liboni et al., 2019) x x x x
(Jermsittiparsert & x
(Bienhaus & Haddud, x x x x x x x
(J. M. Müller & Voigt, x
(Majeed & Rupasinghe, x x x
(I. Kazancoglu et al., x x x
(Ethirajan et al., 2021) x x x
(Ibn-Mohammed et al., x x x x x x x
(I. Kazancoglu et al., x x x x
(Dey et al., 2020) x x x x
(Frei et al., 2020) x x x
(Xia & Ruan, 2020) x x x
(Jia et al., 2020) x x x x
(Khandelwal & Barua, x x x x
(Zhang et al., 2019) x x x x x x
(Paes et al., 2019) x x x
(Sehnem et al., 2019) x x x
(Farooque et al., 2019) x x x x x
(Piyathanavong et al., x x
(Y. K. Sharma et al., 2019) x x x
(Lapko et al., 2019) x
(Braz et al., 2018) x x
(Mangla et al., 2018) x x
(Mishra et al., 2018) x x x
(Zeng et al., 2017) x x x
(Masi et al., 2017) x x x
(Park et al., 2010) x x x x
TOTAL 0 0 3 11 29 25 7 19 13 2 4 5 5 1 39 38 35

propositions thanks to the use of these instruments in the search, anal­ Bag and Pretorius (2020) stated that sustainable manufacturing,
ysis, and prioritization of barriers. An example is provided by Rajput and strongly influenced by the adoption of big data analytics powered with
Singh (2019), which identified 26 significant enabling and 15 chal­ Artificial Intelligence (AI), is the enabler for the CE transition. Moreover,
lenging factors in the context of CE and I4.0. Ogbuke et al. (2020) discussed the potential of big data analytics to
Concerning the LC phase, several contributions have focused on the support more responsive generations of global companies operating in
whole LC (Jia et al., 2020; I. Kazancoglu et al., 2020; G. Yadav et al., an increasingly challenging and uncertain environment. S. Yadav et al.
2020), while others have concentrated on the EoL phase, all acting in the (2020) identified the critical challenges of IoT adoption in agriculture
waste treatment sphere and the recycling approach (Khandelwal & SCs. The software issues, security issues, technical issues, congestion,
Barua, 2020; Lapko et al., 2019; Park et al., 2010). and overload issues of the IoT network were identified as four of the
A total of 40% of the collected documents, most of which address the main challenges. Majeed and Rupasinghe (2017) focused on the use of
manufacturing, automotive, and agri-food sectors, referred to the use of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to improve opera­
IoT and big data analytics with the cloud or autonomous robots. tions in the fashion industry. Sharma et al. (2020) assessed how I4.0
The central role of big data analytics was stressed by many scholars. advancements foster SSC initiatives aimed at reducing environmental

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

CE strategy SC typology
Recycle Reuse Remanufacturing Disassembly Waste M&EE CBM Circular Servitization Cleaner Industrial Green Sustainable Circular Reverse Closed- Open-
Management Design Production Symbiosis SC SC SC SC loop SC loop

x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x
x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x

x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x x x
x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x

x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x

x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
31 25 16 0 24 15 9 14 7 6 10 8 6 2 16 19 0

impacts, maximizing economic gains, and contributing to social Pessot et al. (2020) studied the transformation of European
development. manufacturing companies by encompassing the technological, strategic,
The moderating goal of additive manufacturing in the relationship managerial, and organizational perspectives. Similar concepts were
between knowledge management capability and firm performance was addressed by Panetto et al. (2019) through their vision of the challenges
addressed by Jermsittiparsert and Boonratanakittiphumi (2019). facing the so-called “industry of the future.” Their conclusion high­
Lastly, Ethirajan et al. (2021) identified the risks of circular SC ini­ lighted the need for modular models and systems to support the modi­
tiatives aimed at minimizing the environmental impact in the fication and self-adaptation of organizational structures.
manufacturing industry. The results have showed that “branding” is the Concerning the TBL, the CSC challenges and barriers category collects
least significant risk, while a “transparent process” is the most promi­ several approaches that understand the importance of considering a
nent one. holistic meaning of sustainability. Indeed, 65% of the selected contri­
Pandey et al. (2020) examined 16 cyber-security risks, divided into butions reported the entire TBL, and 67% addressed social issues, as
supply, operational, and demand, in globalized SCs for improving per­ reported in Table 3. Although in the I4.0 and CE literature environ­
formance. Ivanov et al. (2018) analyzed analytical risks in cyber SCs. mental aspects are predominant over the social ones, as stated by Cañas

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Table 4
CSC business models and strategies category analysis.
Life cycle phase I4.0 technologies Triple bottom line
AUTHORS Bol MoL EoL Whole IoT Big Data Additive Cloud Autonomous Simulation V&HSI Augmented Cyber- General Economic Environmental Social
LC Analytics Manufacturing Robots Reality Security

