Prediction Model For Irreversible Intestinal Ischemia in Strangulated Bowel Obstruction
Prediction Model For Irreversible Intestinal Ischemia in Strangulated Bowel Obstruction
Prediction Model For Irreversible Intestinal Ischemia in Strangulated Bowel Obstruction
Background: Preoperatively diagnosing irreversible intestinal ischemia in patients with strangulated bowel obstruc-
tion is difficult. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a prediction model for irreversible intestinal ischemia in stran-
gulated bowel obstruction.
Methods: We included 83 patients who underwent emergency surgery for strangulated bowel obstruction between
January 2014 and March 2022. The predictors of irreversible intestinal ischemia in strangulated bowel obstruction
were identified using logistic regression analysis, and a prediction model for irreversible intestinal ischemia in strangu-
lated bowel obstruction was established using the regression coefficients. Receiver operating characteristic analysis
and fivefold cross-validation was used to assess the model.
Results: The prediction model (range, 0–4) was established using a white blood cell count of ≥ 12,000/µL and the
computed tomography value of peritoneal fluid that was ≥ 20 Hounsfield units. The areas of the receiver operating
characteristic curve of the new prediction model were 0.814 and 0.807 after fivefold cross-validation. A score of ≥ 2
was strongly suggestive of irreversible intestinal ischemia in strangulated bowel obstruction and necessitated bowel
resection (odds ratio = 15.938). The bowel resection rates for the prediction scores of 0, 2, and 4 were 15.2%, 66.7%,
and 85.0%, respectively.
Conclusion: Our model may help predict irreversible intestinal ischemia that necessitates bowel resection for
strangulated bowel obstruction cases and thus enable surgeons to recognize the severity of the situation, prepare
for deterioration of patients with progression of intestinal ischemia, and select the appropriate surgical procedure for
Keywords: Bowel strangulation, Intestinal ischemia, Prediction, Computed tomography, Surgical emergency,
Preoperative diagnosis
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Kobayashi et al. BMC Surgery (2022) 22:321 Page 2 of 7
Computed tomography (CT) can detect SBO with Finally, 83 patients were included, and all of these were
a sensitivity ranging from 73 to 100% and a specificity confirmed for closed-loop obstruction due to mesen-
ranging from 61 to 100% [3]. However, to distinguish teric torsion or internal herniation at operation. Of
between irreversible and reversible II in SBO preopera- these, 42 had irreversible II at laparotomy and required
tively remains challenging. Regardless of the experience bowel resection (resection group; n = 42), whereas 41
or seniority of the surgeon, physical examination for had reversible II and required lysis of adhesions but not
the detection of strangulation has a success rate of only bowel resection (non-resection group; n = 41). We com-
48% [4]. Moreover, despite advances in imaging, patients pared the clinical outcomes between the resection and
requiring emergency surgery are usually poor candidates non-resection groups.
for such examinations. Particularly, reduced bowel wall
enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT is reportedly Perioperative clinical variables
a significant predictive factor [5–7]. However, contrast Preoperative clinical variables included sex, age, body
agents are contraindicated in some patients due to severe mass index, previous history of laparotomy, vital signs
renal dysfunction or iodine allergy. Additionally, assess- (systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg, body tempera-
ing the presence or absence of bowel wall enhancement ture ≥ 38 °C), blood gas analysis (pH, base excess), and
highly depends on clinicians and has a poor objective laboratory data, including white blood cell (WBC) count
value. Therefore, this study aimed to establish a predic- and C-reactive protein, hemoglobin, platelet, albumin,
tion model for irreversible II in SBO using objective fac- bilirubin, creatinine, and creatine kinase levels. Opera-
tors (besides contrast-enhanced CT findings). tive clinical variables included laparoscopic surgery,
intraoperative presence of hemorrhagic peritoneal fluid,
Methods operation time, and blood loss. In addition, pathologi-
Patients cal findings of resection specimens included ischemia,
This retrospective study was approved by the Tokyo mucosal hemorrhagic necrosis, and transluminal hemor-
Medical University Hachioji Medical Center Ethics Com- rhagic necrosis.