(Sun et al., 2020) x x x

(Lu et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Dev, Shankar, & x x x x x x x
Qaiser, 2020)
(Garcia-Muiña et al., x x x x x x x x x
(Lopes x x x x x x
De Sousa Jabbour
Et Al., 2018)
(Dev, Shankar, & x x x x x
Swami, 2020)
(Tozanli et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Manavalan & x x x x x x x
(Tombido et al., x x x
(Victor et al., 2020) x x
(Mboli et al., 2020) x x x x x
(Ghosh et al., 2020b) x x x x x x x x
(Hahn, 2020) x x x x
(Zangiacomi et al., x x x
(Facchini et al., 2020) x x x x x x
(Preindl et al., 2020) x x x
(Mihardjo et al., x
(Garay-Rondero x x x x x x x x
et al., 2019)
(Pekarcíková et al.,
(Sundarakani et al., x x x x
(Omar et al., 2019) x x x x x x
(Asdecker & Felch, x
(Hussain & Malik, x x x x x
(González-Sánchez x x x x x x x x x x
et al., 2020)
(Pohlmann et al., x x x x
(Hazen, Russo, x x x x x
Confente, et al.,
(Dubey et al., 2019) x x x
(Ünal et al., 2019) x x x
(Cardoso De Oliveira x x
et al., 2019)
(Lüdeke-Freund x x x x
et al., 2019)
(Geissdoerfer et al., x x x
(Xiao & Zeng, 2017) x x x
(Winkler, 2011) x x
TOTAL 0 0 4 5 23 14 10 15 8 1 0 2 3 0 22 24 17

et al. (2020) and Sassanelli et al. (2019), the presented category seems to most critical to SSCM according to G. Yadav et al. (2020). Alternatively,
oppose this trend. For instance, Acharya et al. (2019) identified chal­ the level of firm readiness regarding the adoption of I4.0 technologies
lenging factors such as the increasing autonomy in consumer choice and was defined as the major concern by Krykavskyy et al. (2019).
the retirement and turn-over of skilled workers. Liboni et al. (2019) In relation to the textile sector, Kazancoglu et al. (2021) identified
concentrated on I4.0′ s impacts on human resource management, several barriers, the majority of which are related to institutions, such as
focusing on employment, job profile and qualification, and skill re­ the lack of legislation for efficient CE and government support for
quirements. Horváth and Szabó (2019) stated that the introduction of environmental-friendly policies. The same authors classified 25 barriers
I4.0 technologies might be hindered by employee and management under nine categories, including lack of knowledge and awareness, lack
resistance. Moreover, consumer-related aspects were crucial in the of integration and collaboration, and costs (I. Kazancoglu et al., 2020).
analysis. Philip et al.’s (2020) research paper aimed at comprehending Regarding Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Dey et al. (2020)
how fast fashion is indulged in consumers. Princes (2020), instead, derived the issues, challenges, and strategies in the implementation of
highlighted that the customer experience will become the brand dif­ CE in SMEs. Princes (2020b) developed nine steps to integrate ambi­
ferentiator of the future. dextrous capabilities in SMEs, with clear deadlines and goals, to gain a
Several contributions have identified and prioritized barriers. competitive advantage in the context of the modern manufacturing era
Regarding the automotive sector, Kumar et al. (2021) identified of I4.0.
ineffective strategies for the integration of I4.0 with sustainable mea­ Moreover, numerous contributions have focused on emerging
sures combined with a lack of funds for I4.0 initiatives as major barriers. countries. Among others, Sehnem et al. (2019) stressed this duality by
Managerial, organizational, and economic challenges emerged as the analyzing the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for the adoption of the CE

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

CE strategy SC typology
Recycle Reuse Remanufacturing Disassembly Waste M&EE CBM Circular Servitization Cleaner Industrial Green Sustainable Circular Reverse Closed- Open-
Management Design Production Symbiosis SC SC SC SC loop SC loop

x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x

x x

x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x x
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x

x x x
x x x x x x x
21 17 14 1 11 8 8 9 5 7 5 5 10 1 17 17 0

using companies selected both from the emerging reality of Brazil and environmental regulations and a lack of collaboration among the SC
the mature Scottish one. actors.
Regarding the Chinese scenario, Park et al. (2010) investigated the In contrast, the manufacturing sector in Thailand focused on the
challenges and opportunities of balancing economic growth and envi­ need for large investment capacity, proper training, knowledge, and
ronmental stewardship in the context of the electronics industry. Xia and motivation (Piyathanavong et al., 2019).
Ruan (2020) identified the critical barriers of Chinese circular agricul­ A lack of tax relation policies and poor rules and regulations pro­
ture. The results highlighted those institutional pressures have affected tecting the environment emerged as the most prominent barriers of the
both supply relationship management and SSC design. Indian plastics industry to implementing a CSCM (Khandelwal & Barua,
Lastly, 16 important barriers to CSC adoption in India were deter­ 2020).
mined by Mangla et al. (2018). Among others, a lack of economic ben­ Bag et al. (2020) discussed key resources for I4.0 adoption in South
efits in the short term and a lack of appropriate training, coordination, Africa, such as green logistics and design, information technology,
and collaboration among SC members were identified as the most human resources, and project management. Luthra et al. (2020) iden­
relevant. A lack of private and public articulation of digital Business tified significant I4.0 drivers in government supportive policies,
Model (BM) promotion was identified by Cezarino et al. (2019). Poor collaboration, and transparency among SC members. The same scholars
government policies and the lack of technology, techniques, farmers’ (Luthra & Mangla, 2018) stated that organizational challenges are
knowledge, and awareness were defined as the most important barriers prominent, followed by technological, strategic, legal, and ethical ones.
in Indian agri-food SCs (Y. K. Sharma et al., 2019). Regarding the latter Several contributions regarding the logistics and procurement sector
sector, Farooque et al. (2019) stressed several obstacles, such as weak have been collected. Kaczmarek (2019) defined I4.0 as being

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Table 5
CSC best practices category analysis.
Life cycle phase I4.0 technologies Triple bottom line
AUTHORS Bol MoL EoL Whole IoT Big Data Additive Cloud Autonomous Simulation V&HSI Augmented Cyber- General Economic Environmental Social
LC Analytics Manufacturing Robots Reality Security

(Kintscher et al., 2020) x x x x x

(Wang & Zhang, 2020) x x x x
(Garrido-Hidalgo et al., x x x x x
(Belaud et al., 2019) x x x x x x
(Daú et al., 2019) x x x x x
(Jensen & Remmen, x x x x x
(Mastos et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Blömeke et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Bagalagel & Elmaraghy, x x x x x
(Manavalan & x x x x x
Jayakrishna, 2019b)
(Shao et al., 2021) x x x x x x x x
(Kuo et al., 2021) x x x x x
(Frankó et al., 2020) x x x x
(Khan et al., 2020) x x x
(Chandriah & x x
raghavendra, 2020)
(F. Müller et al., 2019) x x x x
(Hetterscheid & Schlüter, x x x
(Avventuroso et al., 2017) x x x x
(Tedesco & Montacchini, x x x
(Maranesi & De Giovanni, x x x x x x
(Bressanelli et al., 2020) x x x x x x x
(Cassol & Sellitto, 2020) x x x
(Julianelli et al., 2020) x x x x x
(Nandi et al., 2020) x x x
(Van engeland et al., x x x
(Santander et al., 2020) x x x
(Pinto & Diemer, 2020) x
(Kühl et al., 2019) x
(Castiglione & alfieri, x x x
(Ripanti & Tjahjono, x x x
(Xavier et al., 2019) x x x
(Niu et al., 2019) x x x x x x
(Islam & Huda, 2018) x
(De angelis et al., 2018) x x x
(Hong et al., 2018) x x x
(Hahladakis & Iacovidou, x
(Bernon et al., 2018) x x
(Gaustad et al., 2018) x x x
(Herczeg et al., 2018) x x x
(Mulrow et al., 2017) x x x
TOTAL 0 0 10 7 20 8 4 12 6 3 2 2 1 1 30 28 22

characterized by CPS and logistics as a promising field of application. lack of technical standards and regulations. Zhang et al. (2019), instead,
Müller and Voigt (2018) addressed the topic of SCM in the context of identified three main barriers, including a lack of regulatory pressures,
I4.0 by employing a case study of a German engineer-to-order industrial market pressures and demands, environmental education, and culture.
enterprise. Bienhaus and Haddud (2018) pointed out the digital impact Concerning the SC typologies, several contributions have defined SCs
on procurement and SCM. The barriers to digitizing procurement were as closed-loop (19 articles) and reverse (16 articles). As an example,
found in existing procedures, processes, capacities, and capabilities. Zeng et al. (2017) presented a conceptual model underscoring institu­
Lastly, how the buyer–supplier relationship is influenced by I4.0 tech­ tional pressures and SCM impacts.
nological changes was discussed by Veile et al. (2020). Future trans­ CLSC potentialities were highlighted by many scholars. Mishra et al.
actions were found to become mainly based on digitized, automated (2018), for instance, selected four CLSC companies and assessed how
procedures transferring various value creation processes to platforms. these cases create value and the key challenges regarding implementa­
Regarding CE strategies, a considerable adoption of the 3Rs, waste tion. Factors influencing CLSC for Customer Relationship Management
management, M&EE and circular design was registered. Among others, (CRM) development in the photovoltaic industry were examined by
Jia et al. (2020) highlighted the challenges of CE implementation and Lapko et al. (2019). Braz et al. (2018) compared the causes and factors of
provided some suggestions for managers in the textile and apparel the bullwhip effect in CLSCs. Lastly, a paper by Masi et al. (2017) dis­
industry. cussed the potentialities of the meso level, such as eco-industrial parks
Moreover, the waste management strategy was further discussed in and CLSC but also the exposure to radical changes for BMs and SCs.
detail by two scholars. Paes et al. (2019) conducted a Strengths, Alternatively, Frei et al. (2020) identified barriers and challenges to
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis of the organic implementing circular practices in reverse SCs.
waste industry, highlighting major issues in logistics costs, SCM, and the Finally, the conducted research even offers insights into recent

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

CE strategy SC typology
Recycle Reuse Remanufacturing Disassembly Waste M&EE CBM Circular Servitization Cleaner Industrial Green Sustainable Circular Reverse Closed- Open-
Management Design Production Symbiosis SC SC SC SC loop SC loop

x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x

x x x x x
x x x x x x

x x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x

x x x x x x x x

x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x x
x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x

x x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x

x x x x x x x x x

x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x

x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x
x x x x x x
26 26 20 1 21 18 6 8 5 2 7 1 4 2 13 19 1