mittee (approval number TS2020-0358) and was con-
ducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the Radiographic variables
1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments. Radiographic variables included presence of free peri-
The need for informed consent was waived in view of toneal fluid around the strangulated intestine, emphy-
the retrospective study design by the Tokyo Medical sema, the mean CT value of the free peritoneal fluid on
University Hachioji Medical Center Ethics Committee. unenhanced CT, and reduced bowel wall enhancement
We examined the data of 89 patients diagnosed with on contrast-enhanced CT. The mean CT value of the free
SBO by clinical symptoms and CT findings of closed- peritoneal fluid was expressed in Hounsfield units (HU)
loop obstruction who underwent emergency operation and calculated as the mean of the region of interest by
between January 2014 and March 2022 at our depart- outlining the free peritoneal fluid without adjacent struc-
ment. Patients with large bowel obstruction, intraperito- tures and gases at the maximum area of free peritoneal
neal malignancy, and a history of ascites were excluded. fluid on the axial section of the CT image (Fig. 1a, b).
Fig. 1 CT values of peritoneal fluid. Free peritoneal fluid in the rectovesical pouch (a) and below the right diaphragm (b) on non-enhanced
computed tomography (CT) with mean CT values of 9.6 Hounsfield units (HU) and 38.6 HU, respectively, using a region-of-interest analysis
Kobayashi et al. BMC Surgery (2022) 22:321 Page 3 of 7
Patient characteristics
Age 75.5 (21–94) 72 (26–96) 0.433
Male sex 15 (35.7%) 22 (53.7%) 0.1
Body mass index (kg/m2) 19.9 (15.0–27.1) 20.4 (13.5–27.5) 0.909
Previous history of laparotomy 32 (76.2%) 31 (75.6%) 0.951
Vital signs
Systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg 4 (9.5%) 1 (2.4%) 0.187
Body temperature > 38 °C 3 (7.1%) 3 (7.3%) 0.651
Blood gas analysis
pH 7.429 (7.219–7.575) 7.438 (7.23–7.542) 0.31
Base excess (mEq/L) −1.7 (− 14.7 to 6.3) 0.35 (− 17.8 to 8.5) 0.006
Laboratory data
WBC (/µL) 12,550 (4850–34,000) 9,100 (3060–20,600) < 0.001
CRP (mg/dL) 0.73 (0.02–28.84) 0.27 (0.02–33.16) 0.36
Hb (g/dL) 13.2 (7.4–20.6) 13.8 (8.3–22.1) 0.689
Plt (×104/µL) 25.7 (8.2–74.5) 22.6 (7.6–48.2) 0.515
Alb (g/dL) 3.5 (2.1–5.0) 3.7 (1.7–4.5) 0.45
Bil (mg/dL) 0.85 (0.2–1.7) 0.8 (0.3–7.0) 0.416
Cre (mg/dL) 0.735 (0.30–5.31) 0.75 (0.31–2.84) 0.743
CK (IU/L) 75 (20–1048) 81 (10–1156) 0.996
CT findings
Presence of peritoneal fluid 42 (100%) 30 (73.2%) < 0.001
Presence of emphysema 1 (2.4%) 0 (0%) 0.506
Poor or no contrast bowel wall enhancementa 22 (56.4%) 6 (17.1%) < 0.001
CT value of peritoneal fluid (HU) 21.4 (10.2–77.0) 15.1 (6.7–32.5) < 0.001
Operative factors
Laparoscopic surgery 7 (16.7%) 15 (36.6%) 0.04
Presence of hemorrhagic peritoneal fluid 37 (88.1%) 14 (34.1%) < 0.001
Operation time (min) 104 (53–291) 74 (36–143) 0.002
Blood loss (mL) 100 (10–2425) 10 (10–1570) < 0.001
Pathological findings
Ischemia 3 (7.1%) –
Mucosal hemorrhagic necrosis 9 (21.4%) –
Transluminal hemorrhagic necrosis 30 (71.4%) –
Categorical data are expressed as percentages, and continuous data are expressed as median (min–max)
WBC white blood cell, CRP C-reactive protein, Hb hemoglobin, Plt platelet, Alb albumin, Bil bilirubin, Cre creatinine, CK creatine kinase, CT computed tomography,
HU Hounsfield unit
Contrast-enhanced CT scan was not performed in three patients in the resection group and six patients in the non-resection group
sum of the points for each of the two independent pre- according to the degree of strangulation, and the count
dictors and ranged from 0 to 4 (Table 3). was higher in patients with bowel resection than in those
The AUC for the new prediction model was 0.814 (95% without [16]. In our study, hemorrhagic peritoneal fluid
CI 0.720–0.908) and 0.807 (95% CI 0.622–0.993) after during surgery was observed more frequently in the
fivefold cross-validation, which indicated good discrimi- resection than in the non-resection group, which may
nation. The Hosmer–Lemeshow test indicated adequate reflect the transmural hemorrhage due to strangulation.