circumstances. Ibn-Mohammed et al. (2021), indeed, outlined concrete standards to enable communication along the SC are missing, the impact
recommendations on CE-related solutions for global economic growth of I4.0 and digital transformation is closely connected to information
and development in the post-COVID-19 world. sharing, and companies’ preparations for these impacts are different.
Mihardjo et al. (2020) assessed the impact of co-creation strategies in
4.2.4. CSC business models and strategies category the I4.0 SCM. Finally, managerial practices to design CBMs and to
Several scholars have introduced BMs to face the advent and capture value were investigated by Ünal et al. (2019).
implementation of CE strategies and I4.0 technologies. Among others, Regarding the proposition typology, the majority of documents are
Garay-Rondero et al. (2019) presented a conceptual model for new classified as models (11 articles), while five contributions have proposed
digital SCs. Lüdeke-Freund et al. (2019) conducted an analysis of 26 guidelines, such as a pathway including the effective use of business
CBMs, defining the major BM dimensions and characteristics. Lu et al. analytics (Omar et al., 2019).
(2020) examined Carroll’s pyramid model in SMEs for organizational Concerning the TBL, the social perspective appears quite relevant in
performance enhancement. The obtained outcomes of the study the domain since 52% of the selected articles included it in their anal­
confirmed that the inclusion of I4.0, cleaner production, and CE con­ ysis. Strategies and models, indeed, have to consider social factors as a
cepts provides business opportunities in the SME sector. Ghosh et al. relevant parameter to obtain successful outcomes, as stated by Dev et al.
(2020) reflected on different strategies and the greening effect in SCs. (2020).
Zangiacomi et al. (2020) presented a multiple-business strategies anal­ Further analyzing the category, the LC has been analyzed compre­
ysis aimed at investigating managerial perspectives on investments, hensively in five contributions.
awareness, and knowledge sharing. Preindl et al.’s (2020) research Alternatively, the implementation of IoT technology represents a
focused on I4.0′ s impact on information sharing and SC decision making. distinctive feature of articles related to the EoL phase. Tozanlı et al.
The findings were threefold, as follows: technological interface (2020), for instance, presented the use of IoT-embedded products in a

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

blockchain system. (2017) highlighted that supply relationship management and SSC design
The adoption of I4.0 technologies is relevant in this category. Indeed, can benefit from institutional pressure.
Lopes de Sousa Jabbour et al. (2018) proposed guidelines enhancing CE
strategies and the application of I4.0 approaches. 4.2.5. CSC best practices category
Moreover, IoT has been identified as the most diffused technology This category appears almost equally divided with the different types
since it is present in 70% (23) of the collected articles, as displayed in of propositions reporting six approaches, four frameworks, four meth­
Table 4. Manavalan and Jayakrishna (2019) explored the potentialities odologies, and four models.
of IoT-embedded SSCs. An IoT-enabled decision support system for The work by Kuo et al. (2021) represents an example of the first type
CBMs allowing the tracking and monitoring of products in real time was of proposition, developing an SC material resource management and
proposed by Mboli et al. (2020). allocation framework. Shao et al. (2021), instead, proposed a multi-
Moreover, 13 contributions have implemented the IoT and big data stage implementation highlighting organizational enablers such as cul­
analytics technologies jointly, and Hahn (2020) investigated the impli­ ture, continuous improvement, and cross-functional approaches. Het­
cations of I4.0 on SCM. terscheid and Schlüter (2019) presented, through two use cases of a
Additive manufacturing technology potentialities were discussed by German steel company, a methodology for the design of CPS during the
Sun et al. (2020), focusing on the duality of virgin and recycled materials planning and control phases of SC processes. An analytical model based
in 3D printing (3DP). on predictive optimization between supply and demands in SC 4.0 was
Sundarakani et al. (2019) defined cloud computing as a technology proposed by Chandriah and Raghavendra (2020).
able to increase the competitiveness, elasticity, flexibility, and utiliza­ Concerning the LC phase, more EoL contributions (11 articles) than
tion of resources. whole LC ones (7 articles) were collected, as shown in Table 5. Three
The reconfiguration of the core SCM process thanks to CE strategies articles are part of the WEEE industry, such as the example by Bagalagel
underscoring current production and consumption patterns was studied and ElMaraghy (2020), which presented a manufacturing-
by Hazen et al. (2020). remanufacturing system demonstrating the I4.0 potentials to improve
Regarding CE strategies, indeed, this category reports a majoritarian the value recovery of used products.
use of the 3Rs as 13 articles have adopted it. Among others, Dubey et al. Concerning the whole LC papers, most cases are part of the textile
(2019) proposed a theoretical framework to explain how top manage­ industry. For instance, Tedesco and Montacchini (2020) described that
ment’s commitment mediates between external pressures and supplier the LC approach is beneficial for textile products in relation to SC pro­
relationship management. Pohlmann et al. (2020) studied the role of cesses and to pre- and post-consumption wastes.
focal companies aimed at achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Concerning the TBL, 53% of the selected articles focused on all three
Goals (SDGs) in Brazilian food SCs. fundamental aspects of sustainability. For instance, Manavalan and
Moreover, four contributions have implemented M&EE, waste Jayakrishna (2019) analyzed the case of an SC organization willing to
management, circular design, and CBM jointly. meet I4.0 requirements through CE and highlighted the circular op­
In this regard, Geissdoerfer et al. (2018) discussed CBM sustain­ portunities available.
ability performance and proposed a framework integrating CBMs and However, several contributions focus on only parts of the TBL, such
CSCM toward sustainable development. as the example by Müller et al. (2019), where trends toward I4.0 ap­
Garcia-Muiña et al. (2018) explored the transition from a linear plications in the wood SC were identified considering socio-economic
economy to a CE through the CBM design, introducing the principles of challenges.
sustainability (3 layers of the TBL) in the manufacturing context. I4.0 technologies are considerably diffused in the collected best
Concerning SC typologies, the analysis reveals a considerable diffu­ practices.
sion of reverse and closed-loop terms. Indeed, 17 contributions from I4.0 is seen as a contribution to real-time information and distributed
both parts and 11 joint applications are identified. For instance, Dev, manufacturing systems and, therefore, to competitiveness and efficiency
Shankar, and Swami (2020) examined how product dynamics affect the (Wang & Zhang, 2020). Frankó et al. (2020) presented a scalable solu­
economic and environmental performances of a production planning tion for asset tracking and management in the context of I4.0.
system. Tombido et al. (2018) reviewed the use of third parties in IoT appears to be the most adopted technology since 50% of this
reverse logistics. Victor et al. (2020) proposed a CLSC model indicating category’s articles referred to its opportunities. For instance, Mastos
processes to be applied to EoL-collected products. Winkler (2011) stated et al. (2020) discussed the impacts of an IoT solution on SSCM perfor­
that negative environmental impacts, such as waste, energy consump­ mance, demonstrating that I4.0 solutions have the potential to improve
tion, and transport processes, can be avoided by establishing closed-loop economic, environmental, and social sustainability. Khan et al. (2020)
production systems. studied how IoT and blockchain applications enhance safety and
Despite the majority of reverse SCs and CLSCs, some scholars have transparency in food SCs. Jensen and Remmen (2017) stated that IoT
focused on circular ones. Among others, Hussain and Malik (2020) and extended product service systems are fundamental requirements for
presented a framework for CSCs combining sustainable performances, becoming a sustainable manufacturer.
process, and organization facilitators to embrace the CE. González- Contributions concentrating on the joint application of IoT and big
Sánchez et al. (2020) studied CSCs in strategic management. Three di­ data analytics have been reported. Among the seven identified articles,
mensions have been identified to support the development of new SCs: Belaud et al. (2019) developed an agricultural waste approach imple­
relationships; the adaptation of logistics and organizational, disruptive, menting big data to improve SC sustainability management. Moreover,
and smart technologies; and a functioning environment. the use of cloud technology is highly diffused in the category. Seven
Moreover, a trend in articles focusing on the logistics sector can be papers discuss it, and 12 refer to a joint adoption with IoT. For instance,
identified. For instance, Facchini et al. (2020) presented a logistics 4.0 a solution for reverse SCM, enabling cloud-based inventory monitoring
model able to identify the level of companies’ maturity as to imple­ thanks to IoT technology, was proposed by Garrido-Hidalgo et al.
menting I4.0 technologies in their logistics processes. Asdecker and (2019). Avventuroso et al. (2017) studied SC data management within a
Felch (2018) developed a model to describe the digitalization efforts in products LC approach and I4.0 applications.
outbound logistics. Finally, Pekarcíková et al. (2019) studied demand- Regarding CE strategies, the 3Rs approach is present in 17 contri­
driven supply logistics in the context of I4.0 through a case study. butions. An example is the work by Nandi et al. (2020), presenting SC
To conclude, two articles have focused on emerging economies. collaboration benefits. Blömeke et al. (2020) concentrated on electrical
Cardoso de Oliveira et al. (2019) verified how governance instruments vehicles relying on Recycling 4.0 to digitalize EoL stages. In the same
influence green practices in the Brazilian scenario, and Xiao and Zeng sector, Kintscher et al. (2020) presented an approach to study how I4.0 is

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

integrated into the recycling process, leading to Recycling 4.0. the example of Santander et al. (2020), exploring the distributed plastics
Moreover, the combined implementation of waste management and recycling approach in the CLSC network.
M&EE or circular design and servitization is common in this domain of Alternatively, 33% addressed reverse SCs. Among others, Bernon
research. Kühl et al. (2019), for instance, identified how the imple­ et al. (2018) presented a CE framework to implement reverse logistics
mentation of different SC integration strategies, such as raw material operations. Julianelli et al. (2020) provided a framework integrating
self-sufficiency and resource ownership retention, could affect circu­ CSFs and reverse logistics in the context of CSC. Ripanti and Tjahjono’s
larity. Herczeg et al. (2018) investigated industrial symbiosis from an SC (2019) work was aimed at presenting CE values to design CLSCs and
collaboration perspective, deriving organizational and operational re­ reverse logistics. Islam and Huda (2018) discussed a case of WEEE
quirements. Mulrow et al. (2017) proposed a framework for the devel­ implementing reverse logistics in a CLSC.
opment of industrial symbiosis in the context of CLSCs. Moreover, Despite these two SC typologies, authors have even discussed sus­
Maranesi and De Giovanni (2020) discussed CE opportunities in the CSC tainable and circular SCs. Respectively, Hong et al. (2018) investigated
inclusion of eco-innovations and information systems (IS). Castiglione how SSCM practices impact on SC performance and the TBL, and De
and Alfieri (2019) focused on eco-industrial approaches considering Angelis et al. (2018) presented the implications of CSC development.
practical SCM implications to reduce pollution and waste by sharing A predominance of certain sectors can be identified; indeed, six
resources. contributions are part of the WEEE industry, such as the example by
Waste management and remanufacturing strategies have proved to Bressanelli et al. (2020), investigating, through multiple-case study
be linked with reverse SCs and CLSCs. Indeed, the review by Van research, CE adoption in the household appliance industry. The steel,
Engeland et al. (2020) examined reverse logistics and waste manage­ metal, and critical materials sectors are considerably diffused in the
ment providing potentialities of waste reverse SCs thanks to combina­ research domain. In this regard, Pinto and Diemer (2020) identified how
torial optimization models. Niu et al. (2019) explored the impact of SC integration strategies, such as raw material self-sufficiency and
design for remanufacturing by developing a modeling research frame­ resource ownership retention, affect circularity.
work of CLSC operations decision making. Xavier et al. (2019) reviewed Gaustad et al. (2018) assessed firms’ vulnerability to SC critical
the main WEEE management solutions in CLSCs focusing on recovering material, providing business examples of circularity strategies.
and classifying critical materials. Moreover, attention has been given to the electrical vehicle, agri-
A total of 48% of the selected documents mentioned CLSCs, such as food, and plastics industries. Concerning the latter, Hahladakis and