goodness of fit (P = 0.391). The post hoc power analysis Previous studies have reported CT values of the exuda-
showed a power of 100% based on 83 patients at a 5% tive body fluids < 10 HU [17], while those of hemorrhagic
alpha level. peritoneal fluid range from 15 to 75 HU [18]. A recent
The bowel resection rate and the model’s diagnostic study reported that CT values of peritoneal fluid > 10 HU
performance are shown in Table 4. A score of 2 was set in cases of SBO indicate the need for bowel resection
as the optimal cutoff score based on the ROC curve, and [19]. It has been suggested that the greater the hemor-
logistic regression analysis showed that a score of 2 or rhage associated with the progression of II due to stran-
higher was strongly associated with irreversible II, neces- gulation, the higher the CT values of free peritoneal fluid.
sitating bowel resection (OR = 15.938, 95% CI 5.086– In our study, the AUC was 0.750, indicating a relatively
49.95, P < 0.001). accurate prediction of irreversible II.
The two indicators in our prediction model are objec-
Discussion tive indicators, allowing for objective and reproducible
In this study, we established a prediction model for irre- prediction of irreversible II in SBO. Additionally, these
versible II necessitating bowel resection in cases of SBO. indicators are readily available at most hospitals. Further-
Our model is based on two independent objective pre- more, the CT value of free peritoneal fluid can be quickly
dictors: the WBC count and the value of free peritoneal evaluated using only unenhanced CT scans. Reduced
fluid on unenhanced CT. bowel wall enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT has
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is report- been reported as being helpful in predicting irreversible
edly associated with SBO [6, 8–12]. Particularly, only II in SBO, with a sensitivity of 75–81% and specificity of
high WBC counts have been associated with irreversible 19–74% [5, 7, 14]. However, contrast-enhanced CT may
II, reflecting the severity of inflammation due to the irre- be contraindicated in patients with severe renal dysfunc-
versible ischemic changes found in SBO [10]. Consistent tion or iodine allergy. In contrast, our model is useful
with previous studies, the WBC count was significantly even when contrast agents are contraindicated.
higher in the resection than in the non-resection group In our model, higher scores were associated with a
in the present study, and the AUC was 0.741, indicating a higher probability of bowel resection. Accordingly, we
relatively accurate prediction of irreversible II. believe that this model might help surgeons in recog-
Various CT findings, such as reduced bowel wall nizing the severity of the situation and in selecting the
enhancement, increased unenhanced bowel wall attenu- appropriate surgical procedure. For example, at a score
ation, and the presence of mesenteric fluid, have been of 0 (with a resection probability of 15.2%), immediate
associated with irreversible II in cases of SBO [5–7, 13– surgery may avoid a bowel resection for many patients
15]. In our study, the value of the free peritoneal fluid on with SBO. Moreover, it may be sufficient to release the
unenhanced CT was a significant predictor of irreversible strangulation, allowing for the choice of laparoscopic
II. SBO is caused by venous occlusion due to compres- surgery. In fact, in this study, laparoscopic surgery was
sion of the mesentery, causing transmural hemorrhage performed significantly more often in the non-resec-
following congestion, edema, and mucosal hemorrhage. tion group than in the resection group. At a score of
Thus, hemorrhagic peritoneal fluid is often observed in 2 (with a resection probability of 66.7%), laparoscopic
SBO. Kobayashi et al. reported that the presence of red surgery may be prioritized, keeping in mind that open
blood cells in the free peritoneal fluid in SBO increases surgery might be required due to resection of ischemic
Table 4 The rate of bowel resection and diagnostic performance of each score in the scoring model
Score Number of patients Rate of bowel resection Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) LR+ LR−
0 33 15.2 100 0 1 –
2 30 66.7 88.1 68.3 2.78 0.17
4 20 85 40.5 92.7 5.53 0.64
LR+: positive likelihood ratio; LR−: negative likelihood
Kobayashi et al. BMC Surgery (2022) 22:321 Page 6 of 7
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