Table 6
Articles’ diffusion between the six dimensions and five categories.
CSC I4.0 enabling CSC performance tools & CSC challenges & CSC BM & CSC best Total
tech indicators barriers strategies practices

proposition Approach 1 2 1 2 6 12
type Framework 2 6 6 5 4 23
Methodology 5 1 6 0 4 16
Guidelines 1 0 1 5 2 9
Tool 0 4 0 0 0 4
Model 4 3 4 11 4 26
LC phase Bol 0 1 0 0 0 1
MoL 0 0 0 0 0 0
EoL 2 3 3 4 10 22
Whole LC 6 3 11 5 7 32
I4.0 tech IoT 32 11 29 23 20 115
Big Data Analytics 30 8 25 14 8 85
Additive 16 2 7 10 4 39
Cloud 22 8 19 15 12 76
Autonomous Robots 14 5 13 8 6 46
Simulation 3 2 2 1 3 11
V&HSI 5 1 4 0 2 12
Augmented Reality 8 2 5 2 2 19
Cyber-Security 6 2 5 3 1 17
General 2 1 1 0 1 5
TBL Economic 23 25 39 22 30 139
Environmental 23 24 38 24 28 137
Social 20 12 35 17 22 106
CE strategy Recycle 14 17 31 21 26 109
Reuse 12 19 25 17 26 99
Remanufacturing 6 12 16 14 20 68
Disassembly 1 0 0 1 1 3
Waste Management 8 15 24 11 21 79
M&EE 6 11 15 8 18 58
CBM 1 4 9 8 6 28
Circular Design 5 5 14 9 8 41
Servitization 5 2 7 5 5 24
Cleaner Production 0 3 6 7 2 18
Industrial Symbiosis 0 3 10 5 7 25
SC Typology Green SC 2 8 8 5 1 24
Sustainable SC 4 5 6 10 4 29
Circular SC 1 3 2 1 2 9
Reverse SC 8 8 16 17 13 62
Closed-loop SC 7 5 19 17 19 67
Open-loop SC 1 1 0 0 1 3
TOTAL articles 43 30 52 33 40 198

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

Iacovidou (2018) discussed the need for an SC integration between been remarked and enriched with innovative solutions like the new
systemic thinking, technological innovations, and regulations. mechanism to minimize industrial negative effects provided by Safiullin
To conclude, a commitment to the analysis of emerging economies is et al. (2020). Frameworks and tools propositions define the CSC per­
present. Among others, Daú et al. (2019) focused on the healthcare formance tools and indicators category, with poor social commitment
sector by proposing a CE framework involving the TBL, I4.0, and regarding the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) as highlighted by Walker et al.
corporate social responsibility. Alternatively, the importance of the re­ (2021). Quantitative outputs have shown a focus on the End-of-Life
lationships among the tiers to implement a sustainable BM was (EoL) phases or the entire LC in order to gain a conscious and com­
addressed by Cassol and Sellitto (2020) through studying a cosmetics plete contribution, as the case of Hoffa-Dabrowska and Grzybowska
company in Brazil. (2020) and Shoaib-ul-Hasan et al. (2021). A predominance of IoT, BDA,
cloud, and autonomous robots for I4.0 technologies and of the 3Rs,
5. Discussion waste management, and M&EE for CE strategies has been highlighted.
Green, sustainable, reverse, and closed-loop have proved to be the most
It is worth analyzing how the categories’ peculiarities have emerged diffused SC typologies.
according to the dimensions of analysis, as reported in Table 6. Practical impediments have been addressed through frameworks and
The Circular Supply Chain (CSC) Industry 4.0 (I4.0) enabling tech­ methodologies in the CSC challenges and barriers category, raising con­
nologies category is characterized by methodologies and models pre­ cerns in all TBL aspects. The references to I4.0 technologies and CE
dominantly addressing the possibilities and benefits of the Internet of strategies are numerous and have displayed a scenario characterized by
Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics (BDA), cloud, autonomous robots, and IoT, big data analytics, cloud, autonomous robots technologies and 3Rs,
additive manufacturing technologies. Indeed, important improvements waste management, and M&EE circular design strategies. Obstacles
in digitalization, data exchange, processes automation, and system have emerged during the entire LC by taking into account near reverse
productivity in the manufacturing context have been addressed by Raut and closed-loop SCs (Jia et al., 2020; I. Kazancoglu et al., 2020; G. Yadav
et al. (2020). et al., 2020).
The approach demonstrated an orientation to the entire Life Cycle Moreover, this CSC category has particularly concentrated on the
(LC) and Triple Bottom Line (TBL). barriers encountered by SMEs, as the example of Dey et al. (2020) and
The adopted Circular Economy (CE) strategies have been identified Princes (2020b), and by emerging economies like the Indian example by
in the Reuse-Recycle-Remanufacturing (3Rs), waste management, Ma­ Mangla et al. (2018).
terial & Energy Efficiency (M&EE), and circular design, usually related Frameworks and guidelines guide the CSC BM and strategies category
to reverse or closed-loop Supply Chain (SC)s. Through these strategies, with managerial insights and approaches oriented to the entire LC and to
the importance of sustainability awareness in the industrial sector has economic and environmental aspects. The highlighted importance of

Table 7
Conceptual framework.
CSC I4.0 enabling tech CSC performance tools & CSC challenges & barriers CSC BM & strategies CSC best practices

Top WEEE, Construction, Agri- Automotive, Agri-food, WEEE Agri-food, Textile, Fashion, WEEE, Electronics WEEE, Electrical vehicles,
industries food Automotive Metal, Textile
Relevant • Benefits, CSFs, potentials • Emissions and costs • Factors (integration, • Co-creation strategy • Mathematical model
literature (flexibility and optimized reduction by implementing interoperability, predictive based on collaboration addressing manufacturing-
decision), challenges and the autonomous vehicles maintenance, recovery) and value as part of the remanufacturing planning
impacts in the different strategy along with the challenges (smart devices digital transformation in from the perspective of a
sectors adopting I4.0 consolidation warehouses development, investment I4.0 on SCM (Mihardjo manufacturer pursuing
(Rejikumar et al., 2019). (Gružauskas et al., 2018). costs, compatibility) of CE et al., 2020). joint implementation of
Benefits of I4.0 Performance indicators and I4.0 in the SC context CBM driving SCCs in I4.0 and CE principles
enabling technologies in for each stage of CSCs in (Rajput & Singh, 2019). closing (reuse the (Bagalagel & Elmaraghy,
the manufacturing and terms of clean SMEs and internal materials through 2020).
SCM context (BDA: manufacturing, resource challenges recycling), slowing loops IoT role in I4.0 as a facil­
quality tracking, better efficiency, eco-efficiency, (organizational resistance (designing durable itator of decentralized de­
demand forecasts and reuse and remanufacturing, at both employee and goods and product-life cisions and real-time
preventive maintenance) waste minimization (Jain middle management levels) extension), narrowing responses (Manavalan &
(Raut et al., 2020). et al., 2018). during the I4.0 technologies and dematerializing Jayakrishna, 2019b).
Impacts of IoT on SCM, Performances comparison introduction (Horváth & loops (Geissdoerfer et al., End-to-end solution for
delivery process and of traditional and circular Szabó, 2019). 2018), (Hazen, Russo, Reverse SCM based on
applications of RFID for production systems across SSCM challenges Confente, et al., 2020). cooperation between
inventory accuracy (Ben- indicators like direct, indi­ (ineffective performance different IoT communica­
Daya et al., 2019). rect LC emissions, waste measurement system, tion standards, enabling
recovered and virgin re­ resistance of culture change) cloud-based inventory
sources use and solutions (coordination monitoring of WEEE
(Genovese et al., 2017). and collaboration among SC through embedded sensors
members, educating (Garrido-Hidalgo et al.,
customers for recycling 2019).
practices)(S. Yadav et al.,
proposition Model, Methodology Framework, Tool Framework, Methodology, Model Approach, Framework,
type Model Methodology, Model
LC phase Whole LC EoL, Whole LC Whole LC EoL, Whole LC EoL, Whole LC
I4.0 tech IoT, BDA, Cloud, AM, IoT, BDA, Cloud, Autonomous IoT, BDA, Cloud IoT, BDA, Cloud, AM IoT, BDA, Cloud,
Autonomous Robots Robots
TBL Economic, Environmental, Economic, Environmental Economic, Environmental, Economic, Environmental, Economic, Environmental,
Social Social Social Social
CE strategy Recycle, Reuse, WM 3Rs, WM, M&EE Recycle, Reuse, WM 3Rs 3Rs, WM
SC Typology Reversed, Closed-loop Reversed, Green Reversed, Closed-loop Reversed, Closed-loop Reversed, Closed-loop

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

I4.0 technologies, stated for instance in the paper of Manavalan and solutions able to overcome them. On the opposite side, papers
Jayakrishna (2019),and CE strategies is similar to that in the CSC I4.0 addressing measurable outputs and CSC indicators are still lacking in the
enabling technologies category but with the addition of CBM and cleaner domain (30 out 198). This nascent circular paradigm has, indeed, not
production. SC typologies have referred mainly to sustainable, reverse, developed quantitative means to monitor and track the obtained outputs
and closed-loop. In this regard, frameworks developing CBMs in CSC yet, especially at a meso and macro levels.
have been studied by Geissdoerfer et al. (2018) and Garcia-Muiña et al. Furthermore, a CSC advancement of specific industries, such as
(2018). manufacturing, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment
The CSC best practices category ends the analysis with successful (WEEE), agri-food, and automotive, has been unveiled. The analysis
approaches and “take-aways” displayed through frameworks, method­ raised a predominance of economic and environmental aspects, high­
ologies, and models. Examples have addressed the entire LC and, in lighting a shortage of interest in the social layer of the TBL. The selected
some cases, such as Bagalagel and ElMaraghy (2020) studying the WEEE contributions have mainly proposed models, frameworks, and method­
industry, the EoL phase only. A slight predominance of environmental ologies to support the CSC domain evolution. Concerning the LC, the
and economic aspects according to the TBL have characterized the majority of the sample has focused on the entire cycle of circular solu­
contributions, as the example by Müller et al. (2019). IoT, big data an­ tions provided by CSCs. However, many cases have focused on the End-
alytics, cloud technologies and the 3Rs, waste management, and M&EE of-Life (EoL) phase mainly due to the industry nature, such as the case of
have proved to be diffused, while SCs have been identified as reverse the WEEE.
and closed-loop. Regarding I4.0 technologies, results have shown a prevalence and a
Best practices have emerged from various sectors like the electrical synergic implementation of Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics
vehicle, agri-food, and plastic industries (Hahladakis & Iacovidou, (BDA), and cloud technologies thanks to their beneficial impacts on
2018). Moreover, a commitment to the analysis of emerging economies resource and information management, production efficiency, stake­
has been detected in the frameworks proposed by Daú et al. (2019) and holder coordination, and collaboration. The most promising CE strate­
Cassol and Sellitto (2020). gies have been identified in the Reuse-Recycle-Remanufacturing (3Rs),
Based on the numbers gathered in the previous table, a conceptual waste management, and Material & Energy Efficiency (M&EE) for their
framework (Table 7) able to describe the main categories composed the benefits in terms of costs and waste reduction. Lastly, in the CSC field, SC
CSC domain is proposed. The categories have been reordered to indicate categories referred mostly to reverse and closed-loop.
to practitioners which dimension of CSC should first be addressed when The contribution of this paper is twofold: theoretical and practical.
they attempt to approach such a domain. Indeed, it is strategic for them Firstly, the extant knowledge in the threefold domain of CE, I4.0 and SC
to first realize the challenges and barriers that they have to cope with has been systematized through a literature review. The selected papers
and that then they can address deploying and adequately employing a have been analyzed through 6 dimensions, leading to the detection of 5
certain set of enabling technologies (Chiappetta Jabbour et al., 2020; CSCs categories that can be used by researchers to lead future both
Rosa et al., 2020) and best practices (Guldmann, 2016; Kirchherr & theoretical and practical researches in more specific aspects. Indeed,
Piscicelli, 2019; Ünal et al., 2019). Through the combination of these through the results obtained, the authors were able to identify and
assets, companies can choose suitable strategies (Acerbi & Taisch, present the major aspects, trends and most promising solutions to be
2020b) and build effective business models (Bocken et al., 2014, 2018; adopted in the I4.0-driven CSC.
Rosa et al., 2019) to actually and effectively operate in a CSC. Finally, From a practical point of view, the research is contributing to the
the last dimension that should be raised in companies should be the one raising of circular sustainability awareness among practitioners
related to performance tools and indicators. Indeed, it is key to be able to belonging to different industries. Indeed, the results of the literature
measure circularity performance for companies belonging to a CSC review represent useful guidelines and directions that can be used as
(Sassanelli et al., 2019; Vinante et al., 2021), managing data and in­ managerial insights by firms. Through them, depending on their need to
formation not only internally but also externally to the company focus on different CSC aspects (enabling technologies, performance
ecosystem (Acerbi et al., 2021). tools/indicators, challenges/barriers, business models/strategies, or
best practices), managers could easily raise their knowledge about
6. Conclusions practices, methodologies, and technological solutions that may be
helpful to support their CSC activities. Furthermore, the peculiarities of
This research has offered a systemic analysis with the aim of inte­ each sector according to the CE strategies and the I4.0 technologies
grating the threefold context of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Circular Economy adopted, further support specific industries to a shift toward CSCs.
(CE), and Circular Supply Chain (CSC). To do so, a systematic literature Finally, the provided analysis could be enriched by future research to
review, leading to a descriptive and thematic analysis, has been per­ overcome the extant gaps in the domain. Indeed, beside the novelty of
formed to structure the knowledge regarding the embracement and the contribution, being a literature review, the paper concentrates on a
implementation of the CSC concept, enabled by the joint adoption of CE theoretical perspective, raising future possibilities and opening room for
strategies and I4.0 technologies. more practical investigations able to foster and gradually support firms
Articles were investigated through six dimensions of analysis (LC in the practical switch from linear SCs to circular ones. Specific research
phases, I4.0 technologies, Triple Bottom Line (TBL) layers, Circular in each of the 5 CSC categories could be carried out to better explore
Economy (CE) strategies, and Supply Chain (SC) typologies), leading to how to support the companies’ transition towards a CSC, choosing the
the detection of five thematic categories in the CSC domain (I4.0 most promising strategies and technologies per each of them. In
enabling technologies, Performance tools and indicators, Challenges and particular, it emerged that the challenges and barriers represent the key
barriers, Business models and strategies, Best practices). These five point to be coped with by researchers to trigger the wide employment of
categories were also useful to build a framework able to describe the CSC in different industries. A model, able to guide practitioners in
single dimensions of the CSC research domain and to gradually raise bridging the gradual shift from linear to CSCs, has also to be built and
companies’ managers awareness to successfully approach CSCs. The proposed in literature. Wrapping up, this literature review unveiled the
results of the analysis allowed to provide the peculiarities of each of the major issues in the threefold research domain of SCS-CE-I4.0, calling for
categories detected, also highlighting the attention devoted to the further attention from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Re­
practical impediments to the CSC transition (since the CSC challenges and searchers willing to contribute to this domain should:
barriers category has resulted as the most pervasive in terms of number
of articles (52)). The latter insight suggests a future concentration on • propose solutions and techniques to practically enhance the imple­
studying the difficulties encountered by new firms and the eventual mentation of CSCs, applying a systemic approach able to

E. Taddei et al. Computers & Industrial Engineering 170 (2022) 108268

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